We arrived back after our lovely break and spent the night at our house having great sex. The next day Sunday I took her back to Leo who was pleased to see her he told her to make us a coffee and we sat down to drink it, when she was finished Leo told her take her skirt and top off, then he run his hands all over her and said she need a shave, he said Jake liked doing that, then he told her to go and lie down with Sandy who jumped up and started licking her, she lay down and opened her legs so he could lick her pussy.
We talked about the future and he asked me if I was still all right with everything. I told him I did not seem to have much choice because she said she wanted this lifestyle for as long as she could. Leo said he would keep her for as long as he could, I asked would he ever sell her and he said he had a lot of offers from abroad where most of the subscribers were but she was making a lot of money for him on a regular basis, the truck stop and the glory hole were good earners and he had his regular weekend clients, also she accepted her role as a bitch, and some said she should have tail but he was not happy with a but plug tail it would have to be something more permanent . He said she is only thirty nine next birthday so she had at least ten or twelve good years left , I told him she said if I wanted to find someone else she would understand but I was happy to use her when ever. Leo said he would pay for more holidays for them in future. He told me I could spend as much time as I like at his house and use her like the other lads. When they were on their own Leo sat on the couch and called her over and he opened his pants and she started sucking him, Sandy got off his bed and was soon humping her hard, soon Leo shot his load down her throat and there was lot of it after two weeks but Sandy was still humping her as she moved away from Leo. He too was making up for lost time and she could feel cum running down her thighs. Sandy turned until they were arse to arse and he dragged her over to his bed.
After tea Jake and his friend arrived and Leo told her to get them drinks and every where she moved Sandy was behind her. Leo said she needs shaving and Jake said we will do it before we go, what other plans have you for her and Leo said I have had calls from Jack and Frank asking to hire her but I am not sure about Jack he hurt her last time I will have a word and see what he plans, also I got emails from abroad saying if she is a bitch she should have a tail and they threatened to cancel their contributions. I thought about butt plug tails but they don’t look right and the dogs would be humping against it and might make her arse sore. We will have to consider fixing a permanent tail on her somehow. Jake said we can’t just stick one on because it would just come off with the dogs humping, it would have to be stitched on just below the tailbone and long enough to come just below her arsehole and leave her pussy visible, Leo said that is a great idea I will sort out what we need, Linda was shaking when she heard about it being stitched on. She was lying on the floor and Jake called her over and asked Leo have you got a tape measure which he fetched, They measured from just under her tail bone to between her arse hole and pussy, Jake said eight inches with an extra bit for stitching Leo made a note and said we can’t use cotton thread because it would not last we would have to use what cobblers use I will find out. Jake and his mate then took her up stairs and stood her in the bath where they shaved her from the neck to her ankles, then rinsed her and took her down . They had her serve them more drinks then sat back and had her suck them off as they watched TV. Then they had Sandy shag her Leo said if she is to be a bitch we will have to give her a name and get a tag for her collar Jake said I like Poppy and Leo said Poppy it is. The next day Leo fetched a dog tag with Poppy on one side and Sandy’s bitch on the other side and fixed it to her collar then said go and let Sandy have his way with you. Jake arrived before Sandy had finished with her and he had her suck him until he shot his load.
Jake asked would they be charged for the room and Leo said no but the manager and his assistant would have free use of her and it would be more comfortable than the camper, also they want us to do a Friday and a Saturday session when she is available, we can change the glory hole to Sundays. Jake and his mate then went home and Leo took her to bed and shagged her in both holes coming in her arse before they went to sleep.
Jake called on Thursday and Leo told him he had enquired about suitable thread for the tail and found out that cobblers use a waxed polyester for stitching shoes so ordered some on the web he also ordered an anaesthetic spray so she would not feel the needle as they stitched it on. He said he spoke to the hairdresser he knew about a natural hair ponytail hairpiece and they could trim it to suit, we can do it next week and put her and Sandy on the web that should keep them happy. Jake asked what plans have you for her his weekend and he said we will take her to the truck stop on Saturday and see what the new arrangements are like I think two nights would be too much for her and Friday night is the lads night.
On Saturday they took her to the truck stop at seven and Jake led her in from the car without any covering and when they saw her they cheered. Leo sat her on a high stool at bar and got her a glass of wine, when she had a couple of drinks, Jake Led her around and let them feel her, most of them they recognized from previous visits . Then he took her back to Leo who was talking to the manager who took them to the room at the back, it had a large table in the middle covered with a duvet and three chairs. Leo said this is ideal and told the manager if he wished he and his assistant could be first to use her because she gets messy as the night progresses unless they prefer her that way. The manager said we will use her first so Leo told her to get on the table and Jake lubed her front and rear then left her with the manager
The manager started with her mouth then when he was good and hard he shagged her until he shot his load then he left and sent his assistant in who was only interested in her arse so he turned her over with her feet on the floor and shagged her arse until he finished and went back to the bar. Leo had two waiting to use her together for the usual fee of fifty for twenty minutes in arse or pussy. She was used constantly until two am. Jake went in to her regularly with a drink for her and take her to the toilet when finished they took her back home washed her and put her to bed where he let her stay until noon on Sunday. Jake called round on the afternoon and asked how did we do last night, Leo said we had sixteen back and front and eight blows, which gave us nine hundred and sixty pound’s, he said we won’t use her today and keep Sandy away from her. Leo told her to get her skirt and top and took her to a pub diner for a meal in the car he told to pull her skirt up at the back and when they arrived they found a table again he had her sit with her skirt up at the back and he told her in future when wearing a skirt you must not sit on it.
Back home they sat on the couch and had her sit between them as the all had drinks and watched TV. Leo said I should have everything we need for the tail on Wednesday or Thursday if we get it fixed we will let her do the glory hole on Saturday and we can use her on her back until it heals. This is the last modification I will do to her and will ignore any suggestion from contributors or clients, she is beautiful and the tail won’t take away from that. On Thursday Leo phoned Jake and asked him to call round as he was ready to fit the tail. They took her into th kitchen and had her lay face down on the breakfast bar, Leo wiped her bum just under her tailbone with antiseptic wipes and used an anaesthetic spray to numb the area, Jake had threaded the needle with the polyester thread and held the tail in place on her back so Leo could stitch it on the underside.
When he was finished sewing they dropped the tail and you would think it was growing there it was the same colour as her hair, they trimmed and combed it and had her get down on all fours and took her into Sandy who seem curious at first but as it did not fully cover her pussy he was soon licking her and soon mounted her, he did not hurt her because the anaesthetic had not fully worn off, Leo filmed everything and put it on the web, and was soon getting good comments. On Friday when the four regular lads arrived they were amazed at how real it looked, Leo told them you can use her but have her face down on the breakfast bar we don’t want to make it sore. Two took her that way and Jake, Leo and the other two settled for blowjobs they then let her lie on the floor so Sandy could only sniff and lick her. On Saturday they took her to the glory hole where she did twenty eight blow jobs which amounted to five hundred and sixty pounds, the manager had her bend over with her hands on a chair and shagged her before they took her home.
On Wednesday when Jake called Leo told him he had a letter from his sister in St Lucia telling him her sixteen year old son was coming to England to study and could he stay with him to save money on accommodation he would pay for his own food with his allowance but there was the matter of Linda and how he would accept the situation. Jake said if he can’t he could stay with me but I think he will think he has died and gone to heaven, he won’t be shy at sixteen.
Leo called me and to say that Linda would be available for three weeks except for Friday nights when Jake and his mates would be using her if I wanted to call and spend some time with. I called two nights and we had great sex, I was amazed at her tail it looked so real I asked did it hurt and she said not when they were doing it but for a few days after it was sore but now she hardly knows its there. Leo told me about his nephew coming to stay with him and wondered how he would react to her when he sees her naked all the time and being used by Sandy. I said once he gets over the initial shock he would be pleased I can’t see him being a virgin.
I asked her how she felt about Leo’s nephew coming to stay with them and she said she could not see any problem if he accepted the situation. She said it would seem strange having someone young enough to be her son using her like all the others. I asked Leo would she remain naked at all times in his nephew’s presence and he said of course nothing would change. Leo told her to get a dress and took us out for a meal and that was the first time I witnessed his new rule of her sitting on her bare arse at all times.
The following week Leo’s nephew arrived his name was Luke a well built lad about five foot eight, On the drive from the airport Leo had warned him that things were strange at his because he had a white sex slave, and asked him if he had ever had sex, Luke told him he had at parties with his friends but never with a white girl, he asked what age is she and Leo said she will be thirty nine next birthday, When they arrived home Luke was gobsmacked when he saw her she was sitting on the couch watching TV but she stood up to greet them and he saw the chain linking her tits to her clit. Leo told her to make some coffee for them and as she walked to the kitchen he saw her tail and watched as Sandy followed her sniffing between her legs. Luke asked is he always like that with her Leo said yes she is his bitch, she fetched the coffee and Leo told her to lie on the floor and open her legs so Luke could see everything. Leo pointed out the tattoos on her mons and lips and said they mean I own her completely. When they all finished their drinks Leo told her to let Sandy use her so she got on all fours and Sandy was on her in an instant. Luke never saw anything like and watched as he humped her until he shot his load into her and then laying on top of her until he could pull free after fifteen minutes. Leo explained that they were tied together because the dog penis expands in her to prevent his cum escaping until she takes into her uterus. When he pulled out he licked her clean then went to his bed to clean himself, she got up and went to the kitchen to get some towel to put on the couch so she could sit between them again. Later in the day Leo told her to get ready and they would go for a meal and he explained to Luke that is the only time she is allowed to cover up and then it is only a dress or skirt and top she is not allowed to have under wear.
She went upstairs and put a plastic bag on her tail and had a shower, she put some makeup on and a dress then went back down Luke could not belief how beautiful she looked, you could see she only had a dress on and the outline of her tail showed. They took her out to the car and put her in the back and Leo told Luke to pull her dress up so her bare arse was on the seat. When they arrived they were shown to a table and Leo told Luke to pull her dress up at the back before they sat down, Luke was embarrassed because he could see people watching.
During the meal Leo asked Luke are you alright with everything so far I know it must have been a bit of a shock when you saw her. Luke said it was and asked how long has she been your sex slave and Leo said six years I found her on the web I signed a contract with her husband and I own her to do what I want with her, she is still married and will go back to her husband one day. I use her to make money for me as you will see. How long will you be staying over here and Luke said it’s a two year course Luke asked is she naked all the time and Leo said yes except when we go for meals or drinks or the park but when I take her on jobs she is naked except for her collar and chains which I never take off.
When they got home she got naked and Leo told her to get some drinks and they sat watching TV. Jake arrived later and Leo introduced him to Luke and said Jake is my mate he looks after her when I am away he keeps her clean and shaves her when needed, he and his mates have full use of her and you can use her anytime you want Leo then had her get down on the floor and Jake sat on the couch. Soon after Leo opened his pants and called her over and started licking and sucking until he shot down her throat and then while she was sucking Jake Sandy got in on the act and mounted her when Jake shot his load they told Luke now it’s your turn he was embarrassed because it would be his first time to be blown but they egged him on and he opened his pants and she was surprised at his size it was bigger than Jake.
As she sucked Luke Sandy was still humping her then she felt Luke place his hands on her head and push her face into his groin as he shot down her throat. Before he went home Jake had her kneel with her face on the couch and he shagged her in the arse because she was full of Sandy juice. Luke was taken aback at how easy she took in there and Leo explained that she is used there a lot hence she is quite loose. When Jake had gone Leo told Luke you can sleep with her tonight and I might let you do it all the time, let’s take her up and I will show you how to wash her to stop her leaking in bed because Sandy leaves a lot in her. They washed her and put the shower hose into her and washed her out and Leo said you must do this every time before bed but make sure you cover her tail we don’t want her in bed with a wet tail.
They went to bed and Luke climbed in beside her naked he could not belief his luck. He moved in and pulled her close to him and he started kissing her, she was not used to being kissed only by her husband all the others just shagged her. He began making proper love to her kissing and sucking her tits and pushing his tongue down her throat then when he was ready he put her on her back and shagged her then they fell asleep in each other’s arms The next morning he shagged her again and then asked are you on the pill, and she told him no but she can’t have children and she never has periods. He hugged her for a while then they got up and she made breakfast. Leo asked Luke did you have a good night it being the first time you shared a bed with a woman Luke said I did she is lovely. Then Leo said I am going to work so I suggest you two go out and she will show you around because you start college next week so you need to know where to catch the bus and things. He said you know how she must dress a skirt and top and as you will be walking around let her wear a coat and you know the rule about sitting.
Later they got ready and went into town and walked around holding hands like lovers, she showed him the shops and then they went for lunch. He asked her why she stopped working and she told him Leo pays her husband a weekly wage for her which she earns back for Leo. He asked what do you have do and she told him about the Truck Stop and the Glory Hole and renting her out on weekends. She could see he was taken aback and she assured him she did it willingly.
Each night Luke slept with her and continued to make love to her like a normal couple and each morning she would make his breakfast before he went to College. During the day Leo would come home at lunchtime and use her and Sandy had her at least twice a day. Luke arrived home every day about three and most days he would get her coat and take her for a walk and call for a drink. One day they went to the park and he lifted her coat and they sat on a bench. They were sat talking with his arm around her and her head on his shoulder like a normal couple when an older fellow who looked like a tramp came and sat beside them and asked if they had a cigarette, Luke said sorry we don’t smoke. After a while the man said I have been watching you two for a while you seem very happy, I am here every day and have not seen you before Luke said no I am new to the area and Poppy is showing me around.
The man said I am Bill and I am homeless but I get by, I noticed before you sat down you lifted her coat and she not seem to have pants on. Luke said no she is my uncle’ sex slave and is not allowed underwear and must sit on her bare arse at all times. Bill said dose he own her completely and Luke said yes he has had six years now. Bill said is she for his own use or dose he share her Luke she dose whatever he wants and he rents her out. Bill said can I have a feel of her body its twenty years sense I felt a woman, so Luke had her stand up and he opened her coat and stood her in front of Bill who said she is a beauty and started rubbing her all over he said I see he has her marked and Luke said yes and she has a tail so he turned her round and had her bend over so Bill could see and feel it, he said it looks like it is growing there, he turn round and felt between her legs and pushed two fingers into to her and kept moving them around then he said she is wet, so he took them out and smelt them he said it’s been so long.
Luke had her sit back down but did not button her coat so Bill could carry on feeling her tits and playing with her lips. Luke could see how aroused he was getting and said would you like to shag her and he said would you get in trouble if I did. Luke said no my uncle has given me permission to do what I want with her, where can we go.
Bill said there is toilets the other side of the park we could go there we would be out of sight but they are not very clean but I do have a wash there. Luke said dirt will not bother her she has been in kennels for days with dogs so is used to it. He got her to stand and buttoned her coat and they set off. They got to the toilets and went into the gents that stunk of piss, Luke took her coat off and put her in a cubicle and said to Bill she is all yours I will be outside on the bench. Bill played with her pushing his fingers into her pussy and her arse and was surprised how loose her arse was, then turned her around and had her lean with her hands on the toilet bowl and dropped his pants and put his dick into her pussy and started humping her after some time he took it out and pushed it into her arse where he shot his load, when he pulled out some cum leaked out and run down her thigh, she stood up and faced him then wanted to pee so she stood with a leg each side of the bowl and peed, Bill thanked her then put his trousers on and called Luke who came and wiped her holes and put her coat on. Bill thanked them again and said I hope we will meet again. Back home Sandy jumped up when they came in and was sniffing her, he could smell Bill on her and kept jumping up on her until she got on all fours and let him have her. Leo came home while Sandy was still knotted to her and asked Luke did he have a good day at college he said yes and I took Poppy for a walk in the park.
Leo said Sandy seems to be enjoying himself then Luke told him that they met a homeless man in the park who saw him lifting her coat before sitting down and asked to see her then he got aroused and asked to shag her, Leo said I hope you didn’t fetch him back here and Luke said no he shagged her in the gents in the park. Leo said don’t ever fetch anybody back here or let them take photo’s but it’s alright if someone wants to use her when you are out, I will arrange an STD test for next week, this weekend we will do the truck stop and next week the glory hole. He said a bloke named Frank phoned he wants to hire her soon for at least four days for his kennels, he is making more vidio’s,he said I will show you some from the last time he hired her. She is treated like a dog and never leaves the kennel she sleeps and eats with the dog’s and pisses and shit just like them. She is on camera twenty four hours.
I called round after a few weeks to see her and meet Luke and she told me how much she liked him and Leo was letting him look after her and he was sleeping with her every night, it did not seem to matter to him that she was old enough to be his mother. I told her I started seeing other women and she was pleased said I was right. I told her I did not want a long term relationship at the moment and she was welcome back anytime. She said she was still happy with her lifestyle and it was even better now with Luke. Leo came in while I was there and said I see you have met Luke, he gets on very well with Poppy and I have given him free rein to do what he wants with her now that he part owns her we will get his name put on her soon.
Jake called and Leo told him Frank had been in touch and wanted to hire her for more dog DVD’s and was coming round to measure her for a doggy suit to protect her because she will be with some bigger dog’s. Leo told him she had become very attached to Luke and told him about her been shagged by a tramp in the park. He took her for her STD test and on the way back he called at the tattoo parlour and asked when he could tattoo a name on her, the tattooist told him if you come back this afternoon I will do it. Back home he had take her skirt and top off and make some lunch. Later he put her coat on and took her back for the tattoo and told the tattooist called Phil that he wanted a name on her just above the other on her mons, he wrote the name Luke Ballou on a pad and asked for it in large blue letters with Luke over Ballou I want it so if she ever wears pants it won’t show, and he asked how much will it cost and Phil said if I can use her a couple of times like last time its free. Leo took her coat off and he saw her tail and was amazed by how it was fixed. Leo said I will leave her with you for a couple of hours do what you want. He had her sit on the incliner and open her legs he then pushed his fingers into her and kept ramming them in and out until she was wet he then opened his pants and got his hard on out and put it in then kept ramming her until he shot his load. He then made her a coffee and asked her why he was putting that name on and she told about Luke. He then put the tattoo on, and when he finished he was hard again he her turned over and rammed her arse hole then waited for Leo to return.
Leo returned and told Phil that he made a good job on the tattoo and asked had he enjoyed her. Phil said yes I wish I could use her more often Leo said I can drop her off from time to time if you wish, then he took her home, Luke was waiting and when he saw the tattoo he could not belief it and thanked Leo for letting him have her, Leo said she will always be mine but while you are here you will take care of her and use her as you wish, Jake and I will continue to hire her out. Jake and his mates still call every Friday night but they don’t bring the dogs anymore because it upsets Sandy they just use her and watch Sandy perform.
Frank called during the week and measured her for her dog suit which would cover her from her knees to her head leaving her arse and tits bare. He asked Leo if he could collect her on a Saturday and return her the following Friday, Leo asked how long would she be in the kennels and Frank said I planned on Monday to Thursday she will be with three Rottweiler’s but will be used in the house over the weekend, Leo said OK the terms the same as last time and she will be available a week on Saturday. When Luke came home Leo told him and he did not seem very happy being without her for a week.
Frank collected her as arranged and she was shagged in every hole by him and his mates Saturday and Sunday then on Monday Frank and his mate dressed her in the suit and put her knee brackets and electronic collar on and led her out to the kennels, where the dogs started sniffing under her tail straight away and it was not long until she was mounted. Like before she was fed twice each day and had her tail washed because it got matted with shit and cum. Luke visited her everyday and chatted to her and told her how much he missed her but was not allowed to touch her if she tried to speak to him she would be zapped with her collar. Frank took him into the house and let him look at the camera footage of her being mounted by the dogs and shitting and pissing with them and eating and drinking out of the same bowls. He noticed her pussy lips looked red and her hole looked enlarged and asked Frank is she sore and he said no I don’t think so it’s just because of the constant withdrawal of knots, it will go back to normal a couple of days when she goes home.
Franks mate took her out of the kennel on Thursday evening and removed all her gear and washed her, then he shagged her in the arse before making her a meal, Thursday night she spent in Franks bed who also used her arse because her other hole was too loose, on Friday he returned her to Leos where he was met by Jake who checked her over and examined her holes. On Friday night Jakes mates called as usual but settled for blowjobs and kept Sandy away from her and at bedtime Luke just kissed and cuddled her.
Leo asked how he was getting on at college and he said he was enjoying it and had made a friend, Leo said fine but I don’t want you fetching him home, you may visit him and take Poppy if you wish but never let anyone take photos of her I don’t want anything on social media. The next week Luke came home and told her to put a dress on and got her coat and they went to a café where they met his new friend Eddie as usual before she sat down he lifted her coat and dress at the back before she sat down. Eddie who was a white lad was puzzled by this and asked what are you doing, so Luke explained everything to him how she was his uncles sex slave and could be used by anyone they gave her to. Eddie who was seventeen said I would like to have a go because she is fit, Luke said do you know some where we could go and he said we could go to my house I live with my dad who is divorced if that’s ok, Luke said it’s getting late now but I could fetch her tomorrow if that’s ok.
The next day Luke came home and put her coat on and took her to Eddies who was waiting eagerly with his dad who made them a coffee after which Luke took her coat off and had her walk around they were amazed at her body and the tail and when he saw Luke’s name on her his dad asked is she yours he said not solely I’ve told Eddie all about her, Eddie then got her to sit beside him on the couch and started to push his fingers into her while his dad sat across from them and took his hard cock out and started rubbing it when Eddie was ready he had her straddle him and plunged his cock into her with her arse facing his dad who could not wait and mounted her from behind and plunged into her arse.
When they both shot their loads into her, his dad said I can’t remember the last time I had a bit of arse I can’t belief how loose she is Luke said she is used there all time, my uncle hires her out most weekends. The dad said I hope you fetch her here again. I will have a word with your uncle about hiring her for a longer period Luke said it would have to be between Sunday and Friday. He asked how the tail was fixed and Luke said it is stitched on permanent because she is used by dogs regularly. The dad had her sit beside him and told her she was beautiful and did need to be owned by anybody, she told him it was her choice her husband signed a contract with her owner Leo for her to be a full time sex slave and she enjoyed the lifestyle, he asked her how long she intended to do it and she said I will forty next so it depends on whether Leo releases me sometime or sells me to a new owner, or he may let Luke keep me if wants but he is so much younger he might not want me. I know he has had offers for me from China and Saudi but I don’t fancy that.
Luke took her out most days after college and called at café’s for coffee’s and had a walk. One week on a nice day he took her to the park where they sat on a bench with his arms around her and kissing, they were nearly ready to move on when Bill the homeless man arrived with two mates, and said I was wondering when I would see you two again. He told his mates this is the beauty I was telling you about, you can see I was not bullshitting and asked Luke can they have a look and so he told her to stand up and he opened her coat they said wow can we have a feel, Luke said go ahead so run their hand’s all over her and between her legs then sniffing their fingers. Bill said have you two got a hard on and they said you bet, Bill said can we shag her and Luke said ok so they took her to the public loo and took her in the gents, Luke took her coat off and left her, because there was only room for one at a time Bill went first and shagged her arse until he shot his load then he came out and sent one of the others in, one of them was soft so he had her suck him hard before he could shag her. When they all finished Luke went in and let her have piss before putting her coat on, he did not have anything to wipe her with so they walked home with cum leaking out of her.
When they got home he took her to the shower and washed her out then fetched back to make the tea Leo would be home shortly, he got some aftershave and sprayed it between her legs and on her arse to keep Sandy away for a while. Leo arrived home soon after and Luke told him about their trip to the park. Leo said I have spoken to her husband and he told me it is her birthday next month when she will be forty and I was thinking of a party and after I would pay for her and her husband to have a break together. Leo phoned her husband and asked him to arrange for some time off and told him what it was for.
When the day came Leo invited Jake and his mates and Luke invited his friend Eddie ad his dad. I arrived and I could see she pleased to see me and came and sat beside me, after drinks Leo said let the party begin and told everyone to undress and form a queue and give her a night to remember. I watched as she was shagged in every hole for the remainder of the night, I used her twice, when everyone had finished the let Sandy have her then Luke and Jake took her upstairs to clean her. Leo told me he had booked us a break ten days in Torremolinos full board. I asked how would she be dressed and he said as usual no underwear but he would get a couple of bathing costumes for her to wear beside the pool, then her markings, tail and chains would not be seen, She enjoyed our stay and said how good it felt just the two of us, I asked did that mean she was ready to come back, and she said no she missed Luke, but thought Leo was losing interest and had the feel he might sell her on because she heard him talking to someone and him saying nothing less than sixty thousand. I said but he has put Luke’s name on you so he must intend keeping you, Luke has another twelve months at college and may stay when he qualifies and want to keep you. If he try’s to sell you I will step in and be your master and you can carry on working for me. She said I would want to carry on the same life style and I said that would not be a problem.
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