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Eva settles into University Life
Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes.

by Vanessa Evans

Part 02

After a restful night’s sleep Eva was more settled with the changes that happened to her since she got to university, and when she went to the kitchen she didn’t even think about putting any clothes on and wasn’t really surprised to see a naked Jade there as well.

Lewis was also there eating some cornflakes and wondering what the hell was going on. He hadn’t been at the party so hadn’t known that Jade had ‘come out’, and hadn’t really been expecting Eva to wander around the flat naked.

“What’s going on with you two, is it ‘naked undergrads day or something?”

“You missed a great party last night Lewis, both of us got stripped, hung upside down and we were fucked by beer bottles.” Jade said.

“Yeah right.”

“Seriously, we did.”

“So did they steal all your clothes as well?”

“Sort of, we lost them at the party then found them down here.”

“Are you still drunk?”

“No, it’s true, ask Jason, he’ll tell you.”

“Okay, accepting that that’s true, why are you naked this morning?”

“We’ve decided to be naked in the flat all the time, is that okay with you Lewis?”

“I guess so.”

“It doesn’t mean that you can fuck us anytime that you want Lewis.” Eva said.

“I’m not Tom and I would never be so presumptuous.”

“Glad to hear that.” Jade said, “you can look as much as you want, we don’t mind do we Eva?”

“No, not at all. After last night half the students in this building, and probably some from the other buildings have seen us naked so what’s a few more, especially as they live in the same flat.”

“So what’s it today Eva?” Jade asked.

“I want to find out what exercise facilities the uni has got and to find out how much they cost. My student loan won’t stretch to much.”

“Me too, can you let me know what you find out because I need to exercise as well. I don’t want Lewis and the others looking at a fat cow.”

“Not much chance of that if we’re living on beans and toast.”

“Hey girls,” Lewis said, “you two are lucky, since you’re not afraid of showing lots of skin have you thought about getting a job, maybe in a topless bar of a strip club. I’m sure that they’ll want hot chics like you two, especially you Eva with that big clit sticking out of your slit, and if you find a strip club that does pole dancing you could get the exercise as well.”

“That’s not a bad idea Lewis, thank you.” Jade said.

Just then Jason appeared and went straight to the kettle.

“Hey Jason, do you think that these 2 could get a job at a strip club?” Lewis asked.

Jason turned and looked Eva and Jade up and down then replied,

“With bodies that those, definitely.”

“Thanks doc.” Jade said.

“Hey Jason, are you studying medicine then?” Lewis asked.

“Psychology actually.”

“I never did understand the difference between psychology and psychiatry.” Lewis said.

“I’m not totally clear on that but I think that psychiatry is all about the brain physically working properly and psychology is all about how we use our brains.”

“So psychology is the brainwashing of us to fit in with society.” Lewis replied.

“Hmm. I guess that you could say that.”

“So this, this exhibitionism that these 2 have discovered is in your field of expertise?”

“Not yet, but it will be, but I don’t intend to have a tunnel filled with what society says people should do, I want to expand that tunnel, make some so called taboo things acceptable.”

“Wow, good luck with that mate, so are you going to persuade everyone that it’s okay for girl to walk around naked all the time?”

“I would like society to find that acceptable.”

“Good for you Jason, or should I call you doctor the same as Jade does?”

“I’m not a doctor, yet.”

“So Jade,” Jason said as he sat at the table to drink his coffee, “what’s it today?”

“I’ve got to go and see my professor to let him assess me.”

“A bit soon for that sort of thing isn’t it?” Lewis asked, “Are you going like that? That would give him something to assess.”

“Yes to the first question and no to the second. From the name it might be a woman.”

“Google him or her.” Jason suggested.

“Regardless of his or her sex I’m not going like this.”

“Maybe later on in your course then?” Lewis asked.

“I doubt that.”

“What about you Eva? What have you got planned for today?” Jason asked.

“Looking around to see what exercise facilities this place has.”

“Keep that cute little body like it is now, good for you, exercise is good for all of us.”

They stopped talking and finished their drinks then went about starting their days. When Eva got back to her room she looked out of her window and to the room that she’d seen someone watching her from. The curtains were open and after a long stare she was convinced that she saw a telescope.

“Better make sure that I shave every day, I don’t want him counting the hairs that have started growing on my pussy.” She thought.

Eva showered, then as she was drying her hair she looked out to see if it was windy. She needed to know which type of skirt to put on. Then she decided that it didn’t matter if it was windy or not. She’d wear a floaty skirt regardless and if she was lucky it would blow it. She did a mental count of how many floaty skirts she had.

She picked one, put it on then rolled the top a couple of times so that it only just covered her butt. Then she got out a tank top, a tightish one, and put it on. She was pleased to see her nipples making little tents in the thin cotton.

As it turned out it was only slightly breezy and although her skirt billowed out as she walked to the university, it didn’t invert. She was a little disappointed but the slight breeze on her bare pussy was nice.

All the clubs and societies still had their display stands in one hall and as she looked around them she smiled at times as she imaged herself taking part in each activity totally naked.

She saw a stand for the university’s swimming club and went over to it. She had no intention of joining it but they might be able to tell her about the pool they used. She was in luck, it wasn’t far away and it was free to use by students at certain times. Eva made a note of the details.

There was quite a few other clubs like boxing and karate that would give physical exercise but none of them appealed to Eva. She was just about to leave when she saw a stand for the university’s gymnastics club. Although that sounded a bit too energetic for her she went over to it and asked about and keep-fit classes. She was pleased to find that the people there knew of a few and they gave her details of where the gym was, and where she could find the details.

Eva left the hall and headed over to the gym and felt the nice gentle breeze on her pussy as she walked outside.

At the gym she found a notice board and browsed the available classes. One caught her eye, it had a couple of photographs of people doing different exercises. The notice included a website address so she took a photograph of it and kept looking. Unfortunately, nothing else that she saw appealed to her so she left and headed over to where she had been told the swimming pool was. Again she appreciated the gentle breeze up her skirt.

The pool wasn’t that big, definitely not a proper leisure centre, but it did have a gender neutral changing room. The girl on reception let her have a quick look around and Eva was pleased to see changing cubicles for use by men or women and one, large shower area. Eva had a vision of her in the shower, totally naked with young men in their swimming shorts looking at her.

As she walked out she saw girls in bikinis, some of them the thong variety. Eva wondered if she could get away with wearing ‘strings only’ underwear.

Pleased with what she saw Eva checked the times that it was open to any students, then left. Just outside the main university entrance she passed a well known coffee house that she’d seen before, and decided to treat herself to a latte.

She got served then went to a table near the window. As she sat her skirt rode up and her bare butt sat on the plastic covered chair. That reminded her that she was knickerless so she shuffled the chair until she was facing the window and didn’t cross her legs.

As she sipped her latte she decided to use her phone to look at the website of the exercise class at the gym. After accessing the coffee house’s free WiFi she went to the site and browsed the photographs and the couple of videos. What she saw looked good to her but there was one problem, all the girls taking part were wearing leotards.

Eva searched her brain for something that she vaguely remembered seeing. Then, as she sipped her latte, it came back to her. She logged onto a big online shopping site and found what she remembered, leotards made of a very fine, knitted mesh material. Not only were they slightly see-through, they were very high cut up the sides and of the thong variety.

Because they looked like they could be stuffed into a matchbox, they were reasonably priced. Eva ordered 4 with next day delivery to her new flat.

Satisfied with her purchase she leaned back in her chair and looked out of the window. She saw a young man looking in, in her direction. Eva turned her head both ways to see if the young man was seeing anything of interest behind her.

Seeing nothing she looked down at her legs, her knees had unconsciously opened, and, because of her very short skirt, she guessed that the young man could see her slit. She smiled and spread her knees some more.

After another minute or so while Eva stared at the young man and he stared at her pussy, another young man walked up to the first one. They talked for a few seconds before the second young man turned and looked at Eva’s pussy. A few more seconds and they both turned and walked away.

Eva was disappointed and wet. She finished her latte and left.

Back at her flat, Eva stripped and the looked out of the window and saw no one. She opened her laptop then her email, then THAT email. She read it again, and was still undecided as whether or not just to delete it as spam or an extortion attempt, not that they could get much out of her, but she decided to open it again and then use an online translation site to convert it to English.

She ***********ed the Spanish text then pasted it into the web page. What she read was a request for her to telephone the Spanish Lawyer to get some beneficial information regarding her late Aunt Betty.

Well Eva hadn’t seen her Aunt Betty for a good 15 years, since she sold up in England and moved to somewhere near Marbella in southern Spain so what on earth could be beneficial to her if the old woman had died. If she’d had any money she would leave it to her siblings, not her niece that she hadn’t seen for 15 years.

Eva made a note of the Spanish phone number.

Pondering her choices she finally picked up her phone and rang the number.

“Buenas tardes.”

“Oh, I er, can you speak English?”

“Yes I can.”

“Good, may I speak to señor Alvarez?”

“Who shall I say is calling?”

“Eva Calvert.”

After a short pause, a man spoke,

“Eva Calvert?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Good, thank you for calling me, I’m señor Alvarez and I’m administering your Aunt Betty’s estate. I am pleased to tell you that you are the main beneficiary of her will.”

“ME, I hardly knew her, I last saw her at least 15 years ago.”

“That maybe, but her will is quite specific. Do you have your Birth Certificate and Passport to hand, and access to a scanner?”

“Yes I do but it will take me a few minutes to set them up, I’ve just moved into a university flat and haven’t got around to setting the printer up yet.”

“Okay Eva, can you get your Birth Certificate and Passport scanned then email them to me, sorry but I do need to verify that you are who you say you are.”

“I suppose that I can do that.”

“Thank you, I’ll phone you as soon as I receive them, is the number that you are calling from the best one to get you on?”


“I look forward to speaking to you soon, bye”

The words ‘main beneficiary of her will’ echoed in Eva’s brains over and over as she setup the printer and scanned the documents, pleased that her father had told her to take them with her, just in case.

Email sent, Eva sat on her bed staring at her phone.

She jumped when it did ring then she heard señor Alvarez say,

“Thank you for sending those copies Eva, I am satisfied that you are the Eva Calvert who is the main beneficiary of your Aunt’s will. I am pleased to tell you that you Aunt had bequeathed to you her villa at Playa de Cabopino on the south coast of Spain, not far from Marbella.”

“Wow, I don’t know what to say.”

“And that’s not all Eva, you inherit all her money as well. I’m not sure how much that will be at the moment because because there are bills to pay out of that money but I estimate that you will receive somewhere in the region of 350,000 euros.”

Eva was stunned and couldn’t think of what to say.

“Eva, are you still there?”


“Err yes, I err, I don’t know what to say.”

“That’s understandable, it will take me a few weeks to sort everything out, may I suggest that you do nothing until I phone you, then you will need to come here to receive the keys and the money, and perhaps I will be able to give you some help and advice about what you should do next.”

“Err yes, that sounds good, you’ll phone me in a few weeks, but I’ve just started a university course and I wont be able to get away until the Christmas break.”

“That sounds okay, I should have everything processed by then. I’ll phone you when everything is done.”

“Yes, thank you, bye.”

Eva terminated the call then just lay back on her bed trying to absorb what she had just heard. She was about to become a quarter millionaire. Okay it was euros but that wasn’t too bad, and the villa, how much was that worth, that could be a million.

Eva just lay there and after a few minutes it was just too much for her and her brain switched off.

About an hour later she woke and discovered that her right hand was on her very wet pussy. Had she been masturbating in her sleep? She didn’t know and she didn’t care as things came back to her.

What should she do? She didn’t know if she should phone home and tell her parent. She knew that her father would be pleased for her but her mother was another thing. Eva was convinced that she would try to get her to hand everything over to her, and that was the last thing that she wanted, she may never see any of it again.

Should she tell her new friends Jade and the nice Jason? No, she decided. She hadn’t got the money or the villa yet. It could still be a cruel hoax.

Then she had another idea and she phoned señor Alvarez again, asking him to read the will to her again because she was having real trouble believing that she wasn’t dreaming.

In spite of his assurances she was still finding it all unbelievable so señor Alvarez asked her for her bank details and told her that he would transfer 50,000 euros over to her as an advance payment to prove that it was indeed true. He told Eva to check her bank account in the morning and wished her ‘buena noches’.

Eva was starting to believe that it wasn’t a hoax and she went and knocked on Jade’s door and asked the naked Jade if she wanted to go for a drink, telling her that she needed one.

Thirty minutes later, the 2 girls wearing only shoes, skimpy tops and very short skirts walked out of the building and into the nearest pub.

Sat at a table, Jade asked,

“So why the desperate need for a drink Eva?”

“Well it may all be a hoax, so please promise me that you won’t tell anyone, but I’ve just spoken to a lawyer in Spain who told me that my Aunt Betty has left me some money and her house.”

“Her house in Spain? Oh yes Eva, I promise not to tell anyone.”

“Wow, I’m sharing a flat with a rich house owner.”

“Even if it’s all true I’m not quitting uni, that would be stupid because everything could go tits up and then where would I be? No, I’m going to live a normal life here until I’ve got my degree then plan my future.”

“Just like I’m going to do.”


“Well I can understand that, what do your parents say?”

“Not told them, I don’t want my mum trying to take it all from me, IF I get it, cos I’m still not totally convinced.”

“Well I hope that you do Eva. Now, have you noticed those boys staring at our legs, lets give them a bit more to look at.”

“Jeez Jade, you’re worse than me.”

“I doubt that, it’s just that you’ve got something else on your mind.”

Then Eva swing her knees wide apart for a couple of seconds then closed themand said,

“That will give them something to wank over tonight. You know, Jason is right, why should we try to make sense of us flashing and getting naked, it IS just our bodies telling us to ignore what our brain thinks, and our bodies are always right, when our bodies are in pain they tell our brain to do something about it so why can’t it be the same with pleasure? My pussy wants those boys to see it so just do it.”

“I like the way that you think Eva, it does make more sense that society is brainwashing us to do things the way that they want, not what we want.”

“Exactly, hey, when I was out looking for places to exercise I discovered that the swimming pool here has gender neutral changing rooms and I saw a girl there in a thong bikini.”

“Not naked?”

“No, but the next best thing. Besides, I’ve got these great sets of underwear that can pass a bikinis and you can borrow some of them. Maybe we can take things to the next level?”

“You mean nude swimming?”

“Yes, never done that but always fancied it.”

“Do you know that some swimming pool have nude swimming sessions?”

“I didn’t know that, where’s the nearest one, is there one in this town? Hey, there’s something else that I found out, at the uni’s gym they have exercise sessions where they do all sorts of exercises from different disciplines and the girls there wear leotards.”

“I haven’t got a leotard.” Jade said.

“Neither have I, but I found some online that you’ll like. I ordered a few.”

“Were they expensive, I haven’t got much money; unlike you.”

“I haven’t got it yet and I’ll believe it when I check my bank account in the morning, but no they weren’t expensive. There’s bugger-all to the leotards so they shouldn’t have been expensive, if I had a sewing machine I could easily make them.”

“So are we going to go swimming and to this exercise class?” Jade asked.

“Well I am and I’d really like it if you did as well.”

“Okay, you’re on.”

The 2 girls looked over to the boys again, then they both opened their knees to flash them again.

Eva got up and went to the bar for some more drinks, and as she passed the boys she said,

“Like what you saw boys?”

Of course the boys had to respond with a few suggestive comments but Eva just ignored them.

As that second drink disappeared down their throats Jade asked Eva if they should move on to a club.

“Never really liked clubs, the music is too loud, it’s usually so dark that you can’t see what you’re stepping on and they’re was too expensive for what they are.”

“Too true, so I take that as a no. hey, weren’t you thinking of getting a job as a stripper Eva?”

“Yeah, still might but you’d see the place in daylight and the drinks would probably be free.”

“Do you think that they’d want 2 new stripper?”

“Don’t know, I haven’t even asked at any of the clubs if they want one new stripper yet. Hell, I don’t even know if there are any strip clubs in town yet. Tell you what, IF I get this money we’ll go looking and see if we want to become strippers.”

“I do. I really fancy stripping in front of a load of men then getting down on my spread knees and making myself cum for them.”

“So do I, although I don’t think I’d have to make myself cum, it would be more of question of can I stop myself from cumming until the end of the last song.”

“Maybe you could cum twice for them?”

“That would be even better, I really liked cumming when that pig Tom bottle fucked me.”

“So did I.”

“Those boys are still looking at our pussies.”

“I know, shall we rub our clits for them?”

“Brilliant idea.” Jade replied.

And they did, it was a good job that where they were sat was to one side of the pub and the rest of the people in there couldn’t see otherwise they may have got locked when they both spread their knees and did the deed, both of them orgasming around the same time. Fortunately they both managed to keep reasonably quiet.

After relaxing in post orgasmic bliss they decided to leave, as they passed the boys Jade said,

“Have a good wank when you get home boys.”

They were both giggling as they went out of the door.

As they were climbing the stairs to their third floor flat Jade said,

“I think that I’m going to shorten a few of my skirts, I really like what you did to that black one of yours. I want to walk around with my slit on display.”

“It did make me quite horny.”

“Not surprised, I don’t know why most girls don’t wear their skirts like that. Well the ones that aren’t fat that is.”

The 2 girls spent the next couple of hours in either of their room either trying on skirts, marking the cut-off points, cutting skirts and trying the shorter versions on.

It had got dark by then and with both rooms being fully lit, the curtains in both rooms being fully open. They were putting on a good show for any voyeurs in the opposite block. Eva told Jade what she had been doing for the voyeurs and the both had a laugh when Jade said that she’d been doing the same.

Eva also told Jade about the room with the telescope and they sneakily had a look to see if that particular voyeur was active. They were both disappointed when they couldn’t see the boy watching them.

They both went to bed happy that they would be displaying their slits quite a lot over the next 2 or 3 months until the weather got too cold, Jade joking that their pussy juices would freeze as they came out into the open air.


The next day was the big gathering of all new students for the pep talk from the dean of the university. It was in the big amphitheatre and the 2 girls walked there with Jason who just happened to be leaving the flat at the same time as them.

They got seats about half way up the rows and Jason joked about their knees being at head height to the people in front of them and that they should keep their knees closed if they didn’t want the boy in front of them to see their pussies if he turned his head.

Eva wasn’t sure if that was Jason’s subtle way of telling them that they had an opportunity to flash, or not; but neither girl was going to miss the potential opportunity and sat with their knees open. Jason said that they were ‘manspreading’ and when Eva looked around she saw quite a few of the boys sitting like that.

Throughout the whole of the walk there, the presentation, and the walk back, the only person that gave any indication that they’d seen the 2 pussies was Jason who sat opposite them in the pizza shop on the way back when Eva decided to treat them to a pizza, not explaining why she was being so generous. Of course Jade knew but she didn’t say anything.

Whilst they were sat there eating, Eva asked Jason if his psychology course used live models for demonstrations or anything like that.

Both girls were horrified when he told them that they used cadavers quite a bit. Then he told them that yes, live people were used for demonstrations and practise at times. As soon as Eva asked the question he knew where it was leading and he added that he’d let them know of there were any opportunities for them.

Then Eva asked Jason to let them know if he saw or heard of models being needed for art or human biology or any other classes.

“Don’t worry girls,” Jason said, “I’ll do everything that I can to feed your obsession or fetish or perversion or desires, whatever you want to call it.”

“You’re the doctor Jason,” Jade replied, “you tell us what it is.”

“Ask me again in 5 years when I will be a doctor.” Jason replied.

Back at the flats Eva decided to check her bank account. She’d not done it before they went out because she was dreading finding out that it was all a hoax. Imagine her excitement when she discovered that she was just over £45,000 richer. She puzzled at the amount for a few seconds before realising that it was the exchange rate that made the difference.

She squealed with delight, nearly wetting herself with the excitement and she just had to tell Jade. She flung her door open and ran the few metres to Jade’s door and repeatedly knocked on it. As soon as Jade opened it Eva flung her arms around Jade and kissed her full on the mouth.

Jade managed to get Eva inside and shut the door and when she could and asked,

“Do I take it that it wasn’t a hoax and that you are rich?”

“Yes, yes, yes, I’m rich.”

“Well I’m really pleased for you Eva, but didn’t you say that if it wasn’t a hoax you were just going to continue as normal and get your degree.”

“Yes, yes, I can’t let this go to my head. Calm down Eva, get a grip girl.”

Eva took a few deep breaths then said,

“Sorry Jade, it’s my problem.”

“And your still not going to tell your parents?”

“Hell no, my mother wouldn’t stop pestering me until I handed it all over to her. No. it’s life as normal, well nearly normal, no more beans on toast, I’m off to the supermarket to get some decent food.”

“Well remember to put some clothes on first.” Jade reminded her.

“Oh yes, although I can now afford a good lawyer to get me off any charges.”

“Eva, you’re not thinking straight, go and watch some porn movies or something and go to the supermarket tomorrow when you head is clear.”

“Yes, yes, you’re right Jade.” then Eva kissed Jade again.

“Steady on girl,” Jade said, “don’t let the money turn you into a dyke.”

“No, sorry.”

Eva did what Jade suggested and after the second video of a girl walking around a busy city totally naked, Eva started masturbating. After a satisfying orgasm Eva got off her bed and went and knocked on Jade’s door again.

“Fancy going for a drink? I’ll pay.”

“I’ll pay for my rounds thank you, I’m not a charity case.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean …”

“No Eva, I didn’t mean anything either, it was just my clumsy was of telling you not to go splashing your money about.”

“Point taken, thank you Jade. Now are we going out like this or are we going to put some clothes on?”

“Like this. No, I don’t want to wake up in a jail cell tomorrow but we can wear our newly shortened dresses and nothing else.”

As we were leaving Tom walked in.

“Where are you going girls?”

“For a drink.”


“The pub on the corner.” Eva replied.

“Great, I’ll just get changed and come and join you. By the way, nice dresses, I can see your pussies.”

The girls left and as the walked down the stairs Jade said,

“We’re not going to the pub on the corner and waiting for Tom are we?”

“Hell no, who in their right mind would want to drink with him.” Eva said, “we’ll go straight in to town.”

They flagged down a taxi and 4 minutes later they were walking into a lively pub that the taxi driver recommended.

Eva bought them a drink and that was the last one that they bought that night, but it wasn’t the last one they drank. Quite a few of the male students in there bought them drinks in their attempts to hit on them but they left alone around midnight.

They were sure that some of the boys had had seen their slits but only one had the balls to say anything, and all he did say was to compliment them on wearing such revealing dresses.

As they walked to get a taxi home Eva asked Jade if they hadn’t shortened the dresses enough.


The next morning Eva got up, went to make some coffee and discovered that she had no milk. She put the same dress and shoes on and went down to the little shop that is under one of the accommodation blocks and bought some, the man behind the counter staring at her exposed slit.

As she was walking back into her block she saw that she had some mail. She opened the mailbox with her key and took the little package back upstairs. On the way into the flat she stopped off at her room, got naked again then went to make the coffee. She opened the package and pulled out 4 little plastic bags with different coloured material in them and put them on the table and poured herself a mug of coffee.

Sat at the table she opened one little bag and spread out what looked like a swimsuit for a little girl half Eva’s size.

“What’s that?” the naked Jade said as she walked in.

“A swimsuit for you, I think.”

“I’ll never get into that, it’s for a little kid.”

“Try it.” Eva said.

Jade did, and they were both surprised how much it stretched as she pulled it up and onto her shoulders.

“Bloody hell,” Jade said, “I didn’t expect to get that on. Jeez. Look at my pussy.”

Eva did, and saw that her pussy was covered by the see-through mesh that was about as wide as a band aid. There was a little bulge where Jade’s clit was sticking out of her slit. From her slit the hem of the leotard went up above her hips then round to the middle of her back then a narrow strip went down in between her butt cheeks.

The arm holes were cut so low that they nearly made the leotard side-less.

The leotard was scooped low both front and back leaving a lot of visible cleavage as well as her nipples and areolas being visible through the thin, mesh material.

“Wow, you look great Jade, going swimming?” Jason said.

“No,” Eva said, “when we go swimming we will be wearing a lot less than that.”

“That I would like to see.” Jason replied.

“You can if you like, come with us.” Eva replied.


“Monday evening, that okay with you Jade?”

“Sure, I could do with some exercise.”

“Okay,” Jason said, “I can do that, but what’s the swimsuit for?”

“It’s a leotard and it’s for an exercise class at the gym.”

“Does the instructor know what they are in for?”

“Probably not.”

The rest of the weekend was relatively quiet although Eva went shopping for some ‘proper’ food and Tom did bring one of his mates to the flat on the Saturday evening. Jade and Eva were make some tea in the kitchen when he arrived and Tom just had to bring him to meet the girls. Both girls got a little wet between their legs as they found the guy to be quite cute.

After letting the guy stare at Eva and Jade for a good minute, Tom and the guy left saying that they were off to a party at another students block on the other side of town.


The Monday arrived and both girls had their first class and lecture. Both girls went wearing skirts that left their slits uncovered and both girls returned that afternoon being disappointed that no one had commented on their exposure.

After a drink and a snack the girls put some clothes on and put a towel into a bag. Eva put a ***********ion of the underwear that she had into her bag then went and knocked on Jade’s and Jason’s door. One minute later the 3 of them were walking down the stairs and over to the uni’s swimming pool.

“Gender neutral changing facilities.” Jason said, “maybe the university isn’t that backwards thinking.”

Jason was changed and out ages before Jade and Eva who had shared a changing cubicle. Eva got out 2 sets of underwear, both bras being string tie bralettes and both G strings being side tied. All 4 articles had small see-through triangles, the 2 in Jades top barely covering the fronts of her breasts.

When they stepped out Jason whistled and told them that they both looked amazing. Eva opened her legs a bit and asked Jason if her protruding clit was too much.

“Hell no, it makes you look even more delicious.”

The trio went through the arch to the pool and saw that there was only a handful of people there, and no lifeguard. Jason spotted a sign on the wall requesting that people take extra care when there was no lifeguard on duty.

Jason was the first to dive in followed by Eva then Jade who was waiting until one of the boys there finished his lap and hopefully looked up and saw her in her miniscule, see-through bikini. He didn’t look up.

The trio did a couple of lengths then started messing about like young people do. After a while Eva asked who had pinched her bikini bottoms because they were no longer on her body.

“Not me.” both Jade and Jason said.

Jason did a length, surface diving down and looking around then surfacing and doing the same. After the fourth dive he came up with Eva’s bottoms in his hand.

When he swam back to the girls he held out the bottoms then just as Eva was about to take them he pulled his arm back and said,

“No, you can have them back when we get out.”

“Eva smiled and said,

“Okay.” and Jade said the same as she held out a hand with her bottoms screwed up in it.

Jason smiled and put both bottoms into his shorts pocket.

They started swimming again and when they stopped Eva said,

“This bottomless swimming is nice, the water rushing passed my pussy feels so good.”

“Yes it does.” Jade added.

“And I bet that it feels even better if the water rushed passed our hard nipples as well.”

Eva said as she passed her top to Jason to stiff in his pocket. She giggled as she set off to swim another length.

As she was swimming back Jade came the other way and said,

“Yes it is.”

Eva also noticed 5 young men coming in then jumping into the pool. Her pussy tingled and she felt moisture going the other way in her vagina.

“Come on Jason, you can grab my tits and pussy if you can catch me.” She said as she passed him to start another length.

Jason just smiled and stood there until Eva was about 3 metres ahead of him then he set off. Lucky Eva wasn’t swimming that fast and Jason caught her before she had even got into the other half of the pool and she screamed as Jason grabbed her ankle and pulled her back to him.

He turned her around and pulled her to him, she felt nice as her bare tits met his bare chest. Jason is taller that Eva and when he pulled her to him her feet couldn’t touch the bottom of the pool.

They stared at each other’s eyes then both heads went forward and tilted slightly to their right. Their lips met and their tongues invaded the other’s mouth.

Eva could feel the top of Jason’s hard cock pressing on her pubic bone through his shorts and she wrapped her legs around him pressing the length of his cock along her slit.

“Get a room.” They both heard as Jade swam passed them.

“Bloody hell are you two still at it.” They heard as Jade swam back the other way.

Eva giggled as she broke the kiss then said,

“You’d better be in my room 5 minutes after we get back.” Then she pushed away from him and swam after Jade.

“Cute isn’t he?” Jade said when the both stopped at the end of the pool.

“Yes he is.”

“We can share him if you like.”

“A threesome?”

“Yes, or we can take turns with him, I’m more than happy to share him with you, 50 / 50.”

“What about sharing you Eva, don’t you fancy doing it with a girl?”

“Never really thought about it.”

“Neither have I, but we are here to experiment aren’t we?”

They both smiled at each other then Eva gave Jade a quick kiss on her lips before pushing off for another length.

Eva passed Jason going the other way and she smiled at him. She stopped at the end and waited for Jade and Jason to get there. While she waited she looked around and saw that the people that had been there had all left, leaving just them and the 5 young men who obviously were there just to mess around.

When Jade and Jason arrived Eva splashed them and said,

“Fun time.”

Within seconds everyone in the pool was splashing each other and there was some overlap of the 2 groups.

Jason picked Eva up revealing to everyone there that she was naked, then threw her into the water. Then he did the same with Jade. Eva had surfaced right close to one of the other group and one young man looked at Jason, who nodded, then Eva was lifted up out of the water again. The young man held her out of the water as she squealed and shouted, “put me down,” but the young man held her up letting all his mates see her naked body.

Well most of it because one of the young man’s hands was holding her over her right tit.

Well that was it, what ensued was a game of lifting the girls out of the water for a few seconds then throwing them back in, getting a quick grope of tits or pussies as they went. Unsurprisingly, both girls were loving it although they both swallowed small amounts of pool water.

Eventually, Eva and Jade got tired and stopped the game, deciding that it was time to leave. They swam to the side of the pool and pulled themselves out of the pool and turned to see that all 6 males were staring at their naked bodies which neither girl was trying to hide.

“Shower time.” Jade shouted and all 6 males started heading for the side of the pool.

The 2 naked girls had just managed to get their shampoo and got into the communal showers when the young men started to arrive, Jason going to the opposite side of the showers to watch.

It started with Jade agreeing to let one of the young men shampoo her hair for her and ended with all 5 guys soaping every nook and cranny of both girl’s bodies, making both of them cum along the way and getting them close to cumming again before they heard the door to the changing rooms open.

Both, slightly frustrated girls rinsed off then went to their lockers to get their towels. As the went there they saw a middle-aged man wearing just swimming shorts walking the other way. They smiled at him and kept walking.

Back in the shower Jason was telling the 5 young men that that time on a Monday seemed to be a quiet time at the pool and that he’d be getting the girls to come with him again at that time. Jason was helping the girls with their fetish.

Eva was just slipping her dress over her naked body when 1 of the 5 young men walked passed their open door and got 1 last look of her naked body before the dress slid down her torso.

“See you next week.” The young man said. Both girls giggled.

“That was fun.” Jade said as they left the building.

“Next week I’m going to dry my hair at the mirrors before I get dressed.” Eva replied.

Jason smiled.

They passed that same coffee shop and Eva suggested having a coffee. They each got a coffee and pastry and Eva led them to the same table that she’s sat at before. She directed Jason to sit with his back to the window and Jade and herself to sit facing the window slightly to either side of Jason.

Jade looked at Eva, smiled and sat like Eva had with her knees slightly apart giving Jason, and anyone outside who cared to look, a great view of their pussies.

“Are you 2 trying to drive me crazy.” Jason said after he’d swallowed his first bite of his pastry.

“You know Jason,” Eva replied, “you’ve been really nice to Jade and I, and never even tried to get in our knickers, you’re not gay are you? No, that kiss you gave me couldn’t possibly have been from a gay guy, and a gay guy wouldn’t have been pressing his hard-on in to me like that.”

“Fuck no, and you don’t wear knickers so I couldn’t get in them.”

“You know what I mean. Why haven’t you tried to fuck either of us?”

“I thought that you’d invited me back to your room when we get back Eva?”

“I have, and I hope that you will be there because I really want to fuck you and I want Jade to fuck you as well. Maybe not today but soon, I’ll leave that to you two but I certainly won’t be complaining if both of you knock on my door when we get back. I’m assuming that neither of you would mind a threesome. I’ve never done that before but I’m ready and eager to try it.”


“Don’t answer me now, I’ll take a knock on my door later, or not, as your answer.”

Eva’s eyes were going back and forth from Jason’s to Jade’s eyes. Jade looked like she was a little shocked at first but she was soon smiling. Jason had looked a little disappointed at first but he too was smiling by the time Eva stopped talking.

Eva’s pussy was also getting wet after the slight breeze had dried it on the walk from the pool.

None of them said anything about the potential threesome on the way back to the flat and Eva stripped as soon as she got to her room cleaned her teeth and gave herself a couple of squirts of perfume under her arms and her pussy before laying spread eagle on her bed and waiting.

The time went quickly as she scanned the windows opposite and thought that she saw the telescope move a little. She jumped up and put her lights on then tried to get her hands and feet to touch the corners of her bed all at the same time.

There was a knock on her door and Eva shouted “come in”. It was the naked Jade and she went and sat next to Eva.

“Do you think that he’ll come?”

“If he does he’s definitely going to cum.”

The both giggled a bit then there was another knock on the door.

“Get up Jade, I want him to see me spread like this.”

Jade got up and Eva shouted, “Come in.”

It was only in that second that Eva suddenly thought,

“What if it isn’t Jason, what it it’s that creep Tom?”

Eva smiled and relaxed when she saw Jason step in. Jason just stood there looking at Eva and she let him for a few seconds before saying,

“Let’s swap places Jason then we can undress you.”

They did, and both girls slowly took his clothes off leaving his hard cock pointing to the ceiling.

It was the middle of the night when Jason and Jade finally left Eva’s room. All 3 were very happy, and at least one person in the bock opposite had had a good and long show. It could have gone on for longer but Jason had a class in the morning and said that he really needed to get a couple of hours sleep before it.

All 3 agreed that they wanted to do it again, soon.
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