Hi guys, Nina here back with part 6, the final part of my story. The reason I say ‘final’ is because these events just took place recently. Until there is more, or something changes in our lives, there really won’t be much more to tell than what you already know.
Hi guys, Nina here back with part 6, the final part of my story. The reason I say ‘final’ is because these events just took place recently. Until there is more, or something changes in our lives, there really won’t be much more to tell than what you already know. I may write about some of the other adventures that the boys and I had over the past several months. There have even been requests to learn about how I met my husband and how our relationship and sex life evolved. I am open to doing these down the road, or anything else you guys want to learn about.
- Nina
So this is what it all came down to. Months of sneaking behind my husband’s back had led me to this moment. I felt unprepared and reluctant to handle the situation at hand. I could have just let things be as they were and kept my husband in the dark. But I knew that this task would prove to be more and more challenging as time went on. I was bound to get caught, to slip up. I would have eventually ran out of excuses, left my phone unlocked or he would have run into one of my friends who would not have known anything about a trip to Mexico or the many late nights that we have hung out over the past several months. I had to strike now while the iron was hot. He had already given indications of his openness to the idea of his friends fucking me. To his knowledge, Rodney, Ken and Nick had all had their turn with me and he enjoyed hearing about these encounters, down to the most minute detail. I knew I had a good chance of convincing him now, letting him know what had been going on and perhaps, even getting his blessing to let things continue as they have been.
I went over to my husband, my insides feeling tight and mangled thinking about the different ways he could potentially react, my ears crimson red and hot from the fear of how this conversation would go. “Babe, I have to tell you something.” My husband looked up at me as I continued, “So, I wanted to talk to you about your friends.”
“What happened,” he asked.
“Well, you know I enjoyed the special interactions you have let me have with them. I really and truly did...and I could tell that you had fun hearing and thinking about it as well,” I said, starting off slow, easing my way into my premise.
“I love that you loved it so much. It’s so hot,” he replied grinning.
“Yeah,” I continued. “And I have you to thank me for that. You opened my mind to a whole new world of possibilities; never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be doing something so extreme and out there. You remember how I was when you first met me, right? Who would have thought THAT girl would be doing THIS.” I paused to gather my thoughts, trying to get back on track while my husband kept grinning hearing me talk about this. I continued, “Well, I was thinking...now that I’ve done it with 3 of your friends, how would you feel about giving the other two their chance? And maybe...this doesn’t need to be a one time deal...you know?”
My husband said, “Fuck, I love you so much. I’m so down for this, babe! I love this crazy side of you. I say we let it happen! No restrictions or rules.”
So far, so good. Now for the hard part. “Babe...what if I told you that it already happened...and has been happening...for months.”
The grin evaporated from his face, “What do you mean?”
“I’ve been...doing it...with them...for months. I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry,” I said, my voice quivering.
He got up from his chair as he screamed, “WHAT THE FUCK? YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME?” He grabbed me by the shoulders, squeezing them, while towering above me. “Tell me, damn it! Fuckin’ tell me!!”
Tears started to well up in my eyes as I told him about the many times I got fucked by his friends. I told him about the times when I said I would be with the girls when I was actually with them. I told him about the many times I would excuse myself to the bathroom during our parties, only to sneak away from him to have a quick fuck with his friends. I told him about the gangbangs (yes, plural). He listened, his face red hot, his pursed lips hiding his clenched teeth. I was shaking throughout the entire conversation. Over the past several months, I had never thought about or could have prepared for this moment. I was too busy having fun and not thinking about his reaction and the consequences they would bring. He was upset, not at what happened, but the lies that kept him in the dark.
When I was done telling him, my husband walked over to the window, looking outside blankly, letting it all sink in, the lies and the deceit. He was shell shocked with the new information. Then he said something: “Mexico...was Mexico a part of this?” I put my head down, more tears coming out of my eyes. “Oh no,” he said. “FUCK NO! YOU DID NOT GO AWAY WITH THEM TO MEXICO AND LIE TO ME ABOUT IT!” My husband grabbed his wallet and keys and stormed out of the house. I kept my head down, the tears continuing to fall. My marriage is over. I just lost the love of my life. I shouldn’t have told him.
Regret overcame me as I tried calling my husband. Four bells, then voicemail. His sweet voice told me to leave a message. I did. I called him six more times. Over and over again. I facetimed him. No answer. I texted him. 30, 40, 50 texts. Maybe more. Who knows? No answer. Nothing. Zero. Fuck, I hope he’s not gone to confront his friends. He’s too angry right now. What have I done? I remembered that I had my husband’s location enabled on my phone. I checked and to my relief, he was at his parents’ house. Then, another jolt of fear hit me. Is he telling my in laws about this? Fuck, will they tell my parents? My mind started to race as I got more and more scared of the thought of not only being abandoned by my husband, but also my family. I decided to call my dad to strike a casual conversation with him, looking for any hints in his voice that would indicate him receiving the shocking news about me. Nothing...he seemed normal. I continued to text and call my husband but my efforts were wasted.
He did not return home until the next morning. I slept on the couch the entire night and was awoken by the sound of the door opening. I ran up to him and stopped a few feet away, waiting for him to yell some more.
He looked me up and down, studying me, my tears dried up on my face, my eyes red and swollen with dark circles under them. “Dozens of missed calls and hundreds of texts? You really are crazy, you know,” he said, as a gentle smile crept along his face.
I ran up to him and put my arms around him. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry, baby. It was all my fault. Please, punish me, don’t ruin your relationship with your friends. I should have known better. I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.”
He walked me over to the couch and sat beside me. “You know I love you, Nina. Always have and always will. And I would give anything to be with you. Tell me...is this something you really want? Do you want to continue?”
“Babe it doesn’t matter. I won’t do it anymore, I promise. Just don’t ever leave me again,” I pleaded.
“No one is leaving anyone. I just want to hear the truth...your truth. Do you want this to continue? Will this make you happy?” he asked.
I nodded. “But only if you were okay with it. I will never go behind your back again.”
“Good,” he said. “If this is what you want, then this is what you’ll get.” I hugged him tightly, thanking him for his generosity. “But, there is something we need to talk about. And remember, honest answers only.” I nodded, waiting for his question. “What if you were to get knocked up. How would you know who the father is? Are you taking birth control or have the guys been using protection?”
I was not on birth control. The guys always pulled out and none of them had finished inside me. Except for Rodney. Rodney, on several occasions, had cum inside me.
“You let Rod finish inside you? But that’s so risky. You’ve never even let me finish inside you because we wanted to hold off on having a kid...what if he gets you pregnant?”
I considered my husband’s words carefully. Would I carry Rodney’s child to term? Would I have his baby? In truth, I had thought about this a lot. The idea sounds absolutely mental, but when I’m with him I feel special, safe and protected. I’m not in love with him in any traditional sense of the word; it’s an entirely different type of affection. This is why when I’m with him, I have often asked for him to cum inside me. It’s not because I didn’t think of the risks or consequences, but because in that moment, all I want is him. All of him. And I would take it with all the risks and consequences. If Rodney impregnated me, I honestly don’t know what I would do, whether I would keep the child or not. It’s not clear-cut, not even to me.
I told my husband my thoughts on this to which he replied, “What about our families? How would they react, especially your folks, at us raising a child that quite clearly wouldn’t be mine and won’t look a thing like me.”
“I don’t care what people say,” I snapped. “If it happens, it happens and we deal with it then. I just wanna know if you would support me no matter what I decide!”
“You know I would always support you,” he said calmly. “But I feel like there’s an easy solution to this. Just use protection or go on the pill. Then he can finish inside you as much as he wants.”
He was right. I did not need to take unnecessary risks with an unwanted pregnancy and I did think about birth control many times. I was on the pill back when my husband and I were dating and having sex regularly. It made me feel like shit all the time and I was not looking forward to taking it again, but I told him I would look into it.
We talked for another couple of hours, setting ground rules and boundaries. We decided that I could go see his friends anywhere and anytime I liked, as long as I didn’t lie. Vacations with them were okay, the group chat was okay and sleeping over was fine too. As long as I continued to have regular sex with my husband and be truthful, then this arrangement could work. We shook on it and agreed with a kiss.
I asked him, “So, you wanna do something tonight? Maybe we can have them all come over.”
“What, are you crazy? They can’t leave their homes,” he snapped back.
“Oh come on, it’s fine. I went to Nick’s place the other night and it was okay. All of you guys are working from home anyway so it’s not like you’ve been out and about and exposed to it. Let me just ask them and see if they’re up for it. I think you and I made some progress today and I just think we should all celebrate, you know.” I said.
I went to the other room and called all the guys. I explained the whole situation, my discussions with my husband and him being on board. They were all really happy for me (and themselves). I asked them if they wanted to come over to our place tonight and that it would be a nice reunion and a cause for celebration. They all said yes and I told my husband who reluctantly agreed. I was excited and overjoyed by the way this all played out. Not only was I able to convince my husband, but I would be seeing the boys tonight. I’ve been lucky to get fucked by all of them now, but never had all five (six, counting my husband) at the same time.
There was so much to do. I had to cook and clean. I asked my husband to quickly vacuum and clean as much as he could on the main floor while I jumped into the kitchen to make something quick and easy. Once most of the work was done, I ran upstairs to start to get ready.
I hopped into the shower first. My pussy was freshly shaved from the night I was with Nick, so that saved me some time. I cleaned myself, lathering every inch of my body with soap, going through my routine of applying cleanser and facewash to freshen up. I dried my hair and took out a curling iron. I was in the mood for curling my hair for tonight; not too much; but just enough to give it some extra volume and pizazz. Then it came down to choosing my outfit. This part always took me long. My closet was flooded with outfits but I always felt like I had nothing to wear. I decided to wear a tight backless crop top with my favourite white mini skirt, the slightly see-through one that I wore the first time the boys fucked me. I’ve worn this skirt many times when I went to go see them and there were tons of sexy, wet, nostalgic memories associated with it. The boys loved it when I wore this skirt for them, which made it my favourite too. Being in my house also meant that I didn’t need to wear shoes, but the boys always liked me in heels. I picked out a pair of simple black heels to finish the outfit. In keeping with my minimalistic theme, I decided to ditch the thong and let my pussy enjoy the fresh air.
Once I was satisfied with the way I looked, I went downstairs to put the finishing touches on dinner. It was around 9 when the door bell rang. I answered the door and it was Nick. God, we had so much fun the other night. I gave him a hug and let him in. The rest of the guys, Ken, Jamal, Alex and Rodney arrived soon after that. I greeted them all with a tight squeeze and had them sit on the couch with my husband while I went to the kitchen to check on dinner. I had to grab something high up from the kitchen cabinet that I could not reach. I grabbed my stepping stool that I kept in the kitchen for just such an occasion. As I climbed up on the stepping stool, I felt a pair of warm, familiar hands touch the back of my thighs. I looked down to see that it was Rodney. He grabbed me by the legs and lifted me off of the stool and sat me down on the kitchen counter. He brought his face close to mine, kissing me and running his fingers through my hair. I briefly opened my eyes to notice that my husband had entered the kitchen and had seen us kissing. I stopped kissing Rodney for a second. He looked at me then turned around to see my husband standing there, watching us. “Sup man,” Rodney said to my husband. “You need anything?”
“I just came to check if Nina needed my help,” my husband said.
“She’s good, man. Aren’t you, Nina?”
“Yes, babe, I’m fine, thanks. You go catch up with your friends, I’ll bring dinner out soon.” My husband left as I looked back at Rodney. God, he’s so fucking assertive. It turned me on so much. We continued to such each other’s lips a while longer before I realized I had to take the food out of the oven. The boys all sat down at the dining table as I served dinner. There were only six seats at our table and I had nowhere to sit. I went to grab a stool from the kitchen but Rodney looked at me and patted his lap. I walked over to him and sat on his leg instead, with my husband sitting right across from us. The night was going great and there was no sense of awkwardness in the air. It felt like the good old days. When dinner was over, we went to the living room. The boys were having their hard liquor while I drank my glass of wine. I sat in Rodney’s lap the entire time, my legs swung over his lap, partially apart, giving the boys a tiny peek at my pussy from under my skirt. He kept his hands on my legs, occasionally sliding them under my skirt, while stroking my naked back and stomach. I could feel my husband watching us. I couldn’t tell if he was enjoying this or jealous. Maybe both?
I reached for the bottle of wine when I was done my first glass, but Rodney had other plans. He picked up a bottle of vodka and asked me to get on my knees. We had done this a few times together, just never with my husband around. My skirt rode up to expose the bottom half of my butt cheeks as I went on my knees in front of Rodney. I didn’t bother pulling it down so that I could give the boys a nice view. Rodney poured the vodka into my mouth and I drank every drop he gave to me, reminding me of the night in the club in Mexico where he poured his cum into my open mouth. Rodney loved serving me alcohol straight from the bottle and always insisted that I be on my knees when I do it. This had become a bit of a tradition for us, a tradition that I was happy to adhere to. I felt the vodka make its way down my throat, its warmth spreading through my body like wildfire. My buzz started to kick in as I found myself starting to get horny. I turned around and faced my ass towards Rodney and sat on his bulge. I started to grind on him as the others looked on. I looked directly at my husband, my eyes wide from the pleasure, biting my lip. He looked back with a slight smile on his face. He seemed to be liking this.
Rodney made me stand and bent me over his lap. My ass was pointing upwards and facing the boys. He lifted my skirt and slapped my ass cheek hard. *SMACK* I let out a painful cry. Rodney looked directly at my husband as he said, “You got a good woman here, man. A real good one.” *SMACK* He slapped my ass again. I let out another painful cry. “You know, I’m glad you decided to share her with us. If you made too much of a fuss, we’d just have to take her from you.” *SMACKSMACKSMACK* Three consecutive claps on my ass cheeks that sounded like gunshots and felt like hot lava. My creamy white ass cheeks turned pink with Rodney’s hand prints. “Remember, she belongs to the boys now. Her words, not mine. Tell him, Nina.”
“I belong to the boys, babe,” I said, as my moist pussy started to drip. We got up, and I led everyone upstairs. My husband followed behind. My skirt was still up from when Rodney lifted it, my ass cheeks sore and pink from the spanking. I didn’t bother to fix it. We went into the spare bedroom where we wouldn’t feel as bad about the mess that was about to be made. I undressed, taking everything off except for my heels. The boys liked fucking me in my heels. I got on my knees as all six of them gathered around me in a circle. It was organized, almost ritualistic in nature. They all unzipped and took their pants off. I was surrounded by six cocks. Rodney’s was easily the biggest and thickest of the bunch, followed by Nick and Jamal, while Ken and Alex were roughly the same. My husband wasn’t too shabby either with his length; he just wasn’t as thick as the others and lacked their stamina. I spat on my hands, grabbed Alex and Jamal and put Rodney in my mouth, bobbing my head back and forth while stroking the others. I had become a pro at this now as I looked up at the guys one by one, my eyes wide with wonderment and amazement. The other three, Nick, Ken and my husband were stroking their cocks, watching me go to work. I could tell my husband was loving seeing me like this. He scrunched his face up while stroking his cock. I had seen that face before whenever we would have sex and it meant he liked what he saw.
I switched cocks, taking two new ones in my hands and mouth, keeping my consistent stroking and sucking motion, something that I got good at with all the hard work and practice. I kept rotating between cocks until I reached my husband. I started sucking him hard, giving him extra love to make him feel included. I sucked him like a maniac, tightened my lips around his cock, and playfully grazing my teeth over his dick while looking up at him. Perhaps I did too good of a job. Seconds later, my husband ejaculated. I was shocked and wasn’t prepared. None of it got on me, save for a few drops, and most of it came out on his own hand, while some fell to the floor. My husband bowed out early and went to go sit in the arm chair in the corner of the room as we continued. Jamal grabbed me by the face and shoved his cock down my throat. I gagged as he started to fuck my face, my husband watching in amazement the punishment I was not only taking, but also enduring.
The boys picked me up and threw me on to the bed. I got fucked first by Nick from behind. He must have still been angry at his ex, as he was absolutely destroying my cunt, fucking it and reaching his hand down to violently squeeze and rub my clit. I started to scream Nick’s name until Ken shut me up by putting his cock down my throat. I gagged, the tears flowing down my face as the pleasure overwhelmed me. I was cumming. My orgasms felt like bolts of electricity surging through my body, as I closed my eyes to let the moment consume me. Nick and Ken switched places, and were eventually replaced by Jamal, Alex and Rodney. Alex went under me and started to fuck me, his hands holding me by the hip bone. Jamal opted to fuck my ass, sliding in his lubricated cock hard and fast as my screams were muffled by Rodney’s cock in my mouth. I continued to get fucked in all three holes without mercy, getting used and abused by the boys.
The rough usage of my body went on for some time longer. I locked eyes with my husband, my face scrunched up from the pleasure, my jaw sore from the sucking, my pussy bruised and my asshole torn from the fucking. He was hard again, as he stroked his cock, watching the love of his life getting gang fucked by his friends. He was loving it and was turned on to no end from watching his precious, innocent flower get torn through in all 3 holes. The boys were almost done. Ken and Jamal both came on my tits while Alex and Nick sprayed my stomach. Rodney grabbed me by my hair and put his cock back in my mouth, fucking it again. My jaw was in pain from all the face fucking but I took it like the good little slut I was. “WATCH THIS!” Rodney said to my husband as he unleashed his ocean of cum. I took it all in my mouth, gathering it first, using small opportunities to swallow a bit at a time to make room for more. I gagged a couple of times trying to keep it down, but ultimately held my ground and swallowed every last bit.
“Babe...” I said to my husband in my exhausted voice. He got up off of the arm chair. “Please bring me a towel.” My husband fetched me a towel as I wiped my stomach and breasts clean where the other four had finished on me. The boys all got cleaned up and went downstairs to the living room. I put a thong on and went downstairs to join them topless. They were all there, talking about something I didn’t care about. Rodney and my husband were on the same couch. I squeezed in between them and rested my head on my husband’s lap and my feet on Rodney’s. My husband stroked my hair, patting me like a good girl for a job well done, while Rodney caressed my legs.
One by one the boys started to leave until it was only me, my husband and Rodney remaining. I sat up as they continued to talk amongst each other. Rodney started playing with my nipples, tugging on them and twisting them gently. I felt myself getting wet again as my hands crept towards the renewed bulge in his pants. I leaned in towards him, kissing him and biting his ear. He took the hint. Rodney grabbed me by the hand and started to take me upstairs. I grabbed on to my husband and beckoned him to come with us. Rodney headed straight for the master bedroom this time. Our bedroom, the one that belonged to my husband and I, where our marital bed was kept. Rodney picked me up and put me on my back, half my ass dangling off of the edge of the bed. He towered over me, took his pants off and aggressively pulled my thong off of me. My husband joined us in the bed but Rodney had no intention of sharing me right now. He wanted me all to himself.
He thrusted his cock deep inside my juicy pussy me as I let out a cry and grasped the bedsheets with one hand and my husband’s arm with the other, digging my nails inside him, enough to scratch him. I moaned in pleasure as my lover fucked me in my husband’s presence, penetrating me like I was his whore, like I was bought and paid for, like I was his property to do what he pleased with. I dug my nails deeper into my husband’s arm, holding him tighter for support. My body started to sweat as I started to cum with Rodney’s massive cock gutting and drilling my cunt, demolishing me with every thrust.
“YES, DADDY...FUCK ME, DADDY. FUCK ME DEEP AND HARD...MAKE ME YOUR CUMSLUT...MAKE ME YOUR WHORE, YOUR BITCH, DADDY. FUCK YOUR SLUT IN HER SLUTTY PUSSY, DADDY! I’M DADDY’S GOOD GIRL, RIGHT? I’M DADDY’S GOOD GIRL???” It was almost like I was asking for his reassurance or his approval. Rodney was putting me in THAT mood, the mood he gets me in where I would do anything for him, take any risk for him, suffer any consequence for him.
He was about to cum. I could tell because he would clench his teeth when it was time. He asked me where I wanted it. My mind wandered back to the conversation I had with my husband about an unwanted pregnancy. I had to convince Rodney to use protection or go on the pill myself. It was too risky otherwise. There would always be a chance that he would knock me up and plant his seed deep into my womb. I had to be smart. Not take any chances. Have fun, but stay disciplined as well.
But unfortunately, my logic goes out the window whenever I’m with him. I don’t think a second beyond the moment I’m entangled in, when our bodies are connected, sweaty, dirty and filthy. I tightened my legs around him and pulled him closer into me, his big black cock going deeper into my pussy hole. “You know exactly where to cum,” I said as our eyes were locked together, without a care in the world. Rodney let out a monstrous roar and unleashed his hurricane-like cum deep inside me, his black body contrasting perfectly with my creamy vanilla skin, as I felt and resonated with each drop of his white hot magma. Rodney collapsed on top of me, exhausted, his cock still inside my cum filled pussy. I held Rodney tighter, hugging him hard, my pussy drenched with the fruits of our collective orgasms, our bodies sweaty from our intense and passionate lovemaking. The moment was perfect. So perfect that I forgot my husband was still in the room with us. He looked at me, seeing me in my trance like state, as I was possessed by Rodney’s cock. My husband smiled, gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him as he left me alone in the arms of another man in our marital bed.
My husband had seen his first glimpse of the monster he was responsible for. He got off to it and loved it, but realized that it came with consequences and risks. He understood that he had been bested and replaced by his friend in his own marital bed. He understood that I needed this, that I could no longer go back to having regular sex with only him. And he understood the very real possibility that he might be put into a situation where he would not be the father of his wife’s baby; that his wife would have someone else’s child. And most importantly, he realized how much he loved me and that if he wanted to stay married to me, he would need to not only acknowledge these risks, but also accept them.
As for me, I feel like I’ve entered the goldilocks zone. I no longer have the guilt of sneaking behind my husband’s back and get to experience all the joys and pleasures in the world. It was perfect, the best of both worlds and I couldn’t ask for anything more. I continue to be lucky enough to be married to my wonderful, adoring husband, while having the privilege of being Rodney and the boys’ slut. My journey has been a strange one thus far, adventurous and scary, terrifying and exciting. I don’t know what the future holds for us. I don’t know if my luck had run out and that this encounter with Rodney is the one that would make me pregnant. I don’t know what I would do if I was indeed carrying his child in my belly, whether I would keep it not. I don’t know if the boys would bring in more of their friends to share me with. And I certainly don’t know what other crazy adventures I would have with them. But I did know one thing for sure: I couldn’t wait to find out. I loved every second of it. And I didn’t want it to stop. Not now, not ever.
I belong to the boys...and to the boys I shall remain.
Kiinda expected Nick to marry the girl & bring her into the group. Also, it could have become a " Swap Meet" .giving husband & guys e little extra fun. in fact if all the guys married, it would make a good 6 couple orgy with some girl on girl!
Loved the series; would like to see more. THANKS FOR SHARINGH your talent & life experiences with us !
Dudley DowrongReport
Loved the series; would like to see more. THANKS FOR SHARINGH your talent & life experiences with us !