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A teenage boy's normal struggles with growing up are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that's what he thinks. There might be more to the story. . .

by Bistander

Chapter 30

Playing with Fire

***** If you haven't already read this chapter, IGNORE this message. For those who have, I'm sorry that I had to make major changes. You should read it again, but if you don't you'll notice that stuff which already happened in this chapter is happening again in chapter 31, except it has been changed drastically. That's why I moved it forward, to make sure you had to read it.


It had been awkward in the kitchen that morning with Candy and Deana, and now the silence in the car was making Evan nuts. He wanted to get the inevitable tongue lashing out of the way, so he could talk to Deana about whatever happened the day before when she insisted they go to his room to cuddle. It reminded him of when they were kids after their mother died. “Dee, you gonna tell me what's going on with you?”

“I already did,” Deana said, “nothing, really, it's nothing.”

"You're mad about Mom?"

"I told you I'm not mad about that," Deana said.

"I didn't plan it; it just happened."

"So why did you lock me out?"

That's what this is about, Evan thought. "What would you have done if the door was open?"

"Nothing. I'm just saying, you locked the door," Deana said. "But I'm not mad about anything. It's all good, but you really should stop."

"You jealous?"

"Of course, part of me, but that's not why. We talked about this. Dad's gonna be home soon, and you don't wanna hurt . . . ah, hurt Gloria."

Evan sighed. "I know, it was the last time, Mom and I agreed it was the last time, but—"

"That's good—”Deana paused, thinking. “What the hell did you do to her? It sounded like—"

"You listened?"

"Damn right I listened!"

"Seriously, Dee, what if the door hadn't been locked?" His mind went wild with different scenarios. The expression on his sister's face would have been worth a million dollars, and if she walked in and . . .

Deana filled her lungs with a sharp burst of air, squeezed her lips together, and blew out. Her cheeks puffed, then her lips squeaked. "I don't know, Evan, I don't know, and that bothers me."

"Why?" He turned into Rebecca's driveway.

“Mmmm . . . ah, not sure, but we don't have time for that now. Here comes Rebecca, so unless you want to talk about fucking Mom in front of her, we better—"

"Shut up," he finished for Deana as the tumbler approached his side of the car.

Rebecca said, “Hey.”

Evan looked down at the glossy-black material pasted to her legs. The gap that existed even when the tumbler's thighs were together was filled with a mouth-watering camel toe. Damn, that girl has too much pussy packed in there. "Don't you have anything other than spandex?"

Rebecca rested her elbows on the window edge and spoke next to his ear, "I've got that tiny yellow bikini you seemed to like so much. Remember, your hand was on my ass?"

The wisps of breath on his ear sent a shiver down Evan's spine. He glanced over to see if his sister heard the scurrilous accusation. Was it an accusation if it was the truth? Deana said, "Thanks for the ride," leaned over, grabbed his inner thigh below his crotch, and pressed her mouth on his.

The kiss caught Evan off guard, but it shocked him less than when Gloria French kissed him in front of Jayda's house. Deana was making out with him in public while her lover watched. That sealed the deal, something was going on, and it was bigger than him and Candy or their father coming home.

Rebecca said, "That's fuckin' hot."

Deana pulled away, fell back on her seat, and said, "See ya." She opened the door and pointed. "Nice boner."

Evan turned, and the tumbler's face was right there. The girl had a mouth like Aidra Fox's, and they shared that same expression. No matter how sweet and innocent Rebecca presented herself, there was always that underlying suggestive smirk. The tumbler's mouth changed shapes; racy-decadence appeared, and her hand tightened on the back of his neck, pulling him into her kiss. Mm, he wished he could be Deana for a day. Rebecca bit his lip, then soothed it with her tongue. Thump, the passenger door closed. Rebecca pulled away and whispered, "Later," while nodding her head, suggestively.

Oh, they are up to something, he thought and watched the girls walk, hip to hip, Deana's hand on Rebecca's ass, caressing. They stopped at the front door, glanced his way, and started making out. "Sonofabitch!”

Evan loved to watch teenage girls kiss on YouTube, and often found it more exciting than porn because nobody was getting paid to act. They were girls who could potentially go to his school. He would watch their faces, thinking about what motivated them. It could have been on a dare, or for attention, or solely for the shock-value? Whatever their reason, in his mind, someone always got more than they bargained for. Two innocent girls, both supposedly with the same agenda, but one seems more prepared. The other might giggle and shy away, yet she is surprised by how her body responded. Her friend's lips turned her on. She received the other girl's tongue, and suddenly whatever it had been at the start, frightens and excites her. The camera is shut off, and they stare with questioning eyes, neither wanting to be the one who misread the other. Don't they both want more?

Maybe that was all in Evan's mind, and the truth was, if it wasn't him, they should only kiss other girls? Or, was that feeling reserved for his sisters and Candy? God, I love kissing them, Evan thought. It was beyond the secrecy, fear, and taboo. The loving passion they shared was probably never going to be matched by another girl. Sure, Becky's kisses induced an animalistic lust, and he suspected Darlene or some other girl could create those feelings as well, but never what he had with Deana, Gloria, and Candy. He definitely did not want them kissing another guy. That would be a problem, wouldn't it?

Rebecca pulled away from Deana, turned, and gave him a lewd smile. Deana's coy smirk made him think it had been pay-back for locking Candy's door. They waved, and Rebecca dragged Deana in the house. Lust chemicals coursed through his veins, setting his mind ablaze. He tugged at his shorts, knowing he wasn't in the right state of mind for what he had to do next.


Other than the ceramic plate Deana made in her 7th-grade pottery class, which held a pile of napkins, the kitchen table was clear. Candy sat with her back to the door, staring at the empty chair at the other end of the table, John's chair. Soon Sally's car would come up the driveway, and her big sister would climb out in front of his cameras. It felt like years had passed since Tech advance install the security system.

Candy closed her eyes and pictured Evan that night, hurrying in for dinner, still pulling a shirt over his wet hair after his father yelled for him. She was furious about John's monitoring system. He could track her every move, see who came and went, and make sure she didn't see Cindy again. The cameras were another nail in the box he kept her in.

Now, without anger overwhelming her, Candy remembered things that didn't register that night. There had been a moment, a secret exchange of affection between Evan and Gloria. Candy saw it in her daughter's eyes. Then, Evan spotted the button that came loose on her blouse. He was staring; Candy knew that, so why did she do it? Resting her breasts on the edge of the table and twisting while reaching for the cheese had been intentional, but was it a childish fuck you, John, or something else? In her subconscious mind, had she wanted to excite Evan, inflame the boy's growing lust for her?

Evan's reaction was predictable and expected, but Candy hadn't anticipated the stiff nipples and warm moisture that formed between her legs. When looking back, it's easy to build a case based on what had previously been a string of split-second thoughts and feelings and tiny moments in time filled with subtle hints. Now, Candy had the evidence, knew where and when it all started, and what it led to, but had she known along the way what would happen next?

Candy opened her eyes and glanced out the bay window, hoping Sally would be there. Too bad, she thought, and answered her question, "Yes, I saw it coming." She knew Deana wanted Evan and that eventually, he would take his sister's virginity. Although getting to watch it happen had been a life-altering surprise. The sight of Evan's magnificent cock cutting into Deana's beautiful body flipped a switch in Candy's subconscious mind that sent her back in time, mentally and emotionally. It also made it easier to justify her behavior.

All that insight, Candy thought, and I wasn’t prepared for Cindy. Could she have stopped it if she knew what Cindy was going to do? No, the fortitude and moral character required to resist Cindy's love weren't what Candy was made of. What they shared had been molten lava. It was only a matter of time before it burned through Candy’s denial. Even dozens of poundings from Evan's cock couldn't have prevented the eruption Cindy's kiss caused that night at the race track. An image of Cindy's intense, dark stare, and the way the teenager forcefully took her in the stall, made Candy's face hot. If she had it to do over again, Candy would have gone back to Cindy before Evan happened.

Candy wanted Evan, needed him, had enjoyed every second with him, and she loved him deeply. Still, the boy didn't deserve the confusing mood swings and the conflict of her on and off desires. The night before, she made Evan fuck her like an animal, then shunned him this morning. He probably thought it had something to do with the way he violently took her from behind, but it didn't. She pressed her hands to her face. Damn, I need to do something, Candy thought, I can't just sit here with my thoughts and wait for Sally.


The kiss had started because Deana wanted her brother to think about her and Rebecca, wishing he could be with them. Not because she was mad or jealous, not really, but she wanted to make a point, so he'd never lock her out again.

However, once it started, Rebecca wouldn't let it stop. Her hands went to Deana's ass, groping and pulling while her thigh pushed between Deana's legs. There was no doubt that behind the glare on the windshield, Evan's mouth was hanging open, and his dick was hard, but they were in front of Rebecca's house. Anyone passing by or a neighbor looking out their window could have seen them. After the fact, her lack of inhibition scared Deana. What would happen when they went back to school?

Once Rebecca dragged her inside, slammed the door, and pinned Deana to the wall, she said, "Fuck, I missed you.”

Before Deana could respond, the tumbler's mouth was on hers, and a hand was down the front of her sweatpants. "Oooh, smooth. Did you do that for me?" Rebecca asked.

She smiled and put a foot up on the umbrella box, arched back, and shoved her crotch into Rebecca's hand. It clamped down, crushing two fingers between her pussy lips. "Ahhhh, Reb, fuck, I missed you, too."

Rebecca dragged her fingers back, coating the tips. The tumbler was the only person who could set her on fire and soak her panties in less than a minute. Deana's head thumped against the wall when Rebecca circled and flicked her clit. "Ah, shit, mmm-hmm, baby, oh baby, I'm gonna—”

“No you're not, not like this,” Rebecca said and pulled her hand free.

"No, wait," she whined and grabbed Rebecca's wrist, but Rebecca pressed her forehead to Deana's and stared into her eyes. The wet fingers slipped between their lips. Deana sucked the middle finger while Rebecca sucked the other. They worked down to the webbing between the two digits, and the tips of their tongues joined.

“I've been looking forward to this for too long," Rebecca said. "Come on; I'm gonna make you cum so hard . . ."

The tumbler's yank caused Deana to stumble forward and scramble to keep up. She sensed her guilty conscience was warranted. Rebecca hadn't just missed her.

When they reached her room, Rebecca faced Deana, grabbed her neck, squeezed, then pulled Deana into a kiss that instantly turned the heat between her legs back to a three-alarm fire. She lifted her thigh to Rebecca's hip and humped like a frustrated puppy.

“Easy, tiger,” Rebecca said and stepped back. “I love looking at you when you're horny. The only thing more beautiful is when I'm getting you off.”

“Then make me more beautiful, please!”

Rebecca grinned. “Don't rush me.”

Deana was ready to knock Rebecca down and sit on her face, but if this was making Rebecca happy, it was the least she could do after everything she had done with Evan. “Whatever makes you happy, baby.”

Rebecca went to her knees, looked up, and inched Deana's pants and panties past the knobs at the front of her hips. She kissed each bone and exposed a little more flesh. "God, it's sexy when you shave." She pressed her nose to the cushion of Deana's mound and inhaled. "Mm, fuck, you smell delicious."

God, Deana thought, fuckin' touch me, lick me, fuckin' eat me already. The pants continued their painfully slow descent with Rebecca's kissing lips trailing behind. Deana expected her pussy to spontaneously burst, spraying her insides all over her girlfriend's head. Rebecca glanced up with her hands on Deana's ankles. That sex-dripping mouth curled up at the edges, and the tumbler shoved her. Deana squealed, arms flailing, and fell backward.

When Rebecca's grin peeked above the edge of the bed, Deana said, “You bitch, you scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry, I needed to get these off you.”

Deana watched Rebecca at the end of her raised legs, inhaling deeply through the black panties before massaging her feet with the silky material. “Reb, you're killing me.”

Rebecca nodded and kissed the arch of each foot. "Then prepare to die." She stood holding Deana's legs and shoved her body up the bed, then she removed her clothes and got on her knees between Deana's feet.

She saw the mischievous expression, then the feather in Rebecca's hand. “Hey, what's that for?”

"Shh, just relax and let me worry about this." She sliced the air like Zorro and ran it up Deana's leg from the kneecap to her hip, paused, and scrawled loops across her bald mound. Deana's stomach sucked in, and she bit her lip as the puffy bulbs atop her tits screamed an angry pink. Rebecca zigzagged down the other thigh, circled the kneecap, and zipped up the inside of her leg.

"Fuuuck." Her toes curled, and her fists yanked the bedspread. "Shit, I'm gonna scream."

"Do it, scream your head off." Rebecca poked the end of the feather into the gap where Deana's cheeks pressed against the mattress, drew it up her inflamed labia, across her groin, and in circles around Deana's belly button. She tightened against the goosebumps racing down her trembling legs.

“Ahhhh, please, please, stop,” she begged, knowing her girlfriend wouldn't, and she wouldn't make her. “I can't take anymore.”

The tip of the feather followed the groove up the center of her stomach, slipped between her tits, and went around each engorged nipple three times. "I've been looking forward to this for two days," Rebecca said and tickled Deana's throat. She kicked and squirmed while the feather moved from her left ear, down her jaw, over her chin, and up to the other ear. The tumbler's wide smile told Deana her scream was precisely what her girlfriend wanted, but it didn't bring an end to the torturous pleasure.

Rebecca reversed direction, circling Deana's tits again and flicked across the silky crowns. "I love the way they look when you're excited." Rebecca sat back on her folded legs and pointed the feather at Deana's crotch. “Ooh, that too. You're leaking. Yummy."

Deana pulled her knees up and threw them open. "Stop teasing," she thrust her pelvis into the air, "and make me cum."

"That shouldn't be hard." Rebecca giggled, reached under Deana's body, and brought the feather back between her cheeks, over her puckered anus, and upward, following the moist joining of her swollen lips. "Get ready."

“Oh, I'm fuckin' ready,” she said and shoved her hands into her lower back, bracing herself.

Rebecca put a finger in her mouth, sucked it seductively, and removed it glistening with spit. "God, you're beautiful." She traced the drooling slit up and down, then used a thumb on each side to push the fleshy swells apart, exposing the fiery redness. A pitiful whimpering moan gurgled from Deana's throat when Rebecca blew a long, slow breath through the gash of blood enriched flesh. Deana's clit throbbed, bulging from its hood. She reached for it, but Rebecca knocked her hand away. “Not yet.”

"Oh, please touch it, touch it, please, I need to cum, make me cum, please."

Rebecca got up on her knees, grabbed Deana's raised hips, and thrust her groin into Deana's crotch. Three hard fuck motions pushed Deana up the bed, then Rebecca dropped her. Deana reached back and rummaged pillows together under her head and shoulders. The tumbler catapulted her legs out and flopped face down between Deana's thighs. “If you're gonna cum, I wanna taste it.”

She stared down at her lover's open mouth as it closed over her pubic bone. Rebecca's upper lip forced back the protective flap while the bottom lip drew upward, forcing Deana's clit to stand between them. Every muscle tightened in anticipation. Then it did; Rebecca's tongue lashed her clit. She slammed her thighs, her body coiled, sitting her up, then she flopped back onto the pillows. The sucking and licking intensified. Deana's pelvis bucked, but Rebecca held on for the ride. The thrashing continued until her body went slack, and her vision blurred as her eyes filled with tears.

When Deana opened her eyes, Rebecca's chin was poking into the cushion of flesh just above her pubic bone. The girl licked her lips and said, “Dee, you came all over my face.”

She blew and sucked air while the tumbler crawled up her body, then she licked a big circle around Rebecca's mouth and said, “You made me do it.”

“Mm, yes, I did, and I'm not sorry."

“Oh, God—"Deana gasped—"neither am I." She took several breaths, enjoying the feel of Rebecca's hard, pointy nipples bumping against hers, and the way their stomachs moved together with each breath. Like two puzzle pieces, their bodies fit together perfectly. Deana wrapped her arms and legs around Rebecca and used them to crush the girl into her. "Damn it; I love you so much."

“It's a good thing,” Rebecca kissed the tip of her nose, “because you'd have a hard time getting rid of me.”


The boner Evan left Rebecca's with, had subsided a while ago. Now, he was trapped with the softball sisters, trying to ignore what sounded like them all talking at once. Gloria, rode shotgun, of course, and Jayda sat behind her. When he glanced in the rearview mirror, there she was, smirking with the same, I can make you fuck me, expression she had on Memorial day. Evan refused to look at Gloria. Death would be favorable over Gloria finding out what he did to her best friend behind Miss Tonya's shed. In his defense, that was before he knew Gloria was in love with him and before Deana and Candy. Why wouldn't I, he asked himself, thinking about Jayda in her backyard. The girl was naked under him while his hands spread oil on her hot skin. Who wouldn't have fucked her?

Evan took a long look at Jayda, trying to read her, but his dirty mind showed him a picture of the freak spraying piss on the wall of the shed. She's gasoline, he told himself, and I'm a lit match, keep your distance.

It was a relief when they reached the ballpark without anyone saying something he would regret. Evan popped the trunk and got out of the car while the softball sisters complained about being there too early. He had no intention of keeping them a minute longer than he had to.

At the trunk, testosterone made Evan grab three straps and lift Alex, Jayda, and Gloria's bags with one arm. The girls noticed, and he realized how accustomed to playing with fire he had become. It was dangerous, and therefore exciting, and so hard to resist. "I gotta go," Evan said.

"What are we supposed to do?" Gloria whined.

"Practice throwing and dropping the ball," he said.

"For your information," Jayda said, "we're the best girls on the team, and I'm pitching in the next game."

"That's right," Alex said, "and I'm the shortstop."

Gloria grinned. "Third base."

"It's about time," Jayda said, and Alex joined her, giggling.

Before his sister's face reached crimson-anger, and she could say anything, Evan grabbed her, turned his back to the other girls, put his hand between their mouths, and kissed it. Gloria's tongue worked its way between his fingers, so he sucked in and and gave her what she wanted.

"Okay, see ya later," he said. Alex and Jayda's jaws were hanging.

With her hands on her hips, Jayda asked, "What about me?"

Thank God, he thought, that's what I was counting on. Jayda pulled her shoulders back and shoved her chest out. Dammit, I wasn't counting on that. The little vixen wasn't wearing a bra, and the caps of her mini ski jump tits were stiff. His evil mind pictured Jayda's knees bent, turned out, and her groin thrust forward, piss splashing off the shed. Suddenly, he wanted to fuck her on the back of the car while Alex and Gloria watched.

"Fine." He shook himself mentally and winked at Gloria. She smirked her approval, so he whirled Jayda around, put his hand between them, and kissed the back of it. Jayda's disappointment was obvious, but it didn't stop her from grinding on him. He pulled away and started toward his door, ignoring Alex.

Gloria said, "Hey," and Jayda shoved the pouting tomboy at him.

He grabbed the stumbling girl and spun Alex against the car. That's when he realized how much he had wanted to kiss the shy tomboy. His body shielded them, so he laid one on Alex. Shy maybe, he thought, sexy, definitely. The girl's pouty lips and hot mouth were experienced and lust provoking. He raised his knee into the door opening, shoving his thigh up into the girl's crotch. Immediately, Alex was humping it. The poor kid was going to have a hard time convincing the other sisters it hadn't been a fake kiss. A moan escaping into his mouth made Evan step back. If he hadn't, his pants might have burst into flames. He moved Alex aside and jumped in the driver's seat. Maybe playing with fire was too dangerous?


After some dictation and housework, Candy returned to the kitchen table with an English muffin and stared at John's chair, the one Evan had been sitting in since her husband left for China. There had been a time when Candy waited anxiously for his return, praying there wouldn't be a delay, now, Evan was the only person she ever wanted to see sitting at the head of the table.

A flash of reflected light caught Candy's eye. Finally, she thought as Sally's car drove up. Relax, Sally doesn't judge you. Candy got up and looked out the bay window. Sally got out, walked toward the house, and stopped between her car and the porch. Maybe to check out the surveillance cameras, Candy thought. Her sister's hair was blazing red in the sunlight, but Sally's face was pale except for the freckles on her nose. There was a tattered box in Sally's hands. Candy recognized the name of the shoe store, but it had gone out of business years ago. Candy wiped her eyes and hugged herself. Sally didn't want to come in, and someplace in the far recesses of Candy's mind, she thought she should understand why, but she didn't.


In the McDonald's parking lot, Evan took the top off his first Egg McMuffin, laid a hash brown between the bacon and egg, covered it with ketchup, put it back together, and bit in. Food would hopefully help him stop thinking about Alex's passionate mouth and Jayda grinding on him. Then, maybe, the temptation to go back to the ballpark would leave him. It was a stupid fantasy, and nothing he could or would act on, but sneaking one of them behind the dirt pile where Becky had seduced him gave Evan a mental boner that wouldn't quit.

Two sandwiches and half a coffee were gone, and Evan was on the phone. “Are you gonna tell me what was going on Saturday?” Evan asked. “Hello, you there?” He looked at his phone to see if the call was still connected.

“I'm here.” Cindy sighed. “It was just a bad night, not a big deal. Everybody has them.”

Evan thought about what his cousin once said after a go-cart race, “Was your head up your ass? Those were rookie mistakes.” But, since he had been exiled from the house and was supposed to hang out with Cindy today, he said, “Yup, I understand. So, you gotta work today?”


“Then I suppose you'll be at the race shop?”


“I'm sorry if I woke you up,” Evan said. “I figured you'd be up. You're always up early.”

“I was, am . . . up.”

“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, it's fine,” Cindy said. “Why?”

“Ah, nothing, you're usually more talkative, and you, I don't know. How come you didn't wait for someone to open the door on Sunday?”

“Sunday, oh, you heard me?” Cindy paused. “Why didn't you let me in?”

"Didn't hear you until the Screaming Eagles were laying down rubber out front. Did you wait long? Is that why you left in such a hurry, you were upset?"

“Upset . . . mm, no, no, not at all,” Cindy said. “It wasn't planned. I was at Mike the Motor guy's shop, and I only had a minute anyway. Candy's car was gone, so I didn't wait. Figured nobody was home.”

It wasn't unusual for Cindy to see the motor guy after a race, yet he felt like Cindy was lying. "Oh, well, I hate that I missed you. I wanted to talk about the race, my race. I did almost win, you know."

“I'm sorry, you're right, I should have been more excited for you.”

Damn right, Evan thought, I've spent hours talking to you after your races. "It's fine," he said. "So, wanna meet me at the shop today?"

"Not sure," Cindy said. "I don't think so, but I'll call if things change. I gotta go. Bye."

“Bye.” Evan stared at the phone for a minute after Cindy's name had vanished. What a dick, he thought, how could he have forgotten? Cindy was upset Saturday night, and I'm thinking about my hurt feelings because she doesn't want to talk about my race.

Evan thought back over the last two days. After the races, he went home and got in bed with Candy and Gloria, and practically dry-humped her while their mother slept. Somehow, he had enough sense to leave but woke up with a naked Gloria in his bed. He went down on her, came on her, and titty fucked Candy's mini-me in the shower. Deana at the mall, Evan thought, in the kitchen, in his parent's bed, while talking on the phone with Candy, in Gloria's bed, then—No wonder I didn't think about Cindy. He had stumbled from one oh my God moment to the next. Like falling down a giant hill, you don't evaluate the passing landscape, you only tumble, roll, bounce, and banged your way down the slope, never looking back to think about where you've been.

Now that Candy said no more, Gloria was at Jayda's, Deana was with Rebecca, and Cindy didn't want to hang out, Evan didn't have anything else to do, so he replayed the sex scenes in his mind without giving thought to any of the connecting threads. It was the stuff porn movies were based on.


Deana and Rebecca finally managed to sit up, but they didn’t get out of Rebecca’s bed. “Reb, baby, that was amazing,” she said. “If that's what two days away gets me, I'm gonna do that more often.”

“You better not, but speaking of that," Rebecca said. "What were you doing? Or should I ask how he was doing you, and where? Tell me?"

"You gonna be mad?"

"No, of course not," Rebecca said. "We agreed, no jealousy. Although, it must have been a bunch based on your guilty face."

"No, well, yes, a bunch, but not the face part."

“Mm, a bunch, really,” Rebecca said. “How many is a bunch?”

“Let's see, one, two, three…, five, yeah, I guess five.”


Deana nodded. "Something like that."

"You fucked so much you lost count?"

"No, it's not like that," Deana said. "I'm still trying to catch my breath and wrap my head around what you just did to me."

Rebecca turned toward her. "Tell me; I want details."

"You sure?" Deana asked. "I was bad, a naughty girl."

"Damn right, I'm sure," Rebecca said. "Did you do it on the table again?"

She nodded, and Rebecca held up a finger. "In your room?”

"Yup." Deana's cheeks warmed.

"That's two. Where else? Tell me."

"You wanna hear the part that might upset you or the part that will make you jump up and run around in circles, shouting obscenities?"

"Nothing is gonna upset me,” Rebecca said, “or make me jump and run anywhere right now."

"We'll see," she said. "I took off my shorts outside, on the porch steps."

"Please, tell me you fucked outside?"

"No, but close."

"Ah, keep going," Rebecca said.

"In the kitchen, his room, my room, shower, Gloria's bed, Candy's, and at the mall."

"What the fuck?" Rebecca said. "You fucked six times in what, thirty-six hours? Wait, did you say at the mall?"

"I thought you weren't gonna get upset."

Rebecca laughed. "Upset? No, but I love you more now than I did a minute ago. I have finally totally corrupted you. Tell me more?"


"Yeah, there has to be more. None of that made me want to run, jump, or even yell, except maybe doing it in Candy's bed. That's hot."

"Okay, hold onto your hat," she said. "While I was on the phone with my mother, Evan fucked me. We were on the couch and—"

"You fucked on the expensive sofa we were never allowed to sit on?"

Deana nodded while heat rose to her face. "Evan was going down on me when the phone rang. He answered, handed it to me, and kept going. I tried to hold it together and talk to Candy, but he fucked me, and I moaned into the phone."

"I'm running and screaming, fuck, fuck, fuck in my mind, I promise," Rebecca said. "Now, let me guess what happened. Evan pulled out and blasted your face while you were saying something to Candy?"

She slapped Rebecca's leg. "No, that would have been horrible. We came together with the phone to our ears."

“I bet your mom knows what you were doing.”

"That wouldn't surprise me," Deana said. "I get the feeling she knows almost everything but doesn't say anything." She thought about the secret that not even her brother knew. What would Candy do if she found out? For the same reason Evan could never know, Deana would never let Candy find out. "Reb, I love you so much it hurts right here." She laid her hand on her heart. "I can't wait until we have shared everything."

“Mm, me too, and I'm glad I won't have to wait long.” Rebecca picked up her phone.


Candy looked back at Sally, standing just outside the office door. She waited, trying to read Sally's expression. Her sister seemed apprehensive, vigilant, and weary, like a cop responding to a domestic violence call. "What's wrong?" Candy asked.

"Ah, nothing,” Sally said. “I remember when he added this section onto the house. Sandy was excited because Evan and Deana could have their own rooms."

Candy nodded, remembering how Sally always talked about Sandra, calling her Sandy, always Sandy. Sally eased into the room, paused, glanced behind the door, and scanned the room. "They hated it at first and used to sneak back into each other's beds," Sally said.

They still do, Candy thought, just the way Bobby and Sally had. "What about Sandra?"

Sally shook her head. "She didn't like it. Too secluded, and when he wasn't here, she let them sleep with her."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't make you talk about her. I know how close you were."

"We were . . . I loved her and never stopped missing her, like you, I always missed you."

"Sally, what happened?"

"Not now," Sally said and placed the leather case on John's chair. "We got work to do." She moved the mouse and woke up the display. The Windows locked screen appeared.

"I don't know his password," Candy said.

"It's better if I logon, but don't worry, we can still do it if I can't." Sally took stuff out of her bag that Candy couldn't identify. "This is the same desk he had fifteen years ago."

"Really," Candy said with feigned interest. Sally stared through the archway into the bedroom with a look of disgust on her face.

"How are you going to, um, what do you call it, crack or hack the password? Need some personal information, birthdays or—"

"No," Sally said and placed her fingers on the keyboard. "Let's hope he's still the asshole I remember."

Sally's fingers worked, but the effort was rewarded with a login failure message. Candy's hopes sank as she recited the password hint, "FR."

"Douche bag." Sally's fingers hammered the keys, and the desktop appeared. She mumbled, "Mother fucker," and dropped to the chair, crushing the case.

Candy saw Sally's pain quickly turned to anger, so she didn't say anything until all the wires were connected, and her sister seemed satisfied with her work, then she asked, "You gonna tell me the password?”

Sally wiped a forearm across her eyes and said, "Fuckin Redhead! I forgot the exclamation point the first time."

Two words, Fuckin' Redhead, looped like some lyrics that put the name of the artist on the tip of Candy's tongue. She rubbed Sally's shoulders while her mind worked. Then, click-click, pieces started snapping together. Faintly at first, she heard voices from the past, but they grew louder and louder. Sandra and John were fighting. They did that a lot before Sandra died. That was when she heard it, John was yelling, “That fuckin' redhead . . . ”

“Sally, what happened? Did you do something to him?”

“Me?” Sally whirled around on the chair and looked up. “Did I do something?”

“He still has that password after this much time," Candy said. "You must have pissed him off. Is that why you left because of something with John?"

“No!” Sally paused and took several slow, deep breaths. “No, I left because there wasn't anything here for me. You were here with them, with Gloria, and I had to go.”

“We were only twenty minutes away from each other.”

"No, Candy, there was no we. You were here with them, and it was just me. It was lonely without you."

“But, ah, you and Bobby, I thought you were mad because I wanted to keep my baby, and I needed help . . . needed Sandra's help.”

“I know, and she helped you,” Sally said. “That was smart, it was, but I missed you. We shared a room, slept in the same bed our whole life. I know, I had boyfriends and wasn't the best sister or role model, but I loved you, love being with you. Baby, I had to go, I had to.”

“I'm sorry, so sorry.”

“You didn't do anything wrong. You wanted the best for Gloria, and as much as I wanted to help you raise her, what could I have done for you? You did what you needed to do, and I did what I had to do.” Sally stood and kissed Candy's forehead. “It's the past, let it be.”

She had been mad all this time because Sally left her alone. “You wanted to help me raise Gloria?”

“Of course I wanted to help you,” Sally said. “It was our dream ever since we first played with dolls.”

“Fuck, Sally, fuck. Why? I don't understand why you left or why you didn't keep Darlene.”

“Don't call her that." In an instant, Sally's face was crimson. "Her name is Angela, Angel. She was my little angel."

Sad tears poured down Candy's cheeks, yet she was furious. "How come I didn't know that Sally, what happened? Why did you change your mind? God, there's so much I don't know . . . don't understand."

Sally turned away from her. "I had to. I couldn't take her. As bad as it was for me, can you imagine if I had taken my baby with me?"

“But you didn't know you were leaving? You didn't leave until—”

“Not now,” Sally said. “It's not something I want to think about now. Can we leave, get out of here? Get something to eat? It'll take a while to copy all the files. We can leave it.”

“Fine, sure, okay." Candy turned in a circle as if she'd lost something. Bad things, Candy thought, no, horrible things had happened. She was going to puke. "Yeah, let's go, go get something."


Evan had driven around aimlessly, hoping Cindy would change her mind and call him. He also considered his other options. There was that standing invitation at Ms. Style's or the creek. Maybe Rhina would show up and put on another show for him? That would be a great distraction. There was always Jason's house, but Evan didn't think he was ready for that. The only person more immoral that himself would want to talk about sister f—His phone chirped, and Evan got excited.

That's unusual, Evan thought. The text was from Rebecca, and it had nothing to do with Deana. "Come to the back gate." That was very suspicious. He thought about the kiss Rebecca gave him earlier when Deana wasn't looking and wondered if the tumbler was up to no good. Of course she was, they both had been up to something, but Deana would be there, so he had nothing to worry about.

The tumbler had mentioned that bikini she wore while he felt up her ass with Deana standing a few feet away. And, it was Rebecca's plan that had him making out with Deana in the car. The words to an ancient song popped into Evan's mind, "I run to the edge, I look, I see, I fall." Oh well, it's not like I can do anything for Cindy now, might as well take my chances. Tumbling, bouncing and banging had to be better than playing with fire at the ballpark. Mm, maybe she'll do a handstand?

At Rebecca's, Evan told himself to stop thinking about a threesome. Deana would never let him fuck her best friend and lover, even if the tumbler wanted it. He grabbed the top of the privacy fence and jumped up three times, peeking over. Jackpot, two girls, both laying on towels, wearing tiny bikinis. Their skin glistened under a sheen of slippery lotion. Evan opened the gate carefully, prepared to stop at the slightest squeak. Nothing, good, he thought and latched the gate, flicking the locking mechanism into place. They seemed to be asleep, so he walked as if the grass underfoot might wake them.

Rebecca was on her back, eyes tightly sealed against the sunlight. Deana was on her stomach. Creepy? Yes, but considering his resume of perversion, Evan stood there at their feet anyway and stared. Rebecca's bathing suit wasn't the one she wore during the ass judging. It wasn't a bikini at all. Instead of covering, it outlined the parts that were supposed to be hidden. Shoelace-width string formed triangles around Rebecca's small, perky tits, squeezing the sun brightened nipples into the space where material should have been. The yellow strips that looped around from her hip bones pulled tight above her mound, split into two sides of a triangle, and came together again between her ass cheeks, bunching the tumbler's swollen labia into a pile of delicious flesh. Fuck, what an incredible pussy. Why the hell had Deana's girlfriend told him to come here if she was wearing that?

Evan shook his head and turned to his sister as if that might stop his dick from growing. Deana's top was untied, laying under her chest. Fine hairs glistened in the sexy inward curve of her lower back. Deana's bottoms had lost the fight against her bubble-butt, collapsing into the deep groove. Her ass was oiled like she had been cast in a porno about a massage that turns kinky. Evan knelt between the girls and watched Rebecca's stomach rise and fall. The lines were faint, but he knew how the tumbler's abs looked when they rippled. He thought about sliding the tip of his finger through the slippery grooves, crisscrossing, then following the line down the center into the hollow of her stomach and up the building hill of her pubic mound. Would he be able to stop where it could still be considered a reasonable way to wake her up, or would his finger plunge between those luscious swells of Sun-reddened labia? Look away, Evan told himself.

Rebecca's hair was pulled tight on top of her head, showing off all of her face. He hadn't ever taken the time to admire her, at least not since the night they kissed down in the basement, but that was years ago. A lot had changed since then. Rebecca wasn't his sister's cute but annoying friend anymore. The tumbler's mouth was full. It curled up at the corners. She was prettier than he ever permitted himself to acknowledge. An insane urge to moisten her succulent lips with his tongue pushed Evan closer. He wanted to kiss the girl Deana loved. His hand floated above her belly, flirting with her groin and crotch. The tip of his index finger circled the rim of the shallow belly button. Rebecca murmured. He watched her eyes flutter open, then grow wide with surprise. "Oh, Evan, shoot." A crooked grin followed.

“You weren't sleeping.”

She glanced at Deana. “Shh, don't wake her.”

He whispered close to Rebecca's ear, "It's dangerous wearing something like that outside."

"Not as dangerous as what you're doing."

He looked at his hand, resting on her stomach, fingers plucking the string. "Does it bite?"

Rebecca shook her head. "But I might scream." Her knee rose, fell out, and bumped against him. He grabbed it and slid his hand down her inner thigh until her tendon pulled tight, steering him inward.

"Why did you tell me to come over?"

“I want a birthday kiss. Dee said it's okay.”

"Today isn't your birthday."

"Mm, but I don't want to wait until my birthday.”

Why not, he thought, I kissed Alex in front of Gloria, and it wasn't even her birthday. He grabbed the back of Rebecca's neck and lifted her. Like the rest of Rebecca, the girl's mouth was powerful. She closed her legs on his hand and jerked upward, forcing him to feel how hot and wet she was. The strength packed into such a petite and sensual body amazed him. He freed his tongue from Rebecca's sucking lips. "Wow, I can see why Deana likes kissing you."

“That's not all she likes doing to me,” Rebecca said and shoved Evan, tipping him back onto his butt.

With stealth, fluid motion, the tumbler pounced, dropping her ass on his groin, she shoved him down, pinning his shoulders to the ground. It would have been easy to toss her, but Evan waited for the approaching mouth to meet his. Damn it, Deana was a lucky girl.

When Rebecca's ass was in his hands, and her crotch was grinding on his boner, Evan said, "Stop that," with as much conviction as his hushed voice could convey. "We can't." He gestured at Deana.

“You're right,” Rebecca said and sat up. “Not while she's sleeping. Let me wake her up first. She wants to watch."

Evan gulped. "Watch?"

Rebecca turned on her knees until her head was by Deana's, then she lowered her top half. He stared as the girl's ass rotated, pointing her butt-hole toward the sky. The dish surrounding the tiny puckered center would probably fill with water if it were raining. He wanted to see her do a naked handstand.

"Dee, wake up," Rebecca whispered in Deana's ear. “Wake up, Evan's gonna fuck me.”

Evan panicked. Deana said something, but he didn't understand. Rebecca laid up against Deana's body with her leg stretched out between Deana's. Rebecca's muscled thigh pressed between the slick, oiled cushions of his sister's ass. She hunched, lifting her middle against her lover's leg. "Mm, can I watch?"

Rebecca bit the back of Deana's neck. "Of course, but you'll have to turn over.” She pulled the bows at Deana's hips and helped her turn, leaving the bottoms behind.

The sight of his sister's bald pussy position below Rebecca's while they kissed passionately made it hard for him to breathe. Deana's knees bent, pulled up alongside the tumbler's body, and squeezed. “Mm, I love how you feel between my legs.”

Now, thinking and breathing were a struggle for Evan. Rebecca humped her pubic bone on Deana's crotch and asked, “You sure about this?” It was a thousand times more exciting than watching them make out in front of the house.

Deana nodded. “Mmhm, I love you.”

Evan started to feel left out, jealous and confused, but Rebecca made like an inchworm and lifted her ass. The plump swells parted, revealing the inflamed inner flesh. Evan stared, trying to make sense of it. Two pussies, ready to be fucked, and he wanted both of them for different reasons. Doing his sister was taboo enough, but if someone watched, that took it to a new level, and if it's her lover watching—No, that's too much. Then again, how much different was fucking his sister's girlfriend in front of her going to be? He was suddenly nervous as if it were the first time.

Deana lifted her head and peered over Rebecca's shoulder. “Go ahead, but don't hurt her.”

Everything changed in a split second. The look in Deana's eyes; her love and concern for the girl he was about to fuck, just about brought Evan to tears. "Are you sure?"

Deana nodded and unwrapped her legs from Rebecca's waist. He rubbed his sister's feet as they passed him, then lowered his shorts. She smiled nervously at the raging boner that sprang up. Rebecca tried to look back, but Deana stopped her with a kiss. He leaned over, planted his hands on the ground beside the girls' heads, and looked down into Deana's eyes. They were fearful with the same anticipation he saw right before taking her virginity. He hunched and stabbed into the silky ring surrounding Rebecca's asshole. She drew in a quick, halting breath. Deana glared and reached between their bodies, grabbed his dick, and dragged the head up and down through Rebecca's hot, lubricating juices. He shoved, and Rebecca stiffened. Deana shot him a warning glance. “Go easy.”

"I love you, Dee," Rebecca said. “Thank you for this.”

Deana kissed Rebecca and said, “Happy birthday.” He pushed harder, and his sister said, "He's in you, I see it on your face, he's in you."

“Ahhh, just the way you wanted it to happen,” Rebecca said. He lowered himself until the smooth curves of Rebecca's ass caressed his groin. She worked her body under his, forcing him deeper. "It hurts, it hurts so good."

"Oh, baby, look at you,” Deana said. “Watching you take him . . . mm, it's incredible.”

Evan's groin beat a slap-slap-slap rhythm against Rebecca's hunching body while Deana stared at him, drilling down into his heart. He saw the expression his sister had when they were about to climax together. It made him thrust harder and faster, trying to make Deana finish with him. Physically he was inside the tumbler's tight body, but in Evan's mind, it was Deana he was making love to. She grinned, and his balls tightened, squeezing, telling him he was right there, it was time to pull out. Rebecca's insides quivered and clamped down. Deana reached up, grabbed Evan's neck, and pulled him down on top of Rebecca. His back arched, forcefully stuffing his bloated cock through the fist-like grip of Rebecca's insides. Deana kissed him and stared into his eyes, willing his cum to flow into her girlfriend.

He heard Rebecca's strained breathing and felt the heaving of her body under him, so Evan collapsed to the side, turning both girls with him. Deana said, "I love you," and he knew she was talking to both of them.

“Mm, me too,” Rebecca said.

He put a leg and arm over both girls and crushed Rebecca's sweaty body into a twin sandwich. It hadn't been the threesome Evan expected, but it felt like they were a threesome now.


Later, Evan went to the car first and waited for Deana. It surprised him that she was coming with him, but he was glad. They needed to discuss the elephant in the backyard. Shooting a massive load of cum into Rebecca should have caused panic, a scream, or even a garden hose being shoved in there to wash the girl out, yet Rebecca nor Deana mentioned it. He was thinking about it, but his sister was right there with him, staring as if telling him to finish inside her girlfriend. After, he silently processed his thoughts and emotions. The girls hadn't been talking either, so he assumed they were doing the same.

Now, with the AC blaring, so the car wouldn't be too hot for Deana, Evan considered the millions of potential babies that he had pumped into the tumbler, still without a sense of dread. In his mind, Deana wouldn't have let him do it if there were any reason to worry. Although there was another possibility. He looked up and saw Deana walking toward the car in a T-shirt.

“Are you high?” he asked as his sister closed her door.

"No!" Deana said. "I only tried weed once, and after I finished laughing at everything and nothing, I was so paranoid I couldn't stand to be in the same room with myself.”

“Then why are you wearing that, and only that? It's so obvious there isn't anything under that shirt. I saw your—”

"No you didn't," Deana said. "Besides, who else is gonna know?"

“Um, well, I saw your goodies, and your nipples are—Mm, never mind, but you better hope Mom doesn't see you. She'll know."

Deana shrugged. “I bet you'll like it when I go up the porch steps?”

"Except this time, I might actually do you outside and let Mom catch us.”

“No, you won't have the energy after you finish doing what I want to do.”

“What's that?”

Deana turned sideways on her seat, leaned back against the door, and opened her legs. He shook himself. "You'll see," Deana said. "Stop on the dirt road where we were the day you first kissed me.”

“By the train tracks, where we made out in front of Rebecca?”

“Mmhm, yeah, that's the place,” Deana said. “Doesn't that seem like a lifetime ago when you were sneaking peeks at her underwear in the backseat?”

He laughed and backed out of Rebecca's driveway. “When she wore them.”

“Yeah, and as you can see, she rubbed off on me, just like I said. The two of you have turned me into—”

"Woe, hold on, I didn't do anything,” he said, “that was all the tumbler's doing.”

Deana grinned and put her feet in his lap. “Yup, she was the one getting hard under my foot on the way home from school.”

Evan rolled his eyes and rubbed Deana's toes. “I love you.”

“Me too."

"Did it bother you?" he asked. “I mean, did you get jealous or anything?”

“No, not at all.”

“Why did you want that?”

"Because I love both of you so much," Deana said. "I felt bad having something so good with you, that I kept from Rebecca. I wanted to share you, share our love with her, and I wanted you to be apart of what I have with Rebecca. Otherwise, it feels like cheating. I know, I'm nuts."

Evan shook his head and thought about how true Deana's words were. He had felt left out of what his sister had with Rebecca, and being with Candy without Deana was like cheating. The same thing would happen if he made love to Gloria. He wanted to include Deana in everything. "Nuts? No, not at all. It was like . . . like the two of you were one, and because you love her, I felt like I loved her. Kinda like through you."

“I swear, if I wasn't already in love with you, that would have done it for me,” Deana said and pointed straight ahead. “Rebecca felt it too.”

“Is that what she told you?” He stopped the car as close to where he remembered them being the day Deana had been all twisted up about being with another girl.

“Not in words, but she did, I could tell.”

"Good," he said and thought back to the day he kissed Deana. "Dee, when I kissed you that day . . . you know, to make a point? I might have just wanted to kiss you, and that was a good excuse.”

Deana got on her knees, leaned over the console, and pressed her mouth to his. Making out with his sister in public, even on a dirt road alongside the railroad tracks, should have been terrifying, but Evan didn't care; he wanted her. Fucking Rebecca, while Deana watched, had been fantastic, but it made him want Deana even more. "Can Rebecca watch us?"

“She wants to, but she's not here now,” Deana said and dug Evan's cock and balls out of his shorts. “That day, the second you started kissing me, I wanted you, wanted this.”

Evan waited while Deana got a foot on each side of him, then he lifted her shirt to her waist and looked at her sex positioned above his cock. “I did too, but I was scared to death.”

Deana used one hand to spread her lips and the other to guide his dick. “What about now?” she asked. “You're about to fuck me, aren't you worried?”

“Not at all. You're incredible, Dee, fuckin' incredible.”

Deana lowered her pussy. "Ah." She paused with the head of his cock threatening to open her. "I love the way you feel inside me." She bit her bottom lip, closed her eyes, and dropped.

He crushed Deana in his arms and held her down. The world was better when he was entirely inside Deana. Nothing mattered except their love. They were stronger together. "Nobody will ever make me feel this good," he said. "You ruined sex for me."

She shook her head and rolled her pelvis. “No, you'll feel it, ooh, yes, it'll feel this way with Gloria, mmm, when you make love to Gloria.”

“I never said I would.”

“Mmmhmm, yes." Deana rose and fell several more times. "You will, and it will be like this with her. She loves you, and you love her. That's what makes it so fucking good. Oh, God, and it feels so good."

He grabbed Deana's hips and helped her bounce. She gasped and said, “Shit,” as she yanked the seat release lever. They fell back.

“What the fuck?”

Deana started fucking him so hard the car rocked. “Rhina is gonna walk past, but don't stop. She won't come over if she knows you're getting laid.” Her hair covered his face.

“This is insane. A girl from your volleyball team is about to see us fucking.” He was about to stop when the words played back in his head, and he added, “I forgot to tell you, I saw her getting fuck down at the creek, and she's about to see me cum inside my sister.”

“Shut up and fuck me,” Deana said. “She won't know it's me.”

How many girls were there in his school with long, silky black hair that would fuck him on the side of the road? “Oh, God,” Deana said. “Fuck, oh fuck, you make me . . . ah, you make me . . . oh, God, I'm cumming!”

“Shh, not so loud,” he said and forced Deana down on his swollen cock. “Ah, I love how that feels. It's like magic when I cum in you.”

“Mm, I love feeling it squirt and squirt and squirt, oh, so deep, deep inside me.” Deana panted with her forehead pressed to Evan's. “I can't wait until . . . ”

Evan thought about what his sister might have said, and for some reason, it didn't scare him.


After Deana and Evan left, Rebecca stripped and stood in front of the mirror, holding her pussy. It was the same pose she had taken the morning after she and Deana crossed the invisible line that had kept them from doing what they both secretly wanted. They had spent the night together, making love, then Evan came to get Deana, and Rebecca imagined the best of both worlds, a threesome with twins. As impossible as it seemed, the way Deana told the story about Evan's dick getting hard under her foot, made Rebecca think it might be possible. With a little planning, some subtle hints, and a few sexual innuendos, maybe.

That day, the nasty fantasy about Evan fucking Deana, was enough to get Rebecca off, but she wanted more. She wanted Deana, a friend with benefits, but she liked dick, too, and she wanted Evan's dick. And, fucking twins would be out of this world crazy exciting.

When Evan grabbed and felt up his sister's ass in the school parking lot under the pretense of judging who had the best butt, Rebecca thought her plan might have merit. When they agreed to kiss in front of her, she felt her stomach tumble. The sight of the twins kissing set her mind on fire. Then, as if all the planets lined up in favor of her desires, the twins were lost in each other. Their breathing turned to pants and gasps. Rebecca heard the passion from their lips and tongues and saw the urgency in their groping hands. They were on fire, too, ready to rip each other's clothes off and fuck, and that was enough to make Rebecca cum.

After, she made Evan sweat and lick his lips while she spread her legs behind Deana's seat, showing off her wet pussy. That was when she was sure it would happen; Deana would let her brother fuck her, and Rebecca knew she could get him to fuck her, too. Still, that wasn't enough. She wanted more.

A lot had changed since the day Rebecca left the juicy evidence of her lust on Evan's backseat. She still wouldn't label her sexuality, but she had fallen deeply in love with the tall, olive-skinned Italian girl. She loved Deana so much it hurt when the girl left, she thought of her while they were apart, and even though she had orchestrated it, swore it didn't bother her and promised never to be jealous, Rebecca fought tears whenever Deana talked about making love with Evan. It wasn't the sex that made her jealous, not really. They lived together, shared everything, even each other's feelings, and sometimes they saw each other's thoughts. Their love connection seemed to supersede anything possible in a normal relationship. That's what Rebecca was jealous of, and why Deana's gift was the most meaningful birthday present Rebecca would ever receive. She'd remember it until the day she died.

Deana had given her the most precious, beautiful, and powerful thing she had. The love the twins' shared poured into her while Evan orgasmed. Sperm blasting her cervix should have caused a panic, but it didn't because Rebecca had been the center of a love sandwich, sharing the one person Deana loved more than her. She grinned at herself in the mirror and crossed her legs, and tightened her thighs on any chance of Evan's cum escaping.


When Evan and Deana got home, she waited for him at the bottom of the porch steps and said, “If Mom happens to be in the kitchen, do something to distract her so I can get to my room.”

Evan grinned at the pink crowns swelling under Deana's Georgia Peaches T-shirt. “I thought you weren't worried about Mom?”

“I'm not worried, but I'd rather not entice her with my sexy body,” Deana said. “Not today.” She took the first two steps in one stride and leaned forward until the smiley face creases under the bubbles of her butt showed. “Oops.”

“You're lucky we just did it,” he said and caught up to her.

Deana slinked up against him like an affectionate cat. “Why am I lucky?”

“Because if we hadn't, Mom seeing your scantily clad body would be the least of your worries.”

“Mm, you're right,” Deana said and reached between his legs, “because I'd let you take me right here.” She palmed his balls and slowly pulled her hand back.

Once the quick shiver-jerk passed from Evan's shoulders to his neck, he reached under Deana's shirt. The cum drooling from her lips reminded him. “What you said before, you didn't mean like now, did you? Rebecca is—”

"Relax, it's just a dream, for now, she has PlanB, so no worries." Deana put one foot on the next step up and blew out a long breath. "Fuck, the two of you have turned me into a sex-crazed animal. I already want you again, right now.”

“Well, you're in luck,” he said. “I'll meet you in the shower after I distract Mom from your incredible body.”

Deana quickly took the last couple of steps, swung the screen door open and flipped up the back of her shirt. “Bring her with you.”

That would be a dream come true, Evan thought. "You wish." His sister didn't respond, but her face told him she wasn't kidding, and that made him think about Deana's words, "I don't think it's a man." Did Deana think Candy was in love with her? Nah, he dismissed the thought as Deana left without him. So much for being worried about their mother seeing her ass hanging out.

In the kitchen, Deana was at the sink, filling a glass. Evan scanned the room and listened for their mother. Deana carelessly gulped water, soaking the front of her shirt. “How come you're not afraid Mom might see you?” he asked while her nipples swelled against the translucent material.

Deana purred and pushed her chest out to meet his approaching hands. Evan's ego didn't want him to think about Candy being with Deana, but in his heart, he couldn't imagine anything more beautiful. Deana pushed her hand into Evan's shorts. “I want her to catch us doing it right here,” she said. “Isn't this where you ripped her shirt open and fucked her?”


“Don't lie. I found buttons on the floor right after I saw her glowing face. It was obvious to someone as perceptive as me."

"Hey, whatever," he said. "Now tell me how come you're not worried about Mom? Are you, um, you know, you and Mom?”

Deana chuckled and took off her shirt. “You seriously think me and Candy? Like I'd be able to keep that to myself.”

“You're keeping something from me.”

“You caught me,” she said and pulled his cock out. “I want to have your baby.”

Evan's heart jerked, and the blood started to drain from his face, but only for a second. "Yeah, that's a lie, now tell me what's going on? What is it and why don't you care if she sees you naked in the kitchen . . . with me?”

"You're so much fun to fuck with," Deana said. "My superior perception tells me that Mom isn't home and that she already knows about us, plus she's seen me naked in the kitchen already."

“What? Wait, her car is here, and how do you know?”

“Somebody else was here, a woman, and Mom's keys aren't on the hook,” Deana said.

Somebody else was here, a woman, Evan thought, and it's not Deana, so who could Candy be in love with? His sister's badonkadonk swung seductively as she walked away. The girl got more beautiful and sexy every day. "Why do you think Mom knows?”

“She gave me the pill,” Deana said and turned the corner. “And I wasn't lying.”

Evan stood there with his mouth open while his brain played his sister's words in a loop, “woman, pill, keys, lying, gave me the pill,” trying to unscramble them and find something that made sense. It didn't work, so he took off with his cock and balls bouncing around outside his shorts.

When Evan opened the bathroom door, Deana smiled. She was sitting on the counter, and he felt it right away. His sister was physically, mentally, and emotionally in the exact position as the day he took her virginity. She spread her knees, extended her arm, and beckoned him with a finger. Evan went to her, held Deana's face between his hands, tilted her head back, and kissed her. The fear he felt the first time washed over him. If he were standing in front of Deana in the past, Evan knew he wouldn't change a thing. They had been together since their time inside their mother's womb. It had been love times three until Sandra's death, then an enormous void opened. They both felt it like a black hole drawing them toward each other. When they made love, joining their physical bodies, and experienced bliss together, it was almost as good as having their mother back.

The twins sucked air from each other's mouth when Evan pushed into Deana as if for the first time. She stared into his eyes and said, “I don't think I can live without you.”

He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around him. “Mm, you won't have to.” He arched backward and buried himself inside his sister. She winced as she always did when his dick hit her limit.

Deana tightened her arms and legs. “No, I mean this, Evan, I can't imagine a day when you can't be in me like this. I feel safe and whole and a love that makes everything right, but—”

“Shh, no buts,” he said. “I'll always be here for you, but Rebecca—”

“She'll share.” Deana grinned. “She has wanted both of us for a long time,” Deana said and spurred her heels into his ass. “Don't tell her I know.”

“Ah, ah, do you know everything?” He rested Deana's ass on the counter and slowly stroked in and out.

“Mm, yes, oh yes, I know you're about to make me cum. Don't stop, don't stop, no matter what.” She leaned back and lifted her legs, resting her calves on his shoulders.

He dipped down and drove upward into his sister, over and over. It didn't matter anymore who knew because it didn't feel wrong. He loved Deana the same way she loved him, and they had to have each other, that's just how it was.

“Mm, yes, yes, cum in me, Evan, ahhh, yes, fill me, fill me with you.”

That was precisely what Evan did. For the second time in less than an hour, he emptied his balls deep inside his sister. There wasn't anything in his world that felt better than when they came together. It seemed like his whole body smiled.


Sally told Candy she wasn't ready to meet Evan, so the two women had quietly gone to Candy's room. The cloning of John's hard drive and some other stuff that Candy didn't understand was done, and Sally stashed the cables and thumb drives in her bag and blew out a long breath. “Phew, that's done. I'll work on the videos at home.”

“Okay, good, that's great, we're done,” Candy said.

“I still need to look at your computer.”

"It doesn't record." Her face got warm, and her palms moistened. "It just pops up if somebody comes.”

“Candy, relax. I already know,” Sally said. “I'm assuming you didn't get rid of that other thing, right?”

“I guess I haven't changed much if you still know me so well.”

“I'm in no position to judge anybody,” Sally said.

“Okay, good.” What did her sister want then? The videos suddenly felt like family heirlooms or baby pictures that she never wanted to lose. “You're not gonna delete them?”

“No, not now, just show me how it works.”

“Oh, okay, but are you gonna watch them?”

“I need to see the software, see if it will work, that's all,” Sally said.

Candy didn't understand or like the idea, but she unlocked the computer, showed Sally the program she used, and stepped aside. Her sister tipped the desktop computer forward, examined the back, said, "Okay," and grabbed the mouse.

Both women gasped at the sight of Evan thrusting hard into Deana's body. “Oh, God, Sally,” Candy reached for the mouse, “I should stop them.”

Sally pushed her hand away. “Why, because I'm here?”

“No, yes, I guess, I don't know.”

“I wanna watch. She's beautiful, so fuckin' beautiful,” Sally said. “She's, ah, she looks just like Sandy.” Sally wiped her eyes.

And like Cindy, Candy thought, wishing Cindy would return her calls. "She does . . . a little more every day." Had Sally loved Sandra the same way she loved Cindy?

Neither spoke or looked at the other until Evan finished inside his sister, and the young lovers slipped behind the shower curtain. Candy turned to Sally and thought, at least she's flushed and panting, too. Though that didn't mean Sally's panties were soaking wet. What do you say after watching your kids fuck, Candy wondered? "Sally.”

“Shh, don't, Candy, don't say anything,” Sally said. “Let me catch my breath.”


In the shower, Evan watched Deana close her eyes and tip her head back under the water. His sister had set the bar miles above what he imagined any other lover could reach. The water cascading down her smooth skin, over the hills of her breasts and down those long legs, made his knees weak. He filled his palm with shampoo and waited for Deana to open her eyes. "Let me.”

Deana turned and tilted her head back, allowing the black cloak to reach her butt. He put his hands on Deana's head. It was strange lathering someone else's hair, but the soft sounds coming from his sister told Evan she was enjoying it. Suds dripped on her shoulders and slid down her arms. He collected the hair in the center of Deana's back and did his best to work the soap through all of it. The white lather glided over and funneled between the globes of his sister's ass.

“Leave my butt alone and finish my hair,” Deana said.

“Stop reading my mind.”

“No need to read your mind, I know you.”

He laughed and got busy stroking the shampoo through Deana's hair. “How can you live with that thing?” he asked. “I'd never be able to stop touching it.”

“I'd ask you the same thing about your dick,” Deana said, “but I already know you can't keep your hands off of it.”

"Smartass, you seemed to have that problem too," Evan said. "What's going on? First, in the car, then in the bathroom. Were you recreating our firsts?”

"I guess it was kinda like that, but that wasn't my plan." Deana rinsed her hair and faced him again. "We said we'd make the most of this last week, and what happened made me so horny. Every time you pushed into Rebecca, I knew how good it was supposed to feel, and my body kind of felt it, the thumps vibrated into me, but it didn't measure up to the real thing. I don't think I have ever been so turned on or wanted you more. I couldn't wait to have you, but I didn't want to do it in front of Rebecca, not yet."

“Why not?”

“I don't know, um, I can't explain it," Deana said. "Maybe it's still too special, too . . . our thing. Does that make me selfish?”

He pulled Deana against his soapy body. “No, I don't think so. You shared your love for me with Rebecca and the love you have for her with me. How could that be selfish?”

"God, if I wasn't sore, I'd make you fuck me again.”

“What makes you think I could even do it?” Evan released Deana and looked down. “You might have killed it.”

The sight of Deana's elegant fingers collecting and washing his cock and balls gave Evan a mental boner regardless of what was happening on the outside. "If you make it work, you better be prepared to let me use it.”

“No, better not." Deana stopped. "Not yet. Come on; we should get out. You go upstairs first, then I'll go to my room."


“Mom's home. Didn't you hear her?”

“Oh, I guess I did when the door was open, and we were," He raised his brows. "You didn't seem to care then, so why bother pretending now?"

“Evan, I didn't say she definitely knows, or that she'd be okay with us walking around naked or having sex on the kitchen table, or in her bed or—”

"Stop!" Evan turned off the water. "Talk like that is a sure-fire way to get yourself sorer.”

"Well, just remember, Mom's off-limits, so if you can't control yourself, I'm here for you.”

“Oh, shit, you made me forget,” Evan said and handed Deana a towel. “Mom gave you the pill?” Deana nodded while drying her hair. “Why would she do that when she knows you can't date and that you're with Rebecca?”

Deana shrugged. “I told you, she might know.”

“She can't. We've been careful. What about her? Did she give you her pills?"

Deana opened her eyes wide. “Oh my God, did you cum in her?”

“Like fifty times! Or it seems like that now that you're taking her pills.”

His sister started cracking up. “God, I love fucking with you. Do you really think Mom would give me her birth control while she's having sex with you? Seriously?”

"I guess not, but still, Mom gave you birth control." For the first time in weeks, Evan pictured Candy being choked against the wall. What the hell would he do to Candy if he knew she put Deana on birth control? Evan kept his thoughts to himself and left the bathroom, furious about their father coming home and ruining everything.

Twenty minutes later, Deana didn't need the old floor to creak. A tingle of energy lifted the hairs on the nape of her neck and continued down her spine. Someone was in her room, watching her. She leaned over and put her fingers on the keyboard. The white dress shirt she stole from Evan's closet tickled her butt as it inched up. She tightened her muscles and smirked, knowing the creases below her cheeks would be visible. Her fingers danced across the keyboard, "Testing, can you see?"

Rebecca replied, "Yeah, the top of your fat head. Turn it."

Deana typed, "10-4," and reached for the webcam.


Shit, not Evan, Deana thought and snapped upright, fisted the shirttails in front of her crotch, and turned cautiously. Her brain did a stutter-jerk the way it does when you see someone who has gained or lost a lot of weight since you last saw them. As the startled confusion subsided, Deana saw it. There was enough of Candy's likeness to connect with Gloria's detailed de***********ion, and Deana knew the bodacious redhead had to be the one and only. "Aunt Sally." The woman seemed dazed.

"Deana," Sally said again and reached out. "Look at you." Sally pushed Deana's damp hair back and looped it behind her ear. Gloria was right, Deana thought, they have the same captivating blue eyes. It made Deana shiver, and suddenly, the woman smashed voluptuous breasts against her chest. The crushing hug was made more awkward by the position of her arms. They were trapped at her sides, so even if she wanted to, Deana couldn't reciprocate or get free.

Sally loosened her hold, reached up, and rested her hand on the side of Deana's face. "So beautiful," she whispered and tenderly looped hair behind Deana's other ear. Tears started rolling down the woman's pale cheeks.

Deana felt her eyes starting to sting, so she hugged Sally, and this time they both held on tight. Once Sally's halting breaths subsided, she stepped back. Deana's nipples responded to the absence of her aunt's warm body. Sally's did the same, but only Deana crossed her arms and stared. Candy's hard nipples made her mouth water, but Sally's took her breath away, and Gloria actually saw her naked.

“Honey, I'm sorry. I knew, expected it, but it's still overwhelming. You're a mirror image of her . . . of your mother. It took my breath away.”

While she struggled to find words, Sally rested her hands on Deana's hips. Their chests touched, and Deana looked down into the vast valley of freckled cleavage. Her aunt's trembling hands slid upward into the narrow of her waist, lifting the shirt with them. Deana didn't try to fix it. "You were close . . . close to my mother?"

“Very.” Sally gently kissed her forehead. “I loved her.”

There had been so many things Deana wanted to know about her mother but never felt comfortable asking Candy. Now, there was someone right in front of her who had answers, but Deana couldn't think of one question. She couldn't do anything except stare at the stranger who felt like someone she had always known and loved. "What was she like?” Tears broiled on the rims of her eyes.

“Baby, Sandy, your mom, she was kind, gentle . . . she was the most giving person I've ever known. I loved her as much as I've ever loved anyone."

Deana waited for more while her aunt's hands moved around to the small of her back and pulled her closer. There seemed to be energy flowing from Sally, and it warmed Deana's heart. "I see her in you," Sally said and kissed Deana.

What kind of kiss was that? If it was what it felt like, Deana wanted to kiss the woman back, but that was insane. It wasn't anything other than a normal kiss on the lips. Who does that, Deana wondered and licked her lips to remove the lingering taste and feel of the woman's Candy-like mouth?

Sally tightened her hold, pulling their groins together. Deana arched back to accommodate the woman's tits. The stiffness of Sally's nipples couldn't be ignored. Deana trembled with fearful anticipation, knowing she wouldn't be able to resist. Aunt Sally was Candy without strings attached to her father. She felt like she was melting into her aunt's embrace when Sally said, “Deana, I'm sorry, so sorry.”

The tone of Sally's voice was wrong. The woman wasn't trying to seduce her. “For what?” Shame and embarrassment warmed Deana's face.

“I should have been here for you . . . you and Gloria. I'm sorry, really sorry.”

Her aunt was crying again when she turned away. “But I'm not going to let you down again.” Deana let Sally go without asking any questions because she already knew the answer. Sally had been their first babysitter; she knew what he was like.

A minute later, Deana threw herself face down into her pillows.


2021-10-05 22:47:12
Any chance for chapter 37


2021-06-13 17:51:31

It's not finished, but life got in the way for a bit. You definitely need to find one of the sites where it is posted and stick with it there. This is the only site I stopped posting for the reasons given in previous comments. Try Wrist or Wolfpub and leave some comments every now and again so I know you're reading it. I'm not that motivated to work my ass off when I think nobody is reading.


2021-05-23 08:47:50
So is chapter 36 as far as the story goes. It seems a shame to have spent so much time reading a story, going from site to site only to find out that it has been abandoned. It started jumping all over the place and seemed to have a lot of plot holes that would have been nice to have been filled.


2021-04-07 11:41:23
Looking for the next chapter, look at one of the other sites. Everything I have posted on this site ends up on Russian sites, posted as me, with all the comments from here and all. I'm sick of it.


2021-01-12 14:49:19
I love your stories this one and the neighbor one is amazing and can’t wait for 36 to come out. I’ve been checking wolfpub every day watching for it. Hope it continues.

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