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Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I last posted. I got a new story idea and started writing it here. Any feedback is helpful, so please leave comments and rate the story. I plan to add a prologue explaining how Sophia got herself into this situation, but I thought getting straight into the story would be better for jacking off haha. I’m planning a chapter 3 where she loses her virginity.
Chapter 2

The next day, band practice was first thing in the morning. Liam saw Sophia standing around while most people were taking their seats. She seemed rather reluctant to sit down. Eventually, Sophia sat down slowly and hesitantly as if the chair were hot to the touch. Her ass still stung and felt like it was on fire. Some parts of it started to bruise. “I’ll make sure that I never disobey Liam’s orders from now on.” Sophia thought to herself.

The sight of watching Sophia uncomfortably squirm in her chair brought great joy to Liam. His dick became rock solid in his jeans just thinking about how his spanking gave her something that reminded her of him for days. He loved the feeling of power.

Liam felt horny all morning, but he had an idea during one of the passing periods. He could kill two birds with one stone by conditioning her to be obedient while also relieving his raging cock. He texted Sophia “meet me at the parking lot during lunchtime. Don’t bring anyone else.”

“But I was going to eat with my friends”

“Too bad.”

After school, a slightly angry Sophia arrived at the parking lot to be greeted by Liam. “Follow me” Liam ordered as they walked to his car. His family was quite wealthy, so he drove a tesla model 3. Sophia has no idea what was going to happen. She feared that he was going to take her off campus somewhere.

“Get inside,” Liam ordered as they approached the car. Sophia quickly got into the passenger side and sat in the seat. Liam then shifted the seat as far back as it would go.

“Get on your knees in front of the seat and face the seat.” He ordered.

Sophia obliged, and realized what she had gotten herself into. Liam sat in the passenger seat and spread his legs so that Sophia’s little asian body was squished between his two muscular legs on her sides while her head was constrained by the glovebox.

“Strip.” He ordered.

Sophia hesitantly took off her shirt and bra, but then stopped. How would she take off her pants? She’d have to stand up and lean on Liam. By doing so, everyone outside would be able to see her naked.

“What if other people see me naked?” Sophia questioned.

“That sounds like a you problem.” Liam said, matter of factly.

Sophia awkwardly stood up and leaned forward over Liam’s shoulder. He took the opportunity to give her a big hug and smell the innocent smell of her strawberry-scented hair. As Sophia worked to remove her jeans, Liam squeezed her soft breasts, which elicited a quiet moan from Sophia. “Good. She’s enjoying it.” He thought to himself. When she finally removed her pants, he kissed her on the lips. Sophia already became a better kisser.

“Turn around” Liam ordered. He wanted to see what her ass looked like. There were a couple of purple marks where he had hit her especially hard yesterday. He looks gently stroked it and watched her wince in pain.

Liam grabbed the pile of clothes now on the drivers seat. He smelled her sweet aroma and pussy juices from her clothes before grabbing a key.

“Duck down.” Liam ordered.

Sophia didn’t have much space to duck, so she moved her head as far forwards as possible until it hit his cock. It took everything in his power not to cum in his pants right then and there.

Sophia heard a key entering a lock, then after a couple of seconds, she heard the glove box close.

“Yesterday, you disappointed your master with a subpar blowjob,” Liam began.

Sophia felt offended and taken aback. “I disappointed you? You forced me to choke on your dick” she thought. Nevertheless, she knew better than to voice her opinions out loud.

“I’m sorry, master” she said in her most sincere voice.

Liam threw the key to the glove box into the back seat. “Your clothes are locked in the glove box. You will do everything I say, or you will not get your clothes back. You’ll either have to go to class naked, or come home with me and be my little fucktoy for the rest of the day. Understood?”

Sophia’s jaw dropped. She truly wasn’t expecting this, but after a brief moment of hesitation she quickly exclaimed “yes sir” out of fear of punishment.

“Good. Take out my cock.”

Sophia worked quickly this time and removed his belt, pants, and underwear quickly. His cock literally slapped her in the face as it popped out of his underwear.

“By the end of lunch, you will learn how to please your master with a proper blowjob. You will learn to take my entire cock down your throat. Your nose must touch my pubic hair, and you must maintain eye contact the entire time. If I am not fucking your face, you must keep one hand on my cock and one hand on my balls. When I fuck your face, you will grab your elbows behind your back. Any failure to do so will result in immediate punishment. Three strikes and your out. If you make three mistakes I’ll take the key and leave the car with you and the clothes stuck in here. Get my entire cock down your throat, and I’ll let you out. Understood?”

“Yes sir” she stared up at him teary eyed, scared for how tough the “training” would be and what would happen if she failed.

“Keep your eyes on me and suck my dick.” Sophia looked at the massive dick in fear.

SMACK. Sophia was quickly slapped across her face. “Aiee” she cried.

“I said keep your eyes on me. That’s strike one” Liam said in an assertive tone.

Sophia kept her eyes on his. She learned to never make that mistake again. She used her right hand to grab his nine inch white python and bring it towards her mouth. Liam groaned as her tongue lapped against the tip of his cock.

Sophia went into momentary panic and she realized her left hand wasn’t on his balls. She quickly corrected the error and hoped her master wouldn’t notice the difference. Thankfully, he was too enthralled by her suction to notice.

Sophia continued to suck his cock up and down while keeping her eyes locked on his. She stroked his cock up as her mouth went up and down as her mouth went down. She continued to squeeze his balls periodically and just wished he’d finish quickly so that she could get her clothes back and go to class.

But Liam jerked off in his free period before lunch, so he knew he’d last longer.

“I’m going to fuck your face now.”

Sophia kept her eyes locked on Liam and dropped her arms to her side. He roughly slapped her.

“Owwww” she cried and tried to rub her rosy cheeks.

“I told you to grab your elbows behind your back when you’re getting facefucked, slave. Listen or you’ll be punished. That’s strike two”

He roughly grabbed her hair and she winced in pain. Liam began to fuck her face, but couldn’t manage to get more than three inches in before he’d hit the back of her small mouth and she’d gag.

Gag gag gag pant pant gag gag gag

She would alternate between gagging on his massive cock and taking huge breaths as if her life depended on it.

“Relax your throat baby,” he said in his soft charismatic voice while gently stroking her face.

Sophia realized she had been scared and anxious the whole time and finally eased up and relaxed. Liam slowly fucked her throat and managed to get 5 inches in.

“There you go baby girl,” he moaned in pleasure.

He tried again and managed to get six inches in. Liam continued to slowly Fuck the fifteen year old asian baby face inch by inch. Sophia was constantly drooling with saliva and snot. Liam stopped to give her a chance to breathe and admire the view. She stared up at him and she panted. Her small boobs and chin were covered in saliva. It was probably the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. She soon realized that if she swallowed her saliva and his precum, her throat would be more lubricated and easier to fuck. She just wanted it to be over.

After a couple minute of throatfucking, Liam made one big attempt. He pushed her head all the way down on his cock as hard as he could and thrust his hips upward. Just as he did, the first bell rang, which told all the kids to go back to class. Sophia kept her eyes locked on Liam though. She continued to gag as her throat worked it’s way around his cock. Liam moaned at the euphoric feeling of her throat trying to push out the intruding python.

Finally, after almost half an hour of conditioning, Sophia managed to get her nose to touch his blonde pubic hair. Liam’s constant smooth reminder for her to relax her throat helped a lot. With eight of his nine inches inside the little Asian teen’s mouth, he held her there for a few seconds and enjoyed her tight throat. He admired the sight of a tiny crying asian looking up at him and practically begging him for mercy. He finally caved and released her hair. Sophia fell all the way back until the cock was out of her mouth, being careful not to scrape her teeth against it again.

“Let me go. My nose touched your pubic hair.” Sophia said between her breaths.

Liam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His slave was trying to make demands? This was unacceptable and he had to punish her for it. His cock was still rock hard and he hadn’t cum yet, and he really wanted to. But he noted that in order to punish her and condition her properly to be his slave, he needed a strong will.

“That’s strike three.” Liam dropped his smooth charismatic voice and instead used his assertive one. He tucked his spit stained cock into his pants and underwear, and began to zip it up. He reached the back seat to grab the key.

He grabbed his phone from the dashboard and began to record her pretty little face. He was curious how she’d react to the news.

Sophia froze for a moment and then shockingly realized her horrible mistake. How could she have been so stupid to go against her master’s wishes? “NO! Wait please!! Give me a second chance! Let me suck your cock! I like the feeling of your dick in my mouth! Please!!”

Her words and tears were being recorded on camera.

“Perfect blackmail” Liam thought you himself.

He watched her beg for a couple of seconds and remained completely silent. The camera continued to record her naked bawling as she constantly tried to take off his pants with Liam swatting her hand away. He finally decided to open the door and go to class, taking the key to her clothes with him.

When Sophia opened the door she noticed people in the distance walking to class. If she left the car, her naked body would be seen by everyone else. Liam stepped out of the car with Sophia still crying. She was getting desperate, and did something even Liam didn’t expect.

“I love you,” she said sweetly in a high pitched voice. She continued to softly weep and look up at her master.

“What?” Liam was shocked by her confession.

“All of last week, you were such a kind and charismatic person. You always cared for me in a way that none of my friends ever did. You made me feel special and loved. I cared about you a lot. I really did” she began.

Sophia lied, “I was initially hated giving you blowjobs, but I’ve learned my place as your little asian slut. Every asian slave needs a white master, and you’re my white master. I love doing what you want and being dominated by you. I love being your little pet. I love to pleasure you, and I love the feeling of not being able to breathe when your cock is eight inches down my throat. Please don’t leave me here”

Even though she was lying, Sophia sounded extremely convincing. Liam couldn’t tell that she was lying and began to walk to the car. Liam wanted to admit his life for her too and how much he wanted to rape her until she screamed. He wanted to tell her that he really did care for her as more than just a cocksleeve. But he knew that if he admitted that, he’d be admitting weakness to her.

Instead, all Liam said was “suck me off until I cum in your mouth and on your face”

Sophia happily obliged.

Liam didn’t hold back or use his soft voice to get her to relax her throat this time. He roughly used his hips and hands to force his cock down her throat. He constantly fucked her and groaned without thinking about how she was feeling. He didn’t manage to get much more than six inches down her throat, but he could tell that Sophia was really struggling and gagging. The punishment made both of them feel good.

He managed to hold it in for ten minutes this time. “The power of jerking off” he thought to himself. The bell rang indicating that they were both now late to class. Being a senior, Liam’s teachers probably didn’t care that much. But Sophia, with a cock down her throat, realized she’d be late to class and that people would start asking questions.

While she was having this thought, Liam silently pushed her head down and bucked his hips as far as it’d go. He managed to get her cute little button nose to touch his pubic hair again. He began to cum in her throat and pulled out into her mouth where he came some more to let her taste his semen. He kept his grip on her hair as he finally pulled his cock out of her throat. His cock continued to erupt as one shot landed in her hair, one shot landed on her eyebrow, and one right on her nose.

Sophia tasted the salty, musky flavor of his cum in her mouth before she swallowed it. She was panting for air, but continued to look up at him with one eye opened. The other was glued shut with cum.

“Good girl” Liam said in his soft smooth voice.

“Thank you, master” Sophia replied.

Satisfied, Liam finally unlocked the glove box and gave Sophia back her clothes. He also reached in and grabbed a brown paper bag. While Sophia was dressing herself, Liam handed her the bag.

“These are birth control pills. You will take one every day until Sunday, when I’ll be fucking the shit out of you and making you scream. You have to take one per day or else you will get pregnant. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir” Sophia replied obediently. Her pussy began to moisten at the thought.

“Good. I’ll see you on Sunday”

Sophia finally left the car and began to walk to her chemistry class, but she first had to clean all of the cum off of her face. When she opened the bathroom door, one of her close friends, Sonya Lee was there.

“Sophia? What happened” Sonya said.

“Nothing it’s just.. mayonnaise” Sophia replied.

It sure didn’t look like mayonnaise. It was much more fluid like and less white. Sophia went trop the sink and began to wash her face and hair before Sonya could ask any other questions. Sonya also an innocent little asian girl, so she didn’t quite know what happened with her.

When Sophia went to her chemistry class,

her teacher, Mr. O’Neil asked her why she was late to class, and why her hair and clothes were wet.

Sophia replied, “a bird pooped on me and I went to wash it off.”

Believable story? Maybe. But she saw the disappointed eye roll from her teacher and quiet snickers from nearby students. She felt humiliated by what Liam did to her, and that turned her on.
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