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This is a true story taken from the author's past, names have been altered to protect the anonymity of those depicted in the story.
Barbra’s Reawakening

By Frodov

This is a story that is based entirely on a true story from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer and rarer every day. I reached a way back to relive this story for everyone, I was the ripe old age of twenty eight years old at the time. Bear in mind that Cell phones were barely a novel idea at that time. The internet was taking its first baby steps and people were discovering the likes of A0L and to a lesser extent local messaging or electronic “bulletin boards”. How many of you out there remember dial-up modems? Cable TV was still mostly commercial free. Ah, good times. So in that frame of mind enjoy the memory.***

I stretched my aching back while sitting in my office chair at my desk in front of my computer. The trilling warble of the dial up modem as it made the connection to my favorite bulletin board Nightfriends. I leaned my elbows on the desk and rubbed my tired eyes with the palms of my hands as I waited for the log in screen to pop up on my monitor. I was tired and about ready for bed. I’d just got out of the shower after getting home from work that morning. The last night of nine days, or rather nights of work finally over. It’s hell when I have to cover for people out on vacation. Working my three shifts then covering for someone else’s three shifts, then pulling my own shifts again. Nine days…er..nights is bad enough but at twelve hours long it makes for a really long stretch. At least the overtime pays good. Still though, I was definitely ready for three days off. Over the last nine days I’ve not had much time to spend online or catch up with my “friends” on the bulletin board. Hell, I’ve not had time to spend with any friends, on or off line. Looking at the clock on my computer I see that it’s already going on nine o’clock in the morning. I really should be crawling into bed to sleep rather than goofing off online. Oh well, if no one is online I’ll just read my email and call it a night, or day, whatever.

After logging on I checked my credits, “ Yeah.. getting low.” I grumble. I’m going to have to go buy some more time later today. I pull up my messages next and see the expected questioning snippets from my usual contacts wondering where I’ve been and how come I’ve not been online to play trivia, or Trade Wars. Todd had left a couple, and there was one from Anne. Both asking how I was doing and that they missed seeing me online that week or so. They asked when I’d get a chance to come down to dinner and to give them a call sometime if I could get away from work. I leaned back in my chair to pop my back again and to adjust my crotch as my sweatpants felt a little tight from my junk swelling a little at the thought of Anne. A tired smile spreading on my face as I thought back a few weeks ago to the big snow that fell and the fun she and I had when she spent the night, I mean day at my apartment. I noticed that neither she nor Todd was online this morning but I made a mental note to call them this afternoon when I got back up from sleeping. I was just about to log off when I saw that a girl that goes by the nickname “Wildone” had just logged on. Deciding I could stay up a little longer I sent an invite for her to join me in trivia for a few minutes if she felt like it.

Wildone: “Hi there”

Fro: “ Good morning”

Wildone: “How are you today?”

Fro: “I’m exhausted, just got home from work, I am SO glad for a day off finally!”

Wildone: “I’ve wondered where you’ve been. You’re usually in here playing trivia with everyone in the evenings.”

Fro: “Yeah, been working a lot of overtime. Last night was the ninth shift in a row. “

Wildone: “Oh you poor thing. I’ll bet you’re tired then. Why don’t you go to bed?”

Fro: “I am, here in just a moment really. I was just logging off when I saw you getting online so I thought I’d at least say hello and talk with you a few minutes.”

WIldone: “Well that’s sweet. Thank you. I was just going to check my messages myself, I need to run to the store to get something for dinner tonight.”

Fro: “Big plans?”

Wildone: “No, not really. My son is coming over to keep his old mom company. I missed his birthday two days ago because we both had to work. At least he had dinner with his fiancé. But momma is making dinner for him tonight. I took the day off from work to make his favorite dinner. “

Fro: “Lucky guy. Is his father going to be there too? “

Wildone: “ You mean his step father, fuck no. That asshole isn’t coming home this weekend, again. He’s probably screwing his mistress.”

Fro: “ Mistress? And you’re okay with that?”

Wildone: “ Frankly? No, he’s her problem if she wants him. She certainly sees him more than I do. I told him he should just stay there in Indianapolis and do whatever the fuck he wants. All he does is bitch when he comes home anyway.”

I sat back and rubbed my eyes again as I recounted what I knew about this gal. She and her husband lived on the other side of town. She worked for a medical billing company transcribing doctors’ notes and orders so that patients could be billed. Her husband, (second or third?) worked for an IT services company and traveled around the country staying away from home for months at a time. I can’t recall his name but I know she’s told me what it was before. She goes by the nick name “Wildone” online but her real name is Barbra. Barbra is in her forties, ten years older than myself but still interesting. We play in trivia whenever we are both online or with other friends online. I know she flirts with several of the guys on Nightfriends because both she has told me that, and so have some of my friends, like Todd. I get the impression she’s neglected and lonely. I know the feeling on that count. Realizing I’ve been sitting there for a few moments and not typing any replies, I lean back and send some more text.

Fro: “Sorry, had to go see a man about a horse.”

Wildone: “Haha, had to pee huh?”

Fro: “Uh, yeah. I’m lucky I didn’t fall asleep standing there at the toilet. I’m dead on my feet.”

Wildone: “Well why don’t you go on to bed. We can chat later after you’ve slept. I have to go get groceries anyway. Goodnight Fro.”

Fro: “Okay, I’m smiling, Goodnight, or morning or whatever. Talk to you later girl.”

I watch as she vanishes from the screen and I myself log off as well. I don’t even remember getting up and walking over to my bed.

I awoke later to the sound of a door slamming upstairs and heavy foot falls tromping down the stairs to the building’s entrance door. Oh the joys of living in an apartment building when you work the night shift. Noisy bastard! I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my wrist and tried to focus on my watch to see what time it was. Of course I couldn’t see it as it was pitch black dark in my bedroom thanks to my black out curtains over my window and hanging across the doorway. I reached up and switched on the lamp on my bookcase headboard blinding myself with the suddenly bright light. Squinting finally I was able to make out that it was after four in the afternoon. I laid there for a moment or so thinking that I had no plans so I might just go back to sleep. Then two things occurred to me, I had told myself I was going to call Todd and Anne this evening and that my stomach was demanding to be fed.

After stumbling out of bed and emptying my bladder I washed my face and brushed my teeth before making my way to my kitchen to see what was in the fridge. Reaching for the milk I unscrewed the cap and took a sniff before I took a drink. But I nearly gagged when I got a whiff. “UGH!” I grunted as I looked at the expiration date and saw that it was four days past. I poured it down the kitchen sink and looked for something else. One lone can of Coke and two slices of baloney. “Yeah, time to go to the grocery.” I muttered and then remembered that Barbra had said the same thing earlier in the morning. I couldn’t help but to wonder how her dinner for her son was taking shape. I reached for the phone and dialed up Todd and Anne’s number as I ate one of the slices of baloney and leaned up against my kitchen counter while the phone rang.

“Hello?” Todd grunted on the other end

“Hey man! What’s up?” I asked.

“Fro! Hey bud! Where the hell ya been pard? I’ve not seen you online in ages! I thought I’s gonna have ta send out a search party to find yo’ ass. Haha”

“Yeah.. don’t bother.. but of course you could send Anne looking for me if you wanted. “ I chuckled as I opened the can of coke. “How are you guys doing?”

“Ah could complain but it don’ do me no good. You know how it is, same ol shit different day.” Todd lamented.

“How’s Anne and the kids?” I asked as I peeled off another piece of baloney.

“Kids are good, Anne is tired as hell, she’s been working extra shifts because one’ the gals at work is off havin’ a baby. Ah’d rutha her be home of course, but at least the overtime money is good.”

“ Don’t mention overtime, Fuck! I’ve been doing too much of that myself. Last night was nine days strait without a day off. “

“ Yeah that sucks man. You workin t’night?” Todd asked.

“Nah, I’m not doing shit tonight” I paused and looked at my last slice of baloney in my hand and added, “Well, except go to the grocery maybe. I’m high and dry and the cupboard is empty.”

“Well I don’t now about yuh cubbuds but I know someone that would be willing to help out yuh high and dry situation. “ Todd chuckled. “ Well if she wasn’t working that is.”

“ She working again tonight? “ I asked after swallowing the last of my baloney.

“Yup, she’s finishing up with her hair right now… I’m standing her playing with her ass and she’s squirmin’.” He chuckled again.

I grinned and told him to give her a kiss for me. Todd laughed and asked me where I wanted him to kiss her. I laughed and said he was there, I’d let him decide. We both had a good laugh and hung up the phone. One hand scratching my ass and one scratching my head I walked back to my bedroom to get dressed.

Later that evening I was sitting at my computer logging on to Nightfriends again. It was after eight in the evening and there was usually a good crowd online by then. Maybe some trivia and some chat would be in order. No new messages waiting since that morning and there were a few folks online. I noticed that Wildone was online so I sent her a private message asking how her son’s birthday dinner had went.

Wildone: “Hi there. Get enough sleep?”

Fro: “ No, never enough. I can’t wait to get on dayshift, working nights is killing me. “ I answered. “so how did dinner go?”

Wildone: “ Too fast. Bear couldn’t stay long, he was meeting his fiancé after she got off work. I’m not his number one woman anymore.”

Fro: “ Oh I’m sure you still are, you ARE his mother after all.” I sent.

Wildone: “ Huh yeah.. but he’s hot after pussy and she’s the one offering it so I’m not as important anymore.”

Fro: “Oh.. yeah I guess there is that. I can’t say I blame him as far as that goes, I tend to have that same weakness. “

Wildone: “Yeah, you men are all the same when pussy is involved, you lose your minds.”

Fro: “ I guess we sort of do don’t we? I wish I could lose my mind a little more often than once in a blue moon though.” I typed and sent a wink.

Wildone: “Well you’re still probably getting more action than I am. I can’t remember the last time I got laid.” She sent a frown.

I sat back and re-read her last few lines and wondered if I were missing something here. Is she dropping hints to me or just complaining? I’ve been chatting with Barbra off and on for a couple of months here on Nightfriends but I’d never met her. Hell, I’d only met a handful of people on here in the real world, like Todd and Anne. Some of us would get together and have dinner or lunch at area restaurants or meet to go bowling or take in a movie. Having been online here at Nightfriends for a little over a year now I was pretty well known as a regular so people were pretty open to talking with me. Especially the women, they knew I wasn’t a stalker or a creep, even if I was a flirt.

Fro: “Oh I don’t know about that, I work too much to be able to get out and try to date much. I am lucky if I get the time of day from anyone other than in chat here online and even then It’s just fun and games.”

Wildone: “That’s not what I heard. I heard you entertain pretty well in person too. “ She sent me a wink.

Fro: “ Oh? And who have you been talking to and what have they been saying about me?” I asked curiously even though I had a pretty good idea who it might have been.

Wildone: “ I can’t say but I do know that you made a good impression.” She typed.

Fro: “ Well impressions are good I guess. It’s nice to know that I’m liked in any case.” I admitted lamely.

Wildone: “ So what are you doing home on a Friday night? “ she asked.

Fro: “ I work nights, and my schedule floats so it’s hard to plan ahead for things like normal dates… nothing on for tonight. “ I sent a shrug.

Wildone: “ So you’re sitting at home alone, like me. “

Fro: “ At home, sure but I’m not alone, I’m online with friends.. like you. “ I sent with a smile.

Wildone: “Thank you, but it’s still not the same is it?.. still kind of lonely.”

Fro: “ Yeah, honestly it does get kind of lonely at times.. only when I think about it too much.”

Wildone: “ That’s all I seem to do lately.. think.. sometimes it just sucks.”

Fro: “ How come you never come out to the get togethers we have here on Nightfriends?”

Wildone: “ I don’t know, just don’t feel comfortable meeting so many people at once.”

Fro: “ Have you met anyone from here online or just talk to them while you’re online?” I asked.

After a few ticks she answered back with.

Wildone: “ Only a couple of people, but yes. “

Fro: “ So you’re not a social recluse, just shy.” I sent a grin to lighten the accusation to just a friendly jab.

Wildone: “ Well! I’ve been called a lot of things but not shy! Hahaha.”

Fro: “ You’re just picky then.” I said with another grin.

Wildone: “Yeah I’m picky I guess, or just cautious. There are so many fake people online. Lots of jerks and creeps.”

Fro: “Whoa! How do you know I’m not a jerk or a Creep for that matter?” I winked.

Wildone: “Honestly, I don’t, but I know someone that knows you and they say you’re not.”

Sitting up and paying closer attention to this line of chat, maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was something else but I was a little intrigued. I wondered if I could get this woman to meet me in person.

Fro: “So you’re saying that if I were to ask you to meet me somewhere you might come out? Not like a date or anything, just as friends to get to know one another?”

She paused again, and my hopes began to fade thinking that she was going to decline. It wouldn’t be the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last time I got turned down.. wonder if she will be at least polite about it.

Wildone: “ I might… What did you have in mind?”

WOW! She isn’t turning me down flat anyway. I wonder if this might go somewhere. So I took another chance.

Fro: “ I don’t know. We could meet somewhere public so you would feel safe, and check me out before revealing yourself if you like. I really am not a creep, but you don’t know that for sure no matter what someone might have said about me. How about the mall, at the food court. I can tell you what I will be wearing so you can spot me. You wouldn’t have to tell me what you’ll be wearing so I wouldn’t know you until you approached me. That sound fair?”

Again she paused. Thinking it over I guessed. My heart was beating a little faster and I realized that I was a little excited at the prospect of meeting this girl, well, woman. A “married” woman I told myself with a twinge of regret. “Oh well, it’s just as friends, right?” I asked myself. Then saw her response.

Wildone: “Okay, the mall on your side of town? I used to live near there actually. I even worked in that mall for a while, I know it pretty well. What time would you like to meet ?”

I was almost stunned. Cool! I felt the level of excitement just go up another notch.

Fro: “ How about tomorrow around noon. We can get some lunch in the food court or go somewhere else if you like. That is if you decide to take a chance on me.”

Wildone: “Saturday at noon in the food court. Okay. Maybe at the Juice shack, they have bistro tables and chairs outside the shop where we can sit and talk. “

Fro: “That works for me. Would you like me to get you something to drink?”

Wildone: “No, not yet anyway. What will you be wearing?”

“Dummy” I thought.. offering to get something to drink. A perv or a creep might put something in a drink, I hadn’t thought of that until I’d offered. Shooting myself in the foot and I’ve not even met her yet.

Fro: “Well I started to say I’d wear my Kentucky Wildcat’s Sweatshirt but then the mall will be full of those… so probably not a good choice. Hmmm.. what to wear?” I sent a giggle.

Fro: “ How about a bright red Ohio State Sweatshirt, that’ll stand out like a sore thumb. “ I laughed.

Wildone: “ Are you sure you want to wear that in Wildcat country? You might become a target!” she laughed.

Fro: “ I’ll chance it I guess. I’m not adverse to a little risk in order to meet a lovely lady. “ I added with a smile.

Wildone: “How do you know I’m not some hideous old hag or something? Might be more than you bargained for.”

Fro: “ Somehow I don’t think you are but I’ll take the risk, if the outside matches the inside I think I will like whatever you look like. “ again I sent a smile.

Wildone: “ Flattery will get you.. well.. it’s nice anyway. Thank you. Noon tomorrow then? “

Fro: “ I’d say I’d see you there, but that’s kind of up to you. I’ll be there. “

Wildone: “ Goodnight then, until tomorrow.”

Fro: “ Goodnight.”

I sat back and smiled. Trying to imagine what Barbra looked like. I had her de***********ion from her profile but who’s to say that that is even true let alone accurate. Five foot five, dark red hair, brown eyes… that’s all I knew, or rather all that was on her profile. I knew she was in her forties but she hadn’t told me exactly how old she was. That really didn’t bother me at all. We were both adults and I had no mommy issues so it was just a matter of personalities, if we liked each other and if there was any chemistry. Glancing at the clock on my computer I noted it was after ten. “Fourteen hours to go” I thought. I played trivia till midnight and decided I could go to bed and get some sleep.

I woke up the next morning around nine, about the time I’d normally be going to bed. Ironic I thought. I turned the light on and got up to make my bed and pick up a little bit. I needed to do some laundry today or tomorrow but it wasn’t a pressing matter. Instead of raiding the fridge after I shaved and showered I got dressed and grabbed my Ohio State sweatshirt and headed out to get a bite to eat. Something light maybe because I was actually feeling some butterflies whenever I thought about meeting Barbra later. I drove down the street to Frische’s and sat and read the paper over some scrambled eggs and toast. Time seemed to be dragging, it was as if the hands on my watch weren’t even moving. Finally the clock rolled around to eleven AM and I figured I could head towards the mall and wait there.

The mall wasn’t too busy for a Saturday morning, the usual geriatric mall walkers were making their rounds of course, and there was a scattering of people coming and going shopping. The food court was a little busy since it was almost lunch time. I got myself an orange, pineapple and banana juice and took a seat in front of the juice shop. I watched people as they moved about, looking for any woman with long dark red hair. And the butterflies multiplied. I sipped at my juice trying not to look too eager. “Be cool man, act casual.” I told myself.

I noticed several women but they usually seemed to be with someone or didn’t look like Barbra’s profile de***********ion. Twelve noon came and went, then twelve fifteen, and twelve thirty. I was beginning to think that either She came and didn’t like what she saw or she just flat out stood me up. I was beginning to doubt myself and feel a little dejected. I was just about to give up and get up and tuck tail and go home when this gal strolled around the fountain and sat at the bench to go through her shopping bags. She had on a Kentucky Wildcats ball cap and sun glasses. With her hair tucked into the back of the ball cap I didn’t realize that it was long and dark red until she turned her head to glance down the aisle. Again, I started to dismiss her when she got up and straightened her sweater and picked up her bag and started walking towards the food court, towards the Juice shop. I guess I had given up by then and I had just started scooting my chair back to stand when she stepped away from the juice shop front and approached my table and said “Fro?”

I was halfway standing up so I straightened up and turned to face her and said “Yes. Are your Barbra?”

“Yes I am. Did you give up on me yet?” she asked a little hesitantly.

“Well honestly I had all but decided that either you weren’t coming or you had been and didn’t feel like meeting me and left.” I said a little sheepishly as the butterflies churned.

“Not at all, well, I was nervous actually I was.. well.. I’m here. I’m sorry if I made you wait. “ She said softly but with a shy smile.

“Please, sit down.” I said as I pulled a chair out for her. “ Would you like anything to drink? Some coffee, juice?” I asked.

“No, I’m fine, really. “ she smiled again, this time a little less shyly.

“We can go somewhere else if you like, Frische’s is just down the street. “ I offered. “

“ This is fine. I’m not really hungry or anything. I’m just a little nervous still. Thank you for offering.. and for waiting. “ She said again sheepishly as she took off her sunglasses and I got a look at her soft brown eyes. They were smiling but still looked.. well.. timid or vulnerable some how? I wasn’t sure.

“ Call Me Jim.” I said and offered my hand to shake in greeting.

“Hi Jim.” She said and smiled the first and brightest smile yet that wasn’t sheepish or shy. She took my hand in hers to shake and I noticed her long delicate fingers with picture perfect manicured nails. Not too long, with a tasteful and attractive nude colored polish.

We sat and talked about other people we knew online at Nightfriends and about the mall and how it keeps changing with different shops and things, traffic, the weather. I kept getting the vibe from her that she was reaching out but was afraid to at the same time. Now I’m not the brightest guy out there but if I could sense it then maybe it was something I should explore. My butterflies were massing for a stampede when I almost choked out the words.

“Barbra, would you like to get out of here and go somewhere else?”

She paused with her head down slightly and looking up shyly again with that half smile as if she were both glad that I had asked the question and yet afraid of her response.

“Where would we go?” she asked so softly I almost didn’t hear it over the hum and noise of the mall.

Pushing the butterflies down I said. “ We could go to my place if you like.”

Barbra’s smiled remained but I could have sworn her lips quivered once and her eyes softened. She swallowed and said. “Okay.”

I told her where I had parked and she met up with me in her car and followed me to my apartment. As I drove home I was absolutely giddy with excitement, the butterflies were in full flight and my nerves were tingling. My god! I felt like a teenager just asking a girl out for the first time. Minutes later, even though it seemed like hours, we both pulled up to my apartment building and parked. I held the door for her to the entrance of the building and directed her up the stairs to my door. We took a seat on the couch and I offered her something to drink and she declined. We sat and talked about my place, humble as it was. She was nice about it but I could tell she was still nervous. Could it be she was as nervous as I was?

“This is the first time I’ve been out in ages other than to work or shopping. “ she said with a little bit of a laugh.

“Or in some strange guy’s apartment..? “ I lead jokingly.

“Hah! Yeah, that too. “ she said and took a deep breath .

I reached out and touched her arm and said “Barbra, I’m not going to jump you or anything, I promise, I’ll be on my best behavior. “ I could feel her tense under my touch but it was electric. She actually gave a small gasp and was that a moan?

She was all but wringing her hands in her lap and kept glancing over at me as if searching my face for a clue with that nervous smile and those big soft brown eyes. “I heard you had some pretty amazing hands… “ she almost whispered.

“Would you like me to massage your feet, I’m told I’m an expert with that.” I laughed Now I knew who she’d been talking to about me online, she had told me that at the mall. Todd told her about Anne raving about my foot massage talents.

“No. no no..” she said smiling and almost laughing. “ I’m far too ticklish for that. I’d probably piss myself.” She added and flashed that big bright smile again. I liked that smile, the shy one was cute but that genuine big bright smile was dazzling.

“ Well in that case I’m pretty good with shoulder and neck massages too, you still seem entirely too tense. I’m sorry if I’m the one causing that.” I offered.

Barbra looked at me uncertain for a moment or two the bright smile dimming just a bit and her big brown eyes searching mine for what I don’t know. Her left hand with her gorgeous nails drifting to the side of her neck unconsciously touching her hair. Then that million watt smile was back and she reached up with her other hand and took off the ball cap and sat forward to the edge of the couch. She paused as if uncertain again then another deep breath and said “Yes, Okay. If you don’t mind that would be.. nice.”

My heart was racing again.. or had it ever slowed down? I couldn’t recall, all I knew for sure was that my pulse was pounding in my ears my hands were all but trembling. I turned sideways on the couch to face her, she turned to face the door to the balcony with her back towards me. She reached up and gathered her long long hair and pulled it to one side over her shoulder and down her front. Her head tilted to her left as if to lean on her own shoulder. I cracked my knuckles and flexed my fingers before gently reaching up to her shoulders and gripping them softly. She tensed as if I’d had shocked her with electricity. A slight gasp again.

“You really are tense Barbra.. I’ll see if I can’t help you to relax a bit.” I spoke softly as I began to knead the muscles in her shoulders and neck. I could feel her still tense but slowly relax as I worked. She rolled her head from one side to the other. She uttered those soft quiet little murmurs of a woman enjoying physical touch. Then when I began to run my hand down the middle of her back she sat bolt upright and tensed again.

“Barbra? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry..” I began to stumble out an apology .

“No, you didn’t hurt me,” she paused.”I’m just very self conscious of my back.” She spoke softly.

And then I saw it, near her left shoulder blade there was a small rise that shouldn’t be there. Not quite a hump or anything more like a swollen spot. She went on to tell me that she had scoliosis of the spine and had a “HUMP” she called it. It was one reason she kept her hair long to cover it up. I told her that honestly I hadn’t noticed until just now and that she must do a great job of camouflaging it but there was really no need around me. She could relax and be herself. She sat very still for a bit barely breathing. I was afraid that I had gone too far or had hurt her feelings somehow.. “stupid stupid stupid” I ranted to myself unvoiced. Then I noticed she was shaking ever so slightly. She slowly turned to me and I saw that those big soft brown eyes looked so sad when they were full of tears, her lower lip and chin were trembling.

“It’s been so long since anyone, any man has touched me like you do. Thank you Jim.”She said with a slight sob and sniffed the tears back.

I felt a lump in my throat and my heart melted, she looked so vulnerable and soft, there was no more thought, no second guessing. I took her in my arms and held her tight as she softly wept into my shirt. I patted her back and kissed her on the top of her head until she collected herself. I don’t even know how long we sat there on the couch like that. But I remember to this day the look on her face, the need in her eyes as she tilted her head up and looked deeply into my own. “Jim… make love to me.”

“Are you sure Barb?” I asked softly as I looked deeply into her eyes trying to read her intentions. Her answer was to reach both of her beautiful hands up and take me gently by the face and pull me into a long soft sensual kiss. Gently brushing her lips against mine, exploring their texture and then her tongue hesitantly parted my lips and met my own in a slow timid dance that emboldened both of us. Her breath was beginning to become choppy and fast. I could feel her heart racing through her thin sweater under my hands.

I don’t remember standing up or leading her to my bedroom. I do remember her pulling my sweatshirt and shirt over my head as she took it off of me. The warmth of her hands as she ran them across my chest and arms and across my abdomen. The way she smiled as I pulled her blouse from her jeans and with it and her sweater up over her head. I put my hands on her bare waist and softy ran them up along her sides and around her back to unfasten her bra. Then on up to her shoulders again as I pulled her into me for a skin to skin embrace as she tilted her head back and our lips met again. Still soft and gentle but now with a certain hunger that seemed to be growing bolder by the heartbeat. Barb held my head in her hands as she kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear. My hands slid down her back one hand gliding over her the rise in her back and I felt her gasp slightly and she bit softly into my shoulder. I slid my fingers under the tops of her jeans and felt the soft skin of her ass causing her to moan softly and tremble. Her breasts smashing into my chest, her hardened nipples poking into my skin demanding attention.

I began to kneel down in front of her kissing my way down her neck and pausing to delicately kiss each breast and pull each nipple into my mouth first one then the other. Barbra’s whole body was vibrating now, her head tilted back so her long hair fell across her jean clad backside as I kissed across her quivering belly and stopped at the waistband of her jeans. I unbuttoned the catch and slowly pulled down the zipper. I hooked the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them and her jeans down over her ass and then her legs to her knees.

As Barb stepped out of her jeans she was reaching for my belt and waistband of my own jeans. Those beautifully manicured fingernails and delicate long fingers deftly unfastening and removing my jeans. Looking up to me in that soft light from the bedside lamp I could see the burning desire in those deep brown eyes of hers as she knelt before me and kissed her way down my abdomen and looking face to my fully engorged and erect cock. She leaned in and kissed the head so softly as to almost not even touch but it felt as though I had be jolted with a live electrical wire. I swear I think I saw sparks behind my eyeballs. Again she kissed my head then took her tongue and slowly traced a circle around the base of the head then down the underside of my shaft till she reached my balls. Taking them in one of those beautiful hands she rolled them around gently then kissed each one in turn before slowly pulling them into her mouth and swirling her tongue around them one at a time. Now my own knees were ready to buckle. As much as I liked what she was doing and really didn’t want it to stop, I took her by her hands and pulled her back up to a standing position. I took her head in my hands and pulled her into another deep soul searching kiss. Our tongues dancing . When we parted again to breath I looked into Barb’s eyes and pushed her slowly back onto the bed. With her legs hanging over the side I noticed for the first time that she had knee high stockings on. God I thought that was so sexy and told her as much. I picked up first her left leg and stroked my hands up along her leg from the knee to her foot, massaging and gripping and grasping. I pulled her foot to my face and kissed the bottom of her foot through the stocking material. And set her foot on my right shoulder. Reaching down I took her right leg by putting my hand under her knee and lifting it and massaging it as I had the other leg. Again I kissed the bottom of her foot through the stocking. Barb was breathing fast by now, her hands squeezing and kneading her own breasts pinching and pulling her hardened nipples. As I put her right foot on my left shoulder I began to kneel down in front of her at the side of the bed. I ran my hands along the insides of her thighs and they parted when they got to her crotch. My right hand turned so that the fingers were sliding up over her pussy and grazing over her clit, my thumb rubbing the length of her dripping moist outer lips.

My left hand had turned so that it slid between her legs and rand along the underside of Barb’s ass, the fingers leading and my thumb brushing across her sensitive patch between her pussy and her anus, bumping her rosebud as it glided over it. I then lifted Barb up and pulled her ass to the edge of the bed and began teasing her by kissing and licking all around her thighs and abdomen circling ever closer to her pussy. Her downy soft red pubic hair tickling my nose and chin. Her pungent feminine aroma cloying with my senses driving me to seek and taste its source. Each time I got close to her pussy lips or her clit Barb’s pelvis would rise up off the bed and I would hear her moan softly.

At last I reached the treasure I was teasing and searching for. I began at the very bottom and let my tongue glide up that delicious moist pairing of lips right along the seam where they separate. Darting and flicking from side to side and delving slightly into the parted folds. Tasting my way to the top. My nose bumping into and rubbing against her swollen clit. The magic button. I slid first one then a second finger into Barb’s dripping hot rabbit hole, her vaginal walls gripping my fingers as if to pull them in further. I kissed the skin forming the hood over her clit, using my tongue to push the skin back and sucking her clit into my mouth. My lips closing around it and pulling it in. my tongue probing and lashing at it gently at first as my fingers began to piston in and out of her pussy. I bent my fingers into a hook to drag along the inside looking for her g-spot. When Barb bucked suddenly I knew I had found my mark.

The sounds of my hand and fingers going in and out were wet and squishy, but you wouldn’t have heard that even If you were in the same room. Barb’s moans and gasps had turned into prayers and praise to the heavens above. I could feel her nearing climax as her legs tensed and her movements became eratic, her breathing coming in ragged gasps, she had both of her hands now clamped on to the back of my head as I continued to lick and suck on her clit while fingering her relentlessly. I closed my teeth on her clit and that was the final straw. With a mighty convulsion that lifted Barb’s back entirely off the bed, her legs clamped on either side of my head as she gushed her juices all over my hand. I could feel them running down my arm. Then she collapsed into a heap on my bed and just lay there limp and trembling from head to toe, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head. Her chest heaving as she gasped for breath.

After a few moments Barb’s breathing settled down and she rolled her head to face me still kneeling between her legs at the side of the bed. She smiled that smile again and said… “Oh Jim! That was… Oh My GOD!.. Awesome!” She then reached out with both hands beckoning me to her. I stood up and she pulled herself fully on the bed to rest her head on my pillows. I climbed on the bed and lay down next to her as she ran her right hand through the hair on my chest. Smiling, she leaned in and locked those soft luscious lips on mine and again, took my breath away. Parting to allow us to breath she whispered, “Thank you..” and looked questioningly deep into my eyes as she bit her lower lip. God what a sexy look on any woman to be sure but on Barbra it just sent a jolt of electricity through my body and made my nerves tingle with excitement.

“You’re welcome, but it really was my pleasure.. I love to please. There’s more if you’re interested..” I added teasingly, pretty sure she was still wanting more.

“ Hahaha Yes Please! Oh god yes!..” She said as she pulled me towards her and locked her lips on mine once more, her hands running over my back and grasping at my ass. The feel of her soft yet hungry lips and her hot ravenous tongue along with the feel of those beautifully manicured hands and nails digging into the flesh of my ass just spurred me into a higher gear. My own desire intensifying from a burning ember to an open and growing flame. My left hand palming then gently squeezing her right breast as my thumb and forefinger pinch and roll her hardened nipple. Barbra moaned into our kiss. My hand ventures further down across her abdomen only my fingertips grazing tantalizingly barely in contact with her skin. More moans and the muscles of her abdomen quiver as goose bumps rise in the wake of my fingers. My rigid cock pressing into her left thigh. As my left hand nears the downy soft pubic hair just above her feminine treasure She opens her right leg in an unspoken invitation… nudging me with her hands still on my ass to hallowed space between her legs. Placing my hands on either sides of her chest I rise up on my arms and position myself between her open legs parting our kiss. The smoldering intensity in her eyes, that longing anticipation that I found more exciting than I could remember with any woman I’d ever been with before. I shivered with my own anticipation as I hovered, my manhood inches from her waiting, wanton, willing sex.

“Are you sure?” I asked hesitantly, almost a whisper.. praying silently that she would not say no. my heart racing, my pulse pounding in my ears. Barb looked up at me in the dim light of the table side lamp, I could see her eyes, so deep and brown yet glistening in the low light. Such intensity. Her lips trembling slightly still parted from our last kiss. She nodded ever so slightly and reached down with her right hand and gently took my cock and rubbed it on the moist lips of her pussy, then guided the head to the gates of heaven. I leaned in and pushed slowly into her, not wanting to hurry this magical union. Oh so slowly, little by little letting her get used to the invasion into her inner being. Barb’s eyes fluttered and her neck arched as her head pressed back deep into the pillow. Her beautiful hands, fingers spread, nails digging into my sides at my hips. Both of us moaning at the intense pleasure of flesh on flesh, heat on heat, sex on sex. As I neared being completely inside of her Barb bucked her hips and slammed her pelvis into my own and we were skin to skin. I stopped and leaned down to her and kissed her breasts, each in turn, then raised up and kissed her still up turned neck, trailing my tongue up to her chin and then her bottom lip. I pulled it into my teeth and clamped down gently but firmly. At this Barb gasped then moaned much more loudly and dug her fingers into my sides. Her nails broke the skin on my flanks, the pain causing me to gasp and moan.

Releasing her lower lip but having my own captured by her, now my lip was holding me face to face as she lowered her hips back to the bed and I lowered myself with them. Barb released my lips and kissed me.. her eyes wide open and searching my own as if looking for clues.

I began slowly to pull out, and out, and out until only the head of my cock remained tantalizingly at the entrance of her grasping lips. I heard her whimper. An actual sad, almost frightened whimper. But the whimper turned into a long drawn out moan as I began pushing back in almost as slowly as I had withdrawn. In and in and In until our bodies were again pressed skin to skin.

“Again?” I murmured almost teasingly.

“Oh fuck yes!” Barb gasped with a distracted voice. Her hands now running up and down my sides, fingernails trailing along my back. I picked up the pace a little more with each stroke in and out. Her gasps each time I plunged inwards, and slow moans as I withdrew coming faster as I increased the tempo. She began to match me thrusting up with her hips as I pushed in with mine. Before long we were moving at the rate of a normal heartbeat, soon after moving at the rate of our own heartbeats, the wet smacking sound of our bodies slapping together at the end of each stroke. Barb raised her legs up, feet trailing along the outer sides of my calves then my thighs to cross and lock her ankles behind my back. Our lusty race nearing the finish line, my balls were tingling and I could feel my climax building as if it were an electrical charge creeping up the backs of my legs from behind my knees to my groin, to my balls. I could feel my cock stiffening and possibly swelling as I neared my peak. Likewise I could feel Barb’s inner walls clasping and gripping and her breath was ragged and uneven. The grunts and moans we both made had merged into one long gurgle of lust and anguish and longing until finally the waves of our excitement crested over the top. Barb’s back arched off of the bed pressing her pelvis and her sex into me as if to push me off the bed. Her nails dug into my back, again breaking the skin. I got tunnel vision as I began shooting pulse after pulse deep inside of her. It felt as if her very core was sucking on my cock, drawing out every single drop I had to give. My own back arched and then the lights dimmed and I collapsed atop of her, my face coming to rest in the crook of her neck. My chest flattening her breasts and pinning her to the bed with my dead weight. Barb’s legs still squeezing and twitching even as they were still locked behind my back.

Some time later, I couldn’t even tell how long it had been but I became aware. I felt my cock softening and then slipping out of Barb’s still twitching very wet pussy. I heard a contented sigh as she stroked her fingers , one along my back and the other hand through the hair on my head. She was kissing my neck and murmuring thank you over and over.

I pushed myself up on my arms again and repositioned myself beside her. Me on my right side, my left leg still draped over her left leg. My breath still coming in gasps as my heart raced. I could feel the tingling heralding the approach of the aftershock, the second cumming as it were. Beginning near my toes, the crawling tingling sensation working its way up the backs of my legs to my knees, shooting up to my crotch and my balls. Suddenly my entire body seized up and twitched and convulsed. All the intensity of an orgasm but with no ejaculation and not lasting nearly as long. It’s like my body hit the reset switch and now my breathing began to slow down even if my heart was still racing. When I finally came back down to earth I realized that I’d not warned Barbra about my aftershocks. Glancing over I saw that she indeed was shocked herself, her jaw hanging open and wonder in her eyes. I smiled and explained to her about my intense orgasms, how I get tunnel vision and sometimes even pass out, and about the aftershocks that follow. “Wow” is all she could say about that as she shook her head in wonder and studied me with those big brown eyes. I reached out and caressed the side of her face with my left hand and studied it in the dim light. That soft genuine contented smile was so angelic and heartwarming . God I hoped this was the beginning of something and not just a one time thing. Then Searching my own eyes I noticed Barb’s were tearing up again, that angelic smile trembling on the verge of crying, yet still trying to smile all the same.

“Barb? What is it? “ I asked genuinely concerned. I absolutely hated to see a girl or a woman cry.

“It’s just that I’m so happy.” She sniffs and gives a short sad laugh. “It’s just been so long since I’ve felt like this, like I’m wanted, that someone finds me attractive or sexy even.” And the tears flowed over her eyes as she wiped at them with her hand as if ashamed.

I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips and gently kissed her fingers as I squeezed it reassuringly in a firm grip. Then still holding her hand I reached over and used the back of my fingers to wipe away her tears from her cheek. “I don’t know why you have been neglected or not appreciated, but that’s over. You deserve more. You deserve to be spoiled and praised and worshiped even.” No one should ever feel unloved or unappreciated. “

Barbra went on to tell me about her life, telling me how she had gotten to this moment. She told me about her being married too young to a guy she thought was her prince charming only to find out he was just a boy with a bully complex. How her parents had disapproved of him even after he got her pregnant. He was not happy about the pregnancy and would abuse her, locking her in a closet during the day. Hitting her, cursing and kicking when he got drunk or stoned. She lost the baby in a miscarriage after he kicked her down the stairs of their apartment when she was 7 months along. It would have been a baby girl. She divorced him and her parents took her back in. She married a second time and was soon pregnant again. Life was better until she found out he was cheating on her and spending her paychecks on another woman and drugs. She divorced him and vowed to remain single and raise her son on her own. Her parents took her back in. Years later her father passed away and shortly thereafter her mother passed away leaving their home to her in a trust. She continued to raise her son on her own but money was tight and she eventually was wooed by her current husband. Drinking and partying hard at first it seemed only natural to get married. He had a good job and made plenty of money and helped pay the bills. Life was good for a few years. Until they both got off the drugs and most of the alcohol, she quit, he didn’t. His job led to him traveling around the country and being gone weeks or months at a time. He spent less and less time at home and when he was home he was verbally abusive and distant. No intimacy, rejection. She suspected he was cheating on her multiple times, and eventually found out for certain that he was. She had a friend of a friend who happened to live in one of the cities he was working at out of state. They relayed his comings and goings and the company that he kept, the company that shared his apartment . She had confronted him on it and he didn’t deny it. In fact he told her it was her fault and he was only taking care of his needs. The beginning of the end. That was three months before I met her online at Nightfriends. She said technically she was still married but her marriage was over.

Throughout that afternoon, after our first carnal tryst, we lay on my bed and held one another, me listening and comforting, she talking and crying and spilling her heart and hurt out. In the end she had stopped shaking and shivering, a change came over her as she melted into my embrace and snuggled as close as two lovers can possibly hold one another. When she finished telling me all that we lay there looking deeply into one another’s eyes. The softness was back, and something else.. a curiosity in her eyes, perhaps a little timid but definitely curiosity. Her smile was growing again too, still shy but growing in boldness with each soft sensual kiss we shared, each time we touched one another’s face or body. If it hadn’t been for the fact that both of our bladders were screaming to be emptied we probably would have laid there for hours just looking, touching and kissing. But the spell was broken. I let Barb get the first shot at it.. ladies first after all. I soon followed and was gladly relieved. Whew! As I walked back into the bedroom I found Barb sitting with her legs crossed Indian style on my bed braiding her long long red hair. Dark red, almost brunette with fiery highlights. She twisted it and braided it into a thick French braid tying the very end of it off with a hair band. The difference in appearance was striking. It’s always amazed me how a change in hair style can make a woman look so totally different. But Barb’s big soft brown eyes were still there, glistening now with something different, still dewy but not so much from tears. Her smile was definitely more confident as well, in fact I would later learn to recognize that mischief in her face by that tell tale impish smile. She had a plan, I just didn’t know it yet.

“Barb… I, um.. I never thought to, uh.. “ I stammered as an awful thought exploded into my brain like a cold hand grabbing my nuts and squeezing. “ Uh.. Protection! I didn’t use a condom…”

She looked at me with an amused smile and laughed. “Don’t worry.. all I have is the box it came in.” and there was that smile again.

“The box it came in? “ I asked confused.

“ I had a hysterectomy years ago after my son was born. I can’t get pregnant again, ever.” She was still smiling but I detected a little sadness there as well. It was there in her eyes, a touch of regret perhaps.

“ Okay, but what if I had a disease or something, you could still get something nasty”.. I offered.

“Are you clean?” she asked.

“Yes but I can’t prove it unless you call my doctor or something.”

She looked at me and smiled again, a genuine smile, eyes and all and said. “I trust you. I probably should have said something before we started anything but my mind was not on practical matters at the time”

“Yeah.. tell me about it.. I honestly didn’t plan on bringing you here or taking you to my bed today.” I smiled sheepishly still wondering what twist the fates had in store for me today or was this them just toying with me.

“I honestly didn’t know that I would be going anywhere or doing anything with you today either.” She looked down at her feet and fidgeted a bit before looking up at me and asking. “Jim, do you regret what we did?”

“I don’t think regret is the word I’d use, no. But I do wonder if this is going to be a problem for you, I mean you’re married..” I spoke softly, studying her face closely. For just a moment she frowned then raised her chin defiantly.

“Yes, I’m married but in name only. I’ve already filed for divorce from Jes, He’s got his lawyer and I’ve got mine. Our marriage has been through for over a year now, since I found out about his keeping a mistress in his apartment in Indianapolis.” She looked down and rubbed one hand along the other arm then went on more softly. “My lawyer suggested that I be very careful about any activities before the divorce is finalized. My house and savings are safe in a trust that he can’t touch but he can still make things difficult if he got wind of my going outside the marriage.”

“Kind of the pot calling the kettle black huh? I mean he’s shacked up with another woman but YOU were the one to cheat?” I pitched in.

“Yeah, my lawyer said it should take the judge twenty minutes to finalize it when it finally goes to court. Still though I’ve got to be discrete.. about anything.” She said looking up at me with eyes that were both pleading and hopeful.

“Don’t worry about me Barb, I’m not the kind of guy to go bragging about things. What happened between you and I is our business only. “ I smiled and reached out and took one of her beautiful hands in my own and raised it to my lips to kiss, never taking my eyes off of hers. I could see her eyes glistening as they welled with tears and that smile brightened to almost blinding intensity again. She gripped my hand in hers then lowered her chin, her eyes looking up through her lashes and eyebrows, that brilliant smile taking on a mischievous tilt. Sucking in her bottom lip to bite it before purring out…

“ You know, the day is still young. I can see that you’re still happy to see me. You’ve made me feel so special and wanted today that I feel like I should show you somehow how happy you’ve made me. Maybe it’s just been so long or maybe I’m just greedy, but I’m not ready for this afternoon to stop yet.” With this last bit she tilted her head to one side and raised a lone eyebrow questioningly.

“ Well I don’t know Barb, what did you have in mind?” I asked mimicking her raised eyebrow with one of my own. With that she said “Why don’t you just lie back and get comfortable and let me show some appreciation.” Unfolding her legs as she got up on her hands and knees and licked her lips with a hungry smile.

From my vantage point laying on my back, my head propped up on my pillow I got such a wonderful, no HOT sexy view of this wanton lady. Her long red hair now braided hanging down one side of her face, her pendulous ample breasts tantalizingly swaying from side to side as she knee walked up my side to be closer to my face. She every so lightly drew her fingertips of her left hand along the skin of my left inner thigh just barely skirting my balls and my cock that was standing straight up. Upwards the fingers, those beautiful nude colored nails drawing goose bumps in their wake, across my lower abdomen, then to my belly button. There she spread her fingers out and her hand made full contact then flexed as if to grab a hold in my flesh. Barb’s right hand was mimicking the light touch of her fingertips on my left arm all the way up to my shoulder, where it too spread and gripped my shoulder. Leaning down she softly brushed my lips, one, two, three times then her tongue softly brushed the divide in my lips as if knocking on the door. My own lips parted and my tongue greeted hers eagerly and the dance began anew. I reached up with my hands to hold the sides of her face only to have her take my wrists and press my hands back down to the bed. Breaking our kiss she looked into my eyes and said.

“ Just lay still, let me do this for you.” And then leaned in to kiss me again briefly on the lips but then down my chin and along my jaw. Moving on to my ear and my neck eliciting a low moan from me and the intense charge I was getting from her touch. Down my neck and across my collar bone, more chills. Barb’s lips alternated with her tongue as she kissed and licked her way down my chest to my nipples, first the right one, then the left. She drifted to my side as she skirted my abdomen and kissed my ribs along my sides to my left hip. Pausing there she raised up on her knees and repositioned herself to straddle my legs putting her hands on my hips she knelt down and kissed my belly button and trailed achingly slowly down to my pubic hair above my cock, which she rubbed with her chin brushing it side to side as if wiping her chin off with a napkin. Once past the hair she nudged the side of my cock with her cheek, brushing it to one side only to put the other cheek on it and push it back the other way. “Oh GOD Barb you’re killing me!” I groaned my hands grasping the covers of my bed. She just giggled and blew me a kiss still with that sparkle in her eyes.

She then kissed the base of my cock and kept kissing all the way up one side to the head then circled it with her tongue and kissed all the way down the other side back to the base. From there she went further down to suck first one ball into her mouth and swirl it around then letting it slip out so that she could draw in the other for the same treatment. I was squirming and in ecstasy. “ Oh Barb..” I gasped.

One long slow lick from my balls to the tip of the head of my cock and suddenly she engulfed it in her mouth swirling her tongue around and around the head. With a popping sound she pulled her mouth off while sucking at it, and stood up on her knees once more smiling down at me. Moving forward up my body she positioned her crotch over mine and pressed the lips of her wet pussy on the underside of my cock pressing it into my abdomen. She then slid forward slowly grinding my shaft with her sex her red pubic hair brushing at the hair on my stomach. The braid of her long red hair hanging down painting back and forth on my chest teasing my nipples. The pressure of her body pressed against mine was rubbing her clit onto my cock and I could feel her legs stiffen with each little jolt of excitement. Finally she paused and drew a little further towards my face, leaning down to kiss me with a long hungry intensity. Withdrawing a few inches she again bit her bottom lip and I felt her reach back under herself with her hand and grasp my cock, guiding it to the entrance of her pussy. She slid back slowly engulfing me a little at a time, until we were again completely and totally joined flesh to flesh as deep as I was able to go inside that wonderful wet glove. With that Barb paused and smiled such a contented smile. Then she reached down and took my hands in hers and lifted them up to her breasts that were hanging there so prettily. I took the unspoken direction and began kneading and squeezing them, pinching her nipples with my fingers and rolling them.

Barb began a slow dance on my cock, rocking forward and back with little swivels at either end of the stroke. She also alternated with rising and lowering herself on my shaft, twitching her hips side to side. Her hands holding my forearms as if to keep my hands on her breasts. Her eyes a study of concentration staring into my own watching my every reaction and emotion. Her lips constantly changing, from opening or small gasps to pulling tight for that million watt smile to biting her lower lip. Pausing all motion from time to time to catch her breath I think, it was one of those pauses that Barb looked down at me and got this look in her eye and a devilish grin that I would come to love later, She whipped her head around a couple of times and got her braid to fall down her back. Barb looked down at me and bit her lower lip again and tilted her head back, back, back as if she were looking at the ceiling then began slowly moving her head side to side as if shaking her head no. It was then I felt and realized what she was doing. Her long hair was braided all but the very end where it feathered out like an artists paint brush. That brush was now painting and tickling my balls and inner thighs. Tantalizingly light like a stroke of a feather, over and over as she shook her head from side to side. I let out a long slow groan from deep in my chest and I both felt and heard Barb giggle like a little girl delighted in the response she got from her mischief. Then she too groaned as I pinched and pulled her nipples at the same time as if to pull her to my chest with her own breasts. That broke her spell and she wrinkled her nose and grinned menacingly as if to say she could play that game too. Instead of grabbing anything or squeezing or pulling she just leaned forward a bit and began riding me up and down faster and faster. Oh my god it was heaven. By then we were both nearing climax again, her face as well as my own I’m sure begin to lose focus as our bodies became lost in our building excitement. Faster and faster, I began meeting her stokes down with upwards thrusts of my own. Our bodies beginning to slap wetly together each time we met. Then suddenly her rising and falling stopped completely as her back arched so far backwards I thought she would fall off my cock. That could never happen though, her hands had a death grip on my wrists, her pussy’s inner walls had their own grip on my cock, gripping and pulsing. My own climax launching me down that long dark tunnel, the light going dim as the fireworks began exploding behind my eyes, my thrusts stilled by Barb’s abrupt stop but my cock was pumping of its own, shot after shot deep inside Barb.

I don’t remember Barb collapsing onto my chest or her rolling off of me to lay beside me with one leg draped over mine and her arm across my chest with her face buried in my neck. I felt a rope across my throat as I began to regain my senses. The rope of course was Barb’s braided hair. Still breathing heavily I heard Barb ask in my ear. “How was that?” as she continued to match my own panting and gasping. My heart still thundering in my ears. “That… was.. freakin fantastic!” I managed to speak between breaths. That’s when I felt that familiar tingle in my toes as if my feet had fallen asleep.. the blood and electricity climbing up my legs to my knees, up my thighs to my balls.. and the convulsions started again, my entire body tensing up and my breathing stopping for the duration. What seemed like minutes was only a few seconds but holy shit what a ride. Barb lay there watching and holding me feeling my aftershocks and being amused by it all.

“Well.. I guess you really did like it!” she purred in my ear when I finally recovered. “You do that every time you have a climax”? she asked in amazement.

“No, only during sex, or after I guess. But never when I masturbate. “ I said with a little embarrassment. “I guess it’s just not as good unless I’m with someone”

“Oh yes! It’s DEFINITELY better with someone else! I’ve gotten so sick of my vibrator I don’t even bother with it unless I’m just so horny I can’t stand it anymore.” She admitted.

“Um… Not to be presumptuous or anything.. uh.. I mean if you feel like it or .. I mean.. I’d be willing to help out any needs you might have..” I stammered sheepishly…such a suave debonair Cassenova I am..

Barb lay there quietly stroking the side of my face with the backs of her fingers. The silence lingered on for more heartbeats than I thought I had left in my body.. I felt foolish as if I had stepped out of bounds or something, until…

“ Jim… I was trying to figure out a way to ask you if you might want to do this again sometime.. and not sound like a slut or something..” another pause.. heart beat, heart beat, “I would love to be with you again. You are so gentle, so.. so.. wonderful. I wish I could take you home with me tonight.”

“ Too early?” I asked, remembering what she’d said about her lawyer’s suggestion at discretion. “We can make time as we can until you are able to be open about it. “ Instead of speaking a response she leaned in and kissed my neck and pulled my face down to meet hers and kissed my lips with another long passionate if gentle kiss.

“Barb?” I spoke after we broke the kiss and cuddled again. “ Let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving. “

Laughing I added “I’d rather stay right here and keep doing this all night but we can’t do that, at least I can feed you and be with you a while longer. “ She agreed and we both got up and used the bathroom, cleaned up a bit and went searching for our scattered clothes to redress. She took her car and I took mine and went to Frische’s for a late dinner. We had been so wrapped up with one another it was getting late in the evening by this time. We ordered and talked about mutual friends online and little bits of gossip about them in real life. We ate and before too long it was time to part. I held her close standing beside her car in the parking lot under the street lamp. Looking deep into one another’s eyes, searching for and finding a wonder and desire. We kissed one more time, a long soft sensual kiss, tongues dancing and twirling slowly not wanting to part. Alas, we broke the kiss and hugged one last time before We got in our cars and drove away. Barb to the other side of town to her house and me back to my apartment. I was floating on cloud nine.

Back at my apartment I settled onto my couch and turned on the TV. Not really paying any attention to what was on but rather just leaning back and closing my eyes and reliving the events of the day. I could smell Barbra’s perfume faintly on the couch, it reminded me of lilacs or lavender. What a wonderful scent, I could grow to love that. And Barbra… WOW! I really hope this is the beginning of something…


2020-11-11 04:30:39
Loved the story. Sorry it took so long to review.


2020-08-25 06:38:04
amazing story. thanks

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