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Lianna asks Mia if she would like her attendant Lucy to join them for a game.
Mia sank back into the downy pillow, her heavy breathing subsiding. Beside her the pink, flushed face of princess Lianna emerged from beneath the blankets, her red hair dishevelled and a twinkle in her eye. The princess moved closer, taking Mia in her arms and pulling her into a close embrace. Mia turned her head and whispered into her lovers ear

“Thank you Ma'am” her voice was airy, her breathing not fully calmed. She felt that she could still sense the warmth of Liana’s tongue where it had been between her legs. Liana did not reply, but held her closer, cheek to cheek, their naked bodies intertwined. Mia thought how strange it was that she was here, sharing a bed with the princess. It had been a month since she had become her bedmaid, and in truth the relationship was hardly that of a mistress and her servant anymore, they were lovers now, although they still had a lot of fun assuming the old roles and Mia still liked to call Liana Ma’am. Strange as it seemed that she should be a princess lover, it felt natural and that brought a happy smile to her face.

It was early morning. The sun shone in through the lacey curtain of Liana’s room. The pair lay in each other's arms for a long time, but eventually Liana pulled away and rolled over onto her back, reaching out for a little bell that sat on the bedside table. Lucy would already be waiting, probably getting impatient by now for the sun had risen some time ago. Before Mia had started sharing Liana’s bed the attendant would simply have walked in by now and woken the princess herself. These days she let them have their mornings together. Liana rang the bell and sure enough Lucy entered the room almost immediately, she had been waiting by the door. Lucy liked to complain about Liana’s late rising from time to time, but the princess knew she didn’t really mind, Lucy was never without a book to read and she was always glad of a quiet moment.

Lucy smiled warmly at the couple as she performed a small curtsy to Liana and gave a nod to Mia, all the while holding the tray in her hands steady. Lucy was perfectly presented as always, her neat blonde hair framing her face then curling into two wide ringlets that fell prettily on her shoulders. Her feline ears were perked up and the tip of her tail flicked gently from side to side. Mia was often amazed that Lucy could look so perfect so early in the day and had to remind herself that not only was she a beastkin, and thus not in need of so much sleep, but she was also a mage and according to Liana used a spell to arrange her hair.

Lucy approached the bed and offered the tray to Liana. It held a delicate silver coffee pot and two small cups, as well as two cups of water and a little silver lidded bowl. Liana sat up to take the tray, unashamed at showing Lucy her nakedness. She placed the tray over her lap then washed her mouth out with some of the water and Mia, also sitting up now and similarly comfortable in front of Lucy did the same. Liana poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Mia, who blushed a little as she took it, feeling that it should be her doing the serving. Once Liana had poured her own cup and taken a long sip she turned to Lucy who was standing beside the bed watching the couple with an affectionate look. Lucy was very pleased with the match.

“Is there any news for me this morning Lucy?” Asked Liana, her tone making it quite clear that she hoped there wasn’t.

“Nothing urgent.” Replied Lucy. She never called Liana M’lady in private as she did in public. “Your father will want you to take lunch with him as there are guests, but he plans to take them hunting for a few days so you won’t have to join them for anything other than lunch.”

Liana sighed and took another sip of her coffee, then she spoke. “I suppose it’s not too bad. Thank you Lucy. I’d like to take a bath this morning, could you have one drawn for me?”

“Of course.” replied Lucy with a smile and she turned and left the room. Once she was gone Liana turned to Mia and spoke.

“I want to ask you something Mia, and it’s very important to remember that you are free to say no, I won’t mind at all and I’ll never ask again.”

Mia, immediately curious, nodded her understanding.

“Before I met you, me and Lucy used to share a bed some nights, and do other things as well. It was never like you and me, we were always just friends, but it was fun. Lucy is very skilled and she can do things with her magic. I wondered if you would be interested in having her join us sometime. I’m sure she would like to, though you don’t need to worry if you aren’t interested, she has other people and she’s not the jealous type at all. She’s very happy we have each other.”

Mia didn’t answer immediately. She had always assumed that Liana and Lucy had done such things. She’d actually lain awake at night imagining just that quite a few times before she and Liana had become close, it had always been an appealing thing to think about. When she thought about the suitors that pursued Liana’s hand she always felt a little sick, but when she thought of Lucy and Liana she felt something quite different.

Liana had an anxious look on her face that seemed out of place on one who was usually so confident. She was concerned that Mia might be upset by the question. She wouldn’t have asked if she wasn’t fairly sure Mia would be interested, but it was nerve wracking, if she was wrong it might feel very hurtful.

Seeing the princess's anxious expression Mia smiled and answered.

“I think it’s a very good idea. You know, I used to fantasise about the two of you sometimes.” Mia blushed a little as she answered.

Liana laughed as her anxious expression fell away into a relieved smile.

“I was sure you’d be interested. I really wouldn’t have asked otherwise.”

The pair smiled at each and Liana leaned over and place a soft kiss on Mia’s cheek, making her blush, then the princess put down her coffee cup and spoke again.

“Will you join me for my bath?”

Mia nodded enthusiastically.


That evening Mia and Liana sat on the princess’ bed. Both wore nothing but their cotton side-laced panties. They sat side by side, their hands on their laps, and did not speak. By the side of the bed their other clothes were neatly folded in two tidy piles. It was all part of the game, all discussed in advance.

Liana had told Mia how, as a princess, she had never truly been punished. “It would not do to treat royalty like a common servant” she had said, in the mocking tone she used to impersonate her father. She thought that might be why the idea had become so exciting to her, both to punish others and, a little to Mia’s surprise, to be punished herself. Of course it wasn’t that Mia couldn’t understand the attraction, but she hadn’t ever considered Liana wanting to be the submissive one. Apparently though she often had been, playing the naughty servant to Lucy’s stern mistress.

The princess had suggested they play that same game tonight and, after she got over her surprise Mia, had found the idea very appealing indeed. She was looking forward to sharing the experience with Liana and she found she was also rather looking forward to seeing Liana spanked, she couldn’t really picture it, but it was an arousing thought.

They had come from Lucy's room. The attendant come mistress had told them in an imperious tone how they had failed in their tasks as servants and would now suffer the consequences. After a thorough scolding, so convincing in its stern tone that Mia couldn’t help but marvel a little at the quality of Lucy’s acting, they had been sent to their room, ordered to strip to their panties, fold their clothes neatly and wait in silence until Lucy came to deliver their punishment.

It seemed they had been sitting there for a very long time. There was a sort of tension in the air that Mia found exhilarating, making her think of the cold stone corridor of the palace dungeon where she had waited to be punished by Liana. Stealing a glance at Liana now she could tell that the princess felt it too. She was taking her role in the game very seriously, but her eyes had a sparkle that Mia had learned to recognise, a relaxed contentment that Mia thought Liana had not enjoyed often enough in her life.

One couldn’t say the life of a princess was hard, but it lacked certain freedoms that others in the kingdom took for granted. Being punished was not a freedom of course, but Mia thought it seemed that way to Liana. It was an escape from her restricted role. Clearly she also found it quite exciting, Mia could see the hardness of her bare nipples despite the warm air of the room. Her eyes were lingering on that very pleasant sight when she heard the door swing open and, remembering her own role, turned quickly to look forwards once again.

Mia kept her eyes forward as Lucy stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She heard the attendant say something in a language she couldn’t understand. It was a spell of silence so no one outside could listen in, she’d heard Lucy use it before. Though she’d known her well for weeks now and seen a fair bit of her magic, the strange sound of that language and the knowledge of what it was still made her shiver a little, like a gust of cold wind was sweeping over her, although the air was still, Liana never seemed to feel it.

Her spell completed, Lucy walked around the bed with a confident stride and stood in front of the two girls. She wore a stern expression, looking every bit the disappointed mistress. She was dressed in a white blouse covered by a tight fitting cream jacket, cut just above the breast so it showed a square of the fine white cloth of the blouse. Her skirt reached just a little more than half way down her thighs, hanging over the top of her long black socks and she wore fine ankle boots of soft pale leather. Her tail swayed slowly from side to side as she took in the pair on the bed. In her hand was a paddle of polished wood. It was long and thick but not very wide.

Mia glanced to the side at Liana and saw that she was playing her part well, she had a look of nervous fear on her face that sent a little flutter through Mia’s heart, though she knew very well it was just for show. It was so strange and endearing that she forgot her own part in the game for a moment and simply stared at Liana. Lucy’s voice snapped her back around.

“Stand up!” The attendant's tail swished as she spoke and Mia found herself almost jumping to her feet. Lucy continued, her stern amber eyes moving slowly from one girl to the other as she spoke.

“You two have caused a lot of trouble for me. I run a neat house here and I can’t have girls like you ruining things. You will be punished properly and after this I expect you to improve. Do you understand?”

Mia and Liana answered together “Yes Ma’am!” Mia could hear the enthusiasm in Liana’s voice even as the princess tried to play the role of the frightened servant.

Lucy placed the paddle on the dresser behind her and turned back to face the girls. Pointing to a spot at the side of the room she spoke again.

“Stand over there.” As Mia and Liana did as they were told she strode past them and sat down on the bed, her tail wrapping around the side of her hip and hanging down beside her leg.

“Now then. I will spank each of you with my hand to start with and when you are properly warmed up you will both get your paddling together. Liana, you will be first. Come over her and lie over my lap.”

Mia found that she was very much looking forward to this. Already she could feel her arousal growing as she watched Liana walk slowly across the room and let Lucy pull her down over her lap. She found that the dressing mirror opposite her was positioned just right so that she could see the princess face as she lay over her attendant, Liana was smiling, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. Taking her time, Lucy undid the small buttons of her coat and removed it, then she held it out and spoke.

“Mia. Take this, fold it, put it down by your own clothes and then return to your position.” Mia did as she commanded. As she crouched to place down the jacket she stole a glance at Liana and saw a little spot of moistness on her tight fitting panties. When she returned to her position by the wall Lucy was undoing her shirt cuffs and rolling up her sleeves. When she finished she placed a hand on Liana’s back and the other on her bottom.

“I will begin now Liana, let this be a lesson to you.” Lucy had barely finished speaking when she brought back her hand and delivered a sharp slap to the princess’ bottom. Liana gasped and flexed her back a little. The next slap rang against the other cheek and again the princess gasped. Mia could tell the slaps were hard and she imagined the sting Liana felt. The attendant did not let up, her strikes beat out a steady rhythm on the princess behind and with each one Liana’s gasps grew louder, turning into little cries of pain and unmistakable pleasure. The sound was sweet in Mia’s ears and she could feel the growing warmth between her legs as she imagined the sensations Liana was experiencing.

The slaps continued. The princess began to squirm as her attendant delivered blow after blow to her behind. Mia could see the skin, where it showed below her panties, reddening to match the long hair which bounced as she wriggled and flexed under the blows. In the mirror she could see Liana’s face, her pleasure was evident even while she cried out as each blow found her behind. Mia was burning now, she wanted to reach down between her legs, but that wouldn’t be fitting, wouldn’t be part of the game, and that only made the sensation more intense.

With a final pair of quick hard slaps Lucy stopped her rhythm. Liana flopped down against her attendants legs, gasping for breath, a misty eyed, satisfied, look on her face. Lucy rubbed her hands together for a moment then reached down and with dexterous fingers undid the two knots that held Liana’s panties, pulled them away, and let them drop.

“You will get twenty more on your bare skin Liana” Lucy said in her imperious tone. “After that you will stand up, collect your panties and place them with your other clothes. Then you will go to your position by the wall. Do you understand?”

Liana did not reply for a second, still breathing heavily. Lucy gave her bottom a light slap, bringing a little gasp from the princess, and repeated the question “Do you understand me Liana?”

This time Liana answered, a playful edge to her voice “Yes Ma’am.”

“Good. These will be painful, but they are well deserved. Get ready.” Lucy caught Liana’s eye in the mirror and the princess gave her a roguish smile, then she dropped her head and lifted her bottom a little, offering it up for punishment. The provocative motion and the clear site of Liana’s arousal as it revealed the princess pussy sent a little shiver of excitement through Mia.

Lucy placed her hand on Liana’s behind once again. She gave the naked, reddened, skin a pair of gentle taps then drew back her hand and delivered a hard slap. Liana yelped and tossed her head back, her long red hair flying up with the motion. Lucy gave her little time to recover. The next slap was just as hard and again Liana bucked under the blow as she yelped. Mia could imagine the sharp pain and also the luxurious burn it would leave behind, she was looking forward to her turn. Liana continued to yelp and wriggle as the blows rang against her skin. Mia could see in the mirror that there were tears in her lover's eyes, but the pleasure on her face was unmistakable. After ten strikes Lucy gave Liana a moment to catch her breath. The princess shuddered and moaned softly and Lucy gently rubbed her behind. After a moment she spoke again.

“Last ten Liana. Are you ready?”

“Yes Ma’am” Liana's voice was husky as she spoke between deep breaths. Once again Lucy patted the punished skin and drew back her hand. The ten blows came quickly. Each a ringing slap that brought a yelp of pained pleasure from the princess as she twisted and wriggled under the punishment. By the time the last two blows landed the sound had merged together into one long cry, far more of pleasure than of pain. After that tenth blow Liana collapsed down, all the tension leaving her body as she let out a soft sighing moan of satisfaction and began to catch her breath. Lucy rubbed her bottom, which was now bright red, her delicate fingers caressing the skin. Liana made little satisfied sounds of enjoyment as her attendant stroked her.

Mia had been entranced, watching the punishment and listening to the sweet sound of the pleasure Liana took in the pain, but now she was acutely aware of the effect that sound, and the sight of Liana wriggling under Lucy’s firm hand, had had on her. Her pussy throbbed with her arousal and it took real effort not to reach down between her legs to relive it, but there was a pleasure too in denying herself the release.

She watched as the attendant gently guided Liana back to her feet. The tender affection Lucy felt for the princess was obvious in the way she helped her up and looked her in the eye with a reassuring smile, but when she saw the satisfied look and was sure that Liana had enjoyed the spanking she resumed her dominant persona and spoke in her commanding tone.

“Pick up your panties, put them with your clothes and go to your position. Keep your hands off your behind, you deserve the burn you’re feeling.”

Liana did as she was told. As she walked to take her place beside the wall Mia could see the mist of tears in her eyes, but her face still wore a look of deep contented satisfaction. She smiled flirtatiously at Mia as she approached. Seeing the princess like this, eyes full of happy tears and her bottom red from it’s punishment sent a wave of affection through Mia and she wanted to embrace her right there. Maybe reading her desire Liana grasped her hand as she came to stand beside her and gave it a tight squeeze, turning and grinning at her, the look on her face and the feel of her hand filled Mia’s head with a warm fuzz.

Lucy cleared her throat, bringing Mia’s attention back to her before she spoke.

“It is your turn now Mia, come her and lie over my lap.” Mia did as she was told, crossing the soft carpet to stand beside Lucy, who took her arm and guided her down over her lap. She felt the fabric of the attendant's skirt and the soft silk of her socks against her naked skin. Through both she felt the heat of Lucy’s body. The attendant placed a warm hand on her back and she felt the other come to rest against her cotton panties, cupping the cheek of her behind. She shuddered a little and felt the heat between her legs grow stronger still. Lucy spoke.

“Your punishment will start now Mia. I hope it teaches you to behave better in future.” Mia was going to reply, but before she could the sharp force of Lucy’s first slap found her behind and her half formed word became a gasp. The blow was intense, even through the cotton panties, a stinging pain that quickly became a glowing warmth. The next came and she gasped once more, flexing a little with the sting. Lucy’s rhythm was steady and her hand was firm. She delivered a pattern of sharp slaps that filled Mia’s behind with stinging pain and building heat.

Lucy’s hand was still on her back, pushing her down over her legs as Mia wriggled, unable to hold still as the blows rang against her. As the pain rose her gasp became soft cries and her breathing grew quicker. The rhythm continued unbroken, sharp and painful but gloriously exhilarating. Mia could see the mirror, she thought Liana was watching her face but she had little time to think, the pain and the pleasure dominating her thoughts with their intensity. She flexed her body and tossed her head, she could feel the start of tears stinging her eyes as the punishing slaps stung her behind. A final pair of ringing blows drew a cry of pain that wavered and rose again as the second of the pair found her. The heat in her behind was fiery and as she sunk down over Lucy's legs she was acutely aware of the matching heat in her pussy. She looked at Liana in the mirror through misty eyes, she could see the princess biting her lip a little, her fingers fidgeting at her sides, and she knew Liana was longing to relieve her own heat.

Her attention was drawn away from the princess as she felt Lucy’s fingers undo the knots of her panties. She groaned a little as Lucy pulled the fabric away and it slid across her wet pussy. She certainly didn’t sound like the penitent servant she was supposed to be. The hot pain and the throbbing between her legs had swept her role from her mind and she was lost in the moment. Again she groaned as Lucy’s long fingers brushed against her behind and then began to softly rub her skin.

“You will get twenty on your bare skin just like Liana did Mia. Then you will stand, retrieve your panties and put them on the pile before returning to your position by the wall. Do you understand me?” Lucy’s voice was stern but quiet, and the harsh tone did not match the tenderness of her touch as she massaged Mia’s punished skin. Mia replied quickly, eagre for more.

“Yes Ma’am.” As soon as she had spoken Lucy’s hand lifted away and a moment later the blow rang against her flesh. She cried out at the sharp pain, far more intense without the protection of the thin cotton. The next blow brought the sting of tears to her eyes even as she yelped with pleasure. The rhythm of the blows was slow, but the sting of their force and the heat they left was luxuriously intense. Mia cried out with each one, the cries fading into shuddering sighs of pleasure before rising again with the next slap. She could feel the warmth of Lucy’s body and the soft fabric of her skirt as she squirmed under the punishment. The tenth blow made her throw back her head as the pain brought a delighted yelp from her mouth. Lucy paused and once again began to rub Mia’s behind. The soft touch felt wonderful on her burning skin. She breathed heavily, enjoying the burning heat and the gentle caress. After a long moment the attendant spoke.

“You have ten more to go Mia. Are you ready?” Mia knew if she said no Lucy would stop, but she didn’t want her to. She shuddered with anticipation of what was to come as she replied, remembering the quick hard slaps Lucy had given Liana.

“I am ready for my punishment Ma’am.”

“Good girl Mia.” replied Lucy as she lifted her hand away. As she had with Liana, Lucy delivered Mia’s last ten slaps quickly, striking hard in a rapid rhythm and holding the girl against her lap with a firm hand. Mia cried out as the first slap landed, delivering an electrifying sting which had no time to fade before the next slap came. Her cry rose again, full throated now, as one blow then the next rang against her. They seemed to merge together, the sharp stings flaring the heat, and she voiced a long shuddering cry of pleasure and pain that rose and fell as the blows fell. It took only a few moments, but to Mia, writhing under the fiery intensity, lost in the sensation, it seemed far longer. As the last blow landed she fell against Lucy, all the air gone from her. She took a long breath and moaned softly as she exhaled. Lucy was massaging her bottom now and Mia felt a sense of enormous comfort as she lay there, muscles relaxed enjoying the fiery burn and the soft touch. In the mirror she could see Liana, the princess was biting her lip again and her face was flushed, Mia could see her arousal in her face and in her clearly moistened pussy.

After a long while Lucy placed a hand on Mia’s shoulder and gently helped her to her feet. As Mia stood Lucy looked up into her face and her expression was tender, she smiled at Mia and Mia smiled back.

Steeping back, Mia crouched and picked up her panties from where they had dropped to the floor. She stood, folded them and walked over the the neat little pile of clothes beside the bed where she placed down. Then she turned and walked back towards the spot by the wall where Liana was standing.

As she walked she let her eyes run up Liana’s body, taking in her pale skin, her clear arousal, her round breasts with little hardened nipples, and her eyes. The princess too ran her eyes over Mia then met her gaze with a sultry smile. When Mia stood beside her she took her hand and squeezed it gently. They waited as Lucy rubbed her hands together for a moment, straightened her skirt and stood. The attendant’s face was a little flushed and Mia thought she could see her nipples, hard against the fabric of her blouse. She turned to face Mia and the princess, her tail swishing side to side.

“I hope you are learning your lesson girls.” She said, returning to the persona of the stern mistress. She paused, waiting for a reply. Mia and Liana answered together.

“Yes Ma’am.” Both sounded more enthusiastic than a punished servant should really have done.

“I’m glad I am getting through to you, but your punishment is not finished yet. Next you will be paddled and you will take this part of your punishment together. Are you ready?”

Liana squeezed Mia’s hand again and turned to look at her, a questioning look on her face. Mia nodded and they spoke together.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Good girls” said Lucy, then continued “Come and stand in front of the bed and face towards it.” With a parting squeeze Liana let go of Mia’s hand and the pair walked over to the bed and stood side by side facing it. Lucy stepped up behind Mia and put one hand on her waist and the other on her shoulder. She slowly guided her down onto the bed. Mia let Lucy position her so that she was lying at an angle across the bed, her hips on the mattress so that she was lying rather than kneeling, but her bottom was just at the edge.

The bedclothes were soft against her skin. A moment later Lucy guided Liana down at the opposite angle positioning her so that her stomach was lying across the small of Mia’s back. Both girls' bottoms were exposed at the edge of the bed. Mia could feel Liana’s breathing, her chest brushing against her side as it rose and fell. She could feel the warmth and the smoothness of her skin, and the weight of her body pushing her down into the soft mattress. The close contact made the heat between her legs grow further and she longed for a release. She turned her face and found Liana already looking at her over her shoulder with a flirtatious expression in her eyes, a lock of her long red hair falling over her face. Silently the princess mouthed “I love you” and Mia replied in kind.

Behind the pair Lucy retrieved the paddle and walked towards the bed. She positioned herself to the side of the girls where she could easily reach both of their exposed bottoms, still bright red from the spanking they had received. She placed a hand on Liana’s back and spoke.

“You will each get ten swats.” As she spoke she gently placed the paddle across each girl’s behind in turn. “The first five will be in a set, first five for you Liana and then five for Mia. For the last five you will take turns to receive a swat each. Do you understand me girls?” Once again they answered together

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Good. Then I will begin with your first five Liana. Are you both ready?”. Mia could feel her heart beating quickly as she answered with the familiar “Yes Ma’am”. Lying here, skin to skin with Liana and about to receive her punishment. The heat between her legs had not faded and even the soft touch of the bedclothes against her pussy sent a little shiver through her now. Her bottom too was still filled with a delightful warmth. Liana had turned away, preparing herself for the swats.

The first swat came with a ringing slap and Mia felt Liana slide against her as she let out a gasping cry that was almost a moan and flexed her body. Her breath came faster and Mia felt each rise and fall of her chest. She heard the quiet sound of the paddle as Lucy gave Liana a gentle tap and then the louder ringing sound of the swat and Liana’s answering cry. The princess’ breathing grew faster still and Mia saw her clutching the silk bedsheet as she let out a shuddering gasp. Again the quiet tap and then the ringing swat and again Liana arched her back and clutched at the fabric, sliding against Mia as yelp with pain and sank back with a moan of open pleasure.

The next swat was louder and Liana cried out with full voice tugging at the bedsheets, her hair flying up around her face as she arched her back once more. She flopped back to the bed, her weight against Mia and her breathing heavy, but interrupted by little moans of pleasure. Mia heard the tap before the final swat and saw Liana ready herself, biting her lip as she prepared for the blow. When it came it rang against the princess’ with a loud slap but it could not match Liana’s cry which was close to a scream, breaking a little as she threw back her head and she gasped for breath, pushing herself against Mia as she flexed.

The set over the princess collapsed back to the bed, her breathing rapid. She turned her red flushed face towards Mia. There were tears in her eyes, but her expression was one of glowing contentment. Mia gazed into her lover’s eyes as she felt her warmth and her weight against her naked skin, and the unbearable throbbing heat between her legs. A moment later she felt the paddle press against her bottom.

The wood was cool against the still warm skin of her behind. She turned to face forwards, and shuddered a little, anticipating the blows. Lucy pressed the paddle against her, lifting the cheeks of her bottom. She gave Mia a soft pat and she gasped softly at the touch. The paddle drew back again and there was a moment of tension in which Mia could feel only her own heartbeat and the warmth of Liana against her back, then the swat came. It was not hard, but the paddle was thick and heavy and it rang against her skin with a loud slap. The pain was intense and she cried out as it washed over her, instinctively snatching at the bedsheets as Liana had done. She felt tears sting her eyes, but the pain dispersed into a brilliant heat and she sighed with pleasure as her muscles relaxed.

Lucy patted her behind once more with the paddle and again it withdrew. When it came the swat was harder, the sound filled the room but did not drown out Mia’s answering cry. Again the intense stinging pain washed over her and faded into heat. Liana had lifted herself a little, allowing Mia to flex under the blow and as she did so she pushed herself against the bed and felt the fabric on her pussy. The tap came again and the third swat rang against her. She threw back her head as she cried out, tears now flowing down her face as the wave of sharp pain faded once more into the fiery burning in her behind. Her breath came quickly as she collapsed against the sheets. After a moment she felt the tap of the paddle once more, the wood still cold against her burning bottom. It withdrew then fell, ringing against her skin and drawing another loud cry from her mouth.

Mia wondered how she could endure the intensity stinging strikes and the painful, luxurious burning they left behind, but she did not want it to stop. The tap before the last swat came, then a moment of anticipation that seemed to stretch for a very long time. The last swat was the hardest, the pain as it rang against her flesh drove her forward. She pressed against the bed as she arched her back and let out a screaming cry. As intense pain faded into heat she flopped against the bed with a long moan. Her bottom burned and her pussy throbbed. She turned her face towards Liana and met her eyes through her tears. The princess shifted her position a little and reached out a hand. She brushed Mia’s hair away from her face then gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. Mia smiled, feeling Liana’s weight and warmth and the gentle touch of her hand on her face. Lucy allowed them a long moment to gaze into each other's eyes before she spoke.

“Just five more swats to go and your punishment will be done. Are you ready girls?” Liana was still caressing Mia’s face and now she gave her a questioning look. As she had before Mia nodded and they answered together.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Good girls. You will get the first swat Liana, get back into your position.” Taking her hand from Mia’s cheek Liana shifted back into position, her stomach over Mia’s back and her bottom exposed. Her hands lay against the bed and Mia reached out and grasped the princess's left hand with her right and squeezed it tightly, Liana returned the pressure.

Lucy laid the paddle against Liana’s behind and the girl let out a soft sigh. The paddle pulled back and the swat fell. Mia felt Liana squeeze her hand and slid against her as flexed and cried out under the blow. As the cry ended and became a moan of pleasure Mia felt the paddle tap against her and a moment later the swat fell bringing once again the wave of sharp pain and reigniting the fire in her behind. She cried out and Liana squeezed her hand as she sunk back down, her breathing heavy.

Lucy gave the pair a moment before once again laying the paddle across Liana’s bottom. This time she struck harder still and the princess’ cry was loud and long as she arched her back, red hair flying around her face, hand still gripping tightly to her lovers. Mia’s second swat fell and she too let out a long cry as the agonising sting washed over her. She moaned as she relaxed after the blow and the pair lay panting against the ruffled bed sheets. Lucy delivered the third strikes in quick succession. As Liana’s cry filled the air the slap of the paddle rang against Mia’s skin and her cry joined her lovers, two sounds far more of pleasure than of the pain that caused them. Mia grasped Liana’s hand tightly as the fire burned in her behind, feeling her lover's rapid breath and the warmth of her body. Again the sound of the paddle came and Liana flexed against her as she let out a screaming cry. Then the pain erupted once more across Mia’s bottom and she too cried out, both of them squeezing the others hand as their pain added to the delightful burning in their rears.

Lucy took her time with the final swats. As the two girls sank back into the bed, their cries becoming long groans of pleasure, their chests heaving with the heavy breath she laid the paddle against the princess, leaving it there for a long moment, pushing gently against the reddened skin. She brought it back and Liana gasped, tensing a little as she anticipated the blow, but Lucy brought the paddle back down gently and once more let it rest on the girl’s behind. Liana shuddered and now Lucy drew the paddle back further and delivered the princess’ final swat, harder than any before. It rang against the skin with a sound that filled the room and Liana screamed her pleasure and pain as she bucked under the blow, squeezing Mia’s hand with her left and grasping the bedsheet with her right. Pushing herself against her lover as she endured the sting. Slowly she sank down, taking a long shuddering breath and expelling it as a moan of pleasure as the tension left her.

Mia felt the princess’ weight settle against her, and then she felt the weight of the paddle as it came to rest on her own behind, the wood cool against her burning skin. It lifted away and she tensed, ready for the final swat. It did not fall, the paddle rested against her once again and just as Liana had she shuddered, heart beating fast. It lifted away and a moment later it struck. The pain of the blow was intense, rushing through her as she screamed. Arching her back she pressed herself against the bed, feeling the sharp, overwhelming sting of the pain and the searing heat it left in her rear. Her cry was long and tears came to her eyes once more as she collapsed against the bed, breath coming in ragged gasps as the sensations washed over her.

She felt the tension leaving her body as she sunk into the soft sheets. Liana squeezed her hand and Mia felt her warmth against her as she turned her head once more to look into the princess’ tear streaked, but smiling face. Lucy was rubbing their bottoms now, the paddle discarded, she knelt behind the pair and caressed their punished skin gently. Both of them sighed and groaned with pleasure as they felt the gentle touch.

For a long time they stayed like that, the lovers lying over each other, hands clasped, looking into each other's eyes as Lucy gently caressed them. Their breathing calmed and they smiled. Unclasping their hands they shifted a little so they could reach out and wipe the remains of the tears from each other's eyes. Eventually Lucy spoke, her tone now tender.

“You took your punishment very well girls.” She paused for a moment and then, with a playful edge to her voice, she continued “Perhaps you should get a reward. Would you like that?” Both knew what she meant and neither hesitated to reply “Yes Ma’am.”, returning to their positions as they spoke, lifting a little to offer themselves to the attendant.

Mia felt the slender fingers that had been caressing her behind slide slowly downward, onto her thigh and then around, slipping across the skin and up between her legs. As they brushed against her pussy she moaned, feeling the heat building and anticipating the long denied release. Liana too was moaning as Lucy’s dexterous fingers slid between her own legs. She reached out and grasped Mia’s hand. Mia saw the look of pleasure on the princess's face and felt Lucy’s fingers slide up over the lips of her pussy to brush against her clit. She bit her lip and groaned, flexing a little as the touch sent shivers of pleasure through her.

Next Lucy’s fingers slipped down once again and gently they parted the lips of her pussy. She heard Liana gasp and felt her grip on her hand tighten, then two fingers sliped inside her and another shuddering moan escaped her lips. She watched Liana’s face as she felt the fingers exploring her, stretching a little then pulling back only to sink deeper once again. Liana was letting out little gasping cries, a steadily rising rhythm that matched the growing pleasure Mia felt as, with a practiced hand, Lucy placed a third finger against her clit and began to circle it. As she did so the attendant spoke a word under her breath and once again Mia felt the cold shiver as the spell was worked, immediately followed by a sensation of electrifying pleasure as a pulse of warm, tingling energy spread from the finger on her clit and those inside her pussy.

She cried out and heard Liana do the same, soft, mounting, cries of pleasure as the magic washed over them and the fingers continued to slide in and out. Mia could feel her climax coming, but it almost seemed that the magic held it back, letting it build further. Her breathing was quick, she moaned in ecstasy between each breath and heard Liana do the same, a sweet sound of pleasure. The rhythm of their moaning rose and they began to cry out as Lucy’s fingers caressed their clits and slid back and forth inside them, waves of tingling energy spreading through them, making their bodies writhe against one another as the pleasure grew.

Mia thought she heard another word, but she could not be sure, for as it began to form the orgasm came, washing over her in a hot wave as she let out a full throated cry and arched her back, flexing with the flow. It seemed to last forever, she heard Liana’s voice, quavering and full of ecstasy, and her own matching it. The pleasure seemed to come in waves, each seeming to fade just as the next broke over her. She thought she was crying out her pleasure, but she could not be sure as the sensation filled her mind. Slowly, long moment by long moment it began to pass, dissipating like ripples in a pond. As her senses returned she lay on the bed her breath heavy, a feeling of complete satisfaction filling her.

She felt Liana lift herself off her, and she too rolled to the side. looking over at the Princess she saw her lying facing her, her usually pale face flushed to match her red hair and her expression relaxed and utterly contented. They gazed across at each other for a long moment and then Liana sat and turned to Lucy. The princess spoke, her voice airy as she regained her breath.

“That was wonderful Lucy.”

Mia sat up and looked up at the feline girl with an expression of affectionate gratitude. The attendant gave a coy smile as she replied.

“I live to serve your highness.”
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