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Home for Christmas.
Georgia goes to University

by Vanessa Evans

Part 11 – Home for Christmas.

The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening.

James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted,

“Come in, it’s not locked.”

When I turned to see who it was and saw that it was James I ran to him and jumped up onto him, wrapping my legs around him.

“Keep the thermostat turned up I see.” James said as I wrapped my legs around him and asked him to fuck me.

After a nostalgic, very nice fuck and orgasm, I gathered the few things that I needed to take home for the holiday, gave James the bag and my jacket and told him that I had agreed to give Matt a lift to his home which was on the way.

“So where are we collecting this Matt from?” James asked.

“He’s under me.”

“Not literally, well at the moment, so I’m assuming that you mean figuratively Georgia. I take it that you mean the apartment below you.”

“Yes, I hope that it’s warm in the car.”

“It is Georgia.”

As we walked down the stairs James said,

“I like your nipple piercings Georgia.”

“Thank you, but it’s my nipples and tits that you really like isn’t it?”

“I’ve always liked your tits and nipples, even when you were a little girl and you used to run around without any clothes on I used to like the way your tits started to develop.”

“You used to perv on me when I was little? James, you naughty man.”

“That’s all it was, looking.”

“Relax James, I know that you’d never go after underage girls.”

“Thank you, but they are nice, your piercings I mean.”

“Thank you, I’ve got some little chains and tassels to hang from them, they look really cute but the chain tassels are a bit heavy.”

“I’m sure that they do Georgia and the tassels will be good exercise for your breast muscles.”

We collected Matt and the 2 men were talking to each other as they followed me down into the car park. I waggled my butt to tease them a little but they didn’t say anything. James had parked near the entrance and I could see people outside and if they’d just turned their heads they would have seen the naked girl with the 2 men.

Matt and I talked most of the way to Matt’s parent’s home with me telling him some of the things that I’d been up to that I hadn’t told everyone at the last apartments party. The rest of the way Matt was knelt on the floor between my legs fucking me like James had done a few times in that very car and that very seat.

When we got to Matt’s parent’s home he insisted that I go in and meet his parents so I put the jacket on and in we went. Matt introduced me to his mother first, her not commenting on the length of the jacket, then Matt took me to his father who seemed quite pleased to meet me and wanted to know details of my family.

He poured each of us a drink and told me to sit on the sofa whilst we talked. I didn’t cross my legs and I could see that Matt’s father was seeing my bald pubes and a little bit of my slit which he was staring at as we talked.

When I told him that I should be leaving he asked me if I’d be joining them on their summer hunt.

“Sorry, I’m not into fox hunting, oh yes, I remember, Matt told me about it.”

I stood up ready to leave and he got up too.

“So what do you think Georgia, is that something that you would be interested in? You do have the body for it. Look,”

He said as he unzipped my jacket, held it open and looked at my naked front.

“The prefect body for day out in the woods.”

“Father!” Matt said, “that’s no way to treat my friends.”

“That’s okay Matt, I don’t mind him seeing me, after all, his son has done more than see me naked.”

“That’s not the same.”

“Now don’t get all upset Matt, little Georgia doesn’t mind do you? And I had to know if she’s up for a day out, running around the woods naked.

“I could have told you that father.”

“It’s okay Matt, I said, I really don’t mind.

“And you are suitable young Georgia, my friends will enjoy chasing you around the woods.”

“Come of Georgia, I’ll show you back to your car.”

As we walked Matt apologised again, and again I told him that it was okay and that I’d actually enjoyed the experience and would enjoy the experience of running around a wood totally naked and being hunted down by him, his father or other men and them fucking my brains out when the captured me.

“In that case I will let you have all the details when the arrangements are made.”

Mat walked me out to the car and as we approached it James got out and opened the back door for me. Instead of getting in I took my jacket off, threw it in the back then walked round to the passenger side, got in and waved goodbye to Matt.

“His father’s a bit of a dirty old man.” I said as we sped off down the drive.

I then told James about him opening my jacket and seeing my naked front, then told him about the summer hunt.

“And are you thinking of going on it Georgia, I’ve heard that when a girl gets caught she is stung-up, gang raped and abused in some unimaginable ways.”

“Sounds fun doesn’t it? Besides, I may not get caught by the deadline and I’d win the one thousand pounds.”

“And what would you do with the money? It’s not like you need it. You’d be doing it just for the sex when you get caught.”

“Very true, but I’d avoid capture for as long as I could just to build up the anticipation.”

“Am I responsible for you being like you are Georgia?”

“Relax James, all you did is get the ball rolling a little sooner, and I’m very grateful to you for doing that. You taught me a lot and you are a good teacher. We had a lot of fun didn’t we?”

“We certainly did.”

As we got closer to home I asked James if my father was at home.

“Yes, why?”

“I was going to ask you in to fuck me again but it will have to wait.”

“You can fuck your father instead, he’ll like that.”

“You know about us fucking then?”

“Of course, a good transporter knows all about his employer, besides, I’m your father’s confidant, we talk a lot when I’m driving him. Oh, by the way, Celeste has sent over your dress for tomorrow night, she tells me that you will shock lots of people.”

“I may as well go like this then.”

“I’m sure that a lot of people there would appreciate that but your father wants to give the impression of sophistication.”

“No vibrators hanging out of my pussy then? That would be nice. A remote controlled vibrator and you outside making me cum with it.”

“No Georgia, I wouldn’t do that to your father.”

“Just joking.”

The car pulled up outside the door and I jumped out and ran inside. I found daddy in the lounge reading something.

“Daddy, daddy, I shouted as I ran up to him and straddled his legs and leant forward to kiss and hug him.

“Hello Georgia, good to see you.”

“Have you got yourself a woman yet daddy?”

“No, no time to look.”

“So I’ll be sleeping with you tonight and you will be fucking me.”

“We shouldn’t Georgia.”

“But we will won’t we?”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“I can tell, can I get it out and give you a blowjob?”

“Not now Georgia, let me look at your breasts, there was something different as you ran over here.”

I leant back and let him look. After a couple of seconds I said,

“Nice aren’t they, I’ve got some chains to hang on them, if my dress is anything like the one Celeste made me for that summer ball everyone will be able to see the chains under the dress.”

“Knowing Celeste she will have knocked up some scandalous number for you just like she did for your mother.”

I was still straddling daddy when I saw James bring my luggage in. He looked across to us, smiled and kept walking.

It was great being back with daddy, we did some of the things that fathers do with their daughters and some things that they don’t, but I was happy and so was he. I slept in his bed that night and let him fuck me at his pace before he went to sleep and I fingered myself to another orgasm.

Daddy was still asleep when I woke up so I put my head under the duvet to see if he had a morning woody. He did so I started licking and sucking it. When he woke up he called me by my mother’s name then quickly apologised.

In between going down on him with my mouth I told him that it was okay and that I treated it as a compliment. He apologised again when we were in the shower so I went down on him again.

That day, as usual, daddy had things to do so I sorted my things out and came across my remote controlled vibrator with the purple tail.

“Shall I?” I thought then decided to ask daddy later.

Just in case he said that I should wear it I changed the batteries so that it was ready to go.

I looked at the gowns that Celeste had made for me and sent over, and yes, there were 3 of them. I guessed that she thought that I might be getting a bit choosy in my old age.

The first one that I tried on was THE one that I was going to wear, backless with a halter front, the 2 triangles being narrow and deep, not joining together until the low waist band. As with most of Celeste’s long dresses it has splits up the sides right up to the waist band. This dress also has a third split right up the middle at the front, but that split stopped at my pubes.

The other thing that I really liked was that it’s made of fine, black mesh. See-through when you are close to me but not if you are more than about 3 metres away, and it’s so light. When I had it on I felt like I hadn’t. I double checked in the mirror to make sure that it hadn’t slipped off me.

Hanging it back up I decided that I had time to go for a swim before daddy got back so I wandered down to the pool and dived in. As soon as I surfaced I remembered the water jet in the pool at the apartments and I swam to where I remembered it was.

I had a couple of nice orgasms with my feet out of the water and up on the side of the pool. As I was coming down from the second one I looked up and saw a young man that looked familiar.

As soon as he said,

“Hey Georgia, how are you?”

It all came back to me, it was Tommy, the housekeeper’s son.

“Is it okay if I go for a swim?”

“Of course Tommy, I nearly didn’t recognise you, you’ve changed in the, what is it, 18 months since I’ve seen you.”

“You haven’t Georgia, apart from your hair, it’s a lot shorter.”

“So are you going to strip off and get in or are you going to just stare at me? If you are I’ll get out and let you have a proper look.”

“Still an exhibitionist then Georgia?”

“I certainly am, it’s so much fun.”

I watched Tommy as he stripped off and saw that he’d grown in more ways than one, his semi was swaying from side to side as he walked to the edge and dived in.

“So what are you doing with yourself these days Tommy?”

“College, studying to be a plumber.”

“So will you inspect my plumbing later?”

“If you want me to.”

“I do, but lets see if you can beat me in a race, you never used to be able to. Two lengths starting NOW.”

Tommy has grown, and he’s got a lot stronger, he easily beat me even though I’d cheated a little at the start.

“Wow, stronger swimmer as well as bigger muscles, including this one.” I said reaching for his cock which instantly responded to the touch of a female.

“And it stays harder longer.” Tommy said.

“Show me.”

He pulled me to him, my legs wrapping around his waist, then he pulled me to where the water was shallower so that when I floated on my back my pussy was at his crotch level and his, by then, rock hard cock slid inside me well lubricated vagina.

Holding my hips he moved me back and forwards until, first I orgasmed, then he did, whilst I was still on my high.

When his squirting was finished he said,

“That was great Georgia, thank you. I see that you’ve had your nipples done, they look good.”

“Thank you Tommy.”

“When are you going back to university?”

“I don’t know yet, daddy will probably be jetting off somewhere before then and I haven’t decided what to do yet. Will you be coming for another swim soon?”

“Do you want me to Georgia?”

I put my hand down onto his soft cock and replied,

“I want this inside me again.”

“I’ll see what I can do, keep an eye out for me.”

“I certainly will, but I have to go now, daddy’s taking me to his works Christmas dinner tonight.”

“Lucky daddy, and I guess that you’ll be wearing something very revealing so lucky guests as well.”

“Thank you Tommy.”

Daddy was arriving back as I walked back to my room and he told me that we had a couple of hours before we had to leave for the dinner.

“Just enough time for you to fuck me again daddy.”

“We shouldn’t, you know that, but I guess that we could, you are still on the pill aren’t you?”

“Regular as clockwork daddy. I don’t want to get pregnant for at least 20 years, and maybe not even then.”

“I hope that you do have a child someday Georgia, you need an heir to the fortune that you’ll inherit.”

“I’ll start thinking about that when you retire and finally have the time to find yourself a woman. Now let’s go up to your bedroom.”

We did and we did, me riding daddy reverse cowgirl until be both had had wonderful orgasms. Then we hit the shower.

I’d already decided to wear some of my nipple jewellery for the evening, some small gauge chains that came with matching earrings, the little gold chains hanging down from my nipples a little longer than the earrings at about 6 centimetre. I also have a gold necklace with similar links that I hooked 1 end onto the ‘D’ ring on one nipple and the other end on the other nipple.

As I looked at myself in the mirror I wished that I’d had my clit hood pierced as well so that I could dangle a little chain from that as well. I hadn’t so I couldn’t and I spent a few second thinking about my thoughts on getting part of my clit hood removed.

Just before I slipped the ‘nothing’ dress on I pushed my remote controlled vibrator with the purple tail into my vagina, slid the dress on and went to see daddy. Standing in the bright lights of his bedroom I said,

“What do you think daddy, has Celeste gone a bit too far this time?”

“You look stunning my dear, your mother would have been so proud of you. No, I think that Celeste has got it just right, you’ll be the envy of all the women there and all the men will be thinking about you when they go home and fuck their wives. Is that purple thing part of the dress?”

“No daddy, it’s a vibrator, do you think that it’s too much having it hanging there and being visible to everyone?”

“No I do not, leave it there, no, take it out and show me how it works, then put it back in, it will doubly get the men lusting after you.”

I unfastened the halter round my neck and let go so that the dress just slid down to the floor then I stepped out of it, squat down and pulled the vibe out of me. Giving it to daddy I said,

“Hang on a sec, it’s controlled by my phone, I’ll just go and get it.”

Daddy was still staring at the vibe in his hand when I got back, opening the app on the way.

“Good grief.” Daddy said as the vibe burst into life. “You have this inside you? Doesn’t it damage your insides?”

“No daddy, it makes me want grab my tits and pussy and it makes me all fidgety. If it’s left on high enough it makes me orgasm.”

“Wow, and you say that it’s controlled from your phone?”

“Yes, and someone with the app on their phone can control it over the internet from anywhere in the world. Do you want me to put it on your phone daddy so that you can make me cum from Australia or America or where ever you are?”

“Hmm. Can you show me how it works?”

I did, first with the vibe in his hand, then with it inside me, me controlling it and then him controlling it. His mischievous side took over and he made me almost want to dance about holding my pussy and one tit.

Then he switched it off he said,

“Can you install the app on my phone please Georgia, and leave that thing inside you, there will be some people at our table that will be very interested in this.”

I smiled, my daddy was thinking about controlling the vibrator inside me, and let some of his colleagues do the same whilst we were at his company’s Christmas dinner and dance. Daddy got his phone and I quickly installed the app and tested it before putting my dress back on. I could see that the evening was going to be very pleasurable.

After I slipped on my dress I waited the couple of minutes that it took daddy to finish getting ready then just as we were about to set off I stopped him and took some selfies of us both on both our phones, I wanted daddy to have something to look at when he was jetting around the world.

I had a quick look at them and saw that the dress was more see-through in the bright light of the flash.

At the event some of daddy’s company’s top men, some who I’d met before, were about to see me virtually naked. Okay, some of them had seen me like that 18 months ago but these were the guys that I’d be working with in a couple of years, what would they think of me?

“Naughty thoughts.” I thought. “If I get them lusting after my body I’ll be able to get them to agree to anything that I want.”

“Daddy, you’re not going to try to embarrass your daughter in front of the people that I will have to work with in a couple of years are you?” I asked.

“Would I do that to my gorgeous, loving daughter? The girl who spends half her life naked, the girl who lets her own father fuck her, the girl who has her way with anyone that she wants, the girl who is so much like her mother? Besides, do you still know what embarrassment is?”

“Good point daddy, I’m sure that I’ll have a really enjoyable evening.”

“I’m sure that I will as well. Now come on, James will be waiting.”

“Hey, I’m ready, it’s you that hasn’t even got your tie and jacket on.”

“Okay, okay daughter of mine.”

We walked down the stairs and out to the car with arms linked.

“Good evening sir, madam,” James said when he got out to open the doors for us.

“May I say that you look amazing madam?”

“You may, thank you James.”

It took about 45 minutes to get to the hotel which was out in the country set in the middle of a golf course. James drove up to the main entrance and got out to open our doors but a bell-boy beat him to it. When the young man saw me through my mesh dress the grin on his face was priceless. I smiled but said nothing as I walked round the back of the car to daddy.

We linked arms and walked in, my dress floating behind me and the splits at the front exposing my pubes and slit. I was happy and I smiled back at the few people who took a lingering look at me.

One of the hotel staff opened the door to the function room for us, we walked in and just stood there looking around. With the dress being so light I felt like I was totally naked. If the vibrator had been switched on I would have orgasmed right there.

The room fell silent, either because daddy was their boss, or at the sight of me. Whichever it was, people were looking at me, and I liked it.

After a few seconds a man in a suit got up and came over to us.

“May I escort you to your table sir?”

We followed him to one of the tables where 3 seats were vacant and the man pulled back a chair for me. When I sat down all the material from the front of the skirt part fell to the outside of me legs, all my stomach and below was exposed.

Daddy did the introductions and a couple of the women said that they liked my dress. Both were middle-aged so I guessed that they were telling fibs just to please the boss.

There was 3 couples and 2 unattached men at that table as well as daddy and me. At first I thought that maybe the 2 men were gay but they were sat at opposite sides of the round table and they certainly didn’t talk like they were gay.

Everything below my waist was out of sight to all except daddy on one side and a man, Pete, on the other side who half turned to talk to me and look at my bare legs, bare stomach with a hint of the top of my slit, and my tits and chains through my see-through dress.

I made a point of leaning both backwards and forwards at times so that he could see more of my slit when I went back and more of my tit when I leaned forward, not that he hadn’t seen all of it every time that he looked but leaning forwards he would be able to see my uncovered tit.

I wondered if anyone would be brave enough to comment on the fact that the dress was see-through and that they could see my chains, or that I wasn’t wearing underwear.

Anyway, the meal was nice and everyone was talking. It was mainly the men talking to me and I assumed that that was because they either fancied their chances with me or that it was just an excuse to look at my chest.

As each course was served I leant back in my chair, pulled the napkin from my legs and let the waiter, and Pete see more of my slit. I looked at daddy one time that I was doing that and he was smiling.

When the wine was being served or topped-up I thought of me doing that job at the dignitaries dinner and getting groped and finger fucked. That made me a little wetter and wonder if daddy was going to switch the vibrator on.

I had to wait until after the coffees and brandy had been served for that pleasure. I’d seen a couple of the men checking their phones but I hadn’t seen daddy get his out of his pocket, and somehow he managed to operate it without me seeing him.

Suddenly the vibe burst into life and to full power. I gasped and my body almost jumped off the chair.

“Are you alright Georgia?” Peter asked.

“What, oh yes, I just had a shocking thought.” I managed to say as daddy turned the vibrations right down.

I turned to daddy and thumped him on his arm. He turned and looked at me with that mischievous grin that he has and said,

“Hey Pete, have you ever seen a phone app like this? I think that it’s supposed to therapeutic but I can’t see it, what do you think?”

I both glared at daddy and silently thanked him as he passed the phone to Peter who looked at it for a second then used some of the normal finger actions need to use a phone. As a result the vibrator started going a bit crazy and so did my body.

“Pass it around the table to see if anyone does think that it is therapeutic.” Daddy said.

Peter passed the phone to his wife and she too soon started sliding her finger about then passed it to the next person.

As the phone went from one person to another my poor body was getting tortured and I had real trouble keeping still. I lay back in my chair just trying to survive the torture that daddy was giving me. Every time that the phone got passed on daddy turned, looked at me and smiled.

“You just wait.” I said one time and he pulled my napkin off my lap leaving my belly button down to my ankles bare.

Peter turned to me and while he was asking me if I was okay he was looking down at my slit and pussy, my knees having drifted apart as a reflex to the vibrations. What’s more my pussy was dripping.

The phone got passed to one woman who looked to be in her mid twenties and when she saw the app she smiled, then she slowly moved her finger up and down the screen while looking at me. Each time that her finger went up the screen I closed my eyes and held my breath as I fought to keep still.

The woman did this a few times just to confirm what she already knew, and I knew that she knew then she turned it up to full blast and left it there as she watched me struggle to keep still and quiet until the vibe finally got the better of me and I orgasmed.

Somehow, I managed to keep quiet and reasonably still and the only people who noticed were the woman and my father who had noticed the woman holding his phone and she worked out what was happening. He turned to look at me and gave me a knowing smile.

The woman was still smiling as I saw, and felt, her turn the vibrations down and I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked at her looking at me as she then passed the phone on to the next person.

When the phone made its way back to its owner daddy smiled at me and asked me if I was okay.

“What do you think?” I replied and managed to sit up straight.

Shorty after that the music started and everyone looked to daddy to have the first dance. He stood up, turned to me and said,

“May I?”

I smiled and stood up, the skirt of my dress falling into its intended place covering me from waist to ankle, well it would have if it hadn’t been see-through.

Apart from the music everything was silent and every guest in the room was staring at daddy and me as we danced around the dance floor.

I felt like I was in heaven, dancing with daddy and everyone seeing my naked body. If the dress had suddenly disappeared I probably wouldn’t have noticed and if I did I would have been very happy.

The dance finished and everyone started clapping as daddy and I walked back to the table. As I got close to the table the woman who knew my secret got up and reached for my hand,

“Mind if Georgia and I go to the powder room together sir?” She said to daddy then led me towards the toilets.

As soon as we were on our own she said,

“I love the dress, and what’s under it, I’ve got some chains like that. If you get some heavier ones they’ll put some pressure on your nipples and make them feel good.”

“Good idea, thank you, so you know what this purple thing is?”

“Yes I do, and good for you Georgia although passing your phone around the table was a bit risqué as you found out.”

“I know, it wasn’t my idea, daddy was feeling a bit mischievous.”

“So are you and your father err….. ?”

“You don’t expect me to admit something like that do you, it’s illegal.”

“Relax Georgia, my father was fucking me for years before I met Daniel, he taught me so much, Daniel should be very grateful, that is if he knew what my father and I had been doing, so did you like cumming in front of everyone?”

“Hell yes, but I prefer it when more of those people know that I’m cumming.”

“You really are an exhibitionist aren’t you?”

“Yes, you should hear some of the stories that I could tell you. Life has been very good to me since I left school.”

“So are you at university now?”

“Yes, Bristol.”

“Ahh, Bristol, they have one or two clubs down there that you may like.”

“I think that I’ve already found them, I’ve met 2 people down there that appear to know all about the secret clubs and they put me in touch with them.”

“Good for you girl. You’re coming into the company when you finish at university aren’t you?”


“So you have as much fun as you possibly can before then, and when you join us you come and see me and I’ll do everything that I can to help you.”

“Thank you, but why are you doing this?”

“Jealousy, plain and simple jealousy, so you go girl, go and dance with lots of men tonight and drive them crazy, give then something to think about when they are in bed with their wives later. I know that Daniel and I won’t get to sleep for quite a while after we get home so I should be thanking you.”

We both laughed a bit then headed back to the table and I’d only be sat down for seconds before another man ask me for a dance.

After it, and as we walked back to the table, a young man came up to me and said,

“Hi Georgia, I’m Pete, the computer guy who sorted out you access to the cameras.”

“Oh hi Peter, how are you doing?”

“Good, and I can see that you are good too Georgia, that dress shows just as much as your webcam does, but in the flesh, very nice Georgia. And I like what you’ve done to your hair, it makes you look even younger.”

“You said ‘webcam does’ Peter, does that mean that you are still looking at what those cameras are seeing? I don’t mind if you are, it’s nice to know that I’ve got something that other people want to see.”

“Yes I am, I’m glad that you are here tonight I wanted to confess to my sins and plead for mercy.”

“Relax Peter, I don’t mind at all, I just hope that you appreciate what you see. Let’s just call it payment for services rendered. Would you like to dance with me?”

“Yes please.”

We danced a little then the band played a couple of slow ones and Peter put his arms round my neck. I was hoping that he might untie the strings holding my dress up but he didn’t, after a few seconds his hands slid down my bare back to my butt, well the top part of it, he’s tall and I’m short so he would have had to bend over to get a good handful of my butt.

His hands were so soft and nice, and with the material of my dress being so thin it felt like his hands were on my bare flesh.

All of a sudden my vibrator burst into life with very strong vibrations. My body started shaking and jerking and I let out a loud gasp.

“Hold me tight Peter.” I managed to say, and he did, right through the orgasm that hit me like a train. I’d still been quite aroused from the previous one at the table and the talk with the woman had helped to keep me aroused. Then Peter putting his hands on my bare back then my butt had kept me up there. Daddy suddenly switching the vibe on was all it had needed to take me over the top.

When my body had returned to normal and I could speak I told Peter that he could let go of me. He stepped back, looked at me and asked me if I’d just had an orgasm.

“Yes, and it was wonderful.”

“Did I cause it without realising it?”

“Partially, I liked the feeling of your hands on me but that purple thing between my legs is a vibrator and someone just switched it on.”

“I saw that but didn’t like to ask in case it was some feminine hygiene thing, so who and how did your vibrator get switched on, and is it still on?”

“How sweet of you. It was probably my father that switched it on, the app’s on his phone.”

“Oh yes, I’ve heard of those vibrators, so they can actually make you cum?”

“It does me, but I’ve read that they don’t make every girl cum, just shake their body organs about.”

“I bet that they do and I guess that they’ve been properly tested to make sure that they don’t to any damage in there.”

“I presume so, I’m not in any pain after using mine.”

“Good, I’d hate for anything to harm you.”

“Thank you Peter.”

I was just starting to think that he was about to hit on me when daddy stepped in and whisked me away from Peter with a quick ‘excuse me Peter’.

As I danced with daddy he asked me if I was okay and had enjoyed the little blast.

“Yes I’m fine thank you, and thank you for the ‘blast’, it made me cum.”

“I was hoping that it did. He’s a nice young man that Peter.”

“Daddy, I hope that you’re not trying your hand at matchmaking because you should start with yourself. By the way, don’t use all your energy whilst you’re here, you’re going to need some when we get home.”

“Would I? No, I just thought that a quick blast would be nice for you.”

“It was, now can we go back to the table and get a drink please daddy?”

We did, but I wasn’t there for long as another man came to ask me to dance. There was another 4 men who I danced with before the end of the evening and I felt their hands on my bare back.

I’d been hoping for a wardrobe malfunction sometime during the evening but Celeste had made the dress just a little too short for someone to accidentally stand on the hem of it. Well, I know that I can’t have everything.

At the end of the evening daddy did something that surprised, and pleased me. He decided to go to each table and wish everyone there a merry Christmas. The thing was, he took me with him and before we set off he switched the vibe on and let it run at about mid strength of vibrations.

It was going to be both a difficult and exciting experience for me. As we headed to the first table I said,

“I don’t know if I can do this daddy, I’m likely to cum multiple times.”

“If you do Georgia, just grab hold of my arm with both hands. That should stop you grabbing your pussy.”

“Daddy I’m going to fuck your brains out when we get home.”

“I hope so, come on.”

It was difficult for me saying hello and wishing everyone a merry Christmas whilst the vibrator was slowly forcing an orgasm to build. But I was loving the fact that I was standing next to daddy in front of the tables gave everyone at the table the chance to study my body through the see-through dress, and of course that included the people behind me.

It was at about every third table that the vibrator got the better of me and I just stood there gripping daddy’s arm and trying to smile. I wondered if those people could see my juices running down the insides of my thighs. I do know that they’d be able to see my body shaking a little whilst I was cumming.

In between tables I wondered how many of the people realised that I was cumming and all those thoughts did was bring on the next orgasm a little quicker.

When we finally left and got into the car I just lay back, pulled my dress off and rubbed my pussy until I had yet another orgasm that I could let my body do what it wanted, and shout my head off, much the amusement of daddy and, probably, James; but James didn’t respond, he just kept driving.

James did get a good look at my naked body when he opened the door for me to get out and I’m sure that he would have been watching my cute little butt as I quickly walked into the house.

I did have a good go at fucking daddy’s brains out and I was surprised how much stamina daddy had. I think that I was as knackered as he was when we finally went to sleep.

I was alone in bed when I woke up, again with my right hand on my very wet pussy. I didn’t know if the juices were from my masturbating in my sleep or daddy’s cum from the previous night, or if he had fucked me when he woke up and managed to do it and cum inside me without waking me. I like the mystery of not knowing the answer.

Daddy was in his study when I went downstairs after having a shower.

“Good morning Georgia, sleep well did you?”

“Yes thank you daddy, I dreamt that I was being fucked, do you know anything about that?”

“Well you gave me a marathon session last night.”

“Yes it was good wasn’t it?”

“It certainly was Georgia, thank you.”

“No need to thank me daddy, I really enjoyed it as well but you really need to get a woman of your own.”

“I know, I know.”

“Do you want me to help you find one daddy?”

“No thank you, I can manage.”

“I know that you can, but when is the big question.”

“Soon Georgia, soon.”

“Have you had any breakfast yet daddy?”

“No not yet.”

“I’ll get us some.”

When we were eating breakfast I asked daddy how long he was home for.

“I have to fly to Seattle on Boxing day but I’m all yours until then. I’ll even switch my phone off. Oh, I’ve booked us into a hotel for Christmas Lunch, is that okay?”

“Just lunch, not an overnight stay then?”

“No, just lunch.”

“Okay, do you mind if I invite Charlotte, my BFF from school, to stay for a few days between Christmas and the New Year, I haven’t seen her for way too long. Will you be back for New Year’s Eve?”

“I don’t know yet, I’ll let you know nearer the time and you know that you can invite anyone to stay anytime.”

“She might let you fuck her daddy.”

“That would be nice but I doubt that she’d be interested in an old man like me.”

“You weren’t acting like an old man in bed last night daddy.”

“That was because you’d been teasing me all evening.”

“Hang on a minute, who was holding your phone?”

“It wasn’t just the phone, that dress you were wearing got every man there excited.”

“Even those 2 gays?”

“You mean Rudy and Dick? I’m sure that they thought you were beautiful even if they didn’t fancy fucking you but you might even have turned them straight again.”

“I doubt that.”

Daddy and I had a great time from then until Christmas day, we talked a lot, watched a lot of movies, swam together, got takeaways and generally had a typical father / daughter bonding time, except that I was naked all the time and daddy fucked me each night.

Christmas lunch was okay. We’d been to that hotel for Christmas lunch before so I knew not to expect a lot and I wasn’t disappointed, just a glorified meal in a hotel but with a couple of extras thrown in. At least it was a typical British Christmas lunch with all the trimmings. And I wore a sensible dress, but daddy did tease me a little with the remote controlled vibrator although he didn’t make me cum until we were on the way back to the house, James just ignoring my noisy orgasm.

The rest of the day and the following morning were more bonding but daddy did start to tell me about his company, he said that it was a good idea for me to start learning a bit about what he did, in his words, where the money that I spend comes from.

When daddy left I immediately got on facetime to Charlotte. After about an hour of talking I asked her if she would like to come over for a few days.

“Oh yes, it will be great to get away from my family for a few days, I love them, even my horrible brothers, but having been at university on my own, more than a few days with them gets to be a bit of an ordeal. When can I come?”

“Tomorrow morning?”

“Great, I’ll come by train, daddy still won’t get a car and driver and I’m certainly not going to ask one of my brothers.”

“Okay, let me know what time your train gets in and I’ll meet you.”

I went down to the pool room and decided to do my exercise routine before having a swim. I was balancing on one foot with the other foot above my head when Tommy walked in.

“Very nice Georgia, how long can you stand like that? I want to imprint that sight in my memory for a while so that I never forget it.”

“Stop it Tommy, you’ve seen my pussy lots of times.”

“A guy can never see enough of such a cute little pussy.”

“Thank you Tommy, just for that I’ll do some of the other exercises that I’ve just done so that you can see my pussy again. If you get your phone out you can take some photos as well, Something to brag to your mates about.”

I did, and Tommy was worse than the guys at the apartments in Bristol, his face so close to my pussy that I could feel his breathing, which was nice. His phone was so close to my pussy that I thought I might drip some juices on it. I wanted to fuck him there and then but at the same time I wanted to tease him some more so I told him that it was time for a swim.

After doing a few lengths I stopped next to him and he asked me what I’d been doing over by the water jet the last time that he was there.

“I’ll show you, follow me.”

As I lifted my legs out his face told me that he knew what I was about to do and he told me to let him hold me in the right position. He did and it was even more arousing not having to keep my head above the water. I could just relax and let it happen.

After I’d orgasmed I pulled my legs back into the water, turned and wrapped then round Tommy saying,

“Fuck me.”

“I thought that you’d never ask.” Tommy said as his cock disappeared inside me.

Good fucking over I told him that I was leaving and I reminded him to be there the day after next.

I had a quiet evening on my own browsing the internet, watching a couple of porno clips and ordering some new toys for delivery to Bristol.

In the morning I got a text from Charlotte telling me what time her train arrived so I phoned James and told him to pick me up 30 minutes before the ETA.

At the train station I again got James to go and meet her because I had run out to the car totally naked. I’d sat in the front with James but when we got to the station I climbed over the seats to the back with James giving me a friendly swat on my butt as I did so.

“Might have known,” Charlotte said when she got in beside me, “we’re not going to the woods for a fucking session are we? Because if we are I’m staying in the car, it’s too damn cold out there to be frolicking around naked.”

I hugged Charlotte then told her that we were going straight home where it is lovely and warm.

“So get naked girl.” I told her.

She looked around and as the car started moving off she started stripping.

“I like your nipples Georgia.” Charlotte said when she was naked and we were turned looking at each other, “and I like what you’ve done with your hair, it makes you look a lot younger than even before you had it done.”

“Thanks, but that wasn’t my intention, I just fancied something shorter and easier to look after. Your tits look a bit bigger, you’re not pregnant are you?”

“Hell no, it’s probably the massaging that they’re getting from the guys at uni. It’s surprising how a short skirt and no knickers attracts the guys.”

“So have you been teasing your brothers and father?”

“I certainly have, They’ve all had a good look at my pussy.”

The way that we talked, and constantly, you’d have thought that we hadn’t spoken to each other for months not for an hour a couple of days ago, and we were soon back home.

“There’s no one in there is there?” Charlotte asked before getting out of the car and running in.

We spent the rest of the day catching up then opening the door naked to the pizza delivery guy before going to bed, the same bed, and we did to each other what we used to do at school when one of us climbed into the other’s bed.

In the morning we had a little breakfast then I took her to the pool for a swim and to spend some time with our pussies in front of the water jet. Then we got out and I showed her the floor exercises that I did in the workout room at the apartments.

“You exposed yourself like that to the guys in your apartment block!” Charlotte asked.

“Yes, many times, and a lot more.”

“Where I’m staying at my university it is a lot more, shall we say, restrictive or boring. My apartment mates are okay but they’re obviously not as much fun as yours are.”

Just then I saw Tommy coming down the drive so I told Charlotte,

“Face the wall, spread your legs and bend over and touch the floor.”


“I have a surprise for you and trust me Char, it will be nice.”

She did.

“Now close your eyes and be patient for a minute or so whilst I go and get something. No peeking.”

She did and when Tommy came in I motioned for him to take his clothes off and quietly walk over to us.

He did, his cock getting harder by the step.

When he got to us I motioned to him to fuck the pussy that was staring him in the face. He quietly queried what I was telling him to do then he pushed his cock into Charlotte’s pussy. She gasped and then said,

“What the fuck Georgia? And turned her head to see what was going on.

When she saw Tommy she pulled herself off Tommy’s cock, stood up and turned to face Tommy and me.

“What the fuck Georgia, you can’t just get some random stranger to fuck me like that.”

“Relax Cha, this is Tommy, the guy who took your virginity, remember?”

“Oh my gawd, it is isn’t it? you’ve changed Tommy, got bigger.”

Charlotte looked down at his still hard cock pointing to the ceiling and said,

“Wow, can I have some more of that please?”

Not waiting for an answer she turned and bent over again. Tommy rammed his cock into her and grabbed her hips as she said,

“Ohhhh, arrrrrgh, that’s it, keep doing that.”

I watched as they fucked with lots of enthusiasm until Charlotte started shouting that she was cumming. Tommy kept going right through her orgasm then he held her back onto his cock and grunted as, I presume, he shot his load deep inside her.

“Oh that was good, thank you Tommy, I’ve been waiting for something like that for weeks.” Charlotte said.

“Not getting enough Char?” I asked.

“Not at the moment, though that was good Tommy, thank you. Fancy a swim?”

“That’s what I came here for, I didn’t know that you would be here Charlotte, so how are you keeping?”

We swam and talked for ages before Tommy asked us both to have a ride on the water jet which we both happily did, then he fucked us both on the loungers before telling us that he had to go.

A happy Charlotte and I went up to my room to have another shower and a little play like we used to do at school.

We spent the next couple of days basically catching up, telling each other the details of what we’d been doing for the last 18 months. Although I didn’t tell her about the hypnotism. I don’t know why I didn’t tell her, for some reason I just didn’t think of it.

We also got some food delivered each day and all the delivery guys seemed pleased to have the door answered by 2 naked girls.

Charlotte decided to stay for New Year’s Eve and we got a surprise when on the last morning of the year daddy walked into the house. Charlotte got a short-lived bout of shyness but that disappeared quite soon.

Daddy told us that he was taking both of us to a casino for the evening and told us to put on long dresses, me telling Char that she could borrow one of mine.

“But I’m bigger that you Georgia, they won’t fit.”

“Let’s go and try some on.” I said.

We did and I was pleased to find out that Charlotte did managed to get into 2 of my long dresses, the fabric stretching without too much trouble.

“But I can’t go anywhere in either of those Georgia, I can see my everything in the mirror, can we go and buy some underwear?”

“No we cannot. Girls in this house are not allowed to wear underwear.”

“But, ….”

“Char, I’ll be wearing a see-through dress as well so my goodies will be on display as well.

“Oh I don’t know, I mean, there’ll be lots of men there.”


“Jeez Georgia, why did I have to choose such an exhibitionist for my BFF?”

“Hey Char, you’re the one that started all this, remember? Besides, you’ll enjoy it as much as I will.”

“Are you talking about the exposure or the gambling Georgia?”

“I doubt that it will be the gambling, I’ve never gambled before, but you never know.”

We both ended up wearing long black dresses that Celeste had made for me. Mine would just slide to the ground if the string behind my neck was unfastened but Charlotte’s was a firm fit and when I unfastened the top the dress just stayed in place.

We took the dresses off then went to see daddy before ordering some food to be delivered and gave the girl who delivered it a bit of a surprise.

“Dare was it?” the girl asked.

“No, we’ve been like this all day, you should try it, my 2 brothers like to keep me like this.” I lied just to see if I got a reaction but all I got was,

“I bet they do.”

We ate and talked then daddy said that it was time to get ready.

Char and I showered together and just as we were getting out daddy walked into the bathroom and asked if I’d got my vibrating egg with me. When I said that I had he told us that one of us had to wear it and the other one had to wear my vibrator with the purple tail.

I smiled, went and got the egg and gave the control to daddy.

Charlotte didn’t know what to do, she wanted to come with us but she now had 2 things that she was frightened about, people seeing her naked body and having an orgasm in front of those same people.

“Relax Char,” I said, “there’s a chance that daddy will get carried away with the gambling and not even turn them on. Which one do you want?”

Charlotte thought for a minute then chose the egg.

“At least people won’t be able to tell that I’m wearing it.” She said.

“They will if daddy puts it on full blast and you start dancing about holding your tits and pussy.” I thought but didn’t say.

“Lay back on the bed and let me put it in for you.” I said.

She did, I did, then we changed places and she pushed my vibe up my vagina.

“It looks silly.” Charlotte said.

“It attracts people’s eyes to it and where it is.”

“And that’s what you want isn’t it Georgia?”

“Yes it is, and so will the chains that I’m about to attach to my nipples.”

I did, this time some heavier ones with bigger links that are more visible through my dress.

“My gawd,” Charlotte said, “you may as well have ‘LOOK AT ME’ tattooed across your stomach.”

“That’s an idea, too late for a tattoo but you could write it in me in bright red lipstick.”


“Just joking, but I like the way your brain works, you’re nearly as bad as me.”

“No chance.”

We finished getting ready and went downstairs, collected daddy and walked out to the car, that James had, thankfully, warmed up for us.

Charlotte and I sat either side of daddy who had his hands on our thighs when he wasn’t using his phone. Thankfully, I think, he didn’t activate either vibe during the 50 minute journey.

When we got there James opened the doors for us but, because of the dresses, we couldn’t really flash him. Then we walked in Charlotte and we linking arms on either side of daddy.

I could see the reception staff looking us up and down as daddy sorted things out and used his black amex card to buy us a lot of chips.

Inside the main room we just stopped and stared, Charlotte and I never having seen anything like it before. I think that it’s fair to say that both Charlotte and I both forgot about our state of dress as we both took it all in. A couple of men stood near us were also taking in the sights but I just ignored them.

“Remember Char,” I said, “just act like you’re wearing a nun’s habit and no one will say a word.”

“Easier said than done, but I’ll try.”

“Okay you 2, here’s some chip, you’re both old enough to go and have some fun on your own.” Daddy said.

Char and I looked at each other, smiled, then headed off to see what was what on one side of the room.

I think that it’s fair to say that both of us forgot about our see-through dresses and vibrators for quite a while as we explored, studied and even had a go on some of the tables.

It was after about 30 minutes that first Charlotte then I gasped as daddy switched our vibrators on, thankfully at minimal vibrations, but enough for us both to start thinking about our pussies and getting some sexual pleasure. Charlotte also started getting a bit nervous.

“What if he makes me cum with all these people around?” She asked.

“Just try to not say anything and to keep as still as possible. Haven’t you cum in public before Char?”


“Well you’re in for an embarrassing and maybe even humiliating experience.”

“I don’t know if I can cope with that.”

“You may not have a choice in the matter.”


“Relax Char, just go with the flow. When it’s over you’ll look back and think how nice it was.”

Charlotte did relax a bit, especially as daddy didn’t play with the controls, just left them as they were so we had a gentle reminder all the time.

We had been playing roulette and both of us had won, then lost, then we’d gone onto the fruit machines and that was where daddy started playing with the control of my vibrator. I could see him in the distance talking to a man whilst doing something on his phone. I knew what it was that he was doing and I wondered if the man knew. Neither of them were looking over to me.

I let out a little gasp when the vibrations suddenly got a lot faster. At first Char didn’t notice that I had stopped feeding the machine, then she did.

“Are you okay Georgia, has your father turned it up?”

I just nodded and as daddy left the vibrations of maximum I knew that it was just a matter of when. I just stood in front on the machine, slightly shaking and waiting. Char realised what was happening and took my container of coins off me and a minute or so later it hit me. I was having an orgasm in the middle of the main room of the casino with lots of people around me. Thankfully, only 3 people knew. Me, Charlotte and daddy; and I don’t think that anyone near me had realised what was going on right next to them.

Daddy must have been watching because he turned the vibe down as my orgasm subsided.

“I hope that he doesn’t do that to me.” Charlotte said when she thought that I could take in what she was saying.

“Maybe he will, maybe he won’t, but I reckon that you will be disappointed if he doesn’t.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“Well I just enjoyed it. The thought that all those people could have just turned their heads and realised that I was cumming in front of them really does excite me.”

“It scares me.”

“But it excites you as well doesn’t it?”

“I guess so.”

Daddy didn’t turn-up Charlotte’s vibrator until about 30 minutes later when we were playing blackjack. The dealer’s eyes were going from the cards to our tits and back when Charlotte suddenly gasped and dropped her cards. We had to quit the game and step back as the vibrator was obviously turned up to full blast.

What must have been humiliating for Charlotte was that a couple of people were stood next to us and staring, both through our dresses and at Charlotte’s face as the shivered and shook as the orgasm arrived and kept going. I wondered if daddy was deliberately prolonging her pleasure and suffering. I was holding her hand and looking around for daddy but I didn’t see him.

“Are you alright my dear?” The man asked.

Charlotte wasn’t exactly capable of answering at the time so I replied for her,

“Yes, she’s fine, just ‘women’s problems’.”

That wasn’t technically a lie but I’m sure that Charlotte would have preferred me to say that rather than,

“Yes, she’s in heaven, she’s having an orgasm.”

That sort of got rid of the couple leaving us on our own, that’s if you don’t count the handful of men that had been looking at us for quite a while.

“Oh my gawd,” Charlotte said when she was able, “that was horrible, I hate your father.”

“No you don’t, admit it Char, you liked that didn’t you?”

Charlotte didn’t answer for about a minute then she sheepishly whispered,

“Yes I did.”

I squeezed her hand, smiled at her then said,

“Let’s go and find daddy, see how much he’s lost.”

“He might be winning.”

“I doubt it, not many people end up, on top at the end of the night.”

We found daddy playing blackjack and we stood a little back and watched. As we stood there I whispered to Charlotte asking her if she was okay.

“Yes, why shouldn’t I be?”

“Well, for starters you’re wearing a see-through dress and everyone can see your tits, slit and butt, then there’s the vibrator in you purring away.”

“Oh yes, I forgot about those things.”

“I told you that you would, do you feel horny now that I’ve reminded you?”

“Yes, I do, you’ve made me think about what I’m showing again.”

“Nice isn’t it, feeling horny and knowing that anyone who cares to look can see your goodies.”

“It is, and I guess that I’ve got you to blame for that.”

“Not true, it was you that started it all by pushing me out of that changing room without any clothes on, remember?”

“Okay, it’s all my fault, but you love how you are now don’t you?”

“Hell yes, and you love what you’ve do to yourself as well don’t you?”

“I do, but I’m still not as brave as you Georgia.”

“Hey, I’ve had an idea that might just give you some more courage?”

“You’re not going to ask your father to turn my vibrator up to full blast are you? It’s sort of humiliating, cumming in front of all these people.”

“I wasn’t thinking about that, but I will do that in a minute, no, I was thinking about spring break and maybe summer break as well. How about we both go to daddy’s yacht and you can spend all day, nearly every day, totally naked and go to the cafe naked and go to town and the beaches wearing less than we are wearing right now.”

“Go to a cafe totally naked?”

“Yes, it’s only a stone’s throw from the yacht and Manuel let me go there totally naked last year.”

“Wow, I don’t know that I could do that, I mean, what about the other customers?”

“Ignore them, I did.”

“Hmm, thanks for the invite, can I think about it?”

“Of course you can Char, now I’m going to whisper in daddy’s ear.”

I did, and he did, both of us, and we both jumped when he turned the vibrators up to full power. I reached for Charlotte’s hand and we squeezed each other’s hand as our orgasms built and the vibrators took us over the edge as we stood there gripping each other’s hand and trying to keep still and quiet.

As we started to get our wits about us again I realised that there was a man, a waiter, stood in front of us with a ‘knowing’ look on his face. As I looked him in the face he said,

“Are you two ladies alright? You look a little flushed.”

“Yes, of course we’re fine, could you get us a drink please? Tequila okay for you Charlotte?”

I looked at Charlotte’s face and saw that it was bright red but she managed to say,

“Yes please.”

When the waiter had left she said,

“He knew didn’t he?”

“Yes, I believe that he did, and he might just see me cumming again when he brings our drinks if daddy doesn’t turn these things off.”

Daddy was being either cruel, or kind, as he kept the vibrators on full blast and I’m sure that my hand was going white as Charlotte gave it the death grip when she orgasmed again.

Fortunately, or not, those second orgasms had just started to subside when a different waiter appeared in front of us holding a tray with our drinks. I told the man to stay put as both Charlotte and I downed our drinks in one and I asked the man to get us some more.

“Spread your feet a bit when he comes back,” I said, “he might see the light shining on our wet inner thighs through these dresses.”

“Georgia, that’s disgusting.”

But she did spread her feet. Thankfully (I don’t think that I could have had another orgasm standing there without screaming out and maybe collapsing to the floor), daddy turned both vibrators down before the waiter came back with our drinks.

As he walked up to us I watched his eyes and saw them going from each of us to the other and back a few times. He was enjoying seeing what he could see through our near transparent dresses.

Drinks in our hands, I looked around and saw another couple of men staring at us. I smiled at one of them and he realised that he’s been caught and turned away.

“I need to go and get cleaned up.” Charlotte said, so we both headed to the rest room. We were alone there as we hiked up our dresses and dried our pussies and inner thighs.

“Your father is a bit pf a cruel bugger isn’t he Georgia? I guess that he got some sort of pleasure doing that to us?”

“Charlotte, my father is only doing what he believes that we want. Tell me that you aren’t enjoying all those men looking at your girly bits. Tell me that cumming whilst people were looking at you didn’t make the orgasms even more intense. Admit it my friend, you enjoy it as much as I do.”

“Yeah, well, err, okay, you’re right, it’s just that it’s so public.”

“That’s half the pleasure, wait until he, or me, does it to you when you’re on a stage giving a presentation or a talk and there are hundreds of people watching and listening to your every word, or moan.”

“He hasn’t done that to you has he?”

“No, not yet, but I’m hoping that he will one day soon.”

“Wow, what did I start?”

“I love you Charlotte.”

“And I love you too Georgia. Now can we go back and see if he’ll do it to us again.”

“You’re worse than I am Char.”

“No I’m not.”

Just as we went out of the rest room a young man walked up to us carrying some sort of twig with green leaves on it. He came right up to Charlotte’s face, held the twig over her head and kissed her full on the lips. Charlotte was too surprised to respond and as he backed off he said,

“Happy New Year.”

Then he turned to me and did the same to me, except that I’d had a chance to realise what was going on and I put my arms around him and held him to me, prolonging the kiss. His spare arm went around me and down to my butt where it grabbed a buttock and squeezed. When I didn’t object he dropped the twig and soon he had 2 hands on my butt, massaging it.

If I’d been a but taller his hands would have been able to reach between my butt and get to my pussy. One of the disadvantages of being so small.

When we broke the kiss he stepped back, looked us both up and down, his eyes lingering on our visible tits and slits, then said,

“You two are enough to make me cum right here and now.”

Then he turned and quickly walked away.

“Drunk?” Charlotte asked.

“Must have been.” I replied.

We went and looked for daddy and found him talking to a man. Both were sat on comfortable chairs and when we got to them daddy introduced us to Mike, the man who ran the casino.

“So, these 2 are the girls who have got all the staff talking tonight, and I can see why,” he said to daddy, “they’re quite brave coming out dressed like that.”

“Their choice.” Daddy replied, “but I do like their choice.”

“So do I.”

“Well girls, you’re welcome back here anytime, if you are dressed as revealing as you are right now.”

“So we can’t come back if we are wearing less?” I asked.

“Of course you can, but let’s keep that for another night, maybe a little more private.”

“Anytime.” I replied.

“So are you 2 ladies going to stand there all night while I talk with your father or are you going to find something to sit on?”

I took that as an invite to sit on his lap so I turned and plonked myself down. After a little surprised look on Charlottes face, she turned and sat on daddy’s lap. As the 2 men talked, I listened and felt Mike’s hands slowly sliding over the tops of my thighs and my body. I could also feel a growing lump under my butt.

With the material of my dress being so thin it almost felt like his hands were on my naked flesh.

I looked over to Charlotte and saw that daddy’s hands were roaming as well and judging by the look on her face daddy was getting hard as well.

I started to think about Charlotte and I getting fucked right there with all those customers milling around in front of us but it wasn’t to be. Not long afterwards daddy announced that we were leaving and Charlotte and I got to our feet, me looking down at Mike’s lap to see how big the bulge that had been pressing on my butt was.

Daddy led us to the exit and within seconds we were getting into the back or the car that James had kept warm for us. Charlotte and I were sat either side of daddy and his arms were around us cupping one of our tits as he told us that he was considering extending his empire to include casinos.

“With naked girls enticing the customers in?” I asked.

“And I suppose you 2 would volunteer to help me with that?” Daddy asked.

“Of course, just so long as you are there to control our vibrators daddy, and thank you for the fun, both Charlotte and I enjoyed cumming in there didn’t we Char?”

“I certainly did, but it’s not quite as nice as the real thing.”

“Charlotte,” daddy said, “are you saying that you’d like to be naked and fucked with lots of people watching you? I know that Georgia would, wouldn’t you Georgia?”

“Yes daddy.”

“Maybe.” Charlotte replied.

We were soon back home and running into the house, me pulling my dress up and off as I climbed the stairs and ran to my bathroom for a shower, soon joined by Charlotte.

Charlotte and I slept either side of daddy who managed to satisfy both of us before we all went to sleep.

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