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Two black thugs from East Cleveland rob a vacant house in Pepper Pike and are mistaken for the plumbers by the at home widow.
Juliana looked into her bedroom mirror as she climbed into her favorite yellow bathing suit. It was a very sexy one that was very revealing, strapless up top and cut very high on the leg in the back allowing her ass cheeks very little coverage. It was her favorite bathing suit and she looked very good in it. Even though it was all one-piece, it technically was two pieces of spandex connected to a large hard plastic white ring that rested in the center in the front against her flat white stomach.

As she pulled and pushed the material over her petite thin body trying to get it in the correct places, she thought about her late husband Kevin and how he had always loved when she would wear this bathing suit. He used to call her his ‘Sexy Little Canary’, and the bird puns and innuendo would flow out all day making Juliana giggle and shake her head with a smile. He always made her laugh like that. It had only been two months since his car accident and she still missed him terribly.

Doctor Kevin Westcott was a great young man. A very skilled surgeon, only 35 years of age, and destined to be one of the future leaders of the Cleveland Clinic and it’s many affiliated hospitals. Sadly, he was killed when his car collided with a telephone pole after hydroplaning into the air during a heavy rain storm. The impact of the collision snapped his neck and killed him instantly.

They had only been married for about two years and they didn’t even have children yet although that was always the plan. He had died so young but had already made enough money to buy a very nice house in an upscale neighborhood of the suburbs of Pepper Pike, Ohio, a small town just outside of Cleveland. It was a big house on a large piece of property and now it solely belonged to Juliana. The house was way too big for just one person, at some point in the future logically she would have to downsize but everything had been a whirlwind since her husband died and nothing like that had been thought of yet.

Juliana put her long light brown hair up in a ponytail. It was a nice amber color, almost identical to a nicely brewed lager, and it always smelled of strawberries due to the type of shampoo she frequently used. She put on her dark black rimmed glasses and began to apply some lipstick onto her full but very small set of lips. She always wore the glasses which made her look a bit nerdy but contacts irritated her eyes so this was the best alternative.

It was Wednesday morning, a day that she usually was in work. But she had decided to take a personal day from her office job mostly because she was a little bit burned out from all of the craziness the past two months. Except for the day of the accident and the two days for the wake and funeral, Juliana had been working non-stop without taking a break. It was by choice and not by obligation that she was working so hard. She needed something to keep her mind off her husband’s death and work seemed to do just that. But she was in dire need of a personal day and she planned on spending it relaxing by her pool reading a book. She might even take a swim so she didn’t want to apply any heavy make-up.

She never really wore much make-up anyways. At 31 years old, her face was still very young looking and her tiny 5’1” frame made her look like a teenager. She always was very cute with modest 34b-25-32 measurements and her alabaster skin made her look almost breakable like a little porcelain figurine. She had very nice short legs that were shapely, and her feet were always groomed and pedicured nicely. Yes, Juliana was a tiny and gorgeous work of female art.

She exited her bedroom and as she walked down the long spiral staircase to the first floor of her house she heard voices coming from her kitchen. Who was in there? Ever since her husband had died she’d been the only one in the house. She tried to surmise who it could be. Then she remembered that her Husband had told her a few days before he had died that he was hiring some plumbers to fix the garbage disposal in the kitchen. It never crossed her mind that it could be two burglars. But that’s exactly who it was.

Rufus King Jr. never amount to much in life. He quit school in the eighth grade and he never held a paying job. He practically stole everything that he ever got and the crew he hung with in East Cleveland were some very seedy individuals to say the least. At 6’5” 245 lbs. and very wide and very muscular, Rufus was a monster among men. Not too many people crossed him and those that did try never did so more than once.

East Cleveland wasn’t ever a mecca of riches or good living. It was a crossroads of broken and destroyed lives where crime never took a holiday. A forgotten ghetto and some place that most white people mostly avoided and weren’t welcomed anyway. Everyone that lived there was African American and dirt poor. That is why Rufus usually did all of his thievery far from his hometown there wasn’t much of anything there to steal anyway. He liked to drive a few towns over and case the rich white neighborhoods and that is how he made his living.

Rufus had hit Pepper Pike once before, a few years ago and felt that the quiet little town was now ripe again for a big score. He had come to that assessment when he had read the obituaries and came across Dr. Westcott’s unfortunate accident. That’s who he hit, doctors, bankers, big businessmen, people who had lots of money and possessions. And the good doctor was adequately and summarily loaded.

Rufus and his close associate Luther Jacobs had been casing the good doctor’s house for a few weeks now. They knew when the gardeners were there. They knew when the mailman came each day, and of course, they knew when Juliana was there and when she wasn’t. Oh, so they thought. Misfortunately they chose the one day that Juliana decided to stay home from work to make their move on the place. They had no clue what-so-ever that she was still in the house.

As she got further down the steps Juliana tried to listen, but she couldn’t make out what the voices coming from the kitchen were saying. They just HAD to be plumbers, she thought. Why would burglars be in the kitchen? Before she reached the bottom of the staircase the two men walked out into large foyer and were visibly startled by the small woman standing there. Juliana jumped a little two, mostly due to the size of them both. Each man was almost triple the size of Juliana and was very intimidating looking.

Juliana: “Y-You guys are the plumbers, aren’t you? The ones that my Husband hired?”

Luther: “Say what?”

Rufus: “Yes…yes we are ma’am. The plumbers. That’s us.”

Juliana: “Oh. You gave me a fright. I thought I was being burglarized. Pardon me for asking, but how did you get in my house? Did he give you the extra set?”

Luther: “Who?”

Juliana: “Why, my husband silly.”

Rufus: “Ahhh, yeah. Mr. Westcott gave my boss the keys and he told us to come in through the door off the ah…kitchen? We didn’t think nobody was going to be home though. Sorry Ma’am.”

Juliana: “Oh I see. That makes sense. Yeah, I took a personal day today. Sorry if I frighten you guys. Things have been really hectic around here lately.”

Rufus: “They have?”

Juliana: “Oh, you don’t know the half of it. Wait…I’m sorry. Neither of you know. But then again, how could you?”

Luther: “Know…what?”

Juliana: “Well about my husband Kevin of course. He was in a car accident last month and he passed on.”

Rufus: “Oh we’re sorry to hear that ma’am. Would you like us to reschedule?”

Juliana: “Oh no. It’s okay. I’ve accepted things for what they are. Life goes on, right? I suppose I have to learn to take care of these type of things being alone now and all.”

Juliana walked over to a desk and she pulled out her check book. She had forgotten that she was dressed in a very revealing bathing suit, a sight not lost on the two black men who were following her body’s movements with their widened eyes this whole time. They both danced their gazes across her body, from her thighs to her ass, to her small but nice-looking tits. Because Juliana was headed for the pool she wasn’t wearing any shoes so she was also barefoot. Both men’s cocks were getting rigid in their loose-fitting pants and it was very visible.

Juliana: “What was the name of your company again? I’ll give you a blank check and your boss can fill in the amount later okay?”

Neither man spoke. They were both still staring at Juliana’s barely covered ass as she was bending over the desk. Not getting an answer she quickly turned around and caught them both dead to rights staring at her.

Juliana: “Ahem. Excuse me. Your company’s name is?”

Rufus: “Ah yeah can just make that sh…wait…I mean…my boss’ name is Luther. Yeah that’s right Luther…Luther Jacobs. You can just write his name.”

Luther looked over at Rufus and smiled. That was a stroke of genius and they both new it. Juliana filled out the main parts of the check then pulled it from the book. As she walked over to them with it she stole a glance down at their trousers and smiled a little bit at their bulges. As she handed the check to Rufus, she tried her best not to acknowledge the two tent poles in front of their crotches.

Juliana: “Here you go. You guys can get to work now. There’s plenty of refreshments in the fridge. I’ll get out of your hair and be out by the pool if you need anything. Okay?”

Luther: “Sure thing Mrs. Westcott.”

Juliana glimpsed another quick look down at Luther’s bulge again, then another glance at Rufus before she smiled again and turned and walked away. Both men continued to watch her little white ass move as she walked on and out to the back yard.

Luther: “Man. You see that bitch looking at our cocks?”

Rufus: “Yeah man. She’s so tiny and hot. I wouldn’t mind getting a piece of dat!”

Luther: “Sure would be nice! Sure would! But…what the fuck are we gonna do now? She’s home and we can’t steal anything. And I don’t know a mother fucker about plumbing!”

Rufus: “What you talkin’ bout? She’s gonna be by the pool all day. You heard her. We can still take what we want as long as we keep an eye on her.”

Luther smiled and they two men slapped hands a bit and then went to work. In the next hour they took all of the silver, the good china, and even went upstairs and found Juliana’s jewelry box. They found all of Kevin’s watches and his expensive golf clubs as well. They cleaned out anything that was valuable all the while the lady of the house was reading a book in a lounge chair just out back relaxing in the sun.

Out by the pool, Juliana was having a devil of a time concentrating and reading her book. The thoughts of her two ‘plumbers’ and the large bulges in their pants was all she could think about. There was no way that those men had penises that big, she thought. They had to have some socks or something stuffed in there. They just had to. Juliana never saw a black penis before. Well, not one in person.

She remembered back in college when she and her sorority had gotten a porno DVD that was being passed around at the time. It was aptly named ‘Mega Monsters of Cock’ and they watched it during one of the sorority’s pajama parties. Juliana remembered seeing a black guy swinging his 14-inch cock in the video like a small baseball bat and her and her friends were all giggling at it, none of them believing that it was real.

Still though, could all black men be that big? Or at least close to it? Since the video tape from college, the two men in her house was the only other barometer. How could something that big fit in a vagina without hurting? She never ever saw a black woman naked either so she loosely deduced that if black penises were really that big, maybe black vaginas were bigger than normal too to accommodate them. That had to be it she thought as she yawned uncontrollably. She then closed her eyes and pondered her thoughts some more and before long fell fast asleep.

Inside the house, Rufus and Luther were busy carrying everything of value into the kitchen. They took all of it out to their van and locked it up, then returned to the house. Finished with their thievery, they both then looked out a window to check on Juliana.

Luther: “Man look at that. She’s out there sleeping.”

Rufus: “Imagine how tight that little pussy is? We definitely gotta get a piece of dat! Shit, I gots me an idea.”

Luther: “What fucking idea?”

Rufus: “Never mind. Man, just follow me out and be quiet. Do what I do, you dig?”

Luther: “Yeah, okay.”

Rufus headed towards the back door. Just before going outside he shockingly removed all of his clothing and left them in a pile just inside the door. A bit apprehensive, Luther did the same and then followed him outside.

Luther: “Fucking nigger always getting me into some shit.”

Both men, totally naked, tip-toed towards Juliana with their big black cocks flapping up and down between their legs. If was comical to say the least. They stopped and stood directly behind the little white girl’s lounge chair with their dicks hanging just above her head careful not to wake her up. Then Rufus made his play.

Rufus: “Mrs. Westcott we’re all finished. Would you like to inspect our pipe work?”

Juliana woke up and was startled when she saw the two large black men, naked, with their flesh poles hanging just inches from her face.

Juliana: “What? What are you guys doing?”

Rufus: “What’s the matter? We both saw you staring at our cocks earlier. We know what that little smile meant. Tell the truth, you never seen dicks this big before and you were curious.”

Luther: “Yeah. You think we didn’t see dat? We know what’s up! We know what you were looking at!”

Juliana didn’t know what to say or do. She was laying beneath two very large naked black men, and their cocks were very large and pointing down at her. She was still half asleep and thought she was dreaming. The pungent musky aroma from the two black men was quickly going up her nose and was working like smelling salts. Not to mention the fact that her body was betraying her and her pussy was soaking her yellow bathing suit and making a wet stain that was very visible. Rufus suddenly reached down with his hand and without warning put it between her legs and rubbed her pussy with his fingers thru the material of the suit.

Rufus: “Look at this right here! Looks like somebody is getting a bit turned on.”

Luther: “Wetter than a Mofo! See I knew it!”

Juliana just lay their frozen and silent. She couldn’t process what was going on or how she was feeling. Her whole body was afire from Rufus’ fingers as he continuously rubbed her vagina thru her bathing suit. It felt so good and the electricity flowing through her was creating a feeling that she never ever felt before. Then all of a sudden, Luther took her left hand and placed it on his rigid charcoal colored cock. It felt hot and heavy, and soft to the touch. And big. Very big. She thought about her husband’s cock and what the differences were. It was like night and day, literally and figuratively.

Luther: “That’s it bitch! Stroke my shit. Play with that motherfucker.”

Rufus put his own cock into Juliana’s other hand. She was now jerking off two big black men while she lay beneath them on a lounge chair by her pool. She then suddenly felt Luther kissing her neck and at the same time Rufus started to suck her nipples through her bathing suit, still rubbing her pussy through her suit with his other hand. All this attention was driving Juliana mad and she let out an involuntary moan.

Juliana: “Ohhhh!”

Rufus: “That’s right. Feels good don’t it? You know what else would really feel good? If you got on your knees and sucked these two big dicks that’s in your hands like you really want to.”

Juliana: “But, I never…wait a minute...”

Rufus ignored her and pulled Juliana up onto her feet. She looked so small standing there between these two black giants. Rufus then eased her down to her knees by pushing on her shoulder, but because of her small stature and the two black men’s 6’5” and 6’3” heights, there wasn’t going to be a chance that she could reach their cocks with her mouth.

Luther: “This bitch is too small to suck our dicks this way.”

Rufus: “Naw man. It’ll be okay. We’ll just take her inside and couch her.”

Juliana listened to their conversation but it wasn’t computing. She sat there on her knees still staring at their cocks dangling high above her head. Her body was completely turned on by all of the recent attention and the sudden reawakening of her sexual senses. Her nipples were hard as little rocks and she could feel the cool breeze through her bathing suit which was wet with Rufus’ saliva around the nipple area.

Luther: “Alright then. Let’s get her inside.”

They then each took an arm and lifted Juliana back up to her feet and led her into the house. She could hardly keep up with their stride and her feet barely touched the ground as she was led in. Her heart was pounding very fast, like a clock ticking seconds away in an audibly quick fashion.

Once inside, the two naked men led her to her couch and sat her down on it and stood on either side of her. Luther bent down and kissed her on the lips shoving his tongue deep into her mouth. It wasn’t the best kiss she’d ever gotten but it was definitely the sexiest. As they kissed she could feel Rufus pulling the top of her bathing suit down to her waist exposing her breasts and still hard nipples. Rufus then started to go to work on her breasts with his mouth and hands. This lasted about three minutes. It felt so good. These two black guys were stimulating her little body like no one ever, not even her late husband had done before.

The first one to put his cock near her lips was Luther. He was the shorter of the two men but only slightly shorter. His cock was huge though. At least 9 inches long and about the width of a basic pre***********ion bottle in circumference. He pushed it between her lips slowly. It felt like an expensive piece of soft velvet as it slid across her tongue and it tasted surprisingly pleasant. After a few pumps in, Luther put his hand on the back of her head and pushed his ebony tool as deep as he could get it into her mouth. His cock head punched at the back of her throat and Juliana gagged.

As this was all going on, Rufus had gotten the crotch of her bathing suit pushed to the side and was now rubbing his index finger directly against her sobbing wet pussy. Rufus also was still working his tongue and lips on her bare breasts, nibbling on her nipples, and driving Juliana increasingly insane. She didn’t know which event was more pleasurable, the tasty black cock in her mouth, the fingers teasing her pussy, or the hot mouth that was lovingly making out with her breasts.

After a few more minutes, Luther pulled his cock from her mouth and then Rufus directed her head onto his. It was much bigger. Ten inches long and about another half inch around more than Luther’s. Rufus also had a little extra skin surrounding his cock head, almost like he was half circumcised. Juliana liked the way it ruffled against her tongue each time he pushed it into her mouth.

They switched off and on, taking more turns fucking her mouth. They played with her tits and fingered her pussy non-stop during all of this which kept Juliana in constant arousal. After a little more Rufus pulled her up by one of her arms to her feet. They then pushed the rest of her bathing suit off down to her ankles and she stepped out of it. Rufus lay down on the couch and directed her to climb between his legs and suck his dick some more.

Rufus: “Get over her girl and fill that mouth again.”

Juliana obeyed and got on her knees between his legs. She put his cock back into her mouth and hungrily tried to swallow what she could of it. Luther then got behind her and positioned his own hang low at the opening of her pussy. Juliana began to get nervous. She’d never fucked a black man before. She’d never fucked a cock that size before either. She hadn’t had sex since her husband passed away and never had she been with two men at once. This was going to all happen in mere seconds though, and it felt right.

Luther put his cock head next to Juliana’s tight almost puckered pussy hole and began to push in. It’s a good thing that they had been playing with her all this time because her pussy was drenched and juicy. Luther pushed a good four inches in on the first thrust and Juliana’s mouth slipped off of Rufus’ cock and she let out a large broken voiced moan.

Juliana: “Ooohhhhhhhh!”

It was a little difficult but a few easy pumps in and out and Luther got himself acclimated. After another thirty seconds and he was pumping in and out with relative ease. Juliana squealed and moaned her approvals around Rufus’ huge meat stick. She even orgasmed twice which was a whole different feeling than she ever had experienced before. They fucked that way for a good while until Luther could hold it no longer. He pulled out and shot his hot load hard and fast up Juliana’s back, some of it reaching her hair on the back of her head.

Now it was time to ride the monster in her mouth. With cum still dripping from her back, Juliana climbed up and guided Rufus’ giant prick into her cunt. Even after just being fucked by Luther, it was a tight fit. It took a while to get the head in, but once she did she slid down the shaft pretty easily. Juliana rode the monster for a long twenty minutes before he too couldn’t hold back from her tight box. He tensed up and pulled her body completely up in the air and put her to the side of him. He then grabbed her hair and positioned her head against his crotch and painted her face with his sticky goo almost turning the whole thing white.

Luther was now hard again, and he was looking for some more white pussy. At that point it was agreed that the three of them would now take the party upstairs to the bedroom. Upstairs, Luther got Juliana on her back on the bed and pushed her little legs in the air. He then stuffed his cock into her pussy again and with the heels of her feet only reaching as far as his chest, Luther pounded all nine inches of his cock deep and hard into Juliana’s tight but fast loosening pussy.

Juliana: “Uuuhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh my god! Oh my god! It’s so big! Uuuhhhhhhhh!”

Luther: “Damn this thing is so fucking tight! Open up girl! Give it up!”

Juliana’s eyes rolled back into her head and she climaxed three more times during the twenty-five minutes that Luther was boning her. During this hard face paced dicking, Juliana vowed out loud her appreciation for black dicks and it was the only kind of penises that she would ever fuck from now on. It’s a vow that a lot of white women have made and would make after experiencing the joys of black cock, especially while in the process of taking one between her legs.

Juliana: “Uuuhhhhhh! Uuuuuuhhhhhhh! Oh yeah!”

Luther: “Are you a black cock slut now?”

Juliana: “Yes.”

Luther: “Are you done with little white dicks?”

Juliana: “Uh huh.”

Luther: “What was that?”

Juliana: “Yes.”

Luther: “Yes what?”

Juliana: “I’m all done with little white dicks!”

Luther: “And what’s gonna happen from now on?”

Juliana: “From now on I’ll only fuck black cock.”

Luther: “Oh shit! Fuck! Here it comes bitch! Get ready for it now!”

Luther finally pulled out and this time he decorated her tits with his hot stickiness. Juliana didn’t get a chance to savor it though because Rufus quickly turned her over and stuffed it in doggy style. He held her firmly in place on the corner of the bed, then pushed his 10-inch pole about halfway in on one thrust. Juliana screamed in ecstasy.

Juliana: “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Rufus had a scary scowl on his face as he pounded Juliana’s hot tight slot with wreck less gusto on each and every thrust. He worked a good eight and a half inches of his ten-inch schlong deep into her cervix before finally blowing about a quart of black seed deep into her womb. Just after he stopped cumming, Juliana’s body would tense up again and she herself orgasmed too. After his dick popped out of her pussy, she quickly turned around and licked it clean for the next ten minutes.

Juliana was spent. Her body was a sticky gooey mess. Before her two ebony lovers got up and left, she told them both that they were welcomed back at any time for another fuck-fest whenever they wanted. She also said she would welcome more black cocks if they wanted to bring some.

Rufus: “Bitch we might just DO that.”

They finally left and Juliana collapsed back down onto the bed totally exhausted. Within minutes she fell deep into sleep. She slept thru to the next day missing the alarm to awake herself up for work. She always had impeccable attendance in the past so her boss probably wouldn’t hold it against her. Besides, the company was still sympathetic and lenient because of Kevin’s death.

It took her a while, but eventually Juliana figured out that there were some things missing from her house. She started to panic a bit as she searched around and realized that more and more things were missing. Things that were important to not only her, but to her family. Even valuable keepsakes that were Kevin’s were now missing. Quickly, she ran down to the kitchen and checked the garbage disposal. It hadn’t been touched or fixed. They weren’t plumbers after all.

Juliana: “Those motherfuckers!”

She got a pad and a paper and started to write down what was stolen in one column, and what it’s estimated worth was in another. After figuring everything out, she realized that the two black men who had fucked her the best that she had ever been fucked in her life stole in her estimation about $176,000 in possessions from her house. Then she remembered the check.

Juliana: “Oh my god! I’ve got to put a stop on that check!”

Juliana ran to her phone and called her bank. After a half hour of being on hold and explaining her plight, she was able to void the check which luckily hadn’t been cashed yet. She then contemplated calling the police but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. It was weird, she was so pissed off that they had burglarized her house but she didn’t want to get either of them in trouble. All that seemed to matter was that she was able to stop that blank check before they could cash it. She decided to drop the whole thing and just move on with her life.

About two weeks later, Juliana found herself thinking a lot about Rufus and Luther. More specifically, she thought about their large black cocks and how hard that they had fucked her with them, and how great it made her feel. She hadn’t seen hide nor hair of either of them since that night, and she was starting to get hurt that they hadn’t taken her up on her offer to return whenever they wanted for more of the same. It really started to bother her and affectively bruise her ego. Wasn’t it good for them too? Her obsessions began to cloud her common sense and drive ridiculous and inane thoughts in her head.

Two more weeks passed and Juliana’s routines had gone off the rails. All she thought about both day and night was the day she had with the two black men. She wasn’t sleeping very well and she was making mistakes at work too. She was also irritable and snapping at her coworkers for no good reason. Her erratic behavior was becoming troublesome, and finally, she was told to either take some vacation time to heal from her husband’s death or resign from her position. Juliana had no choice. She was cashed in for four weeks’ worth of vacation time.

That night when she got home she went and got the notebook that had all of the possessions that she had lost listed on it. She looked at it for a while then crumpled the paper and threw it away. She then started to write down everything that she could remember about Rufus and Luther. She was determined to find out where these guys came from so she could go there and confront them for what they had stolen from her. It was all a front though. An excuse. She really didn’t give a fuck about what was lost, she just wanted some more sex from them.

Then she remembered that Luther was wearing a T-shirt that had the initials E.C. on it. After going to a map of Ohio on her computer, she realized that East Cleveland was the closest city to Pepper Pike with those initials. This just had to be the place she thought to herself. She then remembered the name that they had her write on the check. ‘Luther Jacobs’. Even though they never told her their names, she figured out that one of them just had to have that name because how else were they going to cash the check she gave them.

Using an information search site, Juliana searched Luther Jacobs and found out that one was listed as residing on Chapman Ave in East Cleveland. It was a long shot, but she decided that she would get a good night’s sleep and go looking for her favorite ‘plumbers’ the next morning.

The next day Juliana got dressed. She chose a dark blue and white one-piece dress that went down just below her knees and a pair of blue pumps. She combed then ponytailed her hair and put on her make-up. Once dressed, she took the keys of Kevin’s BMW and went out to the garage. Juliana was totally oblivious to the place that she was going and didn’t realize that she would be sticking out like a sore thumb. East Cleveland was a big city, and there wasn’t even a good percentage that she would even find Luther or Rufus.

As Juliana drove a lot of different things were flashing through her mind. She thought about here late husband and how things have changed, how SHE had changed since his death. She thought about her job and how it just wasn’t a priority to her anymore. There was enough money in her checking and savings account, the house, the two cars, to live as high as she wanted to without having to return to her job if she chose not to.

Mostly she thought about black cock though. She thought about how great the threesome was with Rufus and Luther. How their large black cocks felt and how they had filled her up completely. She thought about how great all that cum tasted and how it dried like a thick paste on her face. Then there were the size differences. She felt like a miniature woman caught in the clutches of two giants. And their strength, both men seemed to be so strong as they manipulated her small body to their every whim.

The sight of the East Cleveland exit sign snapped Juliana from her reminiscing. She followed the car GPS; her heart began to pound a little faster as she drove down Euclid Ave. Then she saw Chapman Ave. and she took the right onto it but when she did she quickly realized something was wrong.

Juliana: “This makes no sense. All these buildings are falling apart…there can’t be anyone living here, can there?”

What she was seeing and driving thru was the decaying housing that used to be part of an urban ghetto that was populated as close back as the 1990’s. There was no one living there now though, the whole street was deserted. This was now nothing but a garbage dump wasteland. A fact that if she had been thinking a little bit more clearly would have sent up a red flag to hightail it out of there.

She continued on down the road looking for some signs of life. As she drove slowly down what used to be a street, she saw two young black men sitting on the ground next to one of the vacant building entrances about 40 yards from her car. The numbers to the right of the door read 1720. They looked to be in their early 20’s and both were shirtless and wearing sneakers and shorts which made sense given how hot it was outside.

Black Man #2: “Who the fuck is that?”

Black Man #1: “Oh shit! What’s that white girl doing down here?”

Black Man #2: “I don’t know man but that little girl be bangin.”

Juliana stopped and shut her car off. She waited a few seconds to think about her next move. After some deliberation which actually wasn’t very thought out, she opened her car door and began to get out. Both guys watched her push her shapely legs out of the car and exit it. Her skirt rode up a little bit exposing more of the tops of her thighs for a brief second as she stood up on her heels. She then walked towards the two men clicking her heels on the pavement.

Black Man #2: “What she doin’? Damn! She be comin’ over here!”

Black Man #1: “Just be cool man.”

Juliana: “Excuse me? I’m looking for someone. A friend of mine. His name is Luther, Luther Jacobs. Do either of you know him?”

The two men stood up. Both of them were well over six feet tall. Again, Juliana felt like a child standing next to two giants. She started to get those tingling feelings in her stomach like she had with Luther and Rufus. One of the men started smiling.

Black Man #1: “Now what does a pretty little thing like you want with Ol’ Luther?”

Juliana: “So you DO know him?”

Black Man #2: “Yeah we know him. But he ain’t around right now.”

Juliana: “Well, can you tell me where I could find him?”

Black Man #1: “Baby girl, what you doing down here? Do you have any clue just where you are?”

Juliana looked at him then looked around. He was right, she was way out of her element. Her desires to hook up with her threesome mates had lead her to a very bad place. She tried not to let them know that she was now getting scared. She looked down and when she did, she realized that both men had very large bulges in their pants like the plumbers did a few weeks ago. Between her legs started to involuntarily moisten. She looked back up at them and both of them were smiling at her. They knew where she was looking.

Juliana: “Look, if you just tell me where I could find Luther I’ll be on my way.”

Black Man #2: “Oh you think it’s that easy huh? Some strange white girl comes around and we supposed to just give up our friend just like that?”

Black Man #1: “Take it easy D-Con.”

Juliana: “D-Con? That’s an odd name. Are you an exterminator?”

D-Con: “Exterminator? Naw girl! I’m just the only nigga around this place who did some time up in county D-block!”

Juliana: “And what’s YOUR name?”

D-Con: “Oh they be callin him Fingers.”

Juliana: “Fingers? You must be adept at stealing things.”

Fingers: “Stealin? Bitch please! That’s my name. Walter Fingers.”

D-Con: “Oh I seen this motherfucker steal.”

The three of them laughed for a few moments. Then ‘Fingers’ got a serious look over his face.

Fingers: “Looky here girl, you seem nice but we don’t know who you are. Why don’t you bring your pretty little self inside with us first and we can get acquainted? Then we might know where to find Luther.”

Juliana looked at the door-less entrance to the building. It was too dark inside to see what exactly was in there. It looked very scary and who knew what could be in there. But she had come this far and her desire to hook up with Luther and Rufus again was too strong in her mind and it drove her to not pause in caution.

Julianna: “Okay sure.”

She walked inside followed closely by both black men who looked at each other and shook their heads behind her. Inside, there was some makeshift furniture strewn about. She canvased the room with her eyes for a moment before turning around to face the two men.

Fingers: “Ok listen here, we know what this shit is all about. See, this place here ain’t very shall we say, cosmopolitan, we don’t get a lot of white folk around here. We definitely don’t get no random white chicks except for one reason. It’s amazing too you know, Ol’ Luther and Rufus do something subtle, something that will get the chick come lookin’.”

D-Con: “Yeah, and they always look like that! See the look on her face man? She’s so black cock drunk she can’t even think about anything else! Why else would she follow two niggers into an abandoned building? Why else would she come to this shithole? She’s huntin’ for mo!”

Fingers: “Damn man, they musta boned your little ass hard and deep! Got all up in that little white pussy! Am I right?”

Juliana tried to follow what they were saying. She now knew that the two black men who fucked her weeks ago were named Luther and Rufus. She also figured out that these two men knew exactly why she was looking for them. Their words took her aback a little but none of what they had just said had made her feel embarrassed. It was all true.

Juliana: “Yeah.”

Fingers: “And that’s why you’re here ain’t it? You wants some mo! Well here’s how it go…since you already cravin’ it, first you’re gonna take care of Me and D-Con…. THEN we’ll point you in the direction of Luther. You feelin’ me?”

Juliana’s body started to tingle again and her heart started beating faster. She took a few moments to size up the two men with her eyes. She thought to herself that the whole reason she went there to begin with was for some black dick, so if they were offering... She quickly threw her purse down and kicked off her heels, then started to unbutton the top of her dress.

Juliana: “Okay, deal. Let me see your cocks.”

D-Con: “Dayum! No hesitations what-so-eva!”

Fingers: “I knew this bitch wanted some mo!”

The two black men pulled down their shorts and underwear and released their penises into the room. Fingers was a good nine and a half inches long which was huge enough, but the second guy, the guy named D-Con was very, very long. It hung down so low that it’s head was just about on a parallel with his knees.

Juliana: “Wow! All of that was in those shorts? How long is that thing?”

D-Con smiled broadly and lifted his semi-hard cock with his right hand and turned it to the side a bit in Juliana’s direction. He looked like he was holding a garden hose in his hands.

D-Con: “That right there is 13 inches of grade-A Ohio tube steak. Premium cut!”

It was pretty impressive. Easily the longest cock she had seen so far but most definitely not the thickest. Most certainly thinner than either Rufus or Luther. Because of its abnormal length it also had a fake look to it. Almost like it was pieced together just a little after the head of it where the skin is a little bit lighter. It was genuine though.

Juliana pulled her arms from her dress and dropped it all in one motion down to her ankles. Underneath she had on a sheer lacey white bra and panties set that did little to conceal her hard nipples. D-Con smiled at her and took her by the left hand and led her to what looked like a dusty but very sturdy old card table. Fingers placed an old blanket over the table and then Juliana was lifted onto the table in a seated position.

The two men then dangled their hard-black cocks in front of her face and she took the shorter of the two into her mouth first. Fingers head went back as Juliana’s small red lips slid over his cock head. D-Con played with her tits through her bra and she jerked his long schlong with her other hand while she slurped on Fingers’ rod. After a few minutes she switched up and put D-Con into her mouth. It was very awkward. His cock was hard but it’s length made it bend and flop from her mouth uncontrollably like she was trying to suck on a large bull rope.

She blew and jerked them both for a good while. During that time, they worked together to expertly remove her bra and they both took turns fondling her 34b’s. Juliana loved having her breasts played with. It really made her pussy wet having a man, or in this case men, push and pull on them especially her nipples. She was always sensitive there and at the very moment her sensitivity level was high and off the charts. Finally, Juliana couldn’t take it anymore and she released their cocks and begged them to fuck her.

Juliana: “Oh please…fuck me with your giant black cocks! Please! Fuck me right now! Please!”

Fingers: “Oh we gonna do just that!”

They pushed her on her back and they raised her little legs high in the air and removed her panties. D-Con then surprised her when he climbed up on the table and straddled her stomach. He put his long prick between her tits on her chest and slid it into her mouth. He then pushed her breasts together around it and proceeded to fuck her tits and mouth simultaneously. Juliana didn’t even have to crane her neck to take him in. She couldn’t move either, pinned there to be tittie and throat fucked at his whims.

Then she felt her legs being pushed up and pressed against D-Con’s back. Fingers then poked his cock into her drenched pussy and she moaned appreciatively. A rhythm built up and they fucked her like that for a good twenty minutes during which she climaxed three times. They were long orgasms too, containing plenty of screaming and surrounded by aftershocks of pleasure. She felt the grip of Fingers’ hands around her ankles tighten and he pumped in a little faster and harder before finally filling her with his river of semen.

Fingers: “Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Fuck yeahhh! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”

Fingers pulled out when he finished and D-Con climbed off the table. Juliana was then placed on her stomach over the table and D-Con got his turn in her meat slot fucking her doggie style. Fingers came around and stuck his cum coated cock into her mouth and they began fucking her at both ends again. It was then that she heard a different voice in the room. In fact, she heard several different voices.

P-Jay: “What the fuck is goin’ on in here?”

V-Dawg: “Aww man! They got some hot white pussy in here!”

P-Jay: “Man You niggas better be ready to share some of dat!”

Fingers: “V-DAAAAWG! P-Jay! Where Big-Mo at?”

V-Dawg: “Shit man! You know that motherfucker and cars man! He’s out there checkin’ out this new ride outside ya see!”

The two new black men came into Juliana’s view and they slapped hands with Fingers. During the whole conversation she never stopped sucking on Fingers’ cock and she was still getting fucked hard from behind by D-Con’s black garter snake. Clad in a black leather jacket, the man called V-Dawg looked down at her.

V-Dawg: “I assume that car out there is yours?”

Juliana just nodded at him and continued blowing Fingers. There was a good ten of D-Con’s 14-inches deep in her pussy too so anything said wasn’t going to be intelligible anyway.

P-Jay: “Hey man, who is this Ho anyway?”

D-Con: “She come around looking for Luther.”

V-Dawg: “Luther?”

P-Jay: “This one of Luther’s white hos?”

The room filled with loud booming laughter. Everyone there was hysterical except Juliana. Fingers even pulled out of her mouth and fell on the floor laughing. D-con continued to pump her pussy through his chuckles. V-Dawg looked at Juliana again leaning down closer to her face.

V-Dawg: “Look at you. You like taking all that black snake between your legs, don’t you? Don’t you???”

Julianna: “Oh yeah! Uh…. huh! Yeah! Yeah! I…!”

V-Dawg: “Well I’ll tell you what, we’ll pull Big-Mo off your ride, but you’re gonna have to take care of all the brothers here! You understand?”

Julianna: “Fuck! Ooooooo! Oh yeah! Ohhhhhh!!! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me all of you!”

V-Dawg: “P-Jay go tell Big-Mo to chill and bring his ass in here. We gonna turn this bitch inside out.”

Just then D-Con pulled out and shot like a firehose all over Juliana’s back and ass. Juliana then came hard again too, and for the first time in her life she squirted out and sprayed on the floor causing D-Con to jump back from it.

D-Con: “Oh shit! That pussy was loaded!”

V-Dawg meanwhile was unfastening his own pants. Fingers, who had disappeared without anyone noticing, returned from another room in the house dragging a small but thick mattress. D-Con moved to help him and they placed it on the floor in an open area of the room. Juliana, who was still recovering from D-Con’s fucking, was picked up with ease by them and deposited unceremoniously onto the mattress.

Big-Mo who should be called Giant-Mo returned with P-Jay in tow. The guy is 7’1” and a whopping 289 lbs. He looked as big and wide as Shaq. Juliana lay there on her back with her head and shoulders propped up by her elbows watching as the new guys got undressed. Her body began tingling again. She had butterflies in her stomach and she could feel little goose-bump needles along her arms and legs and especially her toes. Her pussy was still dripping from when she had squirted moments ago.

P-Jay, who looked to be about 6 feet tall, had a cock that was a modest 8-inches but very dark jet black in skin tone. V-Dawg, who was close to 6’3”, swung a nice ten incher, but the winner in size was Big-Mo. It was about 2 or 3 inches shorter than D-Con’s 14-inch snake, but it was very, very wide. In fact, it was wider than even Rufus from a few weeks ago. Juliana stared at it in awe with her mouth open.

V-Dawg: “This bitch is about to git got!”

All five guys surrounded the mattress and got into positions. P-Jay put his cock into Juliana’s mouth first as V-Dawg climbed between her legs. Her vagina was still dilated a little due to the early boning and it didn’t take long for V-Dawg to get his whole 10-inch stick into her. Julianna was in ecstasy as her throat and pussy were fucked hard again. After a few minutes, the guys shifted and P-Jay was in her pussy and Fingers was in her mouth.

This went on for over an hour. She was fucked missionary by four of the five men over and over. When it was time to shoot a load, the guy in question pulled out and shot it into her mouth. She knew that Big-Mo was in the room and that eventually he would join in with that beast of a cock but he sat back waiting quietly slowly stroking his large black rod as the others kept her busy and pounded her mouth and cunt mercilessly.

Then in a ten-minute span, one by one, the guys started to leave the mattress. Fingers was the last one to pull from between her legs and then shot a load all over Juliana’s face. She lay there for a few seconds with her knees pointing up and her feet flat on the mattress alone trying to wipe the cum from her eyes. She couldn’t see, but then she felt the presence of someone else on the mattress. It was Big-Mo.

Big-Mo lay on the mattress beside Juliana and then reached over and plucked her up into the air like a small doll and brought her down in a seated position on his stomach. She wiped her eyes again and finally got a clear look at him. He then spoke for the first time since Juliana had laid eyes on him.

Big-Mo: “Impale yourself sweetheart. Put my shit inside ya.”

Juliana staggered herself up to her feet using Big-Mo’s legs for balance. She then reached back with her left hand and secured a false grip around his horse-sized penis. Her hand was too small and it had no manipulation power so she ended up having to put her other hand back as well and then she slowly guided the head of it towards her well fucked pussy.

Juliana: “OH my god! This is way too big! I’m not sure I can get it in!”

Big-Mo: “Oh we’ll get it in. Just keep at it.”

It took a good five minutes, but she finally worked the head of it inside. Five minutes later, and she had the head plus about an inch of the shaft. Finally, Big-Mo secured his hands around her small waist and helped her get some more of it in. Juliana then came again. After tons of shrieks, cries, and moans Big-Mo was pumping up into her with ease. She was opening up wider than ever before and she was losing her mind.


Suddenly, as Big-Mo pumped away, she felt someone else pushing his cock into her asshole. She looked back and saw that it was P-Jay the smallest guy there but she’d never ever been fucked in her ass and the fear set in so she tried to protest but it just came out in more shrieks and cries from Big-Mo’s fucking.


P-Jay pushed on through and it hurt a lot. Finally, with enough saliva for lubrication, P-Jay got a rhythm going and Juliana was in the throws of passion again. The two of them fucked her holes for a while before another man took P-Jay’s place in her asshole. And that’s the way it went for the next 45 minutes; Big-Mo’s large black dagger deep in her vagina and the other 4 cocks taking turns opening up her asshole.

Big-Mo then pulled her body close to his and turned both of their bodies on the mattress without removing his cock from inside her. He grabbed the back of her thighs with his large meat hook hands and then began to pump in and out with greater speed. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she could swear that she could feel his cock in her stomach but that was impossible. Big-Mo was now rocking her so silly that she was screaming without making any sounds. It was like she had lost her voice.

She came two more times one after the other before Big-Mo tensed up and filled her womb with his black seed. Juliana then suddenly lost consciousness. Two minutes later, Juliana woke up and all the guys were again around her on the mattress. They then took turns fucking her again, this time triple teaming her in all of her holes. Juliana came over and over and over again. So many times, that she lost count. There was so much cock pumped into her body leaving so much sperm inside that she felt like she was gaining weight.

A few weeks ago, at her home she was treated to a threesome that was in her eyes at the time the best sex that she had ever had. Today when she woke up, all she wanted was to recreate that day. Little did she know that she would end up in a five-man black gangbang. When the guys finally finished with her, she got dressed and D-Con escorted her outside to her car. There was a strange red piece of cloth hanging from her driver’s side mirror, that D-Con removed as she got in the car.

D-Con: “Look man it’s getting late. You don’t wanna be around here when it gets dark out. I’d go home tonight and if you still want to meet with Luther, he lives at 1860 Chapman.”

Juliana: “But I don’t understand, this IS Chapman Ave isn’t it?”

D-Con: “Yeah man. But Chapman is split into two pieces by Euclid. The other side where the homes are is where he’s at. I’d go home now though. Save it for next time. Of course, you ever want some more of what you just got, you just come on back here.”

Juliana smiled and put her left hand up to the side of his face.

Juliana: “Maybe I will.”

She winked at him and waved goodbye and drove off. As she drove down the dilapidated and destroyed part of Chapman Ave towards Euclid, she decided to drive by Luther’s home. As she did, she saw a mailbox that read ‘Jacobs’ which satisfied her that D-Con gave her correct information. She drove off and got on the highway knowing full well that visits to East Cleveland would be plentiful in the near future.

The End
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