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Bridie is sent whoring for the heathens by a God Fearing Cathoilic Irish Doctor
Warning, any similarity to persons alive or dead is probably unavoidable so I changed the names of the racist bastards just in case.

Bridie sat quietly in Dr Reilly’s surgery trying to take in what he was saying.

“Are you saying that I have the Aids?” she asked.

“No, to be sure you have the HIV but that don’t mean you going to get the Aids,” he explained.

“So what shall I have to do Doctor?” she asked awkwardly.

“Well to be sure you shouldn’t be screwing any decent Irish lads bareback,” he said,.

“But me Da won’t work and me Ma has eight kids at home to feed, I’m the only earner!” she protested, “I need every cent I can get.”

The doctor sighed “Now I know you get an extra few bob but you could be killing of them so you must stop.”

“And if I can’t afford to?” she asked.

“Then I’ll get the guards on to you, three years for prostitution is the usual,” he said, “Mind you there is another way, I have a contact in England who can help.”

“Is it a clinic?” she asked.

“Lord no its a brothel,” he laughed, “But you won’t infect any good god fearing Catholics over there will you?”

“I suppose not,” Bridie agreed.

Three weeks later and Bridie was standing in the rain outside Boots the Chemist in Rochdale. Her hair was soaked, her coat was heavy with damp and her bare legs were a mass of goose bumps. Her short skirt and tiny thong offered no protection to her shaved pubes from the cold breeze.

A man approached, “Looking for business?” she asked sweetly.

“Fuck off you whore,” he replied.

“Fifty quid, you can do bareback if you like,” she said quietly, “Business is awful tonight.”

“Twenty,” he countered. She should have offered forty and agreed on thirty except she was cold.

“Twenty, you want to come upstairs?” she asked.

He looked confused, “To my flat?” she added.

He nodded. She unlocked the door and showed him in. The narrow staircase needed decorating, the place stank of cigarettes, unwashed bodies and disinfectant.

Her room was first on the left. Just a bed with a stained mattress and chest of draws and a TV. An old electric heater provided warmth and a singe lightbulb illumination.

The guy was Asian, Bangladeshi probably, a Bungla. He wasted no time. He dropped his pants pushed Bridie’s thong aside and rammed his cock deep inside her.

The warmth felt good on Bridie’s skin. Six inches of warm throbbing cock filled her, aroused her. She felt wanted and needed.

“Slow down big boy,” she husked as the guy humped away urgently, “You paid for half an hour.”

It took seventy two seconds. From insertion to spunking. Bridie sighed. Why did they always cum so soon? She never realised it was because she was so beautiful, her pale skin and soft brown hair so attractive compared to Asian’s brown skin and wiry black hair. Her shaved pubes so sweet compared to the forest of wiry black pubes the Asian women insisted on keeping.

He pulled out. Pulled on his Levis and left leaving her twenty quid. Three minutes later she was back on the street. Spunk oozed from her cunt. She was fed up with the thong chafing so she had left it off. Spunk dribbled down her leg.

She didn’t care. He puss was buzzing, she needed another cock to keep the high going, maybe give her an “O”

A guy came along, mid twenties, tall, muscular, stone washed Levis, black jacket, white T shirt, white Caucasian, her heart skipped a beat.

“You working?” he asked in an Aussie drawl.

Bridie gulped. She had a lump in her throat, “No waiting for me mate, sorry,” she said.

“Ok,” he said and walked away.

Bridie shuddered. she couldn’t help herself. She slid three fingers up her cunt and started wanking.

He looked back. Stopped. Stared.

He came back. Bridie continued wanking.

“You said you weren’t working.” he observed.

“Waiting for me mate,” she said.

“Liar!” he joked.

“Ok I got Aids,” she said, “I got to be careful who I fuck.”

“Jeez,” he responded, “So why not me?”

“I like you,” she admitted.

“Ok so you only fuck guys you don’t fancy?” he asked.

“Sure,” she said, “I don’t want any decent god fearing catholic lads getting aids.”

“And if I’m not catholic?” he asked.

“You are. I can tell,” she insisted.

“Jeez are you screwed up,” he observed, “See you later.”

The Imman from the Local Mosque came by.

“Hi Honey you looking for business?” Bridie asked wickedly.

“Infidel!” he snapped.

“Do you for twenty quid!” she laughed.

“Never!” he snapped, then realising no one was watching he asked, “Where?”

“Upstairs,” she suggested.

“Quickly then,” He demanded.

Bridie was taken aback, but she quickly ushered him through the door, “Money first,” she requested.

He handed her a crisp twenty quid note. “Do it here?” he asked.

“No in my room upstairs,” Bridie insisted.

“I said here,” he replied, he turned Bridie towards the stairs and forced her to bend. He pulled up his robe and jammed his short fat light brown cock at her backside.

“Not up there,” Bridie insisted as she bent further reaching back between her legs to grasp his cock, “Up there,” she ordered guiding him into her juicy cunt.

“Oh that is grand,” she gasped. She liked it, He was so needy, so keen so desperate for a fuck, he fucked her like a demented rabbit desperate to get finished before anyone saw him, totally oblivious to the CCTV cameras by the door and at the top of the stairs.

He finished up quickly. Dropped his robe back down and rushed from the building.

Bridie watched him go, ‘What a hypocrite,’ she thought.

Two minutes later she was back on the street twenty pounds richer.

She was getting bored when suddenly a familiar voice rang out “Bridie, Bridie is dat you?”

“Doctor Reilly, what brings you here?” she asked.

“To see you, I made a mistake,” he said, “Can we go inside and talk?”

“Right, you must think I came down with the fairies,” she insisted “Its twenty quid same as anyone else.”

“Oh, Ok,” he agreed handing her two tens.

She led him to her room. She sat on the bed legs wide apart, “What do you want?” she asked.

“I mixed up your results,” He said, “I had to tell you, it was Sister Amelia with the HIV not you.”

“Oh Christ!” Bridie sighed, “I been fucking Asians for nothing.”

“Well you might be HIV now,” he admitted, “I brought a swab and if its Ok we’ll do a proper test,”

“Oh Jeesus,” Bridie sighed. He did the swab.

“Oh well looks like you, might be clear, we better get you home do a proper test.” he suggested, “No more fucking now till we get the results.”

“Right so what do I do for money?” she asked.

He slipped her £180, the remains of the £200 he had from the cash point.

“Right, Ok, when do we go?” she asked.

“Not so fast,” he replied, First he took a syringe and took some blood from Bridie’s arm and then he rummaged in his bag and pulled out some red latex pants.

“You’ll wear these, stop you fucking,” he suggested.

“Yeah right,” she sneered.

“Because they’ll keep these in.” he laughed.

Bridie looked on in horror and surprise as he produced the biggest butt plug she had ever seen and a very reasonable size dildo.

“You are joking?” she demanded. He wasn’t.

She took the lube Dr Reilly produced and lubed up the plug. She set it on a chair and sat on it, she wriggled, she tried bouncing up and down and finally with an audible plop it slid deep in her back passage.

Next she took the dildo and lubed it before easing it up her well used vagina.

“Oh lord,” she muttered, “I’m so full.”

“Good,” he said, “Shall we go?”

Bridie found her case and threw her things in to it, it was hard going, she climaxed twice in five minutes.

Doctor Reilly helped her by lifting her Tee shirt and kneading her tits and squeezing her nipples when she started breathing heavy.

“You’re a bastard Doctor and thats for sure,” she gasped as she tried to recover.

He took her case downstairs. Bridie followed awkwardly, every step wriggled the dildo and plug within her, The latex pants chafed and before she knew she climaxed again, three steps from the bottom of the stairs. She nearly fell and if Doctor Reilly had not buried his head in her tits and held her she might have fell.

The train ride to Holyhead was like a trance. Bridie lost count of the number of times she had cum.

When the train was nearly empty after Llandudno Dr Reilly had her suck his cock though to be fair he used a condom and then he had Bridie do the same to the ticket collector when he asked for her ticket, which was in the doctor’s pocket all the time.

The ferry trip was rough, Bridie could hardly stand being swayed about by the ship rolling as it kept making her cum but finally they were back in Dr Reilly’s surgery in Ballykissasshole just by Belfast.

Bridie was exhausted. Dr Reilly put her to bed

She woke next morning.

A Nun had her case open looking at Bridie’s clothes, “Surely you’ll not be expecting me to parade the streets dressed like that?” the Nun queried.

“Well Sister Ameila, you didn’t get the AIDs off a toilet seat did you now?” Dr Reilly suggested, “You’ve been fucking theb father’s bareback have you not?”

“All right, all right, but it’s me Da I been fucking not the Fathers.” she admitted, “Has she dilodes up both holes?” she asked. “Jeesus she has!”

“She kept having the orgasms all the way over,” Dr Reilly explained, “See she been fucking Asians and they have the short fat cocks and no staying power so you girls need a nice big dildo and a nice ass filing plug to make you cum.”

“Bastard I’m knackered,” Bridie swore, “He’s a pervert!”

“I know, he made me put a walking stick up me self to get a sample,” Sister Amelia admitted, “Next thing Father Ryan saw it on PornTube videos, he has everything on film!”

“Well now is that agreed, Bridie you can say you just left the Monastery and Amelia you can get back to England and start infecting the Asians.

“Your, a fucking low life racist Bastard Doctor and that’s a fact,” Bridie cursed.

“No, me parents was married long before I was born, no I’m a god fearing Catholic patriot,” Dr Reilly said proudly, “A god fearing patriot.”


2020-04-13 14:13:47
That's total bollocks is that, and bloody racist. What you got against the Micks?

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