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No here is where we hit the sex. What's a gold sex story without the sex?
So what you are saying, is to use your powers to get all the pussy I can find?” I questioned wearily.

“That is precisely what I'm saying,” Korra answered nonchalantly and pulled out her phone.

“What's in it for you?”

“That's for me to know, and for you to find out.”

Alright then. “So you won't be jealous at all?”

She looked up from her phone and stared at me with one eyebrow raised. “Nope? Am I supposed to be?” There was an awkward pause.

“I'm just going to go now,” I said as I finished my food and got up from my chair.

“You do that.” she looked back at her phone.

“I'm going to fuck the first girl I see…”

“Are you going to go or not?” She stared intently at her phone.

“Fine, Fine, I'm going.” I walked to the door out of the apartment.

As I left Jayce's property, I was contemplating my powers. How do they work? What triggers them? How would I stop other people from using them against me? I saw a kitten walk across the street. Maybe it works on cats?

“Hey, kitty!” I called out to it. “Spin around 3 times.” No response.

I imagined sending the command like I would send mail. As soon as it reached the cat, it spun around, looking for something that clearly wasn't there. It was almost as if the cat changed my idea to fit its situation.

“You're tired, why don't you go and lay down?” I forced another command on it. It stopped quickly, yawned, stretched and continued on looking for that something. So I guess it can refuse things? After searching around for a bit, the cat concluded that there was nothing there and went to sleep. It seemed as if the cat initially refused the thought, but the effect received lasted, so the cat was bound to go to sleep sooner or later. All of this was good to know.


I opened my car doors and stepped into the sports car. Putting my keys into the ignition, I remembered that, since I was kicked out of my house, I don't have a place to stay. That'd be annoying. I was a bachelor but didn't have a pad. It was a problem that needed to be remedied. Luckily I could make a stop to my ex to give her one last go around, just to test my powers on humans. It might just be a little bit appealing. I turned on the car and started down the road. After about fifteen minutes of driving, I reached the one familiar house, and I knocked on the door that was once mine. Within a couple of seconds, the door creaked open.

“I knew it. You couldn't last one week. Pathetic.” Rebecca glared at me with the most disgusting look I've ever seen her use towards me.

“I'm not here to come crawling back, I'm here to get my stuff.”

I said sighing. This was time to test the new powers. “Chill,” I said slowly and convincingly, a slight enough command that it wouldn't seem weird to obey.

She sighed slowly. “Fine. Come in.” It might be a fluke. I should test again to see if it really worked.

“Thank you.” I walked into the modern house. The white paint perfectly contrasted the black and gray furniture. “So how do you like the house to yourself?” I asked just to piss her off even more than she already is.

“Just get your shit and leave me the fuck alone, ” she said as her anger picked up.

“No need to get angry, we can handle this like adults,” I said, forcing a similar command as the previous one. She breathed in slowly again. It works!

“You're right. Just hurry up and leave so I can get on with my life.” She said, frustrated with my presence. Now, it's time to see if I can really test these abilities. I pushed to read her mind. Hm, she really does have some feelings. Time to take advantage of them, like she did to me.

“Now here's the thing. You still miss me. What's holding you from coming back?” I pushed a command for her to tell me her feelings.

“I… I don't know. I just feel bad for all that I've done to you, and feel like I should… you know… leave you be.” The mindless whore actually feels remorse. Not enough.

“Well, I'm not sure saying sorry is enough to repay me.” I sent a command to make her extremely horny. Since she was already vulnerable, it shouldn't be a surprise if she was horny too.

“Well, I've got other things in mind,” she sighed as she twiddled her fingers seductively.

“I love what you are thinking, but before we do that, we need to talk.”

“Ok, but-” She was dripping from the steady flow of juices coming from her pussy.

“I understand. First, I want my $750,000 back. Next, I want all of my old equipment, and all of my clothes and my other stuff hanging around shipped out to my house tomorrow, next, whenever I come into this house, you will progressively feel more and more horny.”

“You have a house?” She questioned. I guess that is now on my list. Shouldn't be too hard.

“Shhh. Just touch your aching pussy and agree with me.” She moaned and reached down into her leggings, not even trying to hide what she was doing.

“After all of that, you're going to forget I was even here,” I said forcefully. “Do you understand?

“Yes yes. I understand. Just please fuck me. I really need it.” She whined.

“Sounds good to me,” I said as I walked and sat on the couch. “Start with your top,” I ordered her while removing my own shorts to reveal my insanely uncomfortable member.

She, while biting her lips and swaying her body back and forth, lifted her forest green crop top above her shoulders and over her head, to reveal the C-cups I've grown to love. The black lacy bra in front of her creamy globes was extremely inviting, leaving just enough to the imagination. She walked over to me, and straddled my lap, lifting her body so the tip of my cock was pressing her vaginal opening and her boobs were in my face. Without missing a beat, she undid her bra, only to leave behind the boobs that anyone would suckle on. Her above-average nipples hid a small secret: The moment I took one into my mouth, I was pleasantly greeted by the trickling of a sweet liquid. We have been working to artificially stimulate lactation, and it turned into one of the biggest kinks we couldn't give up. After a few squirts, I switched to the other boob, eliciting moans after every long suck. I then pulled her down and kissed her, sharing the milk that she produced back with her. She swallowed all that I gave her. After the milk was gone, she pushed me down on the couch, only to rub her crotch up and down my cock. I pulled her face to mine and whispered seductively to her.

“You still are wearing leggings, Becca.”

She responded by groaning at her own stupidity. She lifted off me to remove her leggings and panties, only to plop back down to repeat what she was previously doing. But only it was her juicy, wet and soft pussy instead of the leggings.

“Ugg Hnhh. I need it in me. I can't wait anymore.”

“But you can. I want a blowjob.” She opened her mouth to protest until I forced the command unto her.

She scooted back and took me into her wonderful, warm and wet mouth. I groaned as I too was insanely horny. After a few minutes of sucking, slurping, and deepthroating, I started to feel the tension in my balls. I had to stop. I pushed the bobbing head off of my cock, getting a handful of her dyed blond hair. She took the command, and lifted up only to move to my cock and impaled herself before I had the chance to refuse

“Oh, I don't like this position though. I want more control.” I pushed her off of cowgirl and moved into doggy style, and pounded that warm, velvety and firm embrace that I ever so missed. I started extremely quickly, fucking so fast and so hard that her ass was creating noise similar to clapping in a theater.

She started moaning loudly and quickly. She was about to cum, but I was closer.

“Are you about to cum?” I asked breathlessly.

“Oh yes. Please don't stop!” She moaned louder.

“Well, too late!” I said as I came just before she did and shot one jet in her pussy and the rest on her back

“Aww man, I didn't even get to cum, and on top of that, you came inside!”

Oh shit. I left her last week at the end of her pill. I fucking forgot.

“Oh well, life is life. Hope you don't get pregnant. See you tomorrow.” I got up, put on my shorts and left down into the basement, where my old recording studio was located. I walked over to the one area I spent many more hours creating videos than sleeping. I arrived at my corner shaped desk and reached under the desk and behind my computer into a small safe. Putting in the combination and scanning my fingerprint, the small safe opened to reveal an envelope of cash and legal documents, a pistol, and a couple of magazines to go along with the pistol. This pistol, a Desert Eagle .44, had a holo sight attached to the top, and a laser-flashlight combo attached to the bottom and firing a caliber that could shoot through layers of cinder blocks pretty easily, let alone a human body. Many people wouldn't need such a weapon, but it's been my favorite weapon since I bought it. I had grown so accustomed to it, I could shoot it accurately, quickly, and precisely with one hand, and twice as much with two. After emptying the contents of my safe, I searched my desk for my wallet, my pocket knife, and my laptop. I then grabbed my travel backpack and left through the garage and out to my car where I stored such things, keeping my wallet and my pistol, only to set it in the holster on the side of my seat, and pocket my wallet. Next on my list was getting a house that she could ship my stuff to. It would be a quick trip down the valley into the metropolis below. I had ordered everything so Becca would forget tomorrow, and leave me to live my life, while she lives hers, so I'd never share a house with her again.


Entering the city only took an hour or two, making the midday sunshine pour down into the city below. I pestered my phone for directions to a different bank than the one I normally use, to prevent Becca from gaining access again.

“I can help you over here!” Said a woman behind the counter. As I approached her, I noticed that she was my age, and had a pretty good figure, nothing typical, yet nothing to turn down.

“How can I help you?”

“Hi-” I looked at her name tag right on her right breast, “Alicia. My name is Max Summers, and I'd like to create a new account.”

She screamed in her head. Holding her professional tone and barely cracking a smile, she spoke. “Do you have your social security number and proof of residence?”

“All the things you need are in this folder.” I handed her the folder of money and documents from my safe.

“I just have to say, even though I probably shouldn't. I am a huge fan of yours, and started watching back when you used to stream.” I blushed at the compliment. She opened the folder and pulled out the documents and the money, only to start typing intently into a keyboard. “My only question, is why haven't you posted in a while? I don't mean to be rude or anything-”

“Don't worry about it. I'm planning on making a video about what's happening and whatnot, but if I were to tell you about it before everyone else, that wouldn't be fair to the other fans, now would it?” I asked jokingly.

“Aww come on! I wouldn't snitch!” She pleaded. “Can you input your PIN?” She asked kindly.

“It doesn't matter whether you snitched or not, I try not to treat certain fans unfairly, and it would go against that if I were to tell you.” I inputted a couple of numbers and made sure to lodge it into my brain.

“Can you-” she flipped through the papers, then stopped at one. “Oh, there it is. You're almost too prepared. It's creepy.”

“Yeah, I get that. What card styles do you have to offer?” I ended up picking a card that had a sunset on the left and a starry night on right, with a tree in the middle. The left side of the tree was bare and just branches, while the right side was filled with beautiful cherry blossoms. Right as I gave her the example card back while picking it for the design on mine, I pushed a command into her head, gently forcing her admiration into lust. I then gave her the idea to slip me her phone number.

“And... Here's your card, and if you need anything, you can contact me here, ” She handed me my new card and held up a business card. Not what I was hoping for, but that's alright. “And here.” There we go! As she flipped the card around to the backside, there was a handwritten number on the back.

“Thank you! I'll make sure to call if I have any trouble.”

“Please do. Thank you for banking with us!” She called out as I opened the doors to the wide city around me. Next stop, a Real Estate Agency.


“Osiris City Real Estate is on your left, ” My phone GPS spoke. I pulled into the parking lot, careful not to hit the terribly parked truck in front of me as I parked. As I opened the door to the store, I was greeted by a kinda short dude who wore a flatbill hat that contrasted the rest of his work outfit. He seemed like a good guy.

“My name is Alex, and I'm here to get you started. What are you looking for in today's visit?” He spoke as if he really enjoyed his job, which was always convincing to me.

“I'm looking for a new apartment, one that I could spend 2 or more years of my life in. Nothing cheap, but nothing too expensive.”

“Plan on living with anyone?”

“No, but I'd like a three-room anyways.”

“Alright, I’ve got the person for you. Follow me over here,” he said, as he left for a small cubicle with a girl who was at the end of her twenties, but short and cute with wavy blonde hair and small breasts. “It's Alex. Apartment, medium-high, three rooms, and his name is Max.” He spoke to her quickly and left.

“Hello, my name is Katt, and I will be showing you a wide variety of apartments.” I wondered what command I should give her to force her to want to fuck me.

“Hi, Katt. When can we start?”

“In just a second if you will, ” She said happily. So happy, my cock was starting to stir. I was imagining sucking on those small tits when my cock started to harden. Then it hit me. I was quite clearly in public, and my boner would start to show through. If only I could just… and it happened. My awakening cock just fell back down in an instant. This was useful, I could think my cock flaccid.

“And… Done. Follow me to the company car, ” She got up, and oh lord did she have an ass. If her boobs didn't convince someone, her ass would definitely do it. I had to continually wish for my cock to stay flaccid as all I could imagine was fondling that sweet luscious ass.

“-And I'll show you the different apartments we have to offer.” She led me out, into a Lincoln SUV, and started driving.

“So Katt, what made you choose this job over any others?” I asked her. My whole goal was to get her more comfortable, so she'd be more responsive to my commands.

“Well, my police career went belly up due to budget cuts, and a friend was here, so I decided to give this job a shot, and never looked back.” She responded as she made a right turn.

“If you could change anything about your career, what would you do?”

“Most definitely finish law school. That way, I would have this as a side thing, and a strong source of income.”

“It seems like this job is a little more than just a job, ”

“To me, it's a hobby that's just as worthy to many people as knitting. It may be weird, but I house search for fun! And speaking of house searching, here we are!” She parked the black vehicle at the third apartment building today and walked towards the door. My cock tingled as I stared at that beautiful ass again, and today she looked back at me to check to see if I've left the car.

“There you are!” She said friendly as I opened the car door. “Follow me this way, ” She rushed through the front doors, only to hit an amazing lobby, with the most comfortable looking couches in the world, a small area for books, another area for the cafe, and finally, a full-size tree in the middle of the lobby.

“This is Avriza Apartments. Under all of this luscious greenery and comfy couches are years and years of meticulous design by Fredrick Avriza. Feel free to explore, and maybe grab a coffee from the bar and we'll meet back here in five.” And that's exactly what I did. After sipping on my salted caramel mocha and staring at her from across the lobby, I met back up with Katt.

“Oh yes, I agree. It was a snatch indeed. Oh, shoot. Work. I've gotta go, bye!” She pulled the phone from her face and tapped the red icon. “Are you ready to see a potential home?” I just nodded.

She walked over to an elevator and swiped a card beside the elevator controls. All the buttons lit up, and she pressed the number 17. “Each one of these elevators works on a card system, where you swipe a card and put in your floor number, and the data will store in your card. Then next time, when you call down an elevator, it will read the information on your card without you having to take it out and take you up to that floor. You could always specify which floor once you enter, but that's beside the point.” She entered the elevator. “So, you were asking me so many questions about my life, so what about you?” She questioned me. This is good. She is starting to think more about me.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Like where do you work and what do you do?”

“I worked in media design, ” Kind of a smart way to say ‘I make videos for a living’ without saying it, “until I left my ex. In fact, that is why I am house searching, ” I shrugged.

“Oh, I just broke up with my ex a few months ago. I feel you.” She said as the doors slid. They opened to a very small robin blue room, with doors only on the left and the right. She walked out of the elevator and walked to the left room.

“This is condo number 376.” She opened the door to a large room, complete with a fireplace which isn't common for this area. “This condo provides ample living space for more people than the four bedrooms implied, each with noise-canceling walls and ceilings. It overlooks Osiris's Cherry District and Spark District simultaneously which is a bonus. If you follow me here,” she began walking down a hallway and opened the first door on the right. “You can see one of the bedrooms. Each bedroom is about this size and comes with a walk-in closet, and custom heating and cooling. Next is the bathrooms, so we’ll make our way in that direction.” As we left the room, she dropped her phone on the ground and went to pick it up, giving a nice view of her ass, thighs, and pussy. I somehow managed to hold enough self-control to not eat her out right then and there. Willing my cock back down, I followed her to the bathrooms, which were just bathrooms. I mean it did have some fancy stuff like dual heads, a hot tub, and heated floors, but overall, it's just a bathroom.

“Lastly, we are going to go upstairs,” Wait. There is an upstairs? “And see the master bedroom. I can already tell you how much you are going to enjoy it. Avriza went all out on this condo layout.” She opened a door to a flight of stairs. Up the flight of stairs and I hit the master bedroom. It was the size of half of this already huge condo. “One of my favorite things about this layout, is that it is on the top floor, so that means, ” she walked over to the corner of the room and flipped a switch, ”the master bedroom has a personal balcony above the other one!” And the far end wall seemed to just split in half and shift over, into a giant wall of windows and one sliding glass door. Yes. This place was a keeper.

“Ok, I've tried to keep my mouth shut, but I can't anymore. How much?” I gave in.

“It might be a little bit of a doozy but I can give it to you for about 675,000” That was more money than I had at this point.

“That's a little high, don't you think?” I thought for a minute.

“I could do you a favor and drop it down a bit, ” she said after a little bit.

“But…” There is always a catch.

“But you need to do me a little favor first.” She walked towards me.

“What do you have in mind?”

“I'm in need of a massage, as my back hurts a bit, and I can't reach it on my own.”

“I'm cool with that, but this apartment is empty. Where am I going to give you a massage?”

“On the chairs on the balcony, if that's ok with you.”

“I'm totally fine with that.”

“Cool. Before we go out there, I need to-” she took off her hoodie, and started to lift up her company shirt. “-get more comfortable.”

“Good, because all I can think about is your wonderful ass.” I started stripping too.

“Haha!” She chuckled playfully as she removed her skinny jeans, leaving behind dark red panties, and a matching bra.

As soon as she opened the sliding glass doors leading to the balcony, she opened an outside closet I didn't even know was there and pulled out a sunbathing chair. She set it down on the concrete and laid on it face down. I stripped naked and started rubbing my cock as I stared at her from the doorway.

“Come here. I meant it about the massage!” She wiggled her wonderful ass to entice me to follow her. I strode carefully over and started with the back, as she suggested, kneading and rubbing her smooth, cream-colored skin.

“Oh, I didn't think you were this good at back rubs, ”

“My best friend is not only a personal trainer but gives avid massages. I learned from the best.” I crawled my way up to her shoulders.

“Oh God yes, I missed this. This is one of the only things I miss from being in a relationship.” She sighed gently. “Lower, ” she said. I moved my hands from her shoulders to her back, returning to kneading and pressing all of the knots out of her back. “Lower, ” I moved my hands to the small of her back, rolling my elbows gently. “Lower, ” I finally touched her ass, massaging her firm checks like there is no tomorrow. “I appreciate the love you have for my ass, but just a tad bit lower.” And I felt the soppy wet mess that was her crotch. It was obvious that she'd been awfully horny this entire time. “Uhhmmnn… Oh my god yes. Please!”

“How long have you been like this? Jesus Christ, your whole panties are soaked.”

“The entire time, ever since Alex brought you over. Good thing I was wearing black huh-uuuumm…”

I slapped her ass. “Spread your legs out.”

“Ooh, I like rough.” She said, parting her legs open. I proceeded to slide off her panties and dove in face first into her crotch, tasting that metallic flavor I'd grown to love. I dug my tongue deep into her vaginal cavity. She seemed to appreciate it, moaning and groaning with every push and pull of my tongue as I explored her insides. After a while of exploring her insides, I decided to explore her outside, specifically her clit. I was immediately rewarded with her tensing and releasing, bouncing and almost breaking the tanning chair.

"OH GOD!!" For my efforts, I was rewarded with wash after wash of her squirt as she convulsed on the sunbathing chair. After a solid 45 seconds, she stopped bouncing, but her midsection was still spasming. "Fuck. This is what it feels like to orgasm. I haven't had one in 2-and-half months, so thank you."

"No problem. Mind if I kiss you? Because, you know, " Some girls don't like the taste of vagina, and I will always respect it. Becca sure hated the taste.

"Yes. Please come kiss me. I love a good pussy, especially the haste of my own." It was enough permission than I'd ever ask for. I hopped up on top of her and kissed her deeply, sharing her juices between us.

"Mm, I'm excited."

"For what in particular?"

"Your enormous dick pounding my pussy. I never noticed how big it was, now I need it in me if I'm going to survive today." "Well, I don't plan on depriving you of such pleasure." I shifted my body position to rest my cock hovering in front of her cavity. All I'd need is to put it in. Instead, I chose to rub it around.

"Did I say toy with me?" She said frustratedly. I laughed as I stuck only the tip into her. She gasped as I widened and stretched her pussy like it was her first time. And it sure felt like it was. Her hot, wet vagina gripped me like a vice on rubber and almost sucked me in. She moaned and quivered just on the head alone. I doubt she could take the rest of my length, but who cares? As she said, she likes it rough, so I gave her rough. I rammed all of the way down, until I hit her cervix, with three inches left to go. She squealed in both pain and pure ecstasy and continued to whimper as I stayed still to allow her to grow accustomed to my length and size. Just as soon as I felt it was long enough, I picked up the pace, as there was no need to hold off my orgasm. She moaned and squealed as her vice grip of a pussy countered all of my movements. Sucking in when I pull out and squeezing when I push back in. After a while, I couldn't last much longer.

"Ahh… I'm going to cum soon." I gasped.

"I am too. I want you to come inside. I've always wanted a kid, but Mark never wanted one. Please just cum inside. Please." She groaned in longing. All I wanted to do was make her wish come true. All I wanted was to fuck her so hard, that her cervix would part to let me in, so all of me could be in all of her. Maybe I could do that. Maybe if I just sent a command to her subconscious to expand her cervix, maybe I could. And I did.

She noticeably gasped as I slipped my tip into her and she opened her mouth to scream. Just as she was about to scream, I turned all of her potential pain into exponential pleasure, and her frown turned into a smile as she squeezed with the entirety of her nether region, pushing me to an orgasm. I pumped load after load directly into her uterus. After I finished and pulled out, to prevent her from any more potential discomfort, I told her subconscious to refrain from receiving pain signals from there for the next couple of weeks. I figured by the off chance she wouldn't be pregnant, not being able to feel period cramps would be nice.

"Jesus Christ. I don't know what the fuck you did, but I would love to do it again." She moaned softly.

"I'd like that," I said contently. After all, I fucked her without once using my powers. I mean, I did use them during, but not to get there.

"And for the price of the condo… I mean this baby you've given me, plus the best orgasm of my life, I'll pull some strings and drop the price down to at most 425,000, but probably more like 300,000."

"One last condition, though. I want to keep in contact. I want to be able to follow through with your offer. And most definitely soon. Never too much cum in my book."

After we got dressed, I signed the documents needed for the condo, and we exchanged numbers and social media. I texted her just to confirm it was her, and it was. I asked her if we could meet up again as soon as I get my new home furnished, and she quickly agreed.

Lacuna here. Just a *tad* more sex in this one. I played a little bit with my own weird fantasies (lactation, massaging, and that last one (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) ) Would you people rather longer but less frequent or short and more frequent episodes? Comments and critique are very appreciated.
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