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“She’s dying Red, your friend, your lover … she’s losing her life …”

Red groaned, not the sound of sexual stimulation but one of someone in pain.

“Shall we let her expire?”
Part 14 – The Girl

I can hardly breathe.

I can hardly think.

I'm so fucking cold.

My hands hurt so fucking much.

Shocks of pain shooting up my arms.

My fucking shoulders.

I can feel myself trying to breathe.

I'm so cold.

My eyes are hardly open. I'm looking down at myself.

My filthy body.

My filthy cut-up body.

My feet trembling on the stool.

My belly trying to pull in air. My poor tits. My poor fucking messed up body.

Fuck I am so fucking lucky.

I feel him more than I see him.

Pushing something into me.

Something touching me.

So hard.


I feel him reaching up round me.


I'm falling. FUCK!

Suddenly I'm grabbed by my wrists.

The nails tear in my palms.


My cunt is speared by that thng.


I can't control anything! I'm torn by this agony!


I gasp.

I can feel drool dropping from my open mouth.


My fucking back!

I'm being torn to pieces.

I'm hurting sooo FUCKING much!

I can't think anymore.

I look up.

She's looking at me.

God she's lovely.

Shit!!!! SHIT!!!!

I'm swinging in the air!

I'm fucking crucified!

My legs kick around, but there's nothing there!

I can feel myself howling in pain.

It's so fucking bad!



I feel myself falling deeper onto the thing. I feel it pushing up inside me.


He's doing something.

My ankles.

More of that stuff. TIght. Tight. Like my wrists.

Fucking hell! I'm going to fucking die! I'm hanging from my wrists with some shit piece of wood pushing into my cunt!

What the fuck have I done?

Did I actually want this?

I gasp. Must control myself.


Yes I wanted this. SO much...

And more.

And its not going to stop.

I know this much.

And he's pulling my legs. Bending them. Tying them. I'm fucking crucified. Properly. On my cross.

I'm going to fucking die.

He can fucking kill me.

I feel so fucking awful. So fucking good.

She's touching me. On my sex. So fucking good.

She's looking up at me as she strokes me.

So infinitely sexy.

Her sweet sexy eyes.

Her fucking beautiful face.

I fucking love her.

I fucking hurt so fucking much.

I'm going to fucking die. He's going to kill me. She's going to kill me.

I don't fucking care.

I want them to hurt me more. I want to hurt more. I don't fucking want them to stop.

I fucking want them to hurt me so much.

I'm so fucking lucky. I'm such a fucked up little girl.

I hurt!

Part 15 – The Guy

My Little Girl screeched desperately, back arched, thigh muscles tight, extreme pressure being forced upon her knees, teeth bared. She pushed herself up in a panic, roaring with pain and effort in an obvious and magnificent attempt to find a little comfort on the sedile, which remained lodged between her thighs. But there would be no real comfort, there couldn’t be. But her efforts left the slut panting, breathing through gritted teeth, eyes bulging.

She pushed her head back onto the wooden cross-beam and for a second or two she was still, stretched arms inclined at perhaps 30 degrees, legs bent so her knees were sticking out from the stipes. She looked stunning … medieval almost, and she was driving my cock to aching distraction!

“Come here,” I spoke to the friend as we stood in full view of the cross. Even though the moonlight peeking through the bare branches of the outlined trees was all that highlighted us, I could see that Red’s eyes were glazed … she was mesmerised, amazed … dumbfounded even.

“Do you like what we did to her?”

Red nodded, and I could sense her breathlessness.

“Would you like it to be you …”

“I … I don’t know Mister,” I loved how she called me ‘Mister’ but I adored her candid uncertainty even more.

“Are you cold?” I asked her.

She shook her head. Maybe she wasn’t, maybe the evening’s activity had numbed her senses … I didn’t really care either way, because now she was going to get naked too.

“Strip!” I commanded with gruff assertion.

Red swallowed hard, but she did not dissent in any way. Toeing off her pumps she slipped the open blouse from her shoulders. Her nipples were puffy but hard, the teats extended into erect little bullets.

I wanted her, and I wanted her even more knowing that whatever Red and I did would be in full view of my Little Girl.

I nodded as the friend paused with her fingers on the button of her jeans. Her stomach welts were still there but they had already faded.

Naked. She was stunning.

“Look at the slut. See how helpless she is.”

Red moved to stand in front of the tree upon which her friend, her lover hung, and she simply gazed up.

I watched the two girls. One helpless, crucified on a woodland cross, and the other … just staring. Then the friend reached out and touched my Little Girls breasts. Red was taller than my slut by a few inches, and, even though the slut was raised off the ground, Red could still reach out and touch her with relative ease.

Without words I watched as my Little Girl’s breasts were fondled, then gripped and twisted … and the hung girl cried out. As she pushed her body upwards again, her neck stretched and her face looked heavenwards as she shouted out, “Please, please … what have I done …”

It was a spiritual act, atmospheric, momentous …

Then Red leaned her head in and took each of my slut’s nipples into her mouth and in tune she bit down hard upon them making my Little Girl cry out anew!

Both girls naked … it was the most erotic scene. I stepped over to stand behind Red and moved my lips to her ear.

“Shall we let her die?” I said in a very matter-of-fact kind of way.

Red gasped, but added, “Could we?”

I laughed and pulled the newly naked girl back into my hug and I mashed my mouth onto hers. Our kiss was broken by a cry of anguish that caused us both to turn our heads and look towards my Little Girl.

She had begun the familiar movements of the crucified, the endless search for relief. She dragged herself up so her head almost reached the patibulum. She drew two deep breaths, but then her strength failed her and she fell, sedile just flicking her buttocks, missing her pussy, so she hung by her wrists, overextended arms straining, breasts thrust out in a most provocative way.

There was horror written across her face.

“Now the little slut knows what it means to be crucified,” I whispered into Red’s ear, causing the flame-haired girl to whimper deliciously.

For a moment Red and I ceased our coupling and we watched the crucifixion. She was very brave, my Little Girl, but still we looked on pitilessly, without mercy ... seeking out our pleasure from her pain. Courageous she may be, but she'd brought this on herself. The slut had wanted this, begged for it almost … well now she knew!

But this night was a special one, and I was determined to make the most of it.

As we stood, Red and I, our arms still entwined around one another, her nude body pushing at my clothed one, clearly seeking warmth, I reflected on the fact that from the front, there didn't look that much wrong with my Little Girl.

There were blood flow lines, of course, several of them streaking her skin in places, and the nails, those evil little pieces of iron. The skin had been cut at various points, but her breasts and her belly and her thighs were all as glorious as they'd been when I had first stripped her in the car park back at the hotel.

It was only when we moved a little to the side and saw the marks from the scourge that it became obvious how she'd been abused.

And her teeth. She had the most perfect white teeth, which now she was gritting together, her lips pulled back in agony.

Her movements were like poetry in motion, albeit slow motion, as she involuntarily fucked the sedile.

The slut would perch for a time on the phallus and then, when the strain on her arms and her chest and the pressure in that most intimate of areas was too much, she'd push herself up.

It was a beautiful dance, a ballet-like performance permeated with torture and agony and pain …

The effort and the hurt in her expression was clear, her thighs trembling, raw back scraping on the wood, and then she'd lower herself again, sometimes losing control and sliding, jarring hideously as her fall was broken by the nails in her palms and the rawhide around her wrists now biting so hard into her skin that small droplets of red also oozed from points where she was tied. Her screams already were less frequent, but her agony was still so obvious.

The friend had moved back to look at my Little Girl, and now stood with her back to me.

“Girl, come here,”

I issued my instruction and she slowly turned her head to look at me, somewhat provocatively, over her shoulder, before taking the short walk, bare feet on the leaf mulch, over to where I waited.

“Hands out to the front,” I ordered, and Red looked at me then slowly, deliberately moved her hands up and her wrists together. It was her time and she knew full well what was about to happen …

Part 16 – The Girl

It's not my body anymore.

It's theirs. To do what the fuck they want to.

It's so fucking painful.

My whole body is tense. Rising, stretching. I must look fucking amazing.

It hurts so fucking much.

Up. Down.

My fucking arms.

My fucking hands.

My fucking cunt.

My body tries to stop the pain. Tries to let me breathe. Tries not to fall onto the wooden peg that slips so easily into me.

I can hear them. They're going to let me die. They want to watch me die.

They can.

I don't care.

I just want this hurt to go on as long as possible. Forever.

I hurt.

She's naked now.

So fucking lovely.


Touching me. Pulling on me.

Fuck! Why's she doing it?

It fucking hurts.


Biting hard.


I don't care.

I want her to.

I want her too.

I want her to hurt me some more.

I want to be hurting forever.

I'm a fucking mad fucking cunt of a girl.

Part 17 – The Guy

The friend didn’t speak. Was that because she couldn’t, or because she had no idea what to say. I didn’t care either way because her silence, punctuated only by the plaintiff whimpering of my Little Girl, compounded the already sex-infused atmosphere. When I say sex, to any onlooker it was porn … torture porn, and it was beautiful!

I bound Red’s wrists also with brine-soaked rawhide. She knew what I was doing because the tightness made it only too obvious … and she understood from my earlier explanation what would happen as it began to dry out.

She swallowed hard, almost audibly so, and then I knotted a length of ordinary rope to the hide and led Red to a spot which meant both naked girls, nude and exposed victims of my perverted lust, could clearly see one another.

I threw the rope high over a protruding branch and pulled, forcing Red onto the tips of her toes, arms stretched high either side of her head.

With the rope tied off I looked upon the scene and I could hardly breathe, so overwhelmingly powerful was it.

Despite the month being January, and the unseasonably warm evening still being relatively chilly, I took off my jacket to stand in a black tee short and jeans. I was sweating anyway form the night’s exertions, but removing my jacket would also allow me to swing my arm more powerfully.

Moving behind the friend I smoothed my palms along the length of either side of her body. Her hips, her breasts, her abdomen before delving into her pussy.

Pushing her thighs apart I pulled at her swollen lips, making her yelp delightfully. Then I stepped away and retrieved the scourge.

I took the savage whip and caressed her with it, running the cane down her back to her buttocks … terrorising her.

Taking three paces backwards, then pausing to gaze upon her rear … her slender back, her curvaceous ass, her trembling flanks … before sweeping in.

I knew my lash stroke was impossibly hard, the scourge a blur as it cut deep into the firm flesh in front of. Red gave a twitch and then bucked before yelling out allowing her knees to give way so that she hung by her wrists.

"One," I said a look of smug cruelty on my face.

Then, without waiting for her to stabilise her stance, I hit her again, low on the curve of her buttocks. She screamed. Red was a static target and the accuracy of my aim was tearing her apart.

Already her skin was welted, and in places, cut. By the time the third stroke landed square across her shoulders and drove the breath from her in a heavy grunt, her dignity was lost and she sobbed hard.

“Stop, please, I changed my …” her pleas were music to my ears, and of course … they were ignored. There was no safe-word, no begging to be done, no mercy to be given … not at this stage.

… and the fourth stroke was already descending rapidly to kiss at her flesh, and at that point her plea was lost.

I was transfixed by the horror of how easy it was to rip her flesh, her long, lean, tattooed frame stretched out by the rope, defenceless against the brutal strokes of the scourge.

Then I made consecutive strokes quickly giving her no time at all to either anticipate or recover.

I saw the stripes, vivid across the smooth skin, many of them new, from her thighs to her shoulders. A ninth lash landed across her shoulder-blades, flaring her hair away from her body like a wild flame, and she grunted, the wind taken from her as her body shape told me that she was losing her conscious mind under the burden of this vicious assault.

Then a cry broke through the focus of my efforts. It wasn’t Red, it was my Little Girl, who had been almost silent for the time it took to lash the friend … maybe she had been watching us?

But now … summoning what looked like all of remaining her energy, all of her strength, my beautiful slut pulled and dragged herself up away from the sedile.

The look of agony etched into her face as the damp, sticky, mucus covered wooden phallus became visible, was a delicious picture. The manufactured cock dragged on her body and she gasped … she was done. My Little Girl was literally exhausted, devoid of any energy, and she fell back down upon it, the intrusive rigidity sinking back inside her body … and once more she began to writhe upon her impalement.

Smiling I looked away and swung my arm. The tenth stroke of the scourge crashed into the back of Red’s upper thighs.

The next stroke smashed the knotted lashes into her buttocks. I heard her cry out. Saw the flesh flatten, then return to its pert roundness. I saw the pale lines slowly growing a deeper red, oozing a little blood.

Red’s skin was now ravaged with bruises, blood and welts.

Another a lash cut low across her back, a little above her waist, and she gave an agonised cry of pain.

Her wrists moved, arms twitched, body shaking and another lash struck hard into her shoulders. Red gave a roar, bellowing out her pain, fists clenched, head lifting slightly and then she it dropped onto her chest.

She was unconscious, and looking up it seemed that my Little Girl. Had also given way to blackness. They both hung in their own ways, still, prostrate, lifeless.

Fuck! My phone was in my jacket. Had the App issued any notifications. How was my slut … how was her heart … her blood flow … was she dying already?

I dropped the scourge and moved quickly to the small clothing pile where my jacket lay.

Part 18 – The Girl

I must look so beautiful. So fucking gorgeous.

It's dark and wet and cold. And I'm sweating and drooling and bleeding.

And my hands are nailed to the wood and my body is rising and falling slowly and my wrists are tied so fucking tight.

I'm coming and going.



In total fucking agony. Like it's impossible to imagine. Impossible to dream. Fucking agony.

So fucking amazing sweet.



Up and down.

Pushing from my tied off ankles.

Feeling that thing slide along me. Into me. Damp. Deep. Loving it pushing into me.

Hating it. Every fucking second of it.


So much hurting.

So this is what I wanted.

Hurting like I never believed.

Sweet sexy awful hurting.

I'm fucking broken.

Fucking useless.



I'm such a mess. I try to look at myself. Fuck. A mess. Totally. Destroyed. Like I hoped.

What the fuck will I do?

Maybe I should just die.

That's what I thought they said.

Let's let her die... Shall we let her die?

They can if they want. They can. I don't care. As long as they take care and do it slowly.

No-one will want me now. And I will always want more.

I'm so fucked up.

I didn't know.

I didn't know I wanted it this much.

I fucking hurt so fucking bad.

And now he's stripped her.

I see her flickering into my eyes-half-open vision.

See her hanging.

See her swaying under his whip.

So fucking gorgeous.

So fucking lucky.

I want his whip too.

I want it.

I can hardly...

I can .... I'm.... I want to feel everything but...

I can hardly...

I don't want to die yet... I don't want to ....

I want him to whip me.

Why just her?

I want to shout to him.

I can't speak.



That thing. Inside me. Fucking me.


To death.

So fucking wet.

So fucking excited.

So... I'm so fucking tired.

I don't want to sleep...

I don't want to die... yet...

I want to be fucked by that thing.

I want to hurt...



Part 19 – The Guy

Fuck, a list of notifications staring back at me on the front screen of my mobile phone …

“Heart rate falling …”

“Heart rate falling …”

“Heart rate low …”

“Heart rate at dangerous level …”

“Warning – Heart rate reaching fatal levels …”

That last warning appeared as I looked at the screen.

Time to get her down.

Or let her die …

I heard the friend groan, she was coming round. I could screw Red while the slut expired right in front of us. Fuck that thought made me hard ... deep inside the friend whilst my Little sweet princess took her very last breath before our very eyes!

Glancing over at the beaten, scourged body of my Little Girl’s friend, I watched her trying to regain her balance as her feet slipped on the leaves. Her pitiful cry was of pain and frustration merging together.

My phone app beeped again.

“Warning - Heart rate reaching fatal levels …”

Her blood loss was still minimal but she needed adrenalin so that the blood flow could increase and the oxygen rich cells can begin to circulate again.

I moved across to Red and held her from behind, the blood from her back and ass brushing my clothes.

“She’s dying Red, your friend, your lover … she’s losing her life …”

Red groaned, not the sound of sexual stimulation but one of someone in pain.

“Shall we let her expire?”

I reached around to part her thighs with my hand, my fingers prising them apart to enable me to split her labia and massage her clit. Her body, scourged into submission, jerked and she began to writhe.

“Shall we … answer me Red.”

“Ohhhhh,” Was all I got as her cunt moistened under my touch. I could feel her erect clit, engorged and ready, crying out to be massaged …

I glanced up at my Little girl. I had no intention of letting her die, not tonight anyway … I wanted her again. This night was special, very special, but it was barely even the beginning, never mind the end.

“S … save her, pl … please,” the friend whispered into the night air.

We were of the same mind and so moving away I retrieved a syringe and the vial. A larger dose this time, but not too much. I knew what to administer and how quickly. My slut’s condition was seriously close to death, but the problem was a mechanical one, in health terms, not a complicated one, not yet anyway.

I sank the needle into her thigh and applied pressure to the syringe to release the dosage of epinephrine … an amount large enough to increase the heart rate and the oxygenated blood supply, but small enough to remain the right side of brain overload and potential cerebral damage.

Pulling the needle out slowly I stood back. She looked so beautiful on the cross that in some ways her death would have only added to the beauty, but I hadn’t intended that to be the outcome, and so she wouldn’t die today, not at my hands.

Her head moved and she groaned. Stereophonic groaning from two bound and beaten naked girls in a dark woodland … it truly was a fantasy.

As I untied her ankles, the rawhide there not having had time to really burn into her, I moved the stool back into position and slipped her feet onto it. I felt her whole body relax as I took out the power drill to remove the screws holding the sedile in place. Unfastening the screws was the easy part. Sliding it free of my Little Girl’s pussy was the delicate bit. Carefully I eased it out, and had to admit to enjoying the mews and whimpers as the mucus covered wooden phallus emerged. When the carved head popped free she convulsed and groaned louder.


“Did you orgasm you little minx,” I grinned at her, the words rhetorical.

My phone app beeped again.

“Heart rate rising …” I nodded to myself and placed the hand set back in my pocket. There were only the wrist ropes and the nails holding her up, and so taking her down from this tree, the place of her crucifixion, had to be a process that was followed incredibly carefully from hereon in.

Her chest was rising and falling more rapidly now which was a good sign, and my damn erection was being fuelled by the sight. Resting her soles on the stool her height and mine were virtually identical. I kissed her. Softly, gently on the lips … she didn’t reciprocate, I hadn’t expected her to.

Returning to my toolbox I retrieved the claw hammer with which the nails had been inserted … I knew that I had avoided the flexor tendons and any major neurovascular bundles when nailing her to the wood, and any small bones that had been scratched or maybe even fractured a little, would soon heal of their own accord, but removal of the nails would hurt … that was my intention.

And hurt it did … so very obviously. Treating her body like a piece of timber I secured the claw under the slightly proud nail head and leveraged it slowly but very surely away from her palm, and she screamed … and screamed … and lost consciousness again.

That made removal of the second nail less traumatic for my Little Girl but equally less stimulating for me!

As soon as both nails were free I padded the holes with sterile padding and cleaned the whole area with antiseptic gel. She moaned her way back to life.

My phone beeped.

“Heart rate stable.”

Good. Job done.

Leaving her hanging momentarily I returned to the car and opened out the silver lined shock blanket. It was into that that I would place her broken body, but first the rawhide had to be removed from around her wrists.

Fuck … the binding had bitten into her skin and torn some of the flesh away with it. We were damn near to the Ulnar artery and the tearing of her skin was not something I had anticipated. So, when the hide was eased away from her, the wounds there bled more than her palms had done. But the open lesions were shallow and eminently bindable … which is what I was prepared for. And so, with palms padded and bandaged, and wrists also dressed, my slut was taken down into my arms and laid gently inside the shock blanket on the back seat of my car, where I could give her water to drink and a series of energy tablets to swallow.

“Please …” I heard Red shout out.

She was facing away from the car and most probably hadn’t been conscious enough to follow what had been going on.

I smiled and, closing the car door to keep the heat in, I moved back towards her.

I was erect … so damn hard!

Part 20 – The Girl

It feels like I'm floating.

I don't think I can see anything anymore.

I'm falling... floating...

I guess this is what dieing is like... Floating... falling...

It's ok.

I wish I was going to live.

I want to be fucked again.

I want to see my BF again. I love him so much...

I want to see her again. Abi. I want to sleep in a warm bed with her again. I want to kiss her cunt.

I want to be cosy with her.

And warm.

I'm so cold.

I don't want to die yet.

I want to be alive and be with them and be hurt some more.

I can't feel anything now.

Not my hands or wrists or body.

Not my legs that hurt so much.

Not my cunt.

Not that thing.


Something's happening.

I'm feeling something.

My feet.

I can feel something.

I can stand again.

He's here.

He's saving me. He's not letting me die.

I'm gasping for breath again.

I'm going to live.


What the fuck was that???

I look at my arm.

He's tearing that spike out.


It's so fucking painful!

I can't fucking breathe!

I can't...


then slowly I can see again.

The other.

I know what's coming.

It fucking hurts so much!

Not good hurt. Just hurt.

I glance up.

She's there. Still hanging there. Looking at me arching my body and crying out and moaning.

She wishes she was me.

My fucking wrists!

What the fuck has happened to me?


I'm a fucking wreck.

I'm might as well be dead.

I'm fucked. Broken. Destroyed.

But he's let me live.

He wants me. Alive. To hurt again I hope.

I want to be alive. To fuck and be fucked and be hurt.

I'm wrapped up.

I'm so fucking cold still.

I want to be warm and cosy and clean and dry and happy and kissing Abi.

I want to be with her and warm and soft and kissing.

And I want to be hurt again. More. Than ever. I want to be hurt. I think it's all I want.

I want to be home and safe and kissed and fucked and I want to be hurt again.

And I think I am so fucking stupid.

I shoud be a uni.

In the library.

And I'm in some fucking car in some wood with a crazy guy and a beautiful girl and I've been nailed to a cross.

I'm fucking stupid.

I fucking love it so fucking much.

Part 21 – The Guy

I could sense her discomfort, the flame-haired friend, and I revelled in it. Moving to her front I began slapping her breasts, gently at first then more and more firmly, enjoying the tremor as they smacked into each other. Her nipples were hard and she whimpered, her eyes fixed on mine.

I was already achingly erect and so, unfastening the button and zipper I reached inside my jeans and freed my penis.

Gripping Red’s hips I positioned myself between her spread thighs, parted her labia with my fingers and thrust inside.

The friend grunted and I felt her tense. She was still wonderfully tight and sheathed my cock perfectly, with just the right amount of friction to get me off.

Maintaining my hold on her with my right hand I moved my left to grope once more at her breasts, squeezed them, eased out of her body and then thrust again, as hard and deep as I could.

I pushed myself upwards, filling her, raising her to the very tips of her toes, and as I began to move, my groin thrusting then retreating … in and out, I saw her eyes close and her head droop.

I was having none of that. Moving my hand up to grip her hair, I pulled her up level with me and I spat in her face.

"Is this how you thought it would be, huh Red,” I grinned as the thick glob of saliva dripped slowly down her forehead.

She stared impassively at the night sky, as the globule continued its navigation of her features to drape over her nose and left cheek.

I was overwhelmed by an urge to hurt her, to break her even more, but I knew she had physical limits, and I felt that tonight she had reached them already.

So, I contented myself with pawing at her breasts as I unloaded my seed inside the babe with the Red hair for a second time.

Staggering away from her bound body I was gasping for breath. The night had taken its toll on me too, but as I looked at the friend, my semen dripping from her cunt and down her thighs, my saliva hanging in a thick thread from her nose, and, despite having literally just climaxed, I could not supress a groan of newly forming desire …


I looked in the rear-view mirror at my Little Girl who was seated and remained wrapped in the shock blanket, but was now dressed in a loose sweatshirt and yoga pants, like she was the last time we made this journey back to the hotel.

Red was dressed similarly, with her own shock blanket pulled around her shoulders, but she sat in the front passenger seat leaning forward to minimise contact with her back … even the soft leather was a surface that caused her pain.

This had been some night, was my reflection as we drove away from the woods at Middleton. The cross beam was sitting at the very back of my car along with a small bag containing the used nails, rawhide and the sedile, still bearing the stains of my Little Girl’s mucus infused release. If it wasn’t for the coating of Orgasm Balm, I would have made them both clean it dry with their mouths … fuck, that thought made me groan out loud!

Neither girl had spoken as yet, and both had quickly devoured a bottle of still spring water each and had swallowed several glucose centric tablets. But they were nowhere near recovered, not yet, how could they be!

“Here we are,” I narrated our arrival back at the Village Hotel in South Leeds. Still neither girl stirred.

I checked my phone – the time was 2am. There would be no problem with the hotel being open, it was a 24-hour reception, but there would hardly be anyone around which would focus more attention on our little party.

“Can you walk okay Red?”

The friend slowly turned her head towards me and nodded, “I … I th … think so,” she stammered, still clearly in shock.

“Good because I need to help carry your lover inside without attracting any attention and so I need you to follow us maybe two minutes behind and head straight for the suite where we will already be. Is that clear?”

She nodded.

“Come on Little Girl,” I opened the door and she almost fell out. “We need to leave this I’m afraid, but we have nice warm things in the suite.” I took the foil lined blanket from her.

She was hardly compos mentis enough to know that I was even speaking, never mind figure out what I was saying, so I just laughed quietly and shook my head.

“Come on let me help you.” I put my arm around the waist of my Little Girl and we set off. I had two free hands because all of my tools and accessories could remain in the car. I had all I now needed, both medically and otherwise, in the suite.

“A little too much to drink … company do … can’t take it …” I made unnecessary small talk with the skeleton reception staff as we passed them to go into the corridor to the guest rooms and the elevator shaft.

“Good night sir, make sure you look after her,” came the instruction from the reception girl.

“Oh, you have no to worry on that score,” I replied pleasantly back.

And that was it. We were back inside the hotel, passed reception and into the elevator. Just as the doors were closing a slightly hunched over Red stopped them with her hand and entered the small space with us.

I smiled at her and got nothing back.

Seconds later we were opening the door and then we were safely inside our sanctuary … me and my twin Pain Slut concubines!

I had decided to let the sheets that were covering the bed in the second bedroom get as bloody as they had to, then I would work with the chamber maid to get a change of linen that I could put on myself before we checked out on Sunday. Oh, how I hoped that these two beautiful little cunts would be well enough to appear normal and maybe even please me some more before we had to leave …

“Strip,” I ordered Red, “While I lay my Little Girl down on the bed.”

The slut had still not spoken, not really come awake, and so it was I who tugged off her pumps and carefully pulled off her sweatshirt and yoga pants.

Fuck she was beautiful … they both were and now Red stood naked by my side.

It was time to wash them down, clean and patch them up and get them to bed.

Part 22 – The Girl

I'm so cold.

Wrapped up now. A sloppy sweat shirt over me. My whole body hurting.

Lying here. On the back seat of the car. Like before...

My eyes open and close.




He's hurt me so much. I hurt so much. I don't know what he's given me but my hands hurt like hell. My wrists are burning. My shoulders. My legs.

I'm a hurt thing.

My BF would be so scared to see me now. He's in bed with flu. Feeling sorry for himself.

He wouldn't believe it.

My little sis. My big bro. Ma and Pa. What the fuck would they think if they could see their little girl like this?

They'd never believe I wanted it.

They'd call the cops.

They'd want him arrested.

But it was me. I sort of smile to myself. I got what I wanted.

And now I'm hurting.

Every bump of the road back to the hotel.

Her arms around me as she helps me into the lobby.

She's so fucking beautiful.

She's been crying.

The receptionist says something. She thinks we're drunk.

He says not to worry.

I know he will look after us.

It hurts so much.

In the room. On the bed. He pulls off my things. Every movement hurts. Everything hurts and it's the wrong sort of hurt. It's not pain hurt torture hurt.

It's dull hurt. Like sickness hurt. Like something shitty. Something that throbs and numbs and bites and isn't fun at all. Not sexy hurt.

I think back.

I think I must have looked so fucking sexy on that cross.

I feel my cunt.

It's sore.

I remember.

That thing. In me. Fucking me. Fuck it was brilliant.

I loved it so much.

And now it's a hotel room and it's not the forest and it's like some medical procedure.

I don't want a hospital. I want to be tied up and hurt in my forest with my Abi.

He's going to make us better. I want to be better so we can do it again.

I'm so fucking sore.

Part 23 – The Guy

Her mouth opened without question allowing me to slip the large red ball inside. She gagged and her eyes lit up. She liked the gag, I could tell that, and the tighter I tied the buckle around her head the harder her nipples became, and the more her tender, over stretched pussy juiced.

“You know why I have to gag you Little Girl, don’t you?”

She nodded.

Unlike her friend.

When I had commanded Red to open her mouth, she had recoiled in horror at the thought that we were somehow going to begin the torture all over again.

I had said to myself before, in the woods, that I thought her current physical limits had been exceeded, and it turns out I was right. The friend had received more than enough, pain that exceeded her pre-arrival ability to imagine. She had been scourged, properly whipped I could tell that she was struggling to comprehend what she had let herself endure.

“No, no Red it’s fine, don’t worry, but those cuts on your back from the scourge need the water from the shower to be as hot as it can be, and you will need to scream. So, scream as loud as you can, but do it into the gag please.”

She had relented. And she had screamed. Damn she had screamed so much as the water tore into her welts and cuts, cleansing them, opening them, making them even more raw …

But my Little Girl knew. She knew what was needed … she had been here before. Only this time her hands and wrists were protected inside a water proof bag, with an elasticated opening to stop water from getting inside. I needed the dressing and bandages that I had applied in my car to remain dry. And so, she wore the mits which allowed me to carefully wash her beautiful, naked body until I was happy that the water had performed its magic and her wounds, the fresh ones that had been opened over the older ones from just a few short weeks ago, could start their process of healing.

Red was laying on the bed, face down, a towel under her body, her beaten back, ass and thighs exposed… resting and waiting for me to attend to her. That left my Little Girl and I alone, both naked, in the rather large and luxurious bathroom.

As I dried her and removed the mits, I unfastened the gag and I heard her sigh. She coughed and spluttered a little in recognition of her oral freedom, saliva dripping from her mouth as she spat into the sink.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

She paused, saying nothing, using the sink basin to hold herself upright.

“Little One?” I questioned again.

Slowly she turned her head to look at me.

“How am I?” She repeated my question back to me with an intonation infused with incredulity.

I nodded.

“Exhausted and broken, confused and worried but so fucking elated.” She turned to face me and, moving to me, let her bandaged palms push lightly against my bare chest as her body closed in on mine.

“I can’t go back to him …” She looked up at me through tired, heavy-lidded eyes.

“Yes … you can, you have to …” I replied. “You have him, and I have my life, and we meet and do this when we can and when we want, and that is how it works Little One …” I looked back down upon her upturned face. Beautifully vulnerable, swollen lips, upturned, button nose … I wanted her so much.

She shook her head at me in response. “I can be with Ab …” she almost said Red’s actual name, but just stopped herself in time, “I can be with her … with Red, but I can’t go back to him.”

“But you love him, don’t you?” I said in reply.

“I love him and I want him, but …”

“But?” I questioned.

“But I NEED you and so whenever I think of him, it’s not enough … you are inside me twenty-four/seven, and it consumes me, scares the shit out of me and fucking well overwhelms me.”

Now I did kiss her. A long, passionate kiss that said somewhere in its lust fuelled engagement … ‘I want to fuck you now’. My hand moved to her breast, where I cupped the firm, naked flesh, and once again she moaned into me.

“Hit me,” she said pulling away from me.

“Huh?” I furrowed my brow in response to her unexpected words.

“Hit me, slap my face and make me cum, please.”

I nodded knowing what she wanted. And so I gripped her throat pushing her back against the cold, steam covered tile.

“Ohhhh fuck!” she groaned as her damaged back touched their cold surface. But I didn’t stop. I wanted to hurt her and she wanted me to.

I tightened my grip on her throat with my left hand and moved my right to clasp her mound. The slut’s legs parted for me as I began to massage her clit with my thumb, teasing her, moving my index finger the length of her slit over and over …

“Do … it … ahhhhh … do …it … please …” she gasped between desperate attempts to breathe, my grasp on her windpipe easing a little. Then I let go of her neck altogether and slapped her cheek hard.

Her breath intake was sharp and so I hit her face again, and again. One way then the other. She looked me in the eye, never for one second losing her hold on my gaze. And I fingered her.

One digit, then two … thumb massaging the soreness that adorned her pussy from its time on the intrusive sedile, the wooden phallus that had impaled her for so long on the crucifix.

And now here, in our hotel room, despite being exhausted and broken, she wanted more. I had never met anyone like my Little Girl.

“Harder,” she gasped with tears pouring down her cheeks, “Ohhhh fuckkkkkk, do it harder, do it fucking harder, ohhhhh fuckkkkkk yesssssssss!”

I slapped her repeatedly, reddening the smooth skin of her face …

And the cunt of a slut stiffened, her thighs tensed pushing inwards against my hand, and she came under the touch of my fingers, in the bathroom of our hotel suite with her friend laying just outside naked and waiting.

I grinned at her as she slumped to the bathroom floor, one again spent.

It was time to fix their wounds, but our stay at the Village Hotel was not over yet, not at all …

Part 24 – The Girl

She'll get used to it. The gag.

She doesn't know. But she will.

I let him put it into my mouth. I know I will need it.

I like it.

I didn't.

The way it half-chokes me. So I can't control myself properly. So I can't speak. So I just gurgle and drool

But I know I need it. Here anyway.

Because it's going to hurt in the shower and I know I will scream.

I'm exhausted and hurting and he asks me how I feel.

How the fuck does he think I feel?

I think.

“Exhausted and broken, confused ... and worried but so fucking elated.”

That's how I feel. Elated and worried. Scared and so fucking happy.

I lean into him. He's strong. I feel my tits against him.

I tell him what I'm thinking. What I've been thinking since he put me in the car. That I can't go back to the BF.

He seems shocked. Concerned. He tells me I have to. But I really can't... My mind's fucked. I tell him I can be with Abi instead. I almost say her name. Fuck!!!

So I say...

“But I NEED you and so whenever I think of him, it’s not enough … you are inside me twenty-four/seven, and it consumes me, scares the shit out of me and fucking well overwhelms me.”

I need him to kiss me.

I need him to hurt me. I ask him to hurt me. I want him to fuck me. Hard. I want to hurt some more. I want him to slap me. Treat me like a piece of shit. A useless cunt. I want to hurt.

He gets it. Pushes me against the cold, wet tiles. Pushes my fucked up back against them. I can feel my blood smearing over them.

He slaps me.

I want more.

He slaps me harder.

I want more.

Harder. More. My head shifting this way and that. My face hurting. I need this so much. Stopping is not enough.

I push my cunt into his fingers. Push. Shove. Let his fingers rape me. Fuck me.

Hit me.

Fuck me.

I... FUCK!

I let myself slide to the floor of the shower room. I'm so fucked. I'm so fucking happy. I want this moment to keep happening and never stop.

Part 25 – The Guy

I gazed in wonder at the two naked girls, still sleeping, laid on the bed, and thought how remarkable it was that devastation could be so beautiful, so profound, so damn erotic. But that’s what the destruction of these two young things seemed like to me.

As those thoughts swirled around my head I tried my best to concentrate on my wife’s voice.

“So, you’re okay then? Managing to look after yourself? I got your favourite foods in before I left, and so …”

“I’m fine dear,” I cut in, moving away from the second bedroom where the girls lay together, face down, their wounded rear sides now treated and staring up and me.

“But how is everything going with the new shop. All set and ready to go on Monday?” I countered.

They were ready, and they were all set and I couldn’t get my wife off the phone quickly enough, because seeing the girls looking so vulnerable and so damn naked, had fuelled my erection, which was now pushing desperately at my sleep shorts.

The girls were laying pretty much in the same position as I left them in the early hours, post shower, post body cleansing, both patched up with sutures holding their skin together where necessary. I would need to change my Little Girl’s hand and wrist bandages again later today, but they should both be fine … at least physically.

The ‘Do not Disturb’ sign was on the suite door and a charming word from me, supplemented by a twenty-pound note had secured the ‘blind eye’ and spare set of sheets and pillow cases from the chamber maid, who I had spoken to just before my wife called on the mobile phone.

And so now, with the time touching 8:45 on this 4th of January Saturday morning, another wintery sunny day already looming, I could focus once more on these two young, gorgeous students. My slut and her flame-haired friend.

As I moved back into their room and stood looking over their prostrate bodies my Little Girl looked up and met my eyes, and I saw her lips part, her eyes gleam as she studied me.

“My wounds?” she frowned at me.

“Patched them up. You’re fine.”

“More than fine,” she said, slowly rising to her feet, “I feel … I feel so … fucking alive.”

She looked down at her body once more, holding her hands up and smiling at the bandages with the pale bloody stains.

“Wiggle your fingers,” I said. She did and I nodded. “No permanent damage there,” I confirmed.

A more modest man, with less lascivious intent might look away from her state of nudity, but I drank it up instead.

“You did it,” she said, stepping up to me and placing her hand on my chest, “You crucified me, fuck … you actually did it.”

I reached out and grasped her by the nape of the neck. The thrill of my achievement was within me. I wanted to drink something, a shot of whiskey, a pint of strong beer. What the fuck … it wasn’t even 9am! Yet my body ached, needing release, to fight something, to kill, to fuck.

My Little Girl’s gaze met my eyes and it was obvious that her need matched my own. My lips curved into a predatory smile and I reached out with my other hand, and grasped her bare right breast.

She gasped and smiled, cheeks colouring to reveal an unexpected coyness, her breath already shallow. I leaned in, held my face to her neck, nose brushing against her soft skin up to her ear, feeling primal, like an animal. I could smell her desire. Mixed with the blood. With the sweat. Could tell she was wet. That she wanted me.

“I am going to fuck you,” I growled low in the base of my throat and bit the lobe of her ear, then licked a trail down to her collarbone, sinking my hand in her short, thick dark hair and pulling her head aside roughly.

She groaned, arched her back, pushing her breasts out. Taking my time, fighting back my voracious desire, I licked the length of her shoulder blade to the hollow of her throat, then spun and shoved her hard against the bedroom wall, fist still clenched in her head.

Her back was beautiful. Cut and stitched but not as bad as before. Not as severe as Red’s torn flesh, her friend who still lay sleeping no more than a few feet away from us.

She gasped again, my slut, then laughed, a sultry, desire-filled purr, not resisting me in the slightest. I felt fevered. The room around making me dizzy … with lust.

I was sweating freely, my breath also coming in deep pants. I grasped her breasts roughly from behind, pushing my chest against her back, not caring about the pain she would feel. Then I flipped her back around to face me, squeezed the firm flesh in a more cruel manner, and bowed my head to her nipples which were hard and erect, moving my mouth from one to the other, licking, sucking, pulling them between my teeth, nipping the teats, biting them, as she moaned and buried her fingers in my hair.

“Take me,” she groaned. “Make me yours, forever. Fuck me hard. As hard as you can. Make me cum, over and over and over again.” Fuck she was as horny as me, this beautiful little slut.

I growled again and straightened my body, taking her by the throat and pinning her to the wall even as I hooked her leg under the knee and raised it, so that her slit parted, glistening in the light of the burgeoning sunrise.

“Yes,” she croaked, meeting my eyes. “Now. Please.”

My cock was straining within my shorts, my need so strong it almost hurt. I was about to release her neck to slide them off, when I felt a pair of hands slide around my waist from behind.

Surprised, I twisted around, heart leaping with a kind of anger at being interrupted, but then I saw Red standing there, beautiful tattooed Red, her eyes half closed, her chin lowered, biting her lower lip as she gazed into my eyes.

I didn’t know what to say. I stood there frozen, eyes wide, wanting her, wanting her as much as I wanted my slut, maybe even more so.

For a moment we all stood still, My Little Girl still pressed to the wall by the throat, Red with her hands on my shorts, me between them, and then the flame haired friend slowly lowered herself to her knees and I realised what was going to happen and something savage within me thrilled to the thought.

My Little Girl slipped out from under my hand and joined Red on her knees before me, gazing up at me as her friend wound the shorts down exposing my hard cock, her smooth hand gently grasping me by the base, both of their faces so close their cheeks were touching. A thought, a fragment of lucidity, a sense that I wasn’t in control, that this wasn’t right passed through my mind like a tumbleweed blown by hurricane winds, and then it was gone.

I leaned back so that my shoulder blades pressed against the wall, thrusting my hips out, and Red, grinning turned her head so that she could trace the length of my rigid cock with the tip of her tongue, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. My Little Girl reached up to fondle my balls just with the tips of her fingers, and then to my delight turned her head the other way so she could run her own tongue down my shaft across from her red-haired friend.

I groaned. To see Red’s wild locks and my slut’s black curled hair, their lips nearly touching as they licked up and down my shaft, both of them gazing up at me, eyes wide and glazed as if feverish with their own lust … god damn.

God damn.

Red pulled back and took me in her mouth, lips closing about my cock and then sliding down, taking me slowly to the hilt, the swollen head hitting the back of her throat. My Little Girl leaned down, her face disappearing, and then I felt her tongue on my balls, hot wetness enveloping me as she gently took me into her mouth.

I closed my eyes and pressed my head back, focusing on the sensation of the lips on my cock, working me, Red rising and falling, My Little Girl caressing with her tongue. With a growl I reached out to place my hand on Red’s head, grasping her and shoving her down upon me, hard, so that my cock slammed into the back of her mouth and she gagged.

Gagged, but didn’t pull away. I took a step forward, driving her before me so that she fell onto her ass, yelping as her cuts and welts were pressed to the floor, and then I grabbed a fistful of my Little Girl’s hair and pulled her around behind me, guiding her face to my ass. No shame. Nothing but need. Nothing but a ferocious desire to feel whatever I desired. Wanted. Dreamed.

My Little Girl seemed to know what that was. I felt her nose press between my cheeks, then her tongue ran up the crack, the shadowed crevice that parted my buttocks, as I began to face-fuck Red, holding onto her head with both hands.

The friend gasped and went to it with a wonderful enthusiasm, taking me as deep as she could, while My Little Girl pressed her tongue into me, lapping and licking in something akin to a frenzy, as we all moved to the same rhythm, a sexual cadence that danced of its own free will.

It felt so good. My whole body was caught up in a delirium of desire. I groaned, pulled Red from my shaft by the hair and threw her down onto the floor. She groaned once more as the torn flesh of her back made contact with the carpeted surface.

I Knelt between her legs as she lay naked before me. Her high breasts, the arch of her ribcage, the flutter of her stomach, the points of her pelvis and her mound covered in the amazing body art.

I growled again, deep in my chest, pushed her legs open wider, and then guided the head of my cock between the lips of her pussy, not caring about being subtle or patient. I just wanted to be inside her. Red turned her head from one side to the other as I sank in all the way, then cried as I pulled out and slammed back home. I grabbed one of her legs, looped it over my shoulder and held it tight for leverage as I fucked her, her breasts moving, the artwork there shaking with each thrust, the feeling indescribable, my lust without bounds, feeling as if I could fuck her forever.

My Little Girl made her way around, looking tentative, seeming unsure what to do, so I grabbed her by the hair once more and pulled her head down so that her cheek lay on her friend’s stomach. Then pulled out and slid my shaft into her mouth. My Little Girl’s waiting eyes opened wide and then she began sucking on me hungrily, over and over till I withdrew and slid back between Red’s thighs.

For a while, there was nothing but the sound of our gasping. The wet slick sounds of sex. I closed my eyes and saw my slut on her cross once more. The look on her face as I hammered the nails into her flesh, through the palm of her hand … first one and then the other … The thought made me fuck Red all the harder. Her cries were echoing off the walls of the suite.

My heart was racing so hard it felt like I’d burst. I wanted to hurt something … someone. Wanted to return to the woods, tie these bitches up and whip them until they fell unconscious.

I grasped My Little Girl and pulled her more fully onto Red so that their naked bodies lay on top of one other. Breast-to-breast, cunt-to-cunt. The friend cried out again as more pressure was added to the back of her body. But I cared not … nor, it seemed did my little concubines.

Reaching down, I hauled My Little Girl firmly into position, so that her pussy was just above her friend’s, and then paused, admiring. I lowered my face and inhaled, then took a long, slow lick of My Little Girl’s slit, sliding my tongue in deep between her inner lips, then dropped to Red who was just a few inches below. I licked deep, and Red wriggled, moaning in pleasure.

It was too much. Like a fucking cornucopia of hedonistic, indulgence. I moved up and down, taking my turns licking, tasting them, comparing them, My Little Girl’s lips fuller but shaved smooth, Red’s pussy tight and furred in closely cropped red. I laughed, rose, and then slid my cock into Red’s cunt, sliding deep into her wet perfection, all the while holding onto My Little Girl’s hips and gazing at her as I fucked the girl laying below her.

Three, four thrusts, and then I pulled free and slid into My Little Girl, angling my cock so that I thrust all the way in, watching and revelling as I heard her groan and saw her lips close the mouth of her friend. They kissed as I fucked them. Red reached up to grasp her friend’s hips and steady her, and then I simply took turns screwing each one, over and over, till I couldn’t tell who I was fucking or even tell their groans apart.

Some corner of my mind was screaming at me. But it was easily ignored, and my thoughts turned to blood. To bound captivity. To how good my slut had looked mounted on the cross, impaled by the phallus, how fit, and how I’d have loved to have fucked her like that, before actually killing her. That thought pushed me over the edge.

"Fuckkkkkkkkk, yesssssssssss!" My body convulsed as my hips jerked.

I roared as I came, not knowing or caring which of the cunts I was inside, my back arching as I felt a flood tear through me, a waterfall of ecstasy and horror, a swarming avalanche that swept me away and left nothing behind but my shaking, aching self.

I fell away from them both and lay on my side on the carpeted floor, staring out at nothing, gasping, my cock jerking with convulsive aftershocks.

Sweat ran in huge rivulets down my body, and I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t catch my breath. I tried to centre myself, to collect my thoughts, but nothing came to me.

I dragged myself onto all fours and then, still gasping, I rose to my feet, swayed with dizziness, and stared down at the girls where they lay.

Neither of them met my gaze, both of them blinking and looking similarly dazed. I didn’t want to think. Didn’t want to process this, didn’t want to make it real so that it would need to end.

Then My Little Girl moved her stiff body back to Red’s and they kissed … With stiffened bodies they pulled themselves upright before falling onto the far less abrasive surface of the bed.

Now it was my turn to watch …

Part 26 – The Girl

He thinks I'm asleep. I'm still and warm and feeling soft and I'm next to Abi.

It's a lovely feeling.

He's talking.

To his wife.

She's no fucking idea. Crazy.

And I was worrying about my BF. She's no fucking idea.

I laugh inside.

The games we play...

I wake. Show him myself. Ask about myself.

The wounds are fine he says.

I know.

I feel fucking amazing.

My wrists and hands are sore as fuck but I feel fucking amazing and I want a fuck and I want it now and I don't care who with but he's here and that's ok so I think I will fuck him because he wants to fuck me too.

It’s so fucking obvious.

The usual words... the usual doe eyes and pouty lips and soft words. Take me... that sort of thing.

Just fuck me. That's what I mean.

He grabs me.


Pulls my short curly hair that he likes so much. Touches my breasts. Licks them. Bites them. That's nice.

Fingers over my marked-up back. I think I look lovely.

Lifts me. Spins me. Pushes me.

Use me how you fucking like.

Just fuck me. I want his cock in me now.

Abi slides in.

He's messed up. Doesn't know what to do.

So we do what we do.

Fuck. Have some fun.

Her on his cock, me on his balls. Tongues. He's so fucked up by us!

Lick his arse. Up his arse. Slipping my tongue. He's so fucked up.

He's panting. Moaning. Wishing he had us back in the woods. Me wishing I was back in the woods. Watching him whip her. Me hanging there.

Three fucked up people in a fucking travel lodge or something.

Do not fucking disturb.

On the bed. Me on her. Her back's a mess still. Hurting her.

My fucking hands hurt like hell.

My cunt on hers. My tits on hers. Fucking lovely.

He slides himself in. He's no idea who he's fucking.

I just keep kissing her.

When his fumbling ends up in me I'm thinking of that wooden thing on my cross.

He really did crucify me.

That wooden thing in my cunt. So fucking awful so fucking good.

He's done.

We're not.

His wife has no fucking idea.

I'm lying with Abi. I kiss her lips. So fucking beautiful.

I whisper to her.

Let's show him how girls really have fun.

We smile.

Our tongues play.

We'll have some fun.

Fuck my fucking hands. They fucking hurt so fucking much!

Part 27 – The Guy

“She’s sleeping,” Red’s voice infiltrated my daydream as I lay on my bed. Looking up I watched the still naked girl open the door to my room wider. Standing framed by the doorway, and despite me being used to her not permanent state of nudity, she looked like a goddess.

“It’s best, she went through a lot last night.” I replied somewhat stating the obvious.

Red smiled, “You mean when you crucified her, actually nailed her to that tree … hammering fucking iron spikes through her palms … yep, you could say that she went through a lot.”

Red sat on the edge of my bed. I looked at her, cocking my head slightly sideways and raising my eyebrows, asking the unspoken question of what the fuck did she actually want. I had booked two nights so that they had ample time to tune back into reality again and hopefully recover at least a little bit, but I didn’t intend us engaging in small talk … becoming friends, that was not how this worked.

The flame-haired girl smiled. “Who are you?” She asked outright.

I shook my head, “You don’t need to know that Red, we already decided no names, or real life details … we just come together whenever …”

“No,” she cut in, “I get that, I just mean what are you doing here, with us? What the fuck are we doing here with you? What does it all mean?”

“Wow Red, so you’re the deep and meaningful sort, are you? So many questions.”

She chewed on her bottom lip and nodded.

“So, you want to know why you’re here …” I paused, and with Red staying silent too, it allowed the question to remain rhetorical.

“You’re here because you like my Little Girl. You like her a lot. Am I right?”

Pursing her lips, still without saying anything, Red pretended to think. Then nodded.

“And you saw her marks from before, the first time, and wanted to be with her the next time …”

Again, Red nodded.

“She has a BF you know, a boyfriend …”

Red just shrugged.

“But you still want her. Does she know how you feel?”

Another shrug. Another feign of indifference.

“Why are you here …” she asked, “…with …” Pause, then added, “… with your Little Girl?”

“Because when I first saw her I took a gamble on what I thought it was she wanted. And it turns out I was right, which also explains why she’s here, or at least I think it does.”

I stopped speaking and Red remained silent too.

“Tell about the whipping I gave you, how did it feel? I mean really feel?” propping my pillows up against the bed head, wearing only a pair of sleep shorts, I sat up waiting for the answer.

“It was ... it was ..." she began, but I could hear the emotion in her voice, sense the choke in her throat.

I looked up as the girl, the slut's friend, struggled with her words, tears welling around her eyes, her lip wobbling just a little. "It was intense," she finally said.

"Painful?" I queried.

"So much, so fucking much." She almost whispered her reply.

"Pleasurable?" I asked.

"Like nothing I have ever experienced," she replied. And there we had it. She really did want what it was that I had to offer, and although she hadn't experienced suffering like my slut had, a full rear body scourging was extreme enough.

"I intend to brand her, my Little Girl." My words were simple and said without ambiguity.

Red nodded. There was no shocked exclamation, or dissenting words. Just tacit acceptance of what appeared to be a natural progression in this most perverted of extreme weekends.

"She is still sleeping you say?"

Again, Red nodded.

“Okay, come with me.”

Just minutes later we were seated on the same bed upon which my slut lay face down, arms and hands spread out by her side. Red had leaned in and was waking my Little Girl with a kiss, a long passionate one.

I had a small metal Cross Shaped Brand, an iron shape about an inch high. It was something that for some reason I had had for quite some time, but this was the first time I had used it.

With my portable burner, like a very hot cigarette lighter, petrol driven and very effective, I held the Cross Brand in the flame, watching it get hotter and turn a much paler colour. I could feel the heat but held it in the centre of the flame until the brand was glowing white and yellow.

And the kiss between my two concubines grew stronger.

Then I see her wake, my slut. She yawns and groans into the kiss, and despite her obvious surprise at finding Red’s mouth on hers as she wakes, my Little Girl returned the kiss, open mouthed.

As the desire contained in their embrace grew, I saw my sIut’s bandaged hands reach out and grasp at the sheets, her small fingers, the only part of her hands with full, working movement, curling tightly around the covers, bunching them, her breasts heaving as she breathes, her body clearly agitated.

I smiled at the scene before me. Hot, erotic both because of what they were doing here, before me in real time, and also because of the fact that I was about to burn my mark into my Little Girl’s body.

Knowing that her back was still very sore, but needing access to her abdomen, just at the side of her mound, I gently turned her over to face me.

As I did so the girls’ embrace broke yet their eyes remained in contact.

“Kiss her again,” I instructed Red, “When I mark her she will cry out, and I want your mouth to dull the sound.”

“Wh … what are you going to …”

My Little Girl’s words were cut short as her friend’s mouth once closed upon hers. And, holding her legs stead with one hand, I stamped the hot Brand into her flesh.

She stiffened and cried out, just like I knew she would. And they kissed harder, deeper. I held the iron shape in place for a few seconds as a flash of smoke and the acrid scent of burned flesh ascended to my nostrils. Again, she cried out, a soft plaintive sound almost lost to the kiss of her girlfriend. I knew enough to know that the initial pain, so intense, was already dulling to a throb.

I released her leg, Red freed her mouth and my Little Girl fell back onto the sheets, her eyes closing once more.

Part 28 – The Girl

She's kissing me. Her mouth. Her lips.




So sore.

Feeling the sheets in my fingers. Feeling my cunt so tight.

So sweet.

I want to be with her so much.

So fucking much.

He rolls us apart, our bodies slipping away from each other.

He rolls me onto my back.

I feel my back.

I look into her beautiful eyes.

Fuck, she's so gorgeous.

She doesn't smile.

She gazes.

Her eyes are filled with water.

Pools of sweetness.

I know.

I can't go back to him. I've already finished with him. I know.

I want to be with her. Just her. Me and her.

I know.

He says something.

She glances at him.

I don;t know what he said.

He's going to do something.

“Wh … what are you going to …”


It hurts!

He's done something fucking awful.

Into me.

My body.

I can feel it so badly.

What the fuck has he done!

FUCK! It fucking hurts!

He's fucking burning me! I can smell myself burning. Fucking hell!

She looks at me.

She vanishes in a sea of tears...


Part 29 – The Guy

The Jetstream started up and I relaxed into the hot water. The hot tub jacuzzi in the Gym and Pool area was just perfect, and on an early Sunday morning was not even remotely busy.

I glanced across at the couple opposite me, relaxing into one another’s arms, and they smiled back. What was their story? A quiet weekend away from the kids? An illicit Saturday night with a works colleague? Whatever, I knew that their story would be nowhere near as outrageous as mine was … not this weekend.

I had left the girls sleeping. The dressings, where necessary, had been changed, and, although the bruising had become more visible and the swollen skin more raised, the healing process had begun. I had paid almost as much attention to the detail of recovery as I had to the torture … almost, and so I knew they would be okay.

I lay back as the intensity of the bubble outburst in the tub increased and closed my eyes.

“Can we tie her to the bed?” Red had asked me, her eyes wide with excitement and desire. My slut had only just been branded and was sleeping, virtually comatose, and here was her friend and prospective full-time lover, demanding that we do something else to her.

Damn! So fucking erotic!

And so … we did. My Little Girl hardly moved as we secured each limb out wide with rope, tied loosely to be fair, and in a position that didn’t aggravate the rawhide burns. She groaned and at one point opened her eyes, but they remained heavy lidded and soon closed again. And so there she was, my naked slut, spread-eagled and bound once more, her Cross Shaped Brand staring back at us from its place at the side of her mound. Anyone venturing into that area of her body from now on, and forever, would have cause to ask her about the mark … that thought made me stiffen!

Red looked at me as if to say - So what now?

As I drifted in the warm jacuzzi a smile played on my lips as I remembered exactly what happened next.

Moving away from the bed I reached down and picked up the pinwheel …

“Shit, I’ve seen one of those before in a movie I watched …” Just for a second or two Red sounded so innocent. Holding the wheel up to her I said “Touch it.”

She did and immediately recoiled.

“Sharp, those teeth, aren’t they?”

She nodded with wide open eyes. And they were, razor-pointed sharp in fact, that was the point … if you pardon the pun.

“Now watch.” I moved between my Little Girl’s legs and rolled the pinwheel slowly around on her pubic mound, avoiding of course the branded area, which I had temporarily covered with an antibiotic plaster.

And my slut woke up. With a confused start, trying to sit up which of course she couldn’t. Then the painful torture must have registered, because she twisted and writhed, trying to get her cunt away from the pinwheel pricks but it only served to make my movements on her skin a more painful navigation.

I smiled at Red and she grinned back. We were having fun now, whilst my slut was screaming and shrieking, tracks tears already running down her cheeks.

“Kiss her Red, we need to shut her up.”

And so she did. Passionately, open-mouthed their tongues danced, and despite her very clear and present agony, my Little Girl reciprocated, she very clearly couldn’t help herself.

I rolled the sharp pins over her pussy mound, breeching the slightly parted labia so that I could prick at the soft pink folds inside. She was screeching into Red’s mouth … and I needed to liberate my lust fuelled longing.

Recalling that very moment I had to force back a less than quiet moan as I lay in the hot tub, a small space that had filled up a little more as my burgeoning hard on had turned into a fully developed erection, fortunately hidden by the gurgling water.

And so, putting the pinwheel down, I fucked my slut while her flame-haired friend kissed her. I fucked her hard and soon came in several thrusts of copious release.

Having untied my Little Girl, allowing her to slip back into her welcomed slumber, her pussy pricked and red, and dripping with my seed, I left them in bed. Together. They could satisfy one another if they wanted … I was hungry, and this time it was for actual food.

Fuck. What a fucking weekend. Perfect in every way.

Since that spontaneous bondage pinwheel session, I hadn’t touched them. In fact, I had hardly seen them, save for the food and soft drinks I brought up for them. They had stayed in their room and slept, maybe talked, maybe fucked … probably all of the above. But I needed to prepare for my rehabilitation back into reality.

And so, it was after a sound night’s sleep, alone, that I had called my wife and then made my way to the pool area. But now it was time to take them breakfast, my two little torture dolls …


"What happens now?" Red stood with her hands in the pockets of her jacket protecting her fingers against the cold. The weather had changed and the Spring like 13 degrees of yesterday had plummeted to a mere 4 degrees today, with the temperature hovering just above freezing.

My Little Girl was in the ladies toilet to the right of reception while Red and I took the small bags out into the car park. As I opened the boot at the trunk of the car, I saw the wooden cross beam and the small remnants bag with the used nails and accessories inside.

"That's up to you Red," I replied. As I looked at this gorgeous flame-haired girl, the fact I had fucked her several times and whipped her naked in the local woodland was seeming more surreal by the minute.

"Once we part today your life is your own, it's not for me to say ... but I have no idea how she can keep on seeing her boyfriend without opening up completely to him, and if she does that only a fool without any self-respect would stay with her ..."

Red nodded.

"And so, if that happens," I continued, "I guess the way is clear for you ..."

Now she shrugged her shoulders, as if to suggest that she didn't care, but I knew that she did.

"Her hands will heal, won't they?" Red sounded genuinely concerned.

I nodded and smiled. "Of course they will. She has had the dressings changed twice, there is no sign of any infection, and underneath the bandage is a piercing that is less than 15 millimetres in diameter. With no bones fractured or even grazed the holes will reduce to small almost invisible scars."

"And will my back be scarred for ever?" She asked.

"Do you want it to be?" I asked.

"Yes," was her reply.

I nodded, "Then it will be."

As she chewed delightfully on her bottom lip, I knew this would not be the last time that Red and I would meet.

"We ready to head out?", my Little Girl returned, her small overnight pack on her back, seemingly reinvigorated by sleeping for something like eighty percent of the time since we returned from the woods almost a day and a half ago.

"We are,” I replied.

I was taking them to Leeds station so they could catch the Pennine Express, which would take them back to wherever they had come from.

On a Sunday it took maybe 10 minutes to get from the Village Hotel Leeds (South) to the station and so we were soon parking the car.

"This is us then." My Little Girl stood facing me at the side of the car in the drop off car park.

"It is Little One ... for now." I replied. she stood on her tips toes, wound her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"Come on," Red shouted from her position maybe ten yards away, "We have a train to catch."

"Thank you," she whispered, peeling her mouth from mine.

"Message me," I said. She smiled, nodded and then they disappeared into the busy hub that was Leeds Railway Station.

Part 30 - The Girl

Tying me. Feet and so-sore wrists. To the bed. So l look down over my tits at the mark he's made on me.

I know what it is. He's used it before. I know how he uses it. On my cunt. I know how much it hurts. I know how much I will scream.

Her mouth over mine. Her tongue smothering my cries. Fuck I love her. Fuck I love the way he hurts me. It fucking hurts!

He's in me. Like I don't know who he is. Just his cock. In me. Hard. Fucking me. Like he doesn't care. Just needs to shoot.

She kisses me.

Fuck we're so fucking beautiful.

He goes.

She unties me. We make a coffee and sit there. On the bed. Naked. Marked.

I'm so fucking lucky to know this beautiful, painted, whipped girl.

I fucking love her.

I tell her.

She asks what I'm going to do.

Am I going back to the BF.

I look at my messed up hands.

I look at her sweet sexy eyes.

I tell her.

I say that I want to stay with her.

She smiles.

She kisses me.

I love her so much.

We talk about the woods. About what we've done. How no-one would ever believe us.

I look at the marks on my wrists and hands.

They'll go. She says. She kisses my hands.

I want you too she says.

We talk about what we'll do. Her in N-town, me in my town. We can work it out.

We talk about him. We can work it out.

We snuggle so softly. Kiss so softly. He'll never be able to do this. I stroke the lovely red hair from her eyes. I kiss the marks on her back.

Time to go.

In his car. To the station. Just two girls. With a guy who could be their father or their uncle. Taking them to the station. Saying goodbye.

"Message me" he says.

We have to run.

I smile at him. Then we both run to the platform. Like the girls we are. Laughing.

No-one fucking knows but us.

We are so fucking lucky.

We get on the train. Slump on a seat. Arms around each other. Just two lezzie girls. No-one cares. We laugh. We kiss. We kiss again.

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