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When a Veela comes...
Chapter 2:A French Fiance and the trip to London

"Very well Lord Evans, you are free to go. The decision on your success or failure of the tests will be mailed to you. You are, of course, free to leave Hogwarts grounds and travel home on your own or wait until tomorrow to join your peers on the ship to London." The Head invigilator, Lord Simon Stomer, announced as Harry complicated a series of Complex and Wandless charms and spells that were sure to impress the panel of 10 Witches and Wizards before him.

Not to the mention the Trio of Dark robed and masked individuals sitting silently behind them, watching with no doubt with interest at his actions.

The Commanders of the Royal guard. 3 of the strongest witches/Wizards in the whole of the isles chosen to lead the defenders of the Royal House. It seems they were looking for fresh blood in their Order and chose the tests to find it. And if Harry wasn't wrong, 2 out of the 10 on the testing panel were each from a different parts of the royal army. The Royal Navy and the King's Army.

"It seems I've got the attention of many parties. I don't know if Aunt Lily will be pleased or insist we spend the rest of the year in Ireland to avoid con***********ion." Harry mused mentally as he moved away after a polite bow to the panel. Even as he left, he could hear some of the whispers.

"Dear Merlin, it's like seeing a Ghost in colour...and not a week after we've buried the king."

"Looks exactly like his Late Majesty....only the eyes are different..."

"Heard Our new Queen actually thought it was her father come back to life a day after the news came...."

"Such Magic...such Talent. Half of the king's Bastard children don't have half the talent. I've met enough to know..."

"Wonder how much talent his legitimate child has..."

"Hold your tongue! Thats treasonous talk and you know it."

Harry just shook his head and walked on. He had some packing to do and a letter to send.


Harry waited calmly with his trunk at Olridge pier, just a few kilometres away from Hogsmeade village. Around him were other of his years. Some were happily chatting away, knowing full well they had given a good performance at the testing to pass, others were a little crestfallen, knowing their final evaluation wouldn't be as good. Some of those from the Noble houses were looking his way in curiosity, no doubt wanting to get at the king writ younger.

Harry just calmly took out a gold and diamond encrusted pocket watch from the left pocket of his robes, checking the time. It had been a gift from his Aunt, an expensive thing but they could afford the best. 300 Million Galleons and 90 million in business shares and estates allowed it so.

He sighed. If only Daphne hadn't left the day after as soon as her testing was done. He'd at least have someone to talk to. Well, at least he didn't have to wait anymore.

"You're late, Tonks." He said calmly only for a huff to apparently sound, apparently out if thin air. A few twists and the tug away of an invisibility cloak (one of the few in the whole world, something else they could afford) revealed a frustrated Nymphadora Tonks. His Witch Bodyguard was beautiful and sexy in a down to Earth way, trained by his aunt as her apprentice and now his bodyguard and friend for a long time. Her robes clung to her body in a most enticing way that had most of the males on the pier looking her way after she revealed herself.

"How do you do it, Lord Evans?" She asked as Harry just chuckled and pulled her into a gentle hug, one she eagerly returned. "You've been my guard at the insistence of my mother and our Lady for 8 years. I know when you're about." He said and then gave her a warm, genuine smile. "I like knowing you're around Tonks. It's comforting to me knowing you have my back."

Tonks had to look away as a blush coloured her cheeks at his words. "Yes..umm, well. Thanks." She said in an embarrassed yet happy manner that Harry found just too cute. She finally coughed into her hand as the ship that would take them to London, The Merlin Star, began to dock.

"So...ready to go? Why were you Late anyway?" Harry asked, picking up his trunk as did everyone else waiting to board.

Tonks smile became a little bit strained at the question. "You're Aunt and our Lady insisted someone escort us you could get to know each other better, seeing as you'll be married soon."

Harry's eyes widened in shock. "You can't be serious...." He began only for his words to be cut off by a pair of warm, lithe hands pulling him towards a pair of Large, soft breasts hidden behind the front of an expensive silk dress.

"And 'ow 'as my 'andsome fiance been, 'mmmm? I 'ad 'oped to see you soon and your dearest Tante Lily saw fit zat my wish come true." A beautiful yet heavily accented french voice said as Harry sighed once more.

This was either going to be a headache or something to keep him busy and happy for the long trip home.

"Hello to you too, Fleur."


The World, as it was, was not just seperated into Kingdoms, Empires and Nations. No, only the Common citizens and the stupid believed that.

Within these nations from one end of the magical world to the other were differing ideologies and ambitions.

The Evans and the Delacour families as well as those like them were evidence of this. At this very moment, preparations were happening in their individual countries/kingdoms of birth. In a week's time, Harry's half-sister and Heir to the the Throne Susan Bones nee Potter would become Queen. In France (if rumours were true), King Jaques D'Mortan was preparing his armies for invasion and war, though this would be a few years off.

No mistake, despite his whoring ways, James Potter had been a powerful Sorcerer king, whose bloodline bore many a warrior king or powerful Princess Witch. King Jaques would not have dared do anything while he lived. But with his untested daughter set to take the throne in a week, the French monarch saw an opportunity to take on the Magical isles of the United kingdom and make them his.

And yet, with all this happening, Harry Evans and Fleur Delacour were set to marry. The Delacour were formal French royalty themselves and power Veela. The Veela Queens if Old had been powerful in their own right but had fallen when Merlin had decided to meddle in the affairs of the French court. He had called them Female tyrants yet France had seen 150 years of prosperity and peace under their rule.

As if the Old and powerful Sorcerer hadn't come to topple them for their unwavering support of the Lady Morgana Le Fay, since it was her who helped them secure the French crown in the first place. To him, any supporter of his rival was too evil to be left in power.

A revolution 4 years later and the Delacour dynasty was removed from power, the now remaining family allowed to live only by swearing fealty to the now D'Mortan royal family. A bitter thing it was, bowing to the man who had your Queen and family member beheaded as an example, though Fleur's ancestors had managed.

But even when not of the ruling dynasty in the lands of France, the Delacours still prospered. Queens of France they may never be, but the Delacours were still Queens of the Veela worldwide. That and their successful international merchant trading company worth millions of Galleons was enough to give them enough privilege, status and power to keep Noble status in France, even as a now well known Merchant family.

They had weight in Court still yet never used it, content to watch the D'Mortan family and whatever king or queen sat the French Throne to blunder away at their various attempts to keep power. They now actually found it amusing that the family Merlin had installed was nothing if not useless whereas the servants of Morgana had their kingdom flourish. A waste but they no longer cared.

The lady Morgana had supporters the world over, thousands of Noble families and common born Magicals and non Magicals alike who saw her as their leader. And saw, when it was suggested that the English Evans and the French Delacour join in marriage, they were happy to do so.

And as Harry and Fleur sat in their private cabin that evening as the magical ship brought them slowly to London, drinking expensive chilled wine and discussing the goings on in their lives, Harry couldn't say he had much to complain about their lady's choice. All Veela were known for their Gorgeous looks as many had found out, there was no such thing as an ugly Veela.

Fleur herself, being a Delacour and a Veela of noble birth, was in a league of beauty all to herself. Her long hair was a cascade of honey gold that she currently kept in a tight yet neatly braided bun. Her eyes were an ocean blue with the face of a tempting angel with full, soft pink painted lips and soft unblemished skin. The silk dress that she wore clung to her body, showing off her curves and how her large breasts strained against the expensive clothing she wore.

Fleur, despite her playful nature with her betrothed, was also a powerful witch and dueler, one of the top 3 in France, with the first place going to her father, Achille Delacour. The union of their two bloodlines would result in magically powerful heirs who would do their families and their Lady Morgana proud. And seeing as Fleur was already on her knees before him, getting off his trousers and moving away the robes blocking her from getting to his cock, it seemed she was eager to get started on making those heirs.

Tonks had already gone to sleep in her own private cabin after putting up some powerful privacy and defence wards around the cabin and it's door, finally giving Fleur the chance she needed. He had seen the slightly sad look on Tonks face as she left him with fleur and decided he would have to address it soon, perhaps when they reached Home.

For now, Harry sat back and watched with amusement at the look of lust and wonder that filled Fleur's face as his large and thick cock flopped out into her hands.

"C'est magnifique! And to zink you would 'ave 'idden zis wonderful cock away from your betrothed. Cieux au-dessus! By ze Lady Morgana this cock would have all the 'ores From London to Paris begging for more. And zese balls!.." She murmured in awe, holding one of his large Cum orbs in her hand, marveling at its weight. "La graine à l'intérieur de ces réservoirs de graines serait suffisante pour m'imprégner de votre bébé dans un seul accouplement! It is a wonder you 'ave only gotten that redheaded Chienne irlandaise of yours pregnant twice." She said in amazement.

Harry just shrugged and let out a low chuckle. Hearing that beautiful and sexy french accent of hers always got Harry rearing to go and if fleur was offering today, by Morgana he was taking! It didn't matter if fucked and Fleur has his child as long as they were going to be married eventually. Might as well enjoy it! Aunt Lily wouldn't mind some more children to spoil anyway, Harry thought.

Fleur suddenly moved away from his cock, her soft hands and delicately manicured fingers hesitantly releasing the heavy Jizz eggs that were Harry's balls. With a snap of her fingers, her expensive silk dress disappeared in a golden wave of magic, leaving Harry to finally see the goods. And they were just as he suspected they would be.

"Perfect." He whispered, approval heavy in his voice as Fleur blushed in happiness and satisfaction at his praise. Harry could see now, see her perfectly large and soft tits, firm and without even a hint of sag to them. Her body was fit yet not unhealthy thin as some made their bodies but filled out in all the right places and curvaceous. Her ass itself was something most women and noble ladies would fight to have.

"Like what you see, 'Arry." Fleur asked, a mischievous smirk on her face as Harry nodded.

"Une vraie fleur de cour." Harry said in perfectly sounding french and Fleur felt her face heat up even more at the praise. She moved to Harry, moving her ass to press down directly yet gently on his cock, feeling his large length throbbing and pulsing with heat and lust on her left Ass cheek. She then moved to bring his face close to her own and her soft, pink lips to his own. She whined and moaned softly into their kiss as her body pressed against him as his tongue pushed into her mouth. Their kiss was deep and consuming and Harry moved his hand to gently grope and squeeze at her breasts and ass, causing Fleur's moans to increase in volume and her pussy to moisten even more than it had been when she was just looking at his cock.

She finally broke the kiss, a final soft kiss to his lips before she began helping her soon to be husband to be remove his robes and clothes until he was naked as she was. She gently led him to the small yet comfortable cabin bed they were to sleep in, pushing him to sit and spreading his knees apart to reveal his quivering and pulsing cock, a long line of precum leaking from its head, the flow only increasing when she traced it's hot outline with a soft finger.

"La famille Delacour est vraiment en faveur de lady Morgana. To bless me wizz such a magically strong and virile wizard for a 'usband." Fleur thought happily before her eyes turned serious and possessive.

"Zis is a trial in its own way from my lady. He is likely to spread 'is seed to uzzer Witches. Unlike 'is father 'owever, 'e will likely care for zem and zere mothers. But no matter how many bâtards he sires on those 'ores, I must make sure 'e remembers 'oo 'e is married to." She thought firmly.

Fleur went down to her knees without hesitation, moving her soft hands to his cock and the other to his cockhead. A simple move of her hand up and down his cock and a gush of clear and thick precum gushed onto her other hands.

"By ze founders! 'e is like a 'orse. A Dragon in 'eat." She thought in amazement as Harry groaned at her touch.

Fleur made sure Harry was looking as she moved her precum stained hand to her mouth and began submissively licking the his precious prejizz from her hand like some thirsty bitch. Harry watched in amazement yet Fleur could also see the dominating approval in his eyes. She made a show of licking her fingers clean and moaning in approval at the taste. She could hear his breathing get deeper at her actions, he was enjoying the show she was putting on but doing his best to control himself.

She gave a final lick to a finger before licking her lips. "Délicieux, mon amour. But I crave for more." She said, a perfect smile on her face. She gazed lustfully into Harry's emerald eyes before moving her head down between his legs giving his cockhead a deep kiss, leaving a big, bright, pink lipstick mark covering it, marking her territory in a way that had Harry hissing in pleasure.

Fleur then began kissing up his chest, leaving bright, pink lipstick marks at every point she did. She then moved to nibble gently at his ear.

"Watch me, mon amour. I'm going to suck your cock like no uzzer woman ever 'as. Je vais sucer tout le sperme de tes boules douloureuses et boire ton sperme. Then, I'm going to fuck you like you've never been and never will and afterwards you will give praise to our Lady for getting such a wife." She said into his ear and Harry actually shuddered with lust.

Morgana! But this woman....

"Then wrap those sexy lips around my cock and get to work. Let's see more of what that french mouth can do." Harry said eagerly and Fleur smiled. She had him!

She moved back to her knees and saw how hard he had become. His cock now stood hard at attention, defying gravity to stand straight and tall. His cockhead was still leaking a large amount of precum, pooling around until it seemed ready to drip down to the floor. Without hesitation, Fleur moved beneath his cock, opened her mouth and let the large drop fall onto her tongue, bringing it back to her mouth to taste his precious seed. She near began to cum right there, shuddering at the magic filled in his seed that only a Veela could sense and taste.

She moved up from under his cock, still on her knees as she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock. She then began to kiss the tip, feeling the soft, eager flesh under her tongue and his sweet tasting and powerful precum. She slowly began to lick up and down his cock, starting from the leaking head and working her way down his pulsing shaft, cleaning Harry's as a good fiance and future wife should.

Fleur moved away from his rod, moving to its very base, to his two aching balls. She took turns with each grapefruit sized ball of jizz, taking each into her wet mouth and rolling it gently around, tasting and cleaning away the musk while feeling as his balls seemed to go into overdrive, near tasting all the jizz the two cum tanks were producing, the thought of all his seed in those large eggs making her pussy wet and needy, her womb ache and her tummy begin to hunger. She left each ball soaked in spit and eager, giving each a kiss of appreciation before returning to the rest of her task.

She licked and kissed up his shaft, Harry's cock now a patch of bright, pink lipstick marks marking the French witches cock as hers. At the tip, her tongue began circle around his tip, wetting and massaging it steadily, Fleur's mind wondering just how much more thick Harry's seed would be if his precum was so thick already. Finally, slowly, her full pink lips descended. First in another deep kiss to his cockhead, then parting her lips to take him in.

Inch after inch, Harry's cock went down her throat, Fleur sucking slowly on it with each inch it went down, luxuriating in the taste of Harry's cock and taking it down up until her lips touched the base of his cock and his whole cock was getting a hot, wet massage in her throat.

"FUCK! Fleur how are you.. !?!!? Morgana! This is too much." Harry exclaimed in pleasure.

Fleur was smug but wasn't done. She inched his cock slowly out of her throat until it was once more outside, wet and throbbing. She was now used to it and it was time to up the pace. Soon the cabin was filled with the sound of wet and eager slurping as Fleur began blowing Harry's cock like a professional hooker. Her lips were in a tight seal round his cock and she sucking him off deep. Harry could only groan and watch as his French lover gave him the best head of his young life.

"Fuck! Fleur! I'm going to Cum. You have to s-stop." Harry groaned. His warning did nothing but get Fleur to increase her bobbing her mouth on his cock, grabbing onto his ass to make he couldn't move away as she serviced him towards release. And then as his dick begun to buck and twitch,she knew her reward was ready.

"Ugghhh! FUCK! HERE'S YOUR MEAL, FRENCH SLUT!!" Harry roared, Thankful for the silencing charms in the cabin.

Harry's cum shot out of his cock in a large, thick spray. Fresh, thick and hot, his sperm shot down her throat into her hungry tummy, his balls twitching as they released load after load of his cum. Thick, hot, magic filled sperm was filling her belly with a protein rich meal she would love eating from her husband for the rest of their lives. She swallowed and gulped down his precious seed without fail, enjoying it's rich taste and flavour as load after load came without fail.

"Mon Dieu! 'e really is like a 'orse. His balls must be packed everyday with sperm. No wonder 'e fucks and breeds all zeese 'ores and sluts! 'e would explode wizzout release!" Fleur thought.

It was a minute or two before Harry's shooting cock began to taper off, his seed finally wearing out from his balls. Fleur gave his cock one final deep suck on its tip, slurping down any sperm left in his urethra before giving it a final kiss.

She made sure Harry's eyes were on her as she opened her mouth and let our her tongue to show the large and thick load that rested on it. Harry shuddered as Fleur casually returned it to her mouth and swishing it around like fine wine before swallowing thickly, Harry bear hearing the thick load of cum join the rest in her hungry tummy.

"I 'ope you enjoyed zat 'arry. You may look forward to more of such for ze rest of your life." She said and giggled at how his cock twitched at her words.

"Get on the bed. I'm going to make sure you won't be leaving my side soon." Harry near growled as Fleur smiled at his words and did as asked.

She lay on the bed, legs spread and cunt wet and ready. Harry didn't bother waiting, moving to lay on top of her, the weight of his body on her and the warmth of him all as his chest pushed onto her breasts a comfort to her in a way. A quick breath freshening charm to (to her regret) wash away the smell and taste of his sperm and she was pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Tis ze perfect night for zis, mon amour." she said, leaving his lips and kissing his jaw. "Ze perfect night for sex and ze perfect night to put a baby in my womb." She whispered, her words getting him harder than before.

"I want it in my pussy, 'Arry. I want you deep inside me. I want you to fuck me 'ard until you shoot a giant load inside my tight pussy. I want you to fuck me again and make sure your future wife's pussy is knocked up and carrying your baby. I 'ave to show you 'ow better I am than any uzzer of zeese english 'ores that push zemselves onto you. And wiz zis, ze act of me bearing your children, ziz will make you know that you are mine." Fleur said, lust and possessive love clear in her eyes and voice.

Harry would not need another invitation. He pushed his hips forward and Fleur squealed in delight as his bulbous cockhead pushed past her wet and warm cunt lips, moving deeper into the warm, fleshy and thoroughly saturated walls of her needy Veela pussy.

"Uhhh, Fuck yeah!" Harry moaned in approval, numb with pleasure as he continued to go balls deep in Fleur's cunt, the blonde French Veela biting her lips as pleasure coursed through her body as Harry drilled his hunk of cockmeat into her, her silky and wet vaginal walls yielding to her fiance's cock in instinctive acceptance until Harry was balls deep in his gorgeous, mewling Fiance.

He did not give her time to get used to it. He began pummeling his thick cock in and out of her hard, his thick and eager cock drilling in and out of her in quick and deep thrusts until all that could be heard in the cabin was the sound of flesh smacking on flesh and the cries of pleasure the French Veela was letting out. His thick cock pummeled her submissive and wanton cunt, giving her the pleasure she craved as they fucked, her slick pussy flesh holding and gently squeezing on his cock, eager for his load.

Harry stopped suddenly, pulling out of her eager and wet cunt for a while, Fleur's whine of protest music to his ears. He makes himself comfortable on top of her, pushing back inside, enjoying the eager and happy moan he gets from her. He begins his assualt once more, pounding her cunt for all it's worth while bringing her full lips to his as he makes out deeply with her while fucking her good, fleur loudly moaning into their kiss as she wraps her legs around him, not letting go as his assault begins to push on her cervix, demanding entry to her womb.

He breaks the kiss and Fleur's moans become loud screams and cries of pleasure as her perfect soon to be husband sinks his large, thick cock deep into her, her perfect French ass jiggling as his large, seed filled balls smack loudly against her soft ass and his cock batters the entrance to her womb. Her blue eyes are filled with lust, adoration and love as he fucks her, her lips eagerly accept his once more, locking her full lips to his as his cock becomes a blur, pounding into her as his balls began to ache for release.

"Fuck Fleur! I'm going to cum, you Veela whore! I’m going to give you my baby! Make you my little french breeder wife! Now beg me, you Parisian Harlot, Beg me for my cum!" Harry demanded, Fleur's lewd cries of pleasure reaching new heights.

"S'il vous plaît, donnez-moi votre sperme, 'Arry! frappez-moi!" Fleur screamed out. "Cum inside me and make me pregnant. I'll give you all ze babies you'll want. All ze perfect children you could ever want! Just fucking cum in me and let me carry your child."

It was enough for Harry.

"Take my cum, FRENCH WHORE!!!" He roared, capturing her lips in a deep kiss, feeling his hot and thick load pour into her womb, her cervix opening to the onslaught of virile sperm being dumped in her vulnerable and fertile baby chamber, his seed seeking out her waiting eggs to give her Harry's children as her cunt worked to kill him dry.

A minute or two passed and he finally pulled out of her, watching in satisfaction as his load came out without fail, the huge and thick mass of cum staining the bed. Fleur's perfect body was covered in sweat and so was Harry but he didn't care. Without a word, he once more moved onto her, lining his already hardening cock with her conquered cunt once more.

"Putain d'enfer! Encore? You can't be serious, 'Arry?" She said shocked and aroused at the same time as Harry just grunted and pushed into her pussy. A minute later, the moans of pleasure once more filled the room.


If he was correct, it was 5 in the morning. The ship wouldn't get to London until the next day at 9. Two days of travel. Two days of pleasure.

He smiled. Fuck Portkeys!

He sat on the bed, lounging in bliss and relaxation as Fleur carefully and dutifully sucked and cleaned his cock of his seed and her cunt juices. Her Honey gold hair had come loose from its neat, braided bun somewhere in the hours of fucking, magic and fitness giving them the stamina they needed. Now her thick and lustrous blonde tresses fell in waves around her face and back, a golden halo covering her as she slurped and sucked on his cock. He had kept her up all night and only now was he sated, knowing his child was good and growing in her womb. Nobody in their families would care if they performed the marriage ceremony with Fleur heavy with their child.

No doubt they'd resume their fucking after lunch but for now Harry could lay back and think, all the while enjoying Fleur's lips and how his Veela Fiance submissively sucked his cock.
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