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Emma has become a regular visitor at Mike’s house. Under the pretense of having a safe place to stay after school, she slowly learns how to excite herself and a very horny Michael.
“I just feel much better that Emma has a place to go to after school . . . that is safe. Coming to our apartment, in this neighborhood all by herself has always been something . . . I haven’t felt good about,” said Charli.

“I can promise you she will always be safe . . . but lately she has become very sexual . . . towards me while she was here. I have to admit, as long as you are OK with that . . . fine . . . I will make that adjustment,” said Mike.

“I’m sure you will . . . and I know this is very kinky . . . but I get off when she explains to me exactly what she has done with you in your apartment. We sit down together, and I have her give me all of the details, and later in the evening, I play back our conversation on my phone, and usually totally get off . . . like you wouldn’t believe.

“I suppose she told you about yesterday, when she was almost nude in front of me? asked Mike.

“Not only did she tell me about it, I had her strip naked in front of me and demonstrate how you pinched and twisted her 14-year-old titties, causing her to shake with excitement. That video . . . I will be keeping for a long time.”

“You mean you had her describe and show you everything we did and you filmed it on your iPhone?” asked Mike.

“Uh, huh . . . and I had the best set of orgasms I have had in weeks . . . when I played that episode back.” Suddenly, both Charli through her phone, and Mike heard a knock on his door.

“Hey you . . . she’s here from school . . . I gotta go,” said Mike.

“Enjoy yourself . . . you little fucker . . . and I look forward to movie night tomorrow . . . and what we will be doing afterwards with each other . . . and maybe with her too. Maybe the three of us can watch her de***********ion of today’s events,” said Charli.

“I can’t wait!” said Mike as he headed towards the front door. When he opened the door, he saw there was something different today. No backpack and no school clothes. Instead she wore a loose fitting white T-shirt with the words Yes, I Do Have a Very Nicely Trimmed Box stenciled on the front. From under the hem of the long shirt, peeked the frayed legs of cut-off blue jeans shorts. Of course the ever-present sneakers and little socks covered her feet.

Her hair was loose again today, brushed till it shined in the afternoon sun, but that wasn't all. There was something else. Something subtle. It took him a few seconds to realize she was wearing just a trace of pale pink lipstick.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Emma glued herself to him like a limpet. When their lips finally parted she looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"Ummmmm, I missed you, and couldn’t wait for the bell to ring. I changed in the bathroom at school. What do you think of the saying?" she said and kissed him again. He could taste a hint of strawberries from her lipstick.

Mike hugged held her so close for a few seconds she could hardly breathe. "I love the t-shirt . . . but it’s pretty naughty." This of course got him thinking about what he would find under those cut-off shorts.

Mike picked her up and carried her the few steps to the couch. He sat down with her sitting crosswise on his lap, her left arm around his shoulder. On the cocktail table in front of the couch, was a tray with two glasses of iced tea and a plate with some small cakes. The cakes looked similar to elongated scallop shells. Four of them had been dipped in chocolate so they were about half covered; the other four had been sprinkled with powdered sugar.

"I fixed us a little treat. The cakes came from the bakery but if you like them, I'll show you how to make them one day. I have a couple of the pans in the kitchen."

"I'd eat mud pies if you dipped them in chocolate," Emma giggled and nibbled one of the little cakes.

Mike slid her off his lap and they talked for a few minutes while they polished off the cookies. Then Mike replenished their glasses of tea and made himself scarce while Emma did her weekly cleaning. Forty-five minutes later he was sitting at the dining room table leafing through a restaurant equipment catalog when he heard the toilet flush and looked up to see Emma enter the room. Something looked different.

When he sat up and pushed his chair back she plopped down in his lap again. As soon as the heat of her body made contact with his bare legs, Mike knew it had been a mistake for him to wear these shorts. He also knew what was different about Emma. Her shorts were gone!!

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a little peck on the lips. "Let's go sit on the couch. It's got more room than this old chair," she said.

Mike put one arm under her legs and the other around her back and stood up. He carried her, giggling, into the living room and sat back down on the couch.

"Don't you want to fix it like you usually do?" Emma asked wiggling her ass against the lump growing in Mike 's shorts.

"Fix what?" Mike asked, looking innocent.

"Your thing . . . your . . . " Could she really say that word to Mike? ". . . your cock." She finally said, blushing a dark pink. "You usually fix it where it's pointing straight up." She finished, not meeting his eyes.

"You don't miss much do you?"

Emma didn't answer. She just gave him a shy smile and blushed some more.

Mike smiled back at her. "I guess maybe I'd better."

She slid off his lap and watched closely while he changed the position of the long bulge from angling off to one side to pointing straight up, the end of it coming almost to the elastic waistband of his shorts. The blush was almost gone and the shy smile had been replaced by one that looked quite different. He had seen this smile on several other occasions. Usually just before she bumped things up a notch.

Emma hiked up her T-shirt the same way she usually did her skirt and climbed back on his lap, her legs straddling his. Her panties today were white bikinis and they were very tight. They hugged her body snugly and when she spread her legs to put one on either side of his, Mike could see the bulge with a shallow groove down the middle made by the lips of her pussy.

"I want my back rub," she said as she sat her warm butt back down on his bare legs. Mike eased both hands under the loose fitting T-shirt and up and down her smooth, bare back a couple of times. Then he cupped a firm cheek of her ass in each hand and pulled her closer. Emma leaned her head on his shoulder and purred softly into his ear as his hands caressed her back and the hard tube of his cock inside his shorts pressed directly into her crotch.

". . . a little nudge in the right direction." Mike heard Charli's voice in his head. The situation today was giving him more than a nudge. Even though Emma had sat on his lap like this several times before, in the past she had gone as far as removing her bra. This was different. At least to Mike it was different. Right now this sexy and beautiful young girl was perched on top of him wearing nothing but a T-shirt and panties. He couldn't decide who was giving the nudge to whom!! Whether it was in the right direction or not . . . they were about to find out.

After a few minutes of her back rub, Emma 's hips started the slow undulation she used to rub herself on Mike 's cock. She raised her head off of his shoulder and leaned in to kiss him. Emma learned quickly, so after just a couple of times, she already knew exactly how to make the long, hard bulge in Mike 's pants put just the right amount pressure on the little button at the top of her slit . . . to send delicious tingles of pleasure through her young body. As she continued her playtime, her kisses were slowly becoming more impassioned, her hips starting to move a little quicker and her breath was getting shorter when things took an unexpected turn.

Mike had gone back to caressing her back and sides, letting Emma set the pace for her own pleasure. Now, when she had begun to get really worked up, as his hands slid softly up her sides . . . he spread the thumbs on each hand. When his hands neared her shoulders his thumbs rubbed over the hard little cones of her small bare breasts. She took after her mother, whose titties were also on the small side.

"AHHH!" Emma gasped. Her eyes flew open and she jammed her pussy even harder against him as she leaned back to look at him. Mike slid his hands back down to her waist and then back up again.

"AHHH!" She gasped again . . . when his thumbs flicked across her stiff nipples. Her hips jerked involuntarily against him.

"Is this OK?" Mike asked . . . somewhat concerned.

With her eyes wide and her face reflecting her pleasure, Emma only nodded. Mike's fingers found her breasts again. His thumbs and forefingers gently squeezed and tugged the little nubs.

"AHHHHHHHH!!" Emma moaned and her hips ground even harder against him. MMmmmmmm ............ Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ............... AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Both her mom and Mike had told her that her orgasms would get better as she learned more about what she liked, but she had never expected anything like this. Emma had thought the pleasure leading up to them would stay about the same and only her orgasms would get better. She had never realized they meant EVERYTHING would get better. Her cries became louder and more passionate as the sensations from her pussy combined with this unexpected pleasure radiating throughout her whole body from Mike 's fingers on her breasts brought her close to orgasm.

From what seemed like far away and through a haze she could hear Mike speaking softly and lovingly to her. "Cum for me Emma! Let me watch my precious young lover cum."

“Ohhhhhhhhh!” she screamed. Even his voice, especially these words he was using for the first time with her, increased the intensity of the jolts that shot through her inexperienced young body like heavenly little electrical shocks. She wanted the delectable feeling of an orgasm . . . she was learning to love but at the same time she wanted this to go on forever. Her inexperience won out and she leaned down and plastered her lips to his for one last passionate kiss . . . just as her orgasm washed over her.

"Ummmmmm. ......UMMMmmmm ......UMMMMM ... AGHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" She moaned into his mouth and her hips jerked uncontrollably a couple of times.

Emma 's body seemed to go completely boneless as she relaxed totally and laid her head on Mike 's shoulder. He could feel her hot breath on his neck. He removed his hands from where they had been toying with her nipples and resumed the soft caressing of her back. When her short, panting breaths slowed and started to become more normal, Mike turned on the couch and laid Emma down on her back. He disengaged her arms from around his neck and knelt beside the couch leaning over her. It was time to see if she was going to be multi-orgasmic like her mom . . . or if once was going to be enough for today.

Emma laid on her back with her knees raised and close together resting against the back of the couch. She complained slightly by trying to keep her arms around him and making little "Un Unnnnn" noises when he first moved, but soon hushed when he started softly kissing her damp forehead, then her closed eyelids, nose and lips. Now, instead of rubbing her back, Mike started to softly caress her warm, firm tummy under the large T-shirt.

It only took a couple of minutes until she was making the soft purring sounds that indicated her pleasure at what she was feeling. Mike put one hand on her knee and gently put pressure on it. Emma gave no resistance and let her outer knee fall over until it lay on the seat of the couch. She now lay in front of him with one leg propped on the back of the couch and the other on the seat.

Mike 's hands began to take in more of her smooth body as they roamed from her tummy down to her thighs. He would trail his fingertips, barely touching her flesh from just below her panties almost to her knee and back again. Then up over her tummy and down the other leg, never actually touching between her legs. He knew something that always got her going . . . when her breathing started to become audible again . . . he kissed the tender area where her neck and shoulder joined.

He heard a, "Sssssssssssssssssss! Um hummmmmmmmmm" and felt her body start to move again.

This time when his hand slid under her T-shirt, it continued upward to gently rub over her breasts again. Emma twisted her upper body trying to get more contact but by then his hand was gone again back down over her tummy, down her thigh, back up over her tummy to softly caress her other breast. She lay with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open enjoying the feeling of Mike's hands on her. It only took a few minutes of this . . . before her body was moving along with every stroke of his hand.

Each time Mike 's hand stroked upward, he pushed the hem of her T-shirt a little higher . . . until now it was bunched up just below her breasts.

He put his hand on it and asked, "Is it OK . . . if I pull this up . . . some more?"

Emma didn't open her eyes or answer. She just nodded her head "yes".

Mike pushed the T-shirt up and got his first look at the delicious goodies it had been hiding. Sure enough, her breasts were beginning to fill out . . . perhaps a little bit slower than other girls her age. The small mounds were about the diameter of a large lemon but maybe, just maybe, a half-inch high. The nipples weren't quite as big as pencil erasers but looked even harder, at least for the moment. The most fabulous sight of all though were the aureoles. A light, pinkish brown, they formed a little cone on top of each breast, a little more than an inch wide at the base and almost as high. All in all, the most beautiful sight to ever grace his eyes.

"You have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen," he whispered. Emma still didn't open her eyes but that little smile came back to her lips. "Is it alright if I kiss them?"

She opened her eyes now. She gave him one of those "Why on earth would you want to do something like that?" looks . . . but only nodded her head again.

Emma closed her eyes again when Mike leaned down and softly kissed her lips. He caressed her tummy a few more times . . . before he slid his hand slowly down and between her legs, giving her plenty of time to stop him if she wanted. She didn't. He felt the crotch of her panties . . . and as expected . . . it was soaking wet. Through the tight fabric, he could feel the groove that separated the lips of her pussy. He put a gentle pressure on her pussy, rotating his fingertips slightly, at the same time. Next, he moved down, and put his mouth over one of those beautiful puffy nipples and flicked it with his tongue. Again and again he flicked his tongue over her rigid nipples.

"Ummmmm Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Emma gasped. Her eyes flew open in surprise and her whole body went stiff, bowing her back off the couch.

Mike stopped what he was doing and put another loving kiss on her partially opened mouth. He smiled at the startled look on her face and gave her a wink. In the meantime, he moved his fingers to the top of her slit where he knew her clit had to be hiding under those wet panties. When his mouth moved back down to nibble on her other budding breast he applied a soft pressure with his fingertip and flicked it from side to side.

Emma exploded in orgasm as soon as his mouth and finger touched her most sensitive parts. Her body went rigid again as she wrapped her arms around his neck in a death grip, holding his mouth against her breast while she moaned and bucked her hips against his hand. As she started to calm down a little, her small hand reached down and grabbed his wrist pulling it upward.

"Oops, must have gone too far that time," Mike thought.

The thought was fleeting though because instead of wanting him to quit she pushed his hand inside her panties.

"Don't stop pleeaaassse." She said in a small voice. "Don't ever stop."

Mike 's cock lurched and pre-cum oozed steadily from the tip causing a stain to appear on the front of his shorts when his hand slid down over the incredibly smooth, soft flesh of her mound and on down until his fingertips encountered her bare pussy for the first time. His first thought was to take these obstructing panties off so he could see what his fingers were feeling. But if Emma had wanted them off . . . he had no doubt she would have let him know it, so he contented himself with exploring her with his fingers.

"Oh Yes!!" Mike said under his breath when his middle finger slipped between the juicy, wet lips and came into contact with her virgin opening. There was a quick intake of breath from Emma and a little gush of warm fluid bathed the tip of his finger when she felt it rub over her hole. Then she remained very still, careful not to move while his finger made her feel things . . . totally new and wonderful.

"Oh Shit! This girl gets wetter than her mother!" Mike thought. "Should I try sliding the finger inside her? NO! Just play with her clit today; don't rush things." He moved his finger up and down between the slick lips several times getting it good and wet. Mike felt light headed and the temptation grew to put his finger up inside her each time it came into contact with the small opening that seemed to produce an unending flow of warm juice. Then his nostrils caught a whiff of the same aroma he had smelled on her panties earlier today and his temptation shifted focus from feeling this fabulous little pussy . . . to tasting it.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Calm down boy." He thought. "Take your time. Let her show you when she's ready."

Mike ran his finger around the little hole once more before he moved it up to find a small, but very erect, little bud at the top of her slit. His fingertip began making small circular motions on the little button while his mouth and tongue went back to teasing her breasts.

Emma had kind of wanted him to push his finger inside her. For some reason she didn't understand yet her body seemed to be urging her to put something inside the tingling and throbbing hole down there between her legs, but she was also a little bit afraid. She had tried it with her own finger but found something obstructing its passage. Being the adventurous, little girl she was, she had pushed it in anyway and felt a sharp sting when it slid deeper inside. That was as far as her explorations had taken her so far. Mike 's finger was bigger than hers and she was feeling too wonderful right now to take a chance on something hurting and spoiling it. She would have to ask her mom about this.

Mike 's finger on her clit was causing the usually nice and pleasurable little jolts that flowed through her body to become almost unbearably wonderful. Almost, but not quite! This was nothing at all like what she felt alone in her own bed with her own finger. This was something altogether new and she abandoned herself completely to it. She knew she could trust Mike so she just lay back and let him transport her to where she had never been before.

Emma 's passion built quickly toward a third orgasm. Mike 's lips and tongue on her tiny, but unexpectedly sensitive nipples, was an almost constant source of stimulation as he moved lovingly from one to the other. Her hips jerked each time his finger put pressure on her clit, sending exquisitely delicious pleasure coursing all through her young body. There were no little purring sounds now. Her breathing quickened and there was a short moan each time she exhaled.

As she writhed around on the couch, the first contact of her hand on his cock was undoubtedly accidental. The next one definitely was not. When the back of her hand brushed against the hard length of him . . . she groaned slightly and wrapped her hand tightly around him. She held him like that, her grip tightening as her passion grew.

"Ohhhhhh Mike......Ohhhhhh ...Miiiiiiiike, that ...... feels soooo ...... goood!" She said between labored breaths. "You're ...... making me ............... do it ............... AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!"

Her back arched off the couch and her mouth flew open like she was going to scream, but only a soft "unnnggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" escaped her lips as the strongest orgasm to date . . . in her young life held her in its throes for what seemed like an eternity to Mike. In reality it was only about ten seconds before she slumped back down on the couch, breathing hard.

This was enough for one day . . . Mike decided and took his hand out of her panties. He looked down at those delightful, small breasts once more before tugging her T-shirt down to cover them. He noticed the right one was a bit red from where he had sucked it, maybe too hard, while she was cumming. He would have to be more careful.

Mike smoothed out her damp hair and kissed her forehead. Emma wrapped one arm around his neck and with the other hand grabbed his shirt and pulled until he finally got the message she wanted him on the couch with her. When he lay down beside her and put his arm around her, she tucked her arms in close between them and snuggled against his chest, the top of her head just under his chin.

After about five minutes of lying quietly like this, Mike had begun to think Emma had gone to sleep. He was wrong. She had just been recuperating her energy and thinking. One cum while she rubbed her pussy on Mike’s cock had been wonderful, but three? And one after the other like that; she hadn't known that was possible. She couldn't imagine anything feeling better than her last cum. It had left her totally drained but her body kept telling her something was still missing. That urge to have something inside her was getting stronger. Yes, she would have to talk to her mom about this.

Without moving, Emma asked in a small voice, "Did you cum . . . that time too?" She was suddenly shy again.

"Nope," he admitted.

"But your pants were wet again. I saw it," she said with a giggle.

"Men make a lubricating fluid just like women and girls do," Mike explained. "Some girls don't produce as much as others and it helps the man go inside her. You got me so excited it was leaking out almost in a stream," he concluded with a short laugh.

Emma shivered all over, in both anticipation and fear, at the thought of that long, hard thing she had been holding going inside her tiny, tight little hole. The fact that she excited Mike that much, made her still tingling little pussy gush again.

"Do I make enough?"

"You have nothing to worry about there. Your adorable little ......" He decided to use 'that' word. "... pussy makes more than any I've ever seen. I love it!"

She giggled again delightfully and wriggled her body sensually against him. "Mom put me on the pill . . . so we can do it . . . if you want. She told the doctor it was to regulate my periods . . . but sheeeeee knowwsss."

"And just what does she know?" Mike asked.

Emma 's leaned back enough so she could slide her hand down between them. She wrapped her fingers around his cock, which had gone down only slightly and now immediately started to grow back to full erection.

"She knows I'm going to want this big guy . . . inside me before long . . . and she doesn't want me to get pregnant," Emma whispered. "But I just don't believe it'll fit."

Mike 's mind flashed back to . . . was it really only yesterday . . . with Charli on her back, her legs wrapped around him, urging him to fuck her harder. "Believe me precious, it will fit." He ran his fingers through her soft hair and he kissed the top of her head. "But I have to tell you the truth. The first few times are going to hurt . . . so take your time, you'll know when you're ready for a cock."

"Ummm," Emma said, not at all enthused over that last little tidbit of information, although deep down she had probably known it all along. She squeezed his cock. "Can I see it squirt today?"

"Sure . . . if that's what you want."

Emma almost pushed him off the couch in her eagerness. Mike knelt in front of her and started to push the waistband of his shorts down. "Are you sure you want me to do this?" he asked one last time.

She just nodded her head, never taking her eyes from the spot where the end of his cock was just barely covered by his shorts. Mike pulled the bottom of his shirt up so it wouldn't be in the way and then began pushing his shorts down again. Emma 's eyes widened when the head of his cock came into view and got progressively wider as more of the hard shaft and finally his balls were exposed. Mike smiled at the look on her face as she took in what was, assuredly, the first hard cock she had ever seen. If it had been a few inches longer, he believed her eyebrows would have been stretched all the way on top of her head.

"Holy Moly!!" Emma breathed as she stared at the long, hard shaft that pointed straight upward, reaching almost to Mike 's naval. The only real penis she had ever seen, had been her best friend’s little brother's when they changed his diapers several years ago. That one had been smaller than her little finger. She knew this one was big from feeling it, but she had never expected anything like this!! She winced involuntarily at the thought of what that thing would do to her little pussy . . . but she reached out tentatively with one hand and wrapped her fingers around it. Mike groaned at the first touch of her hand on his bare cock.

"It feels weird," she said. "All hard inside but soft on the outside and it's so warm. Are all cocks . . . this big?"

"Some are, some aren't. And some," he said thinking about Charli and her desires, "are a lot bigger."

"Phffft." Emma made a disbelieving little snort. "So how do you make it squirt?"

Mike had literally been on the edge for a while now. "It's gonna do it all by itself if you keep squeezing it. Do you want to do it or do you want me to?"

Emma giggled and jerked her hand back. "You do it . . . so I can see how you like it. And that way I can watch your cum shoot out. Also, I can do it right for you tomorrow."

Mike groaned again and slowly started to stroke his rigid shaft. A big glob of pre-cum dribbled out of the tip with his first stroke and dripped down onto the edge of the couch. As if he needed to be more excited, jerking on his cock, in front of the 14-year-old, was a real turn-on.

"Where is it going to . . . uh . . .squirt?" Emma asked.

"All over the place . . . just watch," Mike said about to shoot his load.

Emma pulled her T-shirt up to her chin, baring her lissome breasts again. "Squirt it on me," she demanded . . . and then she pulled the shirt over her head, making her completely topless . . . in front of him for the first time.

That was all it took. Mike groaned and before he could get it aimed right, the first shot went completely over Emma and hit the back of the couch. The second two hit her chest, one of them almost completely covering one puffy aureole, the third made it to her upper arm and the rest just dribbled down over his fingers.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwww! It's hot." Emma said in surprise. Her eyes wide again in wonder at this next totally new experience of watching the semen come flying out of his cock to land all over her chest. And finally he could not help himself as he directed the final shot at her pink lips.

"Unnnn Hummmmmm," was all Mike could say at the moment. That orgasm had felt like it was taking his insides with it . . . he had been so aroused. Now looking at Emma lying there with his cum all over her, was making his cock try to get hard again with minimal results. It felt good . . . but he was spent for the present.

"This is what makes babies, huh?" Emma said. It was more a statement than a question as she put one dainty fingertip in the blob of cum on her arm, then rubbed it between her thumb and forefinger.

"It's slippery," she said and her hand went to the breast that had been hit by his second spurt. Her thumb and forefinger teased and twisted the aureole and nipple for several seconds feeling the slippery goo. Somewhere in those few moments, Mike saw that she had gone from experimenting with the feel and texture of his semen . . . to pleasuring herself with it. Finally, she let her tongue leave her mouth as it captured a portion of the cum on her lips that he had shot. Watching her, he observed a teaspoon sized portion . . . slip down her throat and a look that said, “Not bad at all.”

It was time to stop this for the time being and get his head back together. He knew if she got started all over again and his cock would rise to the occasion, of which he had no doubt it would the first time he touched her pussy, she was going to get fucked today. And neither of them was ready for that yet. Plus, Charli would probably feed him his nuts, sautéed medium rare, for moving the lovemaking along so quickly.

It took a couple of minutes with a feeble protest from Emma but he finally had her on her feet. Her T-shirt stuck to her chest and had become almost transparent everywhere his cum had landed and the fabric had soaked it up. His cock began to rise, as her nipples began to be seen through her damp slippery shirt.

"Yuck," Emma giggled, pulling it away from her body. Then she looked down at his fully erect cock.

“Maybe next time . . . I can suck that for you,” she said pointing at his shaft.

Mike swatted her shapely ass playfully. "Get your shorts back on. It's past time for you to be home. Your mom's going to be worried about you."
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