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Losing badly at a card game, the gymnastics coach agrees to take his next door neighbors middle school daughter into his class for free. Soon her friends are part of the action.
Coaches thoughts . . .

Sometimes it's amazing how one little things can lead to another. I was playing three handed pinnacle with some friends of mine for money one night and the subject turned to gymnastics. That's not so surprising, since I am a gymnastics coach, and I have a club in Taylor about 20 miles away.

Anyway I had bid way over my head and was trying to salvage every point I could, and Sheryl was saying how much her daughter Jennifer would like to participate in gymnastics. I led a king of hearts cringing because I was pretty sure that Rick had the ace, which he did, and told them that I would love to have Jennifer in one of my classes. Then Sheryl trumped Rick's ace, which meant that hearts were shot and I had no chance to make my bid. I checked the score sheet and saw that Rick was way ahead so I decided as long as I was going down, that I'd try to throw my points to Sheryl.

By the time the game was over, Sheryl was the big winner and I was the big loser. Instead of paying her back in money, I made a suggestion about a gymnastics option. We worked out a plan where Rick would drive Jennifer to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then I'd drop her off on my way home, since I was putting her in my last class and lived just a mile or two from Rick and Sheryl.

Jennifer was a cute well-built fourteen-year-old who was just finishing middle school. I had coached her older sister on the high school team a couple of years ago so I knew Jennifer and knew she had all the basics. Her sister had a knock-out body and looking at Jennifer, even at fourteen, I knew she was going to be even better looking, after she left her tween years. She also had a birthday coming up in about a month, so this could be like an early birthday present.

The game was on Saturday night, then on Sunday, after talking to her mother about our arrangement . . . Jennifer called me and wanted to know if it would be all right for her best friend Angie to come too. I said no problem and went back to my paperwork. Monday night . . . when I got home from the gym and listened to my messages, I found out that I'd had another call from Jennifer. I called her back and she picked up on the first ring. She'd been waiting for me because her friend Leah really wanted to come too. I laughed at her, told her it was alright and told her to go to bed.

Tuesday was a mad house. I had elementary classes to teach in the morning and none of them would settle down. They were running all over the gym and I spent most of their forty-five-minute class trying to keep them corralled. The team was even worse, nobody seemed to have any sense of balance as they were falling off the beam left and right. I was glad to get to my last class, the intermediates (14 and above), and I was ready to go home.

Jennifer was standing in the corner with her dad and three other girls. I was beginning to wonder if I needed to set aside . . . a class just for Jennifer and her friends. I walked over and Rick introduced me to Angie, Leah and Kathy.

Jennifer, Kathy and Leah were all about average height for eighth graders and Angie was shorter by about four inches, though she was the best developed of the group. Jennifer and Leah had both developed nicely but Kathy had almost no shape at all. Jennifer and Leah had brown hair, Kathy was a blonde, and Angie's hair was as black as midnight. Angie's hair was very short but Jennifer and Leah wore theirs in ponytails that hung down to their shoulders. Kathy's hair hung down to the middle of her back and she was wearing it loose. All four girls were wearing black bike shorts, and retro cartoon white t-shirts. Jennifer's had Tweedy, Leah had Sylvester, Kathy was wearing Scooby-Doo, and Angie had the Powder Puff Girls.

I also wondered if I should prepare for more boys joining the classes, because these four were extremely cute and boys seem to flock to wherever there are groups of cute girls. All of the girls fit right into the class even though they'd never had gymnastics before. The whole class was really up today and everything went so smoothly that I was almost sorry for it to end.

After the last kid got picked up, I shut off the lights and locked the place up and the four slim girls all piled into the back seat of my Lincoln Town car. The girls were all talking about how much fun they had, how nice the other girls in the class all seemed, and how cute Peter was. Peter was the only boy in the class. He was tall and skinny, but cute. And according to Angie's whispers . . . “He had a great butt.”

I dropped off Kathy first, then Angie and then Jennifer. Leah was last because she lived closest to me. As I dropped off each girl, they leaned in my open window and gave me a hug, and a kiss on the cheek and yelled thanks as they ran to their house.

By Thursday I was looking forward to Jennifer and her friends being back in class. They were a fun group. I was also wondering if the group had grown, but it turned out to be the same four. Jennifer, Leah, and Kathy were wearing the same bike short/t-shirt combinations but Angie had gotten herself a powder blue leotard that was just a little too big for her. Kathy was still wearing her hair loose even though I had suggested she put it in a ponytail for class, but amazingly it never got in the way. She had very well behaved hair.

After class, everyone got picked up on time, which was amazing cause usually there are at a couple of late parents . . . so I piled the same kids in the car and we took off. The girls were giggling and whispering and I heard Peter's name a couple of times and mine.

About half way home there was a turnout that goes to an old dilapidated barn and Jennifer asked me to pull over there but wouldn't tell me why. I figured one of the girls had to go to the bathroom and was embarrassed to tell me, but when I stopped, no one got out of the car.

It was completely black in the shadow of that old barn and Jennifer told me to sit absolutely still until she told me to move. I heard and felt somebody climbing over the front seat and then a pair of hands turned my head and someone kissed me on the mouth, holding the kiss for several seconds. Then she turned my face forward again and I heard the sounds of somebody climbing back into the back seat.

"That was from all of us," Jennifer said and then she told me I could go now. I dropped the girls off in the same order, Kathy, Angie, Jennifer and Leah, and each one leaned in and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I kept wondering which one had kissed me in the car . . . and whoever it was, had been a pretty good kisser for a fourteen-year-old. But I didn't have a clue.

The next week, after class Jennifer had me stop at the same place and the same thing happened. One of the girls climbed into the front seat and kissed me and then climbed back again and Jennifer would tell that was from all of them. The girl who kissed me on Tuesday was different from the girl last week and the one on Thursday was different still. I knew that I'd been kissed by 3 of the 4 girls but I had no idea which.

The next Tuesday, I stopped again and one of the girls climbed forward. I figured this was girl number 4 and then if I was lucky they would start all over again. As she went over the top, she had a little trouble because she almost said something and I knew it was Kathy, which made sense because she was the shyest of the 4 and naturally would be last. She took my face and turned it toward her and then kissed me. I was sure this was the fourth girl because she kissed differently from the first three. As she settled back into the back, Jennifer told me again that was from all of them and I replied, "Thank you all, and you're welcome Kathy."

"Shit, he guessed," Angie whispered.

"That means you get another thank you," said Jennifer. Then there was a pause.

After some whispering another body joined me in the front seat. They turned my face and kissed me for at least 10 seconds and then whoever it was, moved my hand up to her tits. I was hesitant at first, but as I felt this girl’s nipples begin to become fully erect, I cupped and manipulated her breasts for several minutes, causing both of us to become very excited. My cock was stretching out the fabric of my shorts . . . to beat the band.

I heard her breathing increase in my ear and then she placed her foot on the seat and then over she went to join her friends. Remembering what they had worn, I knew it was Angie, since the fabric I had touched was definitely a leotard and not a t-shirt. But what was extremely arousing, was the fact that she must have taken off her bra, because what I had touched was a bare tittie . . . not covered by anything!

"Do you want to try to guess who that was? If you do you get it right, you get another thank you," Jennifer said. She now seemed to be the spokesman for the group. I wasn't sure I wanted to let them know I was sure it was Angie. But being the extremely horny man that I was, perhaps the next young lady would try and outdo her friend’s naughty antics.

“I think it was Angie,” I volunteered. There was silence for a few moments and then I heard Jennifer say, “You are right . . . and you get one more thank you. Give us a second to get this person ready,” she said. All of a sudden another girl raised her leg over the front seat, righted herself and scooted right next to me. As in the past, the girl placed her hands on my face, leaned forward and placed her lips on mine. But what happened next, was the surprise of the night.

Again, it was pitch black and with plenty of clouds and no moon shining through, I could not tell who it was. This person was literally thrusting her tongue into my mouth, so to accommodate her, I placed my hand on her shoulder, and then realized I was touching bare skin.

Whoever it was, began to moan, and while our tongues were thrashing against each other, I slowly dropped my hand down past her collar bone and then gently over towards her breast. Again, I was awarded . . . as my fingertips located her bare titties, and soon finding her nipple, I began to lightly pinch her bud with my fingertips and then began to twist its shape slightly.

Although she was fourteen, I knew it was Kathy who, as I described earlier, had very small breasts. Soon I had both hands manipulating her orbs, and she was getting more and more aroused. After several minutes of providing and receiving this foreplay, I began to feel a little guilty and took my hands off her breasts, and she, thinking things were done, moved her mouth off my lips, and placed her leg on the front seat and scooted over the seat.

“We can go now," said Jennifer and I switched back on the headlights, and in the rearview mirror watched Kathy pull her T-shirt over her head. I immediately kept my eyes focused on the road and drove the girls home.

October 16th was a special class. It was Jennifer's birthday. She'd gotten a black leotard for a birthday present that morning and it fit her like a second skin. Class was over and everyone left, except for the four girls and Peter. Before we left the gym, the girls convinced me that I needed to give Jennifer a birthday spanking. Her three friends insisted that she get her due, and told me to sit on a nearby chair and eagerly pushed Jen over my lap.

Her butt looked great stretched out across my knees. The leotard hugged her so tightly that she was almost naked, I could enjoy every curve and the thin fabric of the suit sure didn't stop my enjoying those slaps on her beautiful ass. As each slap hit her butt, my hidden erection continued to grow. When I was finished, she raised herself up and inspected my hidden cock. I made no attempt to hide my condition as it elevated my shorts upwards, decidedly. Jennifer feigned how much it hurt to her girlfriends, but we all knew she was more embarrassed than in pain. We were about to leave, when Peter (the only boy in the class) went up to Jennifer and told her he had a special birthday surprise for her. He had this planned for weeks and I individually contacted the parents of each of the girls, so that things would run smoothly.

“What kind of a surprise?” she asked as he led her to a small room off of the gymnasium. When she went through the doorway, the decorations were hanging from the ceiling and on the walls. We followed her into the room and everyone yelled out, “Surprise”. There was lots of giggling and soon several pizzas and beverages were delivered. I knew I had this group of kids for several hours . . . and I planned to utilize this time . . . to truly satisfy my erotic and truly carnal cravings.

After the pizza was consumed and the cake was lit, cut and devoured, it was time for the games to begin.

“You guys are no longer little kids anymore, and I thought maybe we would try to play a few games tonight. But, the ones I had in mind, must not be talked about outside of this room. Is that understood?” I said. I looked at all of their faces and everyone was nodding in agreement.

“Have you ever played Truth or Dare?” I asked. A few teens had, others not. “Well, this is similar, but I like to call it . . . Fantasy Dating. I will explain it, and if there is any interest, we will give it a try. If not, we might just go along with the Truth or Dare option.”

“So how do you play . . . Fantasy Dating?” asked Angie. “It sounds kinda lame to me.”

“I am guessing most of you have not yet gone on a real date yet . . . am I right?” I asked.

“Young people don’t date like that anymore, coach. Most people our age and even older go in groups to the movies and places like that. Dating is kinda ‘old school”, said Angie.

“Then you folks are missing out,” I said. “Going out with a single guy or girl and learning about them, and what they like, is a very special experience. Kissing and touching and likely a lot more . . . after going somewhere . . . is very arousing to almost anyone.” He looked around and he saw almost total agreement in what he was suggesting by nodding and winks back and forth. And now for his plan to be finally unfolded. He took out copies of a dating quiz he had created and passed them out. He watched as everyone read over the sheet. Then he passed out pens for them to answer.

“Here is what I am proposing . . . each of you on your own . . . will fill in the information. Afterwards, we are going to role-play some of your ideas. Make sense? Peter and I might be overworked, but we will be the “guys” in your scenario and each of you will play the part of the female. Go ahead and give it some thought. I will fill one out as well.” He looked around and all five of the 14 and 15 year olds were busy answering the following questionnaire:

Your Perfect Date

Name __________

1. Where would your date be (i.e. movies, beach, party etc.)

2. Would your perfect date be with a male or female?

3. If you had a great time with your date, what would you like them to do to you physically . . . before you went home?

4. If you had a great time with your date, what would you like to do to them physically . . . before you went home?

5. What are your thoughts about oral lovemaking (i.e. kissing, licking, stimulating your partner all over their body with your mouth and lips)?

6. Would you be willing to role play your answers and your friend’s answers above?

I waited about 10 minutes, and then I began collecting the sheets. Some of the teens kinda blew off some answers but others, like Peter, Jennifer, and Angie had obviously spent some time creating answers. I ***********ed Peter and Leah to begin. Little did they know, I would be slightly embellishing some of the data from the sheets, for my own lecherous and voyeuristic benefits.

“Before we begin, I want to dedicate what we do together tonight . . . to you coach. This will be another way of us thanking you for what you are doing for us at practice and not charging our families,” said Jennifer.

“Thank you . . . birthday girl, and let’s see how this works. Leah come over here and let me whisper in your ear what you are supposed to do with Peter.” Leah got up and listened to her assignment. Afterwards, Peter did the same. He left with a big smile on his face.

“Remember guys . . . you are role playing so don’t be embarrassed as you act out the prompt,” I said. Leah leaned forward, with her long brown hair . . . still in a ponytail, making it easy for Peter to meet her halfway and plant a warm kiss on her lips. We pulled up a couple of chairs to watch and Jennifer, Angie and Kathy all sat down. As we watched the young couple kiss, I was paying close attention to Angie’s leotard. It was light blue and quite sexy as it had two small straps at the shoulders and there was a mesh that showed the revealing space between her breasts and then opened to show her tummy and navel. If you looked down from my vantage point, examining her teen titties . . . was very arousing.

When I looked up, it appeared the couple in the love seat had become more daring. Peter was now rubbing both of Leah’s breasts, and because of the thinness of her hidden bra, her nipples were visibly aroused and standing up. Not to be outdone, Leah kept kissing Peter, but she had found his throbbing cock that was sticking up in his shorts, and gently rubbing it . . . followed by a gesture that certainly resembled “wanking” which it was obvious he was enjoying. I wondered where she had learned those motions?

“Time to switch”, I called and the smooching couple backed away from each other. It was noticeable that Peter’s cock was sticking up in his shorts.

“Peter, I am going to have you stay there and have Kathy join you in a couple of minutes.” Peter was trying to reroute his cock, as to not show his erection, but the girls knew exactly what effect Leah . . . had on him as they continued to examine his stiff hidden shaft. I looked at one of the kids sheets and called Kathy up and whispered in her ear: “This person wanted to hold their dates naked cock . . . and keep jacking them off . . . until they shot their load. Do you think you could do that with Peter?” Kathy was of course the shyest of the bunch. I looked at her long blonde hair down her back that she was wearing loose. She turned her face towards me and it was near scarlet, due to her embarrassment of what I had just suggested.

“I guess so . . . but I hope Peter is patient. I’ve never really dated or done much with boys before . . . except letting you . . . touch my titties . . . in the car the other week.”

“And I truly enjoyed touching your tits and squeezing your nipples, young lady. But let’s get back to your task at hand: Whatever you do, I guarantee he will absolutely love it,” I offered in encouragement. “Wait here and let me whisper to him what this person (and I looked at one of the sheets) wanted their date to do to you. Don’t forget . . . you are just roleplaying.” I left her and murmured in the boy’s ear what he was to do with his date. Kathy quickly joined Peter on the bench.

“Go for it guys,” said Angie. “Get us ALL excited . . . while we watch fool around!” This bit of encouragement seemed to work as Peter turned and looked at the very attractive girl and immediately kissed her. Although their heads turned from side to side a few times over the next few minutes as their lips met, things remained somewhat innocent. Peter began pulling Kathy’s shirt out of her black . . . skin tight, bike shorts. He was obviously on a mission. Soon he had the white shirt she was wearing up past her small breasts. Angie and the gang were getting excited watching Peter make the girl topless.

Although her almost “training-like” bra was still covering her titties, Peter had found the clasp in the front, and rather quickly pulled the inconsequential garment off her breasts, baring them for all to see. This must have ignited Kathy’s passion or she was becoming even more embarrassed as she said out loud, “I want you to take off your shorts Peter!” The girls watching started chanting, “Go Kathy, Go Kathy . . . Go Peter!” I was enjoying where this was going. Peter stood up for a few seconds and whisked his shorts and jock down to his knees, immediately turning and baring his 6” cock for us all to inspect. I think I can speak for everyone; we were enjoying what appeared to be a very long cock for a young guy his age.

Peter sat back down, and we heard Kathy whisper, “Now show me how . . . boy’s jack off . . . Peter!” Staring ahead at her bare breasts, Peter grasped her hand and circled it around his fully erect cock. The feeling of the girl’s hand around his shaft was especially arousing, because he had never done anything like this before with a girl. Soon we were watching her run her hand up and down his cock. I knew he would not last long, but remembering his assignment, he leaned across and began to slowly lick each breast . . . first around the small orb and then concentrating fully on her stiff nipples. Soon her young breasts were slippery with his saliva. Then he seemed to get an idea. He leaned over and whispered in her ear something we did not hear.

In one of the more stimulating things I have ever seen, Kathy took her hand off his cock and cupping her slippery breast, dampened her hand and then wrapped her fingers around his bulbous head. In seconds his shaft was all slippery and with his encouragement she squeezed her hand more tightly around his cock as she wanked it up and down.

For several minutes the four of us were watching the most erotic peep show we had ever seen. Within minutes everyone’s hands were diddling at their crotches. Soon Peter was once again sucking Kathy’s nipples and as hard as she was trying to concentrate on giving the boy his/her first handjob, what he was doing to her . . . was at the same time bringing her over the edge. With her spare hand, she began rubbing her damp pussy and moaning . . . as Peter sucked on one tittie. All four of the girls had shaved their muffs, and it was super arousing watching her manipulate her clit.

At the same time, he gently pinched and pulled on her other small titty. Kathy began to shake with a body shaking orgasm as she gave into what both he and she were doing. Simultaneously, the boy began to ram his cock through the girl’s slippery tight fingers and he finally lifted his head from her wet chest and yelled out, “Holy FUCK, I’m going to shoot my load!”

I was not certain how many of the girls watching had ever seen a boy shoot off before, but their attention certainly was focused in his direction. As they watched, Peter grasped his own cock, stood up and began firing cum shots all over her Kathy’s naked breasts and then aiming upwards, began to coat her lips and face with his hot juices. He had seen this done in a porn flick he had recently watched and it just seemed like the right thing to do.

“Far fucking out!” yelled Angie still rubbing her pussy while she watched as the boy emptied his balls all over her friend. Once he was done, Kathy pulled her top and the remains of her bra off her shoulders and down on the floor. Seeing her topless . . . with streaks of cum all over her upper body and at the same time, seeing Peter bottomless . . . with a slowly growing erect cock, was both erotic . . . and arousing to both me and the three girls who watched their show. But selfishly, the three of us were still in desperate need of some sexual relief. I pretended to look over the remaining sheets and spoke to Angie and Jennifer.

“I hope you girls don’t mind, but I saved what I think is the best one of these . . . for the three of us to do . . . together for last. In fact, I think this could be the supreme “Thank You” you could ever give me. Are you ready for my instructions?” I asked.

“Ready coach,” said Jennifer, with Angie nodding eagerly at her side.

“Since both of you still have on your leotards and tights, I want you to go into the locker room, strip naked for me . . . and put on these two robes, I have in this bag,” I said handing them a nearby plastic bag with the two new special bathrobes I had purchased. I had to guess on their size, but since everyone knew they wouldn’t be in them very long, it really didn’t matter.

While they were getting dressed, I had the remaining 3 students sit in the seats we had been sitting in, just across from the love seat. I gave Kathy a towel to wipe off the boy’s cum from her bare chest and face. Prior to using the towel, Kathy posed for us with Peter’s cum all over her. She seemed proud of what they had done together.

“Leah, while you watch . . . I want you dressed just like Kathy . . . topless and Peter, I realize you might be getting recharged, for round two, but let’s get rid of the rest of your clothes for me. Do either of you girls have a problem with that?” I asked with a smile on my face. They shook their heads and began following his instructions.

Angie and Jennifer left the room and we could hear them laughing in the other room. In the meantime, Leah not only took off her top, but elected to follow Peter’s lead and slowly took off the rest of her clothes. Her naked body was a pure joy to examine. Her titties were like small oranges, with near perfect stiff nipples poking out at us.

“It’s obvious I am a bit over dressed right now,” joked Kathy and soon her shorts and panties were on the floor in front of her. Afterwards, I had the three 14 year olds sit in 3 chairs next to each other, with Peter in the center and the two girls on either side of them.

“Have you ever touched a girl’s pussy before Peter?” He shook his head back and forth and nervously looked at each of the naked girls sitting on either side of him. They somewhat blushed at my question as they examined his once flaccid cock that was now beginning to grow in excitement at my suggestion. I pretended to look over a few of the Your Perfect Date forms and then said the following:

“I don’t want to slight anyone’s suggestions that we might have not yet covered . . . so here is the plan. While you watch the girls and me do naughty things to each other (and I paused), Peter is going to slowly touch, squeeze and maybe even lick your titties . . . for a few minutes. While he does this, you are both going to rub your clits and continue to get yourself fully aroused.”

“By this time, his cock should be fully awakened and you girls will give him the best handjob he has ever fantasized about. Meanwhile girls . . . with your free hand, you will show him how . . . you excite yourself late at night. With luck the three of you will be howling with super orgasms as you watch the three of us entertain everyone. Got it?” The three young naked teenagers nodded their heads.

“Now feel them up Peter . . . and let’s see how long it takes you to shoot!”

Almost on cue Angie and Jennifer, came out of the adjoining room, dressed only in their new white robes. I had ordered them online in a smaller size . . . deliberately than their body sizes. They were called Flower Girl clear rhinestone white satin kimono robes. With their sashes tied in front, it caused their bare titties underneath to appear almost nude for us to look at.

It might have been my imagination, but Peter’s cock grew to almost its full length as he examined the girls. At the same time, he reached up and cupped both girls titties sitting next to him. They looked down at his actions and winked at him, showing their approval.

“Angie, reach under our birthday girl’s robe and squeeze her titty for me.” Angie didn’t hesitate and soon her hand found the opening in her friend’s robe and we watched her gently cup her closest tit . . . under the sheer satin garment. At first Jennifer was embarrassed but soon she was getting more and more aroused as Angie expertly cupped, squeezed and finally pinched her best friends breast and nipple. Jennifer began to softly moan her appreciation.

“That will be fine. Go ahead and straighten up her robe and let’s see if we can observe any record of your actions.” Sure enough, once the thin satin material was placed over her titties, the imprint of her stiff nipples was obvious to the three of us watching.

Come a little closer to me . . . ladies,” I said and they immediately moved directly in front of me.

“I just looked at the final couple of sheets on what some of you wanted to do on a date, and I will give you instructions of exactly how to role-play what was on the sheets. First of all, I want you to move closer together and place your hands on each other’s shoulders.” The girls smiled at each other and followed his instructions. What the others did not know, was that these two both indicated on their forms that they were not opposed to “fooling around” with boys or girls. I couldn’t wait to see how far I could get them to make love in front of all of us.

“Don’t be bashful . . . but for a couple of minutes, I want you to kiss each other,” I instructed. The girls blushed for a few seconds, but then gently moved their heads closer and began to kiss. I looked at my naked friends in the chairs directly across from them and they were at first taken back by what was taking place, but soon you could tell were getting excited as the two girls began to passionately kiss each other. After a few minutes I stopped them and went one step further.

“Okay ladies . . . untie each other’s robes and then starting at the top, pull them down and off for us.” It was obvious the girls had kissed long enough so that what I had asked was on their minds as well. Very quickly we watched the thin satin robes fall down and their naked bodies appeared for our eyes to inspect. Both girls looked sensational being nude and were almost the same size.

“You are going to keep kissing, but I want you to rub your titties together while you embrace each other.” All 8 eyes watched the girls as they looked down and had their stiff nipples push against their partner and soon they placed their arms around each other and mashed their breasts and bodies together. The girls’ bodies had begun to sweat slightly and we knew they were truly enjoying what they were doing to each other. Soon hands were on each other’s asses, as they pulled each other closer. I let them go at it a few more minutes as we watched their bodies almost catch on fire. It was time for me to get some needed relief.

Okay girls . . . we are going to go one step further. I want you both to kneel in front of me.” The girls begrudgingly broke apart and looking down were surprised to see my stiff shaft, almost fully displaying itself inside my jeans.

“Angie, take out my cock and rub it all over Jennifer’s lips for me”. Angie's hand soon discovered the tab on my pants as she pulled it down. Jennifer waited in suspense as the zipper came to a halt. Angie reached inside and not knowing where my underwear was , captured my stiff cock in her hand and attempted to pull it through the opening.

Not wanting to get caught in the zipper, I instantly unhooked the tab at the top and let my jeans fall to the ground. Angie’s hand looked very small compared to the huge 8” shaft she was now holding and moving towards Jennifer’s lips. Unlike other boy's cocks she had manipulated in the past . . . this one looked different as she grasped the shaft at the bottom and moving closer to her friend, she gently moved the throbbing cock back and forth across her friend's lips and mouth. Next, Angie squeezed the foreskin around the tip and slowly unveiled the dark purple head hiding underneath.

Jennifer's eyes opened even wider as she closely inspected the man's incredible tool. The tip had to be almost 3" in circumference. Gently Angie began to feed the huge cock into her friend's mouth with her one hand . . . and at the same time began to rub up her wet pussy with the other. Simultaneously Jennifer began to open up her lips as wide as possible and accommodate the first 2-3” of my shaft, and she too desperately found her clit, which she began to manipulate wildly. Just to think, she had her coaches cock in her mouth, something she secretly longed for the last few weeks.

I began to slowly push my cock into the 14-year-olds mouth, feeling incredible satisfaction throughout my entire body. Looking down and watching two young naked teens service my cock, was the ultimate!

"Put your heads together girls," I said, and once they were in position, I took hold of my shaft and began to dip my wand deeper into Jennifer’s mouth, but then I moved over and let Angie get a taste of what I was offering . . . switching back and forth. I knew I was seconds away from shooting my load and suddenly yelled out:

"SUCK MY COCK . . . MY LITTLE SLUTS!" and instantly my cock began to spew load after load of hot cum into each of their mouths. Soon both sets of pink lips were being continually sprayed with hot cum.

"LADIES . . . OPEN UP WIDE AND SWALLOW EVERY LITTLE DROP!" I yelled. I looked down with delight, at their sperm covered bodies, highlighted by their bare almost lemon shaped titties. It was almost as if they were two little birds receiving long slimy streams of food. I couldn’t wait for the next gymnastics practice and what could take place inside four very hungry pussies.


2020-04-26 18:07:42
Great story, there are a couple of spots where the narration flips from first to third person.


2020-04-24 01:05:53
I really hope there is more to this story and it doesn't end here!!

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