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She was a stuck up Milf that needed to be taught a lesson and were the right guys to do the job.
Milf (1)

It was getting to be too much. Why on earth didn’t they just sell the house when they inherited it instead of moving in. This was an elite housing estate and we had no room for working class louts like them. The constant noise when the parents were at work was getting be just too much, and now it was the holiday period I would have to put up with it all day, every day. Finally I just exploded. I jumped up off my sun bed and stormed over to the fence.

“Could you please keep the noise down.” I shouted, “Have you no respect for other people.”

“Oh err, yes sorry.” The younger brother said, obviously trying to stop himself from laughing.

I was fuming. I turned my back to them and stormed into the house, pouring myself a cup of coffee. Determined to get back my calm. While the noise outside was less than it was, I could still hear it and it grated on my normally calm nerves. They had moved in over a year ago when their family member died and left them the property. The noise had steadily got worse and worse. From revving their cars to groups of youths playing in their swimming pool, and partying what seemed to me to be every night.

The following day I had just finished my housework and was settling down to a cup of coffee when there was a knock a the door. I never had callers so was somewhat surprised to say the least. I was even more surprised to see the two brothers from next door standing there.

“Yes.” I said sharply, “What do you want?”

Maybe I should introduce myself before we go any further. My name is Gwen. I am 43 and have been widowed for the last five years. The loss of my husband was devastating for me, but thankfully he left me well provided for. I hadn’t worked since we got married so when he died I was at a total loss as to what to do so threw myself into keeping busy. I used my husbands gym every day to keep fit. Did my housework and generally took care of myself and my surroundings. I am 5’6” tall with a slim figure. Except for my rather prominent breasts which at 36DD and with a 32” waist seemed to jut out of my chest like molehills. I never had visitors and hated wearing a bra so when at home I never did.

When I answered the door I was dressed in a mid length summer dress that buttoned up the front. Due to the hot summer weather I wore it open necked. It did show some cleavage but not enough to be indecent.

“Err. Well…” Tom said, “err. Could we possibly come in for a moment?” He asked. Being in his twenties and the older brother he was taking the lead in whatever this was.

I stepped back and pointed to the left. “The kitchen is through there.” I said still annoyed but curious as to what it was they wanted. I sat on a stool and the stood by the door looking at me. As I sat down the lower part dress, not having any buttons slid off my knees. I pulled it together and held it in place.

“So?” I asked.

Mark, the younger brother, about eighteen at a guess managed to take his eyes off my legs, “Well we told mum that we upset you yesterday and she said we should apologise.”

Like I said before I never had visitors, especially not men so having these two young men in my kitchen blatantly looking me over which they were I found quite annoying. “Well if that’s all…”

“Well no.” Tom said confidently, “It’s not. Why are you so horrible to people all the time. You could have just asked us to be quiet. You didn’t have to shut like that.”

I was shocked. I was even more shocked to see a lump rising in his shorts. I looked Mark and he too had a lump in his shorts. Surely this was nothing to do with me but I just couldn’t take my eyes off it, going from one to the other. The more I looked the more that lump seemed to grow.

“Well yes.” I said softly, forcing myself to avert my gaze from that ever increasing bulge. “Maybe I did over react a little. I am sorry for that. So you can go now. Please.”

“Well mum said we should offer to maybe do some chores for you.” Mark said with a lewd grin on his face, “Like mow the lawn or trim the hedge.”

“Err no that’s fine.” I said, letting my dress go and standing up, “I will see you out.”

“Its not us you want to see out is it Gwen?” Mark said stepping forward, closing off my path to the hall.

My gaze just went down all by itself. I jerked my eyes back to him. “I would like to leave now.”

“This is what you want out isn’t it Gwen?” He took my hand and guided it towards that lump. Try as I may my hand would not obey my commands and the moment his hard polyester covered cock was in my hand. A moment later and my other hand to was full of harness. They kept hold of my hand and guided it up and down as I stammered to say something, anything to deny their claims.

I had been married so knew that men had urges. Once we found out that my husband couldn’t get me pregnant we just accepted things as they were, and surely enough our sex life dwindled to nothing. And I had accepted it. Even when we had a sex life it wasn’t anything unusual. So to be standing in my kitchen with a hard cock in each hand was totally foreign to me. What was even more foreign was the fact that I didn’t scream for help.

Tom had undone 3 buttons on my dress before I even realised that my hand was s till rubbing his hard cock, and even when I did realise it I didn’t stop. “What are you doing?” I asked without any conviction at all.

“We are going to have a good old suck on your tits.” Mark said. And before I knew it I had a young eager mouth sucking on each breast. The air was knocked out of me, and any resistance with it. The sensations running up and down my body were just so alien to me. I was totally confused by them. My hands were now free but instead of pushing them away, they rested on the heads that were now feeding on my swollen nipples. Pulling them closer.

Then hands were running up my legs and between my inner thighs to my, to my. “Oh god.” I moaned.

The first I knew that they had removed my panties was the feeling of the fresh morning air coming in the kitchen window brushing over my trimmed pussy.

“What are you doing. You can’t do this.” I sighed without any conviction.

Mark sat on the kitchen table and I was turned to face him. “Nice cunt Gwen.” He said crudely, “I am going to have some of that later. For now you can get your lips around this.”

“I can’t.” I said giving some resistance, “I don’t know how.”

“Don’t worry about that I will show you.” He pulled my head down and rammed his cock into my protesting mouth. He pushed me down as far as he could. I struggled to pull away but he held me tightly ramming his cock further and further. Making me gag and fight for breath.

Then a sharp pain as a rock solid cock penetrated my pussy. Only the second one that had ever entered me. And it wasn’t gentle. Ramming harder and harder in to me as Tom grunted louder and louder. If that had been the worst thing then I could have suffered it but it wasn’t. The very worst thing was my body was in total unison with them. Reacting like it had never reacted before. I moaned loudly and pushed back on him as I forced that cock as deep as I could and then thrust my head down as so far the cock pushed past my oesophagus and into my throat.

“Told you she would be a good fuck didn’t ?” Mark said with a laugh.

“Her cunt is so fucking tight bro you gotta have some I tell you.” Tom cried.

“I want her fucking shit hole as well mate.” Mark replied, “Wait till we get the others round here she is gonna love it I tell you.”

The thought of them handing me round their friends horrified me. But right now my main concern was the orgasm that was crashing up from my stomach and with a huge scream out of my mouth. Throwing the cock out like I had thrown up. My head lifted and my cry was feral “wwwhhhhhhhaaannnnnnnaaaaa” It went on forever. I dropped to my knees and Mark lifted my head by the hair as he manually made himself come. Spitting his filthy seed all over my hair and face. At the same time his brother made a final thrust as he fill my pussy, or as it seemed I was now his slut maybe I should say my ‘cunt’ with his juice.

A moment later Tom pulled me up by my hair. “All good sluts clean up their mans cock when he has fucked them.” And he pushed his cock into my mouth. I did what I could but I was shaking so much I was afraid I would bite it off or something. Finally he let me go.

“We will get started in the garden Gwen.” Tom said, “Make some coffee and put your dress on. And don‘t clean up. I love the look of a well shagged slut.”

“Yes and don’t do the dress up. Or clean that love juice off your slut face.” Mark said, “And those panties might as well go in the bin. Great tits by the way. Fuck me Tom I really want to fuck that shitter of hers.”

“You will but lets get some of this work done. Just enough for mum to know we did as she asked. Just the grass will do for today.”

It took them half an hour to cut the grass and then they came back in and drank their coffee. “Time to learn how to suck cock proper Gwen.” Tom said sitting on the settee with his legs spread. “Kneel down here.” He added, pointing between his open legs.

I did as he told me without even wanting to deny him and then taking his cock into my mouth I followed his instructions.

Meanwhile Mark had started to finger my pussy and then putting his sopping fingers into my puckered bum hole. The thought of his cock going into that darkest place terrified me. I was sure he would tear me in half but I just could protest. I was completely at their mercy. Once he had three fingers in me he them started with his cock. After several attempts finally his cock head sipped in. The pain was excruciating and I screamed even with a mouth full of cock. But he didn’t stop till he was all the way in. “Fuck me her shitter is fucking well tight Tom.”

Then he fucked me. And he fucked me hard. It seemed what the brothers were doing to me excited them both as the harder Mark fucked my arse the harder Tom fucked my face till I could take no more. I screamed in orgasm as loud as I could. Legs trembling and shaking and thrusting back onto Mark as he shot another load of his juice into my back passage. At the same time Tom filled my mouth so much his spunk ran down my chin and trickled onto my tits.

I sank to the floor. Totally shattered. Mark came round and stood in front of me so I did what was expected and even though I could smell my own shit on his cock I cleaned him up.

“That was an awesome day Gwen.” Tom said, “we will be back for some more tomorrow.”

“Yes” Mark agreed, “This holiday is going to be really busy now we got ourselves our own slut cunt to fuck whenever we want.”

As they walked out I heard them say something about bringing Carl and his brother the following day.

“No.” I said feebly, “You can’t tell anybody.” But nobody heard. I dragged myself upstairs and soaked in the bath and even though it was only early afternoon I went to bed and slept right through.

The following morning I got up, showered and dressed in shorts and blouse and went downstairs. Every bone and muscle in my body ached. I had breakfast and decided that yesterday was a distant memory that would never happen again.

An hour later They turned up with two huge black boys with them. This was Carl and his brother Rio. “Oh fuck.” Was all I could say.
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