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Life is … boring, at least for our main character, Daniel. With his ability to read minds; real surprises are rare for the 19-year-old boy. That changes when he moves out of his hometown and into the city, to live with his uncle Peter. That’s when he met her, the girl that he can’t quite figure out.

This story can stand on its own but it is intendet to work as the second piece of a longer story.

(Not much sexual content here, the focus lies on the story)
I recoment for everyone to read the first part of the story "The girl with the blond ponytail (D1)" before this one.

But if you want you can get a taste here first, feel free to do so. I'm a farly new writer with english as his second language, which doesn't mean my stories are any less good but it does mean that I'd like some feedback. Please consider leaving some ...

Scene 1

Daniel is sitting on his bike in front of her house. Today he woke up next to the one girl that he just can’t quite figure out. Maybe, that’s what he likes about her so much. Who knows, he certainly doesn’t. But who cares, nobody has ever made him feel so … ordinary. But in the same way special. His powers don’t work on her and I mean, at all. Some people are just hard to crack, but at least he gets something from them eventually. With her it’s nothing.

He looks into the sky. If he had to describe what he sees he’d say it’s depressing. Gray clouds everywhere. The weather reminds him of a rainy day in fall. Compared to yesterday it’s pretty shitty. At least it’s still warm and the rain hasn’t started, yet. Better hope it stays that way for another 30 minutes. He and Chloe still have to go to school and it would suck if they’d be soaked for the first class.

The sound of the front door attracts his attention. He looks down and sees that Chloe is finally finished. And as he looks at her, he realizes what took her so long. She is back to her usual ponytail, there is also the change in clothing and it seems like she has put on some subtle makeup. All in all, she looks pretty formal for a regular day at school. As much as he'd like to think that she tried to look good for him, Daniel suspects that there is another reason.

He can't do anything else than to stare at her as she walks down the driveway.

"Better close your mouth before we get going unless you want some more protein this morning.” She says teasingly.

He almost missed the big mouth of hers. Up until now, she was pretty quiet, probably not a morning person. “Oh, don’t worry about me. As long as I’m in front of you I should be fine. But what about you? Getting all formal for our Math class today?”

“Why, you don’t like it?” Chloe spins around so Daniel can see the whole beauty of her.

“I love it. But seriously, do you know something I don’t know?”

Chloe laughs, “Probably.” Daniel gives her a face that says, that’s not what I meant but can’t hold back a grin himself. “No,” Chloe says, “I’ve just remembered that we’ll have a guest speaker today at school. Something scientific. A local company that sends a speaker so we can find an interest in working for them after school. We've had a few over the year. They are pretty informative. I'm not really interested in the one we hear today but that doesn't mean that I can't dress nicely for it."

A guest speaker. Probably some boring old man that tries to prove that math isn't as boring as everybody except him thinks it is. But from what Chloe said it shouldn't be that bad. Let's see. "I think we should get going."

“You’re scared of getting detention in your first week?”

“And being a whole evening with you in one room? Seems like torture to me.” He says. She hits him playfully but gets on her bike and drives of.

Of course, she wouldn’t let him lead the way after the comment from earlier. Guess the race is on …

Scene 2

He tried to sit with Chloe, but she was already cornered by her friends. As she saw him, she raises her shoulders as if to say ‘I’m sorry, next time?’. The presentation is held in the school gym. The whole grade has to attend. Daniel is lucky that he got a seat next to his new friend Steve. He is all right. It seems like he is one of the more popular kids at school, especially around girls, but somehow, he doesn't care about that kind of stuff. Steve is a good guy; Daniel can tell. And he is nice to hang with.

The principal has some words upfront but tries to keep it short. At least that’s what she said five minutes ago. Daniel doesn't care how long she takes. With his abilities, he's not really under pressure to get a job anytime soon. For him, it'll probably be just another boring hour at school. Also, nobody was able to tell him what the speech was about. Everybody just said something about science. Pretty specific.

“I’m very proud to tell you …”

The principal still goes on as Daniels gaze drifts of to the side of the stage. He is surprised that he finds a familiar face. Can it be? It’s Karren and there is no one else around. Is she …

“But let her speak for herself, Dr. Carter!”

The crowd starts clapping, as Karren enters the stage. Daniel is stunned. It seems like he is in for a real treat today. Yesterday he helped her to get rid of her ex that had thrown a tantrum in front of her apartment, had hot sex with her afterward and now she is giving a speech at his school? Not to mention that she is the only person Daniel could find that believes in something that could even remotely explain his condition. The topic of her research. Traces of thought.

He had looked her up and tried to get in touch with her. That’s what brought them together in the first place. As the official way didn’t bring any results, he tried to speak to her after work on her way home. Luckily, he was there that day because her psycho ex was also following her but with not so nice intentions. Daniel must have left a good impression. She called him immediately when she got in trouble the next time. (which was yesterday evening)

Dr. Carter introduces herself again. It seems like our principal made some mistakes announcing her, and Karren tries her best to politely correct her as she goes on. She was just about to lead over to her research as she spots the boy with the brown hair sitting in the crowd. For a moment she stops and keeps looking at Daniel. He just smiles at her. The whole thing lasts for less than a second. Karren goes back to being the professional speaker she is and starts talking about an experiment she did a few years back.

“You know her?” Steve asks. You can say what you want but this man sees everything. I doubt anyone else even noticed Karren stop for this split of a second.

Daniel whispers back, “I tell you later. Yeah, I know her.”

Scene 3

Daniel already knew most things Karren, Dr. Carter, mentioned in her talk but it still wasn't as boring as expected. In the end, they had some time left, so she encouraged the students to ask some questions. Most were pretty wage or have already been explained somewhere in the speech. Daniel can see, why Karren doesn't like talking to students. The questions are shameful.

Daniel whispers something to Steve who raises his hand afterward.

“Yes, the boy right there.” They bring Steve the mike.

"At first I want to thank you that you've taken the time to come here today. You mentioned that there are irregularities in electromagnetic waves after they went through the human brain. You also said that you measured the brain activity of the subject and found that there was not only a correlation between the number of irregularities with the waves and the activity of the brain but it also played a role what parts of the brain were active.

Hypothetically, could it be that every thought produces a unique trace and if you knew what each trace meant could you literally read someone’s mind?”

Karren knows, that it’s probably been Daniel’s question. Then, why again wouldn’t he ask it himself? Well, at least it’s an intelligent and interesting question.

“At first I should make clear that my research is nowhere near to proofing the things you talked about. But I guess you are aware of that. I just wanted to clarify for the rest here. But you asked me a hypothetical so, yes it could very well be possible that every thought has its unique way of interfering with an electromagnetic wave and if you knew how each thought manifests itself you could think your way from the pattern of interferences back to the original thought. But let me tell you that with the technology of today it’s impossible. Some people argue that the things I’ve measured are nothing but measuring errors, but they add up if you consider many of them.

So, if you keep thinking the same thing for an hour or so, I could tell you when you stop thinking it and to some extent when you changed what you thought about.” Karren faces Daniel, “Good enough?” she asks.

Daniel nods and Steve says, “Thank you, mam.”

Scene 4

After the principal spoke her last words and dismissed the students some of them stayed in the gym and formed little groups.

“What was that about?” Steve asks Daniel.

“Well, I can't tell you much. In respect to her, but I met Karren, eh Dr. Carter, a few days ago and we had some dinner together. Nothing fancy, just the next best fast food restaurant. Yesterday evening she was in some kind of trouble and I helped her out."

Steve searches for clues in Daniel's face but he gives nothing away. Not that he'd ask for more details but maybe Daniel would add some things on his own. Nothing.

“Well, fair enough,” Steve says, “I wanted to talk to you about something else. Some kids in class throw a party tonight. They told me I could invite anyone I want as long as they are and I quote ‘cool to hang’. But I guess there will be over 100 people there tonight, these parties always escalate in one way or another.”

Daniel thinks about the invitation. Could be fun and it would be a great way to meet some new people but he would much rather spend the time with Chloe. Not that these things are mutually exclusive.

Daniel asks, “Could Chloe come too?”

Steve raises an eyebrow but decides, that it’s not his business. “I guess she has already been invited by someone, some of her friends come for sure. But I don’t expect ‘her’ to come.”

Now it’s Daniel that raises one eyebrow and Steve knows he had to explain himself further. “I think you should talk with her about it, but Stan, her last ‘boyfriend’, will be there and they are not really on speaking terms.” He says while doing air quotes around the word boyfriend.

A petite looking girl walks up to the two of them. “Hey Steve, who is the new guy?”

“Daniel, meet my sister Jenny. Jenny, this is Daniel. He moved here earlier this week.”

"Nice to meet you, Jenny.” He shakes her hand. Wow … Daniel didn’t expect what he read on her mind. He checks Steve but it seems to be true. They have a very unusual relationship for siblings. (The reference is connected to another story of mine “sweet revenge and maybe a bit more” not important to this one)

“What did you say she was to you again?” Daniel asks Steve.

“Sister. Or to be precise step-sister. My father remarried.”

Daniel is relieved about the fact, that Steve isn’t screwing his biological sister. It also seems like it’s a secret Steve isn’t eager to share with any random person.

Jenny goes on, “Daniel, are you coming to the party tonight? You’ve heard about it, right?”

“I haven’t decided yet. If I do, it’s more of a spontaneous thing, you know.” Daniel looks over to Chloe’s group that starts to dissolve, “I should get going. Maybe we see each other tonight.”

As he goes, he hears Jenny whisper, “Did you tell him?”

“Of course not …”

Scene 5

“Hey Chloe, wait a moment.” She was just about to follow the girls from her group, but instead excuses herself and stays behind. Now the two of them are pretty much the last people left in the hall. Except for some teachers and Dr. Carter that are standing in a circle next to the stage.

“Hope you’re not that sad that I didn’t save you a seat next to me.” Chloe is in this good mood Daniel likes so much.

“Nah, you’re a popular girl, too bad that the amount of people sitting next to you is limited to two. You can make it up to me though. Do you have any plans for tonight? I’ve heard some people throw a party.”

Chloe’s eyes widen a bit. “I’m pretty much free and I’d love to party with you, but I have to tell you that …” She looks into Daniel's eyes that look a bit worried. He noticed that she broke character. There was always this teasing element to what she said. For her to drop that means something is going on.

“Well, I mean Stan will be there. And I’m sure he’ll make a scene when he gets drunk.”

Daniel tries his best to give her a comforting look. “He was your boyfriend, right? Steve mentioned it.”

"Yeah, he'd wish," Chloe says with anger in her voice.

“I understand,” Daniel says, “We don’t have to go. What do you say about a movie ni…”

Chloe cut's him off. It seems to become a thing. "I want to go to the party! I mean, I guess I can count on you to be my knight in shining armor if Stan dares to try anything tonight."

“Don’t forget you Pepper spray” They both laugh and Daniel knows that it’s alright.

"Come with me, I want you to meet somebody." He lays his arm around her and leads her towards the stage.

Scene 6

The teachers are about to leave too, as the two kids approach the stage. Perfect timing. Karren was just about to finish up.

“Dr. Carter, do you have a minute before you need to be back at work?” Daniel puts an ironic emphasis on the ‘Dr. Carter’. He knows that she’s even annoyed if someone calls her mam. She certainly doesn’t like her formal titles.

Karren laughs, “I think we are well past Dr. Carter, just call me Karren.” She looks at the girl in Daniel’s arm. “Is that …”

Chloe didn’t complain, but Daniel takes his arm off of her as if he didn't even realize he put it around her in the first place. He takes a step back and says, "Yes. Chloe, I guess by now you know a thing or two about this woman here. If you want to tease her you can call her ‘mam’ or ‘Dr. Carter’ otherwise as you’ve heard, her name is Karren. I met her a few days ago.

Karren, this lovely young lady here is Chloe. I also met her a few days ago.”

They give each other their hands and Chloe asks, “How do you guys know each other? It’s not like Daniel hasn’t just moved here.”

Daniel and Karren look at each other, deciding what to tell her. Daniel sees that Karren isn't very fond of the idea to reveal her ex-love-live-problems and she also doesn't think to tell Chloe they had a one-night stand would help much either. Daniel goes on, “Karren here helps me with a problem of mine. We saw …”

“I am?!?” Karren Interrupts. She realizes that this wasn’t her smartest move today and brings a hand in front of her mouth.

“Of course, you are. You just don’t know it yet.”

It seems like the conversation will lead straight into an awkward silence but Chloe breaks it before it began. "I see," she turns to Karren and adds in a joking tone, "he is always so blunt. There is just no real gentleman left. Yesterday, for example, he left me without an explanation with our history assignment. I had to do it all on my own and he still hasn't told me where he went." Chloe laughs but Karren can't enjoy the joke.

She looks at Daniel who wants to say ‘you don’t need to tell her if you don’t want’.

"Chloe, you've been with him yesterday evening?" to Daniel she says, "and you still showed up?" Daniel raises his shoulders. Don't know what you want to hear from me. Karren goes on, "I guess I should tell you why he left you hanging."

Chloe realizes that her joke cut deeper then she intended to but she is too curious to cut Karren off.

"I have a problem with my 'ex'. Yesterday he showed up at my apartment and threw a tantrum. I called Daniel because he had already helped me deal with that psycho, the first time I met him. And that he did. Don’t know how, but Daniel scared him off.”

Daniel looks into Chloe's face to see her reaction, but he can't say what it is. "Oh …" Chloe says, "that's a pretty good reason to leave me hanging." She looks at the clock and adds, "It was nice meeting you but I really should get going."

Scene 7

Karren boxes Daniel in the arm. "Do you love her?" she asks reproachfully.

“I don’t know …”

Wrong answer. She punches him again but a bit harder.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Then don’t lie to her! Did you see her face when I had to tell her where you’ve been yesterday?” Karren says.

A bit sheepishly Daniel replies, “I just didn’t tell her, that’s all.”

“Tomayto Tomahto. Go after her …”

Daniel runs down the hallway trying to catch her before she enters the classroom.

“Chloe. Wait a second!”

As he reaches her, he asks, “Are you alright?”

“Of course, I’m alright dummy. Why wouldn’t I be?” Irony, shit.

“You just went off, right after Karren told you that I’ve seen her yesterday …”

Chloe boxes him. "Hey, that hurts," he says.

“Good! That’s for not telling me where you’ve been. If … If you don’t tell me something my mind makes it up and that’s usually not very pretty.” Chloe looks down.

Daniel understands, "I'm sorry" and hugs her. "I guess I just have to be an open book from now on, ha?"

“No. That’s boring. Just tell me the things I want to know.” She says.

“And how should I know what you wanna know?” That girl is confusing …

With a smile, she answers, "Not my problem."

The second bell rings. Classes have started. Chloe turns to go but Daniel still has something to say. “I grab you at 8 pm at your house. That is if you still want to go?”

“Don’t be late!”

After he hears her response Daniel turns around and runs to his next class. Luckily, he still has the excuse of being new at school …

Scene 8

“Hey man, Nice to see that you made it.” Steve is standing up from the couch to welcome Daniel. He holds up his hand and they get into one of these typical bro-hugs.

"Nice to see that you weren't exaggerating about this party. The house is packed and it's not even 9 pm. By the way, how much did you already drink?"

“Why, because I’ve gotten all touchy on you and you’re not used to that?” The music is pretty loud. It’s hard to understand each other, even when they are only a few centimeters apart.

Daniel says, “No, don’t worry, I can take touchy. You just seemed like someone that can’t handle his alcohol and I’d rather not be here when you start striping on the next best table.”

“Fuck You!” They both laugh. Daniel gives Steve a pat on his shoulder as he turns around and makes his way into the kitchen.

Steve looks after him and sees Chloe waiting. It’s been a while since he saw her wear a dress. The one she has on today tops everything. No pony-tail. he can understand why Daniel wants to rather go back to her then to chat with him over the loud music. He smiles and sits back down on the couch.

Scene 9

“Hey” Daniel whispers. The music isn’t as loud in the kitchen as it was inside the living room. People around them are refilling their cups. Daniel and Chloe are standing in the middle of the ongoing party. Chloe is leaning at the counter and Daniel’s face is only inches away from hers.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He asks.

Chloe chuckles, “No, only 10 times max. But you can keep giving me compliments; I like it.”

“There is no one here at the party that comes even close.” Chloe looks into his eyes and she sees that he meant it.

Chloe looks around to see if somebody is watching, grabs Daniel's chin, and plants a kiss on his lips. It was nothing more but a short tough. She chuckles because Daniel's reaction is priceless. He had closed his eyes as if he didn’t want to let the sensation go. The only thing he says is “Wow…”

A moment later he is back to his usual self and adds, “I mean at least Top 10 material.”

"It didn't seem like just Top 10," Chloe says teasingly.

“Maybe you’re right, we should do it again to see if I was wrong.” He leans in but Chloe puts a finger on his lips. She says, “It’s a party, let’s have some fun. What do you want to do?”

Daniel bites softly in her finger showing that he wanted to kiss her.

“Hey, that hurts.”

“Good." After a short pause, he adds, "At least dance with me.” He nicks towards the living room. There is amusement in Chloe’s eyes. It’s not like Daniel is a great dancer but he can move to the music and isn’t that what it’s all about?

Scene 10

Beer-Pong. Daniel teamed up with Steve. Their enemies have only one cup left standing on their side. It seems like the new dream team is about to win, they still have three cups. Chloe decided not to play. She much rather enjoys the show from the sidelines. Daniel and Steve took on a group of girls. And from what Daniel understood, they are part of the school volleyball team.

Steve asks, “What do you say, should we finish them off?”

Daniel throws his ball but it’s obvious he didn’t even try to aim. “Nah, let’s give them another chance.”

Steve does the same and smirks at their opponents.

“Oh, you’re so gonna regret this!”

The girl with the best aim gets ready to teach these boys a lesson but as she was about to throw, she got distracted.

“You are such a prude, no wonder you don’t have a boyfriend!”

Daniel turns around and sees that some guy is talking to Chloe. More like screaming in her face. He is obviously drunk. Must be this Stan guy …

Daniel was just about to defend Chloe as she says, “Yeah, right. I show you prude!” She walks up to Daniel and begins kissing him. The eyes of pretty much everyone near the table lye on them. Chloe doesn't seem to let Daniel go back to playing anytime soon. Daniel can taste the aroma of her drink. It doesn't seem to be a strong one. Not that kissing someone is a reliable method to find out about how much alcohol they have in their drinks but he suspects that Chloe is pretty sober right now. So is he but does she know that?

In the background, he hears some girls cursing. It doesn’t matter, Daniel focuses much rather on making out with Chloe.

The two of them stop kissing. A bit short on breath Daniel says, "As I said … definitely top 10 material." Chloe laughs, "You're not so bad either."

“I think I still have a game to finish, wanna watch?”

Steve’s voice rips them out of their bubble. “No, you’re not. It was a piece of cake since you weren’t there to drag me down.”

Daniel gives him an amused smile, “then why are you holding two cups in your hand?”

“Let’s just say, Natalie was holding back before. She got a double hit while you two were busy making a point. One is for you; Let’s celebrate our glorious victory!”

Steve hands Daniel a cup. He raises his and says, “To you two. You should have seen Stan’s face …”

Daniel asks, “I was a little busy. How did he take it?”

“Like a pro. He realized he had no chance.”

Daniel still has an arm wrapped around Chloe.

Into the now erupting silence Steve says, “I guess I leave you guys alone, have fun.”

As he walks away Chloe screams after him, “Hey Steve, we are taking off!”

He doesn’t turn around but only holds his hand with a thumbs up in the air.

Daniel turns to Chloe, “You’re tired?”

“Not really …” She gives him a grin and Daniel understands.

“Let’s take a walk. There is a Park nearby,” she says. They grab their jackets and leave the party.

Scene 11

“What’s your story with Stan, anyway?” It’s almost 1 o’clock and the two of them are walking down the sideway. Chloe said she wanted to show Him something.

“Why do you ask?”

“This boy has a huge crush on you. You didn't need to humiliate him like that.”

“You didn’t like it?” She turns her head and gives him a playful smile but there is also a hint of insecurity in it.

“I’m definitely not complaining, it was awesome. The question I ask is, did you want to teach him a lesson, or were you just desperate to make out with me?”

Chloe thinks for a second, "both." She giggles and adds, "He had it coming, though. Stan asked me out a few weeks ago, brought me to this stupid party, filled me up just so I'd make out with him. I can't remember much. It’s a bit foggy but from what I gathered I must have slapped him in the face that night. I guess he tried to touch my boobs or so, I don’t know. We didn't talk since then."

“I think there is a lesson that I should better remember in this story.” Daniel laughs and Chloe says, “You bet there is. Don’t think I wouldn’t dump you for the next best guy that moves to the city.”

There she is. But Daniel isn’t in the mood to play. Instead, he says, “I guess people do stupid things when they are in love.”

“Don’t defend him! Stan didn’t love me.” Something about the idea appalls her. No way that could have been real love.

Daniel adds, “Nah maybe not love, but he has this enormous crush on you.”

Chloe is surprised. She thought Stan only wanted to get in her panties. Then she realizes, “How can you tell?” Daniel doesn’t respond. Chloe looks up to him but he only stars down the road. She keeps pressuring the point, “what makes you say that he even likes me?”

Daniel finally responds, “I don’t think I want to tell you.” Chloe is confused. Something about how he said it sounds serious. She asks, "Why not?" Again, Daniel takes his time to answer, "Because I like you."

Chloe doesn't get it but before she could go on, she gets distracted. "It's still on!" she cries out and points towards a fountain. "Come on," she says and tucks at Daniel's arm. She is so full of joy all of a sudden and Daniel can understand why. What he sees is beautiful.

In the middle of a small green area sits a modern-looking fountain. Some lights, probably LED's, bring it to life. Chloe leads him to a bench nearby facing the fountain. They take a seat and just watch the water find its way. Daniel realizes that the lights keep changing their colors. There is no one around. No wonder it's 1 am.

Chloe explains, "I heard they keep them on till sunrise. We got a couple of these all over the city. Each in a unique design. I like to watch them." She leans against his shoulder and he puts his arm around her. For a few minutes, they just stay in the moment. But there is something for Chloe that is still bugging her. “Why do you say that Stan has a crush on me?”

Daniel hesitates again. “Let’s make it interesting. Two questions for a question. You get two answers and I get to ask you something too.”

“Deal.” Chloe says, “This one doesn’t count. I’m not complaining but why not one for one?”

Daniel smiles at her. “Because one of my answers won’t really satisfy you.”

“Why would you say that?” Chloe raises her head from his chest and sees that Daniel raises an eyebrow. She realizes that she has to stay put to find that out. “Ok,” she says, “You go first.”

Daniel thinks for a moment. "Why me?" he asks, "I mean, there has to be something I'm missing. You only know me for two days. Why do you trust me as much as you do?"

Chloe lies her head back on his shoulder. "The first time I saw you," she says.

“Math class?" Daniel struggles with her answer. It doesn't make any sense at all. Why would she trust him moreover that? "No dummy." Chloe giggles, "You remember the first thing you did at school? My brother played around with some kids from his class. The usual. You know, they through a backpack up in the air and catch it before it lands on the hard asphalt. Just some stupid games, but one of the backpacks got stuck in a tree. Who is so dump and throws a backpack up in the air while standing under a tree? You know the clock rang and all but one kid went off to class, the one whose backpack was still up that tree. And then there was you. You came up to that boy, climbed the tree for him, and took down his stuff. Many could have done it, but only you did it."

“The boy whose backpack got stuck was your brother, right?” Daniel asks.

"Hell no! My brother was the one that threw it up there in the first place. I was just giving him a speech in the Aula about responsibilities and that he should go to the janitor and get a ladder as I saw what you did out there. I tell you; this idiot gives me grief regularly." Chloe laughs.

Well, that explains a thing or two. Daniel didn't even think much about it when he climbed that tree. He could help, so he helped. As simple as that. With his ability to read people's minds, Daniel had grown the habit of helping people out. They stick out from a crowd and are pretty easy to spot. Sometimes it's just a small problem that he can solve in an instance, sometimes the only thing he can do is make the situation just a little bit better. He likes doing that. It gives him some ease to the fact that he permanently invades people’s privacy.

Damn. It's Chloe's turn. Does he really wanna tell her that he heard Stan's thoughts? It's crazy. She knows what Dr. Carter had to say about traces of thought but someone being able to read minds goes more into the direction of magic than science. One thing is for sure she won't believe him. The coincidence is just too great that she is the only person whose thoughts he can't hear. But Karren told him not to lie to her …

“You know the question,” she says, “What makes you say that Stan likes me that way?”

What does she expect? A feeling, something in how he acted or maybe a story about him, like the way she answered his question? Well, here goes nothing …

"I read it on his mind. Normally, it's not so easy to make out hidden emotions but with him it was obvious." He says. Chloe playfully rams her elbow into his side thinking Daniel is just joking around. As she looks up, she sees that Daniel is watching her carefully. Observing every reaction of hers. This guy is joking. Why doesn't he want to tell her the truth? That's what he meant by unsatisfying. But ok, let's humor him.

“You … read it. You mean you saw it on his face?” she asks.

“No, Chloe. I quite literally heard his thoughts. More like felt it but that’s not the point.”

Chloe stops leaning against Daniel and he removes the arm he had around her. A bit curious Chloe asks, "So you are a telepath? You can read people's minds." Daniel feels uncomfortable but there is no going back. At least brushing it off as a joke wouldn't do any good either. He has to go through it. "More or less, Yeah," he says.

“Well then it’s simple,” Chloe responds, “Proof it to me. What am I thinking right now?”

Daniel sights, here it comes. “You believe deeply that there is no way I could read shit.” It’s hard to tell in this light but it seems like Chloe’s eyes widen a bit. Must have been pretty close. “But that was just a lucky guess, I can’t read your mind. Don’t worry.”

Chloe tries to sort things out. “So, you can hear everyone’s thoughts, but you can’t hear mine?”


“Does it happen often that you can’t deliver?”

“No, you’re the only one I ever met that I can’t hear.”

Chloe says smiling, “pretty convenient, don’t you think.”

“In this conversation? Not particularly I would say. If I could there wouldn’t be a problem in convincing you, would there?” he responds.

That's some stuff to think about. They both go back to watching the water run down the fountain. After a while, Daniel breaks the silence, "Your second question?"

Fuck it. Daniel gets taken by surprise as Chloe moves to sit on his lap. She takes his face into her hands and plants a kiss on his cheek. "You're an idiot you know that?" Daniel doesn't know how to respond. In all the possible scenarios he thought up of how this conversation could play out there is none of her kissing him. But it wouldn't be the first time Chloe surprises him. She adds, "I guess I save my second question for later." She smiles at his expression and starts to kiss him again.

He has to know it, “So you believe me?”

“Hell no!” Chloe laughs.

“That means you think I’m crazy?”

“No, you don’t act crazy.”

“You think I’m lying then?”

This time Chloe thinks for a second. “No,” she says.

Well, that makes a lot of sense but it seems like Chloe can live with it. Better not to put more pressure on it. Why fix something that works? Guess at some point he has to deal with it but Daniel doesn’t want to think about it now. Especially when he has such a beautiful girl sitting on his lap eager to make out with him.

Scene 12

As Daniel enters the room his chin drops. "You're gonna sleep naked?" he asks. Chloe is lying on his bed, half of her magnificent body still covered by his blanket. She looks so god damn sexy in this position. It has something of a wild cat waiting for her prey, ready to go all out. She signals him to get closer.

“I think you’re a bit overdressed.” She chuckles while he eagerly rips his pajama off his body. As Chloe sees that Daniel only has a semi-hard dick, she roles on her back and runs her hands over her body. "Don't you think I'm beautiful? Don't you like it when you find yourself with a naked girl in one room?"

Daniel climbs on the bed and Chloe sees that his semi has evolved into a rock-hard erection. She bites her lips as he gets on top of her. "You just wanna stare at me like I got something on my face?" she asks. Let's not go down that path, but Daniel can't help himself. He answers, "Sorry I was just surprised that such a beautiful girl would talk to me." He smiles and as Chloe wanted to respond, he lowers himself and kisses her. She doesn't mind, it's been about time.

With a knee, Daniel parts her legs. She is happy to help and spreads them for him even more. He positions himself between them, so his cock is pressing against her. She takes the initiative and begins to mover her hips up and down. Daniel smiles, he has other plans.

With one smooth movement, he rolls on the back, taking Chloe with him. Sometimes you are grateful to have a big bed. Chloe now on top of Daniel gets up on her knees. She looks at Daniel in surprise. The flames behind his eyes seem to say, 'Oh baby, I'm all yours'. Chloe feels his erection twitch under her and snaps back to the moment. She starts moving her hips again; It feels so fucking great. This must be sweet torture for Daniel, Chloe thinks, but he doesn't seem to mind. Now it's her that lowers herself to Daniel's face and plants a kiss on his cheek, teasing him a little.

Not that Daniel had any reason to complain because while doing so Chloe grabbed his dick and guided it to the entrance of her vagina. As she goes back his dick slides into her. Their eyes fixate and Chloe smiles. She begins moving, slowly. Daniel rests his hands on her hips and Chloe gets faster. The feeling is overwhelming. Chloe is riding him like no one else before. The slow start quickly evolved into a fast rhythm, needless to say, that their moans will probably not only wake Peter but also some neighbors.

Chloe closes her eyes to concentrate on the sensation as an orgasm is building up in her.

As she opens them again, she is still riding the waves of her orgasm but instead of sitting on Daniel, Chloe is now laying on her side. Her face turns bright red as she realizes what happened. Chloe is looking straight into Daniel's face who is sleeping right next to her.

She dreamed of having sex with him, while he was so close!

Luckily for her, she didn't wake him up. Chloe looks at Daniel's alarm. It's already 9 am. As much as she'd like to stay and watch him sleep, Chloe can't bear the constant reminder of her dream. Instead, she plants a kiss on his cheek and quietly leaves the bed.

She walks out of the room and a smile forms on Daniel's face.


2020-11-03 06:07:52
would like to read more of this story. When is the continuation coming out?

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