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A true History that has remained completely secret for decades
Warming up Mom’s Bed – Nightowly (2019)

Mom got pregnant when she was 15, so Mom & Dad quit school & got married. As a drop-out Dad couldn’t get jobs that paid well or lasted long, so we moved often as Dad changed jobs. We were dirt-poor and stayed in various cheap rental houses or apartments, & at least one tiny trailer.

The trailer was ancient, with cracked windows closed up with tape, and thin walls. We were all 6 crammed into this cold old 1 bedroom trailer up north during the winter. Mom & Dad’s small bed was in the back of the trailer behind the separation door, and us 4 kids slept on the fold-down couch in the very front “living room”. Dad worked nights so Dad slept alone days and Mom slept alone nights. The activities that would interest you occurred here – when I was very young but still old enough to remember.

Mom frequently had me sleep with her on cold winter nights. As she had done before, she woke me up one of those cold nights and whispered for me to come back to her bed to sleep. I left my warm bed and walked down the cold floor in the cold hall and jumped up into her bed. Mom joined me under the covers and snuggled up next to me.

Laying on my back next to Mom, we were talking…for some reason I don’t remember. Mom turned her head to look directly at me and said softly. “Honey, do you think you could do something for me?”


*long pause*

Mom got up and closed the separation door. I was wondering what this meant as Mom sat down and rolled back into the bed to face me.

“Help me get your underwear off.” (Us kids slept in only our underwear.)


“You’ll know pretty soon.” I did as I was told.

There was enough light coming through the curtains from the trailer yard lights for me to watch her lift up her butt and scooch her underwear off, too. I had no idea why these new things were going on.

Mom lifted up the covers and rolled over to straddle my legs. She pulled her slip up to her waist, leaned over me, and adjusted her scratchy down-there hair until her center was just over my penis. Reaching down between my legs, she took my penis and raised it to lay upwards. Mom held me until she settled herself in around me, wiggling a little bit. She relaxed her lower weight. She felt warm and comfortable, and…a little slippery.

Mom’s breasts and slip were bumping and laying around my face as she supported her top half with her hands. “Mom, what are we doing?” I asked through the slip.

“What do you mean?” (In retrospect, I think I caught her by surprise and she needed time to come up with something.)

“What do they call this what we’re doing?”

“They don’t call this anything, Honey. It’s like when we’re playing…sometimes what we do doesn’t have a name.”


Mom lowered her top to her elbows and reached around with her hands to pull her slip up to her neck. The sensation of the slip sliding across my face as her breasts pushed on it was different enough for me to remember distinctly. Mom’s breasts were now bare on my face, and Mom moved her shoulders so only her left nipple came to my mouth. Mom pushed it down onto my lips. (For reference, her chin was above the top of my head, and her other breast was brushing my ear.)

“OK, Honey,” she whispered, “Now I’m gonna rock back & forth on you for a little while, please suck on this for me.”

I did what I always did when Mom told me to do something…what she told me to do. What did I know? So I started lightly sucking her nipple. It felt good, so I naturally just started sucking harder.

Mom pushed her bottom down more firmly onto my penis and began a slow rocking. It was a new sensation, but not unpleasant. After some longish time of her rocking & sliding, and me sucking, Mom stopped.

She whispered in my ear that it would help her if I could push back up into her & move along with her. I did what she told me to do. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but Mom didn’t seem unhappy…after a while I suppose I got better at it. I remember Mom stopped a couple of times to reach down between us and re-arrange my penis. She would wiggle her bottom into me for a few seconds, push down, and resume her sliding and grinding. I kept attempting to follow her, pushing back up and following her rhythm. I sometimes needed to rest and was afraid I was disappointing her.

Mom was talking to me some of the time, “Use your tongue around it a little bit.” “Keep sucking, too.” “Okay, suck harder.” After a while, I was surprised when my tongue caught her nipple hardening and coming to a point, and didn’t know what to think of it. “Yes, Honey, that feels good, keep going.” Mom eventually stopped and rolled to lay on her side, hugging me.

After a while she said, “Thank you, Honey. Let’s get your underwear back on and you can go back to sleep.”

When Dad came home from work, Mom got up to fix his breakfast. As I always did when Dad got home, I took my cue and quietly moved back up front to join my brothers and sister on the fold-down couch.


I have since wondered many times why Mom desperately didn’t tell me to keep this a secret. But I wasn’t then, and am still not, much of a talker. I’m what my family has referred to as a “path of least resistance guy”. Thinking back, I’ve since come to the conclusion that any misgivings Mom may have had for her indiscretion were wiped away by her not hearing me mention this incident in her bed to her, Dad, or my siblings.


The next memory kicks in as Mom was hovering over me and grinding north & south on my penis again, while I was following her previous directions and keeping time with her while pushing back.

I was also sucking on her nipple, but I was getting irritated. Her slip was drifting back down and interfering with my mouth. I was having difficulty performing.

Mom picked up on my irritation and paused. “What’s wrong, Honey?”

“Your slip is in the way.”

“I’ll fix that right now,” as she pulled her slip up to her neck again.

I pulled her nipple into my mouth and started sucking. Mom resumed her pushing and rocking.

*Fade to black.*


The last time I remember Mom and I naked together in bed starts with us laying side-by-side on our backs and talking.

Mom: “Do you hate it when I’m on top of you?”


“Well, do you like it?”

“I guess it’s okay.”

*short pause*

“Honey, shall we take our underwear off?”

“You first.”

Mom reached down, and raising her butt, pulled off her underwear and tossed them on the floor. “Your turn.”

I pulled my underwear off and threw them over her to the floor.

Mom lifted up her slip and rolled over to straddle me.

*Fade to black.*


I don’t remember why or when Mom stopped bringing me into her bed…probably when the weather got warmer. And that was the last of it. Mom walked out on all of us soon thereafter. They divorced, & us kids went to live with grandparents without either of them.

To be clear I got nothing out of any of this but feeling good about helping Mom feel better. I didn’t even know the word “sex”, or what sex was for many years thereafter. And I’m fairly certain there wasn’t ever any penetrations, even inadvertently.

For those of you that got this far, Mom & I live very far apart, and talk infrequently. For all that, we have a good relationship. I’m pretty sure she thinks I was too young to remember any of this. For my part, I see no reason to horrify her by reminding her of a period she probably is dying to hope I never remembered.

Dudley DowrongReport 

2020-01-26 08:20:53
I never had that close a relatioship with my mother even though I saw her completely disrobed several times. At 5ft & 300 lbs she wasn't a MILF. What's so errie is my wife of 25 yrs now looks just like my mother did undressed but she weighs a lot less and is taller. Her belly &dropped breast are exactly the way I remember my mother nude. Thank you for sharing Ur life experience. Well written.

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