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A beat down?
Greek Gods


Zeus - King of the Greek gods

Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus

Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus

Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus

Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus

Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality

Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity

Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.

Ares - Son of Zeus and Hera, god of war

Apollo - Son of Zeus and Leto - god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture.

Dionysus - Son of Zeus and Semele - God of the vine, grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre

Hephaetus - Son of Zeus and Hera - god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture.

Hermes - Son of Zeus and Maia - Messenger of the gods, god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, border crossings, guide to the Underworld

Eris - Daughter of Zeus and Hera, sister of Ares - minor goddess of discord and strife

Deimos - son of Ares, twin of Phobos - god of dread

Phobos - son of Ares, twin of Deimos - god of fear

Dolos - Personification of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery and guile

Apate - Counterpart of Dolos, goddess of fraud and deception.


Ephus - the godling man with an unusual power.

Dr. Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus


Egyptian Goddesses and wives to Ephus


Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love

Sekhmet- Goddess of fire, war, and dance

Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility.

Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites

Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice

Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water


Brothers of Bast and Sekhmet


Thoth - God of knowledge

Sobek - God of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles

Anhur - God of war and the sky bearer - Full brother of Bast and Sekhmet

Horus - Ancient God of the sky and kingship

Min - God of fertility

Khonshu - God of the Moon

Apophis - God of Chaos and darkness

Shu - God of the wind and air


Amaunet – The spirit body of the green Eternal Nile Serpent Sword

Aniketos – Brother of Amaunet & the spirit body of the Black Caspian God Killer Sword


Ephus was still in shock that not only had Hephaetus given him lightweight armor, it was far stronger than he thought. Smiling wider, he bowed to Hephaetus whose mouth only dropped open. He of course, bowed to Ephus, causing his half-sister goddesses to giggle.

Hephaetus looked at all three with a slight scowl. "Honor is not something you should giggle about." He stated.

"Oh, of that we are all most certain. It is just, seeing you bow to anyone other than father, that is funny." Artemis said.

"Still in this instance, I fail to see the humor in any of this." Hephaetus stated, growing more angry by the moment.

Ephus touched Hephaetus arm, causing him to whirl an angry look on his face, quickly calming when he saw Ephus.

"I, do not want this house to be destroyed by a battle between the two of you. This is my home; I will get pissed off." Ephus stated, a look of anger growing on his face. "I know that you, are only showing your affection for each other, the only way you can. Again this is MY home, I do not want it damaged or destroyed. I have enough problems as it is."

Ephus sat his head in his hands. He felt this was all his fault, he should have had better protection something.

"I am also to blame brother, it has been a long time since, I was fooled as easily as I was. You will have the full..." Anhur was saying.

"No, by the rules, none of the Egyptian realm can interfere, unless they are hurt by a god. Not through, no interaction of a god. No, this has to be me, it is my responsibility. Though," Here Ephus was going through all the rules from both realms. "I could use a second, if I am killed or injured. She, should allow you to use her to cut Ares in several pieces."

"She? What are.." Anhur started.

"I am not a fool Anhur, your actions gave it away." Turning to the sword, Ephus waved his hand not expecting it to work. Looking around, he could see that all there but him and Anhur were frozen. "I am right, am I not Amaunet?"

A sudden gasp, let Ephus know that he'd gotten it right.

The female of the sword appeared bowing to Ephus. "Master please forgive me..." She was starting to say.

"No, as I told you and your brother I am only your partner, no more. It will be good to call you by your name not, hey you." Ephus stated.

"Thank you, I also thank you Anhur, for placing me with one as wise as he is." Amaunet stated, bowing to Anhur.

"At first, I thought it was Mskhenst or Norfe-Ari, though those names didn't seem to fit." Ephus said, seeing Amaunet's face screw up into a sour look.

Amaunet looked at Anhur, lowering her head, "I am sorry that you, will not remember my name after I am gone. Only he who guesses it, is allowed to remember it. You do not have to worry about Ares, I nor my brother will allow you to come to harm."

Ephus was nodding, "your brother is Aniketos, if I am not mistaken."

The shocked and surprised look on her face let Ephus know that, again he'd gotten it correct. "You are a most unusual godling. Never have I ever met nor heard of one like you."

Ephus smiled as he stood, "I will miss being able to call you by name, Amaunet. I wish the both of you well, whatever comes." Anhur looked at Ephus who waved his hand.

Immediately, Ephus saw that all four of the Greek goddesses and god, were bowing their heads to Ephus.

All four of them immediately apologized to Ephus, causing all of them to stare at the others. Turning to Anhur he said, "you know that none of you can attack. Unless I or they are harmed outside the rules, I have to do this. That's not to say, that you cannot watch or give non battle help."

A huge smile appeared on Anhur's face as he nodded. "Perhaps, I should mention this to my sisters and brothers, especially Bast." Anhur whispered this last bit, not wanting to summon his half-sister.

Ephus thought a moment, then nodded, "Though you and the others might have to hold her back. You know that temper of hers."

Anhur's eyes got wide as he readily agreed, nodding his head. With a slight chuckle Anhur vanished, sighing, Ephus wished he could make all this crap disappear just as easily.

Ephus looked at the others in the room, he then sighed, it wasn't like he could keep them out of this. In a sense, it was their brother therefore, their concern. Looking at the green sword at his side he nodded, he had to do this, with as few deaths as possible, though? Was that even possible, with a seemingly death happy Ares? Guess we'll find out, he nodded to the Goddesses and Hephaetus, then they all winked out.


Back in Ares building, he was doing all that he could to taunt Quinn Markov, to strike him. Damn it! She was the most frustrating human female he'd ever met. How in the hell, was she resisting him like she was?

Ares growled as he changed tactics, throwing things near her. Still, he wasn't getting a reaction from her.

Quinn turned to her son, stating a little loud, "do you see that?" Here she pointed to Ares. "You son, are more mature and adult than it is. Watch, it'll have a tantrum in a moment."

Ares nearly exploded when he heard her words. How dare she, insult the greatest war god of all time! Then a thought came to him, two could play that game.

"Such brave words from such a little girl. To think, that you have the sense to actually have a child, let alone raise one." Ares said with a wicked laugh.

"Hmph! This coming from a spoiled little boy, who has tantrums when, he can't get his own way. Ephus was correct when he said that, you were the dunce of war, plus an idiot to boot. Go away little boy, stop bothering me." Quinn stated scoffing, then turning away from Ares as if he wasn't there.

Ares face started to twist into a mask of anger and hatred. He drew back his fist to strike her then, felt two sets of hands holding his arm back.

Growling he looked at his arm, to see his sons Deimos and Phobos straining to hold it back.

"Father," Phobos said, "if you touch her, they will all be here in moments. Some we could fight, not all of them. From what we heard Ra might also get involved."

"Even all three of us, couldn't withstand that much power." Deimos added.

Ares seemed to think about it a moment, then his arm relaxed. "I can see that the both of you are correct." With that, Ares blew the both of them against the wall, then through it and several others. "Do not," Ares almost shouted to the hole in the wall, "ever, lay your weak hands on me again!"

With a self-satisfying smirk, Ares turned toward where Dolos and Apate were. It appeared that Dolos, had healed his arm Hmm Ares thought, far faster than he thought it would have healed.

Ares walked closer, then stood there waiting. Dolos looked up seeing Ares, "I fear that someone warned him. No one, god or otherwise has ever broken, let alone pierced the veil of simulacrum."

"It was perfect," Apate stated still thinking over what had transpired. "I saw his eyes, he was completely under the direction of the veil"

"The both of you, I thought you knew of this godling? Did you not know that he was a human, who is now a godling? That his ancestor was also a godling? Apparently, he was a half-brother that disappeared." Ares stopped, as he saw the strange looks the two were giving him.

"Strange, you just bringing that out now," Dolos shook his head. "Had we known that he is of both worlds, we would been able to defeat him. Now as it is, there aren't many things that will work."

"Especially now that he has seen the both of our faces. This, is going to take a great deal of time longer." Dolos and Apate stood up, "we'll contact you as we have a much better plan, anything else you haven't told us?" Dolos asked.

"Why leave, you are safe here." Ares said.

Dolos looked at Apate, the mother and child that, were covered by a type of invisible shield. He then gestured to the black sword, then Ares. "As long as the companion sword is in the hands of the godling, nowhere is safe.

With that, a whirlwind wrapped the two then they were gone. An opened mouth Ares was about to shout, when he heard laughter.

"What, the fuck do you find so comical." Ares growled at Quinn.

"Again, you act like a self-confident little boy, thinking that everything HAS to go your way. Get a clue Ares, you don't stand a chance, I watched Ephus train. He learned all that he did in a day, it took you what? A few thousand years? Pretty pathetic I'd say."

Quinn smiled to herself, she saw Ares face go from red to blood red. "You are the one who is mistaken. I am the greatest warrior that has ever been, I..." Ares started to spout.

"Oh? Would you like to go against a fully empowered Anhur? I doubt seriously that you'd last long. Plus, he's the one who taught Ephus, no, accept that you have lost. You having me here? Just a minor distraction." Quinn said as the building started to shake violently. A small smile, lit up Quinn's face, "He's heeeeerrrrrre! Ha, Ha, Ha."

Ares eyes, darted to and fro as he drew his black sword. "Let him come," Ares snapped at Quinn, "killing him in front of you, will make this far sweeter!"

A moment later, several bodies could be seen passing through the room they were in. Those bodies, included the bruised and battered bodies of, both his sons. Cursing, Ares started to erect several shields to slow Ephus down.

A few moments later, there was a titanic crash, the building in front of the room, was violently ripped away then crushed. Standing in the doorway, an enraged, glowing, armored Ephus stood. In his hand the Eternal Nile Serpent glowed a brilliant green.

A wicked smile crossed Ares lips, "So you finally..." Ares started.

"Cut the bullshit Ares, I'm not wanting to destroy you, though I will if it comes to it. The realm needs all of the gods, even your detestable ass." Ephus spit.

A shocked, though smirking Ares sneered, "You could never destroy me human, I am the most..."

Ares had to dive to the floor, Ephus's almost invisible swing nearly took his head. Ares was about to rise, when he saw the hair on the floor. Reaching up, he found that half of his was missing.

Ares roared, then he lunged forward, striking the green sword. Time again seemed to freeze, Amaunet appeared, Ephus's hand around her wrist. Looking at Ares, Ephus saw that Ares had his hand around the wrist of Aniketos.

"Ah! Aniketos good to see you again." The shocked look on the males face, almost made Ephus laugh.

"So, it appears to be true." Aniketos said. Turning to Amaunet with a questioning look, she nodded. Both bowed their heads to Ephus. "When the time comes, you will be well rewarded." Aniketos cocked his head a little sideways as he looked at Ephus. "You were correct sister his thoughts and actions are unlike any we have ever met before."

This time it was Ephus turn, to look at the male curiously. "Different? In what way?" Ephus asked.

"Even with all the power you have, you do not crave nor wish to accrue more. You are truly happy with all you have. A most curious human/godling indeed." A perplexed Aniketos said. "I had thought, I had figured you out. I have to say that, you are the most refreshing mind, I have ever had the pleasure to feel."

Ephus almost blushed at the words of Aniketos. Bowing low Ephus said, "I try to be as honest as I can. Most of the time it isn't easy, as it can be far easier to not speak at all."

Aniketos and Amaunet were both nodding their heads. "It was just as hard in our time, especially dealing with all the rulers that there were back then. Many, couldn't handle the truth, they'd rather kill rather than hear it. Truly barbaric times though." Here Amaunet looked around, "the times here, appear to be just as barbaric."

"I know that you do not wish to destroy Ares, realize that your near miss, has severely weakened him. Press him as hard as you can, we will do all that we can to help you defeat him. Still, it has to appear to be you or he will grow suspicious." Aniketos, warned Ephus.

Aniketos turned to his sister embracing her, "It is nearly over. I did not think he was the one, last time. Now? I can no longer doubt it. Farewell sister, Ephus."

"Wait," Ephus said before they disappeared. "You spoke of this ultimate sacrifice that I would have to make. Will it be quick? I... I wish for this to not happen, in front of my family if possible. They will suffer enough once I am gone."

This time, a look of truly great shock appeared on both Aniketos and Amaunet's faces. They both lowered their heads as Aniketos stated. "it will be very quick, warrior. You know what will happen, still you wish to continue?"

When Ephus could only nod, the brother and sister, looked at each other with shocked and pleased looks. He was the one, indeed.

Ephus moved back to almost where he'd been, raising the green sword to touch the black one Ares held.

Just as suddenly, time started, growling Ephus started to swing as hard and fast as he could. Good he thought, when he saw Ares start to slightly retreat. Growling more, Ephus started to press harder watching as the look on Ares face, went from confidence to, oh shit.

Finally, Ephus, had Ares in a corner, hacking away at him with a ferocity that he didn't know he possessed. The near look of panic on Ares face, almost made him stop, then the black sword was flying out of Ares hand. Ares growled, then made a motion with his hand.

The building started to shake when Ares said, "There you go you bastard. Kill me or save them, it's your choice. I know you are weaker than you appear. You will survive though, will they? Tick, tock you bastard." Ephus was about to turn when Ares dived for the black sword. "I know not how you did this, though I will find out then, you're mine!" Then Ares vanished.

Ephus cursed, waving a hand, making Quinn, his son and himself appear a short distance from the collapsing building. Ephus, fell to the ground as soon as he was sure that they were safe.

Quinn almost screamed when she saw this, then she saw the thin slice across the armor. Shaking her head, she closed her eyes. [Bast!] Her thoughts screamed. [BAST!] Her thoughts screamed again.

A moment later, Bast appeared as well as Anhur, Serket and Thoth. Bast had a worried look on her face. Serket's face went deadly serious, as she and Anhur removed the godly Greek armor from him.

Anhur looked at the armor, amazed that it had protected Ephus as well as it had. He'd have to talk to Hephaetus about the armor.

Serket had a strange look on her face when Thoth, whispered to her. "I am not finding any dangerous injuries on or in him. It feels as if he was drained." Here she looked at the green sword, running her hand along the blade only to draw it back suddenly. Here she turned to Anhur, "You gave our Ephus, the Eternal Nile Serpent!? The most temperamental, dangerous sword in your arsenal?"

"Of course sister, what? You think that I didn't train him?" Anhur said cautiously.

"A day and a half is not training, brother! You're lucky we are as worried about Ephus as we are. I should..." Serket stopped looking around strange she thought, it feels as if another was here.

Amaunet breathed a sigh of relief as she placed a hand on Ephus, feeling some of the energy she'd taken returning to him. Looking at Serket her eyes opened wide, such innocence in a goddess. A small smile lit up her face, she could see the intense love that both of the goddesses, had for him.

A moment later, Ephus groaned then tried to sit up. Four whooshes of power had Bast, Anhur, and Thoth powering up as high as they could. Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena and Hephaetus appeared a look of concern on all their faces.

"I warned you to watch and protect him, what would happen if he was harmed. I..." Bast was growling at the three goddesses, when she stopped.

"My Bast," came a whispered voice. "They were doing as I asked them. Their help, made it far easier for me to rescue Quinn and little Ephus."

Bast glow faded in seconds, bending, she fiercely kissed Ephus's face. A wide smile came to his lips as, Serket also threw herself at him.

Serket's face went from joy to embarrassment when, Ephus whispered in her ear. When Ephus asked, well? She blushed, what Ephus considered to be the cutest shade of red. Nodding yes, Ephus smiled even more.

Sitting up he faced all eight that were there in front of him. "I am sorry that I failed to stop him, again. I had actually knocked the sword out of his hands when, he did this." With a sigh Ephus indicated the now level building not far from them.
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