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I wrote this story while playing WoW, grinding rep in Draenor that you can gain by killing a bunch of cats. And as I spent countless hours doing the rounds, killing predator after predator, this idea took hold and I had to put it down. What if they could take revenge on her, for the mindless killings.
She was on a mission, already having taken down most of the prowlers around the camp. She had her orders and she was focused on the goal. Death from the shadows, something she trained hard to achieve turned her into a silent yet efficient killer. She paused for a moment, crouched in the foliage, wipping sweat from her brow. The effort of killing hundreds of the large cats were taking it’s toll even on her. She was strong, but this task seemed to be endless, the more she took down, the more they seem to spring up from the various caves. At last she sees her bounty. The biggest cat around, messing by the fel pool, it’s fur already taking on the greenish tinge that was specific to fel infestation.

She knew this was her moment, she had to push ahead despite her tiredness. Slowly she stepped in the shadows, twisting the very air about her as she seemed to vanish into nothingness. Crouching, silent she approached the big boss of the Blackfang. She set her sights on him, losing touch with her surroundings for a moment, and this was her undoing, as two large cats sprung down from a tree, falling on her and knocking her blades from her hands, sending them skittering in the dust, to rest at the feet of the boss.

She yelped loudly, twisting, fighting with all she had, but without her blades she lost her advantage, she’s as good as dead in the water. Her lean form twisted and kicked wildly, but soon their ropes subdued her, wrapping around her long sinuous limbs tightly, trapping her beyond surcease.

Her green eyes flickered with fire as she was dragged towards the big cat, and the large feline just laughed sarcastically “What is it little blood elf, lost your….bite?” he spoke at last as he held her blades in his big paws, the blue fire in them seeming to shimmer and fade as they were away from her grasp. She cried out with frustration and struggled again, kicking, trying to hurt the large cats, trying to get away from this predicament. “Tsk tsk tsk….such a feisty little thing, aren’t you?” the boss says just as a runner comes over with a report “Krell….boss…she took out 50 of our guard patrols, the casualties are strewn all over the place. She could not have done this all alone” he rushes out, looking at her as if he was trying to work out how something as tiny as her could take out countless patrols made of large, ferocious cats.

“Is Krell is it?” she speaks out all of the sudden, her voice cool and collected, masking the despair warring inside her. “I heard you’re good with your blades. How about we fight this out, you and me?” she hurls the challenge at him like she was the one calling the shots instead of being at their mercy.

The large cat turns his cold yellow glare towards her, one eye opens wider as if his eyebrow was lifting with surprise “I do not believe you are in a position to make a challenge little one. Look at you, all trussed up…and at our mercy. At the mercy of the clan that you culled so mercilessly by all accounts” he speaks at last, his words cold, seemingly calm, but certainly filled with a silent rage.

She screams in frustration, kicking and struggling again as her challenge went without answer, or at least not with the answer she was hoping for. Her hope sinks in her chest as she watches the large beast, trying to fathom what was happening behind those cold eyes of the blade master. “Tsk tsk tsk, again with all that struggling. Save your energy little kitten, you will need it before the night is out, let me assure you” he says again, his voice seeming to chide a naughty child. “Lock her in the cage in my cave, I will deal with her once we finished the funeral pyres” he orders the ones holding her “I will keep these blades, who knows, I might find a use for them” he says to her again before turning around and moving on into the dusk, to organize the disposal of the bodies she left behind. And she was dragged in a large cave, and locked in a small cage, having to crouch low in the cramped space, unable to even move.

Time seemed to pass slowly, and her body became more and more stiff, her joints aching from the cramped cage until she felt like she will start screaming from frustration and pain. At last, she heard the shuffling of large paws against the dirt, and she tried to peer into the darkness that was becoming lighter with the light of torches. All she could see was their feet, as they filed in slowly, the cramped cage not allowing her to see much of the ones that entered. She did recognize the red strips of cloth hanging around the legs of Krell, the bright loincloth being very distinctive.

“Take her out and hang her on that cross” he growled and at last, she was pulled from the cage, the relief having her moan softly, her joints aching as she stretched them. Her relief was short lived however, soon, her aching limbs were stretched and tied to a wooden cross, rough ropes circling her, holding her inexorably against the frame. The large cat prowled the cave as they took their time securing her well to the frame. At last he turned to them again “Strip her too” he ordered, broaching no argument. And before she knew it, she was bare, her armor and the leather clothing protecting her skin laying in tatters on the floor at her feet, having presented no real challenge against the sharp claws of the cats.

Krell stops in front of her at last, taking a few breaths, as if trying to calm himself. “You really pulled a number, culling our ranks.” he states at last. He sighs deeply, sadness hanging heavy in his face “My men want revenge, and a swift death will not satisfy them. So I need to insure each and every one of them that lost a brother today has a chance for some sweet retribution” he continues. He looks around at the men he was referring to “I need you all to think before taking your retribution, that the next brother needs his chance. So nothing permanent, do not kill her.” He steps to a wall and picks up a bundle of things, letting them drop in the middle of the floor “No more than 10 hits each” he says, as the bundle of whips, canes and crops tumble in all directions. “Choose your instrument….but first, I think we better hang her in a more accessible position. That cross is protecting her back” he remarks, then watches as the soldiers rush to hang her from a large beam, her arms and legs spread wide, into an X shape. “Yes, much better…you can really spend some time choosing a target now” he comments as he finally takes a seat on a large throne, seemingly ready for a good show.

The elf breathes hard, in and out, her chest rising and falling, her heavy breasts moving with each gulp that she draws in. “Please Krell, you don’t need to do this. Surely you understand war!” she tries to reason with him “Just give me the chance to die in a clean fight” she begs him, panic rising in her chest as she tugs wildly at her bonds. The large cat laughs ruefully “Clean fight? Is that what you offered to my soldiers as you killed them silently?” he spits back at her, the anger in his cold voice seeping into each word like a deadly poison. She bit back a sharp retort, realizing she had no say in the matter. She failed her mission, and now was at his mercy, no matter how much she disliked it. He was right, she was a killer, a dirty assassin, that did not fight fair.

“Begin” he says at last, making a sharp gesture with his paw, and the first two soldiers stepped up. One holding a whip, stepped behind her, the other with a cane in front and to the side. She twisted, trying to see what will come, but soon she was lost, too busy to scream with pain as the cane bit into the soft flesh of her breasts, right across her nipples, and the whip hit her high on the back. Again and again, the lashes fell without mercy, the one in front seeming to prefer the soft, tender flesh of her breasts to torture, while the one behind was alternating between her back and rounded buttocks.

By the time 10 hits each went by, she was already crying, tears falling freely down her face. “Awee, already broken kitten? We barely even started” Krell commented as he gestured to the next two to step up. “You…..bastard!” she cried out, but again her thoughts fled her mind as a nasty crop started to bite into her defenseless pussy, and a cane bit into her ass, over and over, her skin reddening, marking, burning. There seemed to be no break, the next soldiers stepped up, belt in the front, another cane in the back, this time applied to the front and back of her thighs, the pain leaving her hoarse from screaming.

She felt like her skin was being slowly, painfully, flayed from her body, each time a new instrument of torture being applied with vicious precision. Marks and welts bloomed on her pale skin, from the top of her breasts to just above her knees, front and back. Soon it became evident that her breasts, pussy and ass bore the brunt of the wild punishment, the skin darkening with deeper welts, her pussy swelling, her breasts bruised and striped. She was gasping and crying, screaming her throat raw, the yelps from the start having become long drawn out wails, that seemed only to drive the brutes on without mercy.

Krell held a hand up as she went limp in her bonds, having passed out from the brutal punishment. “Hold on, get some water” he ordered, gesturing for the cold buckets to be poured over the limp form hanging in the ropes, causing her to come back to the land of the living coughing and sputtering. “Seems you had enough punishment; I cannot have you miss the best bit now.” Krell started again “Now, you will pleasure my soldiers with that pretty little body of yours. They’ve been on campaign for quite some times, and no tail to satisfy their urges” he continues. “But first, I will break you in, the commander gets first choice after all” he finishes as she stands laughing, the brute now moving forward, stopping behind her. His large paws cup her breasts as he presses against her, letting her feel the growing bulge beneath the loincloth.

And all the time he mauls at her tortured soft flesh, causing the bruises covering her to ache deeply, tears flowing from her eyes unbidden as she squirms, dreading what is to come. She did not have to wait long before the heated, thick shaft of the beast behind her started sliding up and down in the groove of her ass. She froze, her body tensing up, her muscles twitching under her skin as the brute continue to tease her like this for a while, then spreading her ass cheeks, he pressed the tip of his cock against her rosebud. The little blood elf seemed to jolt to life, pulling ad tugging at her bonds wildly, head shaking as she screamed “No…please no Krell…. not there……..noooooaaaaarrrggggghhhhhHHHHH!” her words turned into a desperate wail as her tight rosebud is wrenched open by the monster’s cock. She could feel every single millimeter of that thick shaft as it speared into her, the large paw twisting into her hair, causing her to arch and scream louder with the pain.

She thought she had no screams left, but the brute behind her proved her wrong, as he used his powerful flanks to push into her, over and over until his huge shaft was buried deep into her tight ass. Only there did he finally paused for a moment, then gripping her hips with both paws, he starts fucking her tiny body with wild abandon, his lust driving him on. He liked the tiny assassin more than he could ever admit and being balls deep inside her quivering tight little ass was simply heaven for him. And all she could do was take it all, her stomach bulging with each thrust, the spines around his shaft pulling at her tender tissues with every backstroke, the pain , oh that sweet pain that flashed in her mind and spread through her body, melting into a deep ache that bordered on need and pleasure. The cat behind her growled deeply and arched back, pulling her against him with all his might as at last his hot seed spilled into her bowels, filling her to the brim. He held her against him until the last spasms of pleasure left his body, only then finally drawing back, her ass holding onto his shaft before finally spreading wide as he popped out, followed by a rush of white semen that dripped down her bruised thighs in long sticky ropes.

At last, he stumbles back, letting go of her, leaving her limp, hanging in the bonds and stumbles back towards his chair as he grumbles “Next”. He watched as his soldier’s pile against her, cutting down the bonds so they can get access to all her holes, attacking her with the frenzy of lust. And continues to watch as they use her lithe body, his need and admiration for the lithe creature never waning. Oh how he wanted to rip her from their grasp and take her to his lair, make her his and his alone. But he could not have a riot on his hands. So instead, he lets his soldiers spend their seed and frustration on the tough little elf, seeming implacable and cold while his eyes burned with need.
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