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There is an old saying, "The sweetest watermelon is the one stolen from a farmer's patch." I agree. I have raped 8 wives, at the time of this writing. I can assure you, there is nothing sweeter than making another man's wife cum when it's the last thing she wants to do.
I raped Katy at a block party in Chicago.

I play in a Pink Floyd tribute band, and a friend of mine, Derek, begged me to have us play at their 4th of July block party. Our regular gig for the 4th cancelled at the last minute; some fuck up with the permit...that's Chicago...probably skipped greasing the wrong palm. We still got paid because the cancellation fell after the deadline. But fuck, this was my favorite gig each year. Playing Floyd on the beach of Lake Michigan with the fireworks going off behind us, pure gasm. Not to mention the plethora of pussy thrown at us at that event was sick. Fuck.

We were available, so I said, "Look, I'd play for free, but the rest of the band won't do it"

"How much do you need?" He asked.

"$200 a man, times 6. You think your neighbors can pony up?"

"Fuck that, I'll cut you a check right now." We were booked.

I called the bandmates and asked them for a solid. Since we got paid for a gig that we weren't doing, would they mind playing the block party for free. Of course, they were good with it, it's my fucking band. I pocketed my buddy's check.

I have to say I was impressed with the layout of the party. They let us pull the vans through the barricade and we rolled up the street lined by million dollar brownstones and ancient maple trees. I saw my buddy sitting on the apron of the stage beaming ear to ear. I threw the beast in park and hopped out.

"Will this work?" Derek said, laughing at my surprise as I walked to him. It was a professional-grade bandstand, complete with a proscenium scaffold hung with lights.

"Holy fuck," I quipped, "who sprung for all this shit?"

"I did! I rented a sound and lighting crew too." I knew my buddy had money, but this had to set him back 4 or 5 large all in. I decided right then I would have to hang with this motherfucker a little more often.

"It's perfect dude. This is gonna be insane." I said, looking back to see my guys breaking out the gear, all smiles.

"Hey, I want you to meet Mark, my nextdoor neighbor." My buddy said as I saw this short, stocky geek in his late 20's walking up to shake my hand.

"Mucho gusto, Mark. I'm Tom." I smiled

"Cool. Looking forward to hearing your band." Mark replied, looking more than a little sheepishly.

Derek piped up. "Mark plays."

Dear readers, anyone who plays in a band will tell you that it is inevitable, no matter where you play out, there is always someone who "plays," and they have one heart's desire, to sit in and fuck your rhythm up beyond all recognition. Me and the guys rehearse endlessly to get the sound just right. Please remember that. Don't ask.

"He's a bit of a Floyd freak, too. Maybe he could sit in for a song or two?" At least Mark didn't ask. The guy who put $1200 bucks in my pocket and sprung for a whole road crew did.

"What do you play, Mark?" I asked, my asshole twitching.

"I have my acoustic." He offered earnestly, like we might not have one with us and he'd be doing us a BIG favor.

"Cool," I lied. "Let us get the first set. We can do "Mother" and "Wish You Were Here," in the second set." I thought he was going to shit his pants as I said this. "You know those songs?"

"Fuck yes!" He nearly dabbed. "Thank you, Mark!" I swear to God he was near tears. Jesus, I might have missed out on all the pussy at the beach tonight, but I could probably get this guy to blow me if I really wanted to. Depending on how lit I get, I just might.

"Okay, guys, that's a deal. Let me go, so I can get my rig set up." They nodded and split. I climbed the steps to the stage and grabbed a beer out of the cooler that been set up for us. First class, for a block party. First class.

We started the first set, just after the sun went down. There must have been a couple thousand people packing the street in front of the bandstand when I cranked up my Fender with the opening riff of "Run Like Hell." Fireworks shot off from all directions. The lighting guy was the shit and he was surprising me with specials and lasers. The sound crew knew what they were doing too, we sounded and looked great. I lost myself in the Floyd for nearly an hour before we took our first break. The crowd roared with applause.

I was drenched in sweat because it was so fucking hot, of course, I fought that by chain-drinking Coronas, so I had a good buzz going when I stepped down off the stage. I wandered off to the side of the street, everyone I made eye-contact with was smiling, nodding giving me the thumbs up. They were enjoying the show. As I neared the sidewalk, I saw Derek, my new best friend, Mark and some incredibly hot blond chick lined up on the grass in lawn chairs. Mark had his acoustic laying across his lap. All three got up on their feet as I approached.

"Sick solo on "PIgs!" Mark gushed. "You guys kick ass!"

"You like?" I looked at Derek.

"Seriously, Tom, your band is amazing." Derek replied, "I'll be hearing about this from my neighbors for months. You're making me look real good about now."

"Thanks, Derek." I looked at the blond. She's in her mid-twenties and taller than she looked sitting down, maybe 5'9" with a thin build, small tits, but thick nipples pushing out from beneath her t-shirt. The kind of nipples that lengthen nicely, grow hard and seem to be connected directly to the clit when tweaked just right. The skin tight jeans she wore revealed her amazingly shaped bubble-butt. I'm a such sucker for a nice ass. "Hi, I'm Tom," I said.

"Hi," she said quietly and looked away as I made eye-contact.

"This is my wife, Katy," Mark said apologetically, almost shaming himself for failing to make the introduction, like I might change my mind and not let him play because of his rudeness.

"Hi," she repeated, glancing at me quickly, giving me a brief glimpse of her steel-blue eyes, before tilting her head toward the curb. I was stunned that this short, geek had somehow landed such a fucking hotty for a wife. I felt hot blood rushing to my cock then, because suddenly, I had an idea.

"Hey, which brownstone is yours?" I asked. Mark turned a bit to his right and pointed to the fucking monster brownstone right behind them.

"Right there. That's ours." He said. I decided to lay the trap, and if this clueless dude stepped into it, well, I couldn't really be blamed.

"Mark, you still want to join us for the second set?" I smiled at him; I already new the answer.

"Fuck yes, I would be honored." He fawned.

"Then have the sound guys patch your acoustic into the PA and gets levels." I grinned. "I really have to use the bathroom ." I looked right into Mark's eyes and asked, "Would you mind if I used yours?"

"Of course." His eyes kept darting to the stage. "Katy, let him in." She looked at her husband, a faint air of concern on her face. Maybe she knew where this was going before I did. I thought, yeah, Katy, let me in.

"And I love old brownstones. Maybe Katy could give me tour?" I tried to sound innocent, which is hard to do while your cock is nearly bursting at the seems.

"That's a great idea, Tom," Mark agreed, the trap closed. "Come on, Derek, give me a hand." Mark took off toward the stage, quickly weaving through the bodies in front of him, holding his acoustic protectively above his head. Derek looked at me and laughed.

"You just made his dream come true." He gave me a fist bump and sped off to follow Mark through the crowd. I turned back and looked at Katy. She had been looking at me, but when I turned to her she quickly cast her eyes down and to the left. That's when I noticed the cooler by her feet. I opened it up to find a few beers and White Claws floating around in the half-melted ice. Then I spotted the bottle of Cuervo, hiding beneath the cans.

"You want one, Katy." I asked, plucking the Cuervo out of the cold water.

"I better not," she said, so quiet, almost a whisper. I began to wonder if there was something "wrong" with her. Like some kind of disability or something. Maybe that's how little dudesicle scored this babe, maybe she's a little broken upstairs. I could give a fuck..that ass. I opened the Cuervo and took a long pull.

"Ahhh, that hits the spot." I replaced the cap, looked up at Katy and smiled. "Lead the way." She looked up at me for a short moment before she turned around and walked toward their house. I purposefully followed a few fee behind her so I could watch her work that perfect, so perfect ass. I wondered if she could feel my eyes burning a hole through her jeans, because she kept glancing back at me. Each time she did, I smiled so she could see my teeth.

She opened the door and we walked in. The place was boojie chic. I guess they had money, too, I wondered if it was hers or his? She never stopped, but walked past the open concept living room and kitchen where she leaned on the island and pointed to a closed door to our right. I opened it to find a large half bathroom. I really did have to piss, but I also had this raging hardon, if I wasn't careful I was going to hose down the walls. I paused to take another shot of Cuervo then stepped inside. I didn't close the door.

I held the bottle in my left hand, pulled my zip and fished for my cock with my right. I could see her still leaning against the granite counter in my peripheral vision as I freed myself from my jeans. I'd softened up a bit, so I was able to aim the head down toward the bowl. I had to squeeze out a little dribble until my bladder got the memo and decided to cooperate. I launched a thick stream of piss that splashed along the outside rim of the toilet and onto the floor before I adjusted my aim and hit the target.

"How long you been married to Mark?" I asked, speaking up a little so she could hear me over the sound of me voiding in her bathroom. She mumbled something in reply and I decided to firm up things little. I turned to her, "Katy, speak up when you're talking to me, understand.?" She met my eyes then, I could see she was a bit shocked by my abruptness. My stream began to weaken as my bladder neared empty.

"I'm sorry," she said, a little louder. "Four years. We've been married four years." I shook my cock to free the last few drops of piss, then opened the bottle of Cuervo and took another pull, while I stood there with my semi-erect cock hanging out of my zipper. I put the cap back on and grabbed my tool again, giving it a few provocative strokes before stuffing it back into my jeans. I set the bottle on the back of the commode, flushed, and opened the faucet of the sink and washed my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had just turned 47. I definitely showed my age, but it looked good on me. I spent enough time in the gym to keep my body strong and paunch-free.

"Four years, that's nice." I said while I finished up and dried my hands. I grabbed the bottle and walked to her. She was staring at the floor. "Tour?" I asked. She looked up at me.

"Where do you want to start?" She was in quiet mode again. I set the Cuervo down on the island and smiled broadly.

"The basement, of course."

She led me to a door, and opening it, revealed the stairs leading down to the basement. She started down, and as she did, I closed the door behind us and hit the light switch, which sent us into total darkness.

"I can't see anything," she said, as I caught up with her on the stairs.

"You don't need to see anything." I rested my hands on her shoulders and forced her to continue down the stairs in complete darkness. When we hit the landing I stopped her and pressed my body against her back. I slid my left arm around her neck and flexed my muscles so she could feel my strength. I wanted her to know that I could easily squeeze her to unconsciousness if I chose to. "Katy?"

"Yes," she said, trembling in the darkness; I moved my right hand forward, sliding over her shoulder until I found the open neck of her T-shirt. I continued to follow the path of her pale, freckled skin and pushed deeper, under her bra, until I had cupped her bare breast in the palm of my hand.

"What...what are you doing?" She asked, as my fingers found her incredibly fat nipple and squeezed.

"Listen to me carefully, Katy." I seethed through my teeth. "You have to make a decision."

"I do?" Her voice had climbed an octave higher than it had been.

"Yes, Katy, you do." I answered while squeezing her nipple which was stiffening up nicely, just like my cock. "Unbutton your jeans." I commanded.

"I-," she started to make up some reason why she shouldn't undo the button, but I wasn't having any of that shit.

"Undo the button of your fucking jeans, Katy, now." In the darkness, I could feel her arms moving, I could feel the tension of her jeans rise and then fall as she pushed the button back through the eyelet. I moved my right hand from her breast, lower, feeling the plank of her flat belly, then further down where I confirmed that she had in fact unbuttoned her jeans revealing the waistband of her panties.

"We both know the odds of you walking back up these stairs without a load of my cum somewhere inside your body are very slim, but I'm going to give you a chance." I whispered this into her ear as my finger played along the elastic band of her panties, occasionally dipping beneath it, but staying far away from inevitable target. "Would you like that, Katy? Would you like a chance to remain true to your lame husband and avoid me filling one of your holes with my cum?" I continued flexing the muscles in my arm, holding her fast, while my hand flirted with her panties.

"I've never been unfaithful to my husband," she said, her breath rising in depth and frequency. "I'm a good wife." she added.

"Then I will, Katy, I will give you a chance." I dipped my fingers deeper into her panties this time which caused her squeal in desperation. Deep enough to learn that Katy liked to keep her kitty waxed smooth. "In a moment, I'm going to slide this hand," I snapped the waistband of her panties gently to be sure she knew exactly which hand I was referring to, "this hand inside your panties, all the way down until my fingers find your pussy. Here's the deal. If I touch your pussy it's dry, I will apologize to you profusely and go back to the stage to await the police that I am certain you will call. But, If your pussy is slightly wet, I will let you pick one hole for me to fuck and fill with my cum. However, if your pussy is very wet, and you know what I mean by very wet, right Katy?" I asked.

"Yes..." She made her anguished reply.

"Because you get soaking wet when you're excited, don't you, you little bitch?" She didn't answer. I tightened my arm around her neck. "When I ask you a question, you fucking answer me. Understood?"

"Yes." I could barely hear her. I relaxed my arm a bit. "Yes, I get soaking wet when I'm excited."

"Good," I continued, "As I was saying, if your pussy is very wet, I am going to fuck Mark's wife in any hole I wish. I will fill any hole I wish with my cum. And you will take it willingly, happily. That's fair, don't you think? I mean, if you don't want me to fuck you, your pussy should be absolutely dry, correct?"

"Yes..." she sputtered again as I dipped my finger just below the waistband of her panties once more.

"Are you ready then?" I teased her. "Are you ready for my to slide my fingers down to your pussy to determine if you are wet, and if so, the degree of your wetness?"

"Please, don't do this. You should go back to the bandstand...they will want you to start playing again, soon."

"Poor, Katy..." I pulled her tightly against me and moved my mouth to her ear so I could whisper to her in the darkness. "are you concerned about what my fingers might find? Are you afraid that you will be embarrassed by what I might find?"

"Yes..." Again, so soft I could barely hear her.

"Then I won't touch you, Katy. I don't need to touch you." I could feel all the tension leaving her body as I said these words.

"You won't?" She whispered, relieved that she may yet escape this situation unsullied.

"No, I don't need to touch you. You tell me, Katy." I felt the tension rise into her shoulders again. "Is your pussy dry, and all you will get from me is an apology? Is your pussy a little wet, and you're going to choose which hole I'll use? Or, is your pussy very wet, Katy? Drenched, in which case the choice is mine?"

"No! I can't say." She tried to stave off the inevitable.

"Tell me, Katy. Who's choosing. You or me? Tell me!" I shouted and slapped her ass hard.

"You." she shouted.


"You!" she repeated.

"What about me?" I inquired, but I didn't need to.

"You get to choose which hole you're going to fuck because my pussy is soaking wet." She offered, resigned to her fate.

"Turn to face me, Katy." She did. I unzipped my pants and pulled eight inches of hard, thick cock out of my pants. "Then show me. Show me how good a cocksucker you are." She slowly fell to her knees in front of me. And just like that, I was facefucking the wife of my new best friend. In fact, I could hear the band warming up and I could make out Mark's acoustic. He was tuning up his guitar while I was tuning up his hot, little cocksucking wife. I wrapped my fingers in her short blond hair and helped her along, forcing more and more of my cock into her mouth. "Wait! I want to confirm." I pulled my cock from her mouth and knelt down on one knee. "I want to know what your soaked pussy feels like." Finally, I slid my fingers into the waistband of her panties and headed down until my fingers parted the folds of her pussy. I slid three fingers inside her, three fingers that slid into her like butter. Indeed, she was very, very wet, piping hot and extraordinarily tight. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness now, and I could see there was some light seeping into the basement from the window well. Her eyes were shut tightly, her full lips open, as I fucked her with my fingers, crooking them so I banged her g-spot with each repetition. "You are a dirty, filthy bitch, aren't you, Katy?" I asked.

"I don't want to be..." She whimpered.

"But you can't help it. You can't stop the perverted thoughts that cloud your mind sometimes." I quickened my pace, and her pussy began squelching around my fingers.

"Sometimes. Sometimes I can't, daddy." I wasn't sure where that came from, but I was happy to play along. I doubled my pace.

"Daddy is going to help you, Katy. Daddy will clear your mind of your depraved thoughts." She jerked then, like I had stuck a taser up her tight, wet pussy and pulled the trigger. A moan started to escape from her throat, but it froze in mid flight. I felt a shower of her juices shoot around my fingers and pool in the palm my hand. "Good girl." I whispered. "That's daddy's good girl."

I pulled my fingers from her pussy and shoved them into her mouth.

"Suck them," I commanded. "Clean your juices off my fingers." And she did. She sucked and licked my fingers clean.

"I've never done that...I didn't know that I could do that." She said.

"Squirt?" I asked as I stood up. "I think we are going to discover a lot of things you didn't think you could do." I presented the head of my cock to her lips once again. "Suck me, Katy. Put your married lips around my cock and suck me until I cum. And when I do, you had best not miss a drop. Do you understand?"

"Yes...daddy." she replied as she opened her mouth for me. It only took me 5 strokes to pop her throat and sink they entire length down her gullet. It wasn't long after that I felt my balls tense up and unleash ropes of cum inside her sweet, married mouth. She missed none of it. Such a sweet sound when you hear a woman swallow your cum.

"Good girl." My legs were shaking, I tucked my cock away. "I noticed that when we walked over here, you were teasing me with your perfect ass. What should happen to little girls when they tease someone with their perfect little ass?" She had collapsed to the floor and was working on catching her breath.

"They should be their ass?" She asked.

"Yes, you're absolutely right." Then I added, "Should they be fucked in the ass slowly and gently?" She thought for a moment.

"I suppose not, daddy. I suppose they should have their ass raped...hard." I started walking to the stairs.

"The band will take another break in an hour. If I were you, I'd find some lube."


2020-07-01 15:24:22
Well done. Looking forward to the next part.


2020-07-01 13:25:30
by the way, in chapter 2, will Tom order Katy to french-kiss her husband during the next set, so he unwittingly tastes Tom's cum on his wife's tongue? that's real domination....LOVE YOUR STORY!!!


2020-06-29 20:19:34
fucking SEXY story!!!

I Ain't WriteReport 

2020-06-29 18:52:21
Grrrr. I hate finding small errors once I've combed through it several times. If anyone is interested in proofing my stories prior to posting I would be greatly appreciative. A pair of fresh eyes catches most everything. ;-) PM me.

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