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Second part of 'Sweet revenge and maybe a bit more (S1)'

My first priority is still to make the story feel natural but this time there is more sex involved. Guess that was missing last time around ;D
I recommend that everyone who wants to read this story, should read ‘sweet revenge and maybe a bit more’. For these that just want to read THIS story, here is a very short summery of things that happened so far.

Steve’s parents left him and his step-sister, Jenny, for two weeks. Jenny tried to blackmail her brother but he looked right through her. Instead of being forced into submission he blackmails her in return, showing that she shouldn’t have messed with him in the first place.

Blackmail doesn’t really fit into Steve’s moral code so he drops his leverage against his sister. She on the other hand loved the idea of being his slave so much that in the end she gives him the consent he needed to justify dominating her.

Marie was just a side character in the first story.

Change of heart – Steve’s first Date:

Steve is running up the stairs. The school is basically empty. It’s Friday afternoon, so there are no more classes scheduled. The last bell rang around 15 minutes ago and even the teachers were eager to finally enter the weekend. Steve on the other hand can’t leave Marie alone with her thoughts.

He runs down the hallway towards the least-visited corner of the schoolhouse. It's a toilet on the second floor. It’s strange. Even though there are some rooms nearby it’s almost always empty. The intended users would be the lower grades that have their stationary classroom in this corridor but the students prefer the one on the other end of the school. It gives them an excuse to miss more of their classes. Not that it would matter now, there is no one left in school.

Even before Steve opens the door to the bathroom, he can hear her crying. It reminds him of all the times he was standing in this exact spot, hearing the same sound, wondering what he should do. Two years ago, Steve had to watch Marie almost every day go to this place, sometimes with a tear running down her cheek. It’s where she always escapes to when she has to get away from things. Steve never went in with her and he never talked about it. Because he knew exactly what was going on. Marie is a nice girl, but her feelings of insecurity and her unwillingness to fight back was like an invitation for bullying.

The day that habit of hers came to an end is something he’ll probably never forgets. The girls were going after her again. Steve was just about to head to his next classroom when he saw them. For a while now he had an idea and he thought it was the right time to take action. As he approached the group of girls, they thought he was on their side. Some of them had a crush on him, even back then, and seeked his approval. “With the way she dresses Marie will never find a boyfriend, wouldn’t you agree Steve?“ He had to concentrate to keep his temper. Steve can’t remember who said it but he gave her a look that made her instantly back off. He looked at Marie who seemed like a dear in the flashlights and he knew what he wanted to do.

He singled out Marie from the group and kissed her in the middle of the hallway. This action showed his affects immediately. Marie blushed, but so did the other girls. Knowing that he has the attention Steve said, “Don’t you dare change a thing about yourself. It’s just stupid talk.”

Guess this was the encouragement she needed. After school he checked if Marie was alright, but from that day he never saw her run of to this bathroom again. Up until now.

“Marie, are you alright?” he asked after entering the girls-bathroom. He has never been in one before. Maybe his stepmom took him once or twice when he was younger but he can’t remember these times and therefore they don’t really count. Nothing special really.

*sniff* “Go away, Steve!” Marie says but she knows she won’t get rid of him that easy and adds, “I’m fine …”

Well, she is right about one thing. Steve doesn’t even think about leaving her alone. Instead he says, "No, Marie. You’re not. Come on, tell me what happened. You know I’m not going anywhere.”

He tries the stalls one after another. The last won’t open; Marie has locked herself inside. Like he has all the time in the world, Steve takes a seat on the floor leaning against the wall while facing the stall. Marie doesn't respond to him anymore; she probably hopes he will go away after a while?

What a day, Steve thinks, and he’s just halfway through it. Steve expected it to be special but he never thought it would have something to do with Marie. He and his step-sister have been at it the whole week. From Tuesday morning when Jenny first watched him perform his morning workout, up until this morning when he finally fucked the shit out of her.

He decided to teach his new slave a lesson for the start. Instead of fucking Jenny he kept on teasing her. His sister begged him more than once to take her right at the spot, sometimes even in public. He always declined of course and even forbade her to masturbate herself. This sweet torture went on for three and a half days. He made her strip, humiliated her, edged her, let her suck him off and all just to prove to her that this arrangement between the two of them isn’t going to be how she would prefer it to go. If he doesn’t want her to cum or even take pleasure out of a situation, then she won’t. Period.

It’s frustrating but jenny wouldn’t have it any other way. Also, she would have expected nothing less from her step brother aka dom. He showed her who is in charge once before. And back then she wasn’t even his slave.

This morning though, Daniel did his usual routine. Jenny learned to enjoy the sight of him working out as long as it lasts and like the days before watched his every move while sitting on his bed. He doesn’t mind. It plays right into his hands.

“What should we do with you?” he asks after finishing his last set, “You always watch me. Did nobody ever tell you that it isn’t polite to stare at people?”

She knows that tone in his voice. He wants to play, so she replies, “I’m sorry, sir.”

Sir … Steve loves it. At first, she wanted to call him master and there is nothing wrong with that. But for him, master carries this old and abstract meaning. He doesn’t connect anything special with it. It doesn’t give him the kick that he gets by being called Sir. The respect it implies. He loves it.

Jenny waits for him to make the next move. Maybe he spanks her again? That was another thing she had to endure two days ago. At least it took her mind off of all this teasing but it only lasted for a few minutes and back again she was even hornier than before.

She is at a point in which anything he does to her feels like a punishment, eventually. The pleasure clouds her mind for the time being but afterward … it's so frustrating.

“You must be horny as hell.” Steve says, “let’s do something against that.” He grabs her head and starts kissing her. He pushes her down onto the bed and lets his finger wander all over this beautiful body. When he finally slides his fingers into her shorts, he can feel how wet she is and backs off.

“I guess we both need a shower now.” Daniels sweat has left visible marks on Jenny’s white shirt. She lifts her head only to see her brothers knowing grin. Did I tell you how frustrating it is? Steve says, "You're first but hurry, we are late already." With a sight, Jenny lets her head fall back onto the bed. She did as she was told. There is no point in arguing. Like the good girl she tries to be, she enters the bathroom to take her shower.

Up until now, there wasn’t anything different to today compared to the days before. But this time Steve followed her a few seconds afterwards. He made her strip, show off her body and even let her play with herself. Jenny doesn’t know what to expect but she gets excited when Steve undresses too. They are going to shower together. ‘More teasing, no’ she thinks.

Jenny shakes her head, “Please don't" she begs, "I can't take any more of that."

Steve isn't impressed by her complaints. His face gives nothing away. A single tear runs down his stepsister's cheek as they enter the big modern shower. He starts the water and makes sure it has the right temperature. His sister expects him to wash her, maybe fool around a bit but she gets surprised. Steve presses her against the wall and begins to rub her pussy … hard.

It doesn’t take long. The pleasure she feels at that moment can't be put into words. The pressure that has built itself up inside of her over the last few days finds its release in an earth-shattering orgasm that almost made it all worth it.

Before she has time to really process what just happened, Steve turns her around so she faces the wall and bends her over. He slides his cock over her slit, taking in the wetness. He slowly pushes his dick inside of her. She doesn’t seem to mind. It’s not obvious that she even realizes what’s happening.

Steve waited so long for that moment. Thrust after thrust he begins pounding her. Jenny cries out in surprise. Finally, she can feel her brother's cock inside her pussy. Since the day she wore that see-through top when she first saw his erection, she fantasized about that moment. And let's just say, there is no way her imagination could ever keep up with the feeling she has right now. It won't take long until she comes again.

“You’re still out there?”

There is a bit of hope in the voice that rips through his daydream. It seems like Marie is willing to talk now. Normally he would answer such a question from her, by simply not answering it. He would only look at her and she’d understand. This time though, there’s a wall between them, so he has to say at least something.

“Yes.” And with a little laugh he adds, "Sorry to disappoint you but you're not that lucky."

He hears a long sight coming out of the cabin.

“You know, I had PE last lesson …*sniff* I didn’t want to go home all sweaty again but …” She begins to explain herself through the closed door.

Steve doesn’t push her. He already knows parts of the story anyway.

“I didn’t want them to see … me. So, I waited until all of the other girls left. At least I thought so … Jenny was still inside the showers. I didn’t hear her before, she only dried herself off with a towel. That was when she saw … eh … something written on my arm. She tried to take a closer look but I ran away. *sniff* she came after me and forced me to show her my arms. I only wanted to put on my clothes so I can leave the changing room. And of course, the first thing I see …“her voice breaks, “was you standing there”

The story doesn’t add up. “Marie? Are you sure that’s what happened? You’re crying because of some words you wrote on your arm?”

In the few seconds before Steve went after Marie, Jenny told him what happened, at least what she thought happened. She wasn’t very specific about what she saw on Marie’s arms but it was some kind of bruise.

“Rope marks.” She says and after that confession the tears began to roll again. "I didn't want anyone to see that I have rope marks on my wrists!"

That’s a revelation that has to sink in for a moment. Steve always thought of her as that high ideal, someone he didn’t want to corrupt and now he hears that she has rope marks on her wrists? Did she get tied up against her will? With an understanding voice Steve says, “And you cry because you fear, she’ll tell everyone …”

Louder than before Marie responds. Her voice is a bit shaken. “I WAS afraid that she would tell SOMEone but” she sniffs, “… but I did a great job with that myself.”

Things start to add up. No she wasn’t tied up against her will. Steve says, “Open the door Marie, please"

It takes a moment but to his surprise, she unlocks the door. He steps in and finds his friend crying on a toilet seat, her face buried in her hands. Steve helps her to stand up. She is still looking down, to embarrassed to meet his gaze.

Marie had put her glasses on the toilet paper dispenser next to her. Steve lifts her chin and wipes away the tears running down her cheeks. Marie is so touched by this gesture that she even stops crying. Steve on the other hand picks up her glasses and puts them on her face.

“Everything is alright, don’t worry.” He says while offering her a hug. For a moment he can see the light come back into Marie’s eyes. That’s what she needs right now. Abruptly, she wraps her arms around Steve’s chest and presses herself against him.

Steve is surprised by her eagerness. He closes the hug, carefully letting his hands touch her back as if she could break by the slightest touch.

“Can I see them?” Steve asks.

Marie knows what he meant. She takes a step back and without saying a word gives Steve her hands. She would love to observe his reaction but can't bring herself to look into his face.

He takes one hand and pushes the fabric of her sweater up to her arm, exposing her sore skin. After doing the same with the other one he lets his finger slide over the marks. “Does it hurt?” he asks.

She shakes her head, still too ashamed to look up.

“You feared that Jenny would tell me, didn’t you?”

Marie stays silent. No answer is also an answer.

Finally, she brings up the courage and lifts her head. Steve can see how a single tear is running down her cheek. He lifts one of Marie’s hands up to her face, so she can wipe it away.

“Tell me … Why didn’t you want me to know?” he asks.

Marie takes a deep breath hoping it will prepare her for what she is going to say. “I didn’t want you to know because you are …” she tries to find the right word, “you are so perfect! … and I’m … not.”

Steve’s eyes widen as he fully realizes what she just told him. It’s ironic really. SHE thinks she couldn’t live up to HIM.

She doesn’t have to …

Marie wants to lower her head again but this time Steve doesn’t let her. She has nothing to be insecure about. When Marie realizes what Steve is about to do her eyes widen. He puts a kiss on her lips and the time seems to stop. For both of them

Steve says, “You are just as perfect as I am, Marie.” She closed her eyes for the duration of the kiss but now that she opens them again, they look just so beautiful.

“But I thought you …” Marie says. She makes a pause to think and Steve adds jokingly, “were gay?”

They both laugh, “No *giggle* that’s not what I wanted to say.”

"I know, *sigh* … Let me explain over dinner why it might seem like I wasn't interested in you." Daniel says a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes," She can't hide how happy she is that he finally asked her out. She goes for another hug with him. After a minute or so she is still in his arms. “You want to get out of that bathroom?” he asks.

“Can we just stay like this forever?” Marie asks in return. With a laugh Steve adds, “Come on, It’s the weekend. You really want to spend it in a bathroom, or would you rather go home, relax a bit and wait for me to pick you up at 7 o’clock?”

"That's a hard one *giggle*," Marie says, but let's go of him. Now it's her that takes the initiative and kisses Steve.

Friday evening

“You know, if Marie doesn’t want me to fool around with you any longer, our arrangement is off the table.” Steve is looking at himself through the bathroom-mirror as he buttons up his shirt. “The decision is hers. I’m not sure if I’ll tell her this evening but still, it could be your last hour as my slave.”

Steve smiles at his sister’s reflection. Jenny is kneeling in a corner of the bathroom, completely naked, hands behind her back, only holding his belt with her teeth. Steve has put her there before he took a shower and while doing so gave her the task to hold on to his belt. The good little slave she is, Jenny didn’t move an inch and now listens carefully to what her step-brother has to say.

“I’d say we’ll enjoy ourselves then.” The dirty smile on Steve’s face makes Jenny gasp for air.

The belt falls to the ground. As She realizes what happened she lowers her head, fearing Steve’s reaction.

“I thought I told you to hold on to it?” Steve has this voice again. Jenny bites on her lip and says, “You did, sir.”

As Steve walks up to his sister she adds with a soft voice, “I’m sorry, sir.”

Too late. It was the perfect timing. She knows it; he knows it. Steve won’t let this one pass and Jenny gets turned on only by thinking what he might do to her. He grabs her chin and makes her look up to him. “You haven’t done what I ordered you to do. Tell me, what do you do with a bad girl like yourself?”

“You punish her, sir.”

Steve enjoys the sight of his naked sister awaiting his next move. You got it, girl, he thinks.

“Crawl,” Steve orders harshly and walks out of the room. He doesn't wait for her and Jenny knows she better keeps up with him or there will be hell to pay for her. Whenever he switches into his dom-mode, her brother is like a completely different person. Two days ago, Jenny learned that the hard way. She deliberately didn’t follow an order of his …

At least she had time to reflect upon herself throughout the next day as she had to sit through her classes with a sore ass.

When Jenny crawls into the room, Steve has already sat down on the corner of her bed. “Over my lap,” he says. Shit, he’s going to spank her again and this time in her own room. Jenny crawls up to him and positions herself on his legs. Steve takes one of her sweaters, swirls it and blindfolds his slave.

He can feel how her breathing fastens in anticipation. “Tell me again, why am I going to spank you?”

“Because I dropped your belt, sir.” *smack* The first hit came hard and unexpected. The last time around he started off slow but today he wants to enjoy his little slave as much as possible. Steve decided to make her spanking short and intense.

“Count,” he orders. As she hesitates, he grabs one of her nipples and twists it until she screams out in pain. “ONE!”

“That’s better.” *smack* the second hit. “Two” She expected this one which didn’t make it any better. Jenny isn’t sure how much she can take of this.

*smack* “three” this one landed on the same cheek as the first one. Shit, that hurts.

*smack* “four” she expected the other cheek again, but got surprised. That stings like a bitch.

*smack* “seven” Jenny starts to tear up. It just gets soaked by her blindfold.

*smack* "eight" Steve hears the change in her voice. "You're alright?" He begins to massage her burning cheeks. "Yes, sir!" *sniff* He lets his finger glide into her slit and feels her wetness. She loves it. Still, he lifts her up from his lap and makes her kneel in front of him. Steve takes her blindfold off. "Are you sure about that?"

Jenny lowers her head, ashamed about the fact that she can’t take more than that. “It really hurts, sir.”

“Stand up.” His voice is soft. Jenny got no idea what to expect. As Steve stands up too and comes closer, she instinctively takes a step backward. She feels her closet behind her, all she can think of is that she can't take another smack of his. Steve pins her down on the wall, nowhere for her to go. He forces his tongue into her mouth and before Jenny can do the same in return, he takes her arm and throws her onto the bed. After putting her on her stomach he lifts her ass and lets his fingers slide over her sore skin. “You mean, this little ass of yours hurts? But it has such a nice color, it suits you.”

Strangely enough, that complement of his gave Jenny a warm feeling of pride inside her chest. Or is it the fact that she is so vulnerable in this position, so exposed to her own brother while her face is pressed into the mattress? Jenny has no idea. It doesn’t matter. The moment Steve starts to rub her pussy she can’t think of anything else anyway. The pleasure feels all the more intense after the hard spanking he has given her just a minute ago.

Every now and then he caresses her cheeks with his other hand, to make sure she won't forget her spanking and therefor her position as his slave. He can do anything that he wants with her. But before she can reach any real satisfaction Steve stops.

“No!” she screams. Jenny was so close. Steve asks, “So, you think you deserved to come?”

Jenny takes a moment to think and reaches the conclusion, “No, sir. It’s your decision.”

"Good answer." Steve says. Except one or two situations, Jenny was the perfect slave to him today. Time to reward her properly.

Steve unbuckles his trousers and takes out his fully erected cock. No need to pretend anything else. He loves their arrangement as much as Jenny does. It would be a shame for it all to stop. But then again, for Marie, he would do almost anything.

He smacks his sister’s ass, not hard, but the pain makes her scream. With that, he slides his cock into her pussy and her scream transforms into a moan.

As he starts thrusting, he realizes how lucky Jenny is. His dick is too long to fit entirely into her pussy, only a few centimeters but it spares her sore ass-cheeks from repeatedly being smacked. Again, it didn’t take long until a first orgasm overwhelms that poor little slave.

But Steve doesn't stop there. He keeps his pace up to the point he pumps his seed into her.

The cum is dripping out of her pussy onto the bed. For a second, they both stay in this position, stretching the moment. Steve is the first to move. He sits down at the exact same spot as five days ago, between the two stuffed animals of hers and orders Jenny to lick his cock clean.

With his sister making sure to get every last drop of the sweet mixture of his cum and her juices, Steve takes out his phone and writes Marie that he’ll come to pick her up in half an hour. She immediately replies, “That’s great. I can’t wait to see you xxx.”

Jenny stops and Steve asks, “All clean?”

"Yes, sir," she answers with pride in her voice. Steve buckles up his trousers, ready to leave the room.

When her brother reached the doorframe, Jenny asks after standing up herself, "Sir? can I clean myself now?" Steve turns around and looks at his naked sister, cum running down her thighs and with wetness surrounding her mouth.

“You’re dismissed, Jenny. But don’t you dare let any of my cum go to waste.”

A grin spreads across her face, “Yes, sir!”

Date night

Steve stops the car right in front of Marie’s house. He is five minutes too early. Better than being late he thinks. Julia, Marie’s younger sister, is looking through a window on the first floor. Steve gets out of the car and gives her half a smile. She looks like she’s seen a ghost. Quickly she turns away, probably to tell her sister that he was already here.

He walks up the stairs to Marie’s doorstep. No need to ring, she will probably be out in a minute.

“You’re going out with Mister Handsome? Why didn’t you tell me, even girls in my class have a crush on him!” Julia’s voice is higher than normally and Steve grins as he hears what she has to say to her older sister. Guess Julia doesn’t know that he can hear them through the closed door or she simply doesn’t care much. “I knew you two were friends! … You’re sure, it’s a date and not just an evening between friends?”

Marie opens the door; Julia is hiding on the stairwell up to the first floor. Suddenly Steve is happy that he didn’t choose the next best T-shirt and instead has put some effort into his look. Marie is standing there wearing a nice black dress. Nothing fancy, but Steve has never seen her wear one and it really suits her.

“You’re a bit early.” She says with a grin.

“Couldn’t wait to see you again.”

He was about to go for a hug but Marie had other plans. Knowing that her little sister is still watching she kisses Steve who on the other hand is happy to return the favor. The kiss ends and Steve can see Julia gasp for air. Didn’t expect that from your sister, ha?

“You’re ready to go?” he asks and Marie just nods.

As they walk down the driveway Steve says, "I know what you did back there with your sister. You understand that you don't have to prove anything to anybody, right?"

“I know,” Marie says, “but it was funny. Tell me how was her face? I’m sure you looked after you listened to our conversation inside the hallway.”

“Priceless” Steve replies and they both begin to laugh. That’s what he loves about her, the feeling like he is really alive around her.

“Where are we going?” Marie asks. Steve wanted to take her somewhere special, “pizzeria Depacarno”

Marie is surprise, “I love that place! I go there with my family every now and then.” And as she looks into his face, she can see it, “You knew! … How?”

“Silvester. You told me yourself.”

"Oh …" that's not a night she likes to be reminded of. It was her first time really getting wasted. She can't remember most of it. She didn’t even know that Steve was at the same party. He must have joined them after she lost the ability to remember things coherently.

Quickly she changes the subject, “It’s not far from here, come on, let’s just walk. There is no need to take the car.”

They’ve been seated outside. It’s beautiful. Not just the ambient or the way the evening sun makes the fountain next to them look like an artistic masterpiece. It’s her, Marie. The way she talks to the waitress as if they know each other for a very long time, how her hair falls over her shoulder, the earrings she has put in for tonight … and her face that makes the fountain look like a drawing from a child.

“You look beautiful, Marie.” He had to say it. A spark in her eyes. “Thank you, but my sister picked that dress for me …”

“The dress suits you perfect but that’s not what I meant.” There’s a slight touch of red on Marie’s cheeks.

After a short pause, she goes on, “I’ll take a salat. You?” It's not that she doesn't like to receive a nice compliment but she's not used to them especially coming from Steve. They feel so much more intense because for some strange reason she knows he means every single one of them. That’s why she tries to change the subject. And it works. There it is. Steve looks like he wants to say something but then stays silent. Marie tilts her head a bit, “What?”

“I didn’t say anything,” Steve says while shaking his head. On which Marie raises one eyebrow.

“I mean, I thought you’d only take a salat to impress me with watching your weight. But chances are that I read too much into the situation and now look like a complete fool.”

Marie starts to laugh.

With an ironic voice, Steve says, “Thank you, that’s perfect for my self-esteem.”

“Well, I do watch my wight, yeah. We can’t all have that perfect six-pack look like you.”

“How do you know I got a six-pack, maybe I’m just another lazy couch potato?” Marie starts to giggle, a wonderful sight.

“Everybody knows!” *giggle*

Now it’s Steve that raises an eyebrow so Marie explains herself further, “Thursday after school, you always play beach volleyball with some of your friends and the top players of the women’s school team.”

He raises his shoulders, “I never saw you watching us.”

“With that big of a crowd, it’s no surprise …” she says and grins.

“Are you making fun of me?" Steve asks with played disbelieve.

*giggle* “Maybe, … but I know girls that literally marked it on their timetable.”

They both laugh until they realize that the waitress is waiting for them to take their order.

After she left again Marie asks, “Why the sudden change of heart, Steve? I know, I never asked you out myself but you didn’t seem interested in me that way. You said you’ll explain things to me this evening?”

Damn, he hoped she would have forgotten about that. In his mind it’s clear but it’s always a challenge to formulate what he thinks or why he acts the way he does. “I did, Yeah. And I’m going to give you the best answer I can manage … Have you watched the first two Spiderman movies?"

“No,” Marie shakes her head. She’s got no idea what that has to do with anything.

“Ok, … I’ve always been interested in you. It’s just that I thought I couldn’t live up to who you are. I once heard that beauty is when there is nothing to be added, nothing to be better left out. I always thought and still think of you in that way. But I know it’s just an excuse. An excuse I tell myself because I fear you’d reject me if you knew me any better. I didn’t realize how selfish I was, up until earlier today. Back inside that bathroom stall, I realized that the only thing I did, was taking away your right to choose for yourself.” Steve comes back from the realm inside his head and looks Marie into the face. “Does that make any sense?”

In anticipation, he waits for her reaction. Marie is taken aback by what he just told her. She expected … something … but nothing that cuts that deep.

She thinks she understands. Only one thing left to know, “What did you think would drive me away from you?”

Steve smiles, “Well, I WAS afraid that you reject me because I’m a kinky pervert.”

Marie begins to laugh as she realizes the irony. For five hours straight she asked herself how he thinks about her own interest in being tied up and now he tells her that HE is the kinky pervert?

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Steve says, “but that’s a conversation for another day. Let’s change the subject.”

When they walk back home the sun has fallen under the horizon. Only a few minutes and it’s dark. They don’t talk to each other, not because there is nothing to say but in silent agreement to enjoy the moment.

They are almost back at Marie’s house, as she breaks the silence. “I loved the evening; it was just wonderful.”

“Do you want to prolong it back at my place? You know my parents aren’t home.” Steve thought about it hard. It’s just their first date, but there is this unspoken thing between them …

“Yes!” ashamed about her excitement she adds, “I mean, I’d really love that.”

Back at Steve’s house

There is light coming from the living room. Two girls are talking inside. One of the voices is his sister, the other one sounds a lot like Natalie. She is one of his sisters best friends and also part of the volleyball team. Marie had to use the restroom for a second, so Steve enters the room alone. "Oh, Hey Steve," Natalie says. She is sitting on the couch, next to Jenny. “Hey. What are you doing, girls?” Steve asks in return.

“Oh, nothing really. We’re just sharing our darkest fantasies and stuff like that. *giggle* You know, girls talk.” Natalie says. Does she know about him and Jenny? He turns to his step-sister but she only lifts her shoulders. Back to Natalie, Steve asks, “Anything interesting?”

She gives him a mysterious smile. “Oh Yeah,” she says, “Not that we’d tell you. *giggle* So, who was your date for tonight? Your sister didn’t want to tell me, you know.”

Again, he looks up to Jenny who is embarrassed by the bluntness of her friend. She forms a silent “Sorry” with her lips.

Steve clears his throat and wants to answer but at that moment Marie enters the room. "Me," She declares proudly, "Hi Jenny, Natalie. Nice to see you." Marie snuggles herself up to Steve as if she wants to say 'he is mine'. Natalie is speechless. Marie was probably not even on her list of potential girls Steve could go out with.

"That's my cue. Natalie, I guess you'll stay overnight?" Steve asks. She nods and says, "That's the plan. A nice little sleepover like back in the days." And Jenny adds, "We are going to watch some movies and sleep down here."

That’s what he wanted to hear. The last thing he needs is Natalie sniffing around.

"Ok, we'll leave you to it then." And with that, he gets out the room still holding Marie in his arm. As they walk up the stairs Marie asks, "Did you see Natalie's face as I entered the room?" *giggle*

“Priceless” They both start to laugh.

They enter Steve’s room and Marie asks, “Steve? Are we going to … you know … eh … do it?”

He takes her hands and lets his fingers slide over her wrists. No bruises guess she used make-up so she could wear the dress tonight. "Depends," he says, "do you want us to?"

Marie stays silent.

“You’re still a virgin?” Steve asks but it’s more a statement than a question. Marie nods. “We don’t need to do anything, Marie. I hope you know that I’m not just interested in you because I’d like to sleep with …”

“I want you to be my first” Marie cuts him off short.

Steve can't deny that that's also exactly what he wants to be. "Let's do it then." You can hear the excitement in his voice. Marie smiles. For a moment Steve looks like a child that just got the best present he could have wished for. She begins to unbutton his shirt.

No, she thinks as she sees his chest, that’s definitely not the body of a child. She can’t help herself; Marie has to touch his muscles.

Marie turns around and puts her hair over her shoulder revealing the zipper of her dress. It follows her spine, all the way down to her lower back. Steve gladly helps her with that. Marie lets the dress drop to the floor and now just stands there only wearing her panties.

She looks over her shoulder and sees Steve with widened eyes and an open mouth. She turns around. Her hands in front of her body but not covering her breasts. Her instinct is to hide but she wants him to see them.

“Marie, You’re beautiful …”

What did he say about beauty, nothing more to be added, nothing to be better left away … A proud smile forms on Marie’s face as Steve slides out of his shirt.

He wants to touch her but awaits her permission. Marie knows what he is asking. “Go on,” she says. Steve touches the side of her boobs. It’s a great experience. He begins to slide his hands over her skin. He hears a soft moan as his thumbs find Marie’s nipples. They are hard …

Steve is surprised as Marie reaches for his belt and tries to unbuckle it. It’s a nice surprise and he is more than willing to help her with that.

He steps out of his trousers and finally starts to kiss her. While doing so he tries to lead her to the bed. Steve helps her lay down. "Just enjoy the sensation," he says as he leaves her mouth and works his way down to her tits. But as much as he'd love to play with them, there is something he is more interested in.

He licks around her belly button which gives her this amazing feeling insider her stomach. Marie knows what he is going for and has no intention of stopping him.

As Steve slides down her panties he’s surprised to find a clean shaved pussy. He looks up to see Marie supporting herself on her elbows. “What? I like it.” She says. Steve raises his eyebrows. "Ok, I thought you'd like it," Marie admits sheepishly.

“I love it.” As Steve begins to lick her, she lets herself drop back onto the bed. The sensation is just so overwhelming. He will make her come eventually.

"I love how you taste." Marie's cheeks turn bright red. He goes back to kissing her and she can taste a bit of herself. Marie feels his erected penis pressing against her slit. Steve must have taken off his boxers while licking her. No surprise she missed that; the sensation was too overwhelming.

Marie lifts her pelvis rubbing herself on Steve’s cock. “You’re sure?” he asks a last time.

“Please …”

Steve puts a condom on. He knows that he’s got a big cock so he takes it very slowly. Inch by inch he lets himself slide into her watching her every reaction. He gives her time to adapt to the new feeling. When the pain has faded, he begins to move.

It’s strange. Steve had done it so often but this time it feels different. He is not just fucking another girl. He is making love …

After a while, he increases the speed of his thrusts. Steve didn't expect Marie to take her first time so well, but she eagerly mirrors his movements. He leans in for a kiss as they both get closer to climax. It feels like they are in perfect sync and as Marie’s pussy tightens up and as she experiences her orgasm Steve finishes inside of her.

He collapses next to her, takes the condom off and waits for Marie to say something. After a while she sheepishly asks, “do you have another condom?”

They both laugh.


2021-02-25 23:04:03


2020-06-24 02:38:06
Please continue this story.

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