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B..But she' so sweet and innocent
Eric woke up naked, he couldn't move, somehow he had been tied to a chair. The chair came from the dining room and was metal and very sturdy with a plain un-upholstered back in his mouth was something that tasted salty and foul, he pressed his tongue against it and tried to spit it, but it was well and truly stuffed into his mouth and out his wrists, ankles, and waist held in place with either duct tape or clear wide packing tape. His penis was taped to the wood of the chair with something rather tight around the base, he struggled futilely unable see whatever was constricting him.

Eric managed to shake the cobwebs from his brain, his head the only portion of his body not taped or tied, he let his gaze wander about the room. He was in his bedroom. The bed had been neatly made with pink sheets and navy blue comforter. In the back corner sits a vanity with various hairbrushes and makeup containers and bottles of lotions and potions semi organized on its surface. He stared at the dresser across from him, his dresser, the surface now devoid of anything, clear packing tape sealed each drawer, his vision took in the room, the door to walk-in closet, and bathroom is set in the wall to his right. He breathed in noisily through his nose, his nostrils filled with all manner of fragrances. He recognized the sound of running water, someone was in his shower the water running is running. A moment later, the sound stopped.

Try as he might, there's not much he could do, he had been tied down effectively, the tape bit into his skin when he wriggled his wrists. After a few minutes of trying the skin chaffed and became red, Misty entered the room wearing just a towel around her body and another twisted around her head hiding her long lustrous copper hair. Without so much as looking at Eric, she strode across the room straight to her vanity. She rolled her head on her shoulders her skin still glistening wet she chose a lotion from the collection of bottles cluttering the vanity Eric began to try mumbling into the cloth that filled his mouth as she sat on a low wooden stool and began to rub and smooth the lotion onto bare and slightly damp legs. Finally, once her nimble fingers her left knee, she lifted her eyes and looked at Eric, and smiled.

"Well, good morning, sleepy head. Thought you were going to snooze until I left for class," Misty said as if nothing at all is out of the ordinary.

She continued to rub lotion moved further up the leg. Over the knee and up her freckled thigh, hiking up the towel in a suggestive manner, but not revealing anything. Without another word, the ritual of rubbing fragrant moisturizer continued up one leg and down the other before she rose fluidly and strode over to the dresser. She rummaged through the dresser drawers before picking the perfect pairing of mismatched bra and panties. Misty dropped the flimsy nude colored semi sheer bra on dresser's top and proceed to slip on her panties while still wearing the robe. After slipping on her panties, Misty sat on a stool at her dresser looking at Eric more than herself, in the mirror. She drew one of her brushes through her wet hair, plugged in a hair drier and using a brush quickly dried her hair fast and efficiently, the color changing from a dullish red to a bright copper, all the time the hair

drier hummed. She began to apply eyeliner, followed by a quick application of coral lip gloss. Her skin fresh and vibrant and not in need of any other artificial enhancements. She stood again with her back to him. Leaned forward and All Eric could see was the rather plain, dark blue with white polka dot panties sliding up Misty's slim subtly muscled dancer’s legs until the waistband snapped against the skin of her taunt underbelly. With the skill of a striptease artist, the towel came off and flimsy bra was slung across her pert breasts and clasped in one fluid movement. Once the bra was in in place she shimmed her shoulders, sucked in her taunt belly and spun around.

"What should I wear today, do you think? Jeans and a t-shirt or be a little adventurous with a denim skirt?" From a drawer she pulled a ridiculously short new, but artfully faded blue denim skirt and held it against her hips, she jutted her pelvis and stood looking at her reflection in the mirror, “Yes perfect!” She exclaimed excitedly. Eagerly she stepped into the skirt and turned again jutting her hip as if asking Eric to pull up the zipper

She smiled, oh silly me your look a little preoccupied, kinda tied up with something right now, right?” she asked and answered herself as she tugged the waistband of the skirt reached over and tugged up the short three inch before leaning in and planting a long... slow... sweet kiss on Eric’s lips. Slowly, ever so slowly she ran her soft right hand up and down his chest. She giggled cutely and just as fast as it began, the kissing and touching stopped. She moved back and opened the closet suggestively putting weight on the hip. A moment later, she tugged a cream blouse off a hanger and slipped into a little peasant top that showed off the flawless physique and the muscled definition of her well developed abdomen.

She grabbed a pair of low heeled white strapped sandals, and turned to Eric again, and say daintily on his lap and slipping into the strapped sandals from that day at the beach a week or so ago. Once finished, she rocked back and stood up fluidly and turned to Eric. Her smooth legs brush Eric’s knees as she leaned over another sensual kiss.

Misty grinned at Eric, "Have to go to class, now. If you're good boy and stay here, maybe there's some fun waiting for you when I get back. If you're a bad boy and try to escape, I'll find something stronger to bind you with and maybe, you wont like what happens." As if on purpose, the hem of the skirt brushed the skin of Eric’s knee a few times. "Understood?"

With a smile, Misty turned and grabbed her backpack and neatly skipped out of the room. "See you in a couple hours!"

Eric sat unmoving for a minute at a complete loss after he heard the door slam, He sat there and tried to wriggle his wrists and ankles. He heard the door open. he looked up as Misty sauntered back. Her smile was genuine, her eyes twinkled, she bent, squatting before him, but instead of freeing in she pulled down her blue polka dot panties and stepped over to him, she gripped the material that was jammed in him mouth gagging him. She tugged it out none to gently, Eric saw it was one of her socks, he tried to keep his jaw tightly closed. Misty slapped him hard, Eric yelled loud only to have his yell cut off and Misty who muffled him effectively by forcing her still warm panties into his mouth.

“They better still be there when I get back! Oh, on second thoughts”, She reached into the sleeve of her blouse, and Eric heard a soft snap, as Misty expertly pulled her bra out. She walked behind him Eric sat helpless, he could feel her warmth behind him, the bra, still warm from confining her pert warm fragrant breasts, she swung the bra around his head and made sure one of the 34B cups covered his pantie filled mouth. She tied the ends behind his neck.

She smiled as she looked at her handiwork. Now be a good boy Eric, and I will be back after class, but, and she lifted the hem of her short skirt, showing him her hairless pussy, anything can happen.”

The door closed behind her


2020-03-05 14:52:40
Im curious to why there are so many negative votes but people are too lazy to say why

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