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A young man discovers that his younger Sister will always do as he tells her.
Showing my Sister

by Vanessa Evans

Part 02

During the next 3 weeks Mary had some VERY embarrassing experiences. For starters, after she’d cleaned-up after the party Zack told her to finish shortening her dresses and skirts then model them, then shorten them some more. He wasn’t happy until 3 of them were just long enough to cover her butt at the back, but not long enough to cover her slit at the front.

“Those are for if you go out before our parents get back, and for our holiday.” Zack said.

“Are telling me that when I go to college tomorrow I have to wear a skirt that doesn’t cover my pussy?”

“Yes Mary, that’s exactly what I’m telling you to do, but as it’s a skirt you can slide it round so that your slit is covered for half of the day. I’ll let you decide when you do that but in total, no more than half of the time you are wearing the skirt.”

“This going to be so embarrassing.”

“Don’t forget that a couple of the young men in your class were at the party and saw you totally naked, and ate your pussy so there’s no need to hide your slit from them.”

“But I had a blindfold on so I don’t know which boys it was.”

“Oh yes, so you did. I guess that you should show your slit to all the boys then.”

“Are you telling me or just suggesting?”

“Telling you Mary.”

“Right, tomorrow is going to be soo humiliating. And the girls are going to call me a slut or a skank or some other nasty names.”

“Ignore the girl’s comment, they’re only jealous.”

“That’s easy for you to say Zack.”

The rest of the skirts and dress’ that Mary shortened did end up covering both her butt and slit. Zack wanted them to be short enough so that Mary had to seriously think twice before bending over even a little bit; but long enough that her mother wouldn’t make any comments.

“What if mum or dad accidentally get a look up my skirts?”

“If it’s mother and she says anything just tell her that you didn’t have any clean knickers and that you are going to do your washing next, If it’s dad then I’d be surprised if he said anything, he likes a nice pussy just as much as I do.”

“Zack, are you saying that you and dad have discussed my pussy?”

“No Mary, just pussies in general.”



The next day Zack was up early for work, and as he drove from one job to the next he thought about Mary, would she really get naked as soon as she got home and stay naked, even if someone came to the door?

His last job of the afternoon gave him the opportunity to find out. He’s a plumber and he had to go and fix a leaky cistern at a house in the next street, so when he’d fixed it he parked his van just down the road from his house and walked there. He rang the doorbell and waited.

Zack was impressed when the door opened revealing a very naked Mary.

“Oh gawd, it’s you. I was so nervous.”

“Well done Mary, I’m pleased to see that you keep your word.”

Zack put his hand between Mary’s legs and discovered that she was quite wet. He dipped his index finger into her vagina and continued,

“And I see that you were enjoying the experience.”

Zack removed his finger and held it right in front of Mary’s face. She blushed as she opened her mouth to taste herself.

“Good girl Mary, you’re starting to enjoy your new found exhibitionism.”

“I’m not an exhibitionist. I’m only doing all this because you told me to do it.”

“You can tell me about your day at college when I get back, I have to go and take the van back now. Start the tea Mary.”

Zack left leaving Mary just standing there, just inside the open front door and thinking about what Zack had just said.

The tea was ready when Zack made it back home and they went and sat in the back garden to eat it.

Mary told Zack about her embarrassing moments at college and going there and back on the bus. She believed that around 25 people had seen her pussy that day and she kept saying that she shouldn’t be exposing herself like that.

“So no one said that you were dresses inappropriately Mary?”

“No, a couple of girls gave me filthy looks and a few boys told me that they liked my skirt, but that’s it.”

“None of the teachers said anything?”

“No, but Mr. Wilson was starting at my legs all through his lesson.”

“Nothing wrong with that Mary, you’ve got great legs and I would have been staring at them all day if I could have. You should be proud of your legs, right up to your stomach.”

“Only up to my stomach, are you saying that I’m fat or that there’s something wrong with my boobs?”

“Hell no Mary, you have an amazing body, all the non-gay men in this world would stare at it all day if they could.”

“Four young men tried to hit on me.”

“I’m surprised that it wasn’t 40 Mary, I told you, you look amazing, and another benefit of exposing yourself like that Mary is that maybe one of those boys was at the party and saw you naked and decided that he wanted to eat your pussy again.”

“Oh shit, I forgot about that, I tried to imagine that it was just you each time.”

“Oh, so you like the idea of me eating your pussy over and over?”

“It’s better than being eaten by strangers.”

“Are you sure about that Mary, the anonymity of strangers means that you can forget them easily and that you may never see them again. Less embarrassing that talking to a guy and wondering if he was one of the ones that ate you out.”

“Unless they are good at it like you Zack.”

“Tomorrow when a guy talks to you, wonder if it was him that was eating your pussy Mary.”

“Okay, but it will be embarrassing.”

“And a big turn-on, I bet that your pussy will be dripping and you’ll make a little puddle on the floor.”

“Stop it Zack. Do I really leak that much?”

“Maybe we should have an experiment the next time that my mates come around, strap a little bowl between your legs and then tease you and make you cum over and over, then look in the bowl. There might just be enough for you to have a good drink.”

“No there won’t.”

“Are you sure?”

Zack told Mary that she’d enjoyed exposing herself at college, which she emphatically denied but she didn’t have an answer for him when he fingered her pussy and stuck his very wet finger to her face.

Zack then took Mary out to the back garden to catch the last of the sun for the day. Whilst they were sat there Zack told Mary that he’d gone online the night before and ordered her a couple of new bikinis for the holiday.

“I don’t get any choice in what I wear then?”

“No, well not most of the time, but I’m sure that you’ll like these bikinis, the website said that all the girls are wearing them these days.”

“We’ll see, but I guess that I’ll be wearing them anyway.”

“That’s when you ARE wearing anything.”

Zack didn’t tell Mary that one bikini was totally see-through and the other was made of a fine mesh and was also totally see-through when you get close to it.


The next couple of days went much the same for Mary at college although on the last day a group of them had gone to the pub after all the lessons and Mary got a little tipsy. She told Zack that in the pub some of the boys had kissed and groped her. She told Zack that the skirt made it so much easier for them.

“So you enjoyed being kissed and groped?”

“I would have if it had been some of the good looking guys, or you Zack.”

Zack let that last couple of words go for then but he logged them away for future reference wondering if Mary actually wanted him to fuck her.


The day after that Mary was at home alone during the day and Zack had told her that she had to stay naked all of the time and Zack called in one time when he was in the vicinity. He was pleased to find her doing the housework totally naked when he rang the doorbell and she opened it wide letting whoever it was visiting see her naked.

After a quick visit to the toilet he said that he was off and as he passed her he quickly slid a finger along her slit and was pleased to find that she was wet.

“I’m sure that she actually likes being naked.” Zack thought as he walked down the street to where he had parked his van.

When Zack got home after work Mary had the tea ready and they went out into the back garden to eat it. As they were doing so, Zack thought about the neighbours, had any of them seen Mary out there naked?

He wasn’t overly worried about any of them saying anything to their parents as all the people that lived around there weren’t exactly social animals and only spoke to each other when it was necessary.

But there was a house at the bottom of the garden that had a young man living there and Zack had seen him in a back bedroom a couple of times. Mary’s room was at the back of their house so potentially, the young man would be able to see Mary in her bedroom. Zack told Mary to never close her curtains again.

They were just finishing their tea when Zack heard their doorbell ring.

“Go and see who that is Mary.”

She did, and 30 seconds later she came back followed by Terry, one of Zack’s mates.

“Hey Zack,” Terry said, “just thought that I’d call round and thank you for the other…...”

“The other day when I told you what to do to fix your hot tap.” Zack interrupted.

“Err yeah, that’s right.”

“I’ll get on with the washing-up and leave you 2 to talk.” Mary said picking up the used plates.

“Sorry Zack,” Terry said when they were alone, “I forgot. Damn man she’s cute, that ass, she looks even better in the sunlight. Are you sure that you’re not…”

“No mate, and you aren’t going to either.”

“Okay, okay, but you can’t stop me looking.”

“And I wouldn’t want to Terry. So, did you just come round here to perv on my little sister? Have a seat.”

“Hell yes.”


When Mary came out Zack told her to sit on his lap, which she did, facing Terry.

“So Mary,” Zack said, “Do you think that Terry was one of the guys at the party that was groping your tits and eating your pussy?”

Mary looked at Terry and as she was doing so, she unconsciously spread her knees a bit and leaned back onto Zack’s shoulder, making more of her pussy visible to Terry.

“I don’t know, of course I couldn’t see any of the guys but your voice does sound familiar.”

“You’ve met Terry before so maybe you remember his voice from then.”

“Maybe, I honestly don’t know.”

“Are you embarrassed by Terry being here?”

“Yes, of course I am but you’ve told me to be here naked so here I am.”

“And I’m proud of you Mary.” Zack said as he looked at Mary’s chest and saw that her nipples looked rock hard and as big as he’s ever seen them.”

“So Mary,” Zack continued, “You don’t know if Terry has groped or fingered you, would you like him to do that to you now?”

“If that is what you want Zack?”

“I’m going to leave this decision to you Mary, so what’s it to be?”

“I think that you want me to let him so yes, do you want to grope my body Terry?”

That was a stupid question and Terry just patted his lap. No one said anything as Mary got up then sat on Terry’s lap with her back to him and leaning back on him with her legs open. Terry opened his knees, effectively spreading Mary’s as well, then his hands went round her, one to her tits and the other to her pussy.

“Give me your phone Terry.” Zack said.

Terry paused his groping, got his phone out and passed it to Zack who started taking photographs, and not of the birds stood on the garden fence watching.

Mary started moaning as soon as Terry’s fingers got working again and Zack clicked away.

A couple of minutes later Mary reached her climax and nearly shook them both off the chair.

When Zack thought that she would be coherent again he said,

“So Mary, after Terry’s fingers have made you cum do you want to revise your answer about Terry being at the party?”

“No, I still can’t tell, were you there Terry?”

Terry smiled and said nothing.

“At least you don’t have to wonder if Terry has made you cum each time that you see him.”

“True.” Mary replied just as Terry took his hand from her pussy letting Zack see just how wet her pussy was.

Zack and Terry talked for a while about boy’s things while Mary just lay back against Terry’s chest leaving her spread pussy for Zack to look at. After about 10 minutes Terry decided that he should be going and lifted Mary up then put her down on the chair and spread her legs so that Zack could still see her spread pussy.

“You like sitting like that don’t you Mary?” Terry asked just as he was leaving and not waiting for an answer.

“Do you?” Zack asked.

“Well it is comfortable and a bit cooler.”

“In that case, sit like that as often as you can, sod all this crossing of legs, girls never look comfortable when they cross their legs.”


Over the rest of the 3 weeks at least one of Zack’s friends came round just about every evening and Zack let them grope and make Mary cum. Never once did she complain, quite the reverse as she seemed to be looking forward to it and almost complaining if no one arrived.

Zack stopped making surprise visits during the day as he became confident that she would be doing as she was told, Even to the point of saying that it was fun doing the housework naked.

One day Zack arrived home to find Mary out in the back garden sunbathing with one of her friends. Mary was naked but her friend was in her bra and knickers, her summer dress laying in a heap on the floor.

Jenny, Mary’s friend, tried to cover her bra and knickers when she saw Zack, but Mary did nothing. After Zack had said hello and then gone inside to get changed, Jenny said,

“Mary, you let your brother see you naked.”

“Yes, no big deal, he’s my brother, it isn’t as if he’s going to rape me or anything.”

“Mary, I heard a rumour about you the other week and I just discounted it because I thought that it just couldn’t be true, but now I’m starting to think that maybe it was true.”

“What rumour?”

“That your brother had a party and that you were the only girl there and that you were naked and that you let all the guys fuck you.”

“That is not true Jenny, no one fucked me, well not with their cocks.”

“But is the rest true?”


“Oh my gawd Mary, I just never thought that you would do something like that, I mean you were always the prim and proper one, but you’ve just gone up in my estimation girl, tell me the whole story.”

So Mary did. Just as she was getting in to it Zack re-appeared with a bottle of wine and 3 glasses and Jenny said,

“Zack, you naughty boy, why didn’t you invite me?”

“You’d have got to get naked Jenny?”

“If Mary did then I certainly would have.”

“How about another party on Friday night girls, and invite some of your friends, just so long as they’ll get naked and let the guys grope them.”

“Is that what the guys did to you Mary?”

“Finish your story Mary.” Zack said.

She did, and the bottle of wine was empty before Mary finished.

“That’s soo cool Zack, keeping Mary wondering like that.”

“I still don’t know for definite who any of them were. I’ve got my suspicions about a couple of them but they’re not admitting to anything.”

“So are you all aroused when you see any of Zack’s mates?”


“So you wanted them to grope you?”

“Yes, Zack made us wait until they’d all seen me close up, and by then I could have happily have let them gang-bang me.”

“Wow Zack, you sure do know how to keep a girl hanging there. Will it be like that at the party on Friday?”

“That depends on how many young women turn up. By the way, don’t invite any girl who isn’t prepared to go through what Mary did, and they have to be here and naked by 6 pm.”

“You just want to get a good look at them and sample the goods before your mates arrive.”

“And what’s wrong with that?

“Absolutely nothing Zack, you can sample these goods right now if you want?”

“No Jenny, you’ve been drinking, I only fuck sober girls.”

“You’re loss, but at least have a look at what you’re missing.”

With that Jenny took off her bra and knickers. She had bald pubes and pussy but Zack knew that already, her knickers were see-through, a fact that Jenny had obviously forgotten, and it would be a long time before Zack stopped remembering Jenny’s pussy. It’s nice and smooth, just a slit with a clit sticking out, like Mary, no big flaps sticking out.

“Very nice Jenny.”

“So which body do you prefer Zack, your sister’s or mine?”

“Jenny, I’m not playing that game, it’s not fair on either of you, you both have beautiful bodies. Now, what’s for tea Mary, I’m starving.”

“Spoil sport Zack.” Jenny said as Mary grabbed Jenny’s hand and dragged her inside.

Zack sat on the lounger that Mary had just vacated and was sure that he’d just blown the opportunity to fuck one of Mary’s friends. He was still regretting his actions when Mary shouted that tea was ready. He went inside to get his food and he saw that both girls were still totally naked and sat at the kitchen table eating.

“Zack,” Mary said, “Jenny is stopping the night, if that’s okay with you?”

“Sure, we can play Truth or Dare, or Twister if you like.” Zack suggested.

“Hmm, that could be interesting.” Jenny replied.

After they’d eaten, Zack started phoning his friends to tell them about the party on the Friday while Mary and Jenny cleared-up and dug out the twister game.

Zack was sat outside, beer in his hand, when the girls came out with the twister game. They were giggling as they spread the coloured circles sheet on the grass.

“Have you two been drinking?” Zack asked.

“We only had a couple of vodkas and oranges.” Jenny replied.

“Big ones by the looks of it.” Zack thought.

They started playing twister, well it was just the girls doing the twisting and they both were giving Zack a great view of their pussies.

When the sun started to go down, and the temperature dropped, they went inside to the lounge, got themselves another drink, sat on the floor and played truth or dare.

It started tame with Mary daring Zack to kiss Jenny for 2 minutes and it certainly looked like they were both enjoying the experience.

Mary took a truth and Jenny asked her to confess what Zack had done to her body.

“The best, or worst, was when he finger fucked me and made me cum.”

“So he hasn’t fucked you?”


“You’re missing our there Zack, I’m 100 percent sure that Mary would let you fuck her.”

“She’s my sister.” Zack replied.

“And she’s on the pill so go for it Zack, stop thinking about all these stupid incest laws, they were made before the pill was invented and abortion was made legal so they are just stupid.”

“Hey,” Mary said, “that’s my body that you’re talking about.”

“Yes, and you should get as much pleasure out of it that you can Mary. Before today I thought that you were a goody-two-shoes and would never have fun like a lot of girls do, but when you opened that door, and I got talking to you, I realised that you’re actually one hell of a dark horse. Look at yourself Mary, you’re seriously considering fucking you own brother.”

“Am not.”

“Mary, your body says that you are, look at your nipples and I bet that you’re dripping.”

Mary blushed and said nothing.

“Who’s turn is it to spin the bottle?” Zack asked.

The bottle pointed to Jenny, she chose a dare and Zack dared her to 69 Mary until she orgasmed.

Mary’s jaw dropped then didn’t object when Jenny pushed her back onto the floor.

Zack watched with some discomfort in his shorts as the 2 girls ate each other, not stopping when Jenny orgasmed and only stopping when Mary orgasmed.

The next round saw Jenny dare Mary to give Zack a blowjob. As Mary got between Zack’s knees she looked up at his face for his approval. When he nodded his head Mary took his shorts and boxers off and got to work.

When Jenny thought that Zack was about to cum she told Mary to catch it all in her mouth and then show it to both of them.

She did, then looked up to Zack with her mouth open. He smiled then she turned to show Jenny. She too smiled then told Mary to swallow it all. She did, then opened her mouth to prove that she had done as she was told.

After that, Mary told the others that she was going to bed but not in her bed, in her parents bed. She invited both Jenny and Zack to join her.

The next few hours were spent with all 3 of them fucking the other 2. Zack actually fucking his sister as well as Jenny.

The next morning Zack asked Jenny about getting some more girls for the party and reminded her that they would be expected to do what Mary had done at the last party, especially the keeping of the blindfold on all the time.

As he was driving to work Zack was thing about him having crossed the line by fucking his sister but he remembered Jenny’s words and stopped feeling guilty.

When he got home that evening he asked Mary if she was okay with what had happened the previous night.

“Zack, I have to do what you tell me. I know that you didn’t tell me to fuck you but I knew that would have if your mouth hadn’t been full with Jenny’s pussy, so yes, I’m okay with what happened. Do you want to fuck me again, now?”

They were late eating their tea that night.

As he was driving home on the Friday, Zack was wondering how many girls would turn up, and he was pleased to find 3 naked girls when he walked in, and he watched a fourth arrive and strip naked when he got out of the shower.

Trying to concentrate on what he had to tell the girls, he told them that they had to keep the blindfolds on and that they had agreed to be naked all night, not mind getting groped or finger fucked and were happy to be photographed or videoed.

Jenny and the 2 other girls agreed so Zack told them to get naked then he set them to work.

The girls were getting the food and drinks ready while Zack was keeping an eye on the front of the hose to see when any of the guys were arriving. As soon as he saw one he ushered the girls upstairs to Mary’s bedroom and told them to put their blindfolds on and wait for him to go and get them.

About 15 of Zack’s mates arrived and were happy standing around drinking. I say happy but it was more like eagerly anticipating what Zack had told them would happen.

When Zack decided that no more people were coming he went back upstairs and found all 4 girls wearing their blindfolds and groping each other.

“What’s going on here?” Zack asked.

“We’re playing a guessing game, see if we can recognise each other by feeling each other’s tits.” Mary said.

“Well your fun is over, it’s time to do something similar with the guys downstairs. I’m going to line you all up then I want you to put your hands on the shoulders of the girl in front of you. I will then slowly walk you to the top of the stairs then downstairs. If you loose contact with the girl in front shout STOP and I will come and reconnect the little train. Okay?”

They all answered in the affirmative so Zack got to work getting a few giggles and moans as he grabbed hips and manoeuvred the girls into a little road train.

There were cheers from the guys as the 4 naked girls started to appear slowly coming down the stairs. Once all were down Zack manoeuvred each girl to a different part of the lounge and reminded them to keep the blindfold on. When he was happy that all 4 were in position he made a similar announcement to the previous week except that this time there were 4 naked girls, not just Mary.

Then Zack got himself a beer and watched what was going on.

All 4 girls soon had a drink in their hands and were involved in conversations. Eight nipples had looked rock hard when he’d positioned the girls and they certainly didn’t look like they’d shrunk. He wondered if any of the 8 or the 4 pussies were tingling, and if the 4 pussies were wet.

After about an hour Zack announced that the buffet was open, that there was plenty more beer in the kitchen, that hands were free to roam and cameras could be used just as soon as there was no food left.

Unsurprisingly, the food disappeared in a couple of minutes, some even managing to make its way to the girls.

At that point during the last party there was only one girl there, but with 4 blindfolded naked girls, Zack had to do something different. He decided upon a little competition between the girls. But first he needed some way of differentiating between the girls. Okay they all had names but Zack wanted to keep up the partial anonymity. What he chose to do was get a marker pen and write the numbers 1 through 4 on the skin over their pubic bones, thankful that all 4 were shaved bald.

As he was doing that he got a close look at each slit and decided that he liked his little sister’s the best because it was more like a slit than any of the other girls ones.

As he was writing the numbers he told each girl what her number was and reminded her that she was not to remove her blindfold until all the guys had gone home.

“Right guys, time for a competition. Taking each girl in turn you have to lift her onto the table then using only your hands, you have to make her cum. I will be timing you from the time that her feet leave the floor until her body reveals that she is cumming.

Girls, there are no prizes, just the fun and pleasure so no cheating, no fake orgasms.”

All 4 girls agreed and Zack got his watch, a pen and paper then said, “GO”.

Girl number one screamed as many hands lifted her up into the air and lowered her onto the table, her legs automatically opening as wide as the male bodies around the table would allow.

There’s only so many hands that can attack a pussy at one time so the others settled for any girl skin that they could reach and soon girl one was moaning and swearing and then shouting that she was cumming.

Zack recorded the time and told the guys that they could lifted her off the table. No one moved except the girl who was still enjoying orgasm, and she wasn’t yet capable of getting off the table. When the guys decided that she was over it they lifted her off the table and put her down on the sofa to complete her recovery.

The same actions were repeated for girls 2, 3 and 4, Zack recording the times

Then Zack told everybody about his second idea for a game. Each girl in turn, had to squat down and impale herself on an empty beer bottle. Then guided by one guy holding her hands in front of her, she had to carry the bottle to the back door, then the front door then back to the lounge. If the bottle slid out, her guide would stand it up and let the girl use one hand to impale herself with it again. Then it was both hands to her guide to continue.

Zack’s idea for a third game was to take the girls into the kitchen and close the door. In random order the girls were led to the closed lounge door and told to bend over with straight and parted knees so that when the door was opened her spread pussy was visible.

The other 3 girls had to remain hidden in the kitchen until the girl displaying her butt had been stood for 30 seconds then the door was shut.

Each guy had to give the number of the girl who he thought it was and Zack recorded the numbers.

The exercise was repeated until all 4 girls had been stood there with their spread butts and pussies displayed.

Zack’s fourth game was for each girl in turn to be placed back on the table and for objects to be inserted in her pussy by different guys. She then had one chance to guess what it was.

The object that Zack chose were: -

His mother’s rolling pin.

The TV remote control.

A Banana.

A Cucumber.

A Bicycle pump – being used whilst inside the vaginas.

A Wine bottle.

A Frozen Sausage.

A Broom handle.

The Marker Pen.

Of course all the games got a lot of cheering and support from the guys and no one really cared when Zack announced that: -

Jenny won the first game.

Mary won the Beer Bottle challenge.

Ben won the ‘guess who’s pussy it was’ game guessing all 4 pussies correctly.

April won ‘guess what had just been put in your pussy’ game.

Zack also told everyone that he was ‘well pleased’ that everyone, especially the girls, had relaxed and treated everything just as it was, a bit of fun. He also thanked the girls for keeping their blindfolds on all evening saying that it added to the mystery and anonymity, which he said may have helped the girls to relax and enjoy themselves.

He then got a bit blunt with the guys telling them to piss off home so that the girls could remover their blindfolds and get dressed.

Zack watched as the guys left although April and Summer appeared to have struck up a friendship with a couple of his mates and were tongue wrestling before the guys finally left. Zack wondered if they’d swapped numbers and real names.

Finally, all the guys were gone and the girls could remove their blindfolds. Zack had had enough by then and told them that he was going to bed and leaving them to their gossip.

He was just nodding off when he felt a naked girl get into his bed alongside him. It was Jenny, who was still naked.

It was nearly 2 hours later when Zack finally got to sleep.


The next morning Zack got woken up by Jenny giving him a blowjob and when he finally made it downstairs wearing just his boxers he found Mary totally naked and April and Sumner, both wearing just thongs, talking and drinking coffee. The naked Jenny was right behind Zack.

Mary got up, went over to Zack, kissed him on his cheek and asked him what he wanted for breakfast.

“Just coffee please sis. So girls, did you enjoy yourselves last night?”

Zack half expected them to say that they had because of the anonymity of it but he wasn’t expecting them to be gushing with praise for him for organising it. Even Mary was ecstatic and wanting him to organise another party.

Zack told them that he’d think about it but he’d need some new ideas for games.

Eventually, the talking died down and April, Jenny and Summer got dressed and left leaving the still naked Mary begging Zack to fuck her saying that they’d wasted way too long not doing it.

Zack had other ideas though. After they both showered, separately, Zack told Mary to put on her thinnest, shortest summer dress and he told her that they were going into town to buy her a couple of bikinis for when the went to a beach where nudity wasn’t allowed, and for wearing around the hotel and holiday town.

Mary reminded him that he’d already bought her 2 bikinis.

“Not like the ones that I want to get you today, these will be G string knickers and matching, soft, bralettes, all of the see-through variety and all string tied. They went to all the lingerie shops in town and Zack was very pleased when he found one that sold G strings and bras with no material, just the strings.

He bought Mary 2 sets of those as well as 2 sets of the see-through material ones. All 4 items being so small and lightweight that Zack could screw them all up in one hand.

Zack visualised Mary wearing one of the sets and walking down a street full of tourists.

On the Sunday Zack took Mary to the same beach where he’d got her naked in public for the first time. This time though, he told her to wear just one of her material-less G strings and bras. Before they left home Zack sent her to the bottom of the garden and confirmed that from a distance Mary looked just like any other girl wearing a G string bikini, and that it was only when she approached him that it became obvious that her tits and slit were uncovered.

As Mary walked up and down the garden Zack marvelled at his little sister’s body, the curves, the lack of flab, her pointed, small tits. To him she was just perfect.

Five minutes later they were in the car, the only clothing that Mary had with her was the material-less G string and bra. Throughout the journey Zack looked for places where he could stop alongside vehicles that had the driver sitting higher up as he was hoping that they’d look down and see the virtually naked Mary.

The thing was, Mary told Zack that the strings made her feel like she were wearing a normal bikini. That pleased Zack and he had another visions of her walking down a busy street on holiday with everyone looking at her exposed tits and slit.

As soon as Mary went to the back of the car in the car park to help carry the blankets and other things, Zack pulled on the strings of her G string and top. Both items fell to the ground leaving Mary even more naked. Zack picked them up and threw them in the back of the car.

“You want me to walk onto the beach without anything to put on Zack?”

“Yes Mary, is that a problem?”

“Not at all.”

They actually had a great time, Mary’s all-over tan coming along nicely for them being in England. Zack was feeling proud of his sister as they walked all along the beach with her totally naked and showing no signs of embarrassment.

Zack and Mary walked the full length of the beach 3 times that day with Zack wanting everyone on the beach to get a good look at Mary. He also sent her back to the car on her own once and when she returned she told Zack that she’d been quite nervous without him being with her.

Twice when Mary said that she was hot, Zack told her to go and cool-off in the water. It was the middle of summer but as always, the sea around England was cold and Mary didn’t stay in the water for long. When she came out her nipples were like bullets but her clit had shrivelled back behind its hood.

When Zack told her about her hidden clit Mary told him that it was his fault and that if he’d gone into the water his cock would have shrivelled nearly as small as her clit.

Zack couldn’t disagree with her and took her for another walk to let the people see the 2 bullets on her small tits.

Unsurprisingly, Zack wouldn’t let Mary put even her her ‘strings only’ bikini on for the journey home, not even when the car pulled into their drive and Mary had to walk to the house totally naked.

They showered together then went to their parents bed where they stayed until the next morning, neither of them getting much sleep.


There was just 4 nights before their parents got back from their cruise and Zack only let Mary put some clothes on when they went to the supermarket to stock up for their parents. The evening before that Zack phoned for a pizza delivery and Mary had to open the door for the delivery guy then get the money from Zack. He took his time sorting it out leaving the pizza guy staring at Mary’s bare butt for ages before getting another full frontal view as she walked back to him.

The day that their parents returned Zack was at work and Mary cleaned the house and changed the sheets on their parents bed, getting finished just in time to put a skirt and top on before she heard the front door opening.

As well as telling Mary all about their cruise, her mother wanted to know how Mary and Zack had got on being alone in the house together. Mary smiled and thought about everything that had happened but just said,

“We got on okay, no fights, no arguments and he even took me to the beach one Sunday.”

“Good, so will you be able to survive a 2 week holiday together?”

“I think that we’ll manage, he can do his thing during the day and I can do mine.”

Mary wanted to say what she really imagined that they’d be doing but she didn’t want to upset her mother.

“So do you need anything for the holiday Mary? Any new clothes or other things?”

“No I don’t think so thank you mum, Zack has bought me a couple of bikinis and other clothes.”

“That’s good of him, you’ll have to show me your new clothes sometime, let me see what young girls are wearing these days.”

“Yes, I’ll do that.” Mary quietly said whilst thinking,

“No chance mother, you’d have a heart attack if you saw me in them.”

Mary had to listen to her mother’s account of her cruise all over again when Zack got home from work. All the time giving Zack flashes of her bare pussy up her short skirt after he’d used his hands to motion her to open her legs.

She was also thinking about herself, how she’d changed over the last couple of months since Zack had started telling her to wear almost indecent clothing or none at all, and get her to flash her girly parts to all and sundry. How her sex life had changed from irregular masturbation to letting strangers grope her and put all sorts of objects into her pussy. Then there was Zack’s cock, the thought of letting that into her vagina had been totally alien to her but here she was now, wanting Zack to fuck her every hour of every day.

As she was half listening to her mother and flashing her pussy to Zack she realised that she was very happy with her life.


On the train on the way to the airport, Zack looked at Mary who was only wearing a very short summer dress and said,

“So Mary, are you ready to tell me why you always do as I tell you yet?”

“Well, I don’t suppose that you’ll remember this but one time when when I was younger, and mum and dad went out leaving you to babysit me, mum was really mad at me for some reason that I can’t remember and she told me in no uncertain terms that I had to do everything that you told me, that little girls must always do what their brother told them. I was a bit scared and I decided that I had better do what she told me.”

“So it all boils down to mum being mad one day?”

“I guess so, but you have always looked after me and made me happy so why not? I know that you’d never do anything to hurt me. Okay you embarrass and humiliate me tons of times but I’ve grown to enjoy those moments and you always make me feel good afterwards.”

“That’s right Mary, for as long as you want me to, I will look after you just so long as you always do as I tell you.”

Dudley DowrongReport 

2020-05-28 01:18:30
Part 2 was better (everyone can have their own opinion). My vote was "Bad Token" Except for the theme of public nudity, it was a good series.Will you tell about the Holiday?

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-05-27 19:00:11
Love the two chapters so far - I hope there are more!

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