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After my doctor visit and enlistment in a research study, Ms. Oh had a follow up collection to make - I didn't know how intense that would be to satisfy the research
The next week just dragged along. I did have some pills to assist my blood flow so I did have sex with my long term partner and even though we knew each other’s bodies so well, there did seem to be something extra that was ignited in me on those nights where we had sex. I’m still not sure why that happened other than my ego got a BIG boost from Ms. Oh.

She did call to confirm my appointment that following week and confirmed that she opened her schedule so she could get back home early so the appointment was at the same evening time and wouldn’t look odd. Her apartment was a few miles away so I left a bit early to find it and be on time. When I got there I was certainly excited but not quite sure what to expect.

So I hit the door bell and a few seconds the door opened She stayed behind the door and I didn’t see her until after I was in. She had on a full length silk robe that was so clingy and hug every curve. I could clearly see her nipples sticking out. Her breasts were as firm as I remembered and then I noticed the robe almost clung down to her pussy, almost but not quite. She knew how to show off but not give everything away.

Well, she escorted me to her “exam room which was as best I could tell was doubled as a guest bedroom. She had me get on the bed and told me “We need to collect that sample before anything else” and told me to undress. It seemed unique for me to strip first but that was what was needed. Ms Oh got a glove on and lube ready to stimulate my prostrate but before she did so she bent down and kissed me – a tender kiss but just enough to tell me my first ejaculation would not be the only one. Before starting she did the typical forms asking how many time, when was my last time, etc. so that “research study” actually seemed to be legitimate.

So she reached around and started to put he finger in to to rub my spot. In doing so she rubbed her left breast into my shoulder; my guess was she had begun to get turned on and wasn’t shy about letting me know as well. After only 2 minutes my dick was full size and as was procedure, I let her know. She had me turn over and I think she was satisfied with her work and discarded the glove. Now my full set of “guy parts” was open for her to do as she pleased. Starting with a little lotion she started massaging my balls, lightly running them between her fingers and letting my shaft simple wave in the breeze. It did feel sooooo good and I didn’t want her to rush. Eventually she started working her fingers up to my shaft and slowly and lightly brushed the bottom side and then the top. IT was not something I had experienced before, she was not into just jacking off with the thumb and index finger wrapping around my shaft, it was more a teasing my dick to bigger heights.

AS I started making noises she just instinctively knew what to do and started touching the crown and that sensitive spot on top. I started tightening up and then relaxing on every stroke. Within a minute (at least it seemed to be that long, I had really lost sight of what time was by then) my balls tightened up and I was quickly past the point of no return. I grunted out that I was near and she had a cup at the ready. The first spurt was into the cup upside down and then she keep rubbing while tilting my shaft over to the side to catch everything that came after. I think there was 7 spurts in all but I really didn’t count them. She made sure to squeeze out that last by sliding her hand up my shaft one last time, catching every drop she could.

I simply laid there for a couple minutes obvious to my surroundings and basking in the intense orgasm I had just experienced. By the time I had some senses back, Ms. Oh had finished her tasks for the research and came over and laid down beside me. I felt the silk and instinctively reached over to end up holding her breast in my palm. She slightly moaned and I said, “that was an amazing experience, how do you know exactly what to do with me?” She replied, “This research helped hone my skills I already had from my married days”. She then relayed her time with her husband and how she lost him to cancer. That is why she wanted to do projects like this, it is to help figure out what can be done to keep the prostate healthy and many believed a active sex life was the key.

She then said “…let’s not talk about this anymore, it can get me down”. So instead she held me and we kissed again. This time, her tongue was active and she also sucked my lips out, lightly but it showed that she was turned on and would take nothing less than to drain me of every drop I had left. I slowly slid down from her mouth to her neck, then shoulders and on to her breasts, They were still protected by her robe but I found the tie and undid her last defense. I think that is what she wanted and now her breasts were mine. They were just right, a mouthful but big enough. They were firm and apparently sensitive as she moaned on every lick over her nipples. She quickly got vocal and told me things like, “suck them tight” and “I want your dick inside me soon” and fuck, fuck that feels good”.

Her hands had made their way to my dick but this time they weren’t as gentle. She was almost desperate as she pulled and squeezed my genitals, every place she could. I was so turned on as well with this wild lover in my arms. I started to get rougher to especially with her nipples. She kept telling me to “bit them, I want to be marked by you” and that was how I was going at it, she’d have bruises if I didn’t stop and I didn’t want to.

However, that was a turning point as she pushed my back and rolled over me. I was actually surprised by her strength and she started mixing pain with pleasure, another part of sex I hadn’t had before. She had my wrists held and took not so small nibbles all over my chest and anywhere she could reach. Her pussy was doing it thing as well, rubbing both of us and making sure I was big and hard again. After several minutes she inched up and lined my dick up with her cunt. Sliding back down that dick seemed to only obey her and it was surrounded by her cunt. Deeper it went until she bottomed out and then sat up. Ms. Oh started rocking, getting my dick to rub her clit and apparently her “G” spot as she started moaning even louder. I loved the feeling but wasn’t sure if I would survive by the time she finished. Her cunt started convulsing around my dick and she was shaking all over. I was wonderful to see and feel. After a bit of recovery she told me “You better not cum yet, I am not finished”. The process started all over again although it only took a minute and she was shaking again. I held on but wasn’t sure if I could last another time.

But this time she lowered herself down and in one quick motion rolled me over and got me on top. “Now mother fucker, fuck me until you squirt you load into me, and don’t hold back”. I started thrusting deep into her cunt, savoring each time as I hit her hard. I was almost out of air but kept pushing, feeling my balls tighten and then explode. One last thrust and I saw stars.

Ms Oh was softly kissing me when I came to. She told me I collapsed on her and once she regained a bit of strength rolled me back off her. “You did exactly what I wanted and gave me all you had” then kissed me again. I thought about a 3rd time but I could hardly sit up after that workout. Ms Oh softly stroked my body and tenderly assisted me to sitting then disappeared for a moment as I regained my senses. She came back and we walked arm in arm to her bath where a hot shower waited. Of course, she got in with me and I basked in the water and her gentle soaping of me all over. I’d like to say I recovered enough but no, she did exactly what she set out to do, drain me completely. So after a long shower we dried off and she took me back to bed for a hug-fest.

An hour or so later I could think again and felt strong enough to walk on my own. Dressed and refreshed with some drinks, She ushered me to the door and kissed me good bye.

I wished I could say we met the next week for more but that wasn’t to be. I would have wanted that but we both knew there was no future for us with a 40 years age difference. I did see her ate the office once more but the next visit she was gone. Memories, yes but we both knew I’d die trying to satisfy her needs. I’d want to go in bed with a woman but maybe not this woman. She needed someone who could keep up and that was someone in their 30s. All I can say is whoever gets that spot had better be in great shape!


2020-11-09 16:17:14
I too have made love with Asian woman and it was the best sex I ever had.

Ken RussellReport 

2020-06-09 00:26:39
One small item, you might wonder how Ms. Oh knew that I was OK after passing out. Well, once she regained a bit of control herself, she could feel my breathing and that I still had color. I have no idea how I actually finished but she seemed to think it was very satisfying to her. After all, throwing caution out the window and pushing through to my cumming was a ringing endorsement of her abilities and desire to satisfy.

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