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Things aren't always as they seem.
Copyright© 2020 by Pars001

Another story from another contest


I am so screwed, literally. I mean what the fuck was I thinking when I said and did what I did to her? I what- Oh, wait, sorry, you don't know what I'm talking about.

Let me introduce myself, or should I say, what's left of me?. I am or rather was Robert Thompson. Just an average guy, I guess.

I wanted to take a break from school, you know, get my hands in there for some practical experience. Plus, the idea that I might discover something that had no one else had excited me to no end. That was when I thought of India. There was only one excavation going on in the whole country. Though, they had seemed far too happy about getting a student who was working on his doctrine.

We had been at it for over a week when several workers that were working beside me got excited. With a loud crash, we broke through an apparent wall beneath the earth. Looking into a rather huge chamber, some twenty-five feet deep, there appeared to be a statue though, as far away as it was, no one was sure.

I leaned in a little further, shouting when the edge of the hole collapsed. I heard the workers yell a moment, then all was eerily quiet. I knew as soon as I hit bottom, hearing the snap, that I had broken my arm, shoulder, or both.

As I started to lose consciousness, I figured I was dead. The pain in my head was the last thing I remember. Losing consciousness, I thought I was dying.

Like I stated, I thought I was dead or going to die. My eyes opened sometime later, a blue light was radiating nearby. Looking up, I met the green eyes of a topless, blue female. What got me the most, besides the fact I was alive, was that she had four arms.

"kisee ke ghutane par girane ka lamba raasta." The blue-skinned female stated to me. When all I could do was stare at her, confused, she sighed, touching my head. I screamed when it felt like my head was torn open with hot liquid poured in the opening.

I fell against the wall, drawing in deep gasps of breath, the pain slowly, very slowly, starting to ease.

"Son of a bitch that hurt!" I was gasping out, still trying to get my vision and breath back to normal.

"If I am understanding you correctly, there is no reason to be crude." The female said with a sideways smirk at me.

I turned to look at her with a look of incredulousness. "Really? The amount of pain you just gave me, and you don't think it was justified? What the hell, lady! If you are a lady." I snapped at her with a suspicious look.

This time the almost serene look on her face slowly turned into one of anger.

"In case you haven't noticed, you're still alive. Another is, you can move without pain. Need I say more?" The blue-skinned woman said a smirk reappearing on her face. Leaning closer, she said softly, "I did save your life, I could have just let you die."

"So you, what? Want me to kiss your ass? Not about to happen, lady." I said a little smug, not really noticing that her anger was quickly turning to pure pissed off.

"You have to be the most ungrateful human I have ever met." She said as a thin smile crossed her lips. "Let's see if we can change that a bit."

I was about to speak when she waved her hand and arm in my direction. There was a flash, then I was inside the mouth of a cave. Looking around, I could see that I was near the town I had grown up in.

I started to move forward when I noticed that I wasn't walking upright. I also noticed that my voice sounded more like a roar, though not like any I had ever heard before.

I took a step out of the cave, finally getting a look at my hands. I didn't have hands anymore. They were claws, and my skin was scaly.

"What the hell have you done to me, you bitch!" I yelled or rather roared out. What the hell?!

You really need to learn how to talk to a female, as well as a deity. Such a foul mouth, I guess you can exist like that while you think about it. Came her thoughts to me.

I stood stock-still, a deity? There was no such thing, come on I thought, this is just a prank, someone obviously hypnotized me to make me think I am a monster.

You have to be the most obstinate, pig-headed, stubborn, rock headed male I have ever met. Well, not as much as Shiva though you're awful close. Get to thinking before I really get mad. Came her thoughts again.

Shiva? I thought, wasn't that the Hindu god of destruction? I tried to shake my head, not realizing it was attached to a long neck.

So, she said she was a deity. If she was a Hindu goddess, she sure wasn't acting like one. Most of the deities I had studied in India were a hell of a lot more benevolent.

Huh, you're one to talk acting more like a spoiled child than a grown adult. Oh, look, here comes a welcoming party. Her thoughts stated.

I heard what sounded like a good amount of people approaching where I was. I started to yell to them, realizing too late I was only roaring.

I took a closer look, seeing that more than a few of them were armed. Winchester 30-30's, twenty gauge shotguns, a Winchester 700, hell some fool had an Uzi!

It was at that moment that I noticed that all the weapons were more or less pointing at me. I took a step back toward the cave, this seemed to enrage them for some reason, go figure.

I roared again toward them, causing almost all of them to stop. I heard what I think was the leader yelling that they needed to kill whatever I was.

I heard a rifle report, feeling a sting on one of my front legs. Then it seemed as if, all hell broke loose, I swear every person there fired at least ten shots.

All I knew was that I was starting to hurt like hell. Falling, I heard the group move closer, firing even more at me. The pain was beginning to climb higher and higher, I screamed out, then was blinded by another flash of light.

My eyes were blinking, trying to adjust to the sudden subdued light.

My body shivered a moment, then I heard movement in front of me.

"So what did you think? How'd it feel to be a dinosaur?" The blue-skinned female said, a questioning look on her face.

"Well," I started, "other than all the damn pain, it was strange as hell. Why in the hell did you do that to me?"

She shook her head with a sigh, then she said, "I can see that another lesson is needed."

"Lesson? Just what the fuck am I supposed to be learning?" I cried.

Again a smirk came to her lips. "You're a smart boy, use that thing on top of your shoulders for more than a hat rack. Bye-bye!" With a flick of her wrist, another blinding light enveloped me.

"Wait," I was trying to say as the world again went to hell. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was again on all fours. I tried to speak, hearing a whiny come from my throat. The other disturbing thing was that there seemed to be a weight on my back.

"I thought I'd come along this time." I heard the sexy as hell woman who was sitting on me. "Maybe I can help knock some sense into you."

I turned my head, looking at the female again. I'll be damned, I thought, it's that same crazy-ass bitch!

The female shook her head, then she sighed again. I felt her nudge me with her feet. "Let's go, you need some time under me to learn about humility, plus how to treat a female."

What the hell was she talking about, I knew how to treat females. I stayed as fucking far away from them as possible. That was the main reason I like the excavation I was on, all male.

Especially after the last three females I'd been with, had knifed my heart, I really didn't want to be crushed like that again.

"I don't think that is a very healthy attitude to have. Could make for a very lonely life." The female on my back said.

Now I was starting to get pissed, goddess or not, what right did she have to do this to me?

"I have every right, you broke the chamber I have been in for centuries. You are the only one... never mind you are too much of a senseless prick to do anything that noble." The female spit out. "I would kill you," here she sighed again. "Never mind, you prick."

She then started to nudge me in the side again, urging me to start running. Shit her feet hurt, I also had to wonder why the hell she had a suit on with a skeleton painted on it.

"It's Halloween, you prick, just be good, and I might reward you. That is if you can hold off the foul comments." The female said.

We traveled for what seemed hours shocking the hell out of a great many people. After what felt like a whole night, she finally stopped.

"Hmmm, maybe you are starting to learn to keep your mouth shut. This is the longest, I have been in your company without you using crude language. I have to say it has been most pleasant." The female stated. "I am afraid though that the paint on you is killing you, oh well."

Here the female waved her arm as I started having trouble breathing. Again there was a blinding flash with both of us appearing back in the chamber.

"For being such a good boy, I think you deserve a reward." The blue female said as my clothes vanished, then the rest of what little she had on did.

I felt her fumbling with my hard organ holding it up. A moment later, I heard a whoosh of air escape her as she dropped impaling her self. I swear that I was going to melt from the intense heat I felt coming from her sex.

I tried to reach up to grasp the breasts that were dancing in front of me. I was shocked to find, I was frozen to the spot I was laying on. Then, there was the fact that she was as tight as she was, like a virgin.

"Uh, uh, I said you got a reward, one of my choosing." She said between gasps.

I should have kept my damn mouth shut, me? No, hell no, I was having sex with a gorgeous female, and I still had to fuck that up.

After what seemed like hours of the most intense sex I'd ever had, she screamed out in pleasure, collapsing on my chest. I could feel my self hosing her insides as I had a massive release.

A few moments later, she sat up, looking at me. "Ah! I most definitely needed that. It has been so long." Looking directly into my eyes, she whispered, "No, I am no virgin."

I will admit it now, you don't bitch about having sex, especially one as enthusiastic as she was. You would think my being a smart person, college-educated, that I would know better. Unfortunately, at this point, I was far too bitter to really give a shit.

So, to my shame, I opened my mouth and allowed it to spew the shit I did.

"HA! It WOULD have been enjoyable if you hadn't frozen me in place. What are you, some sadistic bitch that enjoys torturing men?" I spit out with nothing but venom.

When I saw her face screw up into a mask of rage, I thought I was dead. Then I thought about it, it was better than being tortured to death. Yes, I would welcome a quick death over having to deal with another female intent on giving me nothing but pain.

Even as I completed this thought, her rage grew even more.

"You ungrateful piece of human, shit! If I didn't need you to... No, I won't give you the satisfaction of ANY type!" She shouted at me, climbing off me as if I was dirty and diseased.

"Yeah," I stated, looking at her hard, "NO satisfaction, that's what that just was." I wish now I could have punched my self in the mouth to shut my idiot self up!

With a small growl, she stared at me intensely. Then, it seemed as if an idea came to her as a thin smile crept across her features. It wasn't 'til she started to laugh, then an almost evil look came to her eyes, that I got worried.

"Oh, you have no idea about no satisfaction, no way to stop the lust and want, plus no way to end the everlasting want of another, any other, locked away from everything." Waving her arm, a brilliant flash of light was before me, then I was standing over an almost naked woman in the water off the beach.

To my surprise, I heard the woman start to moan, "oh, Robert, touch me."

I reached out to touch her only to find that my shadow was in fact all I was. I shook my head as I tried again, then I noticed I couldn't feel anything that I was touching. That's when the female in front of me turned over, revealing the same crazy female from the cave.

"Get used to it asshole, after what you said, I should leave you like that for a long time. Let you know what it's like to be alone with no one to talk to, touch, or compassion. Yes, I should do that to you, especially after you... no, enjoy, I'll be back when the insult you gave me wears off."

With that, she was gone, leaving me standing in the water. No one able to see me, let alone hear me. So here I am, not much of anything. My big mouth, bitterness, and untrusting of females had me reduced to nothing. Well, nothing that anyone else could see.

I started to wander, going nowhere in particular. I thought of a dozen things to do, then shook my head. What's the use?

It finally started to get dark when I sat on the sand to think bout, all that had happened so far. She'd given me clues, I was just so upset that all I did was ignore them.

One, she was diety, since we were in India, one had to assume she was a Hindu deity. Two, for some strange reason, I was important to her, twice she'd almost let that slip. I was obviously the only one who could do something for her. Then there was what she'd said about being... what was it? Ah! Being locked away from all.

I had to shake my head, if she was a deity as she said, why the hell hadn't she escaped? I suddenly felt as if something in my mind snapped. Briefly, I saw her standing before me with a broad smile on her face. Then I saw her bowing, what the fuck? Deities didn't bow to any but the head god.

It was at that moment that I felt my head start to pound. What the hell was going on? I began to see even more confusing images that made absolutely no sense.

I reached up, grabbing my head, the pain starting to climb exponentially. I began to scream as again it felt as if my head was being pulled in half. Neither did I notice that one of my arms was glowing with a bright blue hue. All I could think of was to get as far away from the pain as I could.

It was a moment later that I felt as if I was falling, barely able to look up I saw that I was in another bright light. Looking around, I didn't see the blue female anywhere, I guess she was torturing me again.

A few moments later, I landed far more gentle than I had on any previous trips. I also noticed that the pain was starting to fade, though, all the strange images were still with me.

I shook my head to try to clear whatever the hell was running through my mind. My eyes suddenly opened wide as I realized that I WAS NOT Robert Thompson, shaking my head I saw that I Was Robert Thompson, but I wasn't.

I sunk to the ground, still shaking my head, just how much more fucked up was this day going to get? I did notice, though, that whatever the blue-skinned woman did to me was gone. I was as solid as I ever was.

As I sat there feeling my mind clear, I decided to go over the facts of her again. As before, I knew she was a Hindu goddess, though the blue skin meant she was one of only four possibilities.

I had to shake my head, why was I drawing a blank? I'd done extensive study on ancient religions, especially their gods.

Laying my head on the cool grass beneath the tree where I was, I tried to grasp what was usually second nature to me. I lay there for, how long I know not, before it seemed as if I got a moment of clarity.

I immediately shifted back to my last line of thought. She was a deity, a blue-skinned deity. Going through all I knew, there were only four blue-skinned deities that were Hindu, that I knew of.

Krishna, Rama, Kali, and Shiva, I immediately fell back to the ground. I was rolling around, clutching my head again. The pain haven risen to monumental proportions.

It seemed like hours had passed when I was finally able to open my eyes again. What in the hell had triggered that I thought? It had been while I was naming off the blue-skinned Hindu gods.

I sat there another hour, 'til most of the pain had abated. I knew that three of the four were male, so I guess that the crazy bitch was Kali. Looking around, I was surprised when she didn't appear near me, appearing and mad as hell.

I shook my head Kali, Hindu goddess of death, time, and doomsday. Often associated with sexuality and violence but is also considered a strong mother-figure and symbolic of motherly-love.

I had to laugh a moment, motherly-love? A strong mother-figure? Shit, I thought, with a mother like her, who the hell needed enemies? Still, I had to wonder at the cryptic things that Kali had started to say.

It was obvious that she was trapped within the chamber, though during the Halloween ride, she had been with me. Just what in the hell was so special about me?

The slight throbbing I felt in my head, got me to stop thinking about it. Shit, at this rate, I'd be dead before all the memories that I was getting became clear. Strange though, I was starting to recognize quite a few Hindu gods and goddesses bowing to... I wasn't sure who. Again my head started to throb, I quickly dropped that train of thought.

Strangely enough, after both of these brief moments, I was starting to see more god names. Vishnu, at the foremost, it also seemed that a hell of a lot of pain was associated with Vishnu. Now I was starting to get confused, I had thought that the two of them worked together.

Vishnu, why the hell was that name causing almost uncontrollable anger within me? I started to go through all I could bring up: Vishnu, the preserver god, which means he protects the universe from being destroyed and keeps it going.

Again my head started to throb. What the hell, I thought? Shiva destroyed, so that Vishnu, could create or rather recreate. From what little I was getting, there had been some major argument or severe disagreement between them.

I started to go through everything I could dredge up from my memory. If I remembered right, there was a legend that stated that such a conflict had occurred between both of the gods many thousands of years ago.

With a nod of my head, I could see that was when the 'supposed' deeds of almost all the Hindu gods seemed to cease.

I stood able to stay on my feet. For some reason, I felt drawn in a particular direction, when I broke out of the forest. There before me was what appeared to be a small castle. Shaking my head, I was about to go around it when I felt another compulsion to go to it.

As I looked up a long trellis, feeling the compulsion to climb, shrugging, I started up. I was surprised when I cleared the top that a woman was there watching me climb, with a forlorn look on her face.

I could only smile when I quickly recognized Kali. "Sir, why are you smiling, this is a sad time indeed, you..." She started.

"Cut the shit, Kali I know it is you." I started seeming to shock her. Even as I watched, she transformed into her blue skin, four-armed self.

"So, you have finally started to remember, I had a time locating you. I would have thought it would have been easy seeing as we are connected." She said as I again grabbed my head, feeling it throb.

I gasp as I tried to look at her, "who in the hell am I? Why the hell am I so important to you? Why can I see you and so many other gods?"

"Other gods?" Kali asked, shocked. "Just who have you see?"

I shook my head, "I have seen them in here," I said as I tapped my forehead. "So can you answer my questions? You are a goddess, after all."

"I am afraid that I can't tell you those answers, I can only guide you, 'til you discover them yourself," Kali stated with a very sad look on her face.

I fell to my knees as Kali moved beside me, the sad look still on her face. Damn it, I thought, I need to go to a safe, dark place.

There was another bright flash as both Kali and myself appeared inside the chamber she'd been in.

"I see that your power has started to return. I hope that the rest of your memory does as well," Kali said.

I lay there on the floor of the chamber, trying to get the pain to go away. The thing is, each time I looked at Kali, who stayed beside me, the pain returned.

"I am sorry that you are in so much pain, I am afraid that this is the only way to help you," Kali explained.

"What?! Having my head split open? Killing me is the only way to help, huh? Honestly, I don't see how this is of any help at all. I should..." I started then had a major head-splitting amount of pain hit me. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I started screaming as I was rolling around the floor.

I suddenly sat upright, slowly looking around the chamber. I stopped as soon as I had Kali within my sight. Almost in a trance, I stared intensely at her. "Kali mukt ho!" I heard come from what I assumed was my mouth. Shit, I thought, was that Hindi? Yet, I understood what I had just said.

Kali was staring at me with an intense gaze. It almost seemed as if she started to bow to me, just as suddenly a wide smile came to her features. Just as suddenly, I saw that her skin was beginning to glow far brighter than I had seen before.

"Thank you," I heard her whisper as she vanished. "I will return soon." I heard her soft voice in the air.

I nodded as I lay back against the chamber wall. I know not how long I lay there before Kali reappeared with another blue-skinned, I guess god.

"So," the male started his voice booming off the walls. I grabbed my head, curling into a ball as the pain returned, worse than any time yet. I could swear that someone was drilling numerous holes, in my head, body, and all my appendages.

This, of course, had me screaming out, right before I passed out. I know not how long it was before, I woke up to find both of them waiting patiently nearby.

The blue male came over to where I lay. This time his voice was far softer and lower. "It has been a very long time since we have seen each other. Do you know who I am?" He asked.

In a weak voice, I replied, "if I remember right, you are Vishnu." Thankfully this time, he just nodded. "That's all well and good, I still have no idea why all this is happening."

Vishnu was nodding as he looked over to Kali. I felt almost as if they were having a silent conversation.

"I thank you for releasing Kali, she came, to bring me here. Though as you are right now, there isn't much I can do to help. With what you seem to be suffering from, I feel that I would only add to it." Here Vishnu looked at Kali, her eyes got wide as she started to shake her head no.

Vishnu was adamantly nodding yes as Kali, tentatively reached toward me. "For once, I am sorry, I am not really liking this idea."

I could only stare at her as she gently grasped the side of my head. I was immediately curling into a ball again. Her touch felt as if spikes were being driven into the sides of my head.

Screaming again, massive images began to flood my mind, as well as great anger at Vishnu. At first, though, I seemed lost as the scenes rapidly played out in my mind.

What seemed like hours, days, weeks, I wasn't sure which, I sat up, pointing an accusing finger at Vishnu. "YOU! This was all your fault!"

A slow smile started to come to his lips as he briefly nodded. "For now, I will accept that. Though you do know that you could have ended it far sooner than this. Your refusal..."

"REFUSAL!? No. More like a necessity. I... no, you're right." I said as my head dropped a moment. "You might have started it, I kept it going."

Kali was switching back and forth between us like a spectacular at a tennis match. As I said, this last part, both her and Vishnu's eyes went wide. "Do you really mean that?" A trembling lipped Kali said. "Has all returned to you, do you know who you are?" She asked.

When I nodded, she looked at me expectantly. With a little shrug, I felt power rise up throughout my body. Both of them waited for a few more moments as my appearance started to change. It wasn't 'til my skin started to glow blue that Kali let out the breath that she'd been holding.

"It is I Kali, your Shiva, your husband, I have returned," I stated even as Kali let out an almost human squeal as she knocked me off my feet, kissing my whole face.

"Well," Vishnu said as he arose and clapped me on the back. "I know that the two of you need time to reunite, you also need to release the rest."

I nodded as we all three appeared not far away, placing my hand on the rock face before me. A moment later, an opening appeared.

"Mukt ho Raam!" I shouted the very air seeming to quiver as the words left my lips. A few moments later, another blue-skinned male looked out at both me and Vishnu.

A small smile erupted on his face when he saw both of us smiling. "Finally," he said as he grasped both of us in a huge hug. "With both of you no longer fighting, the banishment of all can end. At least now, we can no longer be held by your power." Bowing to me, he whispered, "I am so glad things can be normal again."

Now I knew why I was so against females. How could any human female compare to a goddess?

I had to smirk at Rama, he hadn't seen the humans of today, I believed that all the rest of the Hindu gods were, in for a big surprise.


2020-05-09 11:18:40
Again an other outstanding storyline keep them coming love your work

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