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Three girls share a room at their hockey weekend and at night have fun exploring each others bodies.
A threesome at my hockey weekend

I hoisted my bag into the trunk of the car, threw my hockey stick on top of the other ones and then I slammed the back door shot. I gave my boyfriend a quick peck on the mouth and he slapped my butt to wish me a fun and fruitful weekend.

‘Don’t run too hard though, because this poor boy can’t keep massaging you to relieve those muscle aches after all your training weekends,’ he said with a cheeky smile. He held his hands up and wriggled his fingers. ‘Otherwise my fingers will grow their own muscle ache and they need to get their own massage.’

I just chuckled at his theatrics. He was immensely supportive of my athletic career and he loved telling people his girlfriend played at the world championships. I got in the car and put my arm out the window.

‘Bye.’ I said.

‘Hey Stace.’ My teammates welcomed me.

‘Settle this for us.’ Isa continued. She turned around from the passenger seat and leaned all the way back around her chair so she could talk to me. ‘Babs wants to listen to that crap, but Ri-ri and I think this is horrendous. Babs says she gets to pick the music because it’s her car and she needs to drive.’

‘But it would be more fair to vote about it.’ Riley jumped in. ‘It’s two against one. Three if your with us.’ Riley said.

‘I don’t mind Cold Play.’ I said shrugging.

‘Thank you.’ Babs said.

We went on training weekends like this quite often. Womens hockey even at the top doesn’t pay well enough, so we all had to keep our day jobs. Still our coach wanted us to train as much as possible, so quite regularly she arranged for us to sleep on the sport campus. There were no signs that this weekend would turn out any different from the other weekends.

When arrived we divided the rooms and put our bags on the bed. I bunked with Babs and Riley this time. After we got settled, we went down to for some food and then our first training started with relatively mild fitness exercises and a friendly game. That Saturday the training was really intense and around lunch time I already felt exhausted. My old hamstring injury started to play up again. I massaged my thigh and did a few stretches.

After lunch our coach was flanked by quite the handsome man. He was athletically build and he had very charming blue eyes. Some of my more romantically inclined single team mates were immediately enamored by him, and while they were complaining about muscle aches a minute ago, now they ran the hardest in an attempt to impress him.

I could see why, he was indeed a good looking guy. Still them giggling and whispering like teenagers made me feel embarrassed for them. He was introduced to us as Alexander Essine but he said we could call him Sander or The Sandman if we wanted. Apparently he used to play for the French hockey team, but now he worked as a trainer and coach. On a white board he drew out different systems on how we could run and how we could play the ball to trip up our competition.

His French accent was cute and I didn’t mind listening to him talk. At the end of the day when we were showering together the others were still talking about him.

‘He’s staying at the Hotel.’ Babs said. ‘He’s going to be here tomorrow too. If there’s a sock on my door you guys have to sleep on the couch at reception.’

‘No way.’ Riley said. ‘If you manage to get him into our room, I’m joining in, a threesome it is!’

‘A foursome.’ Shelby said.

‘Count me in too.’ Gigi said and other girls started to chime in too.

‘Well when you guys are having an orgy, we old married broads will just have a sensible night of sleep the other room.’ Isa said as she poked her elbow in my ribs. I nodded and smiled. If I actually wanted to sleep with Alexander I probably could, since my boyfriend and I had an open relationship. I wasn’t about to say that out loud though. My team could be incredibly intrusive when it came to boyfriends and relationships, besides I wasn’t so impressed with Sander that I would humiliate myself in an attempt to win him over.

During dinner he sat at the coach’s table talking with our trainers and coach and the management people. After we ate the girls kept lingering in the dining hall a lot longer than usual. Someone played piano and people were talking, some had even put on make-up. What were they hoping for? A quick fuck? A romantic relationship? We were more mature than this, weren’t we? At least I was. I went upstairs and got into my pajama.

As I lied in bed I stared up at the top bunk questioning myself? Was I being a party pooper? Or were my teammates just behaving immature? There was no need to judge myself or to judge them, I’d better go to sleep, tomorrow would be another long and tiring day.

I had almost drifted off when the other girls came in, the were talking and giggling.

‘Sssh...’ I said quite grumpy.

‘Someone sleeps here, yes?’ He said in his cute French accent. I sat up in bed and saw Sander flanked by Babs and Riley. Stunned I looked at them, not really sure how they pulled that off, not really sure what their plan had been. Did they want to try and have a threesome on the bunk bed above, while I slept beneath them? Or were the planning of kicking me out of my own room?

‘Ah, you are Stacey, no?’ He said.

I nodded.

‘Very quick, how you say... agile.’ He moved his hand around to show me how quick I was.

‘I know.’ I said. I’d been told before that my speed was one of my strengths.

Babs and Riley started to laugh. ‘Don’t be arrogant, Stace.’ Babs said still with an bemused smile on her face.

‘Okay.’ I said although I didn’t really understand why knowing your own strengths would be arrogant. ‘Well thank you for the compliment, I guess.’ I said with a nod to Sander.

‘You’ve got good vision too.’ He said.

I glanced at Babs. ‘Well yeah,’ I said shrugging. ‘I don’t wear glasses, if that matters?’

‘No, no, no.’ Sander said laughing. ‘Pardon, my English is not very good. I mean you look, where are my team mates, and you know: I go there, they go there, enemy goes there.’ He pointed around the room and he was actually quite endearing. I wrapped the blankets around my knees and made room for Babs to sit next to me on the bed.

‘That was the exercise, wasn’t it?’ I said. ‘Or is that arrogant to say too?’

‘No, no. You not arrogant.’ Sander said. ‘Arrogant bad. You confident. Confident good.’

I gave Babs a smile. ‘Confident good.’ I said poking her in the upper arm. Riley and Sander now also sat down on the other bunk bed and for a while we were all talking. Sander told a few stories about the time when he was still a player, and then we talked about hockey in general and how it affected our life. We have no life. Hockey is our life. It’s basically all we do, and we all understood what it was like to play at the top, to have your life dedicated to excelling in this one sport. It was actually kind of nice, despite Sander coming from a different country, the cultural differences were negligible, we all understood hockey. Hockey was our culture.

From sitting with my knees pulled up to my chest my hamstring injury started to nag again. I stretched my leg a few times and massaged my own thigh.

‘You hurt?’ Sander asked. ‘You need muscles?’

‘Yeah,’ Riley said. ‘You need muscles, Stace.’

‘Shut up Ri-ri.’ I threw a pillow her way.

‘No, no, no.’ Sander said. He opened his bag and pulled out a plastic bottle with a cloudy liquid. ‘This is... this is... Muscle juice.’ He said.

The three of us giggled.

‘C’est un melange avec Tetromagnítal.’ He said in French. ‘Good for muscles. With magnesium.’ He handed me the bottle. I’d heard before that magnesium would be good for the muscles and it kind of looked like an off-brand Gatorade. I opened the bottle and took a sip, it was slightly acidic.

‘And?’ Babs asked.

I shrugged.

‘Drink it all.’ Sander said. ‘You want too, yes? And you?’ He pulled another two bottles out of his bag and handed them to Riley and Babs. ‘Only after practice,’ he said, ‘don’t drink before, only after. Side effects make you hot and sleepy. Sleepy is no good in practice.’

I didn’t very much like the drink, the taste wasn’t that bad but it had a slimy texture, maybe there was aloe vera in it. I didn’t much like those aloe vera drinks either. I tried to taste as little as possible and poured it all down my throat in one gulp. When I swallowed, there ran a shiver down my spine and for a moment I felt light headed as if I just taken a shot.

‘There’s no alcohol in it, is there?’

‘No alcohol.’ Sander said. ‘Just little side effect. You muscles go,’ he demonstrated relaxation with his own body by slouching down and making a moan. ‘Then muscles heal. Then your head goes.’ He crossed his eyes and turned his head around as if he was about to faint. ‘It’s okay. It’s side effect. No worries. Feel good. Then you want kiss.’

‘Then you want kiss?’ Babs said giggling. ‘I want to kiss you already.’

I laughed. I was feeling detached from the situation and quite light headed. Babs comment was out there, truly brave. Maybe she was feeling detached and inhibited too.

‘Wait.’ I said.

‘Wait for what?’ Riley said. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

‘He didn’t just gave us a rape drug did he? Some mysterious French drink that makes our head go spinning and that makes us want to kiss?

‘Don’t be a creepy pervert, Stace.’ Babs said.

Riley was lazily slouching on the bed. ‘He couldn’t even rape me if he wanted to. Every thing he wanted to do to me would be completely consensual.’

‘Ri-ri.’ Babs said partly shocked partly giggling.

I looked at Sander but he was just sitting there as if he didn’t even hear our conversation. I was feeling even more lightheaded and there was a warm glow flowing through my body, my muscles indeed relaxed, and not only my muscles relaxed, my thoughts relaxed also. I slouched on the bed too.

‘What was in it?’ I asked Sander.

He just looked at me as if he didn’t understand I was talking to him.

‘What was in the drink.’ I asked him again.

‘C’est pour les muscles. For your muscles. Relax good. Heal good.’ He put his thumb up.

‘Yeah.’ I said. I had already forgotten what I had asked him and blankly I stared at his thumb. ‘Boy.’ I said. I tried to sit up, but it was hard to get my body to cooperate. ‘Boy, this is kicking in good now, isn’t it?’

There was a warmth filling up my tummy and spreading through my body, it was as if my entire body was tingling. Touching my skin felt so good, almost intuitively I started to rub my pajama top over my belly, the silky smooth fabric softly touching my skin, my boobs, my nipples even felt better than the rest of my skin.

‘Stace.’ Riley said.

‘What?’ I said distracted. Only now I noticed I had been groping my own boob, squeezing and massaging my own little titty. ‘It just feels good.’ I said. ‘I just want to hug something you know.’

‘I get it. I’ll hug you.’ Babs said.

She opened her arms wide to welcome me and I just wrapped myself around her. Squeezing my boobs against her chest, rubbing myself up against her. It was such a satisfying hug, everywhere I touched Babs a new wave of euphoria started. My cheek accidentally touched her earlobe and soon I was rubbing my cheek against hers. This smooth brushing of skin against skin, over and over again.

‘I feel dizzy.’ I said. ‘I feel... amazing. This is that drink, maybe I need to drink some more.’

I turned to Sander, but in doing so Babs and I fell over onto the bed. ‘Do you have more?’ I asked. ‘More muscle juice.’

‘Not today.’ He said. ‘Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. I don’t know.’

On the other bed Riley was now dry humping the pillow. She squeezed it in between her knees and trusted her pussy back and forth. She was writhing on the bed, moaning. My cheeks flushed and my head spun round and round.

‘I want to do that too.’ I said. I looked around to find my own pillow, I had thrown it somewhere? I couldn’t quite recall, maybe Riley was humping my pillow. ‘That’s mine? Ri-ri is that mine?’ I asked in a whiny voice. My hand had found it’s way in between my legs and the feelings spreading from my pussy where intoxicating.

Dazed I tried to get out of bed but somehow standing up seemed like a trip around the world, suddenly everything looked different, my balance was way of, I was wobbling and it was hard to walk. I tried to get my pillow back from between Riley’s legs and then Riley was dry humping my wrist. I felt her warm pussy press against my arm, she was so wet I could even feel the muggy spot through her pants. For a moment I was mesmerized by the feelings, and I just stood there enjoying her pussy. Then I remember what I came for. I yanked on the pillow and brought it over to my own bed. There Babs was all sprawled out, squirming eager to touch her pussy and her boobs and whole her body at the same time. Her hands moving up and down quickly, she’d pushed her shirt and her bra up till her chin and exposed her breasts. Two beautiful dollops of flesh jiggling on top of her chest. It was bewitching. Intuitively I reached out to touch one of them.

‘It’s magic.’ I said.

‘It’s unfair.’ Riley said. ‘You got my pillow and the boobs.’

‘You go there, you touch boobs too.’ Sander said. He was holding his phone, maybe he wasn’t that interested in being with us, why then didn’t he go back to his own room. I didn’t much care about his presence here though. I cared much more about the boobs.

Riley wavered around the room and stumbled to our bed. It was quite cramped with the three of us on the lower bunk, but I guess neither of us minded. It was just an excuse to be even closer together. I sat down on top of Babs. I squeezed her boobs. Babs was writhing and moaning as if she was on the edge of orgasm, or maybe she was perpetually orgasming. Maybe I was too, this euphoric high did resemble an orgasm.

It was a haze. I couldn’t control myself, those boobs where just so enticing. I snatched the bra of her chest and ripped her t-shirt away. More boobs, more warm skin, more euphoria. I rubbed my face against the chest, my cheek smooching up against the soft dollop of boob. I suckled on the nipple.

I had to be nude too. I needed to be nude. It was an all encompassing thought. This whole experience would be so much better if I was nude too, there would be so much more skin to rub up against who-ever, there would be so much more sensations, so much more happiness. I started to tug on my pajama. The silk was nice too though, everything was nice, everything was so perfect.

‘Good idea. More naked, feel even better.’ Sander said. I looked up. I had almost forgotten that he was there. He pointed his phone in our direction.

‘Are you taking pictures?’ I said somewhat alarmed.

‘No pictures.’ He said. ‘No worry. No pictures. Jusque petite vidéo.’

I let out a relieved sigh and continued to pull my pajama over my head. Somewhere in that moment when my entire head was surrounded and covered in silk I realized a video was nothing to relax about, a video would be even worse than pictures or at least equally as bad. But then I felt a hand around my boob, and another one, and another one, three hands, four hands. They were all touching my boobs, they were all caressing me so tenderly. The euphoria spread quickly and soon I could think of nothing else.

In a haze I wriggled out of my pajamas and threw them on the floor. While all these hands were caressing me it seemed stupid to keep my panties on, my panties belonged on the floor too, so those hands could reach everything, caress me everywhere. I was completely naked. I was floating, the moment my eyes closed I was in a magical world filled with orgasmic energies, filled with arousal and euphoria.

There was a mouth around my boob. A warm sloppy wet mouth. My nipple hard. My mind exploding every time the tongue swirled around. A moon orbiting a planet, around and around and around. Another face, a face bumping into mine, soft kisses, soft lips. Very loud moaning. I opened my eyes and saw Riley also naked. She was grinding up to the side of me, her pussy pressing against my thigh, as if my thigh was now her pillow. Her boobs squeezed against my ribcage, her mouth covering my mouth.

‘You’re the best kisser.’ She mumbled. ‘Your kisses feel so good. I think I could orgasm from just your kiss.’

Her tongue probing deep into my mouth. ‘Wait. I know.’ She said. ‘I know.’ Her body was moving around, it felt like an earthquake, the mattress wobbled the world seemed to tumble upside down and then she sat on my face. Her wet pussy humping my mouth.

‘Kiss me there.’ She said. ‘Kiss me there please.’

Her legs squeezing against my face. It was warm and magical. I pressed my lips against her pussy lips. My entire mouth was tingling. I rubbed my tongue all around her pussy, her juices on my face. I licked her. I probed my tongue deep in her pussy. She tasted divine. A musky sweet flavor that I just wanted more of, I just wanted more, and more and more. More of everything. Riley was moaning loudly on top of me, swaying back and forth, almost tipping over, while Babs was still suckling on my boobs.

‘Don’t fall. Turn around. You suck pussy too.’ Sander said. When I heard his voice I realized he was still there, yet I didn’t even bother to open my eyes to see what was going on. I was already licking a pussy, he couldn’t be talking to me. Although that pussy was moving now. Just when I opened my eyes only to figure out what was going on, I felt the tip of a tongue against my clit and I was propelled into oblivion. My arousal was skyrocketing, it was arousal like I’d never felt before and despite feeling like I had been in a perpetual orgasmic state already I sensed an orgasm building up, getting bigger and bigger.

My arms swaying around grabbing into the blankets, slamming into the bed frame. There was a pussy riding my face, more and more vigorously. If Riley was licking me, it was only fair if I would lick her back. I stuck out my tongue, but I didn’t really need to do anything. Apparently she could just ride my tongue herself. Pressing her pussy even deeper into my mouth, pressing her own mouth and tongue even deeper into my pussy.

‘Here.’ Sander said. ‘For you.’

‘Thank you.’ Babs said theatrically. ‘Come here. Sander. Mr. Sandman. Please come here. I want to kiss you too.’

‘You know this?’ He asked. ‘It is two side dildo. You put in her and in you.’

A moment later I felt something cool enter my pussy. It completely filled up my pussy, it stretch me out, it was overwhelming almost. I felt like I was on the edge of ecstasy and the edge of insanity at the same time.

I would either orgasm or go completely crazy and loose myself or maybe both. The dildo started moving as Babs was riding it, Riley was still licking my pussy, her tongue had been exiled to my clitoris now the dildo was occupying the rest of me.

I only noticed I was screaming when I felt a hand covering my mouth.

‘Sssh girl.’ Sander said. ‘Sssh.’ The palm of his hand cupping my face, making it hard to breath. I didn’t care anymore. I was completely out of control. My pussy was spasming, my whole body was spasming. I wasn’t just orgasming in my vagina, my whole body was orgasming at the same time. My back convulsing, my head slamming into the pillow, my mind completely befuddled as the pleasures kept on washing over me, and over me, and over me. I was an ocean of pleasures and the waves kept on crashing and crashing, soothingly sloshing back and forth, rocking me into this Valhalla of arousal.

I may have been unconscious for a while or maybe I fell asleep, or maybe I was just orgasming so hard that I totally forgot about this other world. When the pleasures waned I was left in this groggy satisfied bliss. I opened my eyes without realizing where I was, who I was, what was happening. I just saw two girls that where vaguely familiar. Kneeling on the bed close to each other, a double dildo between them, their hands gently stroking and caressing each other, they were kissing, they were fucking, they were rubbing their body’s together.

And there was this guy encouraging them, filming them. It felt like I was in a porn and I just didn’t care. I was completely happy, completely satisfied. There was no need to move, no need to change anything because the world was perfect just the way it was.

I must have drifted of again, I don’t know, maybe I fell asleep, or maybe I faded out of conscious again. The next moment I was aware of, was Babs screaming. I opened my eyes and saw her entire body shaking, it was as if she was having some kind of seizure. She had grabbed the edge of the bunk bed so she wouldn’t tip over, but her body was swaying heavily and eventually she let go. She plumped down on my knee. Moaning, and orgasming still until she eventually fell silent. I wriggled my foot trying to get her to move, but she didn’t respond. She just laid there panting heavily as if she’d just played a the world championship finale and had given it her all.

‘You won.’ He said to Riley. ‘You no orgasm for longest. You get reward.’

He pushed her onto the bed so she was laying on top of me as well. Her head resting on my belly. He positioned her legs and then slit his finger inside her pussy and fingered her, or fingerfucked her. I couldn’t really see from this angle and frankly I didn’t really care.

‘Wow.’ Babs said. She was stirring now, so I assumed she was coming round from her orgasm. ‘Wow, what happened? What was that?’ She asked groggily. ‘What happened?’

‘Sssh.’ Sander said. ‘Now is not your turn. Go lie there.’ He pointed to me and Babs snuggled up against my shoulder. She twirled a strand of my hair around her finger.

‘You’re so pretty.’ She said. ‘You’re gorgeous Stace. You know I love you right? I love you so much. So so so much.’ Now Babs started crying. ‘I love you so much.’ She said softly sobbing. ‘But You’ll never know, you can’t possibly understand how much love I feel for you right now. No one can ever understand, I don’t even understand what I feel. Love isn’t even the right word to describe it. This is way intenser than love, way deeper.’ She started sobbing even louder. ‘Words are just so useless.’

‘It’s okay.’ I said. ‘Sssh. It’s okay. I understand. I love you too, don’t cry.’

Suddenly Riley was trembling all over her body, she was trembling and convulsing and that made the whole mattress shake and move. It made me dizzy. She was moaning loudly and then a splash of warm water sprayed against my foot.

‘You squirt. Good girl.’ Sander said in a hoarse voice.

Riley’s body was trembling and shaking for quite some time after that until she eventually went quiet.

‘Is she alright?’ Babs asked. ‘Ri-ri are you alright? Are you alive still?’

‘No.’ Riley said dreamily. ‘I died and I’m in heaven.’

‘But I can hear you, does that mean I’m death too?’

‘Jusque le petit mort.’ Sander said. ‘No worry. Sleep now. Tomorrow awake, lots of energy, muscles strong.’ He grabbed his bag and put a blanket on top of Riley and then he just walked out of the room. For a moment I laid there staring at the door wishing he came back, but soon I didn’t care anymore, I didn’t even remember anymore. My mind was floating and without the sounds of my friends keeping me awake and keeping me tethered to reality I drifted way in this heavenly bliss.

We woke up when they knocked on our doors. They always knocked on our doors to wake us up, so that was nothing new. The three of us, naked, lying in the bottom bunk was new. I blinked my eyes a few times and images of last night flashed through my mind. I remembered a jiggling butt, a tongue in my mouth, a tongue in my pussy, the best fucking orgasm ever.

‘Do we all remember what happened last night?’ I asked.

‘I guess.’ Riley said. ‘I mean I do remember things, but I find it hard to believe that was real, was it real?’

‘I remember it too.’ Babs said.

‘Remember what? How do we know we’re referring to the same thing?’ Riley asked. ‘Why are the blankets wet over here?’

‘I was referring to the sex orgy thing we did with Sander,’ I said, ‘That wet spot is from someone squirting I can’t remember which one of you it was.’

‘Must be Riley.’ Babs said. ‘I’m no squirter.’

‘Sander didn’t really join in, did he?’ Riley said. ‘He was more of a onlooker.’

‘Maybe that turns him on.’ Babs said. ‘Maybe he’s a voyeur that likes to peep in on cute girls having pillow fights in their hockey dorm.’

‘That was no pillow fight.’ I said.

‘Well you did grind up against your pillow.’ Babs said.

‘Me?’ I asked. ‘Wasn’t that Riley?’

‘Yeah, blame me for everything. I was the one squirting. I was the one fucking a pillow apparently.’

‘Fine then I’ll be the one that fucked a pillow.’ I said. ‘What are we doing now?’

‘Dips on getting in the shower first.’ Riley said.

‘Obviously we need to take a shower.’ I said. ‘But I meant like... should we tell anyone?’

‘Like? Brag about it to the others?’ Babs said. ‘It’s not nice to brag.’

I shrugged. ‘Should we make a pact to pretend it never happened and to not talk about this again?’

‘Don’t be so dramatic Stace.’ Riley said. ‘We’re not the first girls to have some fun during a hockey weekend.’ She shrugged. ‘We aren’t some teenagers who have to mail each other pants or create some silly club. We just had sex.’

‘That wasn’t just sex.’ Babs said. ‘That was the most mind-blowing sex ever!’

‘Agreed.’ Riley said.

‘True.’ I said. ‘Shouldn’t we feel embarrassed though? And awkward? And ashamed of herself?’

‘Maybe, but I don’t feel any of that. I just feel great? Are we doing this again?’ Babs asked.

‘I wouldn’t be opposed to it.’ Riley said. ‘Yeah if given the opportunity I would definitely go again. You Stace?’

‘I’ll have to talk to my boyfriend. One night stands are okay, but if I can’t to do the same person twice, cause that’ll be too much like a relationship.’

‘You’re boyfriend can watch.’ Riley said. ‘I’ll bet he’ll won’t say no if he can watch. I didn’t mind Sander watching either.’

‘There was something in that drink, wasn’t there?’ I said.

Babs stared at her feet and nodded. ‘Probably. Maybe we’re feeling the effects still, maybe that’s why we don’t feel ashamed and awkward right now. We need to find out where we can get those.’

‘Yeah.’ Riley said. ‘I actually feel amazing. I mean, sex was also amazing, but I have no muscle ache at all.’ She moved her legs and then got up out of bed, she did a few squats. ‘Nothing.’ She said.

I got out of bed too and moved around too. ‘You’re right.’ I said. ‘You think we could just ask him, where to get it though?’

‘Then he’ll know that we liked it.’ Riley said.

I started laughing. ‘I think he has a pretty good idea we liked it anyway.’ I said. ‘Yeah... it would be pointless to try and hide that.’

‘Fine so you’ll ask him then?’ Babs said. She slapped me on the shoulder, picked up a towel and ran into the bath room.

Riley jumped up. ‘Sneak!’ She yelled. ‘I called dips. You have to respect the rules of dips you barbarian.’

‘You’re welcome to join me.’ Babs said. ‘It’s not like we’ve never showered together before.’

‘Wait for me.’ I said as I followed them into the bath room.

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