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“…Wearing their skimpy swimwear, their healed scars evident only to those who knew to look. By day they were relaxed … enjoying the sun, sea, sand, bars and spas … but when my mind’s eye moved to the dark of night, their Tropical Nightmare’s came to life …”
PART 1 – The Guy

“Did you see this dear?” My wife spoke as she looked up from the local newspaper she was reading and over the top frame of her glasses.

We had finished our evening meal, another one of my self-styled gourmet dishes … diced steak marinated in spices, cooked with mushroom and onions and served on a bed of Potatoes Dauphinoise. Tasty, even though I say it myself. And now we relaxed with a glass of wine each. A nice Cabernet for me and a chilled Sauvignon for my wife.

Perfect … or so I thought.

“Hmm, what was that honey?” I responded somewhat absentmindedly, my focus on the TV and the football that was showing.

“There’s been blood found in the old Bridewell Cells underneath Leeds Town Hall.”

I almost spit out my wine!

“Are you okay dear?”

I nodded and coughed and swallowed all at the same time, and ended up dribbling wine down my shirt.

“I’m fine honey, just swallowed that last mouthful wrongly is all. Sorry what were you saying?”

I had played for time so that I could compose myself. Her words were in no way accusatory, she was just relaying the story …

“You know the old prison cells under the Town Hall in Leeds?” My wife continued.

You mean the ones with a narrow corridor, dark and ominous with an interrogation cell, containing a rack, a wooden-pony and a torture chair that can be used to cause extreme pain, not to mention near-death experiences, especially to nubile teenage female students?

“Hmmm, not really dear, can’t say that I was aware of them.”

Bear face lie, but convincing … or so I hoped.

“Well, it says here that fresh blood was discovered during a public tour of the cells and that the authorities have so far failed to explain it. DNA sampling of the stains have proved inconclusive as they matched no one on the national database, but experts have confirmed that it is from the past few weeks.”

Fuck … DNA sampling? What is that all about? Did they think a crime had been committed down there? I hoped my contact continued to play a straight bat, after all he had plenty to lose as well.

“Maybe it was just from a tour party, maybe someone cut themselves on something … the rack has lots of old iron and it would be …”

“There is a rack, a torture rack like the inquisition. Really dear, in Leeds? And you know that, how?”

Shit! Fuck! Keep calm.

“I don’t know it, I’m just guessing that all those sorts of places have torture devices don’t they?”

Was I really having a conversation with my wife about the torture implements at Bridewell jail?

“They say that the blood was found around the cells as if it had been the result of some sort of deep cut, or several cuts, and it was female from more than one girl.”

Fucking hell!

“And they don’t know who these girls were?” I hoped my voice had remained on a calm level.

“It says not … but the matter has now been referred formally to the police it says.”

“Really dear, I would have thought they would have had better things to do with their valuable time …”

What the fuck! I hoped that was the case.

Should I message my Little Girl?

It had been over a month since I last saw them, a pause in our lives together to let them recover, and let their delicious bodies heal.

We had shared the occasional message, once the slut almost sexted me … not with pictures but with words only, asking me to describe how I would torture her if I was burning her to death … she really was one fucked-up, beautiful little slut.

I regularly masturbated to recollections of our sessions, and sometimes to the very few pictures that I had taken. I only took a small number of photo’s … I wasn’t about to create a collection of incriminating evidence either on my phone or anywhere else. But it didn’t matter, the memories were more than enough for my purpose.

My wife went back to her reading and, outwardly at least, I focused back on the soccer. However my mind was whirring like a machine in overdrive, with a mix of thought processes that covered the euphoria of being with the girls, the graveness of our/my actions that had just been made more real through the last conversation I had with my wife, and the excitement at the thought of seeing them again.

I imagined them together, over at my Little Girl’s place. Red was too involved to leave us now, and she was gorgeous for sure, but my Little Girl was the original, my slut, my girl … the love of my life. Would I leave my wife for her? Damn it, yes … I really believed that in my late-middle-age-crisis state of mind, I would, in an instant … but that wasn’t how this thing worked.

I wanted to plan our next meeting. What would I do to them? Where would it be? How would I cover our tracks?

Then it was half-time at the soccer. Leeds United versus Huddersfield Town. The two clubs that were based either side of where we lived. I preferred Leeds … but the outcome of the game was not what was taking my attention.

The TV was showing an advert for Summer holidays. It was late March. Spring had well and truly sprung, and so of course they were advertising holiday vacations.

On the screen was a plethora of young, fit girls in bikini’s … on the beach … in the pool … at the sea-side bars … in the spas …

“San Agustin, the jewel of Gran Canaria. A Seaside and Port town filled with fun and laughter … it is the ultimate in relaxation …”

In my imagination, Red and my Little Girl were there, on the screen. Wearing their skimpy swimwear, their healed scars evident only to those who knew to look. By day they were relaxed … enjoying the sun, sea, sand, bars and spas … but when my mind’s eye moved to the dark of night, their Tropical Nightmare’s came to life …

Lovers by day … Pain sluts by night!

This was it. I wanted to go away with them to somewhere warm and out of the country while this whole ‘blood-find’ episode at Bridewell cells blew over …

Could I possibly get away with it?

Part 2 – The Girl

Time passed. Time passes.

My hurts became less. My body slowly healed. My arms, so painful that weekend in Leeds, would stretch up and over my back again. Only my mind stayed the same. Longing for what it was missing. Longing to be with my Abi, naked, tortured, cut, bleeding, crying, trembling.

I saw her. Of course I did. Sometimes at her place, sometimes up here. Sometimes an evening or a day or a weekend. We were careful. We lay together. I looked at her lovely naked body. Her nose, her shoulders, the softness of her ear, her arms, her incredible eyes, her delicate sweet breasts, her salty cunt.

Sometimes we tied each other, remembering how we had been tied. But we stopped short of hurting each other. We knew that was for him. It hurt us now not to be hurt by him. And so we waited.

Sometimes I would text him. Tell him about my dreams. About the deaths of lovely women. Tortured. Burnt. Crucified. Torn apart. And asked him to imagine that being me and him being my executioner. I felt good when I pressed send. I wondered what he felt when he read my little messages.

One night I dressed up.

Fishnets and a loose t-shirt and an old jacket. Went to the part of town where guys cruise slowly by. Waited for anyone. Waited for a window to be wound down and a question asked. Went inside. Leather. Clean. Mercedes clean. Buttons flicked undone. My mouth gorging on his manhood. Over onto my face, my flimsy skirt around my tits. Letting him force himself into my ass. Hard as he wanted. Knuckles on the misted glass.

I showered. I stroked my body. I smiled into the mirror. I waited...

Part 3 – The Guy

“Let me in?” I don’t smile. Sometimes my smiles don’t make people relax.

“I wouldn’t have let you up this far.” Her eyes are green, angry. Her nipples are hard. Lust is absurd. It strikes in the strangest places, and this woman, this whore … the whore I use, was feeling lust right now as she peeked through the small chain protected gap at me.

She doesn’t even realise she’s feeling it. She’s erected a barricade of propriety between us. I despise the type of woman she is. My body doesn’t concur.

“Your nipples are hard,” I murmur, allowing her the choice to hear it, or pretend she didn’t. She blinks, shakes her head.

“How did you get up here?”

Ah, the human ear has splendid filters. “I told them I was your brother.”

“Right. Because we look so much alike.” Her response makes me laugh.

The loose fit of her short-cropped shirt flutters with each breath. She’s trembling, trying to conceal it. I glance beyond her, at the tiny room. It’s an upmarket whore-home, a luxury let-by-the-hour space. It won’t take that long to get what I came for.

“You have till the count of three, then I leave. One … Two.” Money talks and I pay well.

“Oh, fine, come in,” she snaps.

I do smile then but permit it only because she has closed the door to unhook the chain and can’t see me. She opens it and steps back. I have found there to be little difference between the unlatching of a chain and the spreading of a woman’s legs. As if they can never unbar only a single entrance.

She pushes the door flat to the wall. She thinks it makes her safe. I enter. She kicks a rug and a lacy bra beneath the bed. I will see much more than that before I leave.

I like the way her body moves. If she glances down, she’ll see my coat is open and my jeans fail to conceal how hard I am. She never takes her gaze from my face.

I’m nearly past her, nearly in the room and at the bed, when I grab her and slam her hard back against my body. The back of her skull thuds into my chest. Her teeth crack together. She makes a wordless sound, a protest, and another more guttural sound that is not protest at all.

I band an arm beneath her breasts. I can smell when a woman wants to fuck. I smell it when I’m with my Little Girl. I smell it now.

She can’t admit what she wants. But her body knows. It’s what she does … what she is. Lust is a thing of the blood. Doesn’t need head or heart. Her flesh is soft and pink. Her blood is red hot.

“What are you doing?” The whore whines.

“Need a fucking manual?” I press hard against her ass.

“Just fuck off,” she whispers.

“You want me to leave? Your scent says otherwise.” I inhale. It’s so much sweeter this close.

“My scent? Like you think you can smell me … you think I … Oh! Let me go! Now! Get off me! I’m going to scream.”

“You will most certainly scream. I promise you that,” I reply with quiet menace.

Beneath my arm, her heart hammers, she breathes quick and shallow. Sexual excitement alters the lines of her body, fuses it into new lines against mine.

Breasts tighten and lift, the slant of her jaw changes as the mouth prepares and muscles draw tight. Through my profession I have studied humans for a small eternity. Intent infuses their every movement. Road maps to their inner navigation, plastered all over their skin. Pretty girls, born to be submissive.

“Shall I take the hammer and nails from my jacket and nail your hands to the table before I fuck your ass?” I growl.

“You’re delusional. I don’t want you. Get out of my room.”

I laugh at her cry.

“You’re crazy! You know that, right? You’re abso-frigging-lutely crazy. How dare you come in here and threaten and bully and be shitty to me then try to sleep with me?”

Once again, I laugh. “I have no desire to sleep with you. I just want to fuck you.”

Her whole body jerks in my arms. “I don’t even like you,” she groans.

“I don’t like you either whore. But my cock is hard and you’re wet …”

“You can’t know that!”

My hand slides to the top button of her fly. “Want me to prove it? If you persist in lying, you leave me no choice.”

I pop the first button, then the second. Her spine changes shape against my back, yet more curve, more pliancy. The human body is remarkable.

“Are you wet, whore? Yes or no?” When she makes no reply, I pop the third button.

“Let’s make a deal. I’ll check, and if you’re dry I’ll leave.”

She hisses.

“Answer the question.”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Tell me to stop.” I pop the fourth button. There’s only one left.

“I hate you.”

“I can live with that.

The whore suddenly stiffens in my arms. She pushes back with her hips, twists and turns, slams her hands into my chest and knees me in the balls. Or tries to. I block it with my thigh at the last second.

I step forward, cup her hard between her legs, rub with my palm. The heat she’s throwing off is heightened.

I laugh. I shove my hand inside her jeans, the fifth button pops off and clatters across the floor, I push my finger inside her and her knees go out from under her as she clamps down on me, hard. She’s so fucking wet. We go down to the floor together.

“Unzip me, whore.”

She yanks me open so hard, she breaks the zipper. I pick her up by the waist of her jeans and dump her out of them. She pushes up from the floor to turn but I’m behind her. I shove her back to the floor. “Stay there. I want you this way.”

Fist in her hair, I spread her legs as wide as they’ll go, crush her flat to the floor. Later I’ll take her on her hands and knees. Now I need her as still as I can keep her. I grind between her legs and she makes a choking noise. Slick with all that wet she supposedly wasn’t, I drive into her.

Air explodes from us both. She arches her neck and howls. I don’t move for a moment. Movement will fuck me royally right now. She bucks beneath me.

“Move, you bastard!”

“When I’m ready.” I close my hands on her ribs. She fights. She’ll be bruised in the morning. I dredge up a memory of fucking my slut. My blood heats. I get harder.

I begin to move. I taste her. I could eat her alive. Then our positions change. She closes her mouth on my swollen cock-head. I close my hands on her face ... either side … pressing inwards. I might not let her go.

Slick with sweat, I defile her with reverence. Or revere her with defilement. Every. Inch. Of. Her. Mother-fucking-fine-body. She likes it ... no, she loves it! No holds barred with this woman ... this whore.

And she does scream, many times …

Later I roll over on my back and let her rock her world all over me. Fuck if she doesn’t.

She straddles me, ass to my face, reverse cowgirl, tangled hair swinging. And this woman … this whore, can ride.

“Slow down.” I close my hands on her ass to keep her from bringing me off in seconds. She pushes up, drops her head down into a wet dream of a naked crouch that doesn’t have one fucking ounce of inhibition, and shoots me a feral look between her legs, around my cock.

“Stop holding me,” she snaps.

Her head is thrown back, spine arched, she’s oblivious to rules, to moral order, to all but inner imperatives.

My shaft gets even harder.


“Number 2 is calling round tonight with something for me, maybe we can chat about the trip over to France in the Summer?” My wife shouted in from the utility room, the place where we housed the dishwasher, freezer and that sort of thing.

Number 2 was what we called the youngest daughter, the one with the big dog. Why we nicknamed our kids after toilet duties I don’t know, but we did it when they were young and it’s stuck.

“Sure,” we were heading out to Northern France in June, to a large Gite, the wife and I, Number 2 with her partner and dog, and number 1 with her hubby and the granddaughter. It was the granddaughter’s last year before school and so we could still go earlier than everyone else.

“I’m so looking forward to the holiday dear, won’t it be fabulous to all be together?”

I smiled and nodded, and, as I stood and walked past my wife, I kissed her on the top of the head.

“Yes dear, it will.” I said these platitudinal words, But my mind was elsewhere.

Alone in the bathroom, I took out my cock. It was still a little raw from my afternoon fucking with the whore … but I needed release again. I needed my Little Girl, oh how I needed her!

I began to wank with her face in my head, and soon I was rock hard …


My seed pooled in the toilet tissue. I had come longf and hard, staving off the climax at its edge several times before my eventual release, but it was still somehow so unsatisfactory.

Picking up my phone I swiped to her contact details, labelled simply as LG.

“My darling Little Girl. It’s been too long. Let’s go away, the three of us. Let’s head to Gran Canaria for a holiday in the sun. We can relax by day and play by night … so many creative ways to hurt you in the sun my sweet slut. Red can come too. What do you say? Please say yes. I love you so much.”

I didn’t even know her name, nor she mine. Yet here I was about to tell her, not for the first time, that I loved her, … she knew that though, and so it would be nothing new.

I pressed SEND and my heart flew to my mouth.

If she said no, I would be so fucking disappointed.

If she said yes, then how the fuck was I going to organise it in secret?

I awaited her reply with bated breath.

Part 4 – The Girl

Days. Fucking days.



I wander around, bored shitless.

My body is still sore and tender, but I'm healing. Young and fit and healing fast. So he can hurt me some more. Fit for my torture. Torturer. Fucking mad I am.

I phone her. She's working. A paper on something or other. Hard work. I listen to her voice. I think of her serpent eyes and her gentle, beguiling breasts. I think of her salty snatch. I want to be with her. My tongue in her. My tits on her tits. My fingers sliding over her belly, down, opening her. Warmly softly damply sweetly kissingly.

Fucking days.

Fucking nothing.

Tie my wrists. Tie my waist. Let a knot play through my pussy.

Fucking days.

Hit my cunt.

Bulldog clipped nipples. Hurt and twist me.

Get a knife.

Over my belly. Wanting to. Afraid to.

Go to the pub. Thin soft skirt and white t-shirt and nothing under.

Sit and drink and read a book and touch myself and watch a guy watching me.

Smile and he comes and we go and he fucks me.

Fucking days.

And then he texts.

I can't believe what I am reading.

Fuck. For real?

I text her.

For real?

He says so.

How can he? His wife? His job?


Shall we?

Fuck, why not.


Bite my lip. Think of her. Serpent eyes. Blue but not blue but not green but not turquoise but not ..... Soft lips. Sunny soft lips and hair I part and run fingers through and kiss her ears.

I text him.

Then delete it.

I text him.

Then delete it.

I text him.

'OK. When?'

I press send. And wait. Us. Him. Fucking days.

Part 5 – The Guy

I looked down at the girl on her hands and knees before me. The tight denim of her jeans covered her firm, peachy ass, the waistband slung low enough to reveal the lacey band of a pair of pink, what looked like, girl boxers.

“Stay where you are girl,” I ordered as I too knelt and took up position behind her. My cock was hard, very hard as I pushed the rigid length against her bottom and began to slowly rotate my hips, dry humping her.

Reaching forward my hands slipped under the exposed aperture of her cropped tee shirt and slid slowly up from her delicate waist. I her heard moan and felt her shiver. Her breasts were unfettered and hung pendulously taking up residence in my palms as I stimulated her nipples.

Pulling away I gripped her long straight hair and yanked her to her feet. Her face grimaced to reveal how much that hurt but she said nothing.

Pushing her hard against the wall I pulled the shirt up and off. Her breasts were magnificent, nipples now hard and pointing directly at me.

I wanted her … needed her … needed to hurt her.

“Hands up,” I issued my instruction as the girl slowly placed each hand, palms facing out, on the timber beam that she now rested them against.

As I positioned the nail pushing into her soft flesh and raised the hammer, she whimpered, eyes closed, lip bitten … a tear rolled slowly down her cheek … she looked beautifully tragic!

“Hi Danielle love, can you give the bathrooms special attention today please …”

Danielle, our cleaner, turned her head forcing my day dream to end and my gaze to turn away from the very real tight denim covered ass that faced me.

“Oh hi,” Danielle smiled, pulling the buds from her ears and standing up. She had a key and so had let herself in to get on with her duties.

My wife looked up from her position on the stairs and smiled at me, “they need the longer clean if that’s okay honey.”

The scene before me was simply my wife talking about house cleaning with our regular domestic cleaner, but I was seeing sex in everything now … I needed my date with depravation, and I needed it desperately.

My day dream, in which this pretty young, innocent domestic was about to be crucified, was worrying. How long could I contain and control my desires?


“Did you transfer that money dear?” My wife asked as we wandered into the kitchen for a mid-morning coffee, my erection now softened.

“I did, all sorted.” The France trip had been paid for by ‘Bank-of-dad’ and so now we were all set. Except I wasn’t. Whilst everyone else was relaxed and looking forward to our trip, I had business to attend to before that.

“What time is your clinic today?”

“Oh, erm, three o’clock for a couple of hours, why?”

“And you’re in Leeds at the Bupa Hospital today?” It was a question to which she knew the answer.

“Yes it’s the weekly surgery clinic, should be done by 5pm and I’ll be home by 6.”

“Good, because …” she continued, “don’t forget we’re meeting ‘Tricia and George for dinner at 7:30 at the Fatted Calf.”

I sighed inwardly. I was growing weary of domesticity. I needed my Little Girl. I was pining for her.


“'OK. When?”

Two words and that was the extent of her reply. But they were two words that meant the world to me.

The excitement in the pit of my stomach made me feel like teenager again, one who had just secured a ‘sure-thing’ date with the class slut-beauty. Getting these girls naked and abusing their bodies was nothing new for me, but doing so in the sun-kissed holiday destination of San Agustin was very new for all of us. What a time we would have!”

How the fuck was I going to pull this off? But that was not a thought for this very minute. Right now my elation anaesthetised me against any negativity or potential for complication.

I hadn’t mentioned to my Little Girl the Police getting involved with the Bridewell cells escapade, nor the DNA matching and the need I felt get out of the country. Those points remained in reserve should I ever have needed them to convince the girls to come away with me. But I didn’t need to convince them! Fucking hell, they really were going to come!

“Are you ready Darling?” My wife shouted up. Dinner with ‘Tricia and George. It was usually me that was waiting but I had become distracted when my Little Girl texted.

“Great. Let me get back to you with ‘when’. We should go on a Friday until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. Are there any weekends Red and you can’t do?”

With my heart soaring I pressed SEND. I was already picturing my Little Girl and her lover, Red, in skimpy bikinis, laughing and playing on the beach, drinking cocktails in short skirts, chained naked to my bed, licking one another, sucking me … crying out … fuuuuuuuck!

Okay now … breathe … and … focus … you need to go out and enjoy yourself this evening. The plan can wait until tomorrow.

“On my way love.”

Dinner was delicious and quite frankly my mood was verging on ecstatic … my mind filled with thoughts of Tropical Torture, Sun-kissed submission, Blood on the Beach and two gorgeous girls in my bed … tied and not tied … crying and laughing … sucking and fucking and begging …

“Dear?” I was taken from my reverie by my wife’s slightly louder speaking volume than normal.

“Huh?” I looked up in time to see the cute little waitress taking our plates away. White shirt too tight. Large tits for a teenager bursting to get free. I felt my breathing quicken. I needed to fuck. To fuck hard. And to fuck now.

“Drink love? George is ordering more drinks. He’s having a brandy, will you join him?”

Will I join him? Course I fucking will … bring me the fucking bottle!

Part 6 – The Girl

“Great. Let me get back to you with ‘when’. We should go on a Friday until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. Are there any weekends Red and you can’t do?”

Any weekends we can't do? Fuck no. A free weekend in the sun with extras? Me and Abi? Fuck no. Any fucking weekend!

I'm lying, sprawled naked on my bed with the grey northern light slanting over me. One hand on my phone, one on my clit. And I'm wondering where he is. Snatching a moment in the utility room while his wife's cooking? Disappearing into the loos with a quick 'excuse me' as his colleague chatters over the table with the two ladies? I imagine his wife. Still pretty, probably. Well-groomed. Just a hint of the student he fell for when he was 21... too much grooming probably. Expensive hair-do. Expensive jewellery (presents when he feels guilty? He's every reason to feel guilty... it won't just be us two I'm thinking). Expensive clothes. If only she knew... What a bastard her sweet hubby really is...

So, any fucking weekend for some sunny fucking fun.

I text Abi.

Yeah. Not a problem.

We laugh. Talk about him and his problem. Which is a distraction from our problem. Us mad fuckers.

I ask her to vidcon me. Take her clothes off. Touch her tits. Touch her cunt. Fuck I love her.

Touch myself. Round with my finger. Moaning. Belly rising and falling with a hundred strokes. Fuck! Hot fucking girl she is.

And her.


Hot fucking girls we are.

Together. Moaning. Timing it right. Faster. Slower. Coming.

Fucking mad fucking girls we are.

Any weekend for us Mister. Any weekend you fucking fancy Mister. Sooner the fucking better Mister.

Fuck you Abi. Just want to fuck you. Love you, you fucking gorgeous girl Abi.

FUUUUCKKKINGG god I want to fuck with you sooo much Abi!

Part 7 – The Guy

“Are you sure I can’t come dear?” My wife smiled at me across the living room with smirk on her face that says, ‘it’s okay I’m only joking … or am I?’

I chuckled back at her, hopefully not with a noticeable nervous undertone.

“I know that San Agustin sounds glamourous but honestly honey, it’s a bloody medical conference, not only that but I’m hosting a dinner and facilitating evening workshops.”

“I know dear, really I do. It will be hard work … no place for me being there …”

My wife’s conciliatory, understanding attitude was why our marriage had survived so long.

“Even though I could just lounge around in the hotel pool all day until you were free …” she added as a deliberate afterthought designed entirely as a sting in the tail.

“It’s that paper I wrote on managing new infections during surgical procedures that has done it.” I was making my case in more detail now – I needed to be very careful. Circling the truth in a lie was always best whenever possible … it was why I had declared San Agustin as the destination.

“That’s what has driven my invitation, and these things are always held over a long weekend.”

Luckily my darling wife had never been the type to check my whereabouts out, because if she had she would find no trace of the GMC Annual Summer Symposium in the Gran Canaria, in a few weeks time!

But I was going to the sun ... the super, sexy, stimulating, submissions drenched destination of sun! We were going … my Little Girl, her lover, and friend, Red, and me … the luckiest guy alive!

But still no names. It was our tacit agreement, it always had been. So how the fuck did I book this without their names?

The hotel was no problem to sort. A multi bedroomed apartment at the Playa Feliz. A series of luxury apartments, each one with a private pool, and a jacuzzi hot tub, as well as access to a larger heated outdoor pool. Perfect and they only required my name.

And so, the accommodation was sorted. Friday to Tuesday in three week’s time. Too long of course, I wanted to go now, but I required enough time to clear my diary.

Now for the flights.

Damn. Now names were an issue. Passports required. Fuck. We are simply going have to share, I thought to myself. They will need to tell me their names.

“Little One, I am going to need your names, yours and Red’s along with passport details. Can you send them to me please?”

I pressed SEND on my text.

I was excited. ‘Red’ and ‘My Little Girl’ was all I knew them as, until now. There was that one time when the slut told me her name was Amy, and then laughed. It clearly wasn’t, and that seemed so damn long ago.

What would they be called? Maybe Red was an ‘Emma’. That seemed to fit. And the slut …?

As I was pondering this, the reply text from My Little Girl came back.

“No names Mister, we like it that way. Tell us what flight to book and we will book it ourselves. You can refund us when we get there if you want.”

Shit … great suggestion, but a shame and I felt slight disappointment, I had been kind of looking forward to finding out what they were called. But maybe retaining the ‘mystery’ was for the best, and as a plan, it would work.

“Okay,” I began to type back, “book yourselves on the BA Flight BA320 from Manchester, departing at 10am, on Friday the 17th April, and the BA flight BA321, departing at 3pm on Tuesday the 21st. Book the highest class you can find and I will repay you when I see you. Can you do that?”

I pressed SEND and waited.

“Oh, look at this dear. You remember when I said that they had found fresh blood at the Bridewell Cells in Leeds, well now they have closed them all off, the cells that is, so that a full forensic team can gain access. Looks like they are taking it seriously.”

Fuck. Calm down … nothing can be traced to me, or to ‘us’. I admonished myself for this spontaneous panic which was all well and good, but the sooner we could get away and out of the country for a few days the better.

“Really,” I replied, “But there’s no body been found has there?”

“It doesn’t say so dear, but I guess the blood must have come from somewhere.”

I shook my head slightly and slowly, a motion detectable only by myself. It did come from somewhere, the battered cunt and beaten body of a gorgeous Redheaded student and the punctured wrists of her nubile, lovely little lover.

“I guess so,” I nodded, again only to myself.

My phone buzzed. I looked down at the message.

“Yes Mister, that’s fine, we can do it on credit cards and then you pay us back.”

She was nothing if not brief, my slut. She never typed ten words when one would do. And they let students have credit cards these days?

I took myself off upstairs for a little privacy, and I hoped she would still be there, my slut, on the end of the phone. I wanted her, and I needed her now!

“Where are you now?” I typed and pressed SEND.

“Pub.” Came the reply.

“Who with?”



“Sadly, no.”

“Males or?”


“What are you wearing?”

“Nothing, I’m naked … joking of course.”

I smiled when I read that. But her words still turned me on. Naked. In Public. Embarrassed. Humiliated. I wanted that. I wanted my Little Girl to feel sexually humiliated in Public. ENF – Embarrassed Nude Female.

“Tell me.”

“Jeans, very tight. Tee shirt, no bra.”

Fuck. Hot.

“Are you wearing panties?”


“Describe them.”

“Black, lacey, girl-boxers.”

Embarrassed Nude Female. More than that, I wanted the slut, my slut … my Little Girl, to be humiliated under my instruction.

“Find a guy. Tell him your services cost twenty pounds. Take him to the toilets and suck him off.”

The thought of her being used by someone else turned me on. Especially when I had ordered it. She was my whore … I was her pimp. Embarrassed Nude Female.

“Send me a picture.”

Would she do it …?

Part 8 – The Girl

“No names Mister, we like it that way. Tell us what flight to book and we will book it ourselves. You can refund us when we get there if you want.”

He knew this. Already. We'd told him. No names. Not now, not ever. And why did he need them? He had his names for us. Not very inventive, but good enough. I knew Abi's name. She knew mine. That was enough. The rest was easy. Just book the flights.

Fuck yes! We were really going! Too far off, but fuck it. We were going! Sun and sand and sea and soft sheets and wine and her and a bit of hurt. I hoped.

Fuck knows how he'd fixed it with his wife. Fuck knows and I don't fucking care.

I'd missed him. Nah. I'd missed him hurting me. And her. And watching him hurt me and her. I liked that. Best of everything.

More texts. She's bound to find out sometime. He's bound to leave his phone hanging around sometime...

“Yes Mister, that’s fine, we can do it on credit cards and then you pay us back.”



He probably thinks that's how I always talk. 'Yes Mister...' like a little sloven. Like a backstreet kid. I'm not.

But I don't care. I want to be nothing but a body to him. Nothing but flesh to hurt. That's best.

Last night I was at the cinema. The local art-house one. With a friend who isn't Abi. Who's also fucking lovely. Pink hair babe. I guess he'd call her 'Pinkie'. Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Fucking brilliant. Gorgeous Adele Haenel. Fucking lovely. So gorgeous. So beautiful a face. Why are all the French Adele's like a total dream? Adele's and Lea's and whoever. All so fucking lovely. I just want to fuck those sweet French babes.

But last night my pink-haired girl was good. Very good. And so was I. Two good girls in a small bed eating each other's cunts out. Fuck, he'd have liked that. I think he probably wanks off to his memory of me every fucking day. Naked, bleeding in ropes. He needs that too in his dreaming I think.

And now he's fixing it. And lying to his lovely wife. Again. And again. Sweet. He's going to get caught for sure some day. Fuck him.

He's asking me where I am. I tell him. He's asking me what I'm dressed in.

“Jeans, very tight. Tee shirt, no bra.”

He wants me to be wearing no panties. I know. I tell him I am. Black and lacy. I'm lying. I'm naked underneath. Nude and sweet and bare.

He wants me to suck a guy off. Any guy. He wants a photo. He's a fuck head.

So. Fuck him.

I grab her. Kiss her deep in her mouth.

'Let's go' I say to her.

Into the passage at the back of the bar. Where anyone can see us. Open her pants. Slip my fingers in. Bite open the buttons on her shirt. Face in, licking and kissing her tits. Her back against the wall. Her legs lifting and wrapping round my hips. A guy squeezing past with two full pint glasses.

'Having fun girls?'

Fuck him. More fun than he's having. More fun than him and Him. Any fucking him.

Fingers in her pink hair, tongue in her ear.

Pushing myself at her. Push Push Push. Hard pushes. Into her. Her into me. Her fingers opening me now.

Fucking good.

'Ladies... not so loud please...'

He laughs.

That sort of a place.

Biting her lips. Sucking her lips. Fingers everywhere. Mine. Hers. Tits and cunt and hair and arms. Fucking her. Her fucking me.

'Fucking gorgeous you are' she says.

'Come home with me again' I say.

'Better here' she says. 'Or out in the rain' she says. 'Let's fuck in the rain' she says.

Gasp ourselves apart. Smile. Stroke each other.

'Mind yourselves girls'

'Fuck you'

Kiss her again. Sweaty bodies. Kiss her lips. Sweaty lips. Kiss her ear. Kiss her pink hair.

Buy a couple of Coronas. Lime stuffed in. Clink. Sit at the table. Laugh.

Fuck him. No fucking £20 blow job photos. Unbutton her again. Phone over her cunt. Easy. Send it to him.

Better than a fucking blow job Mister. SEND.

We finish our beers. Go out in the rain. Cars splashing by. Side alley. In the rain. Dark as fuck. Take our tops off. By the bins. Over the bins. Her back arched over the bins. Our bodies soaking wet. Sliding our bodies together. Fucking gorgeous girl.

Who needs fucking names? She's a babe. I'm a babe. Tonight we're each other's fucking babes. No-name babes to him. Fuck him.

Part 9 – The Guy

I love flights. Some people hate the long boring hours, but not me. Life is what you make of it and whilst for some an Airbus might just be a place filled with half sleeping people, it was something completely different to me. The plane is a hunting ground. The pathways between the chairs are like the open places in the forest where the vulnerable rabbits find their way. Business class is like a clearing in the middle of this forest were the most well-fed rabbits appear, so open and vulnerable. The toilets and restrooms are like small dark caves; very tempting to lure and corner the rabbits in and feed on them.

I have never embarked upon anything like the extreme escapades I was now enjoying with my Little Girl and Red, but I realise that I have always been a predator when it comes to pretty girls. Even, in days gone by, when I was sitting on a comfortable plane seat with my family around me, my eye would be roving around looking for a tight shirt, a low cut collar, a button too many open around exposed breasts.

I was the fox watching the rabbits, planning my movement and ultimately how I would feed from them, and my feeding took many different guises.

Only once had I had my gaze been reciprocated to any extent, and that encounter had resulted in very frantic fumble in the toilet with a businesswoman on a Transatlantic flight a few years ago. I was alone on that flight and so the moves were easy to make.

More often the ‘feeding’ consisted of something more self-gratifying, like a casual brush against the exposed breasts, a calculated apology when I accidently bump into them, and occasionally a gratuitous feel or fondle. All actions of the predator, but today there was no gazing required. No tracking of the rabbits and no fumbling, fondling or feeling.

I had my own girls with me, and even though they looked like my daughters, they were not … not at all!


The airport lounge had been filled with excitement when we all met, the girls and I … my slut in her tight jeans, tee shirt and jacket and her flame-haired friend dressed in a similar manner. They had passed their cases through security, as had I, and so now we travelled light.

I had embraced them both, and they had returned the hugs. A more chaste welcome than the last few times, when we had been alone at the ***********ed ‘torture venues’. But it was nice. This was nice. It felt nice.

I knew however that over the next few days nice would become explosive!

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Red said out loud as we drank tea and coffee, waiting for the boarding announcement. The airport wasn’t busy. It wasn’t a national holiday, and Summer hadn’t reached us yet, and so the flight appeared as if it might have room on it. Good.

“Well believe it Red, because we are,” I beamed, handing them the cash in envelopes to cover the cost of their flights.

“Fuck it Mister,” I love how the Little Girl cursed at every opportunity, “We look like whores, with you passing us money in envelopes.”

I smiled, raised my eyebrows and said nothing.

And so now here we were on the plane bound for San Agustin in the Gran Canaria. A whole two hours and twenty minutes of time to relax and enjoy the flight.

We weren’t sitting together. They were, the two of them, but I wasn’t. In fact, I had two seats to myself. Settled and belted and almost ready to take off, the slut looked and smiled at me. Fuck, she was beautiful, and that smile said a thousand words to me. I loved her, really loved her … I knew that now.

When my Little Girl stood to go to the toilet I am ready for action. I move over to the seat where Red is sitting … the two of them have an otherwise empty row. A smile, a brush of hands, a touch and a whisper asking if she has ever done it this high. Despite the presence of a bra, I see Red’s nipples harden underneath her tight tee shirt. I notice my arousal but ignore it … for now.

Upon my instruction Red gets up and heads to the toilet. I follow seconds later, a little conscious of who might be watching us, but it’s a calm, quiet flight and no one seems to be.

The door is left open and in I go. It’s tight for two people never mind three, but both girls look flushed and needy.

My slut didn’t know this was coming, and so I move behind her, whispering in her ear how easy it was to convince her friend to do this. I tell her to look at Red. I notice her scent changing a little, her breathing becoming faster.

This is what I was waiting for. I glance at Red and nod. She immediately moves in, grabs my Little Girl’s hair, and kisses her hard. I notice how eagerly the slut gives in; I see Red’s fingers move inside the slut’s jeans. I hear the moan when her fingers find her clit and begin to massage.

My body moves, my hands work quickly and the slut’s clothes fall to the ground. When I touch her body it feels electrifying. I feel the softness, the tension in her muscles. When Red’s kiss ends, I can hear my Little Girl’s heavy breathing, her moans as the fingers still work on her clit, push inside her, arousing her.

There are no words exchanged, just a breathy ‘Ohhh fuckkkk,” whispered from open lips.

Red lets go just as I grab the slut’s head and force her onto her knees. Her resistance is gone and she readily takes my exposed erection into her mouth. I feel so powerful now; this is so much better then preying on frightened rabbits. I enjoy her mouth, keeping a little pressure on her head to let her know this is her fate.

Her friend and lover decides she wants in, and pulls the slut backwards, her face landing between Red’s thighs. I order my Little Girl to lick and she readily obeys.

Then the slut is on her back, knees bent up due to the confined space, with Red straddling her head. I push apart her knees and invade her slit, thrusting my cock deep into her body. My Little Girl responds to her impalement, back arching, enjoying the pleasure. Red faces me and I look into her eyes, riding her lover’s mouth hard until I can see the climax etched into her face. I fuck the slut hard and fast. Red and I cum together while we feast …


The passengers leave the plane one by one. They have no knowledge of what happened on this flight. My slut and Red disembark after me and they head over once we are inside the terminal building. They look tired, but they are smiling.

The heat is already a little overpowering.

“We’re here,” my Little Girl says, with girlish enthusiasm.

“We are,” I respond, “Welcome to San Agustin!”

Part 10 – The Girl

We got to the airport early. Checked in our bags, went through security. The usual leers. Fuck them all.

She is gorgeous. She always is. Abi. Here. Us two. Amazing. Missed her so much. I think of her all the time.

I think of her even when I'm fucking some guy or tribbing up some pinkie. I think of her all the time.

So. Now. She. Was. Here.

Gossip, a coffee, a bit of cake. Smiles. Fucking lovely girl she is.

He'd be here soon.


We went to the girls. I had to and she had to. Fuck each other.

Didn't bother with a cubical. Fuck it. T-shirts off. Fuck it! Tits and hands and mouths and mouths and lips and teeth and fingers. And buttons and zips and fuck it she's so fucking lovely. Fucking lovely wet. Fucking lovely girl.


'Yeah really missis. Want some?' laughing.


'Piss off'

Fucking love her. So fucking much.

Lippy. A bit. For him.

And then we find him. He's so fucking excited. I can't say I blame him. An old guy and his two.... daughters? Daughter and her friend? Daughter and her lezzy friend? Nothing odd. Not fucking much nothing odd...

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she says. I can't either. But we are. He gives us the dosh. Like the two whores we are. I tell him. We are his whores. I like being a whore. But I get paid in hurt not cash. So that makes me a pain whore I guess. And Abi. Two pain whores. Fuck it. Off to the sun for some pain and sex. Me and her. Fucking amazing. Her in the sun. Sand on her tits. Sand in her cunt. Sand in her hair. Fucking amazing.

Flight gets called. On we go. Boring airplanes. Next to her. Announcements. 'For your comfort and safety...' . Fucking laugh at that one. We aint going somewhere safe. Not us two. We're going for some sweet lavish sunny pain. Sex and pain and pain and sex. Yeaaah.

I go for a piss. I can guess what will happen and it does. Three of us. In that tiny space. Spaghetti sex. It's fine. It's a nice way to start. Fucking crowded. Fine. Sucking and biting. He's happy. That's good coz we for sure are happy. Fucking amazing happy.

So order a drink each. Kiss each other. No-one fucking cares. Smile and kiss. Waiting for the belt sign to come on. Fucking amazing. Us two on holiday with this mad guy. Me and her. We're mad. How's he doing this? How the fuck does he get away with it? He's going to fuck us and hurt us and his wife doesn't even guess. Fucking wild!

And we're here. Waiting for bags. Heat filling the hall. Beads of sweat on Abi's boobs. Smiles. Brushing her red hair from her eyes. Love her tits when she bends down over her luggage. Fucking lovely tits. My Abi's tits. Fucking lovely Abi and her fucking lovely tits.

“We’re here,” I say. Just in case he hasn't spotted that we are here. In this lovely hot place. Where he can lovely hot hurt us. Fucking amazing me and fucking amazing Abi. Here to be hurt. And to kiss on the sand and swim naked in the sea. Fucking amazing.

We are really here....

Part 11 – The Guy

“Hey,” I called out, and she turned toward the sound of my voice. I didn’t know what to call out to be honest. We had just arrived and the girls had wanted to get outside into the private heated pool as quickly as possible. It might have only been April but the weather was stunning. I thought that calling both ‘Little Girl’ and ‘slut’ were a bit too inappropriate for public consumption, despite us being in the private area at the back of our apartment.

I could look at her without her seeing me as I walked towards where she lay, her dark, wet hair curling, the pale, currently untanned skin of her chest, stomach and arms beaded with water.

I realized, if I could watch her, unnoticed, then she could have been watching me, too. Watching me watching her … them. Touching myself, reaching inside my swim shorts, stroking my burgeoning erection. That thought made my breath catch.

I moved closer and closer, edging her way, and her body blocked out the sight of Red laying by her side away from me.

“Beautiful,” I said, not even trying to keep the comment to myself. My Little Girl’s head turned toward me and she grinned, stood, stretched her gloriously nubile body and dived into the pool. And what a damn graceful dive it was!

I plunged in too, lunging at her just as she pushed off from the bottom, trying to swim away. We both went under for a moment, and I had her by her thigh, gripping my way up to her hips, my bigger body twisting against the slut’s more delicate frame under the water. For a moment, she was beneath me, in my arms, pressed against me, and I felt my cock hardening as it pressed against her leg.

My fingers brushed over her breast, and I felt my Little Girl shiver. I came up gasping and so did she. The pool depth was graded and we were out deeper now … I smiled when I noticed how she had to stand on her tiptoes to stay above the water level. I was under the water to my shoulders, my face only inches from hers.

“You got me,” she whispered, licking her lips and sliding her slender thigh against mine. My eyes widened and I moved my hand to grip her hips, my knee sliding up between her legs … provocatively high, until I heard Red calling, “Anyone want a drink, I’m gonna get beers!”

My Little Girl laughed as she turned away from me and started swimming back to the poolside. I followed.

Red came back with three chilled bottles – the fridge was already fully stocked from the small on-site store - and handed them out. We spread a couple of blankets the and laid out in the sun. My Little Girl was next to me and Red shared her blanket. I had my own … too big to comfortably share, I guess.

I looked over at my slut. She was on her back, her arm thrown over her eyes. I couldn’t help watching her breasts rise and fall with her breath, full and firm under the leopard print bikini top.

I called up the memory of what she looked like naked, tied and bound, broken and bleeding. I moved up onto my elbow, facing her, and when I met her eyes, she smiled. I felt her gaze piercing me, appraising me as much as I was evaluating her.

She stretched, arching her back, and my eyes widened and my brow furrowed, my smile fading as I watched her roll onto her side and then over onto her stomach, adjusting her bikini straps as she did so. My Little Girl’s skin and hair were still wet from the swim, as were mine, and the heat of the sun felt good.

I saw the slight movement as she opened her legs a little, I noticed how she lifted her hips, saw her almost bare ass rise up in the air as she did. Through half-closed eyes, she watched me watching her, a lazy smile on her face.

Her eyes glanced at my crotch, and even in the loose material of my shorts, I knew that she could see I was hard. The slut licked her lips, and I remembered how my rigid shaft had fucked her on the plane, how my own hand had brought that same length to a climax at my own home just for these two teenage beauties!

This was a dream, surely. A vague fantasy from which I would wake … it had to be!

My cock tingled with feeling, and I wanted to touch it, but refrained. I fantasised about my Little Girl’s hand being there, those delicate fingers moving slowly upon me. I had to shift my position, moving things around, and I imagined it was her hand doing it, I ached at the thought.

I was totally lost in my fantasy when a stream of cold water splashed over my back, making me yell out and kneel up. Red laughed and ran, trailing a blue bucket behind her. I hadn’t even noticed when she stood up.

“Ohhh you little minx, you’re going to get it now!” I got to my feet and took off after her. I caught up with her at the poolside, grabbing her bikini bottoms. She squealed and frantically apologized, laughing still. I tackled her to the cold stone ground, and straddled her glorious body.

“You know I’m not ticklish Mister.” Red looked up at me grinning as I gazed upon her body, my cock still pushing hard against the material of my shorts.

“But I bet your Little Girl is.”

“Hey!” my slut cried, as I leapt away from Red and grabbed at her ankle. She gasped, trying to shake me loose.

“Oh, no you don’t!” I laughed.

“Help me Red!” I called, and her flame haired friend giggled as she got up from the stone floor.

The slut couldn’t get away from the hold I had on her ankle, and as she attempted to get up, she succeeded only in tumbling back down to the floor, as Red and I tickled her ribs making her laugh uncontrollably.

“Stop!” she gasped, rolling away from us, but I still had her ankle in a hold, and now my other hand was on her calf, moving upwards.

“I’ll hold her!” I grabbed the slut’s hip and used it as leverage to roll her onto her back. She was helpless, laughing as Red dug long fingers into her ribs. “… And you tickle her.”

Then My Little Girl’s eyes widened as I climbed on top of her, straddling her prostrate body. I grabbed her arms, pinning them above her head. Her eyes met mine, she looked breathless and excited, and she knew that I could see it.

My cock pushed hard against her mound, penetration separated by the material of our swim wear. Putting my mouth next to her ear, the heat of my breath at her lobe, I whispered, “Now I really have got you, Little Girl!”

Part 12 – The Girl

It's beautiful. More beautiful than I could have imagined or hoped.

I've been to beautiful places, but not with my beautiful Abi. So it's super beautiful. Coz she is so super beautiful.

He's ok too. He's super kind. He hurts me, he's kind to me. That's ok.

And it's beautiful. And I'm swimming and the sky is blue and the water is lovely.

And I stretch out and he looks at my body arching. At my tits and my ribs and my cunt mound and my legs and my pretty face and I know he likes it.

And she likes it.

She loves it.

He slides himself against me. Wet me. Soft wet me. Coaxing him. Sliding him too. He likes it.

“You got me,”

He really likes it. Likes me. Likes me so much. Loves me so much.

I bet he's thinking of me stretched out on that rack. He likes me like that. I like me like that. We like the same things...

Abi comes back with the beers. Glistening, Ice Cold in Alex beers. I'm out, tracing my finger down the beads, lying on my belly. I'm smiling at him. One of my half-open smiles that says something he doesn't quite understand. Coz he's just ever-so-slightly out-of-place with us two girls. And he is thinking to himself that really, really it's amazing being here, but somehow he really really shouldn't be...

And now he's soaked! Nice one!

And now he's laughing and chasing her and getting her down on the ground but he really wants me down on the ground and I really want to be down on the ground and he's onto me and getting me down on the ground and onto my back and he's right on me and he's getting Abi to hold me and he wants to do something childish but he really wants to fuck me and I am good with him fucking me coz he's here with me in the sun by the pool and it's all a bit mad and a bit crazy and he really should fuck me now and he's pushing against my cunt and my bikini is between his hard fucker and my cunt and I'm liking him pushing against me and being heavy against me and whispering to me and the tiny droplet of water is sliding down my ear and he's pushing and he wants me so fucking much and I want to be fucked by him so fucking much right fucking now.

And he whispers “Now I really have got you, Little Girl!”

And he really has got me and he really can fuck me now and now, just now, I really am his Little Girl and I'm so fucking happy being his little girl and being fucked in the sun by the pool with those beads of water running over me and Abi being there and the sun on my arms and my legs and his body heavy on me and fucking me and hurting me can wait and … it's so fucking good.

Part 13 – The Guy

The light was drawing in, as the April evening began to encroach into day 1 of our time in the sun.

“I really have got you now …” as I spoke I looked directly into the eyes of the slut beneath me.

At my words the tickling stopped and the laughter ceased. My Little Girl looked up at me, chewing her lips.

I stood and moved to sit on a sun lounger … there were several surrounding the pool.

“Sit there Red, and watch …” With widened eyes, filled with voyeuristic expectation, my slut’s friend and lover did as she was asked.

Then, upon my direction, My Little Girl stood, head down, looking exquisitely submissive and she straddled my lap, her pale back to my chest, and I took a moment to kiss a few of the faded scars scattered across her shoulders before tilting her forward. Ever graceful, she controlled her descent, resting her head on the stretchy sun-lounger surface, before arching her hips up.

I undid the tie on her bikini top and with a slight shift of her body I was able to pull it away. I repeated the action with her thong leaving her gloriously naked laid across my lap.

With just her upper thighs resting on my legs, I could spank her like her ass was a pair of bongo drums, something that brought a giggle to her lips when I started by lightly slapping out the rhythm of "We Will Rock You."

That giggle turned into a gasp as I delivered a harder slap to one upturned cheek, a bright pink mark appearing in its wake, another appearing with a "crack" on the other side. I smiled when I saw my Little Girl biting her knuckles to keep at least a semblance of quiet in this outdoor area as I continued to spank her. Her lovely face contorting into erotic winces and grimaces, soft whimpers occasionally escaping her lips.

She twisted her neck to look up at me. I glanced at Red who seemed mesmerised on the scene unfolding before her.

My slut could say so much with her face. It was truly a work of art. I loved everything about her, but I could stare at her face for hours, try to memorize it, try to describe, try to hold onto its beauty forever, only to then see something new.

I raised my hand and whacked her ass again. Like Red had on the upstairs landing at my house, the slut began to squirm …

her giggles having long ago turned to cries. But unlike her lover, my Little Girl did not beg for me to stop. Not one word of dissent, and despite the obvious pain she endured … for me … for herself. She wanted to feel the pain and I needed her to feel it.

Once her backside was suitably reddened, I took advantage of the other possibility this position offered to me.

“There’s lube in my bag Red, reach it to me please.”

I heard a gasp from my Little Girl, as, lubing up two fingers from the bottle by my side, I slid them deep into her exposed and opened pussy. The position naturally angled them towards her g-spot, and I bore down on the ridged flesh, massaging it back and forth with my fingertips.

The effect was instantaneous, as she twisted and turned in the awkward position in which I had placed her, grinding her forehead into the lounger, continuing to bite her finger as her chest and face flushed even deeper and I relentlessly drove her on towards orgasm.

My Little Girl came a few moments later with a jerk and a unstoppable exclamation of "Oh fuck it Mister, yes ohhhhhh fuck yes, yes, yesssssss!"


I watched her body hump backwards at me as her pussy squeezed my fingers powerfully tight, and her ass clenched and released simultaneously.

Once she'd regained her breath, My Little Girl rolled gracefully off my lap and turned to kneel before me, arms clasped behind her back, eyes downcast.

"How would you like me now Mister?"

I lifted her chin with a finger, stroked her cheek with a knuckle as she looked up at me expectantly.

"On the lounger. Here."

“I’m going for more beer,” Red decided she had watched enough. I guessed she was going to relieve herself … I hoped that she was.

My Little Girl positioned herself as instructed, upper body on a pillow, abdomen on the stretchy surface, ass lifted and legs spread. Her asshole and labia were both opened following her climax, and I wet first one, then two fingers with lube, sliding them into the smaller, tighter hole, stretching her a little more open as I greased the orifice I'd be entering.

Positioning myself I sank in slowly, taking my time to allow her to get used to the sensation.

“Oh Mister, fuck me … fuck my ass …” My Little Girl turned her head to one side, and I watched as her face went through a wide range of erotic expressions and contortions … smiles, grimaces, gasps, winces, grins, and a raise of the eyebrows as she concentrated on the sensation of my cock slowly stretching through her tightest hole.

"Oh Mister, my Mister ..." she moaned as my balls brushed her vacant pussy.

She called me ‘My Mister,' I loved that!

I tilted her head back with one hand and kissed her hard, passionately, breathing in another of her moans as I pulled back and then buried myself inside her again.

Back and forth I pumped, dragging through the natural constriction, enjoying the smooth tight glide into her, beyond her sphincter, enjoying even more her reactions to it, the sighs and moans and whimpers as I slowly reamed her. Honestly, I got off more on how she reacted than I did on the actual act of fucking her.

With a hand kneading one of her firm breasts and the other holding her head firmly in place so I could kiss her mouth when the urge drove me to lift my lips from nibbling on the back of her neck, My Little Girl got off, again, quickly, and then again, for a second time, shortly thereafter. They were small, quiet orgasms, that stretched her body rigid and made her groan and laugh as the sensation filled her, but even so, she buried her face in the lounger to keep from making too much noise.

My Little Girl. So cute.

When the feeling of thrusting into her tight hole, against the firm, yielding resistance of her ass cheeks, the mental stimulation of holding her down and fucking her, got to be too much, I came too. I pulled myself as tight and close to My Little Girl’s body as I could, and abandoned myself to the release, looking in her eyes while I twitched and jerked and my cock recoiled with every hard pump of semen into her glorious body.

The slut giggled, then groaned as I slowly extracted myself from her bottom.

"Fuck it Mister, I can still feel your throbbing in my ass."

Taking the sun lounger next up in the row, I flopped down onto my back, my 58 year old body gasping for breath. "Fuck that was something else Little One."

"I know, I didn't think you were gonna cum for like an hour." Laughing, she rose and made a cute little naked sprint for the bathroom. I lay on the lounger and relaxed.

I'd needed that. More than anything. Time with the slut, just her and me. It was this closeness with My Little Girl that fulfilled me. Our carnal escapades strengthened the bond between us, satisfied my need to let out aggression and her need to submit. I felt sated. I felt loved. I felt in love.

Part 14 – The Girl

Lying on the bed, naked. A quiet, soft evening heat. Abi stroking my feet.

"Oh fuck it Mister, yes ohhhhhh fuck yes, yes, yesssssss!"

I laughed. "I really did say that didn't I, Abi?"

She smiles, she nods, she slides beside me and nuzzles my hair with her tongue and kisses me.

"Yes" she says "I think you're liking him..."

I am. I don't know when it changed. Maybe when he hit my ass, maybe when he fucked me properly, so I really enjoyed it. Maybe that was it. The first time he'd really done that. Like he cared. Like he wanted me to enjoy it. Fuck. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. I didn't mind calling him 'Mister' and all, but I was just a lump of flesh to him, in my mind. And that's how I liked it. A thing to fuck and hurt. And that's what I'd wanted.

And now he was doing something different. This old guy with his pretty goody wife and whatever. This fucker was making me like him. Fucking me up my ass, fucking me in the sun. Fucking me properly. Fuck!

And now I'm thinking that this long weekend in the sun is going to be something else. Something me and Abbs will remember for a long long time. A weird sort of weekend. Not the nice, selfish one I'd imagined. A bit of sun and a bit of hurting. That, yes, but we are actually going to really enjoy it. A weird threesome of kids. He's sort of a kid now when he's with us I guess. He can fuck either of us whenever he wants, coz we know it will be good. And we can fuck with each other whenever we want, coz we love each other truly, madly and deeply. And he can hurt us both. And we want that too. And it's totally fucking weird. And I think I am liking it.

I roll over and lick her nose and touch her eyebrows and kiss her throat and I whisper something that's a secret into her beautiful ear...

Part 15 – The Guy

"I'm going to the bathroom really quick." I said after slamming down another shot.

"You're not going to throw up are you?" My Little Girl asked with a look of slight concern on her face.

I laughed, "No, not at all. It's going to take a lot more than this to get me that drunk. While I'm gone though, if any guys approach you, I want you to flirt back."

She gave me a confused look and asked, "You actually want me to flirt with other men while I'm out with you?"

"If any of them approach you, yeah. Just have some fun, we'll be going back to the apartment soon anyways." I replied.

"And what if you come back and find me gone?" She smirked.

"Well, I trust you...and I think you want to be with me,” I paused to acknowledge the smile that played on her face, “… and I think it'd be fun to break you up and take you away from any hopeful guy knowing that I have you all to myself." Fuck, it felt good to say that as I turned and headed away.

Red was back at the apartment, bound, naked in an upright position, hands above her head. Oh man, the thought of how she looked stirred my lust. I seemed to have been permanently hard ever since we boarded the plane … not bad for an old guy, huh? I smiled to myself.


The two girls looked up at me when I had walked in on them both making out on the bed. Licking, fondling, sucking … what a sight, what a turn on, I almost just stood and watched. But instead I announced, “Girls I’ve made Pasta for us and, in an hour, I’ve booked an Uber to take us into town.”

“Sounds great,” Red replied.

I chuckled and said, “Not you Red, tonight it’s just My Little Girl and I. You will be staying here, inside, waiting for us to return.”

Red’s face was a picture.


“Should we gag her?” My Little Girl had asked before we left for our night out.

“You think?” I replied.

“Yeah, cos she’s bound to cry out when she cums.”

Red’s eyes closed as if resigned to whatever it was we wanted to do to her. Her pussy was slick as the egg vibe whirred inside her body. Her slit wasn’t taped but the small device was pushed deep enough to lodge itself in a hold. She couldn’t escape its heinous intent, and so my slut was right, we should cover her mouth.

We left Red bound and gagged, with tape, and naked, to await our return.


And so now here we were, my Little Girl and I … out on the San Agustin town.

I went to the bathroom only because I knew at least one guy would approach her ... Her short red dress was a killer … And so I decided to stay put after forcing out a piss, washing my hands and checking my phone. I had already quickly called the wife … and all seemed well on that front. I hoped she would be approached and maybe even touched … Fuck what a thought! After a few minutes I felt like it was long enough to wait.

And, sure enough there she was with a several guys competing for her attention. She looked to be having a good time, and they looked quite eager to take a peek under that dress …

I walked right up to her past a couple of the guys who appeared taken aback by my approach. I put my arm around her waist, and asked, "Hey babe, did you miss me?"

She smiled, and replied, "You know I did!" She smirked looking at me with a grin.

I leaned forward and kissed her briefly on the lips, "What do you say we close off our tab, and head out?"

"I would love that." She told me.

“This old guy?”, “Fuck, really?” … the would-be lotharios left muttering their disbelief that a hot chick like my Little Girl could possibly be with me. I loved it.

Whilst getting the bartender's attention, I opened up my phone and ordered an Uber to pick us up and take us back to the apartment. During our ride we laughed about the guys trying to impress her.

“That was fun Mister,” my slut looked at me. I grinned back and leaned down to kiss her.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” I asked with genuine sincerity.

She sighed, relaxation oozing from her body. “Yes Mister, so much. This is great. You, me and her …”. She turned her head towards me. “It’s perfect, thank you.”

This time she kissed me.

It was only a short ride to the apartment and, after paying the cab, we made our way inside.

The slut turned to me and raised her eyebrows. We could hear Red’s gagged and muffled sounds radiating out from the second bedroom, where she was secured … and, no doubt, exhausted and aching.

“Shall we …” My Little Girl asked looking in the direction of the orgasmic agony.

“No, let’s wait a while …” I pulled the slut to me and kissed her again. Her body relaxed into mine, and she kissed me back. So fucking complete.

“Bathroom. Just be a minute.” The slut smiled up at me. I beamed back and nodded. Maybe Red had heard us return, maybe she hadn’t. Maybe she was only semi-conscious, after all we had been gone for three hours. How many orgasms could a girl endure during that time. It was a reverse of the situation when Red and I had left the slut in the Bridewell Cells and gone out to eat.

My Little Girl emerged from the bathroom and started giggling.

I smiled, and asked "What are you giggling about?".

"Oh...I'm just remembered all of those guys blatantly staring at my tits back at the bar." She answered.

I nodded. My cock was hard. My lust was heightened and so I walked up to her, and didn't stop walking until I had her pushed up against the living room wall.

She looked me in the eyes and said "Ohhh Mister, I like this!"

I brought my hand up to her neck getting a solid grip and in an assertive tone said to her, "Oh you do? Do you fucking like this?" I tightened my grip around her neck, "You like to dress like a fucking slut, and tease men huh?"

She looked at me with a panicked look in her eyes, most likely from my very abrupt change in tone and mood.

"I asked you a question, you fucking slut! You fucking answer me when I'm talking to you! Do you like showing off your fucking tits and ass, and flirting with men giving them false hope?" I demanded from her raising my voice.

She nodded and eased my grip from around her neck long enough for her to gasp and reply with a short, "Yes, I do."

"You filthy whore." I said shaking my head. I brushed the loose strands of hair from her face and kissed her once more while still holding onto her neck.

I dropped my hand from her face down to her breasts, and started to fondle the firm flesh unfettered by the constrictions of a bra. She responded by grabbing my hips, and pushing her body towards me. I took my hand away from her neck, broke the kiss, squeezed her breast harder, and slapped her across the face. I looked in her eyes and asked, "You're loving this aren't you, you fucking slut."

"YES!" she said with a crazed look in her eyes, her cheeks red and flustered, she was breathing heavily.

I slapped her, she moaned, and I slapped her again. "Filthy cock teasing cunt." I growled at her, "Get on your fucking knees whore!"

She couldn't have dropped to her knees any faster, and reached for my belt. I slapped her head hard, "Oh so now you're not a fucking cock tease are? You're just a cock hungry slut, are you?"

"Yes, yes I am! Give me your fucking cock, please Mister!" she cried out looking at me with desperate, thirsty eyes.

I smiled down at her, as another stifled cry came from the second bedroom, and I slowly began to unbuckle my belt.

Part 16 – The Girl

It's a party and we're all lovin' it.

We left Abi. I bet she was happy. Naked. Tied-up. Buzzin' inside. I fuckin' envied her. I love her so much.

And him. And me.

Never thought it would be possible.

In the bar.

Teasing guys.

So pretty.

So red in my dress, so pretty. My eyes telling lies. So pretty. Come on. So pretty. Fucking hooker pretty.

Young guys with young eyes and a pretty little girl who fucks for money. They think they know me.

Fuck them.

He likes it when I tease.

Coz I'm so fucking pretty.

And his and Abi's and not their's.

I can flash my legs and hint at my ass and make them dream of my cunt but they are for him and her now. And my mouth. For them, Him and Her.

She's fucking bouncing. Eyes! Wide open. So fucking bouncing!

Fucking lovely sweaty trembly babe that she is.

He fucking loves it.

We let her be. We're all enjoying this.

Slip away. Tease him.

Let him get hot. So he wants me more. So he hits me.

He hits me.

Fucking amazing. Fucking love this.

"You're just a cock hungry slut, are you?"

Yes, I am. He's bang on right. Bang on me with your fucking hand and hurt me I want.

Want his cock in my mouth now. Want to suck him. Want him to pull my hair and hit me some more. Want to kiss hurt.

He wants to. Slowly opening. My fucking mouth wet. My tongue and my teeth. My fingers. Waiting. Hungry to be hurt. Hungry for his cock.

And her, Abi, moaning next door.

Fucking wonderful.

Part 17 – The Guy

She was a cock-whore, My Little Girl … Oh yes, she like pussy too, especially Red’s swollen mound, but in my opinion the slut’s default love was cock!

I undid my belt, unzipped my fly, and flipped my erection out.

My Little Girl’s mouth opened, and she reached for my shaft. I slapped her hand away, and pushed her head back hard against the wall.

I grabbed my cock by the base and began to her hit her pretty features with heavy thuds on her forehead, lips, and cheeks. I grabbed her head and tilted it up towards me, before positioning the shaft over her face from her chin upwards. The slut responded by sticking her tongue out and licking my balls.

I grabbed a fist full of her hair, and pulled on it hard. She yelped and sat up higher on her knees. I grabbed my rigid length and aimed the head towards her mouth … then pushed forward into her lips, and they parted to accommodate me stretched wide in a large ‘O’. I pushed further, my shaft sliding over her tongue, and hitting the back of her throat. My Little Girl choked and gagged, but I didn't stop pushing.

"Fucking cock sucking whore, I don't care if you choke to death, you're taking me into your throat!" I groaned.

Her hands flew to my hips and I expected her to try to push away, so I placed my other hand on the side of her head. However, she had no such intention, as she reached around and pulled me further into her throat, fighting past her gag reflex and angling her head until my balls were resting against her chin.

I pulled back until just the head of my cock was in her mouth, and my slut began inhaling as much as she could through her nose, circling her tongue around my shaft, filling her mouth. She looked up at me, her eyes red, her makeup running in black streaks down her face, and she was actually trying to smile!

I loved her so damn much!

I was pleased that she was having fun, but I didn't want to ruin the mood. I gripped both sides of her head and began to fuck her face/throat with slow and deep strokes.

"You love this don't you, you dirty fucking whore?", I said as I fucked her face.

"Mhm ah hoo." She hummed around my cock.

I grabbed at the front of her dress, just managing to reach it from my standing position, and pulled it down, reaching inside to expose her naked breasts. Her nipples were puffed out, hard and erect. Thick globs of saliva fell from her mouth, down her chin, and onto her breasts as I picked up the tempo of the throat fucking.

I closed my eyes, and just pumped away at her mouth thinking how lucky I am to be here, with these two beauties, especially the one on her knees before me right now!

After a short while I heard her moaning. I opened my eyes, and she had her hands under her dress inside the slip of material that her panties consisted of. My Little Girl was actually playing with herself, as my cock was thrust relentlessly in and out of her throat. I pulled away from her lips leaving thick strands of spit connecting us, and she just panted and moaned, still fingering herself.

I yelled at her, "Who fucking hell gave you permission to play with yourself whore?"

She didn't say anything, she just looked up at me, smiled, and closed her eyes and she kept going. I slapped her in the face, and her head heaved sideways … it was a hard slap and must have hurt.

"WHORE! I didn't fucking tell you to touch yourself! Take your fucking fingers out of your pussy now!"

She pouted and did so, though with obvious reluctance.

"Now grab your fucking tits, push them together around my cock, you're going to make me cum with them!" I instructed as I leaned against the wall bending my body into a new position from which she could carry out my instruction.

I was already very close to cumming, so I knew I wouldn't last long between her firm breasts. On her knees, looking up at me, eyes connected with mine, rocking back and forth in front of me, fucking me between the shadow of her cleavage, my Little Girl was truly beautiful.

"Fuck … fuck, yes, you fucking slut, ohhhhh fuckkkkkkk!" I groaned as I pulled away from her, grabbing my cock and wanking myself over her face and breasts. Thick, white juicy rope-strand after strand streaked her face, and covered her chest, running down onto the material of her dress.

What a fucking mess! Her face red, stained with her makeup, her hair everywhere, covered in my cum, and her own saliva.

We were not done yet though.

I grabbed her by the back of her head, and she instinctively took me back into her mouth and began sucking.

“Clean me dry Little Girl,” I gasped as she proceeded to do just that!

Finally sated, I fell back into the chair as she knelt up on her haunches smiling at me, licking and cleaning my thick seed from her own body.

“Should we go see how Red is doing?” I grinned upon hearing yet another cry from the direction of her flame-haired friend.

The slut smirked and nodded. Holding out my hand for her to take, like romantic lovers we stood and made our way to the room where Red was still bound, gagged and climaxing …

Part 18 – The Girl

It's hard to think when your mouth's fucking full of Him.

Hard to think.

It's just feelings.

Mind drowning in feelings and sensations and wetness and hardness and movement and gasping and grabbing and

Fucking amazing feelings

And bodies.

His and Mine

Him in me.

Fingers over him.

Fucking loving it. My mouth overflowing with him.

Him over my face. My lips. My nose. My eyes. My ears.

Him soaking me. Me soaking me.

Hardness and skin.

And my body aching.

And my fingers opening me and my mouth swirling Him

And it's fucking amazing.

And I'm not thinking of anything. Not of Her. Not of anything.

Maybe of Him.

Him in me.

It's all so fast and all so slow.

Him in me.

My fingers in me.

Him pulling on me. On my hair.

My wetness


On my face.

Sliming me face and my neck with Him. My tongue tying strings of beads to Him.

Fucking my face.

Fucking so fucking good.

Fingers and body and heat and damp and movement and pulling and fucking amazing.

Licking his salty sea, swirling my mouth on his salty sea. Round and round. Whirlpooling his salty sea in my lips and tongue. Swallowing his salty sea.

My breath.

My eyes.

My face swallowed by his salty sea.

My hair, braided by his salty sea.

My fingers, webbed by his salty sea.


Deep sea salt and drowning mermaids and dancing fronds of submerged green and silt and water and soft deep death.





He can do anything with me. Anything. And Her. I think of Her all the time. Her. He can. And to me. Anything.

He can take me anywhere. With Him. My hand, etched with salt. My hand in His hand. To her. To her. Who I think of all the time.



Part 19 – The Guy

“You want her,” I say taking out a vicious looking whip from my case – it was such a damn good job that I wasn’t searched at security.

My Little Girl nods with a worrying amount of enthusiasm. Red, still gagged, and now seemingly so weak that she is almost hanging by her wrists, groans.

We had found the flame-haired beauty slumped in the ropes, thighs and mound glistening, her substantial body artwork shining with perspiring nectar. We could hear the vibe buzzing away like a little, evil Duracell bunny, and then the bound girl, jerked and convulsed and seemed to climax yet again.

The tiled floor beneath her was awash with dark stains where the juices had pooled.

And now she was about to be whipped. Red couldn’t even speak let alone object in any way …

And so … it begins!

My Little Girl, her own face still stained with juices, takes up her position, and whips a diagonal stripe across her lover’s back. Red stiffens and grunts, wincing. The slut strikes her friend again, drawing an ‘X' of welted crimson on her back. Red grunts again, louder, into the gag and her eyes start watering.

The slut lays three horizontal stripes across the bound girl’s ass, and she jerks, grunting louder, sweat now surfacing from her pores.

The whip bites deeply into her Red’s flesh. Her crotch seems to jump out to meet us. The flesh of her bottom flattens when struck. It is a beautiful sight.

My Little Girl is no pro, but she knows how to use this whip, for sure.

"Whip her cunt," I say quietly.

The slut nods with a smirk, and Red, unable to raise the energy to avoid the strokes, accepts the blows with gasps and grunts and quivers, like a woman quietly enjoying a man's tongue as he sucks on her clit … although I am certain that isn’t what it felt like.

I want to take Red down and jam my cock down her throat. Instead, I watch quietly as the whip cuts into her back and then leaves another three stripes on her ass.

My Little Girl beats her lover quickly and efficiently, hitting her with all of her strength, aiming for the full length of her girlfriend’s backside.

Red shudders, twisting slightly, her body absorbing the blows. Blood spots, just small ones, appear all over her skin. Each separate strike drives the air from her beautiful, bound body, even when the whip bites into her ass, the used oxygen forced to exhale free whistling through her nose.

The flame-haired girl grunts and groans under the gag, throwing her head back, her mouth open, and then nasally sniffs in air before the next lashing leaves her breathless again.

The slut whips Red thirty times, welting her skin, marking her body. It’s a wonderful thing to watch.

It takes a little over five minutes.

My Little Girl steps back to look upon the results of her toil. Her victim stands, legs shaking, body trembling, her beautiful hair soaked with sweat that drips over her face.

Grinning I move over to Red, and, picking a small tab of the tape gag from her cheek I rip it away. She grunts and then cries out, thick streams of saliva pouring from between her lips.

"Had enough?" I ask her.

"Fuck off and die," she rasps, clearly not entering into the spirit of the evening.

I nod once more at the slut, who steps back into position.

Her whip stripes Red’s stomach and her ribs; slashes into the sides of her hips; pummels her sternum.

"Her breasts now," I say with whispered menace. "Hit her on her nipples."

Red grits her teeth, wincing and groaning, tears spraying from her eyes, as the whip tries to slice her in half.

"You bastards!" she barks in a spray of spit as the whip's tip grazes across her belly button.

My Little Girl finishes with a violent strike that sounds like a gunshot, the lash almost embedding itself in her lover’s guts.

Red's crying uncontrollably now.

"Enough?" I ask.

She shakes her head once more, glaring at me, determination in her eyes.

Leather slashes Red's firm, round breasts.

Then it’s my turn.

“I have awarded myself forty strokes at you,” I grin. The look on Red’s face and the groan in her throat almost make me ejaculate.

“I'll use twenty of mine on your pretty breasts.”

Red’s eyes close.

I slice into her breasts.

She gags and grunts as the whip digs into breast flesh.

I alternate, firing the leather first into her left breast and then into her right. The cheeks of her face hollow, her eyes bulge, her hands shake, her fingers extend seeking comfort but finding none. Her body undulates like a crawling worm. I pummel her breasts with repeated strokes.

The whip is designed not to draw blood, but my lashes are so vicious that her breasts are dripping from several small openings, like thin shallow rivulets.

Now her slit. Now it was time to give her pussy the attention it really deserved.

I swing underhand. She is too exhausted to cross her thighs, even though her feet are not tied, and so the hard tip buries in between her labia.

Red jumps a little into the air.

I fling the whip with all of my power once again into her slit.

She's like a jumping bean. Spit flows from her mouth.

Still, Red doesn't scream, but she grunts and groans continuously.

I pound away at her cunt.

Crimson droplets coat her thighs. Her red-striped ass turns hard as concrete with each blow, as the lashes indiscriminately rake over her bottom as well as her mound.

Her body's reactions to the beating is similar to her frantic movements when I fuck her. Red appears to embrace the whip just as her pussy had hugged and massaged my cock in the past.

I adjust my aim so that the middle of the whip slashes her cunt and the rest of its length buries itself into the crack of her ass.

Another adjustment so that the tip strikes her anus directly.

The bound girl’s groans are continuous and filled with despair and pain.

With precise aim, the tip flicks inside her opened labia once again. Her body vibrates as if she's being electrocuted.

By the time the hard tip strikes her exposed clit, Red has endured something like a hundred lashes. She is finished. Hanging loose. Barely conscious.

I toss aside the whip.

Red is a beaten, welted piece of succulent female meat.

But her pain is not yet over.

She's covered in stripes, welts and droplets of blood. Her ass is marked and swollen. Her eyes showcase the pain she's suffered.

Red is a very beautiful girl, and she needs to be cleaned up.

"Think about wet tongues licking you all over," I tell her as the slut, under my instruction, fills two small bowls with hot water, before adding a goodly sprinkling of salt into each.

"Imagine that my Little Girl is tasting your skin."

The slut and I dip cloths into a small bowls of very hot salted water and give her a full-body cleaning.

Salt seeps into the small cuts and soaks the welts.

Red convulses, her face a mask of new pain, every muscle in her body twitching as the salt tortures her. Her ass cheeks jump, her breasts shake as she writhes and squirms in her bondage.

I vigorously rub the salt into the stripes cutting across her jutting ass, and in the torn flesh of her ass crack.

Red shudders and whines., her body writhing to our touch.

I scour her marked breasts and her swollen cunt.

She's wailing but not yet screaming.

The slut and I hurt Red for her pain and our pleasure, and for no other purpose. This won't break her. I'm not trying to break her, I just want her to suffer.

Part 20 – The Girl

I'm her maid, soothing her torn flesh. Torn by the lictors for her impertinence. The impertinence of her beauty. Her proud, lovely beauty.

On a marble floor, white columns, the tinkling fountain, soft drapes moving in the evening breeze. The sun setting over the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Her maid. Who loves her. And envies her.

Who's enjoying every moment.

As she twists and trembles in her agony.

As she stares up with tear filled eyes that ask why I did it?

Why I hurt her so.

Why I whipped her with my teeth locked together and spittle coming from my mouth with each cruel stroke.


Because wasn't I the one who loved her?

I stroke her. Her broken beautiful body. That I have hurt.

I stroke her with the salty sea.

With his salty sea. With him.

I want to hurt her and I want her to want to hurt me.


I envy her.

But I want to hurt her so very much.

I have hurt her.

I want to hurt her more. And her to hurt me.

And now I want him to fuck me. Tenderly. In front of her. So she watches him loving me.

And I want to drink Champagne. In front of her.

Her tied and bloody.

Her crying. Her hurting.

And I want to be hurt.

I want to slit her open with the carving knife from the kitchen,

I want to slit myself open with the carving knife from the kitchen,

I want to lie my bloody body, my belly torn open, on her bloody body. My breasts on her breasts.

And I want to lie with her.

With her bleeding body.

And make love to her.

Our legs intertwined. Scissors that cut our cunts.

And him to watch.

Drinking a glass of wine.

Watch us lift our naked bodies. Our bellies trembling. Our mouths open and gasping. Our sex.

Watch us sweat, glisten under the lamps. Moan.

Watch us love each other.

And then he can hurt me and she can hurt me.

I want to kiss her.

I want her to cry as I touch her torn flesh.

Part 21 – The Guy

“How is she?”

“She’s okay Mister, ‘course she is. She loved what you did to her, and the fact you made her hate it makes her love it even more, or at least it does now that it’s over …”

I furrowed my brow at her very contrived sequence of words, and then she looked at me and we both burst out laughing.

I knew what she meant.

Red lay in the bed. We had already discovered the spare laundry cupboard and so we would just make sure the sheets were changed before we left. Red would be leaving small little blood stains over the new, crisp white covering already.

The flame-haired girl’s eyes were open and she was looking at me, awake and aware … but very clearly exhausted.

“Come here,” the tone I used with the slut made my intent obvious to the point where my Little Girl moved towards me and, without further word, quickly dropped to her knees to inspect my hidden bulge.

All that remained were my boxers, I had already taken off everything else, and she made an event out of removing those. Using her delicate, feminine touch, My Little Girl slid down my underwear, my rock-hard shaft springing out, nearly hitting her in the face and her eyes twinkled with what I knew to be lust.

No further instructions were necessary. The slut wrapped her sweet lips around my cock, sucking on the tip before working her way down my shaft. She was a skilled cocksucker, bobbing her head, up and down, before attempting to take my entire length.

"Oh yes, aaaahh fuck! That feels so fucking good my sweet Little Girl," I moaned aloud as I stroked her silky dark hair.

The warmth of her mouth around me was a similar feeling to that of her pussy around my tongue; a sensation that drove me wild ... actually everything about this Little Girl drove me wild. As the tip of my swollen head slipped into her welcoming throat, I gazed at her adorable face. She sunk her long, painted black fingernails deep into my legs as she slid her mouth further down on my throbbing shaft.

Each passing second felt better and better, and by the time she stopped to catch her breath I had been reduced to a gasping, panting, but still very erect, ecstatic 58 year old.

My Little Girl quickly repeated the process, this time forcing my length even further down her throat. It was too much for me to bear without cumming … almost.

I looked down towards the bed, at Red. Her gaze was directed at us. She said nothing but she was watching every lap of her girlfriend’s tongue on my body. Was she feeling a pang of jealousy? I sure hoped so!

Pulling the slut to her feet I slipped the killer red dress from her shoulders.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered, the full effect of the love I felt for her evident, or at least I hoped it was, in my words.

She smiled as my lips moved to hers. A slow, sensual kiss ensued in full view of Red, and then, when we finally parted, I said … “Turn around and grip the end of the bed. I want you to look at Red, your lover, your girlfriend. Catch her eyes with yours and never let go …”

I heard my slut moan. My cock was aching, I needed release.

She obeyed and in seconds I was looking down upon my Little Girl’s firm, peachy ass staring back at me, covered only by a thin whisp of lace. I gripped the thong at either side and slipped the material slowly down her thighs, fighting back the urge to simply rip her panties away.

I heard her gasp, felt her shudder.

“I’m gonna fuck her ass now Red, you girl, your lover …” I loved saying those words. Loved the fact that she was looking at us.

I pushed at the slut’s shoulders, forcing her posture down, giving me full access to her naked rear. The Little Girl reacted very well to my dominant disposition, going as far as to raise her cute bottom as high as she could, giving me the perfect angle of penetration.

And penetrate I did, far faster and harder than I had previously done with her. She was no ass virgin and needed no lubrication, just the solidity of my shaft. I put each ounce of strength into every thrust, the slightly tanned flesh of her bottom rippling slightly as it came into harsh contact with my thighs time and again. The sounds of my relentless, punishing thrusts brought me close to orgasm too quickly, and as I tried to hold out, I felt her walls tighten around me, dragging me deeper ...

Both My Little Girl and myself were on the brink of staggering climaxes, but I didn’t want it yet.

“Slow your fingers down slut,” I said quietly seeing that she was fingering herself …

Then she cried out as I pulled my throbbing, almost-there cock free of the sweet confines of her anal passage

"And look at me. I want to see the look in your eyes as I fuck you like a dirty whore!" Her groan of pleasure was exquisite, as my Little Girl gifted me her best pair of "fuck me" eyes.

The force of my thrusts had only helped stretch her ass-hole even more. “Relax Little Girl,” I said, the tone infused with intended gentleness, as I took my shaft into the palm of my hand.

The eye contact we made was intense as I squeezed the tip of my cock back into her asshole.

And I began to fuck her again. The more pushed I forward, the more her ass strangled my cock, and the harder I got.

"Fuck Mister, that feels so good,”

I grinned at her words, “Can you see this Red. You got lashed but your girlfriend gets a loving ass-fucking …”

A long, loud groan signified how deep I was inside the slut’s body, and I gripped her hair, pulled her upwards and then leaned down so that I could kiss her softly.

“I love you,” I said again, the words sincere and now coming easily to me. I did love her, like I had never loved anyone before.

With every long, loud, erotic thrust came an even louder, more erotic noise from my Little Girl's mouth. I watched as she closed her eyes, maybe … hopefully, overwhelmed by the sensations I was creating for her.

I felt the blood engorging my cock as the inevitable, impending orgasm drew near. Judging by the look on her face and the tightness of her grip on me, she was getting close too.

My sweet princess trembled as her asshole contracted, and then she climaxed. Wonderfully, beautifully so and I kissed her with a genuine intensity of passion as her orgasm washed through her.

Moments later, my thigh muscles tensed and my cock throbbed … the time was here.

My back arched and my head threw backwards.

“Ohhhhhh fuck, ohhhhh shit yessssss!” I could not stop myself from crying out. As the force of my climax pushed my Little Girl onto the bed upon which Red was resting … and watching.

"Fuck Mister, what was that! I can't believe you came so hard. Fuck soooo gooood!" She purred as my softening shaft fell from her.

My Little Girl put her cerebellum to work, desperately trying to hold herself up without my assistance. Unfortunately, her lower body was almost completely useless, still ravaged from the ass-pounding I had just imposed upon her, and which she had gratefully received.

She collapsed onto her knees, her head positioned just below my cock. Almost instinctively, My Little Girl wrapped her lips around the still swollen and dripping head, her fingers around the softening shaft, and wanked it hard, making sure every last drop of my seed was somewhere inside of her.

“Go pour yourself wine Mister, then come back and watch. I’m gonna bring Red off for you …”

I laughed out loud.

Did I say I love this girl? I simply adore her.

“You’d do that for me?” I asked.

“Right now Mister, I would do anything for you …”

Fuck! My cock trembled and my heart melted.

I really couldn't imagine life without this beautiful, sweet slut.

I didn't want to imagine it.

And right now, I didn't have to.

“You enjoy her, my sweet Little Girl, you deserve her. Even salacious perverts like me need a rest sometime. I’m gonna take a shower … alone. But when you’re finished with your friend come to me, I’ll be waiting.”

I paused briefly, and then added, “Tonight you sleep in my bed.”

Part 22 – the Girl

“She’s okay Mister, ‘course she is. She loved what you did to her, and the fact you made her hate it makes her love it even more, or at least it does now that it’s over …”

She loved every moment. I knew she did. And I envied her at that moment, but only for a moment. He was a sharer. I knew that. I smiled. I knew.

He wanted me now.

My mouth opened to him.

All of him. The whole of him.

We kissed. He turned me. I so wanted this.

He opened me and I opened to him. My path strewn with petals for him. Open wide. Church-door wide for him. Well-deep for him. Into me. Into my church. Worshiping in my church. Drinking my wine. Touching me deep inside. I'm lost. So very lost. In a special place. He's making me a special place. Of such sweet pleasure. Loving me. Really loving me. Loving me hard til I hurt, his swell growing inside me.

Turning my face to him. Kissing him. Loving Him. At this moment. More than anyone.

So fucking awesome. So fucking amazing.

Trembling my body on him.

Electric trembling.

Panting trembling.

Hot wet trembling.

And exploding. Wonderful explosions. Exploding one after another. In stars and flashes and surges and it's fucking wonderful.

And Him. A firestorm. A torrent. A magnificent flood. I can't believe what is happening. I.... He...Fuck soooo gooood!

Folding. I'm done. He's done me. Folding. Collapsing. Beautiful fall. Tumbling.

On my knees. Look up to Him. Look over to Her. Loving Him and Her. So fucking much. It shouldn't be. Me. Here. Him. Here. Her. Here. Us. Here. Impossibly here. Impossibly gorgeous. Impossibly crazy. Here. So fucking amazingly beautiful. She is. So fucking beautiful. Lying there. Sweat-coated and marked. So beautifully marked.

And so. For Him. And for me. And for Her. I tell him. I will do anything for Him right now. I'll bring her for him. Now. Just for Him. And I love her so much and, now, I love Him. Us. I want this for Him. Her, me. Us. We want to do this for Him. A beautiful trade. A love-trade. Love for pain for love for pain for love. I'm lost in the circle. I don't know which place it starts. It just rolls on for us. Her and Him and me. Fucking crazy lucky joy-filled us.

He turns. 'Tonight you can sleep in my bed'.

Him. Me. I want to sleep in his bed. Tenderly. I want Him to touch my Agate-Stone. To touch me softly. To gently roll the heels of his hands over my hard nipples. To bite my neck. To kiss my Agate-Stone. I want Him tonight.

And I can't stop thinking about lying on her. Her belly torn open. My belly torn open. The knife from the kitchen. Torn open by Him. Our bleeding naked bodies torn open by Him. And at this moment, this moment, I know I love Him...

Part 23 -The Guy

The next morning we slept in a little, but soon we were ready to get poolside. We had a light breakfast from room service and were preparing to head out.

“Sun cream Mister,” she was still calling me Mister even though we now seemed closer than we ever had before. She continued with her guidance … “Put it on before you get dressed. You don't miss any spots and you don't get it on your swim shorts, or anywhere else.”

We did each other's backs, like a proper couple, and then started to cover the rest of our bodies. My Little Girl was putting on quite a show, obviously for my benefit. It was having the desired effect too.

Running her hands all over her body was a very erotic sight. Since I was paying rather close attention, I couldn't help but notice that she was putting on the sunscreen nearly as if she was going out in the sun totally naked.

The only spots she missed were her nipples and her pussy. She had especially given her ass a good coating. At first I assumed it was just to add to the effect, but the more she acted like this the more I hoped that the covering of cream reflected the skin she would be exposing poolside today.

“I wonder how she slept, I mean A …” My Little girl looked at me, her lips stopped mid-word. She was about to speak Red’s name out loud. I smiled and raised my eyebrows, smirking as she continued “… Red, I mean, I wonder if she slept okay after what we did and everything.”

After my Little Girl had put Red to bed, and then had her ass fucked by me, she had then made out with her friend, while I had a shower. I had then allowed the slut to take her exhausted friend into the shower and then finally to bed. Although it had caused her greater agony, I knew that the salted water would heal her skin far quicker than if we hadn’t applied it.

“She was okay when you left her wasn’t she?” I questioned.

“Yep, she was, I think. She moaned and groaned a lot though …”

I grinned.

“Not because of ‘that’ you perv. It was because we had beaten her almost senseless!”

I laughed as the slut went to the dresser and took out her swim suit. I finished off my cream while she slipped it on her naked body, but then, when I turned around, I audibly gasped.

"You like?" she teased.

My God! It was pale yellow, which I was sure would sparkle in the sun but become totally translucent when wet, drawing even more attention to it (as if that was necessary). I could have made this suit out of some string and a small scrap of fabric, and still had material left over.

There were two tiny triangles of materials, plus some string, that formed the top. The distance between them was a good two inches. I saw no way that it could stay in place. It barely covered her nipples and that was all, plus the material was such that you could fairly clearly see the outline of her aureole, though it was totally opaque … currently.

The bottom was similar. It was made up of a brief triangular piece that started half way down her shaved mound, and narrowed to something slightly wider than a Band-Aid that ended deep in her crack just far enough up the back to cover her small, tight hole … the one that I had breached so deeply and satisfyingly the evening before.

The rest was three pieces of string. That it didn't fall off while she was standing there seemed to defy the laws of gravity. I was certain she couldn't move and keep it on.

I smirked to myself as I realised that inside my head I sounded like her father might sound … though my inentions were completely different.

“Fuck!” I finally managed to reply.

She laughed and moved to me, pushing against my body, stiffening my groin.

“We could if you like,” My Little Girl purred.

And so … we did!


“Those guys are looking at you.” I spoke to my Little Girl from the comfort of the sun lounger next to her.

She flipped herself over to lay on her back and looked askance at me. Grinning she replied, “Yep they are, aren’t they.”

I laughed at her audacity. I loved this girl so damn much and today, especially today after leaving Red at the apartment, it felt like it was just her and me.

I knew she would never let Red go, but right now just for the time being, I wanted to enjoy her company. Just before leaving the apartment, with the slut flaunting her body in the tight skimpy yellow bikini, we made love. We didn’t fuck, I didn’t beat her nor torture her … I made love to her. Slowly, gently, rapturously … and it was so damn erotic … and sensual.

She liked to be hurt, and I liked hurting her, but she was a vibrant girl and she liked to be wined and dined and made love to as much as the next vibrant girl.

Oh yes, I loved her alright, and my passion was growing. I hoped I could keep it in check, because despite my developing feelings, I knew that what we had now was how it must work. Anything more and the world that I knew would explode in my face …

So here we were at the shared pool, with all and sundry ogling my Little Girl.

“Yes!” I felt like shouting, “She IS mine, so go fuck yourselves …” but those words stayed inside my head.

“Text her, Red. Get her to come out here in her bikini, the skimpiest one she has. She can sit in the shade but I want everyone to see her body. The myriad small cuts, the welts, the swollen flesh …”

My Little Girl laughed as she began to type. “Okay I will, but who the fuck uses words like myriad, Mister?”

Part 24 – The Girl

My lovely moaning crying kissing Abi.

Me and her and a cool, fresh bed.

Me and her and her hurt. Me and her and what she has seen.

But it's me and her and it's always me and her. Us.

Lying there. Sleeping gently, waking gently.

I love her so much. I love being with her lovely body, her lovely stripes. Her lovely lips and hair and cunt. Her soft, sweet, honey cunt.

Me and her.

Always Her.

And Him. Him too. I guess that's ok.


Him who fucks me and who I like to fuck me and who I like to suck off and who I like to hurt me.


He's ok. He's more than ok.

Sighs and sleeping and kisses on her nipples and on her clit and on her eyes. Her lovely eyes. Her wet lips. All her lips.

I almost told Him Her name. Almost. Not to be told. Her name and my name are our secrets. We have lots of secrets. We're girls.

I know he loves me, in his own way. I know he'd like to have me always, in his own way. Without messing up his life, his wife. In his own way he loves me and in my own way I love him. Bi baby. Sweet Bi Baby. Just for him though. I love Her truly and forever. I love her tenderly and infinitely. I love him in His own way. I love to be fucked by him. I love to be hurt by him. Him. Him Him Him Him.

He loves how I look. I'm super pretty for Him today. Super sexy pretty so he wants to fuck me here and now and all the time. He's so fucking hard. He can't help himself. He wants to fuck me so much. I roll against him. He wants me. I want him to fuck me now and he can't stop himself. He wants me. Now.

I like it.

By the pool. So fucking pretty for Him. Guys look at my prettiness. Lucky guys. I'm pretty.

He's jealous. That's so nice. He's showing me off. That's so nice too.

It's so nice being here, being showed off. His Little Girl. His little plaything. His little fuck-toy. His little pain-slut. It's so fucking nice.

He wants to show off Abi too. He's so doh sometimes. His words! He's so fucking doh. But he wants to show her off. Her and her fucked-over body. So they can see. I think I like that. Us two. His little toy girls. I want them to look at us and at Him and feel fucking envious. They should. They have no idea how lucky he is. And they have NO fucking idea how lucky us two little Bi-Babies are.... We are two lucky fucking slut babies. So fucking lucky happy pretty sweet and fuckable we are. Just for him.

Part 25 – The Guy

Sounds came from over the small wall that partitioned the beach full of people playing merrily in the surf from the shared poolside where we all now relaxed. However, we, my Little Girl and I, were in our own little world.

The sun was so damn hot, and the weather just perfect, in fact everything about this was perfect. How I would let her go back home, away from me when this was over, I didn’t want to think about. But that wasn’t today’s problem.

Right now, the slut and I were comfortably ensconced in the bubbling hot tub looking out over the expanse of white stone floor that surrounded the pool.

Red sat back on her lounger, and she looked anything but relaxed. The slut had told her to join us, as I instructed, and she had dragged her magnificently marked body outside … moreover, Red was wearing the smallest bikini imaginable … If that wasn’t enough to turn heads and grab the attention on offer, her welted flesh covered in small little red pin heads where the cuts had turned from droplets into small scabs, just added to her allure.

And now we had left her alone on the sun lounger, in the shade, with the order to remove her bikini top and expose her breasts …

“Look at her, doesn’t she look hot?”

My Little Girl floated over to me and settled herself between my legs before leaning back against my chest. We drank wine, watched the seagulls soar across the sky and listened to the roar of the ocean pounding on the sand just a short distance away, while my fingers ran across her shoulders, neck and down her arms causing small goose bumps to form. She shivered delightfully. I could see her nipples already beginning to push against the fabric of her skimpy, thin bikini top.

“She is hot,” I replied.

The slut turned her head to look at me, “Hotter than me?”

I grinned and pulled her all the way to me, my sweet little princess. “No one is hotter than you,” I said, and, as she cradled her head into the side of my neck, my Little Girl purred.

My fingers danced lightly across her throat and down over the top of the exposed cleavage. She pushed back into me. Her lips parted and her tongue padded a sheen of moisture around them before she kissed my neck. A soft kiss that barely touched me but enough to cause a slight stirring down below.

"I think this is in the way." I said reaching for the clasp of her bikini top. It came undone easily but My Little Girl stopped it from sliding off.

"There are people all around," she warned. "What if someone sees?"

I grabbed her hand that still gripped at the fabric. I smiled at the fact that for such a weird, fucked-up, pain-seeking girl, my slut was being awfully bashful.

"No one can see us," I laughed, but I knew they really could.

I pulled her hand away and the top slid slowly from her breasts and across her hard nipples. Pulling it from her, I dropped the bikini top to the wooded deck surrounding the tub.

My Little Girl turned and smirked at me. "Well fair is fair Mister."

I felt her hands on my hips grabbing at my shorts and pulling them forcefully down.

I laughed, my spirit freed by her presence. When my Little Girl is around, I really do feel thirty years younger! Well, fair is fair I guess, and so I lifted my hips and my shorts also found their home on the floor next to her top.

“Look Mister, there’s a guy talking to … Red.” Another pause in my Little Girl’s sentence that almost revealed her friend’s name.

I gave her a devilish grin and pulled her into me, feeling her hard nipples push into my chest as my hand ran down her back and into her bikini bottoms. "Yes, my sweet slut, fair is fair.”

She grunted as I began to pull loose the string ties at each side of her bottoms. My slut made no attempt to stop me.

“Will she go with him?” I asked.

“I hope not,” my slut replied. “I don’t mind sharing her with you, but …”

“Dry your hands, pick up your phone and text her. Tell her to fuck him … but not to go back to the room to do it. Tell her to take him somewhere outside and do it.”

For a second the Little Girl looked crestfallen. “Please Mister, don’t …”

My look gave her the answer. As my exposed under-water cock hardened, the slut did as I asked.

Nodding at her saddened face, I beckoned her back to me. Putting the phone on the wooden side table she made her way to me.

“Did you object to that little one?” I asked.

Scrunching her nose in a delightful manner, she shrugged her shoulders. “If it pleases you, then …”

I pulled her bottoms all the way from her firm ass and pushed her away again. The slut floated on her back away from me as the bottom of her suit slid down her legs and off. She changed direction and floated back into my arms, her hand finding its way easily below the water and wrapping itself around my now hard cock.

"Fair?" she inquired sheepishly while giving me a little tug.

"Very." I whispered into her ear. "But today is all for you my darling Little Girl. I just want you to relax and enjoy."



"Okay." she said and then plunged her head under the water. I felt her lips surround the head of my cock. Her tongue swirled across the sensitive skin and the tickled the underside of my shaft.

“Holy fuck!” I groaned as a couple of heads turned to look our way.

The slut grabbed my hips with both hands and pulled herself down, taking most of me deep into her mouth. Her lips clasped firmly around my shaft and she applied a gentle suction as she made her way back to the head.

My Little Girl resurfaced, the water cascading over her shoulders and laughed. "Sorry, I just had to do that."

"Fuckkkkk!" I laughed back pulling her to me and meeting her soft lips with mine. Her lips parted for my tongue and we stayed locked in that position for a while.

“Look Mister,” she angled her head towards the loungers. Red was taking the hand offered by the guy and standing. Her body was virtually naked, given that she was topless, a state of undress that was perfectly acceptable in this vicinity.

“She’s going with him,” I stated the obvious just for the record.

As my Little Girl stood by the side of the tub, her bare breasts covered by the side, I moved in behind her.

“Does that piss you off?”

She sighed. “Not really. I know she’s doing it only cos you said she must, and I know she’ll come back, so …”

My hands ran up and down the length of the slut’s body caressing every inch of skin I could reach, finding their way across her soft inner thighs and hard jutting nipples.

Then I pulled away. I wanted her pleasure to build over the course of the next couple hours. I wanted her to relax completely into our own waves of joy.

As Red walked past, hand in hand with this guy, she looked our way. She wasn’t smiling.

“Don’t piss her off too much Mister, please?” The slut grinned at me, and I moved my mouth to hers.

We broke from the kiss to catch our breath and I poured us more wine. My Little Girl sat next to me sipping her from the glass, my arm around her and her leg thrown over mine. Every once in a while, she would reach down between my legs but I would just sigh and playfully slap her hand.

I pulled her around in front of me again and massaged her shoulders trying to work out what little tension still resided there.

I could feel the stress wash off her as her body gave in to my insistent kneading. Finally, the bottle of wine finished and any residual tension vanquished, my hands made their way down to her firm breasts, floating provocatively in the tub before me. I massaged around the outsides slowly, delving deeply into the tissue, and then letting my touch slide over her skin to her nipples. I gently took them between my thumb and first finger and squeezed, rolling them, feeling them swell to my touch.

“Ohhhh Mister, yes please, don’t stop.” I glanced around to make sure that no one was watching, and they weren’t. The tub was raised from the main floor level and so even when standing it was hard to see inside … which was a good job given the show being put on by the slut and I.

My Little Girl let out a soft sigh. “Do you think he’s fucking her right now?” she said quietly.

“I think she’s on her knees sucking his cock, and he’s preparing to take her ass …”

She let out another groan.

“Wonder if he’ll ask about the whip marks,” she added.

“I hope so,” I replied.

Pushing her forward I then added, “Lie out flat with your shoulders on my knees.”

She did as instructed, and found herself floating on her back in the hot water, my knees on her shoulders keeping her head afloat. Her breasts peeking out of the water, the warm air blowing over her wet nipples caused them to stiffen harder than I had ever seen them before, or so it seemed. She let her arms float out to the sides. It was then that she noticed my actual intention.

She tilted her head back and looked at me with a glint in her eye and a grin that said it all. She parted her legs and let the hot tub jet have full access to her waiting pussy. The water bubbled between her legs and I could only imagine the sheer pleasure that was coursing through her pussy and believe it or not caused her nipples to swell even more.

“Fucking hell Mister, oh my good … fucckkkkk!”

I kept caressing her shoulders and the top of her breasts with one hand while the other ran softly over her face and across her sweet lips. She ran her tongue over my finger before sucking it into her mouth to the knuckle.

Her eyes never left mine until they rolled up into her eyelids and her whole body shook as the orgasm pulsed through her.

In her unbridled ecstasy she sank beneath the water and I had to grab her to keep her from going under. Upon her reappearance my Little Girl threw her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. My hand slid across her stomach and landed on her clit. She tossed her head back and let a deep groan rumble in her throat.

I took two fingers and drove them into her pussy easily. Her hips thrust against them wanting more.

"I need you right now." The slut moaned into my ear. Her legs wrapped around my waist and with no effort at all impaled herself on my waiting cock. She took it to the hilt and let out a quiet cry as she writhed into her impalement.

I leaned back against the side of the hot tub lost in the feeling of my Little Girl’s passion.

Life was so damn wonderful!

Part 26 – The Girl

I slip away. Into the room. Into the bathroom. Away so short a time He doesn't notice I'm not there. Not there floating on my back between his legs, my eyes looking up at Him, His hands stroking my breasts, my cunt. Away so short a time.

Wet. Beads of water tracking down my lovely nakedness. Leaning against the open frame of the bi-folds. Looking at him, his back. Looking at the deck and the jacuzzi and the pool. And him. His back to me. He hasn't noticed I'm not there. He's still got me between his legs. Stroking me. My head rolled back, my eyes gazing up at him. Good little girl's eyes.

And looking beyond the deck, over the sand to where the pink-black blocks of shattered granite tumble to the edge of the blue-white rollers. I can see Her. I can't see Her. Hidden between the blocks of granite where the boys took her, holding her by the hand, laughing. Her face. Her mouth. Closed. Her eyes. Looking ahead. Her hair lifted by the breeze. The boys. Chattering. Unsure. Excited and scared. To where I can't see her they take her.

And there, where I can't see her, I watch as they walk around her. Her body still. As the one who thinks he is the leader unties the thin laces of her bikini. They walk around her, afraid of her body. He picks up courage. Touches her. Traces the marks on her. Cups a breast in his hand. Strokes her cheek. She doesn't smile. She doesn't look at him.

He puts his hands on her shoulders. Firmly pushes her down. She's kneeling. Goes behind her. Shoves her. She's on all fours. Crouching. She doesn't smile. He pushes her again. Her face is almost touching the sand, she leans on her fore-arms. He goes behind and lowers himself. Pulls out his sex. Opens her ass. Rubs himself firm. Opens her wider. Pushes himself in. Tells one of the others. Get under her. Tells her. Suck him off. She doesn't smile. She looks ahead. She obeys Him.

He grabs her waist. Lifts her over. Her mouth full of seed, her face covered in white juice, flecked with sand. She doesn't smile. She looks straight ahead. He pushes her onto her back. He slips his fingers, wetted with spittle, into her cunt. He fucks her hard. She doesn't move. Another sits over her. Opens her lips. Shoves himself in. Fucks her mouth. Comes over her hair, her face, her breast. And then another. And another. First one. Then another. Her mouth. Her cunt. Her ass. One. Another.

She's lying on the sand where I can't see her. Hidden behind the jumble of pink-black granite. Her moans hidden by the crash of the surf. The boys appear. Whooping. Laughing. Joshing. A late luncheon at some Oxbridge college falling into the quad. How he fucked the server's daugher. Geraldine. Sweet little Irish Geraldine. How he fucked her behind the library in the Fellows' Garden. How he shoved her into his too-small bed in his book-filled study overlooking the chapel. How small her tits were. How tight her cunt was. How he looked at her mother when she served him in Hall. And she's lying there, on the sand. Covered in sand and their seed and she's not smiling and she's staring straight ahead.

And I look at my lovely beautiful body. At the beads of water making little rivulets down me as they slide over my breasts. And I look at the still faint marks on me. And I look at the darkness where He burnt His ownership onto me. Onto my mound. So I would be His.

I can see her now as she walks back towards us. She's wearing her bikini. Her red bikini. She's swum in the sea. She isn't smiling. She looks straight ahead.

And I go back to him in the jacuzzi and nuzzle down between His legs as the warm bubbles fill my cunt and roll over me. And I lift my body up so He can see all of me and my belly and my breasts and my eyes that look at Him and I lower myself onto Him and he fucks me and I am His.

Part 27 – The Guy

“Tell us baby,” I watched as the slut stroked Red’s cheek, “Say it like the Mister asked you to …” She was coaxing her friend along, the two of them sitting on the couch in the living area while I sat in the leather chair opposite them.

Red chewed on her bottom lip some more before saying, “I let them fuck me down by the rocks, near the sea by the edge of the beach …”

“… and is that where you sucked them off too Red?” I was pushing the point now. We knew it had been a ‘them’, we had seen them returning, laughing and joking, right about the time my Little Girl had returned from visiting the rest rooms.

Red nodded slowly and then looked at my Little Girl.

“I’m sorry …” was all she said.

“It’s okay baby,” the slut was now cradling her lover’s head, “kiss me please …” As the slut said this to her lover, she looked across at me. I smiled and nodded.

Without a word she pulled away and and took Red’s face in her hands before placing her mouth slowly onto her friend’s moist lips. And then Red kissed her back, and I mean really kissed her.

My Little Girl reciprocated in full whilst I stood watching … mesmerised. Finally, it ended and Red stood grinning at my Little Girl. She was happy again. All was well with the world.

Joining hands, the flame-haired girl started to walk towards the bedroom. The slut glanced at me before allowing herself to be led, as Red, without turning to face me said, "You coming too Mister?"


Sitting watching, my cock aching for release, I was dragged into the scene. My Little Girl was now laid naked on the bed with Red having buried her face between her lover’s thighs leaving me to kiss her adorable lips.

Moaning into my mouth my Little Girl was lost, completely and utterly. Then, a different kind of moan. One that said 'please don't stop' and lifting my face I saw Red, wearing only her white lace panties, kneeling up between the slut’s widespread legs, her chin shining with moisture, her face split with a wide smile as she slowly, and very provocatively licked the juices from around her mouth.

I felt decidedly over dressed in my shirt and jeans, though somewhere along the way I had managed to rid myself of my shoes and socks. My head was spinning a little, with the wine we had drunk in the hot tub and the headiness of this situation.

“I want to watch you two kiss," Red said. "You guys are so together these days, it will be so cool to see you kiss, really kiss. Go on, please …"

My Little Girl looked up onto my eyes, and gave me a look that said, ‘yes let’s’. I leaned down and our lips met. I placed my hands on her hips and groaned into her mouth as her hand cupped my balls through the thick denim. We kissed for a glorious age, as I slid my hand around, under her body to fondle her tight, puckered asshole.

I felt hands at my waist, and they weren't my Little Girl’s.

"Oh fuck, you’re so ready!" Red exclaimed as she pulled down my jeans, and my boxers with them, allowing my cock to spring loose.

"Let me, please." Red's fingers took over responsibility for lightly caressing my balls and my now completely erect cock. As my Little Girl and I broke the kiss, I looked over just in time to see a now fully naked Red, move her hand quickly away from her own pussy. She had been touching herself with her free hand while watching the slut and I kiss. My cock, which I didn't think could get harder, got harder, under her wonderful touch.

"Now," said the slut, "… it’s your turn to kiss … “ She looked at Red and I whilst chewing on her bottom lip.

We willingly did as she had asked.

As Red's lips met mine I felt the difference in texture, slightly thinner and not quite so full as my Little Girl's, whose hand was stroking my back. I felt my cock twitch, it was now as hard as it has ever been.

Red was surprisingly tentative kissing me, almost like she was still concerned that my Little Girl would object, but the slut moved up beside us and placed her hands on the backs of each of our heads, holding us together. Red let go of any inhibition, finally realising that her lover wanted to see the kiss, as much as she, Red, wanted to perform it.

Eventually, my Little Girl, holding her lover’s hair in her fist, pulled us apart and they kissed. Then, in turn, the slut kissed, me before pushing her friend and I back together.

We stayed in this position for quite a while. Alternating kisses between the three of us, and sometimes even tangling three tongues together. It was incredibly erotic. Over the course of kissing, my hands had found the slut’s ass once again, as her touch found my erection.

It was time to move up a gear.

My Little Girl, whose natural instincts seemed to be putting her in control, made her intentions VERY clear. Grasping my cock, she pulled upward and told me to stand up.

"WE are going to suck your cock." she said.

I couldn't stand up quickly enough. The girls' kissing continued as I stood and they had simply replaced my tongue with my cock as part of this three-way exchange.

The ultimate fantasy ménage-a-trois! They kissed and licked the swollen head and ran their mouths up and down the shaft, each with a hand on my ass. The sensation I felt was rivalled only by the amazing view I had of these two beautiful student girls sucking my cockhead and licking at my shaft.

I am not ashamed to say that I didn't last very long. The slut took the head fully into her mouth and bobbed up and down several times and then offered it to Red, who followed suit. This only lasted a minute or so before I came.

“Fuck … fuck … fuckkkkkkk …” I had all but lost any other words from my normally extensive vocabulary!

The first stream went directly into my Little Girl’s mouth before her oral hold on me was replaced by her friend and lover. Red took the rest of my seed down her throat, and then, as if this wasn't enough, the girls kissed, passing my thick juice between their glorious lips.

As I flopped back onto the same comfortable seat from earlier, to enjoy the view, their hands, no longer having me to hold, began to explore one other’s bodies. They found each other’s breasts and lovingly caressed nipples, aureoles, teats, each curve deserving of focused attention, their tongues still fucking hard inside a merged mesh of mouths.

Red then pushed my Little Girl a little away and began kissing down her neck, coming closer and closer to her breasts. The slut had her head back and her eyes closed enjoying her lover’s mouth on her body. She gasped as Red found her nipple and flicked it between her teeth. She kissed and sucked on my Little Girl's erect teats, first one then the other as the slut fell back onto the bed, abandoning herself to the whims of her friend.

Despite it softening, with an absent mind, I had begun to play with my cock. My Little Girl opened her eyes and we made eye contact. She looked as wanton as I had ever seen her as she managed to smile at me through the passion. The smile grew a little as she realized that Red was moving below her breasts, down to her stomach.

Lifting my Little Girl's ass slightly, Red said, "Move up a little and open your legs gorgeous girl, I want to eat you."

As my Little Girl raised her body and placed her ass on the edge of the bed, she spread her legs wide. I moved the chair a little closer to see the action, just as Red's tongue ran the length of the slut’s shining pussy.

She let out a feral moan as her slit was opened and sucked upon. Red pushed her mouth deep into her lover’s body and fucked her with her tongue, in and out several times and my Little Girl just moaned. I was completely mesmerised as Red found the slut’s clit, flicking her tongue quickly back and forth over it, coaxing it from under the hood.

With that, my Little Girl grabbed Red's head with both hands and thrust her pussy forward, causing her friend to cry out. She looked over at me, sitting beside them with my cock in my hand.

“Why are you just sitting there," she asked, grinning.

I took that as my cue to rejoin the scene. However, with the way that they were positioned, there was only one place to go. I tentatively looked at my Little Girl as I moved over beside Red and put my hand on her back. The flame-haired girl shivered a little, but never broke mouth contact with the slut’s pussy. My Little Girl nodded and beamed a lust fuelled smile.

With that, I kissed Red across the shoulders and licked down her spine. She moaned into my Little Girl’s pussy. She had closed her eyes once more, and her body was beginning to tense and tighten. She was very near to her orgasm.

Slowly I licked down Red's back, before placing my hand on her ass. She wiggled a little, so as to get her pussy closer to my fingers. I touched her asshole then put my finger in her pussy. She was so fucking wet …

I fingered her briefly kissing Red ass cheek, then changed positions so that I was completely behind her. Her pussy, ass and the length of her slender back stared me in the face.

Red had one hand wrapped around her lover’s leg, holding her pussy lips open and the other was massaging the slut’s pussy. I watched from behind Red's naked body as my Little Girl arched.

"Ohhhhhh my fucking goshhhhhh!"

Despite my shaft still not being hard, and ignoring the post coital sensitivity around the still slightly swollen head, I thrust as hard as I could into Red's body just as my slut came hard!


We all slept in the same bed that night, and what a night it had been. I found it hard to sleep … my body just wouldn’t calm down. What we had done today was beyond my wildest fantasies. A literal dream come true!

I glanced down at them, sleeping. I would call my wife tomorrow and keep the plates spinning on the home front.

I sighed quietly as Red stirred just a little, and snuggled closer to my Little Girl. What we were doing was nice, but to be honest quite ‘vanilla’.

I needed my fix … my kicks … Tomorrow was Sunday. We had one more full day left after that … I needed to plan something big!

Part 28 – The Girl

It's the night. Or the morning. But not yet light. And I'm awake. I can't sleep anymore.

Three of us. Him, me, Abi.

Lucky Abi. Silent Abi. She said nothing, but we knew. She'd been raped. Gang raped. In her mouth, in her cunt, in her ass.

And I just envied her.

It had been so lovely, so soft, so sweet.

And I'd loved it. More than I could have imagined.

Him fucking me. Me sucking Him.

And now the three of us in bed. Him gently snoring. Her purring.

And I'm awake and thinking.

Of what I really want.

Sure, a bit of fun, a bit of pampering. But not that for ever.

I want to hurt. I want to be hurt. And I don't care if the hurting kills me. As long as Abi's with me. Hurting too.

Or watching me hurt. That would be ok too.

And I'm thinking of all those lucky girls. Hurt to death.

Young girls in the arena. No one knew their names.

Crucified and whipped and their bodies torn with hooks and flayed and burned.

And girls tied by their wrists and ankles to oxen and torn apart. Young and naked and innocent and torn apart. Their arms and legs torn off.

And immediately I'm hot and wet.

Thinking of those girls.

And girls tortured by the Inquisition or by the witch-hunters.

Hung on the strappado.

Spread on the wooden horse.


Young bodies tormented.

Whipped. Broken. Crying. Weeping. Alone. Or not alone.

Fingers crushed.

Limbs stretched on the rack.


Lucky, innocent, sweet, beautiful girls.

And girls in some Argentinian prison.

Bound to filthy iron bedsteads.



Electrodes on their nipples and labia.

And raped again.

And killed. And disappeared.

Girls who were at parties with boyfriends or girlfriends just a week before.

Lucky, innocent, sweet, beautiful girls.

And girls chained to stakes.

Thin shifts covering their nakedness.

Hanging in chains from their stakes.

Feet off the ground. Bare feet.

And dry wood, not too much, beneath them. A torch put to the wood. Burning. Burning away their shifts. Baring their nakedness for the flames to kiss.

Lucky, innocent, sweet, beautiful girls.

And girls whipped in public.

And girls branded in public.

And girls hung slowly in public.

And girls debreasted in public.

And girls disembowelled in public.

And girls broken on the wheel in public.

Lucky, innocent, sweet, beautiful girls.

And I am dreaming of those lucky, innocent, sweet, beautiful girls. And I am looking at my lucky, innocent, sweet, beautiful girl.

And I am stroking my clit and I am hot and wet and moving so slowly to the ryhthm of my fingers.

And I am lucky, and innocent, and sweet and beautiful.

And I want to hurt.

I don't want anymore soft love-making. I want to be Abi : raped, abused, hurt. I want to be hurt so very very much.

And I look at her, so gently asleep.

And I put my lips to her pink nipple.

And I put my teeth to her pink nipple.

And I bite. Hard. Very hard. I bite.

Part 29 – The Guy

About 9am the next day, I woke, the sun filling my room with light. The girls were still sleeping, by my side wrapped in one another’s bodies. Beautiful girls.

Dreams are funny things. I used to remember all of mine, wake up with the sticky residue of them clinging to my body, the slumbering experience so immediate and intense that if I was in my cold place, I’d wake up freezing.

If I was hearing music, I’d come to with the words and sounds still echoing around my head. My dreams are often so vivid and real that when I first open my eyes, I’m not always sure that I have awakened and wonder if “reality” isn’t really on the other side of my lids. I think dreaming is our subconscious way of sorting through our experiences, tying them into a cohesive narrative, and filing like with like in a metaphorical way, so in the waking we can function with a tidily organized past, present, and future we barely have to think about in the moment.

I think PTSD occurs when something so shattering happens that it blows everything that’s stored neatly into complete chaos, disorganizing your narrative, leaving you drifting and lost where nothing makes sense, until you eventually find a place to store that horrible thing in a way you can make sense of. Like, extreme experiences, or death or … I was waiting for PTSD to strike me.

I have rooms in my dreams, spaces filled with similar pieces of mental “furniture.” Some are crammed with normality, the daughters and the wife, the grandchild, holidays (family ones at least) and work. But then I have rooms with nothing but darkness. It’s where the night lives and it’s filled with chains, and ropes and blood. Death lurks in there somewhere waiting to rear it’s fatal and ugly head. This rooms fills my sleeping hours with nightmares that when I wake leaves their physical residue about my flesh more so than the rooms overflowing with domesticity!

I got up and put on shorts and a tee shirt, slipping my feet into trainers. It was time to take a walk on my own, and think about how the next two days might play out.

First time I really got to look around. Beautiful sunny day, the white sands, the blue water. Paradise! To my left I see some cabanas on the beach. They are behind a line of greenery blocking the view of them from the pool area. Even farther to the left, I see a larger cabana with some writing on the side, the detail of which I can’t make out.

To my right, I see nothing but beautiful beach. Lounge chairs dot the sand, beach umbrellas scattered about. People already lying on towels closer to the sea, trying to get some early rays in. Couples walking along the water, letting the waves wash their feet and recede back into the ocean.

Off in the distance, I see a large yacht moving closer very slowly. There is a small pier that juts out from the beach, close to the cabanas. Not big enough for that yacht for sure!

Back at the apartment the girls are still asleep. They must be exhausted. I smiled to myself and hopped into the shower. My cock and pubic hair, now suitably trimmed … I needed to make some concessions to this damnable age gap … retained the remnants of last night’s lovemaking. Still hard to believe my luck!

Finished showering, I put on some comfortable shorts and a loose-fitting shirt. I slipped on my sandals, and, after leaving my girls a note, I headed to the restaurant.

‘My girls’ – I liked that.

I get a table and order some coffee. While sitting there sipping, in walks my Little Girl and Red. I stand and greet them, as the slut gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I gesture that they should sit and help my Little Girl take a seat.

I pull another chair out for Red, on the other side of me. She gives me a hug and, expecting a peck on the cheek, I turn my face slightly.

She plants her lips right on mine for a quick kiss. I look at her quizzically?


"After the wonderful day we had, and all we have shared together, I think a proper kiss was more appropriate," she replied smiling.

"I know that you made me … do those things, and you beat me … but well, that’s why we’re here, right. So, thank you Mister.” Red looks over at her lover and smiles.

I look at My Little Girl. She nods her head affirmatively, then looks into my eyes and licks her lips.

"I’m famished I could … eat anything, anything at all," My Little Girl spouted full of innuendo, and then they both burst out laughing, an infection that I couldn’t avoid, and then we were all laughing. Beautiful laughter … together.

While eating breakfast, I noticed a guy checking out the girls, sitting not too far from us. I don't think Red even spotted him, he was to her right and slightly behind her view. I look over at My Little Girl, and she is turning on the flirt. She keeps looking over his way, smiles at him, giving him signs she is interested.

When he finishes his breakfast, he walks up to the table.

"Excuse me, but I could not help notice that your bag had fallen, miss..." he asked questioningly, seeking her name?

"Oh, I’m his Little Girl," she replied, adding, "Thank you," as she took her bag from him.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were with your father. Please excuse me.”

As he walked off I frowned at the slut, who was now virtually breathless with laughter, as was Red.

“You little Minxes,” I grinned.

“Who … the fuck … says minxes!” My Little Girl was able to spit out between choking sounds, in response to which we all laughed harder still!

“Maybe we’ll see him by the Cabana’s?” I responded.

“Huh,” the slut said inanely. “We don’t have a …”

I nodded, “Yes we do, we have a cabana near the end of the beach. It has VIP on the outside facing the walkway behind, and a view of the ocean outside at the front,” I said with smirk.

"We have a private cabana?" Red stated emphatically. Then added, “Really, do we?”

My smirk turned into a full-on smile.

"While you were sleeping, I found out we could have the use of the VIP cabana. I paid for it for the entire day, my little treat to you for agreeing to come here with me," I said, hoping that my genuine gratitude was understood.

"Oh Mister, you're such a sweetheart, that’s why I love you so much.” My Little Girl threw her arms round me and hugged me.

She loves me ‘so much’ … she said that! Beautiful words.

"I hope it comes with our very own cabana boy, so we can relax while he gets the drinks.” Red grinned.

“Yeah and I hope he is cute," My Little Girl added with a mischevious glint in her eye.


I was at the bar, alone. I fancied a beer, after all it was after 11am, so I didn’t feel too unrighteous. It gave me an opportunity to call my wife.

“Hey honey.” Her voice was actually good to hear. I little slice of normality to keep my feet on the gorund.

“Heyyyy, how’s things at home?”

“Fine dear, I hope you’re not working too hard, don’t let them work you too much with all of those evening workshops and things …”

I almost felt bad as my wife proffered up her sympathies.

We talked about the kids, her sister's flower shop. The plumber that had been round yesterday to fix the master bathroom tap …

I was waiting for her to give me an update on the state of affairs at the Bridewell cells and the unidentified blood source … but she didn’t.

“Maybe we can video call before you come home dear,” My wife commented as we ended our conversation.

“Yes honey, maybe so. Take care, love you.”

Like fuck! No way am I risking a video call from here. I was still smiling at the thought when I saw two girls walking down the beach paddling through in the surf. One was topless, the slightly shorter one. The taller one was carrying something, maybe a bag with creams in … or maybe it had other things inside, and in fact, she was topless as well. They were holding hands playing in the sand with their feet and playing in the surf while walking.

My Little Girl and Red! Beautiful sluts.

They walked up the beach without even looking at the bar, and to the farthest cabana, the one marked VIP.

My cock was starting to rise, I needed to join them before it actually started to ache with need. It would be embarrassing to walk around this resort with permanently tented shorts.

I started down the walkway toward our cabana. It was secluded from the other cabanas a lot more than I realised. Which was perfect for what I intended today to be all about …

Part 30 – The Guy (Again)

Two Hours earlier …

“We have the Cabana, I want you to take her there before I arrive and tie her like this …” I proceeded to give Red instructions on how to secure my slut before I arrived.

I would make today ‘Pain Day’ which would give us tomorrow to recover. Pain for my Little Girl that was. Red had been beaten, humiliated and forced into sex with a gang of strangers … she had suffered, though, like she said, it was why we were all here.

But now it was the slut’s turn. She would suffer at my hands in the VIP Cabana, remote from the other tents, and near to the sounds of the sea breeze which should keep her cries of agony confidential to the three of us. I didn’t want to have to gag her, I enjoyed her pain too much.

Red had her instructions. She would accompany my Little Girl while I waited for her to secure the slut in the manner described. I could barely contain my excitement, and now it was time for a beer … a nice cold one!


Turning to face my Little Girl, I hold up the two lengths of rope to her eyes, getting her attention.

"I'm going to kneel down and tie your ankles to the floor clasps. If you obstruct me at all I will hit you so hard that I'll lift you off your feet. Do you understand?"

Red had prepared her lover. Stripped her and tied her arms high above her head to the round timber beam that secured the roof of the tent.

The slut nods immediately. By the means of tying the rope tightly around her ankles and then to the side supports of the long but slender cabana, my slut is bound as I require. Arms high, legs spread, and with a delightful look of excited apprehension on her face.

Standing, I return to my own small bag, containing the accessories I had brought over here and a few things that I had acquired since we arrived. After electing a light whipping cane, I make my way back again to My Little Girl.

"Alright slut, so far you haven’t suffered much, hardly at all in fact. Today that changes." As I speak, her lip begins to quiver, even in the midst of her desire she shows fear – I love that!

"Today, I'm going to whip you as much as I want." I let the tip of the cane trace the length from her flat, toned stomach to the tip of her totally bare pubic mound.

"And you're going to take it. Your hands will be tied high for each strike. You will count off each strike. You will thank me for each strike and ask for another. If you behave long enough, I'll give you a little break. Do you understand?"

For a moment, she doesn't speak. It is clear that the previous dislocations of both shoulders are adding to her current discomfort. Then, tentatively, she raises her eyes to me, and then says, "Yes … Mister. I understand."

I glance to the side as my eye catches Red, who, after fastening the rope ties at the entrance to seal off the view inside, had taken a seat with a cold juice in one hand, whilst the other plays idly with her still welted, and now very erect, nipples.

"Good girl.”

As I speak, the cane finds its way between the slut’s legs, rubbing in between the already moistening slit. She jumped at first, but then stopped herself.

I am wearing only shorts and the bulge at my groin in plain to see. The slut’s downcast eyes catch the burgeoning nature of my erection and I see her swallow hard.

I take half a step back before letting the cane cut the air. Landing exactly as aimed, a red line springs up across her abdomen. She squeals in pain and her eyes begin to water. Did I surprise her? Had she not expected the hit there.

"One. Thank you, mister, may I have another?" she manages to say, in a very polite manner, through her initial unavoidable sobs.

I heard Red utter a quiet little moan. Beautiful.

The cane marks her body again. And again. Each time the slice of the thin wooden rod marks her flesh. The cane is more harsh than the whip I used on Red. She will be heavily marked, of that there is no doubt.

Each time the slut’s voice breaks out in a painful cry. But each time her flailing fingers finally come to rest and she asks for another.

I let loose with more lashes. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I circle her, whipping her stomach and thighs, her back and ass. The smooth curves of her well-toned bottom jump at the sting of the cane, each leaving a red kiss on the firm cheek.

My Little Girl keeps counting. Changing the pressure of the swing a little, I surprise her, almost taking her off balance. The slut teeters on her toes, put retains her position. Finding her balance, she takes a deep breath and renews her self-indulgence by crying a little, the pain demanding that she does.

Dutifully she keeps asking for more. Each time she asks, I hear the desperate hope of a break in her voice. I keep whipping. Aiming at her inner thigh while standing behind her, I turn the entire region into flaming red pain. Crying, in pain and trembling with what could be desire , she continues.

“Harder Mister, hit her harder …” her flame-haired lover was enjoying this. I didn’t turn to look, but I imagined Red’s fingers were now somewhere between her thighs.

"Twenty Seven, mister … ohhh … f ... fuckk … may I … I … I … have an … other?" I circle back around while whipping her, moving up to her abused breasts. My Little Girl stops crying with each strike, choosing instead now to shriek. The next strikes appear to take her pain level up a notch as the incessant nature of the beating pushes towards her threshold.

I keep working. My arm takes aim and comes down on the welted flesh of her chest. I catch her left nipple perfectly with one strike. My Little Girl lets loose with a scream!

"Forty, fuck Mister … May … I … fuck … Mister … have … another …?”

Panting, she awaits the next strike. Looking over her slender, yet curvaceous, frame, I see I've tattooed her flesh in bright red cane marks.

My cock is hard, my body covered in a thin layer of perspiration, I pause. I lower the cane, and step towards her.

I hear the lust fuelled sighs from Red to my rear as I let my hand reach out and find my Little Girl’s body. I run my palm across her front, feeling the heat emanating from her. Moving across her tenderised breasts, I cause her to whimper in pain. I eye a swollen, puffy nipple, hungry for it. I imagine biting it, into it. I satisfy myself with a little pinch.

"No more. Not just yet, a short break for you my sweet slut" I put the cane down.

A sigh escapes My Little Girl, and her shoulders sag. "Thank you, mister." Her eyes go wide. She clearly hadn't meant to say that. She so obviously hadn't wanted to say that, to appear grateful for the pause. She'd blurted it out instinctively, out of self-preservation. I grinned.

"You're welcome." I eagerly eat her marked body with my eyes, letting a stray finger slide inside my shorts and run the length of the underside of my cock.

I watch as she realises what she's done, and soon enough she swallows her emotions and tries to put forth a cool demeanour, even raising her chin and meeting my gaze. She is a pain slut and proud of it, is what she was silently saying to me.

Hmmmm, let’s see what you can take then little slut, are the words that lie behind my smirk.

I walk behind her. Like a well-trained soldier, she keeps her gaze ahead of her. She's trying to be stoic, not let anything in or out. Behind her now, I get close, so that I can whisper to her. Before my lips reach her ear, the head of my manhood pokes through my shorts and into the small of her back, making her jump in surprise.

I enjoy the sensation. The first time my cock has touched her today, albeit with a thin layer of fabric between us. Though no direct touch occurs, it is intimate. I can tell My Little Girl thinks as much, and so I enjoy the contact all the more.

I can now see Red and she has her eyes closed, her hand deep inside her bikini bottoms … the whole Cabana is filled with the scent of sex.

Tenderly, my hands fall onto the shoulders of my slut, her upper arms, stretched high. Beneath my palms her flesh goose-bumps. I smile with closed eyes for a moment, savouring the sensation. Sliding down her flanks, I enjoy the feel of her body.

“Now it is time.” I pick the cane back up and resume my position.

I whip her longer this time, going no easier on her, in fact striking her harder if anything. Her clearly aching body was shining with a painful bright red. She was starting to look like she'd suffered a terrible sun burn. ‘Cane burn’, as it were.

Dutifully, she takes each strike, asking for another, and soon her requests seem like she is begging, then they sound as if she is pleading. Her legs buckle a little before she finds her position again. The pain is building up in her.

I strike her breasts, I strike her thighs, she begs while trying to keep from screaming at me. I strike her tender ass cheeks, she pleads as her eyes roll upwards and my Little Girl fights off the very evident, oncoming sense of unconsciousness.

"Ninety-Three mister. Pl … please … may … I … other!" Her sentences have become shorter. Whether from pain, desperation or an inability to think straight, I can't tell. Maybe all of the above.

"Not right now."

"Thank you mis … ter." She'd said it automatically again, this time catching herself mid-sentence, yet cleverly, she'd finished what she was saying.

"Open your mouth."

Looking at me through heavy lidded eyes, she complies. I place the cane between her teeth, making her hold it there. Seeing her beaten, naked with her bound arms stretched high, her legs parted and with a cane held in her teeth strikes me as profoundly erotic.

“Do not let that fall slut.” She cannot answer but I know that she understands.

Like before, I walk behind her. This time however my fingers trace her spine, from her neck all the way to her ass. I don't stop. My fingers make their way along the crack of her exquisite posterior, all the way along the line. Tracing down and under, they find the hot spot they'd been searching for. A moan escapes the throat of my Little Girl.

Gently parting her swollen labia, my fingers begin to caress her pussy. Moisture had built up within her cunt, making the act of gliding my fingers along her, as yet, un-whipped pussy a thing of great ease. My Little Girl's body goes stiff, unmoving, as I touch her, my fingers lingering.

I find her clit and tease it a moment, before continuing to move along the rest of her pussy. She makes the most delightful sound. Half yelp, half sigh. Adorable. I continue to touch her, letting my fingers briefly kiss her exposed and hardening clit once in a while.

Her body becomes heavy as she lowers it into my grip. She most likely doesn't even realise she's done it. I make my Little Girl enjoy the ministrations. Her pussy greedily spasming in pleasure. Not an orgasm, rather a surge of indulgence. Her body is betraying her mind. Against her will, she continues to respond without speaking.

The slut’s breath is coming out in ragged gasps, breasts heaving. She is fucking beautiful!

I run the back of my hand along her ass. This new sensation breaks off a part of her concentration. After a moment, I feel her warmth and sense how her thighs tense, signalling her readiness. I continue to manipulate her pussy, slowly sliding fingers between her swollen lips before finally focusing on her aching clit.

Little circles, traced around the bud forces my slut’s breath to catch in her throat. My other hand leaves her ass and moves over her shoulder. As gently as is possible, I touch her beaten breast with a lover’s caress.

She groans through her gritted teeth, holding the cane in position. This new sensation sends her over the top. The touch of my fingers along her already bruised and welted body remind her of the pain she is feeling.

Her thighs clamp on my hand as she moans. Her orgasm sounds remarkably similar to the dying breath of a young girl. I slow my fingers as she shudders through my gift to her.

I see Red, her body gasping, her naked breasts heaving, her thighs and fingers glistening.

Pulling myself free of my Little Girl’s sagging body, I take my cane from her mouth, still standing behind her.

I whip my arm forward and slice down at her body. A new red stripe marks her left cheek.

"Ninety-Four. Thank you, mister, may I have another?"

Her speech is more coherent now, the break having replenished her desire for the agonising onslaught.

I raise my arm back, the final five are the most cruel yet, each one slicing perfectly between her slick and sticky labia.

By the time I reach my goal, a hundred strikes complete, her acknowledgement is cut short as her eyes roll upwards into her head, her beautifully beaten body sags, and she faints.

Part 31 – The Girl

I love this moment.

Hanging from my wrists. My legs spread apart. Beautifully naked.

She stripped me. She enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it too. Slowly taking my clothes off me. Getting me ready.

She likes to see me hurt.

I like to see her hurt.

So beautiful it is.

And now this moment. Almost the best.

A heady mix in my head of fear, anticipation, excitement. I just love it.

Almost as much as the next moment, when he hits me for the first time.

And I love that so much, as much as it hurts. And it hurts. And I know that the hurt will get worse and I will moan and cry out and I know that I am so utterly grateful to him for hurting me.

I count. I say thank you. I ask him for more.

Over my backside, my legs, my belly, my legs.

It hurts so fucking much I want to kiss him.

In the dark of the cabana. The surf masking my moans.

Thank you. Please hit me again. Thank you.

I want it to stop so much that I want it never to stop, ever. Just to go on and on and on.

He stops.

I gasp. Hanging. She looks at me, smiling. She told him to hit me harder. I love her so much for that.

He starts.

My breasts.

His cock touching me. So hard. So good.

It hurts.

Please hurt me more.

He stops.

She's so fucking hot. She's so fucking beautiful.

He puts the cane between my teeth.

His fingers on my trembling thighs. On my cunt. On my nipples. Gentle. He hurts me so much.

My fucking tortured body.

My fucking torn beautiful body.

Squeezes down onto his hand.

My trembling lovely body in his hands.

He takes the cane from my mouth.

He's going to hit me again. Almost there.

I hate this.

Almost the end.

I want it not to stop. Ever.

"Ninety-Four. Thank you, mister, may I have another?"

I want more. Always. Insatiable little me. Hating every bit of pain as much as I need it and adore it. Wanting to hurt more. Always.

And more comes.

Hard. Hard. Very hard.

Into my cunt.

Cutting me in two.

I'm so fucking lucky.

She wants me to hurt.

He loves it.

I'm so fucking lucky.

I hurt so fucking much.

Almost there.

Almost there.

Don't stop.

Almost there.

Get there and don't stop.

Keep on til you kill me.

Keep on til I am just blood and torn flesh.

I hate this pain.

I want to hurt so much.

I hurt so fucking much.

I count.

Almost there.

Hurt me Mister!

Hurt me!

Make me beautiful!

Hurt me!

Hurt me!

Part 32 – The Guy

We hadn’t finished, not yet. I was still hard, and fuelled by my demons. The perversions that emanated from within my mind were not yet satisfied, and even though my slut hung, only semi-conscious, she was about to take more of what I had to offer.

I make my way over to the small table.

“You may leave us,” I say to Red, who was still lost in the mists of her own post-orgasmic bliss. “You may have free time. Go relax somewhere.”

As she nodded and left, I knew that it was a kind of torture in itself, depriving the flame haired girl of her voyeur’s opportunity, and that thought brought me satisfaction. As for the slut, well she was too out of it to care.

Dipping my hand into the open bag, I settle on a medium length cattle crop. I want to hurt the slut, and mark her body some more. I pick up the leather crop and give it a testing flex. Stiff with good give. This will do nicely for the session.

"Slut, tell me why you deserve to be tortured." I call out over my shoulder as I gather myself together.

My Little Girl is coming round, and with a quiet grogginess, she speaks.

"I deserve … to be tortured be … cause you want … me to be tortured … mister?" She offers. Bless her, she's trying. It's too bad trying isn't good enough for me.

"I want to torture you, but that's not WHY you're being tortured. Try again." With crop in hand I walk over to her, letting her see the length of leather I hold.

"Because … I've been … a bad … girl, mister?" Again, not quite right. I reach out with the riding crop and gently brush her left nipple with it. Through her own perverted anticipation of pain, it stiffens immediately.

"Almost. Being bad indicates that you've done something wrong. It's not what you've done, but what you are. Try again. And get it right or you'll earn yourself an extra special beating."

My Little Girl's eyes take on a widened look as she struggles to form an answer that will please me.

"Be...cause I'm a … pain slut?" Without moving I can tell she's wincing on the inside, waiting for it.

"Yes. That's why I've named you Slut. It's what you are. You deserve this. Say it." My cock pulses with blood flow as My Little Girl repeats my words.

"I'm being … tortured because … I'm a Pain Slut and … I deserve to be tortured … mister?" Near enough to perfection as can be expected at this early stage. It's like soft, sweet lips to my blood engorged erection.

"Yes, you are." I tell her. My words give her a moment to relax, making the strike of the riding crop all the more surprising as it whips against the flesh of her left breast.

My Little Girl lets out a startled scream at the crop lashes down, bucking in her bondage, but she only ends up hurting herself more as the body weight shifts. I won't correct my action, nor give her time to adjust. She'll want to try and stay steadfast in the whipping. Not bucking means not hurting herself more. In turn, this will reinforce within her subconscious that not reacting to torture is what should instinctively be done. It's almost an art form. I am the artist and my Little Girl is my beautiful subject.

I love my work so much!

I backhand my Little Girl after she's done writhing around. "Did I say you could fucking scream cunt?" Her head hangs limp following from my backhand, the loud slap still echoing around the Cabana. Her cheek flares red as tears begin to stream down her face.

Keeping her voice as calm as she can, My Little Girl replies, "I'm sorry mister."

I don't reply. Instead I raise my arm and bring the crop down against her breasts. Again, and again I strike her, making her writhe and squirm in pain. This time there is no need for her to respond. This session is not about etiquette, it is simply about me striking her as hard as I can.

As her breasts begin to take on an angry red hue, I attack, with precision, against her right nipple. My Little Girl bucks again, howling in pain despite her best efforts. Her nipple begins to turn a purple colour. I lower my hand as she continues to whimper from my last strike, and I move slowly around her.

Without speaking I slide my hand between her spread legs and touch her most intimate of places. My Little Girl's body stiffens at the intrusion. She knows well enough to remain silent, save a pitiful little cry of despair. Ever so gently I move my hand back and forth along her slit. The moisture there begins to dampen more … it is what she wants … it is what she is …

I let the slut gush into my had for only a moment before I pull myself away and move back to her front. The crop whistles through the air, landing on the soft flesh of her right breast, angrily striking against her chest. My Little Girl sucks in air through her teeth, trying her level best not to squirm in pain or scream. I strike her breasts several more times, leaving red marks across her skin with every blow. Following several more lashes, I again stop suddenly and move behind her, my voice silent ... expectation is tangible.

This time she's ready. My Little Girl's body is already stiff, anticipating the violation of her pussy. My hand finds the slit and I gently move my palm in a small circle for a few brief seconds. The slut’s body betrays her as it reacts to my touch, flooding my palm with her juices.

I stop before she has chance to truly respond. As I withdraw my hand, I let one finger gently part her pussy's lips. My Little Girl reacts by involuntarily bucking her hips, trying to take me deeper inside her body.

But the pleasure part is over … for now.

As I lash down once more at my Little Girl's chest, the pain in her eyes tell a story. She's clearly in extreme discomfort. Is it unbearable? My smile tells her that I intend to find out.

Despite her best efforts, she can no longer keep from crying out with each strike. Both nipples are swollen purple and her breasts are completely reddened. The next lash with the crop catches her across the abdomen. The tender, already welted flesh stripes immediately as the slut screams, a higher pitch than usual.

Before she can recover from this new sensation, I begin striking the tender flesh along her ribs.

"Ahhhh! Fuck! No … mister … please … ahhh!" My Little Girl stopped. I smiled as her remembrance of the ‘rule’ not to ask me to stop comes back to her addled mind. She's in so much pain. She is so fucking beautiful.

"What did you say?" I ask her, pausing my strikes. It takes my Little Girl a moment to realise what she said. In a single second, her expression goes form confusion to horror to absolute grief.

"I'm sorry mister, I didn't think. P … please, don't stop."

"Shut the fuck up. Hold this between your teeth. If you drop it, you'll be sorry."

Crying fully now, no doubt from the extremity of the lashing, my Little Girl takes the neck of the crop between her teeth and bites down as I let it go. Returning to the bag I take out a small club. A rounded piece of wood that is about a foot long and two inches in diameter. It hurts when landing on flesh, especially flesh that is already beaten and tender. I show My Little Girl.

"This is what you get now."

I pick up a barbed riding crop from the bag and show her that too.

"This is what you get if you drop the riding crop."

I put the barbed crop down and move behind My Little Girl. Her whole body trembles as I get nearer and disappear behind her line of site.

The slut’s chest and abdomen has been beaten into a deep red, with her nipples dark and angry. Her ass and legs, untouched, will soon compliment her tortured front by becoming black and blue.

Before I start, I push the club between her legs and stroke her pussy. I want her fired up again before I start. My Little Girl groans, but not for long as I pull the club away.


The thick club slaps against her ass, flattening the skin with a loud thud. The slut grunts. No more shrieks, no more screams. That was deep pain escaping her lips. But she keeps the crop in her mouth. I hit her ass again on the same cheek, thrashing the flesh as if punched.

And again.


And again. I bring the club down hard all over her ass, tattooing a beating all over her firm, peachy bottom.

With each hit my Little Girl lets out a pained moan. Soon her ass begins to show bruising. I stop for a moment and let my hand explore her soaking cunt once more. My palm resumes its massaging ministrations, edging the slut. As I pull my hand back, a finger-tip brushes across her swollen clit.

A shriek escapes from her throat. I was expecting a reaction, but not that. It is still inflamed from the cane, and touching my Little Girl's clit must have shocked her more than expected, because the riding crop fell from her mouth.

The slut must have attempted a wild grab and succeeded, for the crop is now barely dangling from her teeth, and will soon fall …. Smiling a malicious smile, I go over to her and take the crop from her teeth and place it and the club down on the table.

“Pl … pl … please mister, don’t use the barbs. N … not today, please?”

Fuck, her pleading turns me on so much. The power. The sexual urge … I love her so fucking much!

"We're almost done for today my sweet Little Girl.”

She would get her wish. The sharp wire barbs would be saved for another time.

I've continued to caress her pussy, and now it is clear that she can no longer take anymore. My slut hungrily humps my hand, trying to get over the crest of her orgasm and cum. I withdraw my touch. She whimpers in bereft desperation.

"Please let me cum, mister."

I place my right hand gently against her bruised ass.

"Very good, Slut. You may cum."

My left-hand beings to massage her in earnest. My thumb slides into her pussy as my middle finger circles her clit, ignoring the extreme sensitivity that she so clearly has there.

My Little Girl reacts immediately. Until now, I've been teasing and torturing her with gentle, fleeting touches. Exhausted, her body soaks up the contact. She begins to pant, rapidly, her hips moving against my fingers without a conscious thought. As I slide along her soaking cunt, my other hand gently rubs her ass, soothing the tenderised flesh.

In a sudden flourish, her whole body stiffens as she is taken by the long-denied orgasm. The slut screams out, louder than any shriek I've given her from pain.

For a full minute, spasms shoot through her glorious body. With each jolt another flourish of ecstasy shakes her. Each jerking movement makes her writhe and squirm, the ropes chafing her wrists and ankles.

Finally, spent and exhausted in the truest sense of the word, she drops limp against her restraints. I remove my hand from between her thighs.

I walk around to the front of My Little Girl, admiring the beauty of her broken and beaten body.

Kneeling I untie her ankles. Stretching I unfasten her wrists, and she collapses in a used, battered and copiously bruised heap on the Cabana floor before me.

"... thank you … mister …" My Little Girl mumbles, between breaths, her eyes downcast.

"You're welcome, Slut." I answer, aware that my aching erection still needs to be relieved.

Looking down at her I smile, pull down my shorts and feel my hard-on spring free.

“But your job is not yet done. My Little Girl needs to say thank you properly, and she needs to swallow every last drop …

Part 33 – The Girl

"I'm being … tortured because … I'm a Pain Slut and … I deserve to be tortured … mister?"

He's asked me. I guessed at the reply I think he wants. Because he wants to torture me. Because I've been bad. I don't really care. I try a third one for him.

'Because I'm a pain slut and deserve to be tortured...'

He likes that one better.

But it isn't really true. Not where true means being honest. Not just true because it's what he wants to hear. Honest to myself. It's not really that.

Because I may be a pain slut, whatever, but I don't care about deserving to be hurt. Unless it's a contract - I suck and fuck and I get hurt back. Then you could say I 'deserve' it. It's not that though. Deserve it, don't deserve it. I just fucking want it. Even when I am screaming out how much I don't. I want it so fucking much. It's part of me. Now. But maybe it always was. When I think back. To when I let myself dangle from the overhanging branch in the garden when I was a kid and felt something buzz inside me. From when I pushed my nails into my belly when I lay in bed with a trashy novel. From when I slapped my cunt with a wooden spoon I took from the kitchen. From when I looked up at the nailed man at Mass in Church on a Sunday and thought while I was saying my prayers with my eyes shut tight, 'I wonder if they did that to girls too?'

And now I now that they did. And that they do. Girls get hurt everywhere. Sometimes by bastards who just like hurting girls. Sometimes because they're weird crazy fuck girls who for all sorts of odd reasons just want it. And that's me. A weird crazy fuck girl who just wants to be hurt. A lot. And I've found my weird crazy fuck girl lover Abi who wants it too. And now he's sent her out. So she can't watch. And she'll be sitting on the sand, looking at the sea, and listening to my moans and cries through the cabana walls and wishing she was watching and wishing it was her. Just like I would be.

And so he hurts me more. And I answer him when he asks like the pain slut he wants to imagine that I am, not the one I really am.

I obey him in his rituals, because that way he obeys my desire. He hurts me more.

He hits my tits. I love it. My breasts love being hurt. They love to be bruised and cut.

He shows me a barbed wire whip. I wish he'd use it on me and cut my flesh to ribbons. I pretend I'm afraid. I am afraid, of course. It would be awful. But I would love it so much. But he won't use it because it would fuck me up completely and he can't do that here. Another time, I hope...

And his fingers are in my wet places. I love that. His fingers are pushing and cruel and my wet places are soft and warm and I love that.

And he hits my ass with a stick. A big stick. Meant for it. A thump. Another thump. A bruising sickening thump. I feel sick. I feel my belly retching inside of me. I like it so much.

“Pl … pl … please mister, don’t use the barbs. N … not today, please?”

He wanted to hear that. I know he won't use it. I would like him to use it. I want it on another day, if not this. But he won't.

His fingers are in me. I'm buzzing inside. Boiling up inside.

I ask him to let me cum. I want him to say no. To make me hold it in. It sets me alight, like a bonfire in my belly, when I have to hold it. I love that. Almost more than cumming.

He lets me. And I flood out. It's fucking amazing. I'm hanging there, naked. Bruised and belted red by him. Soaked. Its fucking amazing.

He unties me. I thank him. Like he wants. I fall to the ground. I'm a fucked up mess. A little pile of broken girl. Moaning and crying and as happy as I could be. I'm so fucking happy. I am so amazingly, beautifully happy. I am in the best place in the world and I am the happiest girl in the world and I love being this weird girl that I am and I want to stay being this weird girl and being hurt and hurting is the best friend I have ever had and I think of my lovely friend, my sweet hurting pain and I think of her all the time.

Part 34 – The Guy

“She’s a mess.” Red spoke matter-of-factly as we stood together looking down at my Little Girl, who was laid sleeping on the bed in the second bedroom. She had been there all night, ever since we somehow managed to get her from the Cabana, wearing nothing but a robe, to the bedroom.

“You beat her so badly.”

At first she hadn’t seemed so bad. Beaten, yes, and bleeding just a little. Exhausted for sure, and with limited strength for speech. But she was conscious and sentient, and obeyed my instruction when I commanded her to suck my cock and swallow my seed. She was a wonderful cock-sucker and she performed admirably given what she had just been through.

“I have never seen her so bruised.”

But once I laid her down and coated her bruises with super-strength arnica, before smothering antibiotic and antiseptic on her welts and cuts, she had drifted into a deep sleep and not really woke up since. For a time I was concerned about her developing a fever, but that never transpired, and now it was all about regaining her strength.

“She looks so peaceful, so beautiful.”

Red and I had slept together. We fucked. And then slept. And now it was 9:30 am and we had just eaten a room service breakfast. Perfect.

“We could kill her?”

“Huh?” The statement came from my slut’s friend and lover, the ragged response from me.

“Kill her? You serious?”

“She talks about it a lot. She wants you to cut her open and let her bleed out. In her wildest fantasies she wants me to be cut open too, so that she can lay on top of me and we can let our internal organs merge as we bleed into one another.”

I closed my eyes and groaned.

“Does that turn you on mister?”

Did it? I think it did? Was I sick? I think I was?

“But I don’t want to die. Not really. Dicing with death, teasing it, letting it lap around our naked bodies fills me with lust, but I don’t want to actually die.”

I nodded, my throat dry, my voice momentarily incapable.

“But she does, she would die if everything about it was right. Like it was in her fantasies.”

Fuck. Did she mean this? Was Red serious?

“Talking like this has made you hard mister.”

She was right, it had, so fucking hard.

“Did me being fucked by those guys turn you on?”

It did. I nodded silently. “You mean raped?” I added.

She smiled, “I guess, if that’s how you like to think of it? Gang-raped mister. I was helpless and they laughed while they fucked me everywhere …”

Holy crap! Now I really was hard, achingly so. Did I just moan?

As she looked at me, I felt Red’s hand slip into mine and our fingers entwine.

“Come with me mister.” She pulled gently and I went with her to the master bedroom, and the bed in which we had slept and fucked.

“It turned me on too,” Did she mean the rape or the death fantasy? Probably both. Did it even matter?

Red looks at me as we enter the room and I am leaning on the dresser with this tattooed beauty up close to me, in my space. “The thought of making your Little Girl cum while she is dying makes me so fucking wet mister …”

She grins at me and slightly blushes. I know she's not lying by her reaction. She really would kill the slut!

If I wasn't turned on before, I am now. I nod my head for her to come closer to me. She obliges without any further thought. When she reaches me, it's clear that she's not quite sure what she wants to do. I'm very sure she knows what to do, but she's much more nervous now that we are here alone and in the daylight, enjoying a kind of illicit privacy, than she ever is when we are a threesome, or when we slept together.

I push away from the desk and stand up straight. Her gaze follows me as I stand before her. Her blush deepens and I motion for her to come even closer. Both of her hands raise and rest on my chest as I reach around to her lower back. Her face cradles into my neck and I'm surprised when I feel her lips there. I don't pull away, I let her do what she wants. This was her idea anyway.

She doesn't give me time to process what just happened as I'm leaning down to her. She escapes my hold and lowers to the ground in front of me. Her legs are spread as she kneels and looks up through the curtain of her hair.

She wears a bikini. She looks like swimwear model.

I straighten back up and lean against the desk again, watching her. What I thought was nervousness from her turns into very forward confidence. This is Red, the true Red, and I like her … a lot.

Her hands rest on both of my thighs; her sights set on my groin. She bites her lip and I can feel myself harden even more as I watch her.

Red is hot. Such a juvenile thought, but it was true.

I'm bulging under my shorts and the tattooed beauty has a front row seat. She hasn't even touched me yet. Other than her hands rubbing dangerously close by. I keep my composure as I let her do whatever she wants. Her hands trail up and down my thighs and she looks up at me with hooded eyes.

That's when I break. I can feel my facial expression change, and without any control I groan and look away from her before I decide to take control of this entire situation. I'm not going to do it. This is all her. I’m going to give her free reign.

"What do you want, mister?" Her small voice is otherwise loud in the quiet room. I allow myself to look back down at her. Her hands are still playing dangerously close to where I really want her to touch me.

She's knows what she's doing and she knows what she wants. She's doing this on purpose. I'm not one to beg or instruct, or answer a question like that in this way. I'm one to usually take control and do it myself. But she's the one taking here. She's teasing.

I laugh and shake my head watching her hands, and she smiles back at me. "You are something el.." I say.

Before I can even finish talking, her touch finally reaches my cock through the thin fabric. I groan again, realising just provocative she was being, and how much she was beginning to drive me crazy.

Red doesn't look away as she brings her mouth to the bulge through the light blue material. Her head is turned sideways to look up at me and I feel her hot breath against the side of my cock through the fabric. I rest my hand on her forehead to increase the pressure of her mouth against me. She moans, and then I feel her tongue there. My mouth falls open and I can only imagine that my expression is one of pure pleasure while I look down at the show before me.

Her other hand tightens on my thigh briefly. I am hard as a rock. I barely, if at all, thrust my hips toward her in hopes that she'll move along the still growing length. It's enough to get her to make her next move. With her mouth still against the bulge, she slides her hand from my thigh up to the white drawstring. To save precious time, I quickly pull the string loose for her. She moves my hand away, almost seeming offended that I interrupted her. Taking her mouth away from me and, as if to punish me further, she completes the action as slowly as she can. Then I feel my shorts being tugged down.

My knuckles turn white gripping against the desk. I force myself to wait and watch. She pauses with my shorts pulling against the top of my shaft, pushing at my cock but not yet allowing it to spring free. I stay put, watching her.

So this is what she's like? I never would have guessed. It's the ones you least expect. She get's off on this. Being in control. Is she in charge when the girl’s fuck? I can see it in her eyes as she looks up at me. Here I am ready to fuck her, and she's barely even ready to start on me. It's what she wants; this submissive behaviour from me. She loves it. It turns me on even more because she's getting exactly what she wants. No … she's taking what she wants.

"Tease," I say. Her eyes light up at the word and her hand squeezes at the bulge, which has now become a tent, and her mouth returns there, bringing the warm breath of air back with it. This time, I reach around the back of her head to keep her in situ. I use my other hand to grip my shaft while her lips are still on me.

Red’s moan makes me push her head against me harder. Her tongue makes a wet spot on my shorts turning then light blue, dark, and when I finally let her pull away a thick string of saliva follows, leaving a thread of it between my shorts and her bottom lip.

Giving her no chance to protest, holding the back of her head with one hand, I use the other to pull my shorts down enough to free my aching erection. The release of pressure heightens my desire, and it is with difficulty that I relinquish my hold on her. But I want her to come to me, just like she has been doing. I rest my hands on the desk again and enjoy the feel of her warm breath on the swollen and leaking head.

"That wasn't very nice." She tells me, not even letting her eyes reach mine. Her attention is more focused elsewhere.

"You're not being very nice either." I say reflecting upon the teasing she had been administering.

"You want me to be nicer?" There it is. The teasing tone I was waiting to come out of her.

"Generosity can never hurt." I play along.

"I can be very generous." She says, her hand wrapping around my girth at the very base.

"Show me how generous you can be," Her hand moves up along my length and then back down to the base and up again.

I sit up straighter, causing her to come closer to me. My hand rests on the back of her head, but I don't pressure her to do anything or come any closer. I just want to feel her there.

“Do you really want this mister?”

“Like nothing I’ve ever wanted before Red …” I replied, which was not literally true, but right now I desperately needed her to suck me off!

Her lips spread and the tip of my cock slides into her mouth and she moans, tries to take more of me deeper, and then eventually down her throat. Red gags and I hold her hair to make her slow down. Her make up is running down her cheeks … beautiful girl!

"Mister," she pleads with me as I rub the tip of my cock across her lips.

"Yes," I say.

"I want you to fuck me." She says. I can feel her lips form each word against my cock and it throbs with excitement. I pull her up and turn her around so that she is now facing the desk and gripping the edge with her fingers. My cock is resting between her thighs at the crotch of her bikini bottoms. Red exhales with a moan. I move one of my hands to the back of her neck and the other around her body to grip her breast.

"Say please," I tease her.

"Please fuck me," she begs.

"Bend lower," I say quietly, yet with a demanding assertion. She quickly does as I say, her cheek resting against the smooth wood top of the desk.

I stand behind her and run my hand up her thigh. When I reach her ass I pull back and smack her. She gasps and moans. When I look at her side profile wood, she's smiling and her eyes are closed.

I do the same to the other cheek, smacking her hard and quick. Her grip visibly tightens and she tries to push her ass back against me. I grab her hips and keep her in place, rubbing the red welts following the flogging we gave her, heightened now by the slaps I just administered.

Red sighs as I pull her bikini to one side and run my finger along the moisture which is now rapidly pooling. She moans and turns her face so her other cheek is resting against the wooden top now. Her hand is gripped tight against the edge of the desk, anticipating my next touch.

I rub my thumb along her slit, sliding it inside. The next sound she makes is deeper and more feral. That's what I want. I move my thumb in and out of her body, watching her face. Her reaction to every move I make is exquisite.

"Please," I hear her whisper as her body begins to tremble and tense.

I don't say another word. I remove my thumb thrust my cock into her.

"Yesssss, ohhhh fuck mister … so fucking deep," Red moans writhes in position. She wants to adjust. I let her. "Keep going," she says. I do as I'm told, wondering what she’d do if I tried to get her to take full control again.

My grip tightens on her hips once more and I grind into her, my gaze trained on her face … I watch her eyes barely open to look back at me.

"Yes, Mister, oh fuck … yesss." she says again.


“So, shall we?” Red turns to face me. We are laying naked on the bed, post coital, my arm under her body, her hand flat against my chest. Like the lovers we had just been.


“Kill her?”

“Are you really serious?”

“Yes, Mister, very serious.”

I turned to look at her and saw the intensity in her eyes.

She was serious …

Leaning into her pretty face my mouth met hers and we kissed.

Finally, pulling away I smiled and said, “Yes … let’s.”

Part 35 – The Girl

They think I'm asleep. Well, almost I am. Almost. Let's say half-asleep. And I hurt like hell and I love this feeling.

Let's say I'm dozing.

Day-dreaming at night.

It's possible.

Half-dreaming. Half-imagining.

And thinking.

And I'm thinking how I loved the day. How I loved my naked body being tied and hanging from my wrists and being hurt so much. I loved it all.

And I'm thinking.

It's a strange road I'm taking.

A nice girl from the South coast with a nice family and I used to have a nice BF. And then I found that piece of me that had always been there and I fell in love with that piece of me. And no other piece of me meant that much to me anymore. Not my family, not my studies, not my... well, I know it, so I think it... not my future and not my life.

It's a path with only one end point. I get that now. There is only once place to end this.

And part of me will be sad, because I've already realised I just can't tell anyone. I can't tell my sis. I can't tell her anything. She may guess. But she will never know. Because I will just have to disappear. Because that's the kindest way.

And Her. Abi. I love Her. I love Her totally. Too much. She's too beautiful. She's too gorgeous. And she knows that. She likes what I love. And I know that and she knows that and so she knows that she will go. He may think she'll go with Him. Maybe. But I don't think so. She'll just go. Maybe back to Uni. To her work. To other girls. Maybe she'll travel. Maybe she'll get involved with other girls. Maybe she'll keep wanting to find that special hurt at the end of the journey. Maybe. But I know she'll go. I'll cry, but she'll go. I know.

And me?

I think it will end. I want it to end, I suppose. Because madness can't go on forever. I need more and more hurt. I need it too much. And there's only one place it can take me. He hasn't really worked that out yet. When He does, I think he'll be scared. Really scared. But Abi will help Him. She's soft and sweet and lovely and as hard as nails. And she will help him. But he'll be so fucking scared. Scared of what he's about to do, what he's done, what will happen to him. Scared shitless.

And me?

I feel more at peace at this moment than ever I have.

I feel content. Because I have decided. And that's how it has to be.

And me?

I know what I want. I will leave it to them to decide where and when, but I know it has to happen now. Soon. It can't wait. It wants me.

And me?

How should it be? Long. Slow. I must hurt. I must feel myself hurt. I must see myself hurt. I must have Her see me hurt. I know she will want that. She loves to see me hurt. I like that.

And me?

With beauty. With flowers. Not with a fucking and I blow-job. Like a martyr. Like a saint.

And me?

On a cross? On a pyre? On a scaffold? I know it's not for me to decide. It's for them. Together. They must decide and they must tell me. And they know that I will agree. Because that's what I want. I want them to know it's ok. That they are doing what I have always really wanted, and that there is no greater act of love in the world.

And me?

I will hurt. Terribly. My body, my young body that everyone says is beautiful. My face, that everyone says is beautiful. My soft breasts, that everyone says are beautiful. They will all be gone. All destroyed. All hurt beyond hurting.

And me?

I will be so perfectly peaceful.

And I smile. And I turn slightly on the bed. And I close my eyes. And now I can sleep. In total peace.

Part 36 – The Guy

“Did we get everything?” Red turned to me as she chewed provocatively on her lower lip.

I nodded, “I think so, we should have enough to do …” I left the sentence unfinished. We both knew only too well what the intention was, and if I was being honest, the reality of that intent was beginning to become so real, so damn scarily real …


“What, where, when … and fucking how?” The flame haired girl rattled off questions in rapid succession. She was already giddy, high on the thought of what we were planning to do.

I poured more coffee as we sat on the terrace looking out into the surrounding mountains, peaks that rose up from the beach.

“We need to be up there, in amongst the mountains of Pico de las Nieves.” I let my gaze drift up the where the clouds met the top. It was a beautiful day, our final day and we had an ‘appropriate death’ to plan.

It was death, right? Not murder. Didn’t murder need to have a victim, and my Littler Girl was not a victim, she would never see herself as that. She wanted this more than we did … she was a glorious recipient, not a victim.

Red’s eye-line followed my gaze, and she nodded. “There would be good, we’d need a car and some … accessories. How will we do it.”

She sounded more confident than I did. More in tune with what we were going to do. Maybe she had discussed this already with the slut, unbeknown to me.

I took a drink from my coffee. I hadn’t planned this far. We had talked about death, or at least my Little Girl had, much like Red said. But I wasn’t planning on it any time soon. Not until her friend and lover had suggested it.

But I could see why she had …

This holiday, this unbelievable vacation, had been perfect. How could we better things from here. This was the pinnacle of our time together and to end it in such beautiful surroundings in a foreign country, one that we would be leaving in 24 hours, seemed too ideal an opportunity to pass up.

“Sex and knives.” Was all I said. Somehow it seemed enough. Oh yes, she would be tied or chained or both, and cutting her open while she climaxed seemed like the fantasy she wanted. Her perfect death. We would deliver that to her.

Red nodded, then added, “But we can’t torture her. Not this time. We hurt her, we can be brutal with her, but we get on with the job, and celebrate her end with her. Do you agree mister?”

I looked at the beautiful student before me. She was so damn wise, way beyond her years, much like my Little Girl. She knew what we must do, she had a certainty about her.

“Yes I do agree, we must make everything just right.”

Red nodded again, “And I guess the ‘when’ is today right, as soon as we get everything?”

“Has to be, we leave tomorrow. We have no time to waste.”

The hire car had arrived in less than an hour. A Volvo of some sort, and XC thing, 60 I think. Plenty of room though, which was what we wanted.

And now we were returning from the store in the nearby town.

“Did we get everything?”

“I think so, we should have enough to do …”

“… To do what we need to do, right mister?”

I smiled, and nodded, my gaze focused on the road ahead. Would I kill her without ever knowing her name? What a bizarre thought.

The slut was still sleeping when we arrived back and so unpacking the bags without her seeing was easy.

Chains, rope, tape, hammer, nails, pliers, small fish hooks, fishing twine, three hunting knives, one with a vicious looking serrated edge and a large hand held vibrator.

“I’m amazed no-one asked what we were going to do,” Red smiled at me. She was right, given the shopping list we had.

The largest item was a small set of ladders, which had been left in the car.

“Are we all set,” my co-conspirator asked me.

Red was still on-massage. Moving to plan, both physically and in her head. I was becoming a little more wary.

… could we really get away with this? What would we do with the body? Could we then just leave the country, Red and I?

“We are … ready, I think,” was my initial reply, before I added, “Will you miss her.”

“Yes,” was Red’s immediate response, “… more than anything … I love her. But it’s because I love her that we are doing this. I want this for her.”

“But she wants you to do it with her. To die together in a kind of lover’s pact. So, do you really think this is what she wants?”

“I don’t want to die yet mister. This is the best I can offer to her. I won’t choose to die … not even for her.”

I saw Red’s eyes tear up and I felt the choke myself. She was being very genuine. These girls were unbelievable. Awesome. Beautiful. Fantasies. And they were mine.

“Should we wake her and make a start?” My Little Girl’s lover asked.

“Yes, we should.” Despite the gravity of what we were about to do, I could already feel the desire inflaming my groin. As I stood, I felt heady, and needed to pause a moment.

“She will be awake, if not now, then soon. Should we sedate her.”

Red was right, we should sedate the slut. Start as we mean to go on. Make her docile for the trip. Tie her tightly. Hurt her from the very beginning, then make sure she is wide awake to experience everything!

As we stood to head towards the bedroom, Red stopped me. Moving into my personal space, she looked into my face. Her lips were moist, her eyes heavy with the magnitude of what we were about to do.

“Thank you, mister. You know that she loves you, don’t you? In her own way she knows you are very special to her. What you are about to do is the right way to deliver what she wants. She will die a good death …”

I nodded and sighed. “And it seems like today is a good day to die!”

Part 37 – The Girl

And now I am awake. The door is slightly ajar. I hear them come in. They must be carrying things. I can hear them clattering around. I can hear them.

I am awake.

And I know. I always knew. That it would be like this. Or some other way. That it would come to this. It's so unbelievably sweet. I'm smiling as I stroke my breasts, my clit. Gently. I know.

I am awake. I can hear them.

I can hear what they are saying.

And I am so happy.

Today. Here. It's going to happen. Today. Here.

I touch myself.

I am so happy.

I begin to think quickly. I begin to wonder. I begin to feel frightened. I beging to feel excited. It's today. They are going to do it to me. Today. Here.

I am so happy.

I wonder how it will be. How long it will last. I wonder how I will face the moment before they start. Will I want to stop?

I know I won't. I will be scared. So fucking scared. I will be humming Lana del Rey to myself. And Mahler. Kindertotenlieder. My sister played it on the piano. Songs for the death of children. Me. His little girl. Going to be killed.


I really am going to die today. I really am going to die today. I really am going to die today.

I keep repeating it to myself. I really am going to die today.

In awful, terrible pain. Hurting beyond hurt. The pain I want. The pain that I can't live without. The pain that will kill me

And they will do it to me. And she will watch. Abi, beautiful Abi will watch. And he will be scared. Even as he cuts me or nails me or ties me or whatever they have chosen to do to me . He will be scared. And Abi won't be. She will smile. And I will look at her and smile back. And then I will probably cry and scream and gasp and heave and slowly, slowly, slowly I will die.

I really am going to die today.

I really am going to die today.

I keep saying it. I try to calm myself. I'm so fucking frightened. So fucking excited. I so want this. I so want to hurt. I want this so fucking much.

And I'm so sorry. To my sis and my bro and my ma and pa. And my teachers who inspired me and encouraged me. And my friends. And the BF I left. I am so so sorry. But I need to do this. You will never know. You won't know what happened to me. Just Abi and Him will know. No-one else. Just them. And I am so sorry. But if you knew, perhaps you'd understand.

I really am going to die today. I really am going to die today. I really am going to die today.

And I am so happy. So amazingly fucking happy. And so fucking scared. But mainly...

...I am so so so happy...

Part 38 – The Guy

I've become addicted to her. Her scent. Her taste.

I recognise the look in her eyes when she’s particularly turned on. The feel of her hands on my body. My warm breath on her ear when I’m whispering what I intend to do to her. I think about her with every heartbeat. When I'm fucking my wife, her face is all I see. She’s my own personal heroin. She’s under my skin but I need her in my blood. I crave the fix that she gives me and the sweet release that comes when I’m with her.

I know I'm in love with her; sometimes I don't know how I get by when she’s not with me, which to be honest is most of the time. I don't know how she got so deep inside my system. I know she has feelings for me, even if they’re not quite so deep as mine are for her. She’s so much younger than I am … she has everything ahead of her, she can be whatever she wants … But when she’s with me, whatever else she feels, I can see the lust. The desire. The need. The confusion in feeling the way she does and needing me so badly.

It has to end before we get sucked down into this deadly vortex and blow up my life … our lives. It’s what she wants, I know that … and now is the right time to kill my Little Girl.

“Bring the barbed whip,” I say to Red as she puts the things we have bought, together with the things we need, ready for transferring to the car. “And that gas blow torch from in the cleaning supplies cupboard. We will require that.”

“Fuck, really mister?” The tattooed beauty seems shocked, which, given our intent had emanated from her suggestions, seemed somewhat ironic.

“Yes, really Red, and now leave me for a while, I need to say goodbye to her … before we begin.”

I moved quietly into the bedroom and saw the slut looking back at me, her eyes open, a smile on her lips. She looked different, more relaxed, maybe even more peaceful.

She held out her arms and I went to her. Sitting on the bed I pulled her to me. I felt her breath on my neck. I felt her breasts against my chest. Her hands behind my head. My Little Girl was still naked, her body marked, swollen and covered in a multitude of colours following the substantial beating she had taken the day before. She locked eyes with me. I could swim in those eyes forever.

Then my Little Girl slowly moved her hand to mine and together they rested against her chest. She took my fingers into hers ... entwined as one. My breathing came in quiet, shallow segments. She kept her eyes on me, and laid my palm onto her breast. It was just big enough to perfectly fill my hand ... the perfect size. My cock sprang to life … no matter how grave the situation, my desire never failed to materialise when my slut was with me.

“I know what you are doing mister …” her hand brushed my cheek. “I have heard you talking, you and Ab … Red.”

Once again she almost revealed Red’s name, but I didn’t want that. Not now we have come so far. Not so near the end. Still no names.

“It’s a good time mister, the right time.” As she spoke, the emotion in the air was palpably thick … overpowering almost.

“I’m so happy,” a tear ran down her cheek as she ran her fingers over my lips. I kissed the tips, and then wiped the tear away.

“I love you,” I said, sharing my feelings in a clear, unadulterated manner.

She smiled, and said, “I know you do, and I love you too in my own way. You have been a light in my life mister …”

Then she was ready, like all the times before, only this time was the final time. She lay back, opened her legs and reached for me. So different to any girl I have ever known. After today she will be part of my life forever. I liked that feeling.

But for now, I just let her dictate, take charge. It was her time. This moment was a celebration of my Little Girl. She grasped me, placed me at her entrance, then spread herself with two fingers. I went with the flow, pushed and we were joined.

It flashed in my mind as I slowly pressed and withdrew, feeling the warm tight wrapping of her pliant lips sheathing my erection, that there would never be another time. Then I was lost in the moment, the sensations as her hips came up to meet me and hold us together. Her abdomen shuddered, then she relaxed. I felt her begin to build again and this time we were close together.

She came. I came. We came together … for the last time.

We lay afterwards in each other's arms.


It was 2pm. Red had her moments alone with her friend, her lover and no doubt they had also shared physical ecstasy in celebration of their final moments together.

We were ready.

Red and I moved to the bed where the slut had stayed while her lover and I finished the preparations. I placed the knife and the cup on the small bedside table. Picking up the blade I put a small cut in the tip of my thumb and let the blood drip into the cup.

Handing the blade to Red she nodded and did the same before my Little Girl completed the triumvirate.

In turn each of us dipped a finger into the cocktail of blood and sucked the red liquid into our mouths.

We were joined. Together for always. Whatever happened now on this day would simply further cement our togetherness.

“It’s time …” I said standing.

Red stepped away allowing the slut to stand. She was still naked. Her beautiful, beaten body not yet healed. She took my breath away. A black tee shirt was pulled over her head, to cover her just a little for the journey.

Then my Little Girl wobbled, her knees gave way and she fell back onto the bed. Both Red and I stared, first at one another and then at the slut.

Was it the long time she had spent in bed since being in the Cabana? Was it regret? Was it fear?

“I … I’m okay, it’s … o … kay.” Taking my hand, she pulled herself back onto her feet.

“Please don’t sedate me.” The slut pleaded, “I want to be wide awake through everything.”

I nodded, “Very well,” and signalled to Red. She moved behind her lover, took her wrists and bound them together with a thick, black cable tie.

And with a gentle push I sent my Little Girl forward.

She was heading towards her own execution and from now on she would be treated accordingly.

Part 39 – The Girl

I know what they are doing.

In the next room. They are getting ready to kill me. I swallow. I bite my lip. I try to breathe calmly.

He comes to me.

“It’s a good time mister, the right time....I’m so happy,”

I hope he know that I truly am.

Breathe. Slowly.

He tells me he loves me. I know he does. He doesn't quite understand how he does, but I know he does. And I love him too. Not as a lover. But as the man who is delivering me to the thing I want most. I didn't know, all those weeks ago, that this is what I truly wanted, but now I do. Now I am sure. Quite sure. Utterly sure. I am certain. I breathe. I swallow.

Breathe. Slowly.

It is happening.

I open myself to him. We make love. Gently. Together. For the last time.

Breathe. Slowly.

Abi comes in. To say goodbye. I love her so much. I feel such tenderness for her. We lie together. Gently touching. With such infinite gentleness.

Breathe. Slowly.

“It’s time …”

Two words. Just two. I swallow. It's real. It's now. It's time.

Breathe. Slowly.

I try to stand, but somehow I can't

“I … I’m okay, it’s … o … kay.”

Breathe. Slowly.

I am ok. I am ok. I feel my whole inside tremble. It's real. It's now.

I ask them not to use the sedative. I pull the dark t-shirt over my breasts. It's real. It's now.

Breathe. Slowly.

I stand. I hold my wrists out behind. She ties them.

It's real. It's now.

Breathe. Slowly.

It's real. It's now. It is happening. I am going to be killed. I am going to die. I am going to suffer terribly. I have wanted this. I am ready. I tell myself. I am ready. I have wanted this. I am ready. I tell myself. I am going to be taken from here to a place and they are going to kill me. It's real.

Breathe. Slowly.


I am theirs now. Theirs to kill. I am going to my execution. I am trembling. I want this so much. I want this so very, very much.

Part 40 – The Guy

Grabbing the collar of the tee shirt I gripped and ripped. The slut grunted as the tearing material pulled her body forwards. I stepped back to admire. A torn piece of black fabric exposing the entirety of the middle of her glorious body was far more provocative than if she had been naked. One ragged side of the shirt was being held at bay by the slut’s nipple. It was already engorged … hard and erect.

I nodded to Red and, using one of the blades she slit the cable tie holding my Little Girl’s wrists behind her body.

Leaving the apartment and loading up the car had been quite straight forward. We had enough privacy and, in any event, a young girl, wearing a black tee shirt, which could easily have been covering up a bikini, with her hands behind her back, was not a strange sight in sun-drenched San Agustin.

And so now we were here, wherever ‘here’ turned out to be.

“Pick up the step ladders.” We had parked the car is a small clearing, just off from the side of the road. It reminded me of arriving at the woods in Middleton, South Leeds … what a lifetime ago that seemed.

I watched the slut bend and pick up the cumbersome, but not too heavy, ladders, her bare-naked ass staring me in the face. Fuck … I would pine for that ass once this day was done …

She had no cross to bear, as such, but Red and I were determined that she was going to carry an instrument which would contribute to her torture …

As the slut loaded them up into her arms she grunted. Not heavy but six-foot long … bright silver aluminium ladders.

“Move …” I bade her walk.

Each carrying a bag of accessories, Red and I kept a few feet behind the slut so that we could watch her shape moving slowly but surely, with purpose, deeper into the mountain side foliage.

The occasion reminded me of a medieval girl being sent to her own execution. Her skimpy clothing torn, her body beaten, her chest gasping as she bore the burden of whatever weight was forced upon her slender body.

Even as we walked, I was becoming erect. Of course I was. This was the most erotic scene I had ever played out!

“Stop.” I commanded when we were sufficiently removed from the road side. My Little Girl did as commanded and the ladders tumbled to the floor.

She stood with her hands behind her back and her head bowed, perspiration already making her skin shine. She was a good girl, a very good Little Girl. My cock ached for her … but that was not why we were here.

“This tree?” I turned to Red. She nodded.

Moving to the slut I pulled the tattered remnants of the shirt from her body leaving her naked before us. She would never have the need for clothing again. She was shaking, as was I. I could feel a lump in my throat … was I going to be able to do this?

“I’m ready mister,” my Little Girl said quietly as if sensing my apprehension. It was all I needed. She was encouraging me. I needed to go through with this for my Little Girl, and for Red … for all of us.

Looking round for something to use I saw an old stump from a chopped down tree that had been completely uprooted and now laid dormant on its side, just waiting for me to find it.

Without a word I rolled it into position and then with Red’s help we stood it upright by the chosen tree.

“Stand on it.” I issued the next command, and then watched as silently Red loaned a hand to my Little Girl and she stood as instructed on the stump.

Positioning the ladders at the side of the tree I climbed several rungs until I was higher than the slut, my bulging cock in her line of sight …

“Arms high, hands together.”

Now it would begin.

As the slut obeyed I took her wrists and moved her arms into the position that I wanted them to be in. One back-hand flat to the tree, the back of the other hand in the palm of the first, so that they were effectively on top of one another.

“Pass me the hammer and two six-inch nails please Red.”

My Little Girl had been nailed to a tree before, but at least then I did so having thought through how easy I could extract the nails afterwards, and having administered shots of adrenalin boost, with appropriate after care on hand. Today there would be no thoughts of relative comfort, no after care at all … today she would be truly and properly hurt.

I held the point of one nail to the upward most palm. I sought out the pale skin where the scar from the previous impalement was. I would use the same spot again. The weakest point which meant that the remainder of the flesh and bone around it would be strong enough to hold her upright, at least for as long as we needed.

I pressed the nail harder into her hand. I felt her flinch and then heard her whimper. Fuck.

I paused.

“Do it, mister,” my slut said quietly, her gaze looking straight ahead.

And so, I did. A mighty hammer blow sent the nail into her hand. Then another quickly followed before her natural response could attempt to pull her away. A third in rapid succession drove the nail through both hands and into the wood.

I had hammered so hard and so quickly that my Little Girl hadn’t had the chance to manifest her response.

But now the pain was there in all its patent agony. Her head fell forward, her back arched and she pushed away from the tree. My hands suddenly were on her head holding her in position.

“Red, quickly hold her still …”

With eyes wide the flame-haired girl gripped the legs of her friend and lover holding her in place. The slut was shrieking, mad, short bursts as her tensed body refused to take in air. She'd banged her head on the harsh, gnarled trunk several times and I could already see blood from a gash in her scalp.

As things calmed a little, I touched the protruding nail head once more with the hammer, raised my arm, and in a blur brought it down.

I hammered the nail fully home. Again, the slut bucked and retched, awful animalistic sounds rasping from her throat …

I placed a second nail alongside the first. A new mark on her flesh, but her full body weight would ultimately need to be held and so another nail was required.

Two more blows and it was done, her hands pinned forever to the wood. Once her frantic screams faded, I saw that she was shaking, as indeed was I.

Red let go of her friend’s legs and just stared up at her with wide, tear-filled eyes.

I descended the ladder and also looked up at my Little Girl. She clenched her teeth. Her breathing was so hard that she was blowing out small strands of saliva that were dripping from her chin.

Her body was beautiful, even as it was … red and striped. Touching her skin, her thigh, her stomach I could almost feel her pain as she moaned quietly to herself. This was what I loved, the closeness to my slut’s suffering, becoming the yin to her yang, becoming the sadist to her masochist, desiring her pain, just as she desired it.

“Use the barbed flogger on her Red.” It was time to bring the flame-haired girl into the action.

If she felt any reluctance to become involved, she did not show it.

I stepped back, as Red approached with the whip. It was a long one, with nasty looking leather strips. The lashes were wound round with barbed wire, and the end tipped with steel balls. I had never actually used it before, because to be honest a victim of this evil instrument would never be rid of the scars and the mutilation. Today however that did not matter.

It would shred her skin into mulch.

The scene was silent save for the quiet moans from my Little Girl, now a constant backdrop to the light rustling of the leaves on this Gran Canaria mountainside. Blood ran from the nails in her hands, down her arms and onto her breasts, with the gash in her scalp releasing a crimson rivulet over her forehead and down her cheek to drip from her chin. The effect was already breath-taking.

Red positioned herself in front of her lover and pulled back her arm.

“Head up slut, avoid the barbs,” why I had decided to offer ‘helpful guidance’ I had no idea. But it mattered not, because my Little Girl ignored me. In fact, she did exactly the opposite and so, as Red lashed the first stroke high across her left shoulder, the slut dropped her head, the barbs raking across her cheek and tearing a deep trench like cut into her face.

“Fuck!” Red was shocked. The slut looked down at us both with the torn flesh hanging from her face, blood oozing out. And she smirked.

She fucking smirked.

I loved her so much.

“Continue,” I said, as Red turned to me, took a deep breath and struck hard across the slut’s breasts. The stroke was hard, and accurate, lashing across each firm mound, tearing the nipples, gouging the skin from her body. The shock of this lash made my Little Girl jerk, her head flying back as she looked to the sky in an almost biblical manner before her eyes rolled upwards into her head, the whites momentarily staring back at us until she calmed, her head dropping, her, now heavy-lidded, eyes staring ...

Red took aim once more.

With the next stroke my Little Girl’s head fell back flew back before falling once more down to her chest as her toned, flat stomach bore the brunt, and she cried out. Pleading, yelling, begging to an invisible source, but all she shouted for was strength …

Fucking ‘strength’ … that was all she asked for. Not asking for mercy, no begging for it to stop … just strength. Fucking hell. My darling Little girl

The slut was already bleeding profusely. Her body a mass of red stripes and rivulets streaking her skin along with the ripped and torn flesh that adorned her bound beauty.

Red paused. Three strokes with this whip had been devastating. We left it until the manic writhing of the slut had calmed.

It was quiet here on the mountainside. But in amongst the peace I heard very specific things. The rustling of a slight breeze in the leaves of nearby trees. The heavy breathing from Red, acknowledging how much effort had been needed just to deliver three lashes with this heavily barbed whip.

“Again,” I said. And Red did as she was asked to do.

A fourth lash struck the slut’s abdomen and thighs ... the involuntary grunt which escaped her lips as the blow fell was glorious. The sheer impact of the barbed flogger on her body forced the air out of her lungs, and her grunts became louder and more pained as the savage whipping continued.

When my Little Girl’s strength left her, and her body finally hung limp from the tree, I stopped the beating. The sun was warm, the slut was covered in blood, mixed with a shining sheen of perspiration, that gathered and trickled down her sides, under her exposed breasts, and along her legs. Torn flesh was hanging in sliced, bloody lengths from her body.

My erection was raging, and I felt that I might actually ejaculate without touching myself, such was the intensity of my lust.

I couldn't stand the arousal any more, and I turned to Red and said "I have to fuck.”

Red nodded, knowing my meaning. Maybe she felt the same.

Our bodies met in a frenzy of desire, both gazing up at the slut at the same time. I saw my Little Girl watching through the slits that her eyes had become. Blood from the cheek gash dripped from her chin, joining the staunched flow from her scalp. She had already lost a lot of blood, but there was much more to go.

Red slipped off her short beach skirt and with it her bikini bottoms. It took me seconds to expose my erection, and in only seconds more I had entered her. She was wet, ready for me. Immediately. I was rock hard and plunged inside, impaling her.

We both turned our heads to watch the slut suffering on the tree as we fucked on the grass. I timed my thrusts to various movements of my battered Little Girl ... breathing... muscle contractions, gasps and whimpers and when she finally gave a huge cry of frustration and agony, I exploded in an orgasm that was so intense I momentarily lost all sense of where I was.

Part 41 – The Girl

That drive. My bare backside on the leather seat, cold. My hands tied behind.

Glancing at the passing countryside. Cyclists in lycra. A runner.

Half-completed thoughts. Nothing quite finishing itself off.


Like before an exam.

Thinking that it won't start. Clock ticking. Knowing it will.


And then we are there.

It really is now.


He tears the t-shirt open. My breasts feel the cool air, nipples harden.


She cuts the tie. I rub my hands.


He orders me.

I do as he says.

Into the woods. Like before. But so different.

My belly trembling. Biting my lip. The wonderful thrill of fear. I just don't know what will come next. But I know I will be killed.


Bite harder.

Here now. In a little clearing.

He tears the shirt of me. Naked. Beautifully naked.

Breathe. Slowly. Breathe.

“I’m ready mister,”

I said it. I said it. Ready. I am. Scared, excited. Ready. To do what he says.

Stand on that. Raise your arms.

I do what he says. I bite my lip.

Breathe. Slowly. Breathe.

It's starting. The examination paper is in front of me. I'm about to turn over the page. Breathing juddering.

Breathe slowy. I tell myself. Slowly.

A hammer. Nails. For me.

A shower of pain. Rattling over me. Blood running down my wrists and arms and over my tits and down my side. A trickle. Blinded by the pain.



I can't!


Gasp for air. Try to slow myself. Breathe slowly! Slowly!

I can't! Gasping and blowing. Panting for breath. Banging my head back on the tree.

FUCK!!!! This hurts so fucking much!

Thoughts won't glue together. Can't...

She's there. So fucking lovely. The whip. The one with barbs. Fuck I want it!

Oh my fucking god! My face! FUCK!!!! Blood. I hurt!!!!

I want it to... NO! I want it!

I don't want it to stop. I want it!




Breathe. Make myself. Slow. Blow it out. Slow. Breathe.

My tits! My fucking belly. She's ripping me up! FUCK!!! YES!!! FUCK!!!! YES!!!

I hurt so fucking much!!! FUCK!!!

Remember to breathe! That's all you have to do!!! BREATHE!!! Give me fucking strength! Let me breathe! I have to breathe! I don't want to fucking faint!


My fucking belly!

I feel the blood running down me. Over my pussy, down my legs. FUCK!!!!

Breathe... slow it down. Breathe. Own every breath. Drink up the pain. I want it. Drink it. Breathe!

FUCK! Yes! I want this so fucking much!


Stare through the branches. Blue blue sky. Nothing but sky. Look at the ground. Look over my ripped-up body. Look up at my fucked up hands. I hurt so fucking much! I HURT!!!!



They fuck. They fuck. They fuck.


Part 42 – The Guy


“Fucking hell Red, just look at her …”

“Beautiful, isn’t she?” The slut’s friend and lover replied. I could not bring myself to say anything as the flame-haired girl and I lay in the grass, post coital, at the foot of where my perfect, lovely, once-in-a-lifetime Little Girl, was already dying.

“We have to see it through mister,” Red added, sensing the doubt that still pervaded my mind.

I knew what we had to do. As we lay there the slut let out another feral-like cry. I turned to the girl laid next to me, who had also become my lover.

“We finish this without a problem, right?”

Red smiled and nodded. “We can mister, I told you already. We booked separate flights and the apartment is in your name only. So, no one knows she is with us. I stayed with at her ma and pa’s once, so they know my name but have no idea where to find me. They will know she went to Gran Canaria of course from her credit card, but without any ‘complaint’ being filed, she will simply be ‘filed away’ as a missing person – an adult who doesn’t want to be found. No one else will know except for you and me, mister.”

She made it sound so simple.

“Take off your top Red.” As I slipped off my shorts and toed off my canvas pumps, she looked quizzically at me.

“We are likely to get blood all over us from now on, and so we can wrap the body in the sheet and bury it at sea and then wash the blood from our skin before we leave …”

Red smiled, understanding my thinking.

A pensive moment came over me. I had said the word ‘body’, which took me to a place in my head where my Little Girl was no more.

Fuck! I felt the emotion well up once more. It was now or never.

It had to be now!

Naked we approached the tree once more.

Taking rope I began to tie one end securely around the slut’s right knee. The touch on her body seemed to jerk her back in to some sort of life. I took the rope around the back of the tree, pulling her knee with it. When I had tied the other side to the opposite knee, my Little Girl’s thighs were obscenely, yet beautifully, spread. She was groaning anew because her position now meant that her feet had come up from the stump and her entire body was now being held up only by the nails in her hands, which had begun to bleed again.

“Look at her,” Red stood back while I worked but now I joined her.

My Little Girl was magnificent. Hands nailed, bloody, torn body writhing, head lolling and her eyes rolling.

“Stunning,” was all I had to say before returning to the tree.

“Hold her by the waist please,” I issued my instructions to the flame haired girl. “Despite her failing strength, this will make her wild.”

I took the hammer and a nail. Picking up her left leg by the calf, bending her knee outwards, I placed the sole of her foot flat against the tree trunk.

I loved the feel of her foot in my hand. My Little Girl, I loved her so much.

The foot bones, around the Navicular and the Cuboid, were thick, and that was where this nail was heading.

Unlike when her hands were nailed, as I pressed the steel tip against her flesh there was no tension in her body. No whispered words of encouragement from my Little Girl. I glanced up to see her red streaked, torn face glowing with a sheen of perspiration, while she groaned and strained with every muscle of her young form.

With a sweep of my arm the hammer arced towards the tree and came down with a dull thud against the head of the nail.

Instantly the metal pierced the soft flesh, rupturing the skin in a small shower of crimson blood, pushing through into the bone. I hammered again and small bones splintered as the nail forced its passage through the foot, where it was stopped by the wood of the tree.

“NNNNNeeeaaaaarrrrrrhhhhh!” my Little Girl grunted, a sound of torment beyond any she had uttered thus far. Her young body spasmed and she reared against the trunk, fighting for freedom from the pain and finding none as Red held her tightly.


I heard the slut’s friend and lover gasp as once again the force of my Little Girl’s writhing pushed them together. But another hammer blow and the left foot was nailed to the tree.

Then the next one. Both feet. An agonising position.


“AAAAAARRRRRRHHH! Nggghhooooo” came the slut’s scream, a loud, bestial explosion.

The nail had pierced her right foot now and was pushing into the tree. Her whole body seemed to be drawn into the agony of her mutilation. My Little Girl, thrashed her body as far as the nails and rope would allow, her strength now seemingly restored by the extremity of her pain. Her tears flowed freely as she fought for breath.

She might want this, she does want this, but her physical body wasn’t giving up so easily.

Standing back I signalled for Red to join me, and together we looked up at the grotesque beauty that now hung before us. Her body fully nailed through hands and feet to the tree that would become the scaffold for her execution … her glorious death.

She wanted it. We wanted it. It would happen.

“She’s hurting,” I said to the flame-haired girl. “See how she struggles to breathe properly now that we have stretched her body like this.”

The Little Girl was attempting to drag herself up the tree by straightening her legs. But the effort required was too much, and apart from dragging her naked back against the gnarled tree trunk, she was not helping her cause at all. Gradual suffocation had begun, but that would not be how the slut would die.

Then the flow of urine began. Legs wide, pussy open and the slut pissed herself, the golden stream arcing from her body to fall on the ground before her. We watched until she finished … not that my Little Girl had any control over what she was doing anymore.

“Vibe her,” I commanded Red. “One last climax, while she still can.” The words fuelled my lust once more, but my late-middle-aged cock was not ready to stiffen again, not yet.

The slut’s lover took the vibe, with the large bulbous head, battery fully charged, and slowly moved it around the inside of my Little Girl’s thighs.

Even in her state of extreme suffering I saw her body judder and the desperation that underpinned her attempts to breathe, change cadence just a little.

Fucking hell, this was something.

I stood and watched until Red had firmly planted the head of the vibe inside the slut’s pussy, her pliant labia, exposed fully due to the splayed nature of her thighs, had wrapped securely around the tool of her impalement, helping to send waves of potential pleasure through into her, as yet, unharmed clitoris.

I climbed the ladder, fishhooks in hand, toughened, plastic coated twine already threaded through them.

I ascended to the level where my eyes were level with the slut’s. There I paused, she turned and looked at me. Bubbles of saliva were now being blown through her slightly parted lips, she clearly had no energy to do anything else.

Then something amazing happened. She somehow opened her mouth just a little more and whispered, “Th … thank y … you mist … er …”, and a solitary tear freed itself from her red and wet eyes and rolled down her blood-stained cheek …

It was beautiful. She was beautiful and I felt the reciprocal tear fall from my eye.

I leaned across and touched my lips to hers. Was it a kiss? Not really, she wasn’t responsive enough to call it that. But I was able to touch her once more and it meant the world to me.

As I looked at her, her head now dropped back onto her chest, the vibe whirring away making her shudder, I reached for the nipple on her right breast. The firm mound had already been ripped by the barbs on the whip, but the nipple had remained intact.

I pinched it between the thumb and forefinger of one hand while pushing the barbed hook through the teat. It should have been agonising in its own right, most probably it was, but my Little Girl gave no more than a grunt … her body now beginning to shut down.

As the hook punctured the nipple the slut shuddered again, and then groaned as her hips pushed out. She was climaxing. Experiencing one final orgasm at the hands of her lover … her friend … it was the right thing.

It wasn’t explosive, the slut would not have the energy for that. But cum she had, and as I pushed the second hook through her other nipple she cried out, the anaesthetising effect of having her body sexually stimulated now over, and her ability to feel the torment returned. Her distress was growing.

I pulled the twine as far as I could, stretching her nipples, pulling her breasts with them, and I secured it to a nail driven into the ground, leaving her body pulling away from the tree. From here on in, breathing would be virtually impossible.

I saw Red staring at the horrific tableau that we had constructed. Beautiful gore. Beatific almost in its appearance.

For several long minutes we just watched as my Little Girl’s breathing became more shallow, virtually non-existent, the short exhales becoming less and less frequent.

“We need to finish it.” I said eventually.

Red nodded.



I hurt. I hurt. I hurt so fucking much.

I so want this hurt.

Breathe. Slowly.

Make the hurt last.

It's so fucking bad. It hurts so fucking much.

I try. I can't. I gasp. I push out breath and spittle. I try. I must try.

Make it last. Slowly. Make this wonderful beautiful hurt last.

I must breathe slowly. I must breathe slowly.

They are standing there, half-naked. Both of them,

She's unimaginably gorgeous.

Her beautiful face. Her red hair about her sweet cheeks. Her half-open lips saying something to Him. Her breasts. Her painted breasts.

The two of them. The celebrant and his acolyte at this Blood Mass. She whispers something to Him.

And now they start.

It's almost the end.

I know it is.

I want to die. But not yet. Now I want to feel every moment of hurt and pain.

Breathe. Slowly.

He ties my legs and draws them up. My fucking hands are screaming at me. I am in so much agony. I am hurting so terribly. I love this so much.

He takes my foot. He feels my foot against the tree. He tells her to hold me. Around my hips. Her hands on me.


Breathe! I can't!!! Gasp! Breathe! I can't! My body thrashes against the tree. My lacerated back against the tree


I can't breathe! I'm swamped by the pain rushing up to my heart. Drowning. I hurt so much. I hurt so much!

I'm nailed.

I open my tightly-shut eyes.

I gaze at them.

He speaks to her. She comes to me. I hear the sound. My head is throbbing. I feel it. I feel it and it's so fucking good. It's so fucking good.

He's next to me.

I whisper. I can't speak. I whisper.

“Th … thank y … you mist … er …”

I mean it. I am so glad this is happening to me. I hurt so fucking much. And I'm burning. My clit's burning. I am so fucking lucky.

And now. And now. My fucking nipples. I see Him. Fish hooks. Fucking fish hooks. Laced through me. I hurt so fucking much!

And now. Pulling me by my tits. Pulling me away from the tree. Pulling my body forward. Pulling me against the nails. Pulling me by my nipples.

I hurt beyond hurt. I hurt so fucking much.

And they are standing. Gazing at me. Half-naked. The two who are killing me. Gazing at the obscenity that used to be me. My bloody, wrecked body pulled in all directions. A bloody angel. They stare at me. They stare at me so they can remember me.

Breathe. Slowly.


I remember floating, between his legs. Floating in a bubbling tub. Floating.

I remember the dark cabana.

I remember the cell. The rack. The water.

I remember the nails that He crucified me by in the forest.

I remember sitting in the back seat of his car, a foil blanket over my whipped, soaking body.

I remember seeing Her. Kissing Her.

I remember Him. Text. Reply.

I remember my wood. Naked in my wood. My public place. My nakedness and my tree. My whipping. My first.

I remember my bed. My body. Touching the tips of my breasts and my clit. Gently touching.

I remember the school trip to the Gallery. And St. Eulalia dead in the snow. And wondering why she was so unmarked after the soldiers had de-breasted her.

I remember my Church and the scent of dust and incense and the Creed and the Priest's look lingering a little to long as I raised my face to him and took the Body and Blood into my rosy mouth.

I remember the beach in summer with friends. And my childish swimming costume striped white and blue and letting the rollers drag me up over the pebbles and the feel of the sea on my back and the pebbles on my body and going home and looking at the grazes on my belly and on my budding breasts.

I remember climbing the ropes at school and hanging just by my hands and the feeling as something special washed over me.

I remember... I can;t remember. My memories are shattering into a million broken shards. Pieces of me. Falling away.

I don't remember any more. There isn't time to remember anything more. Remembering is for the living. Remembering isn't for me anymore. I'm already half a ghost. I'm already more than half-dead.

Breathe. Slowly.

Make it last. Make the hurt last.

Breathe. Slowly.

Draw out every last bit of hurt.

Breathe. Slowly.

Feel every last moment of agony. Live every moment without memory. Just the hurt. The hurt which is so bad and so beautiful.

I gaze at them.

I can't see anything anymore. I can only see darkness.

I can't hear anything.

I'm dying. I know I am.

I can just feel the pain. Seering through me. The awful, delicious, terrible, beautiful pain. The hurt I have always wanted.

Breathe. Slowly.

I can hardly breathe. I can hardly breathe.

Draw it out. Take it all. I hurt so much. I hurt so much. I hurt so much.



I looked at Red, she looked at me. We nodded in mutual understanding, before each taking a knife from the bag. I picked the one with the serrated edge … I would need it.

“You cut her thighs and stomach, go deep but no more than an inch or two, don’t kill her just yet.”

The naked Red nodded. She was committed to this and did not hold back. Her stoicism at being party to this act very evident as she touched the blade to my Little Girl’s stomach and began to pull it across the flesh.

The slut didn’t scream, but she gasped and squirmed a little as Red pushed harder and deeper leaving a deep cut that immediately poured with blood. But as the pain signals reached her dying brain my Little Girl rent the air with a piercing cry that manifested her suffering.

It broke my heart and yet perversely filled it with joy.

I climbed the ladder once more. This time there was no recognition when I reached my Little Girl’s face. No whispered words, no touch of our lips. She was almost gone. Out of it as a bodily judder signified yet another cut being made in her flesh down below me, audible cries now seemingly beyond her capability.

I took her furthest breast, her left, and held it in my hand, and squeezed it hard, a brief expulsion of breath the only response from my Little Girl. I applied the serrations to the still firm flesh and began to cut. I sliced as if I was cutting into a joint of meat, which of course I was. A prime joint … a joint that I loved so much.

Slowly the breast came away, and the tightened twine from the hook in the nipple from that severed body part, fell away with it.

The slut’s body now just juddered, naturally anaesthetised from the shock of this brutal torture. Her cries no more. Her screams long gone, along with the energy to create them. But still she breathed, just. She was not yet gone.

Moving to the nearest breast, the one that remained on her body, I began to cut. As the blood lines appeared around my cut, a surgeon’s cut, and began to seep then ooze with crimson liquid, the second breast began to fall away in my hand.

Blood poured from the wound as I pulled back towards the ladder, then the second mound was loose, and falling. Her breasts, both on the ground beneath us, the fish hooks still embedded in the erect nipples, her body, or what was left of it, no longer pulling away from the tree.

She sagged, still … unmoving. I too was shocked at the graphic nature of what I had just done, but I had the presence of mind to check her pulse.

“It’s still there, Red she’s still with us … Red … RED!”

I looked down at the flame haired girl, now splattered with her lover’s blood, who was staring up, the knife, dripping with the slut’s life essence, in her hand, and she was sobbing.

“Red get me the fucking gas blow torch NOW!”

I had to staunch the bleeding from these wounds if we wanted her to survive a few more minutes. No time for professional skill, no clamps, or nursing staff available, just an old fashion flame to cauterise the wound.

Red reacted thank goodness, and in seconds I was releasing a flame onto the bleeding skin and tissue that had once been where her breasts resided.

My Little Girl was totally out of it. No reaction to her body being mutilated and now burned.

We had to finish this.

I descended the steps.

“We need to end this Red.”

She nodded. Mute. Both of us dripping in the blood of my Little Girl.

I took a small tube of smelling salts, ‘Nose-Tork’ … powerful … and the third knife … a savage hunting knife, with a razor’s edge.

I looked at Red. She knew what happened now. We had planned the end … agreed it beforehand and now it was time.

Together we approached the tree once more. I touched the blade to the slut’s open pussy, still sticky with her juices and remnants of urine. I moved the point of the blade to her clit, then slipped it lower, blade up, into her pussy.

I pushed and ripped upwards. The cut was true. The slut opened up, her internal organs spilling out. Her lifeblood flowed. I wrenched the knife free from her split liver and dragged it out through the torn spleen. This was the end.

I looked at Red. She looked at me.

I climbed the steps. She stood on the stump.

Our three faces were at the same height. I held the Nose-Tork under the nostrils of my slut and prayed for a response, no matter how small. Miraculously a very small breath appeared in a slight bubble emanating from the small gap in her lips.

“She’s still with us,” her friend and lover whispered through the sobs she was trying to stem so that she could speak.

I nodded.

Placing my hand at the back of the slut’s neck I rested my head on her shoulder. In seconds Red’s head lay the same way on other side of my Little Girl, and her left arm came around my shoulder.

We stood together, the three of us for the final curtain, all covered in the same blood, grotesquely bonded.

I could feel her pulse …

I thought of the time I first saw my Little Girl in the pub … a beautiful, vibrant, laughing girl …

I could feel her pulse …

The times in the woods, the village hotel, the car journeys to the station in Leeds …

I could feel her pulse …

Then in my mind’s eye I saw her tied in the hospital basement and the cells at Bridewell … then we were making love, having dinner, shopping for a new dress …

I could feel her pulse …

I love you my darling, sweet, gorgeous Little Girl … words I said inside my head for I could not speak.

The dam of my own tears now burst and I too began sobbing … I was losing her …

And then we were here, in San Agustin. In the sunshine, a holiday with the girl who I now knew to be the love of my life. A holiday like no other has been, or will ever be … my darling, sweet Little Girl.

Momentarily she gasped, the slut … I glanced to the side so that I could witness this shocking finale to her young life, and saw her eyes open wide … her jaws slacken … and then she slumped as every last ounce of vitality ebbed away.

Now there was no pulse … she was gone.

I cried. Red knew too and she cried.

We held onto her and to each other.

Blood covered our naked bodies. Three blood covered lovers. For ever.

Our Journey was over.


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