When we woke up the next morning, I found Dakota snuggled up to me in my bed. It took me nearly a half-hour to quietly get out of bed without waking my darling Dakota. I walked quietly to the bathroom to perform my morning duties. Once they were done, I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water. I stepped underneath the flowing warm water allowing it to cascade over my tired muscles. God, I miss Jill.
When my shower was over, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower stall to dry off. Once dry, I tossed the towel into the hamper. I walked back into the bedroom to see my darling Dakota still sleeping quietly in the bed. I pulled out a pair of shorts and a white tee shirt to wear.
Once dressed, I quietly left the bedroom and walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. Some of the houses were up and milling about, whereas some were still sleeping. I glanced at the clock and it read 6:15 am, probably the earliest I have gotten up on my own in quite a while.
John and Diane were up. Bobby and Sammy were cooking people something called breakfast quiches. It contained eggs, sausage, hash browns and covered in cheese and baked like a casserole in a ramakin until brown.
I sat down at the kitchen table and just watched Bobby and Sammy do their cooking thing.
Suddenly, I had a pair of hands covering my eyes.
“Guess who?” the female voice said to me.
“Um……Mother Teresa?”
“No silly,” the female voice said.
“Um……Senator Kamala Harris?”
“Oh, HELL NO. I’m much prettier….and much smarter,” the female voice said.
“Then it must be my darling Dakota,” I said really knowing all the time.
I heard her giggle and remove her lithe little hands from my eyes. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.
“How did you sleep, Daddy?” She asked.
“I slept OK. Remember we’re heading to the Hawk. I need to have a meeting with the attorneys about setting up Jill’s legacy charity and other stuff,” I said to her.
“I know. I’ve already called their offices and they will be at the Hawk about 9:30 am to meet with us,” Dakota replied.
I saw Dakota stare at the empty coffee pot. Apparently, someone forgot to hit the start button so there would be coffee. Reluctantly, Dakota walked over and poked the start button to get some coffee brewing.
I got up from the table, but Bobby encouraged me to sit back down as the breakfast quiche was ready. He spooned an amount onto a plate and sat the plate in front of me. I took my fork and put some into my mouth. The quiche was delicious. It didn’t take very long before I had cleaned my plate. Bobby asked if I would like more, which I did. Thankfully, John was still eating when Bobby served me seconds.
By the time John finished his first plateful, I had finished my second which is a rarity when John is eating.
When I completed my second plate, I drank my juice and headed back to my bedroom to change into some work clothes. When I was ready, I headed back out to the kitchen. Along the way, I changed directions and went back to the bedroom to collect some important papers out of the safe.
After collecting the papers, I needed, I again headed towards the kitchen. This time, Dakota met me in the hallway. She took my hand and walked with me. When we reached the kitchen, trusty Fred was sitting at the table eating a plateful of quiche.
“Are you ready to leave, boss?” Fred asked between mouthfuls.
“No, eat your breakfast,” I told him.
“Bobby, you can make this anytime you want to. This was really good,” I told him. Bobby just smiled and said to Sammy, “See, I told you people would like it,” he said laughing at Sammy.
One thing I noticed was that Fred was already dressed for the day. He always amazed me with his preparedness.
Dakota, Jennifer, and I headed out to the garage to get into the limo. Fred poked the necessary buttons to open the garage door and open the courtyard gate. Jennifer asked where John and Diane were. Dakota let her know that they would meet us at the Hawk and that John was driving his truck.
The skies were still overcast as yesterday’s storm seemed to still be lurking around.
We got to the Hawk reasonably quick. As usual, Fred parked the limo in the parking garage, and we all got out and crossed over to the office tower. Luckily for us, the elevator opened its doors just as we arrived at it. We rode up to the top floor.
Funny thing, just before the doors opened, I felt a lithe little hand squeeze my ass which made me smile.
We stepped off the elevator and headed to our desks. Dakota stayed right with me whereas Jennifer went to her desk. After a few minutes, the elevator doors opened once again and Sharon, John, Diane, and Mariana got off and headed to their desks.
As it approached 9:30 am, the elevator doors opened and about a dozen lawyer types got off the elevator. Sharon got up from her desk and greeted all of them and took them to the large conference room. Once they were all in there, she offered them water, coffee, or soda. She went to get the drinks but stopped at my office and told Dakota that the lawyers were in the large conference room.
Dakota got me up out of my chair, grabbed a yellow legal pad and a couple of pens and took me to the conference room. When we opened the door, about a dozen people stood up. There was only one female lawyer with the rest of them being men.
I introduced myself and Dakota. One of the male lawyers stood up and said, “Mr. Greene, we all would like to extend our condolences regarding your wife’s murder. We hope that the Police have everything in hand regarding the investigation.”
“Yes, they seem to have the investigation doing well. However, thank you for your sympathy,” I say to the attorneys.
“Well, Mr. Greene, when your assistant called our office to set-up this meeting. What is it we can do for you?” That same attorney asked.
“I would like to set up a charity to perpetuate my wife’s legacy. I have money to fund the charity. I have ***********ed three people who will oversee and run the charity. What I am looking for is the proper paperwork to be a national company,” I say to the attorneys.
“Well sir, we can certainly set everything up for you. What is the purpose of charity?” The attorney asks.
“I want the charity to give money to single parents who are struggling to make ends meet. We have too many single parents that work hard but really don’t make enough money to afford things. These people live from paycheck to paycheck. Many of them don’t have enough money to handle surprise events such as the car breaking down, children needing doctor visits, spouse having trouble finding employment, and so on.”
“Do you have a name in mind for this charity?” the attorney asks.
“No, not really. I was just going to use Jill’s name, but my assistant tells me that there are better names that we could use. So, we will have to think a bit more about that one,” I tell him.
“Well, there are the rules about this being a 501 c-3 type charity. It prevents the charity from being taxed for income. Out of curiosity, what amount of money did you think to fund this charity? I’m guessing about 20 million dollars,” the attorney says.
“No, I was thinking more like 100 million,” I tell him.
There is a stunned silence in the room. I know that the lawyers are all beginning to drool at the thought of getting a massive amount of legal fees.
“How much will this cost set up?” I ask.
“Um, we’ll have to figure that one out as we go on,” the attorney says.
“No! We’re not figuring this out as we go. I want a solid number right now,” I say in a stern manner. I see Dakota crack a small smile as she is making notes in her assistant’s notebook.
“Well, we estimate it will cost you about $600,000,” the attorney states.
“Why so much? Isn’t this just lots of paperwork?” I ask.
“Sort of, however, it has to be written to comply with all the Federal and State regulations. Also, the people that you have chosen to run the charity have to be checked out by the FBI and Homeland Security. No felons. They are not allowed to have any pending cases against them regarding money laundering or theft. In addition, they all must be at least 21 years old or it’s not going to happen,” the lawyer tells me. I see Dakota writing furiously in her notebook.
“Although I think that this price is a bit high, I will agree to it. However, not one penny more. Do we understand the agreement?” I ask.
“Yes sir, we will work within the amount that you are agreeing to. We will not come back and ask for any further money. In fact, I promise you that I will be diligent in keeping tabs on the cost and if we don’t and we will not charge you for any unused monies.” The attorney tells me.
“OK, that’s acceptable,” I tell the attorneys.
“We’ll begin the paperwork back at the office, however, are the three people who you want to appoint to operate the charity here at the office?” he asks.
Dakota gets up and heads out of the conference room. After a few minutes, she comes back with Allison and Belinda. Melanie was still at the Chateau. I explained that we will bring Melanie by the law offices which seemed OK to the attorneys.
After the attorneys asked Allison and Belinda several questions, checked their IDs, and let them know that they will have to be fingerprinted and checked out by the FBI to ensure that they are eligible to run the day to day operations of this charity.
I got up and stepped outside the conference room to make a call to Special Agent Fernandez. He wasn’t answering his phone, so I left a message. While I was out of the conference room, Mariana walked by me and smiled.
When I hung up, I followed Mariana to her desk and asked how the buying and selling of the employees' houses in Montana is going. She tells me that we are working with a couple of top-selling agents in Montana and that many of the employees of the call center that we are closing are choosing to move here to LA. She says that she has a small limo bus rented from Happy, Happee limo to drive around and show them many of the houses that are for sale in good neighborhoods. She also went on to tell me that she had a 20-page booklet of houses that are for sale. She has them arranged by the size of the house, specifically the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
She opens a drawer and pulls out the booklet that she put together and handed one to me. I quickly thumbed through it and took it with me to my desk.
Mariana did manage to tell me that her husband trusts me. I told her that I trust him as well. I got up from my seat and left to go back to the conference room. As I walked towards my desk, I flipped through the packet and noticed a house that I felt would be a wonderful house for John and Diane and their baby.
I pulled the home out of the packet and wrote on it that I wanted to purchase that home for John and Diane. Dakota took the paper from me and walked it over to Mariana. I saw her nod her head in a yes manner and folded the paper and put it in her pants pocket.
As lunchtime approached, John got up and asked if we were heading to lunch. As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt like a heel. He didn’t think before suggesting that we all head out to lunch. I walked over to John and whispered in his ear that it wasn’t meant to be a bad thing.
“David, I’m really sorry,” John says to me.
“Not to worry. I’m not going to stop going out to eat just because Jill was murdered outside Fred’s wonderful Italian restaurant,” I tell John.
“Then, may I pick the location for lunch?” John asked.
“Pick away then,” I said.
“Either Greek or Tacos,” John suggested.
“Let’s do Tacos then,” I chose.
John walked around the office to let people know that we were heading out to lunch. Many of the staff gasped when John suggested lunch. Dakota walked around and told everyone to settle down as we were heading for tacos, something that is plentiful around LA.
As people gathered by the elevator, I noticed that virtually all of the staff was there waiting. I surmised that many of the staff were choosing to show me a sign of support by going to the taco restaurant.
While we all were waiting for the elevator, Mariana came over to me and told me that she pulled that house out of each packet. She also told me that I can quickly purchase the house with an all-cash offer. I told her to give me an account and I will put the money into the account. She walked over to my desk and wrote the account number on a slip of paper and handed it to Dakota, knowing that she usually handles those types of things.
When both elevators arrived, most of those waiting stepped on and rode down to the second floor. A few minutes later one of the elevators returned and the rest of the group stepped on. I watched thinking about how much my staff worked for us and how much I missed Jill.
Once again, Dakota stepped next to me and gently grasped my hand and took me to the elevators. John and Diane met us there, along with Jennifer, Sharon, and Mariana. We all rode down to the second floor together.
When the elevator bell dinged, we all stepped off and took the crossover to the garage. I noticed that many of the cars were no longer in the parking garage. We stepped over to the waiting limo and climbed inside.
Fred started the car and headed down to the street level exit. He made a left turn where he normally would have made a right-hand turn. We traveled only two blocks before we pulled into a parking lot. All of us looked at the restaurant, not having the appearance of being a very clean restaurant. Fred assured everyone that the food was much better than the parking lot appearance. The name of the restaurant was simple: Tacos and Beer.
Since I trust Fred and his opinions of restaurants, I stepped out of the car and into the restaurant. Most of my staff were sitting at a bunch of tables that had been pushed together. I saw an empty chair in the middle of the group and sat down. Dakota tapped someone on the shoulder and asked if she could take their seat, next to me. The staff member got up and held the chair for Dakota until she sat down where he pushed the chair up to the table.
When the waitress came around taking drink orders, many of the staff ordered a single beer each. I decided to have a Mountain Dew with Dakota ordering a Diet Coke.
The conversation was ongoing, but a bit subdued. Jennifer suggested to everyone to liven up a bit. Once she said that people seemed to loosen up quite a bit. John took a chair from another table and pulled it up to sit next to me for a bit. He had something to say and wanted to say it away from the office.
“David, have you decided on what you’re going to do about filling Jill’s position in the company?”
“Well, no not really. I know that we need to start looking quickly as there are things that need to be done financially speaking. Why do you ask?”
“Because Mom has a close friend that holds a CPA license for the state of California. I don’t know if she can do the job, but I know that she is currently looking for a place to work that she would like. I overheard Mom mention how wonderful it is to work for you. So, I took it upon myself to mention her to you,” John says in a serious manner.
“What’s her name?” I ask.
“Melissa Robertson.”
“Do me a favor and send your mom over to me,” I tell him.
John gets up from the table and walks down to where his Mother and Diane are sitting and chatting. I see him tell her that he told me about Melissa and that I now wanted to chat with her.
She got up and walked down to me and sat down in the very same chair that John was sitting in.
“John tells me that you want to speak to me,” Jennifer says to me.
“Yeah, can you tell me about your friend Melissa,” I say to her.
“Well, she’s sort of a financial savant. She’s a bit quirky, which makes me a bit hesitant to just come to you and suggest her. Plus, it's only been a couple of days since Jill’s passing,” she tells me.
“Does she live local?” I ask.
“Um, yes. Does that mean you would like to meet her?”
“Of course, I would like to meet her. I’m not offering her the position of Director of Financial affairs, but if I hire her, I would like to take over many of the duties that need to be taken care of right now,” I tell Jennifer.
As Jennifer and I are sitting and chatting the waitress begins to deliver lunch to everyone.
“Jennifer, why don’t you go back to your seat and call Melissa and set up a meeting for me and her. Also, go enjoy lunch. We’ve had enough sadness. I know that everyone is grieving, but we need to get back to normal or as close to normal that we can get right now.” I tell her.
Jen leans over and kisses my cheek. She gets up out of the chair and pulls out her cellphone as she’s walking back to sit with John and Diane.
As the waitress finishes delivering everyone’s lunch, I stand and pick up my drink and make a toast to everyone.
“If I may have everyone’s attention for a moment. I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone’s well wishes regarding Jill. Even though it's only been a few days, it’s now time to get back to work and try to be a bit more relaxed and enjoy our lives. Life must go on and I think it needs to start now,” I tell everyone.
Everyone has their drink glass raised and clinks them together. I clink with Dakota and the others close by me. I see Mariana get up from her seat to come down to me.
“Um, Mr. Greene. May I speak with you for a moment?” She asks.
“Of course, but I’m David,” I tell her.
“I just spoke with my husband. He tells me that the coroner has released your wife’s body for funeral arrangements,” she says to me.
“Mariana, thank you. That was very sweet of you to tell me that. Please tell your husband THANK YOU for all he has done for us,” I tell her. She smiles and gets up and goes back to her seat and sits down and begins eating her lunch.
Dakota asked me if I had any plans on what to do about the vacated position that Jill had. Was I going to do a nationwide search, or did I have something else in mind?”
I told her that right now our entire accounting department will have to step up and handle the work. I figure that someone out of that department will show their true colors and maybe we will consider them for the position.
Jennifer walked back down to me and told me that Melissa is available whenever I would like to meet with her, however, she is nervous and would like Jennifer to attend the meeting.
I suggested to Jen that we set up a dinner meeting tomorrow night at Cody’s Steakhouse. I didn’t want to go back to Longhorn just yet since we only got Diane back from the kidnappers recently.
As everyone reached their finishing point with lunch, many of the staff excused themselves to head back to the office. Sharon got a ride with a couple of people that have a minivan as she felt it was her duty to get back to the phones.
After a while, everyone had left except those who rode with me to the restaurant. The waitress handed me the bill for lunch. I looked at the total and handed her my AMEX which she took and walked away with. After a few minutes, she returned with my card and two sales slips. One slip was for me to write in a tip and total with my signature and the other was my copy for my records, which Dakota took. I signed my name and left the waitress a 20% tip to cover all the work that she did with us for lunch.
The waitress pulled Dakota aside and asked if this was ‘the’ David Greene from Jaxson Inc.? She told her that I am. She said that she has a brother that has a history in corporate security but is currently unemployed because the security firm he was working for went out of business. Dakota turned and told me their conversation. I told the waitress that my protégé will be willing to interview her brother tomorrow at 10 am at our office in the Hawk. She thanked me and began bussing the table.
Dakota, Jennifer, John, and Diane all went with me to the limo.
“John, I have an assignment for you tomorrow. I want you to interview someone for our corporate security team to assist Roger. According to our waitress, it is her brother who has worked in corporate security for a while, but the company went out of business and now he is out of work,” I tell John. He looks at me quizzically wondering why I want him to do this.
“David, why do you want to have me interview this person for Roger?” John asks.
“Because you need to learn how to do interviews and make decisions on whether they are the right candidate for the position, or do you see them a good candidate for another opening we have in the company?” I tell him.
John ponders what I’m saying and asks if I will be with him to help him through. I remind him that I already have an interview set up with Melissa, Jennifer’s friend. He nods his head indicating that he remembers that arrangement being set up.
“How am I going to know what to ask and what not to ask?” John says to me.
“Well, we have a structured interview guide, but you have to remember it is only a guide. Don’t go down the list reading each question. Skip around a bit and make notes on what they say, but don’t make them nervous by writing down every word they tell you. Write yourself a two or three-word note to remind you of what they told you,” I tell John.
Are there questions that I’m not allowed to ask?” John wonders out loud.
“Sure, there are. On the form, there are notes about what NOT to ask, such as age, disability, political and religious views, as well as family history. It is straightforward and easy to follow. When we get back to the office, ask Sharon to print you out the form so you can study it and be familiar with it for tomorrow.” I tell John.
Dakota pipes up and says, “John if you need some practice, you can ‘interview’ me to get comfortable with the form,” This made John smile and thank Dakota.
“Oh, by the way, John, tomorrow you should wear a jacket and hide your firearm. Those things tend to get people nervous,” I tell John. He nods his head acknowledging what I have told him.
We all get up and step into the limo and Fred takes us back to the office. Fred asks how we liked the ‘Tacos and Beer’ restaurant. We all told him that he made a great choice for us.
“Fred, have you ever done any party planning? I ask because you seem to have quite the extensive knowledge of restaurants around LA,” I tell him.
“Well boss, I’ve been a lover of food my whole life. Everywhere I went in the military, I tried the local cuisine. When I finally got out of the military, I started trying restaurants around LA and have found quite the list of ones that I enjoy. If you decide that you want a good Indian cuisine to let me know. There is a spectacular restaurant on the other side of downtown that puts out a wonderful meal,” he tells me.
Dakota asks, “David, what did Jill want: a burial or cremation?”
“She didn’t believe in a coffin and a burial plot. She told me one night that she just wanted to be cremated and just dropped into the Pacific Ocean to be eaten by the fish,” I explain to her. I see her thinking about how to help me.
“Well, don’t worry about all that. I will set things up for you,” she tells me.
“That would be wonderful my darling,” I say to her before I lean in and kiss her.
When we pull into the garage, I see what looks like most of my staff’s cars have returned to the parking garage. As usual, Fred pulled up close to the doors to make it more convenient to let us out and take the crossover to the elevators. I told Fred to return about 4 pm to take us all back home to the house.
We got out of the limo and walked across to the main building. We all stood at the elevator to go up to the office. While I was waiting, I decided that I should check in with Paula to make sure that the limo bus that Mariana would be using tomorrow will be ready and it is all set up to pick her and whoever is going.
The elevator dings and we get on for the ride to the top floor.
When it arrives at the top, the doors open, and I let all our beautiful ladies out first. Dakota hangs back with me, but I jokingly push her out into the office where she begins to giggle a bit.
I head to my office to make the phone call to Paula.
“Hey, Darling. How is everything going at Happy, Happee Limo?” I ask.
“Well boss, it’s OK. The business has slowed down a bit, but overall we’re doing alright,” she tells me.
“Are we all set up for tomorrow for Mariana and her group to go visit some properties for sale?”
“Um, I believe we are. I was going to call her this afternoon to check on the route she wants to take and to ensure that there aren’t any additional people since the bus she wanted has no more room,” Paula tells me.
“Why don’t you take her up one size to the next bus just in case she has last-minute additions to the roster. Sound good?” I ask her.
“Absolutely boss,” she replies.
“Will I see you at home tonight?” I ask.
“Of course. Any idea what the chefs are making for dinner?” she inquires.
“I think ham steaks with baby carrots and stuffing and a small salad,” I tell her.
“Oh, that sounds delightful,”
“Well then my dear, I’ll see you at home then,” I say as I end the phone call.
I get up from my office desk and walk over to Mariana and let her know that I ordered one size larger bus just in case more people show up to go than you have planned. I also ask her about the house that I pulled. Unfortunately, the owners have already accepted another offer at the full list price, so it is off the market for now.
I realize when I hang up from Paula that I haven’t spoken to Donna in a bit, so I dial her up. While I am dialing, I hear Dakota and John going over the interview guide which makes me smile.
“Hello, boss, what’s up?” Donna says to me when she answers the phone.
“Just checking on you. How are things going at the call center?” I ask.
“Well, we’re doing really well. I’m thinking that I need to add about a dozen people as we are paying overtime to many of the staff,” she tells me
“You’re in charge, do what you believe is right. Will we see you at home tonight?” I ask.
“Of course. I must keep an eye on my favorite boss…. ha ha ha,” she says with a giggle in her voice.
“WOW, I’ve moved up to ‘favorite boss’ have I?” I say laughing back at her.
“Well, I look forward to seeing you tonight then,” I tell her.
John and Dakota spent another hour practicing before I told them that I was going back to the Chateau. Dakota jumped up and took my side. John went and got Diane and told her it was time to head home. Jennifer turned off her computer and joined us at the elevator. Mariana also stopped working and made her way to the elevator.
As we were waiting for the elevator to come up to our floor, John quickly walked around the office and told everyone that the day is over and to turn off their computers and head home, which made everyone smile.
When the elevator made its ding sound, John came running and made it on to the elevator before the doors closed. We all rode down together, however, Sharon was missing. Dakota dialed up Sharon and told her to catch the next elevator down to the car, which she said she would.
As we stepped off the elevator, gunshots rang out. John, Fred, Dakota, and I all withdrew our weapons and fired back hitting the two large round men. Diane was on the phone dialing 911 telling them we were attacked. Within 3 minutes police arrived in the parking garage as well as out front of the office building. I looked around and asked if anyone was hit or hurt and no one was.
John hit one of the shooters and Dakota hit the other one. John killed him whereas Dakota only wounded her guy, but she wanted to go over to him and put one in his head, but I wouldn’t allow it….at least not now.
Once again, we were detained for nearly 3 hours answering questions. Finally, the Police allowed us to leave and head home. Sharon was already there since she didn’t participate in the event the police didn’t want to speak to her.
On the drive, Dakota snuggled up to me laying her head in my lap and rubbing my hard manhood through my trousers. As we slowly trudged through traffic, Dakota unzipped me and began to lick me from tip to balls. Jennifer moved off her seat and began to help. Getting a double blowjob was spectacular. I watched with intenseness feeling the erection that was getting licked and sucked by two beautiful women.
After several minutes, Dakota shed her pants and panties and climbed on top of my hard cock. I could feel Jennifer’s tongues as Dakota rode me with passion. As we moved through traffic the potholes in the road made for interesting movements as a bump made my cock thrust harder into Dakota’s lithe pussy which was coating my cock with her woman juice.
Just as she orgasmed, Jennifer playfully pulled her off of me and put her pussy on top of my cock. I had almost forgotten how nice it was to have time with Jennifer as her pussy was so wet.
As I leaned back in the seat, Dakota crawled up and put her pussy over my waiting tongue. I licked and slurped for all it was worth and she tasted delicious. As I was licking Dakota and fucking Jennifer, Dakota suggested that we should have a play night as we haven’t done that in a while. In my head, it sounded like a wonderful idea.
I’m not sure what got me to the orgasm point, the mention of a play night or Jennifer’s wet orgasmic pussy but nonetheless I felt my balls tighten up and exploded into Jennifer who moaned with delight feeling my hot man juice fill her. Dakota scrambled down off of me to lick cum out of Jennifer who leaned back onto the other seat and reached her own orgasm once again as Dakota licked every drop of me out of her.
Fred announced that we were less than two minutes away from the house if we wanted to stop and put some clothes on. Reluctantly we stopped, although Dakota had not cum yet and that was my mission once we got inside the house.
However, I need to remember that Dakota is pregnant, and I don’t want to do anything to hurt the baby. As we head inside of the Chateau, Dakota assures me that I’m not hurting the baby in any way as she is horny all the time, which made me smile.
Dakota takes my hand and pulls me down the hallway to my bedroom. We both get on one of the play beds. We begin to become intimate. After several minutes of me eating her pussy, she finally reaches her orgasmic peak clamping my legs around my head tightly. I just smiled as wave after wave of orgasm washed through her body.
When we finished, we got dressed and headed back out to the kitchen. As we passed the front door, Paula and Jennifer came over to me. Each one wanted to play with me after dinner. As Dakota and I got to the kitchen, there was someone at the outer gate ringing the bell. The chefs asked who was there and it turned out to be a representative from the cremation place with an urn of Jill’s ashes. This caused everyone to go silent. I directed the chefs to buzz the guy in.
It took several minutes before there was a knock at our door. Dakota went and opened the door, signed the slip and took possession of the urn. She closed the door and respectively put the urn down on the coffee table in the living room. I sat at the table just looking at the urn, not really knowing what to do.
“Alright everyone, we should probably start getting dressed for Jill’s ceremony,” I said to everyone at the Chateau.
I asked Fred how much time we have to get dressed. He told me that we have less than one hour. We all scurried to our bedrooms to change our clothes. I decided to wear a black suit with a cobalt blue dress shirt. I decided against wearing a tie as Jill always told me that she liked me more not wearing a necktie.
Dakota came out of her bedroom wearing a mid-length black dress with some glossy black heels. She looked so beautiful that I was in awe looking at her. She came right over to me and kissed me on the cheek. She took my hand and we walked out to the kitchen where I had a glass of milk to help settle my stomach.
As the other ladies in the house finished getting ready, each one came out to the kitchen to show me their outfit for Jill’s event. John and Diane wore similar black outfits. John in a suit and Diane in a black dress. Jennifer had on a dark blue dress and Sharon wore a dark grey dress with matching 8” heels. Melanie wore a muted grey dress with a long dark coat and beautiful 4” heels.
As we assembled in the kitchen, Fred had already made the phone call to the limo company to have two limos waiting for us at the Chateau. He told us when we needed to go out to the courtyard and get into a limo. As usual, Fred drove the one that Dakota and I sat in.
The porn twins and their boyfriends along with Belinda were all dressed beautifully and got into another limo. Allison wore a dark blue pantsuit which made her slim figure look even thinner.
When we were all in a limo, Fred and the other limo driver took us to the marina where we had rented a large yacht to take the urn of Jill’s remains out into the Pacific. When we arrived, I was surprised at just how many people were there waiting for us to arrive. There was virtually the entire board of directors from Jaxson Inc plus their significant others.
Surprisingly I saw this guy who I met at the Italian restaurant who was freaking out because his wife was not allowing him to see his son. He pointed a gun directly in my face before he broke down. The police arrested him and I sent my attorney to get him out of jail. He now works for me at the Hawk as our handyman. He is a nice guy, but he was just frustrated with not being allowed to see his son, which would frustrate and anger any Father.
As we all boarded the yacht, more and more people came over to tell me just how sorry they were and how much they wished me the best to get through all of this. The words were nice as was the sentiment behind them, but it really didn’t make me feel that much better. However, having my family around me helped a bit. Donna came over and acted as a traffic cop. She directed the people who wanted to visit with me. She let them come over to me one by one and she limited the amount of time that they occupied me.
Sharon and Jennifer fielded phone calls taking messages from those who couldn’t make the trip. All in all, they took nearly 100 calls each making a long list of those who called to wish me their condolences.
One thing that did make me feel better was Dakota sitting on my right side and John sitting on my left side with Diane right next to him. Fred sat across the room along with the other limo driver.
As the boat set sail, Dakota reached over and wiped a couple of tears away from my eyes. I wasn’t even aware that my eyes had teared up, but as usual, Dakota was taking care of me.
The boat ride took nearly an hour to reach the destination that I had picked out for dropping Jill’s urn into the water. The urn was not the usual ceramic urn, instead, it was a square box made of plants so that when we pulled the 4 rubber stoppers out of the urn and tossed it into the ocean, it would sink to the bottom and allow the tide to gently flow Jill’s ashes out into the water. With the urn being made out of plants, that allowed the sea life, such as fish to nibble on the urn feeding them.
When we reached the destination, it was nearly sunset. The sky was multi-colors and the sun was a brilliant orange. Dakota had music softly playing while I made some comments about how much I loved my wife and how much I missed her. I told everyone about how I ‘sandbagged’ her by taking her to the jewelry store to pick out her wedding set and how she thought I was going to the store to buy something for another woman that I had just broken up with (Tina). This made me look around searching for Tina’s face in the group. It took several minutes before I found her all the way in the back of the group. I made a mental note to go over to her and hug and kiss her on the trip back to the dock.
As I finished my story about Jill, I pulled the 4 rubber stoppers out of the urn and kissed it before dropping it into the ocean. When the urn hit the water, there was silence among the guests with only the music that was playing making any sound.
John leads everyone in saying a little prayer for Jill’s soul. I thought it to be a very nice touch on his part to do that. John always surprises me with the amount of growth he has shown since he came to live with me and work for me.
After the small service was over, I looked for Tina once again. I saw her sitting inside the yacht’s cabin in a chair all by herself. This kind of made me feel a bit sad that she was all by herself and not interacting with anyone. I made sure that when I told the jewelry store story that I purposedly avoided saying Tina’s name as I didn’t want to embarrass her.
I walked over to Tina.
“Remember me?” I asked.
“Of course I do. Daddy, I’m so sorry about the loss of Jill. Is there anything I can do for you?” She asked.
“Well, you could give me a hug and kiss,” I suggested.
With that, Tina wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. We kissed for several minutes. I saw Dakota smiling behind Tina as we kissed. After we broke from the kiss, we sat together and chatted. Many of the people who attended the ceremony stayed away from me allowing me to enjoy time with Tina, Dakota, and all the other ladies that live at the Chateau.
When we were only a few minutes from the marina, Fred came over to us and reminded us that we were close to docking the yacht. I thanked him for the information.
As the boat worked its way to docking, Tina asked if she could come home with us.
“Of course, you can come home with us. You are always welcome, you know that” I said.
Once the ship is docked, a gangplank is extended from the boat to the dock. We all exit the yacht and head to our vehicles. Tina gets in the same limo as Dakota and I to ride back to the Chateau.
On the ride home, Dakota and Tina began playing with me. Tina unzipped my trousers and began sucking on my manhood. I became instantly hard as she licked and sucked me.
I was enjoying the ride back to the Chateau. It had been a while since I played with Tina. As she was sucking me, my hand found its way inside the thighs of Dakota. As usual, she was not wearing any panties which only allowed my hand easier access to her woman parts.
Suddenly Tina stopped sucking me off and slid her panties down and climbed on top of me. My hard-wet cock slid into her easily. She moved up and down on my thigh with enthusiasm. I heard Dakota begin to moan as Tina was riding me. I smiled when Dakota began to moan as I knew that she was close to orgasming. No sooner did I smile before both Tina and Dakota came at the same time which lead me to shoot my man juice deep into Tina.
As Dakota soaked my hand, Tina withdrew it from Dakota’s sweet pussy. She brought the hand to her mouth and licked all of Dakota’s sweet woman juice off my hand. After she did that, she fell forward onto my chest kissing and hugging me. I smiled profusely since it had been quite a while since Tina and I had played.
Fred lowered the partition a small bit to let us know that we were just a few minutes from the Chateau. While the partition was lowered, I noticed that Melanie was sitting up front with Fred. I smiled to myself knowing that Mom and Fred have really hit it off. It was nice to see the two of them still enjoying each other.
As the two ladies and I played, John and Diane just sat there and did not play with each other nor with me and the two ladies. I was curious as to why, so I made a mental note to ask them later.
Fred pushed the proper buttons to enter the courtyard and bring the limo up next to the front door of the Chateau. We all got out and went inside. Fred and Mom parked the limo.
I pulled John aside and asked him why Diane and he didn’t play on the ride back to the house. He told me that Diane wasn’t feeling very good and asked that they didn’t get intimate. I told him to keep me informed about how often she isn’t feeling well, he said he would do that.
Just to make sure everything was ok, I dialed up Dr. Ronda and asked her to stop by and check out Diane. She said she would be by after she did her pm rounds at the hospital. I told her that there was an orgasm waiting for her which made her giggle. She told me to expect her in a couple of hours.
Jill was my favourite character in this story David's queen, yet the way David put Dakota and the other women before her started to ruin it for me. Then to kill Jill off, for me it destroyed the story.
I hope you continue to write and conclude this story line. I'm greatly impressed with your writing and character development. I'm curious to see what happens with Michael (although a weak character), the new person to replace Jill, the new accountant, the children of Dakota and Diane & maybe Dr. Rhonda, also what happens with the Russian Mafia people and the Mexican Drug Cartel people.
I hope the COVID-19 has not laid you low and that you are well and in good health and spirits. I greatly look forward to reading more from you as you are one of my favorite authors here. Hope to see more soon. Good Health and Good Writing to you.
This looks like the end of this epic tale . Unless some else knows otherwise . I was an eager follower for each new chapter .
I thought the story had just started gettin strong setablishments with all the characters . Enough that entire chapters could be spent on the activities of 1 , 2 , or more charcters on their own ups and downs in life .
Look at Michael . He could fill 10 chapters alone as he grows matures and learns . Possibly even take over John's position . Intersting speculation .
He could end up wooing Dakota away from David . That would be strange and interesting .
David has a break down . And won't speak to anyone for 3 months .
A few more of the girls get murdered . And John's the suspect . Then they find clues that prove the killer is a woman . But who , who , who ?
Dragon TamerReport
I hope the COVID-19 has not laid you low and that you are well and in good health and spirits. I greatly look forward to reading more from you as you are one of my favorite authors here. Hope to see more soon. Good Health and Good Writing to you.
I thought the story had just started gettin strong setablishments with all the characters . Enough that entire chapters could be spent on the activities of 1 , 2 , or more charcters on their own ups and downs in life .
Look at Michael . He could fill 10 chapters alone as he grows matures and learns . Possibly even take over John's position . Intersting speculation .
He could end up wooing Dakota away from David . That would be strange and interesting .
David has a break down . And won't speak to anyone for 3 months .
A few more of the girls get murdered . And John's the suspect . Then they find clues that prove the killer is a woman . But who , who , who ?