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This is my first story. Please comment and leave feedback if you think I should do more or improve!
It was the spring after I just turned 18.

I was a senior in high school, getting ready for the last baseball tournament of the season. My dad said he would call off of work Friday so he could drive me the 4 hours it would take to get to my tournament. I was pretty good at but no Division I schools would give me full rides, so I was planning on spending my next semester at an affordable Division III school less than 3 hours away from home. Me and my dad talked about that on the way there.

My dad was a strong 42 year old man, 5’10”, 185 lbs and slowly graying hair. He looked like he used to be the tough guy on the block, but age and wisdom, along with a family, had mellowed him down. I took after my mom more. I was a slightly taller, more slender 5’11” and weighed only 175 lbs. I didn’t look as strong as I would imagine my dad used to, but I still looked good enough to play Division I baseball, or at least I thought I did. My arms weren’t the biggest but them being slender should have told scouts I would throw harder. Regardless, I was still happy with my physique, and never really looked down on myself because of it.

When we got to the hotel half my teammates were in the lobby. We said our usual greetings, and got our things settled in our room, which had two beds. We went out to dinner with the team and came back. It had been a fun, if not quiet night so far.

When we got to the room I realized I hadn’t showered since the night before, and I was starting to carry a musty odor with me. I assume my dad was feeling the same way by how he did the little lift-your-arm-and-smell movement. It was time we both showered. But who was going to step in first? I was about to open my mouth to ask when he cut the silence.

“I’m going to go get ice”, he said. My dad had this habit of chewing ice that most people didn’t mind but my mom couldn’t stand. He carried around a big cup with him everywhere he went and constantly tilted it to fill his mouth as if the chips were sunflower seeds in the dugout.

“Okay. Sounds good, I’m gonna hop in the shower”, I said. And with that, he walked out. As soon as he closed the door I started to think and get undressed. What would it be like sharing a room with my dad? It would be the first time in years we sleep in the same room. I usually travel with my team, and we don’t really go on family vacations. I guess it’s not anything to overthink about. We’ll probably just watch a movie and go to sleep afterwards-

“I’m sorry.”

I didn’t even hear the door start to unlock! I turned around pants and underwear at the ankles, shirt off, and my cock hanging out to see my dad standing at the door.

“I got down the hallway and realized I hadn’t brought my cup”, he managed to say as he was just as stunned as I was. “It’s right there. Can you get it for me?” He pointed to the small coffee table near the TV and lo and behold, it was his cup with a Harley Davidson sticker on the side.

But did he seriously just ask me to get it? As if it wasn’t bad enough that he just walked in on me naked, now he wanted me to waddle over there with my pants between my legs and hand him the cup? I took one step and realized the waddling thing wasn’t going to work. In the heat of the moment, I decided to just step all the way out of my pants and underwear, instead of pulling them up to hide my manhood. As I grabbed the cup and walked it to my dads open hand, I couldn’t tell if he was staring at the cup, my stomach, or my 5 inch cock that had gotten just a bit hard from the friction of me struggling to take my pants off just moments ago, that also hadn’t been trimmed in a bit over a week.

He closed the door and left again and I immediately went into the bathroom where I finished taking my socks off and got in the shower. I had been in there for about 5 minutes when I heard the door to the room close, meaning my dad was back inside. Damn that door. All I could think about as I scrubbed myself was the encounter that had just occurred and how I was supposed to face my dad after that. I got red with embarrassment just thinking about it. Once I finished rinsing my hair I turned the water off and opened the curtain.

Oh no. No no no no no. It can’t be.

In my fluster to head straight into the shower, I had forgotten to grab the towels they had laid out on the beds for us. So now I was naked, wet, and without anything to dry me off while my dad was in the other room probably just as traumatized as I was. Ugh! Why did everything have to go wrong?

A lot of my teammates had let their hair grow out all year to celebrate senior year. This was one of those moments that I was glad I hadn’t followed that trend. Most of them had shoulder length hair or longer, my dark, messy hair was just short enough to dry before the air turned it cold.

Again, I had a game-time decision to make. How was I going to get my towel? Thoughts came and went through my head, but given the situation, and what had just happened, I decided to just walk out their casually and play it off as the typical “I see my teammates in the shower all the time” card, even though we don’t shower together at my school.

I opened the door and walked towards my bed, which luckily was the one closer to the bathroom. My dad had been playing on his iPad and looked up with interest. Me, being naked, was again, not what he had expected to see. He quickly turned his glare back at his iPad trying intentionally not to peak, although I feel like his eyes wandered off the screen a few times.

What I wanted to say was “Sorry. I’m just used to showering with my teammates, and we’re out on a team tournament, so I mixed everything up and forgot I’m not at school and I need to bring a towel in the shower with me”, long winded, and very hard to convince anyone, I know, but it definitely beat what I ended up saying. “Sorry. I forgot my towel in here when I went to shower.” Does that sound intentional? No, my dad will understand it was in the confusion of the moment, right? My mind was everywhere and nothing seemed like it could go right at this point. My dad wouldn’t think I was doing these things on purpose. It was two very awakened, very honest coincidences. Nothing that can’t be overlooked and forgotten over the next two days. Still, his eye had slyly wandered off of his screen and directly at my midsection by this point, and I had lingered linger then I should have in my state of exposure. I reached for my towels and finished drying myself off the best I could.

At this point, my dad did something I did not expect. He stood up, took his shirt off of his hairy, tan back, and started undoing his belt. My heart rate once again picked up as a new wave of questions flooded my mind. Is this really happening? Is this weird? Is this normal? We’re just two guys right? A dad and a son, nothing should be weird here. But I still couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong here. He unbuttoned his jeans and in one smooth motion pulled his pants and underwear down, revealing an equally tan, non erect 4 inch penis, shorter than mine when soft, but noticeably thicker. It also seemed like it had been a week or two since he last groomed himself as well. I couldn’t help but notice the hairs around his cock and on his balls were a bit darker then the rest of the hairs on his body minus the ones on his head. I couldn’t help but stare at his naked body though I made a conscious effort to look away.

“Guess it’s my turn to get in.” And with that, he picked up his towel(already much more gathered than I was after he had first seen me naked), and walked slowly to the bathroom. I don’t know if it was just me but it seemed like he was walking slow on purpose. As if he was intentionally trying to get me look at this bear of a man that was making his way past me, taking long strides with his left leg, so I would get a prolonged look at the 4 inches of manhood hanging between his legs, two balls taking up almost twice as much space as mine do, hanging only slightly, just riding his thigh as he walked. Fuck, I couldn’t look away.

He opened the door to the bathroom and walked in. I breathed again for what felt like the first time since I was in the shower myself. I was sitting their, in my towel, and had just noticed that it had been restraining me ever so slightly. I opened the towel, knowing my dad was well in the shower by now, and noticed my penis had flared to a 5 and a half inch, semi-hard monster again. Did I really just get turned on by my dad? What was going on in this hotel room?! I quickly wrapped it back up and took my phone out to get my mind off things. I messaged a few of the boys from my team, checked my social media accounts, and soon had gotten lost in my phone again.

I heard the shower turn off, and a chill of panic quickly swept my veins. I was still in my towel, and my dad would walk out at any minute. What’s more is I didn’t see him bring any clothes inside the bathroom with him, so in a few moments I would be confronted with my dads sexy soft cock again, and would have no control over my own penis, and how turned on it might get at the look of another more mature penis. I didn’t have enough time to get changed before he came in. How do I keep putting myself in these situations? I heard the door opened and braced myself to look straight at my phone as my dad walked across the room in nothing but a towel on, and then get changed within eyeshot. I saw one foot step out from the bathroom out of the corner of my eye, then a body, then I noticed. He walked out the same way he had walked in. No pants, no underwear, no towel hiding his manhood at all. Just 4 inches of sexy, thick cock dangling between his legs. I made a severe effort to keep my eyes glued to my phone, but I couldn’t resist the urge to want to put that piece in my mouth. Am I gay? I had never thought of a guy, much less been with a guy before. But for some reason, here, in this hotel room, my dads naked body had become irresistible to me. I consciously noticed blood rushing to my dick this time, but made no sign of movement whatsoever. The only thing telling you that anything was different then it had been 10 seconds ago was the beads of sweat starting to form on the tip of my forehead from trying so hard to suppress my inner urges.

He walked over to his suitcase and started to put his underwear and pants on, just some typical flannel pajama pants.

“You know, you guys have a really good chance tomorrow,” he said. The silence immediately broken and some, of not most, of the awkwardness lifted from this hotel room.

“Yeah. The pitcher from The Destroyers is really good. He’s going to Clemson next year. He’s the only pitcher I’m really worried about. The shortstop from The Pitbulls is good, too. But I don’t think many other teams have star players we can’t handle”, I said.

We talked about baseball for a little bit until he finally asked if I was going to put some clothes on. Sheepishly I said yeah and stood up and opened my suitcase. I pulled out some briefs, a pair of sweat pants, and a t-shirt I got from baseball camp before last season. I contemplated getting dressed right there in front of my dad, or going to the bathroom and putting my clothes on. The idea of exposing myself to my dad had somehow twisted from totally terrifying, to somewhat exciting, if not sexy. I was getting turned on by the thought of what could happen if my dad saw me naked again, but I cut my fantasy short. Obviously there was nothing going on between us. I was just imagining things and making things up in my mind. I should get changed in the bathroom like a normal person, not expose myself to this hairy man like some kind of horny slut. So I did.

When I walked back in the room, my dad was fiddling with his iPad again. I grabbed the TV remote and sat on the edge of my bed.

“I’m surprised you didn’t change in front of me”, my dad saiid smoothly and frankly. As if it was the most casual thing to be naked around a man. I wondered if he was just poking at me or if he wanted something.

“Yeah, well I thought you’ve seen me naked enough today”, I said. Was that flirting? I don’t even know. I don’t flirt with other men, much less older men, much less my own father. What was I saying, what was going on? Nerves and hormones had pretty much put my brain on autopilot at this point and I could hardly control what unfolded.

With the slightest chuckle he responded, “I haven’t seen a cock that nice in a while.” What?! Okay now he was definitely hitting on me. What is going on?! I felt every cell in my body instantly get 3° hotter, my heart started to race a little, my bones felt almost as light as air, and suddenly my groin started demanding my attention again.

“Come on, have you ever even looked down?” The words bypassed my brain and came straight out of my mouth before I had even realized it.

He sat up slightly from his laying position, still playing with the iPad. “This old thing. Wish it looked as young as yours again. Girls dig that.”

“They like ones like yours, too. I mean I like yours and I’m a guy.” I was facing him now. At this he put his iPad down and met my eyes with his.

“Come on. This thing?” He stood up, walked into the front of his bed, just out of arms reach, grabbed the waist line of his pajama pants, and pulled them down to his knees along with his underwear. A close up look of his cock. I almost came right there out of excitement.

His cock was even better close up. Still a thick, soft 4 inches, but his testicles and his pubic hair gave it a perfect home. It was almost like a bear sleeping in its den saying “touch me if you dare”. His tan skin was begging to have a mouth kissing it and a tongue licking it.

“Wow. Like, yeah. That’s sexy. I wish I had one like that.”

“Well, why don’t you grab onto it? We’re both grown and mom won’t find out.” He had his hands on his hips, slightly leaning them towards me, beckoning me to grab him.

“Do you guys, not do stuff anymore?” I asked.

“We do. Nothings changed between us. I just like to be played with.”

And if we had beers I would have drank to that. So many relationships that get ruined because of “infidelity” and “cheating”. The accuser saying “you never loved me”, the accusee knowing they always did, but the temptation wasn’t from ones heart, it was from their body. My dad put it ever so bluntly and still stood there with his penis out like a doorknob to the room I wanted to get into.

I looked him in the eye, then looked immediately at his penis. I leaned forward and reached out my hand, and he took a step toward me to make it a little easier. As soon as I felt it, it felt familiar. Not foreign like my first experience with a vagina. This was something I was used to. Something I knew how to work and please. His hairs felt good on my fist as I wrapped my hand around his still-soft dick. I stroked him for a bit before I reached my other hand under and started fondling his balls. It felt good when he grabbed that hand as a reassurance to keep doing that.

I stroked his cock and fondled his balls for a little while. His penis had grown from a nice 4 inches to a semi hard 5 and a half inches. Still not all the way hard, but for sure a little bit more to grab onto. I stroked him and occasionally looked up. His eyes always looked back at me with a slight grin letting me know I was pleasing him. As I looked at his cock, I decided it was time I put it in my mouth.

I didn’t know how to suck dick. I only knew what girls had done to me, and what I’ve heard them talking about it, so I just leaned in and hopes for the best. As his cock touched my lips, I curled them inwards as to not have any teeth touch his sensitive organ. Once the head was in my mouth, my tongue made contact with his urethra. I’ve had precum but never tasted it before. It was cold, and sweet. Almost like a stickier sweat. I licked the tip of his cock and kept my tongue on his shaft as I proceeded to slide the rest of it in my mouth.

It tasted so good. I can’t believe what I was missing being with only girls. This cock, in my mouth, it felt like the only thing I’ve needed all my life. His pubic hair on my lips, his dick in my mouth, his balls in my hand. Fuck, that was the second time I almost came and I hadn’t even been touched yet.

I started gettin in rhythm. Going back and forth. Using my hand to really stimulate the whole cock as I sucked it like the dirty whore I had suddenly become. I started doing things I saw in porn videos like kissing the head, smacking it on my lips, licking the shaft, and touching the cock to my cheek inside my mouth. I still looked up occasionally and he moaned occasionally, too. He hadn’t kept eye contact with me which was fine. It meant that he was enjoying himself. What he had done however, was put his hand behind my head and started guiding my mouth as I sucked and sucked his now-hard, 7” cock.

That’s all I got for now guys. Please comment and let me know if you like this and how you think it should end! Sorry for the abrupt end. This is my first work and I want to know if you guys would be interested in a part 2 or if I should ditch this and start a new project.


2020-02-05 03:18:38
You just keep going. Suck until dad shoots his load, son swallows, kisses a little,they hug. Then, dad goes down on his son and sucks his hot cum. Later, dad asks son to fuck him. Still later,dad injects his second load in his sons virginal ass. They sleep in one bed, and suck again in the morning.

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