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Chapter 4 was supposed to be two parts, but after looking at the storyline, I decided to include this as the final chapter 4 part. For those that don't care for Incest, this is a detour, not a new direction. Thank you for reading.
[Heathers Narration]

Sue and I had come in from running a path around the ranch perimeter when Mrs. Donner came up behind us and invited us both for a relaxing sauna. I tried to make a polite exit by saying I really needed a shower.

“Nonsense,” Katherine exclaimed. “You might as well take a sauna first, it will relax those tired muscles.”

I had been dreading the conversation I had known was coming. I didn’t know why, I didn’t have anything to hide from Katherine. I just didn’t have a good rapport with most women. I had definitely grown up a daddies girl, as my mom and I always fought.

Katherine hooked both Sue and me by the arm and pulled us down to the basement. I caught Jay’s eye with a pleading look as she pulled us away, but he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders at me.

Katherine whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry, dear, I don’t bite… much.”

“I hope you ladies don’t mind, but I prefer to sauna au naturel. You’re welcome to use a towel if you’re modest,” said Katherine.

We all dropped our clothing, Katherine pushed a few buttons on the sauna panel, entering the sauna and took a seat.

“Katherine, you must work out often, you look very fit,” said Sue.

“Yes, dear, Betty, Angela, and I all work out every morning at 7:00, for an hour and a half. We saw the two of you leave for your run this morning, so I decided to wait for my sauna until you got back. Where did you run?”

“We ran that path that follows the fence line,” I said.

“Oh, that’s a nice run, it’s just over five miles. Did you stop at my workout stations?” Katherine asked.

“We did the stretching station at the beginning, and the pull-up bars in the middle,” said Sue. “How large is this ranch?”

“It’s just shy of a thousand acres, dear.”

“We really appreciate you having us during the holiday,” said Sue.

“You’re welcome, dear, I’ve enjoyed having you girls. You’re all such great conversationalists, I’ve enjoyed our chats. But, you’ve been avoiding me, haven’t you, Heather?”

“Mam?” I say questioningly. “I’ve talked to you several times.”

“Yes, dear, but only when we’ve been in groups. That’s why I invited Susan along with us, I thought you would feel more comfortable with a friendly face.”

“Well, Katherine, I guess you could say I avoided being one on one with you. It wasn’t personal, it’s just that I don’t get along with my own mother. Every time we’re alone, we fight,” I responded.

“I understand, your mother can be a difficult woman,” Katherine responded.

“You know my mother,” I asked.

“Yes, dear, your mother and I used to be friends. Angus and John are still good friends, but your mother and I had a falling out after we moved here. Did you not realize you and Jason were best friends until you were five?”

“No, mam, I didn’t think I had met Jay before college,” I responded.

“Yes, Gina and I were college roommates and best friends. When I started going out with John, I was the one that introduced your mom to Angus. The four of us actually got married in the same church in a double ceremony. Then Gina and I both got pregnant together and had the two of you, two weeks apart. Your mother and I actually betrothed the two of you in a play wedding. Is the picture of you and Jason in the wedding dress and tuxedo still hanging in the library?”

“Yes, mam, but I didn’t know that was Jay. Mom always told me it was just some one I used to play with. She never told me who it was, she’s never spoken of you.”

“Well, Gina, always could hold a grudge,” Katherine responded.

“Katherine, what did you and my mom fight about?” I asked.

“She was upset when John built this place and moved us out here. We invited you guys to live here with us, but your mother loved the city. She said she would never leave. Then… you know, I don’t even remember what the argument was about. However, I do remember Gina picked up a twenty-thousand dollar vase and threw it at my head. So, we haven’t spoken since, sixteen years, I guess.”

“Wow, Heather, so you never realized you already knew Jay?” asked Sue.

“No, when I sat next to him that first day, I thought he looked like my next victim. I was bummed when Connie told me he was gay,” I responded.

Katherine raised her eyebrows and asked, “victim?”

“Oh, ahh, oh… crap, I’m sorry, Katherine, I ah… well, I didn’t treat guys very nice back then. I would find shy, quiet guys, and make them my slaves. I kind of have this DOM fetish, and I would find willing victims to play with.”

“Do you do that to Jason?” asked Katherine.

“Ah… yes, but I’ve let him dominate me too. He just needs more confidence to do it well, but I liked it when he did it to me.”

“When did he dominate you?”

“Oh, our first date actually. You see Jay, and I had talked about my fantasies quite a few times, and he tried to act one out for me. He did good, but he hesitated a bit. I know he can do it, he just needs a little more time,” I responded.

“What are your intentions with Jason?” asked Katherine.

“I Love Jay and want to be with him always. Jay saved me last year, and I can never repay him, so I’ll spend the rest of my life trying.”

“Saved you,” asked Katherine, “saved you from what?”

“Oh, he didn’t tell you? Well, he saved me from my own worst enemy… myself. I was out of control, and I got in trouble with the law. It wasn’t the first time, and daddy told me he had had enough and wasn’t going to help me out this time. I got a public defender and was about to go to jail for three years. Jay stood up in court and said I was his best friend, and that he hadn’t done his job to keep me out of trouble. He promised the judge if he gave me one more chance, he would make sure I didn’t get into any more trouble. Connie, Rachel, and Susan agreed to the same thing. So the judge gave me a suspended sentence, a year of probation, and weekly counseling. And, the judge made them put up a bond that they would lose if I broke bail.”

“What did your mom and dad think about that?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t talked to him since. He calls me every Sunday and leaves a message, but I guess…well… I guess I’ve been too ashamed to talk to him.”

Sue got up and gave me a peck on the lips. Then she said she was too hot and left us.

“Heather, dear, do you think you’re with Jason because you feel obligated because of his kindness, or do you really love him?” asked Katherine.

“I love Jay with all of my heart. He is my mo chuisle mo chroi, that means,”

“Yes, dear, I know what it means. Angus said that to you from the day you were born. John has told me Angus has been sad this past year, but he would never say why. Now I know why, his heart, his pulse has been missing, his mo chuisle mo chroi. You know John has a video conference line set up in his office. Wouldn’t you know, speed dial number one is to Angus’ video conference. Imagine his surprise if he were to pick up expecting John, and his beautiful daughter was staring back at him.”

“I don’t know if I can face him yet,” I responded.

“Dear sweet girl, there is nothing you could do or say that your ‘Da’ wouldn’t forgive you for. I know you must have felt abandoned by him, but it sounded like you needed a wake-up call in life. He gave you what you needed, just not what you wanted. Call him sweetie, it’s been over a year, it’s time.”

“I’ll think about it,” I answered.

Katherine and I left the sauna and jumped in the pool to cool down. I brought her up to date about my mother and other things that went on over the years. Melly came down a bit later to tell us lunch was ready.

Melly whispered in my ear, “Jays going to have a meltdown if he doesn’t find out who he was with last night.”

I whispered back, “We’ll tell him tonight, come to the lounge at nine.”

Katherine handed me a big fluffy robe, and we went up to our rooms to change for lunch.

[Jay’s narration]

As Heather and Sue were being pulled to the basement, Heather gave me that save me look. I rubbed my ass, smiled, waved, and mouthed ‘bye.’ She furled her brows, flipped me the bird behind my mother’s back, and was gone from sight.

I figured Heather and Sue would be an hour, so I asked Rachel and Connie if they wanted to go four-wheeling.

Melly immediately spoke up, “Ow, great, I’m driving.”

“Oh shit, anything but that,” I said. I covered my mouth from Melly and mouthed to the girls, ‘She’s crazy.’

“Bro, don’t think I don’t know what you said. I’m not crazy, and I hardly ever wreck anymore,” responded Melly.

I strapped Connie and Rachel into their seats with a five-point harness. Then I climbed into the front passenger seat and strapped in myself. Melly asked if everyone was ready and gently pulled out of the garage. This was just a setup, she usually left the garage at warp speed. Melly drove about a thousand feet and stopped at the top of a deep ravine.

“Where’s the barn?” asked Connie.

Melly pointed at a building in the distance.

“Oh, that’s not too far, but how do we get around this valley?” asked Connie.

“Not to worry, Connie,” said Melly, “I have a shortcut.” She gave me a wicked little grin and drove over the side of the ravine.

Connie and Rachel shrieked in terror as the front of the four-wheeler dipped over the edge. The ravine is about a hundred feet deep with a twenty-foot wide stream at the bottom. We rocketed down a fifty-degree slope, leveled out at the bottom, and hit a rise at warp speed. That sent us skyward sailing over the stream. We landed well past the creek and accelerated to an incline and up the other side. This incline was a little more gradual, but Melly never took her foot off the gas as we rocketed over the top edge. We caught about twenty feet of air, then down a slope and skidded to a stop.

I turned to Rachel and Connie whos terror faces had changed to glee after the initial adrenaline rush. I said, “see Crazy!”

Connie said, “We’re okay, baby, that was fun. How many times have you done that?”

Melly giggled. “Shutup, Smelly Melly!” I said.

“Oh, now I’m definitely telling them,” said Melly. “Last time J.J. tried that, he landed in the middle of the creek.”

The girls all erupted in laughter. “Oh yeah, all funny until someone… we won’t mention any names, comes down sideways and rolls this thing. What was it, Melly, five rolls?”

“It was two and a half you big baby, and you didn’t get a scratch… or wet!” retorted Melly.

We continued on to the stables to show Rachel and Connie the horses.

“Where’s your horse, baby?” asked Connie.

Melly looked at a location chart on the stable wall. “Says he’s in the south pasture with the mares, oow, Bullet’s getting his grove on.”

“What kind of horse is he?” asked Connie.

“He’s a Thoroughbred,” said Melly. “Daddy got lucky. Bought a controlling interest in a horse farm, and the dam Take Charge Brani had been bread with California Rome. Both were top racehorses, so daddy acquired the foal, Bullet, for half the going price. So Bullet is a real stud, just like his owner.”

The girls giggled as I blushed bright red. “So Melly, any boyfriend prospects lately,” I asked.

“Oh, you know, no one special, but there was this one guy… recently… he’s nice, but kind of kinky.”

I blush again as the girls giggle. We all walked back to the four-wheeler and rode back along the road to the house.

“Why don’t we go back the way we came?” asked Rachel.

“The hill we came down is too steep going back,” said Melly. “Remember J.J. said I rolled this thing, well, that’s how I did it. You get about two-thirds of the way up, hit a little hump, and over you go,” replied Melly.

“Yeah, let’s not do that… again,” I said, looking straight at Melly. Melly looked over at me and stuck her tongue out.

Melly kept the ride back tame until we were just about back to the house. Then she floored it, ran off the side of the road, and hit a little dip that sent us sailing through the air. We landed hard, skidded around the side of the garage, and came to a stop.

“Thank you for riding Melly Airways, please deposit all airsick bags in the receptacle to our left,” Melly said jokingly.

The girls all hopped out and headed to the house while I was still unstrapping myself.

Just before they entered the house, Melly called over her shoulder. “Hurry up, slave, it’s lunchtime, and I’m hungry.”

Oh my god, I thought it was her last night. I walked into the house and heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I walked in, but only Connie, Rachel, and Betty were there.

“Where’d Melly go,” I asked.

“She went down to check on your mom, Heather, and Sue,” said Betty.

For the next several hours, we all sat around the house, talking, eating, and drinking. Melly was in a jovial mood and was really having fun with my girlfriends. Melly was a lot like me, very reserved and shy around people she doesn’t know, but she had taken to my girlfriends like a duck to water.

Not that making friends with the girls bothered me, but Melly had also become more flirtatious with me. This concerned me most because I believed it was her with Heather and me last night. We had kissed and even made out a few times when we were younger, but we never crossed the line into anything sexual.

Melly was the first to wander off for her nightly routine, and the rest of the girls filtered off shortly after that left me engaged in a conversation with Angela. I had known for a long time that Angela had a special relationship with my parents, but I had always let the sleeping dog lie.

“Angela, can I ask you something personal?” I asked.

“Sure, sweetie, you can ask me anything,” she responded.

“What’s your relationship with my mom and dad like? I mean on a personal level?”

“Oh wow, there’s a loaded question. I mean, what do you think my relationship is with them?” she responded.

“I think it’s a lot more than just friends.”

“J.J. sweetie, you know I think of you like family, and well, your mom and I have talked about having this conversation with you together if it ever came up. Oh, wow, so, I have never lied to you about anything, but I thought it would be Kat and I that had this talk with you together.”

“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, I just… well, with the way my relationship with the girls is… I guess I just thought,” I said.

“J.J. sweetie, it’s really fine, I mean, you’ve seen your mom and I being affectionate with each other, so we just kind of thought you had put two and two together, and just didn’t care. Okay, so your mom and I have been best friends and lovers since high school. Your dad, well, that’s been more recent. He has always known about Kat and me, he would occasionally watch us. Still, it was only about five years ago that we actually had sex. I came in one night in an upset tizzy, utterly oblivious to the fact they were in the middle of making love. I just sat at the end of the bed, talking out of my mind. They stopped what they were doing, and both put their arms around me. Anyway, that was my first time with a man. I always had just wanted to be with your mom until that night. Your mom was always honest with me that she liked men also, so when she met your father, I supported her. Kat told John about me on their first date, he told her he was okay with us being in a separate relationship. I guess you could say I grew to love John over the years, and he loved me too. So I guess you’re not the only one in a polyamory relationship.”

“I guess I’m not, but why don’t you just move in here?” I responded.

“I’m here a lot of the time, but I kind of like having my own space,” Angela said.

“Well, if it’s Melly or me you’re worried about, don’t. We both love you, and while I wanted to hear you say it out loud, we both knew.”

Angela leaned over and gave me a hug and a kiss, then whispered in my ear. “Thank you, J.J., it means the world to me to hear you say that. Well, your mom is probably wondering where I’m at. You have a fun night.”

We walked up the stairs, and as Angela turned to my parent’s room, she reached over and slapped my bum, “Go get um tiger.”

I walked into the guest suite, it was dark with just a few candles going. I couldn’t see well at first but could tell the girls were all sitting on the couch. I counted, wait, I thought, there are five.

“Melly, are you in here?” I asked.

My eyes were adjusting, and I could tell all the girls were in a negligee, including Melly.

“Baby, sit down, we need to talk to you,” said Connie.

I sat on the table in front of the girls.

“Jay, honey,” said Heather, “we all have a confession and have to ask your forgiveness. We deceived you last night, it was in the spirit of fun, but we did something that you should have approved beforehand. And for that, we need to beg your forgiveness.”

I had a good idea of what it was, but I wanted them to say it. “So, what did you do?” I asked.

“Baby,” said Connie, “we were all in the room with you and Heather last night.”

“All… including Melly?” I asked.

“Okay, this is my fault J.J.,” exclaimed Melly. “I’m sorry, J.J., I followed you in last night and was peaking at you and Heather from the hall. Rachel snuck up behind me and caught me playing with myself while I watched. Anyway, they asked if I wanted to do more than watch, and I said yes. Please don’t hate me, I’m so sorry.”

“So, you were the Lady in Waiting?” I asked.

“Yes, but only until you had sex, that was Rachel,” replied Melly. “I guess you could say I had a crisis of conscience, I couldn’t give you my virginity without you knowing it was me.”

“And you all encouraged her?” I asked.

The girls all looked at me and shook their heads to the affirmative.

“I know what we have is new and not normal. We have to be open and faithful to one another, and this was a breach of trust to bring someone new in without everyone, including Brandi’s approval.”

“We know baby, we called Brandi earlier and told her what we had done. She was mad that we didn’t tell you, but understood it was spontaneous. She said she would forgive us if we told you,” said Connie.

“I forgive all of you, but this can’t go unpunished. Heather, go get me that leather strap.”

“Jay,” responded Heather.


“Yes, Master, right away.”

I look at the other girls as Heather runs in to get the strap, “WELL!”

All of them except Melly reply in unison, “YES MASTER!”

“You think your special Melly?”

“NO MASTER!” Melly responded.

Heather returns with the strap. “All of you except Melly, go wait for me in the first bedroom,” I exclaim.

The girls trudge off, leaving me with Melly. I hug Melly tight for a moment, then we sit on the couch.

“Melly sweetie, what’s going on, why did you do this? I mean, I know we’ve kissed, but I never thought you wanted more.”

“Bro, you sure can be thick. Ever since that first time we French kissed, I’ve tried to get you to do more. I even had my first orgasm humping you by the lake. J.J., you are the best man, the best person I know, but you can’t take a hint for shit.”

“I’m sorry, Melly, I love you. I just never thought it was something we could do. Mom and dad would freak if they knew we kissed like we did. I can’t imagine what they would do if they found out we had sex.”

“Oh J.J., you idiot, mom would just slap you on the wrist and give you a cookie.”

Melly and I hug, and I hear “Aww” behind me. I turn to see the girls standing outside the bedroom door.


The girls all turn and flee back into the bedroom.

“Okay, slave, in the bedroom. Time for your punishment,” I said to Melly.

“But, J.J.”


“Yes, master.”

We walk into the bedroom, and the girls are all standing by the be.

“Okay, slave Heather, let’s show the rest of these lovely ladies how it’s done, assume the position… Downward facing dog,” I command.

“Oh shit,” exclaimed Heather.

“You will each receive four swats. Two for me, and two for Brandi. Any complaints?”

In unison, “No, Master.”

‘SMACK’ “Oh fuck me,” exclaimed Heather

“What was that slave?” I asked.

“Thank you, master!”

‘SMACK’ “Umm, Thank you, master!”

‘SMACK’ “Ohw, Thank you, master!”

‘SMACK’ “Umr, Thank you, master!”

“Slave Heather, go lay on the bed, and don’t touch your bum.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Who’s next?” I asked

In turn, Sue, Rachel, Connie, and finally, Melly all took their licks and laid next to each other while shedding a few tears. I go into the bathroom and come back with pure Aloe Vera lotion. I tenderly kiss each ass cheek and apply the aloe.

I walk in front of the girls and kneel before them. “Ladies, I love you more than life, and I know you are all genuinely sorry. So there is nothing more to forgive. If any of you need anything, anything at all, something else, someone else, just talk to me, because I want you to always be happy. And no more slave, master, tonight, we are all equal.”

With that, I gave each girl a passionate kiss until I reached Melly. She looked at me with expectant, hopeful eyes. Not one to disappoint, I leaned in and gave her the kiss she wanted.

“Okay, ladies, we have a virgin here that wants to be deflowered. Heather, Rachel, and Sue, get her ready. Connie, you can get me ready.”

In unison, the girls all say, “YES, MASTER!”

“What does he mean, get me ready?” asked Melly.

“Oh honey, to take that monster for your first time, you’re going to want to be really horny and really wet,” answered Heather.

“Yeah, trust me, Mel, Jay took my virginity, and I didn’t walk straight for a week,” said Sue.

“Have you ever been with a girl before?” asked Rachel.

“I’ve never been with anyone before. I jill-off with my fingers, but that’s it.”

“So are you okay with us playing with you… with your private parts?” asked Rachel.

“Oh, well, no… I guess its okay, but I don’t really know what to do,” responded Melly.

“You can do, touch, or kiss anything that feels right,” said Heather.

“Yeah, we won’t force you to do anything you don’t want, and if we do something you don’t like, just tell us,” said Sue.

“But, if you really like something, tell us. If you want to do something, and you’re not sure what to do, ask, and we’ll help you,” said Rachel.

“Oh, okay, well, you can do whatever. Just maybe guide me a little,” answered Melly.

In the meantime, Connie and I were hot and heavy at the top of the bed. Connie seemed a little starved for attention, and it showed in her passion.

“Oh, wow, those two are really going at it,” exclaimed Melly.

“Yeah, Connie hasn’t had any in a few days, so she’s really ready,” said Rachel.

Rachel leaned in and gave Melly a tender kiss. While Heather and Sue began sucking on Melly’s nipples.

“Oh, wow,” exclaimed Melly, “that feels really good.”

Rachel, Heather, and Sue spent the next half hour teaching Melly the dynamics of girl on girl sex. I heard more than saw Melly having multiple orgasms. At one point, I looked over, and she was going down on Sue like a woman possessed. I knew how she felt, Sue’s meaty pussy had lots to lick and suck on.

Meanwhile, Connie had several orgasms but managed to keep me on edge. Each time I was close to cumming, she would hop off and squeeze the base of my cock hard while she continued to rub her own clit.

Connie had just come down from her latest orgasm when Rachel announced, “Okay, Cons, time to relinquish that cock. Mel is as ready as she’s going to get.”

I looked over, and Melly had a look of pure lust in her eyes. She was panting heavily, the girls had placed a pillow under her bum. Her legs were spread wide with Rachel holding one leg, and Sue holding the other. Melly’s pussy was glistening, puffy, and red.

I slid over between Melly’s legs, and Heather grabbed my cock and lined it up with Melly’s waiting hole.

“Are you sure about this, it’s okay if you want to back out sis?” I said.

“No, do it, I want this, I want this bad,” Melly panted.

I push forward slowly until I feel resistance. Melly is staring into my eyes and mouths, “do it.” I push forward another inch and felt her pussy give. I slid in another inch as Melly let out a scream. I sat still and watched her breathing, fast and labored at first, her eyes shut tight, and a death grip on Rachel and Sue’s hands. After a minute, her breathing slowed back down, and she opened her eyes.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, are you all the way in?”

The girls all giggled. “No, sweetie,” said Connie, “he’s got about three inches in you, five to go. Don’t worry, you probably won’t get it all in.”

“Okay, I’m going to push in a little more, and then start in and out. I’ll push in a little more each time. If it hurts or you need me to stop, just say so.”

Melly had a pained expression on her face, but just stared into my eyes and shook her head. I slowly inserted another inch and then pulled back. Connie went to the top of the bed and started kissing Melly, while Rachel and Sue sucked her nipples and Heather rubbed her clit. Melly quickly got back into the passion of our lovemaking and started thrusting back against me. After a few minutes, I had my entire length in her, and I just felt my tip hitting her cervix.

The pain had turned to pleasure as Melly was getting close to another orgasm. The orgasm hit with an intensity I had only seen from Connie when I penetrated her cervix. I had sat still with my cock buried in her until she recovered.

“You okay, sis?” I asked.

“Yeah… yes… Oh god… that was… fantastic. Can we try another position?”

“Why don’t you ride him cowgirl style,” said Sue.

“Yeah, you have all the control that way,” said Rachel.

Rachel moved out of the way, and I leaned down and rolled Melly to the top. Melly starts her own gyrations on my cock, and Heather hops on my face.

“Can he breath when you do that?” asked Melly.

“Most of the time, but only if I want him to,” responded Heather.

I brought my hand down hard on Heather’s already sore bum. “What was that, slave?”

“Ow, sorry, master,” exclaimed Heather.

Melly was really into riding my cock as Heather rode my face. I licked Heather to a quick orgasm, and both Heather and Melly came together and fell off to my side. Rachel and Sue scrambled for my cock, but Rachel ultimately slid her pussy down my shaft first.

“Bitch, I wanted that,” Sue cried out.

“You gotta be quicker, Su..san,” Rachal exclaimed with a wicked little laugh.

Sue gave Rachel an evil stare, but I grabbed Sue and pulled her down to me. She was still giving Rachel the eye, so I turned her face to mine, gave her a peck on the lips, and said, “Hey.” Sue turned her gaze on me.

“I love you,” I said.

Sue instantly got a big smile on her face and then kissed me. Rachel reached her orgasm and fell off to my side, and I slid Sue into position. She was still wet and ready, she slid down my shaft slowly. Sue was almost as tight as Melly, and I was getting close when I heard Heather say to Melly.

“See that look on his face, he’s getting close. If you don’t want your man to cum, reach down and grab the base of his cock like this.”

I could feel Heather reach between Sue and me and squeeze my cock hard.

“Damn, Heather, you know I can cum more than once, right?” I said.

“I know, babe, but Mel wants to try doggie, and I want you to give her a nice big load. Sue rode me for several more minutes before she started just rotating her hips to grind her clit on my pelvic bone. She had a small orgasm and hopped off.

“Heather, you want some?” I asked.

“No, I’m okay babe, go ahead and give Mel her final prize,” she responded.

Melly and I got into position, and I slid slowly back into her tight pussy. I started pumping in and out slowly, gradually picking up speed. I then used my thumb to massage her puckered little hole and perineum. This seemed to send her into another gear as she started pushing back to meet my thrusts.

I was getting close and could tell by her moans that Melly wasn’t far off. “I’m close, Mel.”

“I am too, just do it,” Melly responded.

Melly’s moans became urgent, and I started to cum. I felt five or six spurts push through my cock. It was about the third spurt that Melly screamed and started shaking as her pussy was filled with my hot cum. She fell forward, off of my cock just as the final spurt shot out, it landed across her ass cheek.

Heather leaned over and licked my cream off Melly, and then cleaned my cock off. Melly just laid there on top of me in orgasmic bliss. Her face was nuzzled into my neck as her breathing slowly returned to normal.

Melly started kissing my neck, and then kissed my ear and whispered: “I love you, bro, thank you for this, I’ll never forget it.” She lifted her head and gave me a sweet, gentle kiss, then slid off to my side.

“Ladies,” said Melly, “this has been a slice of heaven, but I had better get back to my room.”

Connie slid up next to Melly and threw her arm over her. “Nope, we’re not letting you go, sis. You have to sleep with us, so you get the full haram effect.”

“But what if someone comes in here and sees me naked with my brother?” asked Melly.

“Really, you think your family is going to come to check up on us?” asked Connie.

“Well, I guess not, okay, I’ll stay if you want me too,” replied Melly.

Melly snuggled up to my side, with Connie behind her. Sue snuggled up to my other side with Rachel and Heather behind her, and we all drifted off to sleep.

I woke early, to Melly and Sue passing my cock back and forth. Sue was whispering tips about how to give good head, as Melly was taking her turn. I looked over, Heather and Rachel were facing one another making out. So I looked over at Connie, who pressed her lips to mine, just after I turned.

“Good morning,” said Connie after pulling away.

“Good moo, Oh, I’m going to cum,” I exclaimed.

I looked down, and Melly didn’t let up as I unleashed a torrent into her mouth. She did an excellent job of swallowing after each pulse.

“Don’t swallow it all,” said Sue, “I want some.”

I finished, and Melly pulled off of my cock with an audible pop, some of my cum running down her chin.

Sue dove in and licked Melly’s chin, then pressed her mouth to Melly’s and the swapped my cum between them. I was watching them amused as two legs straddled my face. I could tell It was Connie and just started licking her. It didn’t take long before she drenched my face.

Connie rolled off to the side, satisfied. I looked down, and Melly and Sue were now in a sixty-nine. Heather and Rachel were gone, and Connie got off the bed and staggered into the bathroom. I left Melly and Sue to finish their fun and followed Connie.

We had all showered and dressed except Melly, who was still in a bathrobe.

“I need to go get dressed, J.J., can you walk with me to my room?” asked Melly.

I walked with Melly back to her room, and she pulled me inside. As the door shut, Melly turned and threw her arms around me. She hugged me in the tightest embrace I had ever felt from her. Then the sobs and tears started.

“J.J., please don’t hate me!” Melly exclaimed through the sobs.

“Mel, honey, don’t cry. I could never hate you, and why would you think that?”

“Be…bee… because I set you up. I confided in Heather and Connie that I’ve wanted this. That…that I wanted you to be my first, an… and they said they would help me. I know we can’t be together, but I’ve wanted to give you my virginity since we started kissing. I… I… I just didn’t think you would go that far.”

“Mel, honey, stop crying and look at me.”

Melly reluctantly lifts her eyes to mine.

“I love you, Melony, nothing you say, or nothing you do… will ever change that. I did what I did because I wanted you too. You were there for me when everyone else had abandoned me. Adam was always in his own world, and I know mom and dad loved us, but you were the one that showed me, unconditional love.”

“You really mean that, J.J.?” asked Melly.

“Yes, I do, but I don’t think we should take our relationship further. It’s not that I wouldn’t if you were determined to be with me, but my relationship with the other girls isn’t going to change. A sharing relationship like I have with Connie, Rachel, Sue, Heather, and Brandi isn’t that common. It takes exceptional people to pull it off, and I couldn’t ask you to give up finding someone who loves you, and only you.”

“But, J.J., what if I want what you have? Mom and dad… and Aunt Angela don’t exactly have a common relationship, and they’ve made it work since before we were born.”

“They’re not brother and sister, though, and in the eyes of the world, that makes a big difference,” I replied.

“I know, bro. Just so I understand, you’re not shutting the door on me, just saying try that, and if I still want this… I can have it?” she asked slyly.

“Yes, sis, that’s what I’m saying. When you get to college next fall, the girls and I will introduce you to some nice guys. If you still want to be with us, I’m sure we can work something out.”

“Good, because I’ll be there at the end of January for the Spring semester,” replied Melly.

“Oh, you got in early?”

“Yeah, a few people dropped out, so I got bumped up,” Melly replied.

Melly and I shared a long hug and a quick peck on the lips. I returned to my room to pack my bag for the trip home. We placed our bags outside the front door before we sat down to brunch.

Angela had heard the girls talk about our Sunday brunch. In the spirit of keeping our tradition going, she prepared Eggs Benedict and Mimosa’s for everyone.

After brunch was finished, mom spoke up. “Heather, it’s noon, are you ready?”

“Yes, mam, but I want everyone in there with me,” replied Heather.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I’m going to talk to my Da, and I need my best friends with me,” responded Heather.

We all walked into my dad's study, and dad handed her a remote and told her the camera would follow her. Heather had us all sit on a couch while she took a single chair by herself and clicked call.

Ring, ring, “John, I thought y… mo chuisle,” said Angus.

“Hi, Da.” Heather responded.

“What are you doing at the Donner’s house?” asked Angus.

“It’s a long story, Da, but first, I wanted to apologize and tell you how sorry I am for the way I was acting. I actually want to thank you for giving me a well-deserved kick in the butt. It made me realize that I had everything I needed, and I was just a spoiled brat. Please forgive me Da.”

“Oh, Mo Chuisle, I have missed you so, and you have nothing to apologize for,” said Angus.

“So, Da, there are some people I would like you to meet.” Heather walked over behind the couch and stood behind me. “Da, these are my best friends, they showed me what true friendship really is. They have stuck by me and taught me to be a better person. But, Da, they are also much more than friends, they are my Chuisle Mo Chroi and Mo Ghrá.”

“All of them?” asked Angus.

“Yes, Da, all of them. This guy right here is Jason Donner, he has been my best friend for three years. And to answer your next question, No, I had no idea who he was beyond being a best friend until I met his mother this weekend. Next, we have Susan Capris; you may remember she was my roommate that first semester. Then we have Rachel Savage, and finally Connie Hamilton. I met both of them the same day I met Jason. There is one other girl, Brandi Turner, but she couldn’t make it this weekend.”

“Honey, I would really like you to come home for Christmas, and bring your friends with you,” said Angus.

“Oh, Da, I’m sorry, but the Donner’s invited all of us to Switzerland for Christmas,” replied Heather.

“Angus,” said Katherine as she stepped behind the couch.

“KAT, it’s so good to see you, dear,” replied Angus.

“Angus, would you and Gina please join us at the chalet? I think its time her and I bury the hatchet,” said Katherine.

“Yes, dear, it is long past due. And Kat, no matter what you hear come out of Gina’s mouth, she has mourned to loss of your friendship since that day,” replied Angus.

“Mo Chuisle, I’m sorry your mum isn’t here. I’m sure she would have been if she had known you would call. Please call back tonight so she can hear your voice. Kat, we would love to join you for Christmas, just have John send me the details.”

“Da, we have to go. The plane is waiting to take us home, but I’ll call you tonight. Love you,” said Heather.

“I love you too, bye.”

The call was done, so we said our goodbyes and loaded on the plane at 1:00 p.m. Mom, Melly, and the girls were all a mess of tears as they gave each other final hugs and kisses. The girls boarded the plane, leaving me with Mom and Melly. Mom gave me a final hug and kiss. Melly, unable to contain herself, threw her arms around me, and gave me a passionate, unsisterly kiss, in front of mom.

“Bye, big bro, I love you.”

I turned and ascended the stairs to the cabin. As I was pulling up the stairs, I heard my mother say, “That was an awful passionate kiss for your brother.”

“I know mom, I just love him and didn’t want him to forget.”

“Just don’t let those girls catch you kissing him like that,” said Katherine.

I smiled as I pulled the stairs up and locked the doors. The engines started, and we taxied to the head of the runway and were in the air for home.


2021-01-23 00:57:14
good story!


2020-08-24 13:50:32
When’s the next chapter coming out? Great story and can’t wait to read more


2020-08-01 05:54:42
Can’t wait for the next chapter


2020-06-24 16:16:59
Another very good chapter. Love this story please keep up the great work.


2020-06-13 10:13:08
Very Good bro. A lot better then I could come up with

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