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As with all of my stories, this is pure fantasy. Obviously I do not personally condone

any of the actions or behaviours displayed by the characters. It is written for enjoyment

and should only really be read by those who can differentiate fantasy from reality. To enjoy this story properly, you should definitely read the previous chapters to this.
The story so far: Phil has fallen out of love with his girlfriend called Sadie, and instead is regularly raping her teenage daughter, Kiara. At the end of the last chapter, Kiara was so fed up with the abuse that she was about to reveal everything to her mother.

Chapter Ten

Phil stood awkwardly in front of the mirror and shook his arms to loosen his sleeves, then stared straight forward into the glass to examine the resulting look. He quickly pinched each of the cuffs and pulled the arms back up again, preferring how it had been in the first place. Hardly any part of this suit seemed to fit him properly, and he couldn’t make it all work at the same time. The shirt was too long, the jacket too short. He sighed and undid his top button, not used to being dressed up like this one bit. In the mirror he saw a familiar figure approaching behind him, and quickly spun around to greet Sadie.

“Ooooh not bad. You don’t brush up badly at all do you?” she said, and kissed him quickly and then licked her lips. “I like it when you dress up all posh. Makes you look all classy.” She gave him one more cursory look over before sweeping off and over to the stairs. She hadn’t started getting ready for their night out herself just yet.

Phil was feeling on edge. He seemed to be constantly feeling that way recently, and he didn’t like it at all. His heart hadn’t seemed to slow down for over a week now. All since last Wednesday when all the trouble had kicked off. That dreadful day he’d been called into work early, where Terry had told him that he knew all about his secret. It was also the day that Phil ceased to be the only person to have had sex with his girlfriend’s daughter, and instead had to push her into the jaws of quite another monster altogether. It hadn’t been a total nightmare for him of course, as he’d at least got to cum in Kiara’s mouth at the end. It had been a nervy time though, and even once it was over, and that matter seemed settled with, quite another had immediately taken its place. Once they’d gotten home, Kiara seemed determined to tell her mother everything. She had the evidence, the will, and after her horrific night of yet more abuse, also seemed to have the strength to suddenly start fighting back and spill it all. She’d nearly done it as well. Nearly stormed straight through to Sadie and told her about the whole sorry affair.

For once, Phil knew he was boxing in the loser’s corner, and he’d had to act very quickly, and promise something very extreme to make her stop. Even as she’d tried to sweep out the door and through to her mum’s bedroom, Phil had clamped a hand on her shoulder and squeezed his fingers hard, making one final desperate haggle for salvation. “I’ll leave her,” he said bluntly, instantly breathing out after he’d said it.

She said nothing, but did stop still and looked up at him questioningly. Surely this was yet more lies from him, just to save his own cowardly skin.

“I mean it,” he said, tugging on a lifeline desperately for the second time that day. “I’ll leave your mum, and move out.” She stepped back inside, enabling him to shut the door over, as if setting the scene to discuss terms. She wriggled free from his grip on her shoulder though and then leaned back against the wall, still feeling more in control than usual. “But you won’t,” she whispered back, hearing Sadie shut the bedroom window in the room just along the landing. “You promise me things then you don’t do anything. You said you’d stop raping me, you said I could have my ring back. You just say these things and then you don’t ever do them. I don’t trust you Phil. I don’t believe a word you say to me.” Her emotions meant that her whispers accidentally turned back into quiet talking, and Phil placed his finger firmly against his lips again to silence her as quickly as possible. He then swiftly raised both his hands by way of surrender to her, talking urgently.

“I just wanted a bit of fun with you. I know, I know it’s got out of hand, and it can’t carry on. I swear to you now, that I will leave your mum and get out of here before the end of next week. You have my word.” She stayed defiant though. Normally he was used to her capitulating, and giving him more breathing space, but just like his boss this morning, she had him firmly in a corner.

She shook her head and reached for the door handle again. “Your word means nothing.”

Fortunately for him, an idea struck him and he shifted between her and the door. “Ok look,” he said quickly, his throat turning dry as he spoke more. “There’s, there’s a receipt. The receipt from our hotel trip downstairs in my jacket, in my jacket pocket. You can have it. It has my name on it, the date, even my card details. It says I stayed the night with one other person. I told your mum I was at work that night. You can go downstairs right now, and get it for yourself. You can keep it. And...” He paused, knowing that this was absolute defeat on his part. “... and then, if I’m not gone out of here by next weekend, you can show it to her.”

Kiara blinked and mulled the situation over in her head, frowning. If she weren’t hurting from everything so much, she could almost have enjoyed seeing this terrible abuser fall from grace, and squirm and beg under her threats.

Phil didn’t have much time to play with though, and these really were his last chances. Before long, Sadie would be getting curious to know where he’d got to, and that could very well be game over anyway if she came in right now.

“Look, you don’t want your mum really to know everything that’s happened to you do you? She’d hate herself for not having protected you. If I go, then you can have your life back, and she’ll never be any the wiser. That receipt doesn’t even have your name on it. If you need to show it to her, she’ll just think I cheated on her. Then I’m out of here anyway.”

Kiara’s thoughtful silence meant that at least she was listening to him now, and these did all seem good reasons to go along with his plan. Things would be much better this way. Much less heartache for everyone.” It was also certainly true that if it all came out, it would result in many months, if not years of sadness for them all. She just now had to balance the things in her head. This would actually be an end to it, a proper end. True, she would never see him be brought to justice officially for what he’d done. But he would be away from the two of them forever. Out of her life, never to return.

Phil glanced over at the door and then grabbed the handle himself. He’d handed himself over to defeat, and the only good part of it was that he wouldn’t go to prison. He knew already he was going to miss Kiara like crazy, but this had to be the price he’d pay. “When I’m gone, you can show her the receipt anyway if you want, all right? That part is up to you. Now I’m going to bed. If you accept my terms, you can go down right now and fetch that receipt, and keep it. If you don’t, then you can come right in and tell her everything.”

On the last word of the speech, he opened the door and swept out with a flourish. Breathing hard, he entered the bathroom, resting his head against the wall, trying to cool himself down and stop the blood roaring in his ears.

Now he just had to hope. Hope that she would see the sense in all of this and take his side over it. She didn’t owe him any of it of course, and if her conscience would let her, she would refuse, and in fifteen minutes he would be exposed.

He went over to the sink and splashed cold water over his face, breathing hard and thinking for a moment that he might vomit. Despite retching once, nothing came up and he decided eventually he felt well enough to just clean his teeth and head for bed. For a long while, Kiara’s door stayed shut. She was making no obvious efforts to move out of there. A brief scrub with his toothbrush and he rinsed his mouth out, catching sight of his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He could swear he had aged a year with all of this stress today. Still, it would all be over soon. He was at least in a much better position than he had been five minutes before. He swung the door back open and sauntered out, then along the corridor, pausing only briefly outside Kiara’s room, wishing so much he could see what was going on behind the door. Even if he could, maybe that wouldn’t give him any insight into her decision. How could the tables have been turned so definitely in the space of one short day? He couldn’t abide feeling so powerless, especially against the teenage girl, but too many unfortunate things had gone wrong. Ever since he’d started enjoying the girl, he’d been so careful to make sure he’d played the perfect game. Just one slip up and it had caused this whole chain of events.

He made sure his breathing was level by the time he entered the bedroom, hoping desperately that Sadie was already asleep. As it happened, she wasn’t, but she did look pretty tired as she opened her eyes and glanced over at him. He could at least be sure that by the time he’d gotten changed, those eyes would be firmly shut for the night again.

If this day were taking a turn for the better, it was taking its time over it. As his luck would have it though, Sadie had actually drifted off by the time he climbed in beside her. Then, after two or so minutes of nervous waiting in the dark, he heard the door along the hall open up. The floor creaked lightly as Kiara crept out, and started inching her way down the stairs. Phil breathed out with pure relief, and mouthed a silent prayer of thanks up to the ceiling.

Kiara realised she had never felt so empowered as she trod cautiously down the stairs. Reaching the hallway, she paused by the coat rack and lifted up Phil’s heavy greatcoat, which dominated all the rest. She dipped her hand into one of the inside pockets, but there was nothing there. At this point, she was half hoping that she couldn’t find the receipt at all. She had worked herself up so much to finally tell her mum everything, her adrenalin was beginning to race. As she stuffed her hand inside the other side though, she instantly felt the crumpled up piece of paper. She brought it out, as quietly as she could, then unfurled it to read what was printed there. There it was, just as he’d said, the tiny letters illuminated by the moonlight glinting in through the glass of their front door. ‘P. Turner: 1 double room, 1 night.’ Everything else was still legible too. The date, the majority of his card details, even his address and phone number jotted down. She flattened the paper against her chest and felt a wave of relief wash over her. This was it. Solid proof, pinning him to the crime of kidnapping her. No amount of smooth talking from him could get him out of this one. At worst, she could prove he’d taken her and raped her that night, at best she could accuse him of cheating. He’d said to Sadie he was at the sight all night, and this proved him as a complete liar. She’d never held such an important piece of paper in her life before. This was the end of it all. A way out. Her eyes moistened slightly at finally seeing the end to this terror. Her ducts were almost empty though and she decided instead to fold the paper back up, very carefully, then headed for the stairs. She leapt back up to her room, taking the steps two at a time, bolting inside and shutting the door over. She knew she’d have to hide this very carefully, because she couldn’t trust that man one inch. Even with this in her hand, she knew he’d try everything to get her back again. He’d looked somewhat bashful though tonight, and maybe he really had accepted that things between them were over. They had to be. With her body still aching from the latest attack only a couple of hours ago, and with her precious piece of evidence sitting inside her jewellery box under her bed, she got under her covers, feeling tired, but somehow happier than she had in months.

To her surprise, his manor had then utterly changed over those next few days. He’d stopped staring at her lustfully every chance he got, stopped making little comments to her whenever he saw her alone, and hadn’t even tried to lay a finger on her. He’d almost created a barrier between them and stayed at least a few inches away from her at any time. As each day passed, her mood lifted more and more. She wasn’t constantly having to look over her shoulder. She wasn’t having to arrange instances where she wouldn’t be at home with him alone. Didn’t have to just live in fear for the next time he would get the opportunity to fuck her again. The trauma she had been through would not leave her for a very long time, but at least now she knew that it had ended.

She’d panicked slightly when he’d ducked into her room the following Saturday night, but it was only to straighten out a few more details. “Did you get that receipt?” he asked her curiously, and she nodded mutely, deliberately moving to the far side of the room. “Ok. I’ve told your mum that I want to take you both out next Friday for a meal. We’ll eat together, then at the end, I’ll tell her I’ve got a job offer in Scotland. She won’t want to move you so far away, so then I have the weekend to pack and leave. Monday morning, I’m gone from your lives forever. I promise, ok?” She actually saw some sorrow registered in his eyes, but she’d learned a long time ago not to trust any kind of emotion he showed. She nodded eagerly, still saying nothing. She turned towards the window to look out of it, down into the back garden, ignoring him as best she could.

“Ok,” he said sadly and turned to leave.

Just as he did, she looked back towards him, a thought striking her. “And you don’t touch me at all before you go ok? Not even to say goodbye.”

He stopped and looked down, then shook his head. “If that’s what you want Kiara.” The moment the hurried conversation was over, he left her alone. She suddenly relaxed her tense muscles once he was out the room and lay on her bed. Her fists clenched in triumph, she actually felt proud. Proud of herself for withstanding everything he’d thrown at her, but that justice had tipped in her favour in the end. She then sat up and quickly set a timer on her phone, with zero hour being midnight next Sunday night. ‘193 hours and 51 minutes’ read the display. The number looked quite big, but she just took a long breath in and looked straight ahead defiantly. Just over one week? She could do that. Then she would have her mum back, have her body back, even more than that: have her life back.

For Phil, the next week seemed to stretch on forever. He tried his best to keep in Sadie’s good books, cooking her dinners, complimenting her and even sleeping with her semi-regularly. It was mostly to keep away the ache in his balls, seeing as Kiara was now off limits to empty them for him. Unfortunately even Sadie now was noticing how absent he was looking during their intimate moments. To be fair, she was right that he was always envisioning someone else when they were fucking, but he was pretty sure, she didn’t imagine in her wildest nightmares that it was her teenage daughter. The only times he got animated during their sex was towards the end, when he was trying his hardest to conjure up Kiara’s tight little body underneath him. Only then could he properly shoot his load. All in all from Sadie this was a minor gripe though, and mostly she was pleased to see her little girl actually seeming a lot brighter around the house for once.

At lunchtime on the Friday, he’d crept around to the back of the site and called up the local posh Italian restaurant. Not the type he would’ve chosen himself to go to, but this was meant to be something momentous. With the table all booked, he hung up and went back around and swept past his colleagues, even able to gloat about having the rest of the day free. “I shall see you dicks later. Oi, don’t work too hard now.”

“Piss off part-timer!” came some of the responses to that. He just stuck two fingers up at them as he left them to their work. Terry even glared over at him with his piggy eyes, but made no comment. Phil had booked this afternoon off last week, and his boss had had to allow it, much to his chagrin.

He’d elected to spring the meal on Sadie as a surprise. Otherwise she would only get suspicious and continually quiz him about why they were going in the first place. To avoid that, he’d waited till today to tell her. So, as he burst through the front door at just after two o’clock, he called out, even before it had slammed shut behind him. “Sadie? Sadie!”

She came out of the lounge, looking bleary eyed, evidently from an afternoon nap. By the sound of the volume coming from in there, she’d fallen asleep in front of the television as well. “What? ... What are you doing here?” She looks somewhat shocked, but pleased. He ignored her state entirely, and pulled her into his arms, ruffling her hair. “You, and I, and Kiara are all off out to Little Venice for the evening, my treat.” She blinked and yawned, giggling at his whirlwind behaviour. “Wait wait, you silly man. What is all this?”

But he just patted his wallet in the inside pocket of his jacket and kissed her. “I came home early to get ready for it. You’d better do the same, you know how posh it is in there. I want you looking your most beautiful ok?”

She still looked bewildered, but as the idea sank in, she brightened. “Have you had a win on the horses or something?” she said, rubbing her eyes to clarity.

“No, never mind all that. Can you text Kiara too and tell her?” For a moment Sadie looked a bit disappointed that it wasn’t just a romantic meal for two, but even going out as a whole family was something special nowadays. At the minute she had just been loafing around the house in her comfortable trousers and pullover, but she was mentally choosing which of her few best outfits she might wear tonight. “Have you got something special you want to tell me?” she said, her big eyes wide and attempting to twinkle. He patted her on the back as he squeezed her, then pecked her lips.

“Hey, what did I say? Come on, go and get yourself ready.”

He then let her go and stepped away, giving her room to get to the stairs. “And don’t forget, text Kiara and tell her that when she comes in, she’ll have to get ready too!” he called out the last few words as Sadie started to walk up, slowly at first, but then finding more energy towards the top.

As she went through to the bedroom, she grabbed her phone from her locker and sent Kiara the message. The girl wouldn’t be allowed to have her phone on at school anyway, and she’d probably only read it on the way home, but at least if Sadie sent it now, she wouldn’t forget. She then wandered back and looked herself over in the mirror. She stroked her hair with her fingers, then looked again, not too pleased with the result. A shower and a new outfit would sort all of that out though and she’d be looking a million dollars by the time they left the house. She pranced over to the wardrobe and flung the door open to examine her current collection of decent clothing. As she flicked through the coat-hangers and looked at each piece, everything seemed either too casual, or too old. Her figure had definitely filled out more than she’d expected in the last few years, and she mostly kept some of these tiny dresses as a catalyst to set her on a proper diet. If she could eventually fit into some of this stuff, it’d be worth it all. Almost turning to despair, she finally came across an old black number, that she’d hardly ever worn. She pulled it out and held it up, then turned it around, wondering where on earth it had come from. Then it clicked. She’d bought it for a girl’s do out a few years ago, back when she actually regularly met up with her friends. Before she’d even met Phil and all of her time was taken up with her man in the evenings. She licked her lips, knowing that it would still fit. The puffy sleeves would be fine, and the cleavage at the front would offer her plenty to get Phil’s heart racing. She smiled and laid it out on the bed in preparation, then hurriedly slammed the wardrobe door shut, before practically skipping through to the bathroom.

For Kiara, the school-day had been quite a tense one. Usually she would be sitting in class, quite petrified about what would happen to her once she went home and entered Phil’s domain again. Today though, she couldn’t help but let the excitement get to her. Even her teachers had noticed that the girl was picking up with her work again. No longer would she just sit through each lesson in a sullen daydream, quiet, morose, just about doing enough work to avoid being shouted at. The reason was simple. Today, as Phil had promised, they would all head out for that meal after school, and they could come home, with her free. True, he’d said it’d take him a couple of days to pack and leave, but by Monday, she could walk into school again a free girl. Still a broken girl, but free.

She couldn’t trust her mum’s boyfriend fully though, and every day she’d checked she still had her bargaining tool. Even if he tried to get out of it, she still had that. If he didn’t leave them alone himself, she could force him to. The position of power still made her blood fizz in her veins, and she’d embraced every inch of having it.

Once the final bell rang out, she got her stuff together and slung her bag over her shoulder to leave. She came out of the gates and headed straight for the main road. This was a much longer route she took nowadays, but after Phil had kidnapped her a fortnight ago, she’d rather walk this route instead. She looked down at her phone as she walked, only keeping one eye on where she was going. A look of joy spread over her face as she read the text from her mum, sent nearly two hours ago now. So he really was going through with it. The air was still pretty cool as she carried on her way, but she felt warm inside. Glowing almost. She sped up, making up any lost time through not having taken the shortcut. For the first time in months, she was eager to get inside. She wanted to get changed, dress up really nice, and join them for this momentous meal out. She could almost feel tingles of anticipation spreading over her chest and down her arms, more than ready to see her tormentor finally fall from grace in her mum’s eyes. He wasn’t being revealed as the dirty heartless rapist that he really was, but even that didn’t bother Kiara at the moment.

And now, Phil was standing in his ill-fitting suit, trying to feel anything but awkward. He patted himself down as if wiping away dust, then fixed his hair a little.

He heard some movement from the top of the stairs and then turned to see if Sadie were coming back. But it wasn’t her at all. Instead, Kiara was coming down, her hand trailing the banister as she walked, looking at him, the merest hint of a smug smile playing over her lips.

“I’m ready,” she says, her voice possessing a strength he’d almost forgotten it possessed. His eyes scanned over her in perfect silence. He wasn’t the only one brushing up especially for this night out. She wore a mid-length, flowing white dress, decorated with small plastic diamonds on the netted skirt and around the chest. Her hair was curled and her face showed signs of subtle make-up, accentuating her beauty more than usual. She took each step carefully, with her pair of three inch silver heels on her feet. Personally, Phil found her attractive even when she was naked, or just in her tomboyish clothes, but this was something else.

He knew precisely why she’d done this. It wasn’t just her teenage feminine desire to look pretty on a night out. It wasn’t just to upstage her mum. It was to flaunt herself. An outfit of triumph over him. An outfit that would flaunt her beauty right under his nose, happy in the thought that he would never get to have her again.

That was indeed the reason she’d done it, though in her head it was of little consolation really. He’d taken far too much from her to just have it recompensed by a pretty dress and sparkly shoes. But it was still something. It was still a sign of triumph over him, and she had to live that out before she’d never see him again. A symbol of her victory, to be getting her mum, and more importantly her life, back to herself.

“Very nice,” he offered her glibly and turned around to put on his own shoes. They were respectable black slip-ons, the only vaguely decent pair he had. “Any sign of your mum?” he said, just wanting now to get out and to the restaurant.

Kiara pulled out her phone from her bag and checked it, deliberately taking a long time to answer him. “Kiara?” he asked again. “I said is your mother-“

She looked up and cut him off rudely, trying to dismiss his questioning to get back to her important texting. “She’s coming,” she said impatiently. Her phone tapped noisily as they waited, and Kiara laughed at a message that she hadn’t received.

“You won’t be having that out at the table I hope,” commented Phil, floundering around for any kind of authority at all.

She raised her eyes from the screen, then lowered them immediately, not saying a word.

“Sadie! Come on! We’ll be late!” he shouted impatiently up the stairs,.

When Sadie finally did arrive, Phil gave her a cursory glance, then opened the door. “Right finally. Come on. I booked a taxi before. Let’s go and wait.” He wrenched the door open and hurriedly stepped outside, still pulling and pushing at his awkward suit jacket as he walked down the path.

Sadie tried not to be too miffed at Phil’s dismissal of her outfit, then checked her bag one last time. She looked at Kiara to check she’d heard it was time to go, then walked ahead of her out of the door. As Phil waited at the edge of the kerb down below, Sadie talked in hurried tones back to her daughter. “Do you know what this is about?” she asked curiously, her hair now tied up in a bun. The black dress she’d spotted now hugged her waist and she instantly rubbed her hands together against the evening chill. She slid her greasy laid lips over each other as she waited for an answer. Kiara just shrugged though and slipped her phone into her bag, then clicked down off the doorstep to walk down behind her mother.

“Just a meal out I guess,” she said, acting as clueless as she could.

By the time the girls reached the bottom of the path, Phil was already tapping his foot impatiently at the kerbside, trying his best to look down the road for their approaching taxi. “They did say five minutes, but you know what that place is like.” The hulking white van laid close to them in the driveway, but Phil decided it wouldn’t be that apposite for them to all bundle in their in their nice clothes, and have to park it amongst the other, much more flashy vehicles in the car park.

Kiara stood stock still as she waited, her eyes not moving from ahead of her, not even shivering against the cool wind that whipped past them all. Eventually, they heard an engine coming, then the sight of a car followed.

“Can I sit in the front?” Kiara asked, easily deciding that was the best bet.

The restaurant was warm and airy, pleasant piano music tinkling out from the numerous speakers dotted about. The carpets made for a quieter atmosphere, the gentle hum of people’s conversation accompanying the music. A refined looking gentleman smiled at the three as they entered, Phil deliberately holding Sadie’s hand as they came in. “Good evening,” he said, his accent holding a twang of deliberate Italian.

“Hi,” Phil said curtly, quickly glancing back to make sure Kiara was still with them. “I booked a table for three. Turner?” The man spent little time checking his notes before ushering them through. Phil let go of Sadie’s hand and sat himself down, noticing Kiara’s deliberate movements as she stepped around and sat on the other side, opposite her mother. He tried not to stare too hard at the curve of her breasts, peeking out from the sparkly pattern of fake jewels lining them. He shifted his chair slightly more under the table, and then grabbed for the menus, handing out the other two, and opening his to peruse it.

“Have anything you want, tonight is on me.”

His chirpy mood was not lost on Kiara, and she felt a little uneasy about it. Knowing him, it was probably just covering up for his obvious anger and disappointment at her for forcing his hand like this.

Phil skimmed his eyes along the lines, trying not to look past the pound sign each time. Feeling a little enclosed, he pulled at his sleeves to get the suit jacket off and put it over the back of his chair.

“It is a bit posh in here isn’t it?” Sadie whispered, just loud enough for them all to hear her. “If you’ve won the lottery Phil, can you just tell us?” She giggled and then sneakily laid a hand on his knee under the table.

If he’d done that, he’d be buying Kiara and himself a huge house to live in, and negotiating a price with her to live as his mistress whore for the rest of her life. Like the thousands of times before, he turned a deaf ear to his girlfriend’s fatuous attempt at comedy and read on.

Kiara held her menu up to hide herself and leafed through it carefully. “I think I’ll have the...” She took a breath to brace herself for the pronunciation. “Lobster fettuccini al carbonara.”

Sadie skipped a page to find the one she’d mentioned, then looked sharply up at her daughter. “Really? Are you sure you want that one sweetheart? It’s the most expensive one on there.”

Phil had noticed it himself, but chose not to give Kiara the satisfaction of showing his irritation. She could spend his money if she wanted to, he really didn’t care about that right now. “It’s ok. I did say choose what you want.”

“But she doesn’t even know what it is. Do you honey?”

“Mum,” said Kiara exasperated. “Do I need to know what it is?” She’d laid her menu down, confident that she wasn’t having to pick anything else.

“Course you don’t Kiara,” Phil said, reaching down and placing his hand over Sadie’s on his leg. “But I warn you. If it goes too far and we’re doing the washing up, I’m sending you into the kitchen ok?” He was smiling playfully over at her as he said it, no bitterness behind it at all. Sadie squawked along with the joke and poked him in the ribs. Feigning agony, he then made a final check for his own dinner, and stacked the menu away.

Kiara sighed at the idea of Phil playing the silly boyfriend, and also for the first time, felt a slight pang of guilt, that the stark red smile currently on her mum’s lips, would be gone for quite a while after tonight. She mentally shook the thoughts away though. It wasn’t her fault. If her mother knew what hell the man had put her through, she would understand. This way, she would at least only be sad for the loss of her boyfriend, and not because of the defiling of her daughter.

“What are you having darling?” Sadie quizzed Phil, her owlish gaze still running over the menu. She must’ve read through it three times by now cover to cover, and she still hadn’t made a decision.

“The uhh...” he hesitated, then trailed off as he saw a waiter heading straight for their table. “Anyway, Sadie. Make your mind up, here he comes now.” The man clicked his pen and held it ready over his pad.

“Evening guys. Do you know what you’re having?” His vowels were still elongated, but not as forcefully as the first man’s.

“Just about,” said Phil with a smirk. He took the liberty of reading out Kiara’s choice, rendering in his perfect cockney though this time. “Penne chicken for me please and...?” Looking expectantly at Sadie as she still calmly rounded down her final three choices. “Umm... oh I don’t know.”

“Sadie,” Phil chided, wondering if she actually thought this dallying was somehow cute.

“Oh... ok. The vegetable lasagne for me then please.” She dropped the menu down in triumph and Phil clicked his fingers.

“All that time and I could’ve put money on that all along. Ok yes, one of those then too. And a bottle of your finest white if you can.”

The man smiled politely, and behind his eyes was congratulating himself on picking to serve the biggest spenders so far that evening. He certainly hadn’t considered this man to be rich in any way, and just hoped that his baggy suit didn’t mean he had long pockets inside it.

With the order taken, he clicked his pen shut again and thanked them. Then he gathered up the menus and walked away, his tread making no sound hardly at all on the lush carpet underfoot.

“Sorry,” Sadie said sheepishly, and unrolled her serviette to get her cutlery out.

Phil rubbed his chin, feeling a small amount of stubble there already since this morning. “It’s ok baby,” he said cheerily, and even leaned to kiss her. “You can’t help being indecisive.” She grinned at him, apparently instantly calmed by his words.

“It really is very nice here,” commented Sadie again, almost blushing at finding herself in such opulent surroundings. “Thank you Phil for bringing us here.”

Phil just smiled and nodded. “It’s fine,” he said glibly and looked around them at the other diners. “Anything for my two favourite girls in the whole world.”

Sadie blushed and chuckled, her second chin making an appearance as she beamed. “Aww, even so. It’s still only right for us to show our gratitude,” Sadie said, and Phil panicked a little that she might be wanting to show her own gratitude later that night. But she then continued. “Isn’t that right Kiara?”

That was more like it. A subtle lesson of manners for her daughter. Kiara just nodded though wordlessly, and her mother glared at her.

Kiara went to scowl, but then suddenly seemed willing to actually comply with her mum’s wishes. “Thank you Phil,” she said flatly, hardly looking at him at all. “For everything tonight.”

Sadie seemed satisfied with this little display, even if Phil was personally raging inside at the obvious show of defiance to him.

The waiter soon returned though and Phil had something to turn his attention towards. “Ah thanks,” he said as the man topped up the adults’ two glasses, then glanced at Sadie for approval as he poised the neck of the bottle over the rim of the third. Sadie nodded a yes. “We’re celebrating you see,” she said, even though technically she didn’t have to offer any reason why the young girl should be allowed a drink at the table.

Kiara’s eyes seemed a little brighter after the bottle had been thumped down into the middle and they were all alone again. “Thanks mum,” she said excitedly and sipped at the sweet strong liquid.

“Don’t be downing that now,” Phil warned. “We’re only having one bottle. Save it for your meal.”

As she had been doing most of the night, Kiara ignored him and deliberately turned her head to examine the elegant decor of the restaurant. She toyed with the idea of getting her phone out, but thought better of it as Phil would only then have an excuse to legitimately shout at her. Luckily her attention was soon drawn back to the table anyway as her mum called to her. As she turned, she found her mum idly playing with her uneven nails as she contemplated something.

“I was thinking. Don’t you need to be having some new clothes for the summer now the days are warming up?” She’d always been conscientious about her daughter’s appearance, and especially the sartorial part. “I was looking at some of your stuff in the washing the other day and you must’ve grown out of most of it.”

Phil sipped from his wine glass and looked warily over it towards Kiara. This was not the choice of topic he would’ve made himself, and as his groin twitched, he was hoping a swift nod from the girl would end it.

“I guess,” said Kiara quietly. She’d lost most appreciation for her own body of late and it really didn’t matter to her anymore how she looked either in or out of the house.

“Come on, next weekend,” her mum chirruped on, finally finishing with her nails and looking up. “A real girlie day out hmm? We can clothes shop till we drop. Just the two of us, it’ll be fun.”

This seemed to brighten Kiara’s mood even more now though and she nodded eagerly. By then her life would be falling all back into place, and this would help replace another dislodged piece. “Sure. Thanks mum!” she said gleefully and rubbed her hands, then glugged another mouthful of wine. Phil was keeping a firm eye on the level of the drink as it rapidly descended.

There was a brief silence till Kiara mentally flicked her way through racks of clothes she’d seen months before. “Actually. There’s this blue dress I’ve seen in New Look. It’s really cute. I mean I’d have to try it on of course but... I’m sure it’d fit , and that would be so cool for me over summer.”

“Well we’ll have to look at the prices won’t we.” Sadie gestured with her own glass as she talked, the wine nearly being jostled out over the top. “I mean even that dress tonight,” she carried on, “you do look lovely in it darling, but, well, you are rather spilling out of it.” She quickly raised her other hand at her daughter’s obvious hurt expression. “No.. I mean at the top silly.” The swift correction only made Kiara look down at the deep valley formed between her breasts.

Now the girls were just taking the piss. Phil was wondering why Sadie was helping increase his torment tonight. Almost as if she knew what she were saying. Kiara’s tits had grown at least one cup size since he’d first had his hands all over them, and Sadie’s drawing attention to them now was not making his situation any easier. Christ, how perfect they’d looked as they’d jolted in time with his cock ramming in and out of her in that hotel bed that night, just two short weeks ago. Maybe an impromptu visit to the bathroom might be opportune at this moment. He thought about it some more, clearing his throat and hurriedly sipping the sickly wine. He then averted his eyes and desperately tried to intercept the topic of conversation.

“I tell you,” he said quickly, his eyes pointed upwards. “They might think themselves posh in here, and yet you can see, even from the design of this ceiling, that these walls are very cheaply built. Take it from me.”

Sadie looked reproachfully at him and then rolled her eyes, together with an audible scoffing. “Have you brought us ladies out just to talk about building! If you have, I’m going right home now!”

Chance would be a fine thing, to be left alone with Kiara, Phil thought, but just laughed along with Sadie and hoped that both of those conversations were now suitably extinct.

“Lobster fettuccini al carbonara,” said the waiter, now adopting a faux bit of Italian as he presented the first of three plates.

They dutifully pointed out whose was whose, and after he’d left them in peace, Phil lifted his glass. “Well, cheers.” They clinked, and all then began setting about eating.

Phil chewed thoughtfully, feeling a little uneasy about what was to come pretty soon. He savoured each bite much more than normal, away in his own little world for several moments. How dare the girl flaunt herself like that in front of him. He had to give her points for confidence, and craftiness. She has at least learned something from him after all. He peered over at her as she tried her best to wrestle with her own dish. Well, she’d decided to wind him up with the pricy food, so now she could bloody well enjoy it.

It looked in fact as if all topics of conversation were now used up and the trio ate on in silence. Kiara certainly seemed to be getting into her stride with her private celebrations, since as soon as her glass was empty she was looking expectantly at the two adults and reaching for the bottle again.

“Sure,” Phil said, taking the lead. “Just one more glass then.” He reached over to pick up his serviette and unfolded it, wiping his mouth with one half of it, then dumping it down and continuing to eat.

He was breathing heavily, feeling the seconds tick by, getting him ever closer to his announcement. Eventually, he couldn’t take the tension in his muscles anymore, and he rested his cutlery down on his plate, leaning back in his chair.

“So umm,” he began hesitantly. “I guess you’re both actually wondering why I decided to spring this little jaunt on you this evening.” In fact only one of them was, but that wasn’t important right now. “It isn’t because I’d, won any money from gambling, or just because I wanted us to have a nice time out. I mean I do want that anyway, but that’s not the point. I did bring you out here to say something. Something really quite important.”

At the beginning of his speech, Sadie had continued to eat through it, but now, as his voice seemed to get rather solemn, she stopped and looked up, her grip tightening a little around her knife and fork. “Phil? What is it?” As a natural worrier, the worst cases were already flitting through her mind. This was it, he had cancer and they were all going to have to struggle through it and battle it with him. Kiara meanwhile tried her best to stay poker-faced, showing nothing of what she was feeling inside.

“I could’ve just done this at home really but... I don’t know. You two are pretty much my family now and, so I wanted you both to be here.”

“Phil?” said Sadie, getting more in a flap with every new word. “Please, what is all this about?”

“Well Sadie, it’s you I really need to ask about this.” He turned his eyes to her and reached quickly into his pocket. “It’s only a temporary one but...” In one swift motion, he had pushed his chair back and had tipped off of it, forward down onto his knees. It was so fast that Kiara wondered if he’d toppled by accident. The next few seconds suddenly gave her that inexorable feeling of sickness and horror in the pit of her stomach. Her limbs felt heavy, and an icy feeling of dread started creeping over her skin as she watched on.

“I love you Sadie Madement, more than any other woman I've ever known. I want to be with you forever, to wake up every day with you in my arms, to grow old with you and make you happy for the rest of our days. I want to be your family. I want to... be your husband." By now he was genuflecting awkwardly up at her, as her expression changed from that of anxious, to purely joyful. She quickly emptied her hands and sat back, blinking hard down at her boyfriend of three years, giving the loveliest and most heartfelt speech she’d ever heard. Her heavy chin fell downwards as she reached out to look at the ring he was presenting her with. “Always” it said on it, a circle of diamonds glinting under the bright restaurant lighting. The blue sapphire stood out even more strongly than on the day it had when Phil had torn it from Kiara’s neck in his van. “Will you marry me?” His body tensed up slightly as he looked up at 1)Sadie, seeing her starting to melt at his words. For a moment, everything hung precariously in the balance: His future with them in his house, his continued enjoyment of Kiara’s young innocent body. It all depended on her answer.

Kiara looked on, in abject horror with every second that passed. Suddenly her cutlery felt like ton weights and her hands dropped till the silverware fell onto the tablecloth. Her shoulders began involuntarily shaking and she was short of breath. She grabbed blindly for her serviette and covered her mouth in case she might be sick then and there. “No,” she said quietly, even as the couple looked at each other, her mum’s eyes glimmering. He did have that ring after all. Her own precious gift she’d got from her boyfriend, the one thing she had left from him. With her wide hateful eyes, she’d recognised it at once. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t how it was meant to go. He’d promised. He’d fucking promised her that he would leave. Her eyes stung like they had acid in them, as her tears fought their way to the surface. She gulped hard, her arms feeling as dense as lead by now. She could only watch helplessly as her mum also began to sniffle from her tears of happiness, with Phil sliding the ring down her finger. Her lips were moving but Kiara’s hearing was totally failing her. This could not have been his plan. He was meant to be leaving! He was meant to be going out of their lives altogether! Not trying to get her mum down the aisle so he could ruin the whole rest of her life. “No,” she said again, but it only came out as a whisper, all strength gone.

“Oh it’s, it’s beautiful. Phil. I love you too. Yes, my answer’s yes. Of course I will marry you!” By now other diners were looking and someone started off a spontaneous round of applause. Despite the usual more reserved atmosphere in this restaurant, the jubilation of the event had begun to sweep people up. There were little whistles and even faint cheers at the back, at seeing such a beautiful relationship blooming right in front of them. With her cheeks flushed scarlet, Sadie leaned down and Phil kissed her, warmer and harder than he had in months. She’d said yes, immediately. He thought that she would, but he couldn’t be sure. He sat up even straighter so they could embrace harder and he squeezed her tightly to him, a clench of pure triumph. Hot flashing fireworks were going off in his mind as he secretly celebrated. She’d just handed her daughter over to him, to be his regular fucktoy, for as long as he wanted.

To Kiara, the clapping had sounded like distant raindrops, slapping hard against a back window. By now she could feel little tears trickling down her cheeks, the act of crying taking over as it usually did when Phil was asserting his power over her life. She tried her best to wipe her face with a screwed up serviette, then, with her blood already starting to rush in her ears, she quickly clambered to pick up her handbag she’d brought with her. She tore the zip open and rummaged inside it desperately. Her fingers pulled at her make-up, and she gulped audibly as she ransacked the pockets and compartments inside.

The smattering of applause had died down by now and Phil had sat himself back up in his chair, this time brought right up close to Sadie’s, her eyes flitting between him, and the ring that now decorated her podgy hand. “It’s... it’s beautiful. Aww, always,” she was cooing over at him, her dinner now totally neglected. “And I... and I thought you were ill or something. Come here.” More kissing ensued, Sadie’s eyes full of unbridled joy as Kiara finally found what she was looking for.

“Anyway, sorry about that Kiara. We...” Phil trailed off as he saw her with paper in her hand. Her serviette? No, it was proper crisp paper. She was unfolding it.

“Sorry mum. I’m so sorry, but I have to show you this.” She was grimacing, her eyes glistening with tears as she clawed wildly at the note in her hands to unfold it.

Sadie turned in slight alarm at her daughter’s obvious distress. “Darling what is all this?”

But suddenly, Kiara’s heart was like a huge rock in her chest. It made a deathly plummet as she blinked uncomprehendingly at the scrap of paper in her wet fingers. Somehow, it was completely blank. An empty sheet of screwed up paper. She flipped it over, and over again, still finding nothing.

“What is it Kiara?” Phil asked, looking sternly at her interrupting their special moment.

Sadie frowned slightly as her daughter inspected the scrap even more in a mad panic, finally tearing it up and throwing the pieces in the rough direction of her and her fiancé. The fragments scattered over the tabletop and in their meals, making Sadie gasp in annoyance.

“Now that’s enough!” Sadie said, sitting up straight again and looking sternly at her daughter.

It had all been pretty simple really. With Sadie away in the bathroom titivating herself beyond belief this afternoon, Phil had had plenty of time to go into Kiara’s room and search out the old receipt. The girl’s room wasn’t that big, and, although it did take some searching, the bottom of her jewellery box was hardly ingenious as a hiding place. He’d simply removed the incriminating piece, and replaced it with a harmless blank piece instead. Stashing it away and leaving it exactly as he’d found it, he’d immediately gone downstairs, rinsed the receipt under the tap for good measure, wringed it out, and promptly binned it. Finally the power was back in his hands.

Kiara could only blame herself that she’d fallen into his plan, and he’d even added the proposal to it as well. She’d been so stupid to believe him one inch. Of course it was all bullshit, she’d just wanted to believe it was true so much. All the fuss about her stupid ring, and threatening him with exposure. Now he was going to stay in her life forever more, and could fuck her precisely as and when he pleased.

“Mum he’s... he’s...” but her words failed her and she just stood up, her legs already feeling wobbly. “I can’t... I need some fresh air,” she said, her voice rasping through her crying. She leant against the table for a second, gathering enough strength to then slip away from her seat and out towards the back of the dining room.

Sadie looked sadly over and now fiddled with the ring, as if it now felt uncomfortable. “What do you think that was all about?” she asked, the mood now having been totally shattered.

“God knows,” said Phil, giving her a mystified look as he tried his best to gather up scraps of sodden paper from his plate. “Look I’m sorry baby. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have done it like this. I mean I should’ve asked you alone, and then made sure with you it was safe to tell her. I guess it’s not easy for her, that I now want to be like a surrogate dad to her and everything. Her relationship just broke up too remember. It’s bound to still be a bit raw for her.”

Sadie’s eyes were fixed on the back of the restaurant, on the door which Kiara had launched herself through. She reached up and scratched her long nails against her cheek, looking reproachful. “I know, but this note thing? I mean I thought she could at least be happy for us, she’s... oh well.” She shrugged and then went to gather her things. “I’d better go after her and make sure she’s ok anyway.”

But Phil himself was straight on to this and had already drained his glass of the remaining wine before patting her shoulder. “No no. I’ll go and have a word with her. I’ll explain stuff to her. It’s probably best it’s me anyway. Must show her I’m really not trying to change things or steal her mum away.”

Sadie seemed concerned, but reluctantly put her bag down again onto the floor, and pulled her chair in so that he could squeeze past. “Ok,” she said and patted his arm as he moved off. “Thank you baby.” Sadie placed her knife and fork down conclusively over her plate, then admired her ring once more. “I love you!” She called out at his retreating back.

Phil walked briskly towards the back door and exited, his gait now brimming with confidence. He even wore a smug smile on his lips at having saved himself from the precipice so cleverly. He blinked to help his eyes adjust to the dim light outside and called out. “Kiara?! There was nothing out here except the blank brick wall of the restaurant’s rear, a few plastic bins with their spilling contents, and a huge extractor fan above them, puffing away relentlessly. This scene was certainly a far cry from the opulence being displayed within the building itself.

“Kiara!” He called again, as the door sprung back behind him and slammed shut. He hadn’t noticed where she was at all, but as he stepped forward, he saw her figure, huddled up with her back to him, shoulders shaking as she leant forward against the wall. “What’s wrong with you then, stepdaughter?” he said amiably, coming up behind her, her face propped up on her folded arms, resting against the cold brickwork. She stood up straight, but only to give her arms the chance to flail out. She was crying hard as she turned towards him, aiming a fist at his gut as she hissed out under her breath. “Fuck you!” Her voice still cracked with emotion, and her punch was weak. But it took the man by surprise and her hand found its mark right on the beat of the expletive.

“Hey,” he said in a strangulated voice, stepping back momentarily. "Don't you dare talk to me like that. You show me some respect now I'm going to be your stepdad officially. I'm not going anywhere. Did you see what that ring said? Always! And that's how long I'm staying in your life for Kiara, always!"

She’d already moved further along the wall though, away from him, now weeping harder, her forehead back against her arms. “He took the few steps back over to her, now standing directly behind, leaning forward to place a firm hand on her right shoulder. “Come on. You didn’t really think I was just going to give all this up did you? Without any kind of challenge?” Wind gusted over the two of them, sending her dress flowing up against his legs. He looked lasciviously down at her and spoke. “I don’t want to leave my house. My job.” Her shoulders quaked slightly against his touch, her strength weakening as she broke down. His free hand was already moving noiselessly downwards to the hem of her dress, lifting it up, just so far as to reach underneath it. “... or my girl..” He continued, his voice soft now, getting closer to her ear. Her whole body immediately stiffened as she felt his rough fingers tickling at the back of her thighs, feeling like he was trying to touch her panties.

“No. No,” she gasped out, instinctively pushing back from the wall with her arms. But his hand was still clamped on her shoulder, his body starting to rest against hers, and she could do nothing, but simply move back where she was. “You can’t Phil. Not here.” She took in one deep breath and turned her head slightly so she faced more towards the back door. With every ounce of strength she had left, and with his fingers already pulling her panties down over her ass, she began to scream. “Mu-“ Half way through the word, and his large hand moved up to smother her mouth, making the sound disappear entirely. She took in another huge breath through her nose, and screamed again, but his fleshy palm, and huge thick fingers blocked everything, making it impossible. She kept her gaze fixed on the closed back door, willing anyone at all to come out and catch him. Right now she didn’t care who: A smoker, a waiter, even her mother.

The idea of being caught was also having an effect on Phil though, and by the time he’d lowered his fly, and brought out his cock, it was rock hard, and more than ready to push into the girl’s snug pussy. Originally he’d wanted to get home, before raping her, and wringing out every last drop of triumph from the night’s work. But if anything this was even hotter, and even more fitting. With the food not even cold on their plates inside, and Sadie still admiring her new engagement ring, he was lining up his cock at Kiara’s opening, rolling his hips to get into position properly, bracing himself to push hard against her dry labia. Keeping his hand firmly over her mouth, so hard that the back of her head pressed against his shoulder, he shoved upwards, forcing his way inside, the burning friction of her dry folds pulling his foreskin right back and making him twitch in pleasure. Her whole body tensed up against him as she felt him drive his whole length into her bruised cunt, the pain wracking through her. It had been a week and a half since she’d been fucked, and even then it had been by the smaller cock of Phil’s boss. She had been healing surprisingly fast, yet all the old hurt was coming back to her as he started to move in and out. Even though he had to stay quiet, he did gasp out as he felt the hot velvet of her pussy walls pulling him in, tempting him to fuck her. His cock twitched as it rested inside, fully enveloped before he started to pull out and move. He couldn’t waste time just luxuriating in the feeling of her warmth, he had a lifetime to do that. Right now he had to just deliver his cum inside her as quickly as possible.

His movements were then rough, driving in right to the hilt, before pulling back out again and then starting over. Deep and hard strokes they were, urgent and deliberate thrusts. She could tell this was just a quickie for him. A celebratory fuck to assert his authority over her once again. The world began to spin about her, and despite the cool evening air, she felt hot and lightheaded as he raped her mercilessly. She struggled to stay upright balanced atop her sparkly silver heels, and Phil’s grip was the only thing keeping her held up, his thrusts from behind jostling the poor girl like a ragdoll. Tears streamed down over the back of his hand as her nose snorted, trying to get any air she could. He was pulling her back in time with his pumping cock, and she ended up so far from the wall that she had to put her hands out, flat against it, propping herself up

“Mm that’s it.. ride me...” he was saying, under his breath but so close to her ear that she could feel the hot plosives from his words. “Nice and deep that’s it. Make me cum that’s a good girl.” It felt like forever since he’d actually fucked her, even if it had only been ten days. He knew this couldn’t last long, but it felt like heaven to be wrapped tight by the silken walls of her unwilling pussy again. He’d jerked himself off at least twice every day at the thought of this eventual sex, and right now it was not disappointing. Her fingers pressed hard at the rough bricks of the wall, finding no purchase at all, but desperately just trying to keep herself stood up, against the ever growing vicious fucking she was being subjected to. Her nose continued to puff air in and out, simply to keep oxygen flowing to her head and stop her from fainting altogether. There they were again, those pitch black walls enclosing around her life, putting her right back where she started. She should’ve known it were too good to be true. She had trusted herself too much to even think that this nightmare was actually over. Even as her cheeks flushed and her tears sprang from her stinging eyes again, the scorching pain in her sore pussy plunged straight to her core.

Phil’s hulking body was leaning over her, trying to keep his own balance, holding the two of them up as he continued to shove unceremoniously inside her, his movements frantic and hard. Every powerful thrust he now made up into her tightness was to reassert himself over her. He’d held himself back over all these days and it had been torture, but now he was unleashing it all on her. Every smug smile she’d given him across the room, every little wink, or knowing comment she’d made in front of her mum, thinking she was free. Not a chance, he would never let it happen. His movements were hampered by the clothes they both wore, but still he managed to squeeze the majority of his thick cock up inside her, her silken lips massaging his whole length, simultaneously tempting him forward to his climax, whilst also willing him to hold on so he could enjoy them more. “You’re mine Kiara,” he hissed through clenched teeth, his own dominance over her also turning him on more. “You’re fucking mine, and you always will be.”

His excitement was spiralling just as high as his nervousness, and he felt like any second, a member of staff was going to burst through the door an discover him, balls deep inside the weeping girl. Though the thought scared him somewhat, it also spurred him onwards, making his cock twitch, even from tight within her pussy walls. “Aren’t you!” With his hand still fastening her mouth shut, she had no choice but to nod her head to his question. The evening air was cold and already Phil could feel his cheeks starting to go a little numb. The atmosphere made her pussy feel even hotter than usual as he moved, her juices seeping out of her unwilling hole, betraying her and letting him enter her more easily. He was speeding up now and she knew these jerky urgent movements of old. She knew exactly what was about to happen, and she tensed her body up, waiting to be ejaculated into. His cock was vaguely twitching, his breath now hot on her cheek, sending goosebumps flooding over her shoulders and chest. More hot tears rolled down over the large paw covering her mouth, even as she felt him speed up to bring himself to the peak. Her muscles tightened in her arms as she clutched onto the wall for dear life, the cold making her grip unsteady though, her body shivering a little. With a strangulated sigh, she could hear as well as feel that he’d tipped over the edge. He puffed out his cheeks and projected a warm jet of air from between his lips against her neck, trying hard to keep the noise down as he came. He also held himself still, balls deep as his cock spasmed repeatedly, blasting off fresh warm cum into her each time. As ever, her body reacted of its own accord and welcomed his seed in, and she knew she would feel the disgusting stain of it inside her right through the night now. “Mmphh...” The muted sound she made was clearly one of revulsion as her body shuddered violently, a shiver running through her as the hot cum made her body feel even colder.

Barely a second after the last eruption from his balls, Phil was pulling himself out of her and stuffing his cock back away. She could already hear the jangle of the belt buckle, even before she’d realised he’d exited her fully. She let out a shaky breath, looking hopelessly ahead of her at the uneven brickwork of the restaurant’s old building. She didn’t even shudder as she felt the coarse texture of something rubbing up against her sopping entrance down there.

Phil had produced some serviettes from his pocket, and was now dabbing hurriedly at the mess between her legs. He held the serviette in place, to soak in as much of the cum as it could, then tossed it over into the rubbish bin beside them. With her thighs still slightly smeared, but everything else looking normal again, he hoisted up her panties and patted them in place, giving a satisfied sigh and blinking hard as he stepped back. He then grabbed for her wrist, trying to man handle her towards the back door. “Now you get back in there,” he said sharply. “And you show your mum the most perfect happy smile, or I’ll come in your room and fuck you again later. You hear me?”

She felt woozy and confused, and his voice sounded muffled like something were covering her ears.

The trauma was all too much for her to process and she physically couldn’t react to the things he was saying to her.

“Do you hear me!” he repeated, a deep sense of threat in his voice. He held her by the shoulder in front of the door, only allowing her forward once she’d answered satisfactorily enough.

She had no idea what he’d even asked of her, but nodded weakly just to get away. She took in a shaky breath through her nose, trying to stifle any more tears. Phil dragged out another serviette and handed it to her. “Get in!” he barked, and shoved her forward back into the warmth.

Still in a total daze, and with her pussy now starting to throb from a fresh ravaging, Kiara wandered on shaky legs back to her seat, carefully weaving through the tables, and almost getting lost twice before she sat down in front of her mum.

“Darling!” her mum said shocked, and leaned forward to try and touch the girl. She stayed huddled up on the other side of the table, her eyes red from being so tearful. She didn’t get out another word before Phil arrived, breezing in behind her and getting to his own place.

“Everything gone cold now has it?” He lifted his fork and poked disgusted at the remains of the meal, that had indeed now gone cold in their absence.

“Don’t eat that, it’s got all paper in it,” Sadie chided, then leaned forward across the table to fuss around her daughter’s obvious discomfort. “What’s the matter baby? Hmm? Look, I know it’s a bit of a shock, but Phil’s like family now. This will just bring us closer together. I want you to be happy for me. You can do that for me can’t you?”

Phil nudged her forcefully with his elbow, instantly sending the message to just leave it. “Sadie,” he hissed over, hoping that she would trust him this time.

“Come on, don’t bombard the poor girl. We talked everything over, and sorted everything out. Didn’t we Kiara?”

The younger girl just looked away, not wanting to meet either of their eyes. “Yeah,” she answered, faintly and with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “Fine.”

Despite still looking gravely concerned, Sadie did indeed trust Phil’s take on the situation and sat back in her chest, reaching to rest a hand on her fiance’s leg. “As long as we’re all happy. I don’t want anything spoiling tonight.” Her look towards her daughter was verging on reproachful, but the teenager hadn’t even registered it.

Just then, the waiter slinked over, trying not to look too embarrassed about the obvious drama that had been going on at this table, both the joyous and the awkward kind. “All finished?” he asked, already clearing the plates.

“Thank you yes,” Sadie said softly, her blissful balloon obviously now having been burst.

“Could we get the bill please mate,” Phil asked, already bringing out his wallet from his inside pocket.

The waiter hurried off with his stack of dirty crockery, leaving the table in peace once more. Kiara’s eyes were dull, and she shifted in her seat. Despite Phil having tried to wipe away the evidence from between her legs, she could still feel some of the cum deposited there. She looked straight over at her mum, willing the truth telepathically over into her mind. Couldn’t she smell the scent of sex all around her at this table? Couldn’t she recognise the sight of her traumatised daughter, freshly back from being raped just a few feet away?

But her obtuse mother really didn’t notice anything was wrong at all, and just fumbled for her bag ,to at least show willingness to split the bill. Phil’s hand rested on her arm though and he squeezed gently. “No no, this is all on me, every penny. Put your purse away baby.”

Kiara now tried her best to keep her breath steady. Everything was slowly sinking in, and she was also terrified that she was leaving an obvious puddle on the chair, which would become obvious when she stood up.

“Ah look!” Phil broke the lapse in conversation as his eyes fell on the bottle of wine, still half full. “Let’s just finish this off shall we hmm?” Lifting it up, he shared the remainder out into thirds, just about able to fill all of their glasses one more time over.

So,” he said and cleared his throat as he lifted his glass. “To us. To all three of us, a happy, firm, family unit, and to a long and prosperous life together. To the future.”

Sadie was grinning throughout the whole speech and gladly bumped the curve of her wineglass against his.

Kiara’s fingers crept forward across the table robotically towards the stem of her own glass and she lifted it weakly, letting everyone else clink hers. “To.. the future,” she said, barely above a whisper, and drank the wine bitterly, gulping deep and almost downing the whole glass in three swallows. She winced as she lowered the glass, as the alcohol hit her full on. She stared deep into the light liquid, trying to seek some kind of solace from it. She couldn’t bear to lift her eyes for the moment, and see that ring on her mum’s finger, the word ‘always’ sparkling out just above her eye line.

She’d just drunk to a future shared with her own rapist. A future that right now, seemed more pitch black than ever.

Authors’ note:

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed this series of stories. After writing ten of these chapters, I’m not too sure where the adventure should go next. If you’ve found these hot, and you have an idea for a sexy scene you’d like to see our young victim in next, please let me know in the comments and I’ll see if I can write it. Thanks.


2020-01-22 23:50:42
Madetofit, Send me a mp if you want us to chat more


2020-01-22 10:03:39
Hey Gfappsp, thanks so much for taking the time to send these suggestions. I do like this idea about bringing Sadie into it a little more. After this episode I think Phil will want to get a lot riskier with things, and to push it further than just fucking Kiara nearby like he did in this one. I also reckon something worked around their honeymoon, or wedding would be great. He�ll definitely much rather be spending time on the wedding night celebrating with his bride�s daughter rather than her. Thanks for reading!


2020-01-21 01:24:30
Hi Madetofit,
This story is just huge.
Maybe the readers could discover that, from the beginning or some point of the story, Sadie is perfectly aware of what Phil is doing to her daughter. You could write a scene in which, during her honeymoon, the mother acts like a porn stage director, and tells Phil how to rape poor little Kiara in front of her... Or, instead of getting furious when she discovers that Phil rapes her, she gives her crying daughter some lesbian consolation, telling her she mustn't be furious, that boys are boys and girls can't change them, but they have to love them the way they are... Third possibility, Phil could blindfold Sadie during their honeymoon and make Kiara fuck her own mother... He's such an evil genius, so many possibilities...

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