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Eva continues to learn new things
Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes.

by Vanessa Evans

Part 03

It was on the Thursday evening that Jade and Eva went to the keep fit class in the gym. Neither of them expected to have anywhere near as much fun as at the swimming pool but the both realised that they did need the exercise.

Jade chose a pink leotard and Eva a yellow one and they walked to the gym wearing dresses that were so short that their butts were only just covered and their slits weren’t.

It was a male instructor, Don Little, that greeted them and he gave no indications that he’d seen their slits as they approached. Don Little looked to be in his mid to late twenties and when they said that they were there for the keep fit class he told them that they had made a good choice then went on to explain that it was a general fitness class covering exercises and other moves from quite a number of disciplines and is designed to improve general fitness for everyone but some of the exercises were specifically beneficial to women.

“I will push you hard but please stop if you think that it is too much for your body. Just about all the class will be students like yourself so we shouldn’t have any real problems. Right, the ladies changing room is over there and I’ll see you in the gym.”

Both girls were a bit apprehensive, neither of them having had any serious exercise since they did PE at school.

In the changing room they saw a few other girls in various states of undress. Most were changing into leotards, some with shorts over or under them. Most of the leotards were of the thong variety and a couple of girls left the changing room with nothing under or over their thong leotards. That pleased Eva as they wouldn’t look that out of place. One girl was wearing a polo shirt and a school PE skirt and Eva wondered if she was wearing anything under it.

Eva and Jade stripped naked then put their leotards on. Both girls struggled to keep the 2 centimetre wide crotch covering strips over their labia as it kept opening them up and disappearing out of sight, Eva giggling as the material went to one side of her clit and made it stick out even more than normal.

They looked at themselves in the mirrors and saw that the difference in colour of their areolas and nipples was very obvious as the mesh molded to their breasts.

Both girls were smiling as the walked out of the changing room and into the gym where they saw various items of gym equipment scattered around and a group of around 8 girls and 4 boys standing around chatting and waiting for the instructor to start the session.

As they approached the group they saw 2 girls and 1 boy do a double take when they saw them.

Both Eva and Jade said hello and they got a response from 3 or 4 of them before Don Little came in and blew his whistle then told everyone to form 2 lines in front of him. As Eva and Jade lined up on the back row Eva thought about her pussy and realised that the crotch material of her thong had disappeared between her labia to one side of her clit.

“Fuck it, I don’t care.” Eva thought as she listened to what Don Little was saying something about loosening up.

They did some simple arm and leg stretches then went on to twisting their torsos. All basic and simple so far but when they moved on to to the sort of exercised that they used to do in PE lessons they were down on their hands and knees and their backs with their legs going all over the place. The thing was, if, and when, the girl and the young man in front of Eva, and probably Jade as well, got the impression that she had nothing on between the top of her butt crack and the top of her slit, and they could see her clit that looked larger than normal because of the pressure that the material of the leotard was putting on the side of it.

The other thing was that Don Little was walking around telling people to try a bit harder and when he got to Eva he stopped and stared at her apparently uncovered pussy. For a few seconds, as he stared, he went silent then continued whatever it was that he was saying.

For the next 10 or so minutes he had everyone doing leg stretching exercises that involved their legs being stretched wide apart. One such exercise involved 2 people sat opposite each other with their legs straight and spread wide, one pair of feet pushing the other persons feet further apart being helped by the couple holding each others wrists and pulling.

When Don Little partnered the class both Eva and Jade got partnered with a young man which please both Eva and Jade, and probably both young men. Eva wondered if he’d done that on purpose.

That was the first of many exercises and activities involving 2 people and Don Little always partnered Jade and Eva with one of the young men. By the time the class ended all 4 young men had had a great view of both girls pussies. They’d also had plenty of time to stare at their tits through the see-through mesh.

Don Little got his share of the scenery because he always seemed to be near one of the girls when their legs were spread wide.

Leg stretching exercises weren’t the only things that they did, Don Little had them running, vaulting, step-ups, sit-ups, squats and many more. One activity that Eva like was rope climbing, not so much the climbing as it made her arms ache but the sliding down.

As the thick rope slid passed her pussy it made her cum and she had to feign being out of breath and bent over putting her hands on her knees to get her breath back. Don Little and one of the young men were behind her and she wondered if they could see her pussy convulsions. They would definitely have seen how wet her pussy was and the odd body jerk that she couldn’t stop.

By the time the hour was over most of the people there were shattered and they all headed to the changing rooms for showers. Eva and Jade however just lay on the floor in the gym relaxing and talking about all the men looking at them. They didn’t realise how much time had passed until Don Little asked them to drop the latch on their way out. He’d been putting the equipment away then gone and checked that the others had left before going back to the gym and asking them.

Eva apologised and said that they’d only be a few minutes and they got up and followed Don Little to the door. As he left and was walking away Eva dropped the latch but with her and Jade still inside. As she turned to go back to the gym she took her leotard off then walked straight to the big rope.

She unhooked it from the wall then up she climbed and slowly descended, letting the rope rub against her pussy as she went. She orgasmed just before she let go and dropped to the floor, fortunately her feet being only half a metre from the floor when her hands lost their grip.

“Woah there girl,” Jade said as she took off her leotard and climbed the rope. “I want a piece of that.”

Both girls repeated that exercise until their arms couldn’t pull them up anymore.

The rope climbing was the only activity that gave them any sexual pleasure without any men there to watch them so the headed to the showers and helped each other get rid of the sweat from their bodies.

What they had expected to be just exercise ended up being a very pleasure time and as they happily waked back to their flat they played a game of pull up the other girls skirts and they gave a few people a very pleasant surprise.

Back at the flat Eva took her dress off then went over to Jason’s room. She didn’t get back to her room until the morning.

When Jade and Eva talked over a breakfast coffee later, they both agreed that they knew exactly what they were going to be doing 2 evenings a week for the foreseeable future.

Tom surprised everyone in the flat one weekend when a sybian appeared in the lounge area. He was bragging that he’d got it (wouldn’t say where from) so that Eva and Jade could provide the entertainment for future parties.

Neither Eva nor Jade had seen a sybian before, not even a picture, but it was obvious to them what it was for. At first both girls said that there was no way that they’d use it but both girls knew that they would. They waited until Tom had gone out then first Eva squat over it and lowered herself onto it. She screamed when Jade switched it on and both Lewis and Jason came out to see what was going on. They, along with Jade watched Eva as she slowly drove herself to a glorious, intense orgasm.

As everyone was watching Jade do the same Eva decided that getting one of those for herself would be a priority just as soon as she could.

Both girls looked forward to the next party and, although they told Tom that they wouldn’t ride the sybian they looked forward to being coerced into riding it, especially as there would be countless young men there to watch them.

There were 4 parties in the flat before Christmas and both girls had 2 sybian rides and one handstand bottle fuck at each one whilst everyone watched them. The other thing that pleased both girls was that the party goers, egged-on by Tom have started groping them whist they are performing. Their orgasms seen to be getting longer and more intense as the parties go on.


In the first few days of December Eva got a phone call from señor Alvarez telling her that everything was sorted out and that she was now the owner of the villa and 373,000 euros was ready to transfer to wherever Eva wanted it to go.

Eva hadn’t forgotten about her inheritance but she’d put it to the back of her mind as he concentrate on her university work and the fun that she was having so she hadn’t really thought about what she was going to do with the villa or the money.

When she told señor Alvarez this he suggested that she talk to a financial expert, a Spanish one as both the villa and the money were in Spain. Eva asked if he knew anyone, and he did, he gave her the name of señor Fernandez and suggested that they have a face-to-face meeting. Eva told señor Alvarez that it sounded good but she couldn’t get there for a couple of weeks until the university shut down for the Christmas break

Señor Alvarez told Eva that it would be fine and asked her to let him know what flight she was on and that he’d arrange for a car to meet her at Malaga airport. Eva rejected that offer saying that she’d use public transport so señor Alvarez told her that there was a train that ran from the airport along the coast to Fuengirola.

Eva was out of her depth and she knew it. She was wise enough to know the risk of entrusting all her money to a stranger but she had to do something. She decide to discuss her problem with the most sensible person she knew, Jason.

That evening she went to his room and during post coital relaxation she told him the whole story. The unflappable Jason took it all in his stride and told Eva that he’d ask his father to check-out señor Fernandez and asked Eva when she needed to know by.

Then Eva had an idea and asked Jason if he would go with her.

“What about Jade, she’s your best friend.”

“Yes, maybe you both could come with me, each of you holding one of my hands.”

“Or we could each hold one of your tits for you.”

“That would be nice but we’d never get anything sorted out. Hold on, it will be Christmas won’t you want to be at home with your family?”

Jason leaned over, kissed Eva and said,

“I’d far rather be with you and doing some medical research on this cute little body.”

“Excellent, if Jade can come you’ll have 2 bodies to experiment on.”

Eva rolled on top of Jason and they fucked again.

The next morning Eva talked to Jade and was very disappointed when she said that she really wanted to but she really had to go home for the family Christmas. Eva understood and wished that her family was as close as Jade’s.

When Eva got back from her lecture she looked up flights, agreed 2 with Jason then booked them. Then she sent an email to señor Alvarez with the details.


In spite of her university work, the swimming and exercise sessions, and 2 more parties where she was coerced into riding the sybian twice each time and to get upside down bottle fucked, the time up to her flight dragged but eventually Eva and Jason were on an early morning train going to the airport for the flight to Malaga airport.

After the 2.5 hour flight they followed señor Alvarez’s directions to the train station and caught the train to Fuengirola. Forty minutes later they were walking down the main street looking for the office of señor Alvarez. As they walked down the street both of them were impressed with how warm it was for a December, Eva pleased that she’d worn one of her very short summer dresses under a winter jacket. Señor Alvarez later explained that the Costa del Sol had it’s own micro climate and it was usually sunny and warm during the days but cold at night.

They easily found the office then spent the next 4 hours discussing legal and financial options and what to do about the villa with señor Alvarez and señor Fernandez who thankfully had been asked to attend the meeting. Eva wanted to keep the villa but would be unable to live there for most of the year. Señor Fernandez suggested that Eva rents out the villa for the periods that she wouldn’t be there, the income paying for a management team to maintain the villa, and earning her a profit as well. Señor Fernandez told Eva that he would contact a property management company and ask them to contact her in the next couple of days.

The principal of what was to be done was all sorted out leaving the micro details to be organised by señor Fernandez over the next few days. He would phone then visit them at the villa when signatures were required.

Señor Alvarez then drove them to the villa giving them a running commentary as to what was where around the villa, Fuengirola and Marbella. When they got there he opened up then handed Eva the keys and left.

After a quick look around they decided to walk to the restaurant that señor Alvarez said was just over the main road. They had a meal then walked back and went to bed in the spare room. They just cuddled before going to sleep, both being too tired to even have sex.


The next morning Jason woke early and fucked Eva to wake her up. After an orgasm Eva rolled on top of Jason and rode him until she came again. Then, and without bothering to put any clothes on, Eva did a slower look around the place. She was impressed and quietly thanked her aunt Betty.

Okay, there was a lot of things that meant a lot to older people but the place also had a modern look to it, the kitchen and bathroom obviously having been recently renovated. Eva wanted it to be ‘her’ place so she phoned señor Alvarez and asked how she could get a skip delivered. He guessed what it was for and told Eva that instead he would arrange for a man that clears houses to go there the next day to take away whatever she didn’t want, telling her that the man would pay her for what he took. That pleased her but Jason warned her not to expect to get much money from the man.

They spent the next couple of hours with Eva deciding what was to go and Jason moving it all to the middle of the living area. All the time Eva was still naked and Jason was enjoying watching her work naked.

They got hungry and decided to walk to the little supermarket that they’d been told was just down the road but the other side of the main road. Jason was amused as Eva went out of the villa and was just opening the gate when he reminded her that she still hadn’t put any clothes on.

Eva rectified that problem by putting a skater type skirt and a tank top on. She was pleased with her choice when they found out that they had to walk down the side of the main road to get there and the breeze from the passing vehicles blew her skirt right up.

In the supermarket they bought fresh food and Eva had a bit of fun bending over in front of the odd male customer.

Back at the villa they put the food away then just as Eva started getting undressed Jason suggested that they have a break and go for a walk to check out the surrounding area.

They walked down the few roads there but weren’t that impressed with all the high fences, but at the end of one, close to Eva’s villa they found an entrance to what was the side of the beach. It was a few acres of flat, muddy / sandy land with a bit of grass or a few trees here and there. They saw the odd car driving across the area and a couple of men walking. To their left, in the distance the saw what looked like a small car park. To their right the saw another couple of cars parked.

Walking across the open area the found sand dunes with trees all along the edge. As they walked across the dunes they saw a couple of naked men, one having a wank behind a dune.

Eva took the sight of the naked men to assume that it was okay to get naked so she did, giving Jason her skirt and top to carry.

At the other side of the dunes the found the beach and a handful of people sunbathing, all naked.

There was what looked like a restaurant but it was boarded up. They turned left and walked along the beach, coming to a closed beach bar then a bigger beach then some buildings. They decided to explore there another time and walked up the narrow road to the other end of the car park that they’d seen. As they got there a car drove in, slowing, presumably so the male driver could get a good look at Eva. They headed towards where the villa was and walked passed the back of some other villas and Jason realised that one of the villas was Eva’s. Her villa backed onto the open area but it didn’t have a gate, just a high fence to keep people out.

Eva said that she would get a gate put in that fence so that she could walk out to the dunes and beach totally naked. Jason warned her that it would have to be a substantial gate to avoid a security risk and suggested that she just walk out of the front, down the little roads and risk being seen naked. Eva liked that idea.

Back inside Eva got on with her clear-out, Jason doing the carrying for her. After an hour or so Eva’s phone rang and an Englishman introduced himself as Andrew Jones from a company called Total Property Management. He’d been given Eva’s number by señor Fernandez and would like to visit her to explain what his company could offer her. Eva agreed and arranged for him to visit the following afternoon.

Another hour on and there was a knock on the door. Without even thinking, Eva went and opened the door to be confronted by an obvious English man who, after staring at the naked Eva for a few seconds, told her that señor Alvarez had told him that Eva had some house contents that she wanted rid of.

The man’s staring made Eva remember that she was naked and she apologised saying that she’d go and put some clothes on. The man, Ian, told her that it wasn’t a problem and that she would be surprised at the number of times that naked people had come to the door. Eva relaxed, decided to stay naked and invited him in then introduced him to the smiling Jason.

Ian looked through everything that Eva wanted to get rid of and offered her 400 euros. That pleased Eva as she’d expected to have to pay for a skip and she accepted Ian’s offer. Jason later told Eva that Ian would probably sell most of what he’d taken and make a huge profit. Eva said that she didn’t care, she’d got rid of it all.

The 3 of them then carried everything out to Ian’s van, Eva not even thinking about her still being naked.

After paying Eva, Ian asked if she’d looked in the garage to see if there was anything in there that she wanted rid of so she went and got the key and opened the door.

“Blood hell, a Triumph Stag.” Jason said as the doors opened.

Both Jason and Ian stood and stared at the car for a few seconds before going in the garage to get a better look at it.

“What’s so special about that old car, Eva asked, it looks like it will fall to bits if you try to move it.”

“Hey Eva, just because it’s covered with dust doesn’t mean that it won’t run. That car is a classic, worth thousands. Sorry Ian but Eva isn’t going to sell that.”

Ian smiled but realised that he’s missed an opportunity to make a killing, Eva would probably have paid him to take it away.

There was nothing else in the garage that looked as though Eva would want to get rid of so Ian left.

Eva and Jason stood looking at the yellow Stag.

“So what’s so special about that pile of filthy metal?”

“It’s a classic, one of England’s best ever sports car, wait until you hear the sound of the engine, so beautiful.”

“Bloody hell Jason, it’s car, or it was. But it’s starting to come back to me, the last time that I saw aunt Betty she came to our house in a yellow car and when she left I asked daddy what was wrong with it because it was making a lot of noise.”

“That will have been the V8 3 litre engine, beautiful tick-over sound and the roar from the acceleration was amazing.”

“I never realise that you were a petrol head Jason.”

“Just a bit, but Eva, you need to get that car back on the road, you’ll love driving around in it, the wind blowing your hair and around those cute tits, you’ll love it.”

“I can’t drive.”

“Learn girl, you’ll love driving that.”

“So how much is it worth?”

“I’m no expert but at a guess, depending on it’s condition, maybe 15 to 20,000.”

“For that, wow.”

“Please Eva, pay someone to restore it and just drive it.”

“I will, if you come back here and sit next to me in it.”

Jason turned to Eva, picked up the naked girl, hugged then kissed her, then said that he would, providing that she’d let him drive it some of the time.

Eva felt Jason’s hard cock pressing against her and said,

“Wow, if it does that to you I’d better get it done PDQ.”

Jason locked the garage door then picked Eva up and carried her inside. Guess what they did next, again and again until they fell asleep.


Eva was again woken by Jason’s cock going in and out of her pussy and after orgasming she again rolled on top of him and rode him until she had another one.

After a coffee and a bite to eat Eva decided that it was time to have a look out the back of the villa. They’d had a quick look before but Eva wanted to check out the swimming pool and look in the little shed that was out there. They went out and Eva soon realised that the sun hadn’t been out long enough to warm things up, Jason pulling on her rock hard nipples and asking her if it was cold enough for her.

They looked in the shed and saw a box the size of a small coffee table and wondered what was in it. Eva quickly opened it and soon forgot about the cold.

“Woah there, look at this lot Jason.”

“Bloody hell, your aunt must have been a bit of a sex maniac, I’ve never even seen some of those toys before.” Jason said, “Shall we take them inside and try some of them?”

Jason needn’t have asked as Eva was already pulling the box towards the door.

“We’ll have to wash them first but we can’t play for long, that property management bloke Andrew Jones is coming this morning and it’s already half way through the morning.”

“Yes but we can try one or two, see how many times we can make you cum. Are you going to answer the door naked again, give him a nice surprise.”

“Do you think that I should, it was an accident yesterday.”

“Are you sure about that, I know what you are like,”

Eva just smiled.

“Have another ‘accident’ today Eva.

“Okay, but my pussy might be a bit red and swollen after using some of those.”

“How’s he to know that it’s red and swollen, it might be like that all the time.”

“Good point Jason, which one shall we try first.”

“The one with the motor that we can just setup and let it fuck you.”

“Sounds nice.”

They did, Eva laying in the floor with her legs wide open, the machine between her legs and a dildo going in and out of her. As Eva got over the initial surprise Jason told her that next time she used it he’d tie her to the bed and let it fuck her until she’d been fucked for hours.

“Do you think that we could get it working on the beach and let it fuck me while I sunbathe?”

“We’d need a bloody long cable for that but I’m sure that we could get it working in the back garden. Maybe people walking passed or your neighbours can watch you.”

They couldn’t talk for much longer as Eva had other priorities.

Three orgasms and one sweaty body later, Jason switched it off and started looking at other toys in the box. He found one that confused him for a while, a plastic ball about the size of a tennis ball with a flexible antenna type extension to it.

“Wonder what this is?” Jason said.

“I think that I know.” Eva replied, “but to get it working we need some information, is there a box that it might fit in, in there?”

Jason rummaged around then came out with a leaflet that had a picture of the object on it.

“This might help.” he said passing it to Eva.

“Yes, that looks good can you get me my phone please? Oh shit, have we got WiFi here?”

“Don’t know, but you can use your data allocation if you need the internet.”

Jason got both their phones, gave Eva’s to her and then checked the WiFi. His phone found a router but he needed the password. He looked through some papers that were on the desk and found one with the same logo as the one that had appeared on his phone when he tried to connect and was happy when he keyed in what may have been the password. He was in.

Going back to Eva he saw the pink tadpole looking object start vibrating.

“Jeez Eva, do you put that inside you?”


“Well it’s unlikely to damage you but it will shake you up a bit, and because it will be in your vagina it might feel good.”

“That’s the idea Jason, I’ve seen a video of a girl dancing about as hers drove her crazy.”

“Did she cum?”


“Come on girl, push it in.”

“It looks big.”

“You pussy will stretch to take it.”

Eva did and when she switched it on she gasped and started shaking.

“Fucking hell, I though the girl in the video was putting it on but fuck, this is nice. Here Jason, you control it.”

Jason did, experimenting with the controls and taking Eva to an intense and long orgasm.

She had just about got her wits about herself when they heard a knock on the door. Eva got up and started to go to the door when Jason told her to stop.

“The vibrator.”

Eva stopped, spread her legs, pulled it out and threw it to Jason who quickly put everything into the box out of sight.

“Hi, you must be Andrew Jones?” Eva asked.

“Yes, and you must be Eva, I’m Andrew Jones. Do you normally greet your guests in the nude?”

Eva look down at herself, swore then replied,

“Sorry, I completely forgot. Come in, I’ll just go and put something on.”

“Don’t bother on my count, there’s a nudist beach out the back so I’m used to having conversations with naked people.”

“You don’t mind me staying like this then?”

“Not at all my dear. Now, I’ve been told that you have inherited this villa but can’t live here all the time because you are at university in England and you would like to rent that place out when you can’t be here. Is that right?”

“Just about, I also need someone to maintain the place and manage the rentals.”

“Well it’s your lucky day Eva, I moved out here just over 25 years ago and saw an opportunity with people in your situation and I started the company ‘Total Property Management’ and I must be getting it right because I’m still in business after 25 years.”

“Well done, but what can you offer me and how much will it cost?” Eva asked.

“We do everything from cleaning, maintenance, pool cleaning, advertising, bookings, transporting guests to and from the airport, money collection, utility bills, the lot.

I tell the clients,

“Just sign up with us and all you need to do is tell us when you will be here and we do everything else, even putting the rental money in your bank account.”

“Sounds good,” Jason said, “but the devil is in the detail.”

“Good, someone who wants to know the details, you’d be surprise how many people would have signed up by now. Right, let’s start with the advertising.”

Andrew Jones spent the next 90 minutes explaining everything to Eva and Jason, taking a break half way through with both men’s eyes glued to Eva’s butt as she walked to the kitchen to get some beers, and then watching her tits and pussy as she carried the bottles in to them.

When the sales pitch was over both Eva and Jason were happy and Eva signed on the dotted line and handed over a spare set of keys that she had found in a kitchen drawer.

As Andrew Jones was leaving Jason said,

“Do you know anyone around here who could restore a 1968, 3 litre Triumph Stag?”

“You haven’t got one have you?”

“No, but Eva has, it’s in the garage. Oh, you haven’t got a key for that garage and we don’t want any renters going in there.”

“I don’t know what all the fuss is about,” Eva said, “but Jason says that it’s an amazing car and that once it’s back on the road it will be worth a fortune.”

“It will Eva, and don’t worry, I will make sure that no one discovers your secret. Now, I know a couple of places in Marbella that do jobs like that, I’ll text you their numbers.”

He said goodbye and left leaving Eva with her arms around Jason.

“Do you want fucking again girl?”

“Yes please, I need you inside me.”

Guess what.

After an hour or so of pleasure they got back to getting things as Eva wanted. They also moved their belongings into the master bedroom after changing all the bedding. As they were doing that they discovered some handcuffs and ropes under the mattress. They both smiled, wondered what aunt Betty did with them, then Jason jumped on Eva and tied her to the bed. Then he went and got the vibrator that they’d found, and Eva’s phone, and Jason took Eva to the brink of an orgasm lots of times, but, despite her many pleas, didn’t take her over the edge.

Then he took her to the shower, got them both clean then picked out a dress for her to wear and took her to the Italian restaurant further along the opposite side of the main road.

The thing was, he wouldn’t let Eva take out the vibrator and in the restaurant he could see the pink antenna hanging out of her vagina through the see-through dress that she was wearing. Eva got lots of stares and looks from the other patrons, some of whom Jason thought he recognised as celebrities, which may have explained the rip-off prices.

Eva didn’t really notice, and took an eternity to eat her food as Jason kept teasing her to just before the point of no return using the controls on her phone.

When the left, Eva begged Jason to let her cum, even taking her dress off and walking back along the side of the road and over the bridge totally naked but Jason kept torturing her right until they got back to the villa where she screamed her head off as Jason turned the vibrations up to full and left them it whilst he videoed her convulsions and her jerking body before pulling the vibrator out of her and ramming his cock into her.


After their usual morning fuck, Eva confessed that she’d really enjoyed how Jason had ‘tortured’ her the previous evening and asked him to do it to her again sometime soon.

Eva got Jason to help her with a few jobs that she wanted done, then she asked Jason if he wanted to go shopping. Like most men he wasn’t that keen on the idea but said that he’d go with her just to watch her showing herself to other people.

“That’s the main reason why I want to go Jason, can you help me pick an outfit please?”

Eva had brought a good few ultra short skirts and dresses and in the end they settled on the very short skater type skirt that had inverted so many times around the university, and a top that has a see-through panel right across the peaks of her tits.

They set off walking to the bus stop that señor Alvarez had pointed out to them when they arrived. As soon as they got down beside that main road Eva’s skirt started flying all over the place as the draught from the passing vehicles took control of it. Neither of them did anything about it.

When the bus arrived it was one of those long bendy buses with all the seat high up. Jason saw that it had a door at the back for people to get off so after paying he steered Eva to the back and they sat just behind the steps going down to the door so that if anyone exiting the bus turned their head towards Eva before going down the steps they would see right up her skirt to her slit.

Eva smiled when she saw what he had done, squeezed his hand and sat with her knees apart.

They watched the people going off but only one girl looked and she didn’t react at all.

At the bus station they headed the same way as most people, towards where all the buildings were and soon found themselves on what looked like the main road through the centre of Marbella. Eva was pleased that there was a slight breeze and her skirt fluttered about probably giving anyone who looked a flash of her butt or slit.

They wandered along looking in shop windows and were amazed at how expensive everything was, Eva saying,

“I may well have the money to pay those prices but there’s no way that I am.”

After about an hour they’d had enough and flagged down a tax. Fortunately the driver spoke English and understood when Jason asked to be taken to the big shopping centre. When they got there they compared it to one of the big out of town shopping centres in England, but with warmer weather.

They walked in and the air conditioning did 2 things, firstly it blew Eva’s skirt up and secondly made her nipples rock hard. Jason smiled as he got a flash of her bare butt.

Eva looked around to see if anyone had seen her wardrobe malfunction but the only person looking was a miserable, stone faced security guard.

They walked along the ground floor, Eva being disappointed at the low number of people and fact that they seemed to have tunnel vision to where they were going. The shops didn’t look that interesting either, the clothes shops were either for kids or middle-aged women.

That was until the came to one that appeared to be targeting the late teens and early twenties, young men and women. Eva wanted to go in and have a look at the fashion that her counterparts in Spain were being sold, but Jason wasn’t that keen. Until he saw a couple of girls around Eva’s age, both wearing only slightly more than Eva.

When Eva had first invited him to go with her to the south of Span he’d had visions of lots of teenage girls on a beach wearing not a lot. When he’d looked at the expected weather forecast those visions had gone and it hadn’t helped when he’d gone to the beach with Eva near the villa and the only girl worth looking at was Eva. So when he saw the 2 girls in the shop wearing short skirt and skimpy tops he’d agreed to go in with Eva.

Eva zeroed in on a rack of skirts that looked ‘unusual’ to say the least. When Eva got one off the rack and held it against her waist she looked at his puzzled expression and said,

“It’s a shredded skirt. I’m going to try it on, are you coming?”

“It looks like it’s been dipped into a paper shredder.” Jason said as he followed her to the back of the store and the 2 curtained cubicles.

Eva went in one and half closed the curtain leaving Jason to see everything that she was doing. Her skirt came off and she turned to face Jason letting him see her slit and protruding clit. She smiled then ran a finger along her slit then sucked the finger.

Jason smiled, just as the 2 girls walked between him and Eva. They obviously saw the bottomless Eva because the both giggled then turned to look at Jason. They knew that Eva had been flashing her pussy to Jason.

Eva put the shredded skirt on then stepped out of the cubicle to let Jason get a better look. She did a twirl then parted the strands of material in various places letting Jason see her skin, including parting the strands in front of both her pussy and her butt.

“It will flash more when I’ve cut it shorter.” Eva said. “And I’ll cut some of the strands off completely so I’ll show even more skin.”

“I like it.” Jason said.

“I’m getting it.” Eva said and started taking it off as she walked back to the cubicle.

Putting her own skirt back on Eva left the cubicle and hung on to the shredded skirt.

Eva continued browsing as Jason watched the 2 girls. He saw them near the rack that contained the shredded skirts then watched them walk over to the cubicles. They went in and one fully closed her curtain but the other girl only half closed her curtain.

Jason slowly walked to a place where he thought he might be able to see the girl changing. He could, and he was watching the bottomless girl pulling up a shredded skirt when Eva walked up to him holding what looked like a dress for a little girl.

“Look what I’ve found.”

Jason turned and had a quick look then turned his back to watch the changing Spanish girl.

“That’s for a little girl.” Jason said as the Spanish girl pulled the skirt up covering a black landing strip.

“No it’s not, it’s made of the same stretch mesh material that my leotards are made of. Oh, I see why you aren’t looking at me, come on, we’ll go over and wait so that I can try this dress on.”

Eva grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the cubicles. They got there just as the 2 Spanish girls came out to look at each other. Both did the parting of the strands and Jason saw lots of skin and some short and curlies.

Meanwhile, Eva was wanting to try the dress on. She looked around and saw no one else so she put her bags down and lifted her top up and over her head then dropped her skirt leaving her totally naked,

Poor Jason didn’t know where to look. He’d seen Eva naked hundreds of times but the Spanish girls were new to him.

Evan started putting the dress on but she had to be careful as the material looked so fragile. Her hands went up the inside of the dress and stretched it wide enough to get it over her head. Slowly she eased it down her body as the 2 Spanish girls stopped and watched Eva.

At full stretch, the dress went down close to her knees and left her tits and slit clearly visible.

Jason’s eyes were now glued to Eva, she was looking more exposed than when she was stood there naked.

Eva experimented bunching the material at different levels on her body, that last way she tried being doubled over her butt and round to her front. She looked like she had another skintight skirt on under the dress making her look almost decent – apart from her tits that were clearly visible.

“I like this.” Eva said.

Both Spanish girls were talking to each other at 100 Spanish words a minute so there was no chance that either Eva or Jason could pick up on the odd word that they knew.

Jason turned to look at the Spanish girls, one of which had a hand on her pussy through the strands. He smiled then the girls turned and went back to the cubicles. Neither of them bothered closing the curtains as they took the skirts off then put their own ones back on, all as Jason watched.

When he turned back to Eva, the new dress was off and she was starting to put her own top and skirt on.

“I’m buying that, it will be great for formal events. If it’s that formal I can wear ‘strings only’ underwear under it.”

“Those bits of string don’t cover anything.” Jason said.

“True, but from a distance it looks like I’m wearing a bra and thong.”

“You really are an exhibitionist Eva.”

“I know, and it’s soo much fun”

Eva took the dress and the skirt over to the sales counter, disturbed the woman who was reading a magazine, and paid for the items.

As they walked out Jason looked back to see if the 2 Spanish girls were getting changed again. He couldn’t see them.

“Broke your own rules Eva?”

“Yes, but I’ve got the willpower to not do it again.”

“Until the next time. Never mind, just so long as you don’t spend all your money before you leave uni.”

“Will you be around to stop me Jason?”

“Do you want me to be around Eva?”

“Yes I do.” Eva said, locking her arm with his.” I need you to stop me from getting locked up.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Eva squeezed Jason’s arm against her body.

“We need some food don’t we?” Jason asked as they came to a huge supermarket.

“Get a trolley.” Eva said as she went to seal her bags into big plastic bags. She had never had to anything like that before but she watched another woman do it.

Jason arrived back pushing a trolley and said,

“We don’t want to get too much, we have to carry it.”

They wheeled the trolley up and down the non-foods isles, Eva stopping occasionally and bending over to look at something on the lower shelves. Jason looked around the first couple of times that she did it, but then he gave up and just browsed, looking at things that were different to what they are in England.

Then they came to the clothing aisles and Eva made a beeline to the women’s underwear. She picked a couple of bra and thong set and went to the changing cubicle doing the same as she’d done in last shop. She was soon naked and trying to put the bra on.

Meanwhile Jason went and leaned on the trolley a short way away, watching Eva through the half open curtain. Not only was he watching Eva but he was watching the other shoppers as they passed the cubicle. Most walked by without giving any indication that they’d seen Eva. Some, mainly girls turned their heads and had a good look, some of them even stopping for a few seconds, and the ones that Eva liked the most were the men and some of the girls who would reverse their trolleys and get into a position similar to Jason where they could pretend to do something and watch as Eva dressed or undressed.

Jason was sure that Eva was watching her voyeurs in the mirror because she lingered when naked, or turned so that her voyeur got a quick full frontal, or the best ones, when she ran a finger along her slit or tweaked her nipples for the men watching. She even did that for a teenage girl who stood and watched her for a few seconds.

There’s only so long that a girl can take trying on a bra and thong and Eva pushed that time to the limit before dressing and coming out. She smiled at Jason as she put the items back on the hooks.

Then it was more bending over to look at food products, but only when she knew that a man was behind her.

Eventually they got the things that they needed and Eva chose the checkout that she wanted to go through. Unsurprisingly, she chose one with a young man on the till and she stood in front of him letting him look at her tits through the slightly see-through top, and Jason missed seeing how she managed to catch and lift up the front of her skirt and display her slit to him as she was using the payment card machine.

Seeing all that food made both of them hungry and they decided to get something to eat before getting the bus back to the villa so they headed to the other end of the shopping centre to where all the cafes were.

Jason let Eva chose which one to eat at and he wasn’t surprised when she picked one of the ones that had tables out where people were passing by, and she ***********ed a seat where people walking one way would be able to see her bare legs, right up to her stomach.

Jason smiled at her as she double checked that her legs would be in a line of vision to the people walking their way, if they decided to look.

Unfortunately she wasn’t that lucky and only 1 man looked her way but didn’t react.

As they ate, Jason explained that people often only saw what they expected to see and a flash of a pussy often wouldn’t even register in their brains. Then he smiled and continued, “I might just do my dissertation on exhibitionist women.”

“Will you need an exhibitionist woman to study?”

“At least one.”

“How about me and Jade?”

“You two already are my subjects. I’m making mental notes every time that I see you, clothed and unclothed and this visit to Spain is providing a mountain of material.”

“So are you going to carry a little book and make notes all the time? Maybe you could make a video diary and submit that as well.”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you Eva?”

“Yes, then after you’ve got top marks you could post all the videos on the internet.”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you.”

“Yes, but I like you with or without the videos on the internet Jason.”

“You like me Eva?”

“Yes, maybe even more than like but I don’t want to go there right now.”

“Where do you want to go Eva?”

“Somewhere where you can fuck me.”

“I think that that is going to have to wait Eva. We would get locked up if we fucked here.”

“Yes, you’re right, shit society that we live in. Wouldn’t it be nice if people could go everywhere naked and fuck wherever and whenever they wanted?”

“There’s stories out on the internet about an island in some remote place where women have to be naked all the time and men can fuck them any time that they want, but I doubt very much that it’s true.”

“Shame, I’d like to go to that place.”

“If all the women are like you then I would too.”

Daydreaming and food finished, they headed out to get a taxi to the bus station. Eva’s skirt fluttered about as they walked to the taxis and Jason saw that most of the drivers waiting were looking at Eva, probably hoping that the breeze would reward the. Jason didn’t look to see if it did.

He wasn’t looking as they waited outside the bus station for their bus either, although there was a good chance that her skirt was fluttering up and revealing he slit or butt as they stood waiting, Eva concentrating on their conversation and ignoring what the breeze may, or may not have been doing.

The bus was nearly empty and if Jason wasn’t taking in the outside scenery he was watching Eva’s breasts to try to detect any slight wobble as the bus bounced along, but they are so firm that they never move even a milemetre differently to the rest of her body.

It was still warm outside when they got back so they went out the back, next to the pool. Eva had dipped her toes in and decided that it was way too cold to go swimming so it was just laying on the sunbeds, Eva wanting to start an all-over tan.

After a short while Jason went in and brought the remote controlled vibrator and told Eva to spread her legs even further apart and he easily slid it into her always wet vagina. He’s also brought out their phones and he downloaded the app that controlled the vibrator and got it working on his phone.

When he got it working he tormented Eva and she complained telling him to leave her alone. When he asked why she told him that she had read more about what the vibrator could do, and then ordered 2 of them to be delivered to the flat.

“Why do you need two?” Jason asked.

“One’s a Christmas present for Jade for having to miss out on this trip.”

“Yes it was a shame, I was looking forward to spending 2 weeks fucking the both of you.”

“Me too.” Eva replied just as Jason turned the vibrator up to full blast.

After a while Eva gave up with her phone and just let Jason torment her until he’d finally taken her over the top. Then he let her relax and enjoy the last of the sun as it started to go down.

That evening, Eva decided that she wanted to go for a walk and see what was passed the car park near the closed beach bar.

“So are you going there naked?” Jason asked.

“I’d like to but that big building looked like a hotel or an apartment bock and it might be a little risky. I was thinking that I’d just wear my shortest skirt and a totally see-through top. That way no one can accuse me of wearing nothing.”

“Okay, fine by me.”

After a shower and a snack they got dressed and as the sun was going down they left the villa and walked alongside the road then down to the village next to the car park. They both liked the little harbour and some of the little yachts that were moored there. Jason joked that if he had one he’d tie Eva, naked, to the front and sail into all the harbours that he could find.

“So how much would a boat like that cost?” Eva asked.

“I have no idea but I’m guessing that you’d have to sell your villa to buy one. Tell you what, when you get that Triumph Stag on the road we’ll think about tying you to the front of it and driving through Marbella.”

“Promises, promises.”
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