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Hi all just a domme that loves to write with themes that involve Female domination, and Mind Control and sometimes some other themes. If you like my imagination do a web search on my name, hopefully you will find more that you like,
I wrote this back in December for my [certain creator content funding website] for the rare fifth Sunday of the month. I call this a tease instead of a prologue, cuz I haven’t decided if you’re getting more just yet. Over the next couple months I’ll have a few stories that I’ll let my fans vote on for my next multi-chapter story. The events of this story are parts of what will likely be the third arc...

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.

Anyway for those of you unclaimed subs that want to feel a bit of interaction for the next few minutes I have some rules. I’ve been told in the past it makes me sound pretentious, but I just want to have fun and the subbies to have the same.

Rules for the subs:

As always, a constant theme in my stories are the rules… and these are the rules for the un-owned subs that want a little control taken from them. These are optional, at least until you follow rule #1..

Rule #1 You belong to me until you thank me for your next orgasm. Say it, “Mistress Dyvia, I belong to you until I thank you for my next orgasm.” Prove it to yourself by speaking those words.

Rule #2 I mark my subs. I prefer lipstick on your lips, thick and unblotted so you feel me every time you press your lips together. Seriously, if you have been reading my stuff, you should know this rule.. So if you don’t have any, get some! Today, get your cute little ass down to the store and buy some, or at least order some off the internet!

But if unavailable, get a black marker and write my name on your cock, or just over your pussy.

Rule #3 I over use ellipses… ...really... ...I do… But I enjoy this. So whenever you see one, give your cock or clit a gentle slap, nothing painful, but one that will bring you a burst of arousal. Once you know what the RBF is, practice your best one while you do bring these, ‘bursts of arousal...’ And remember I did this to you, not you. ;)

Rule #4 You may not cum without Mistress’ permission. When you are done reading the story, there are criteria at the end for seeking my permission. Obey my instructions!

Rule #5 You will read this story in your favorite pink bra and panties with no other clothes on… or naked if you don’t have that bra and panty set… Transformed bimbos love pink, don’t they pet?


Mistress Dyvia presents:

RBF: The Tease

By Mistress Dyvia

POV The Mistress

I gently tapped my smartwatch to activate the wireless earpiece that was snugly in my ear, and heard the voice speak out to me, “Mistress, your nine o’clock is here.”

“I’ll be down in time for the scheduled appointment; he’s early. Keep him entertained until I get there.”

An enthusiastic ‘Yes, Mistress!” followed, then the line went dead as I tapped the watch. A potential new client, came a little early, not sure whether to be insulted for thinking he could take more time than I offered, or complimented on the fact he was making sure he was not wasting mine.

I stood up and left my private office, I closed the door and heard the lock, the main hall on this floor was carpeted, so my heels didn’t make too much noise. I wasn’t dressed to intimidate sexually at the moment, many of the girls here were used to my dominatrix appearance, but given the few side looks that I pretended not to see as I passed a few girls, they were not used to seeing me in my ‘boardroom intimidation suit.’ That was to say; a black pant suit, heels, red blouse, and a wolfish smile.

I tapped my watch again trying to get Angela. A moment later her voice chimed in through my earpiece, “Yes, Mistress?”

“Get the recruits from the week ending on the 22nd into auditorium C in 5 minutes, we have a new client and I want to see how the new girls are doing.”

“The ones that have been here for just over a week?” she asked.

I know she wouldn’t argue and was confirming, but I found it very difficult to hide the edge to my voice at someone questioning my decision. “Yesss…” my voice slithered in annoyance.

“Very well Mistress, they’ll be there in four.”

“Thank you.” I tapped the watch again as I arrived at the elevator. The door opened and I pressed the button for the Auditorium level.

There was a girl clearly nervous, “Elli?” I asked her.

“Yes, Mistress?”

Is there something bothering you?”

She shook her head, “No, Mistress?”

“Well then... look at this.” I tapped the blue pin on my collar. I saw her eyes dart up to the tapping sound my nails made, and then her body language shifted, she posture corrected itself, she suddenly seemed focused, her eyes looking at my pin, the muscles in her face going slack, and her whole being said, ‘relaxed.’ I know the thoughts going through her head, we went out of our way to put them in there, ‘I’m happy letting others think for me,’ ‘I like looking pretty,’ ‘I will obey my superiors without question.’ etc… “Elli, will you obey all of my commands?” I asked as my hands moved toward her breasts and my nails traced outlines around her very visible nipples…

“Yes, Mistress..” she said as I noted this is the most confidence her voice spoke since I stepped into the elevator with her…

“Good. I want you to do something for me…”

About a minute later, the elevator doors opened, and I held her thong by the strap with one finger noting how they were ruined by her orgasm. I saw a maid enter a room, and I dropped the panties on her cart and continued on toward the auditorium.

I stepped inside and there were twelve girls sitting in the front row. They all had that vacant expression on their face, they were all sitting identically with their legs crossed and their hands resting on top of one another on their knees, the position of their arms forcing their breasts into an inviting cleavage… just as we taught them. I looked behind me and saw the blue symbol that was on my collar projected onto the screen, no wonder they were so focused.

I needed four girls for my purpose. I looked them over carefully. I tapped the redhead, “Gigi, stand up, walk to the door and wait for me.” I heard her confirmation as she obeyed, then I walked past two girls, I tapped one with black hair who was naked except for a collar, she blinked a couple times as her eyes were taken away from her focus. “Kati, stand up and wait by the door with Gigi.” She responded just like Gigi. I skipped by another girl, and tapped the brunette on the shoulder, “Roxi, stand up and walk to the others and wait for me.” I frowned as I realized I had already picked three and still had about half the girls to go. I took a couple steps back and looked for which one would be the best eye candy… candy… My eyes darted to the last girl, I took a few steps toward her and tapped her shoulder “Candi, stand up and follow me.”

“Yes, Mistress.” I heard her say as she stood up and followed me as we got to the other girls… I tapped my watch again, “Angela, I have the girls I need, you can return the others to whatever they were doing before.”

As we walked down the hall I ran over the girls what would happen, “So we have a new client, and since you are new girls, I thought this would be a great example on how to show him how well you girls are trained. Don’t worry you cannot fail, and truthfully I don’t expect you to be the best, and that is the point, to see how far you have come in a short amount of time, next time he comes we will introduce him to a girl who has been here for a month.” I realize at this point their attention might not have been as good as I would prefer. I stopped outside the office, “Simply girls, You’re gonna go in there, look pretty and wait until he picks one of you out. Do you all understand?”

They each nodded, and I said, “Good, come along.” as I reached for the door...

POV: Jason Auberfinn

I checked my watch, I had made much better time than I had expected. My appointment was at nine, and it was a little over twenty-five minutes early. At least I wasn’t late. I entered and approached the receptionist, and looking at the generous cleavage and I thought that Edward was very much correct, this place was very much fantasy fulfillment. He said that if I applied, and was accepted, I would have my choice of the most beautiful women, and for the right price it could be a date, it could be girlfriend, a sexual fantasy, or even a wife… to my specifications.

I’m still not sure how that would work out. But I sent my ‘application’ in to the email, was invited to that ridiculous office, where I spent three hours of my time filling out questions and waited a month before getting a phone delivered to me, that rang as soon as I touched it… and they gave me a location and three appointments of my choice that I could arrive, and here I am.

The receptionist led me to an elevator.. I noted that she pressed a button that said, ‘Public Offices,’ and there was a button further up saying ‘private offices,’ that seemed to require additional security as the buttons were not lit. The telltale shift in my stomach told me when the elevator started moving. We stopped and walked down the hallway, we stopped in front of a door and entered. It was a very tiny office with a small desk, a tablet on a stand and a blu-tooth keyboard, with a small phone in the corner. The blond woman behind the desk smiled. The receptionist told the blond who I was and then left. The blond picked up a phone and dialed, apparently received instructions, and led me into the next room.

Again fairly spartan for an office and then it occured to me, public office was not for work, it was for meetings with people outside the company, like myself. The seats were very comfy looking, and sitting down, that thought was confirmed. ‘I need to get some of these for my office…’ went through my head.

A moment later the blond was standing in front of me. “Is there something I forgot?” I asked.

She shook her head, “Mistress won’t be down until the appointment time…” she started unbuttoning her shirt. Three things occurred to me at that point, ‘Mistress,’ so the the things Edward said were true… Two, if the training was really that good I could… never mind.. Cuz three, she’s unbuttoning her shirt. Then she continued, “..I’ve been told to keep you entertained until then.”

She exposed her breasts to me, and my eyes widened, “Holy shit, those are fucking beautiful.”

She giggled at my response… “I’m sure I can make that the least of your amusement.” she took my hands as she kneeled in front of me, and took my hands to her breasts… My heart skipped a beat, this was straight out of a porno.

Less than a minute later her hands were unzipping my pants,a moment after that her tongue was stroking my dick making it bigger and bigger, and when my cock wasn’t get any bigger, she giggled as she looked me in the eye and saw the look on my face before the entire length disappeared into her mouth…

Seriously, I thought I was about to cum five times, and she stopped me with just her lips… Scary skills right there.

I heard the door open behind me, the blond didn’t stop. “Mister Auberfinn, nice to meet you, don’t bother getting up, I wouldn’t want to ruin your fun... I assume you know who I am?”

“Yeah, Edward told me about you.”

“Good.” she paused and looked behind me, “girls line up behind me.” and four women who were all tens walked behind her and stood, she snapped her fingers and said, “Girls,” and pointed to something behind me, and their faces all went slack.

I was tempted to look at their focal point myself, but somehow the attention the blond was giving to my crotch made me decide to focus on what was in front of me, not behind me.

She continued, “Well you know that we provide certain services, and since you have passed our tests I’m not afraid to tell you more, what do you know about what we do?”

It was harder to focus with the tongue swirl thing the blond was doing, but I tried. “Well I know I’ve been told you will provide the perfect woman for my needs, be it a night, a date, a girlfriend or more, but I’m not sure on the details.”

The woman smiled, “We program the girls. They each have five year contracts, they gave their consent to be changed as they are. Some looking for financial gain, others looking for an advantage or trying to escape debt or whatever reason lead them to being here, we adjust their personality, provide a new identity, and in five years they have the chance to renew their contract or leave. If they choose to leave, they are given a stipend depending on their services, or if they are married or similarly engaged-slash-entangled, they will go through an amicable divorce, and terms of any prenups will include her receiving 5% of the money you earned from the day you said ‘I do,’ until the divorce is finalized…” And I realized for anyone that could afford those services, they would be leaving these women in promising situations.

“Programming, is that why they look like zombies?” I noted their personality-less expressions.

She giggled, “No. no… Those expressions are their RBFs…”

“Resting Bitch Face?” I asked with confusion, they looked like zombies not bitches, and none of them looked like they could bitch about anything.

Again she giggled, “No, We refer to it as ‘Resting Blank face.’ free of emotions, open to suggestion. Though some clients refer to it as the Resting Bimbo Face despite that only a few are actually bimbofied.” She tapped the pin on her collar, “Any girl who signs our contract is trained to be receptive to this symbol, it is above the door in my office, they are all staring at it.”

My eyes widened, “I see.” ironically I could not actually see it without turning around...

She looked at me, “To get started, I just need you to pick one of the four girls behind me, each have been here for less than two weeks, I thought that was a good place to start since you’re new… If we can do this with a new girl, imagine what our experienced girls will be like.”

POV Candi

I was putting on my makeup just enjoying myself. I love makeup, it brings out the best part of myself. Looks are important to me, I love looking hot. I’m gorgeous and everyone should know it. People should look at me, I like being in the spotlight. I do my best when I make others look good, because I look good.

“Candi!” I looked up and saw one of the instructors looking at me, had she just called my name twice?

“I’m sorry, how can I help you?” I asked as I stood and curtseyed.

“Mistress D wants you in Auditorium 4 in three miniutes.”

My eyes went wide. I checked myself in the mirror, I think I looked hot. My dress was slutty as fuck, my tits were on display, my hair was flawless, and my makeup was almost done. I grabbed some lipstick, and applied a coat, blotted and licked them in the mirror to see if I had that enticing look, I did. I smiled as I followed Miss Angela. We met with a few other girls and Miss Angela led us in, and had us sit down. She left.

I immediately turned to the girl on my right, “Hi, I’m Candi, any idea what Mistress D wants?”

She introduced herself and shrugged her shoulders. Then complimented me on my makeup. “Thanks yours is amazing too! I love how you…” My thoughts were cut off as the screen came to life. “Shh.. we better pay attention…”

There was a countdown from ten… and then…

Relaxation… I felt my body straighten its posture, and my legs cross, I rested my hands on knees and watched. The Crest… I am pretty. I am obedient. I don’t like to think for myself. I am happy, and want others to know I am. I am pretty and I am hot. I exist for others’ pleasures…

My thoughts continued like that for a while Until I felt a tap on my shoulder and Mistress was here telling me to follow her to the others...

“Yes, Mistress!” I said with enthusiasm as I quickly stood, and walked over to the other three girls. Mistress led us down to the public offices. I’m not sure what was special about them. There was a door with her name on it. We entered, her secretary’s desk was empty. She opened the second door to the main office, and there was her secretary giving a blow job to a man. That looked like fun. I want some… I couldn’t help but pout a bit. Mistress signaled for us to stand behind her desk, and we lined up. A moment later, she snapped her fingers and said, “Girls,” and we all looked to where she was pointing... The Crest… I am pretty. I am obedient. I don’t like to think for myself. I am happy, and want others to know I am. I am pretty and I am hot. I exist for others’ pleasures… I love when others tell me what my opinions are. I love being silly. I am weak, and I live to serve…

The thoughts continued until Mistress said my name. I snapped out of it. And looked at her and smiled, “I’m sorry Mistress, I missed what you said.”

She smiled in amusement, as I was realizing the other three girls and the secretary had left already. But Mistress spoke, “Jason has picked you for his dinner date tonight. You will not be leaving the premises, but you will have dinner in the ballroom.”

I smiled, “That is wonderful, Mistress! He’s sexy looking!” I said with a giggle, and then my eyes opened as I realized he heard what I said… I put my hand to my lips as he grunted with something that may have been a laugh.

Mistress afixed something to his tie and said something like to him like, “remember if she acts oddly, just bring her attention to this and give her a moment. If you have any problems, put your arm up and a staff member will be over to assist.”

He smiled and looked at me, I felt devoured by his gaze and felt my pussy gush in excitement. He held out his arm and I found myself stepping forward and putting my hand daintily through his arm and letting him lead me out of the office and to the elevator. It took me a moment to realize Mistress was with us as she pressed a button. When the elevator stopped, Jason continued to lead me to a table while Mistress seemed to have gone in a different direction. I saw there were a number of couples dancing in the middle area, some women being openly fondled despite their formal attire. She saw others eating, often the ones who were clearly the doms enjoying their food, some of the girls were lapping something out of a bowl, while others waited for their superiors to take a bite before they did. All perfect submissives like I was… or I hoped to be..

Soon we were seated. He was looking at the menu, I simply sat there waiting for him to order for me. And then he asked, “Are you going to look at the menu?”

“No sir.” That's not my place.

“Do you already know what you want?” he asked.

“No sir.”

“What are you in the mood for?” he questioned...

“I don’t understand.” I felt a bit confused at his question.

“What kind of food do you want?” he continued

What do I want? I’m not supposed to think for myself. I don’t like that. Wait. did I even want to be here? I’m not some whore. I’m not some toy. I look down at my breasts… Why are they so big? I felt myself breathing heavily. I didn’t know this man. My eyes started darting around, why was I hear? I didn’t want this, but I volunteered so I could help… no… I felt dizzy.. My heart was beating so fast.. I wasn’t ready for this...

“Hey, its okay…” he said… But no it wasn’t, I was scared… I’m not ready… I need to get out of here… I need to... I heard a tapping sound from the man, I looked up at him, was he going to try and tell me everything was going to be alright? “Candi…” he said my name, that wasn’t my name, okay it was, BUt I hated that name, I was Candace and... He was tapping something on his necktie… I looked at it… Immediately, I felt my posture correct itself, and the muscles in my face relax… The Crest… I am pretty. I am obedient. I don’t like to think for myself. I am happy, and want others to know I am. I am pretty and I am hot. I exist for others’ pleasure. I love when others tell me what my opinions are. I love being silly. I am weak, and I live to serve. I am feminine and I am dainty. I am passive. I accept others judgements. My body is for others to enjoy….

He snapped his fingers. I looked up and smiled. “I’m sorry. What were we talking about?”

“What you would eat…” he started, “how do you normally do this?”

I smiled, “You decide what I want and order it for me.”

He smiled. “Easy enough.” The waitress came and he ordered for both of us. Then he took my hand and commanded us to dance. I giggled as I liked being told what to do and jumped up and he held me close. Now, I was certainly proud of my cleavage before, but I pulled in close to him, and felt my breasts pressing into his chest, and knew my cleavage was something infinitely more impressive.

He whispered in my ear, “We still have some time before the dinner.” He looked around seeing other couples in sexual positions, “How would you like an appetizer?”

I looked at him in confusion, and then asked him “Like mozzarella sticks?” I asked as he already ordered for us… He laughed, then whispered in my ear… Ohhh…. Understanding on my face... That could be fun!

Half an hour later the entree was served, and even though my face was covered in his cum, it didn’t stop me from enjoying the chicken caesar salad that he ordered for me...

A taste, but maybe.. Just maybe… it’s not the End…?

Do a web search on my name to find my website, you can get my contacts there.

Go ahead and figure out which social media I have: @Dyvia16

Well I certainly hope you write to me. I would love it even more if you followed me on Social Media or supported me on [Creative content funding website]. That being said, what do you think happened in the elevator? I’d love to hear some of your versions of those events… and whether you would like to see this story fleshed out a little more. And of course, whose shoes you’d rather be in.

As for my subs that are looking so very forward to that orgasm. Ask me for it by emailing me, I will probably say no the first time… unless of course I see proof of your lipstick. You could send me a picture of your lips painted of course, or you could hand write a letter saying, [your name] is property of Mistress Dyvia on [today’s date], submissively [Your Name] with a lipstick kiss next to it, or you could get creative… Otherwise, if I’m not feeling generous, I will give you a task to complete, and if I’m satisfied I will allow you to cum. I’m waiting for your obedience, my devoted pet.


2020-04-22 00:33:37
Uh, what?

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