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A sexy young college student and her boyfriend wake up in a nightmare of captivity and sexual subjugation. As Mladic takes the most precious thing Ashley has, will Brad find a way to endure the unthinkable?
Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted, Part 2

“Help us!” Ashley screamed. “Please help us!”

In a remote house far from prying eyes, with only the woods to serve as witness, a third-year college student lay bound, naked, spread-eagled, and face-up on a creaking bed frame while a muscular man continued to rape her. His cock lanced through her velvety softness, uncaring of her feelings, wants, or needs.

She knew only that this man’s name was ‘Mladic’, that he had the slightest of Eastern European accents, and that he looked as harsh as he was cruel. Now, with her boyfriend Brad tied to a chair beside the bed and forced to watch her rape, she had just heard movement at the top of the stairs. So stubborn and desperate was her need for hope, Ashley had cried out – never mind that the chances of it being a potential rescuer, as opposed to an accomplice or partner, was slim.

Ponderous footsteps, seemingly booted, echoed through the basement as they descended, growing ever closer. Ashley glanced over at her poor boyfriend. Judging from Brad’s bleak expression, whoever those footsteps belonged to, they were no rescuer.

Meanwhile, Mladic had clamped a hand over Ashley’s mouth, cutting off her cries.

“UH! UH!! You stupid cunt. You’ll pay for that little display of disobedience. I was going to break you in slowly, but I see that approach isn’t working. UH!!!” Ashley shivered as his cock plunged inside her for another deep thrust. His grunts were guttural and animal-like as he fucked her. He didn’t let up on the force or rhythm of his raping plunges even the tiniest bit as he spoke. “I’ll rape you in the ass next, bitch. That should teach you some manners.”

Ashley realized her mistake, how foolish she’d been to cry out – to piss off the one human being in the world right now who had complete control over her and Brad. Her whimper in response to Mladic’s threat sounded like a pathetic, stifled mewl with his hand still clamped over her mouth. She still couldn’t see the newcomer; Mladic’s massive, muscular torso and head blocked the stranger from view.

“What’s that, dearest Ashley? You want to beg for my forgiveness, is that it?” He punctuated the end of his last sentence by brutally filling her pussy once more. “Well I’m not interested in apologies or excuses right now. I told you that if you cooperated, things would go easier for you. Too bad you rejected my olive branch, cunt.” Mladic upped the tempo of his fucks, if that were even possible. He kept his hand firmly over the brunette’s mouth. Ashley had to desperately breathe through her nose, her heart racing, lungs heaving as the rape seemed to go on and on… practically forever. She squeezed her eyes shut. Tears leaked out. She wanted to be strong, but she couldn’t help it. She knew her beloved boyfriend was probably seeing this – seeing her crying, helpless figure fucked to oblivion – and she imagined that he was in a world of despair and guilt of his own given how helpless he was to even comfort her, let alone rescue her. In the midst of her rape, she flinched as she felt wetness along her cheek. Ashley realized that Mladic was licking the side of her face, actually licking her tears as he fucked her. Just when she thought her rape couldn’t possibly get more twisted, sadistic, or demeaning, it had.

“Ah, I see that you are enjoying your newest toys quite aggressively,” the stranger’s voice intruded. The newcomer’s voice was slightly higher in pitch than Mladic’s, but still deep. The voice had the tone of a cultured man. Perhaps an older man? Ashley couldn’t be sure. She was relieved, though, in a strange way, just to hear the newcomer’s voice. It distracted her from her own ordeal. If nothing else, she could at least concentrate all of her focus on this new voice. Was this other co-conspirator and kidnapper perhaps less brutal than Mladic? The more she could learn, the better her chances for survival – and escape.

“Yes! UH!!! UH!! Well, unlike you, I like to get full use out of my new slaves right away.”

The newcomer’s voice made a tsk-tsk sound that reminded Ashley of a wagging, reproving finger. Ashley imagined the man standing at the foot of the bed, watching Mladic’s cock drill between her spread legs, his buttocks muscles clenching up as he fucked. The fact that the man could so casually talk to Mladic even as he raped her was not a good sign.

“Just try not to go through this couple as fast as you went through the last one, yes?”

Last one??!! For a moment, Mladic’s raping shaft and the massive hand clamped over her mouth were the least of Ashley’s worries. Did that mean that… no, she didn’t even want to allow her mind to go there. She and Brad would find a way to escape, or…or convince this monster to let them go after he was done… done using them.

“I am planning to go out of town next week, and I do not want you disposing of the bodies without me, understood?”

Ashley’s heart plummeted through her chest. Her stomach roiled. Oh god… no, no, please no. Yet there was no interpreting or misinterpreting the stranger’s awful words. Ashley whimpered again through Mladic’s clamped hand; she couldn’t help it. She saw from the widened, terrified eyes of her boyfriend that Brad had caught every word too.

“Lev, I don’t think Ashley appreciates what you’re implying there. Do you have to be such a killjoy? You know how much I like my captives to harbor false hopes while I break them.” He stared down into her eyes now, his gaze boring through her skull. “Don’t listen to him, sweetheart. If you learn to cooperate and be a good girl, I’ll keep you and your boy-toy over there around as my permanent fuck-slaves. Cooperate, learn to enjoy life as a sex slave, and you get to LIVE as the grand prize. Aren’t I merciful?”

Ashley nodded her head as much as she could with his hand still pressed to her mouth. More tears slid down her cheeks.

“If I were you, I would not rely on his promises too much,” the cultured voice interrupted drily. “He has said the same to all of his other victims. All of them disappointed him, one way or another, in the end.” The cultured voice let loose with a dry chuckle. “Really, Alex, you should try not to be such a perfectionist.” Then he added, “You should also try practicing delayed gratification for once. It would do you some good. Life should be about the journey, not just the destination. You break them in far too quickly for my liking.”

Mladic replied with a wry grin as he turned to look over his shoulder.

“You have your ways, old man. I have mine. Speaking of which, are you having fun with that other bitch and her boyfriend upstairs?”

Ashley’s ears sharpened at that. Could he be referring to Sarah and Tim? There was a pause; Ashley couldn’t see it, but she got the distinct feeling that the older man was simply shrugging.

“I have them on a slow sizzle. They are hanging bound and naked, upside down. I am just spanking them for now. We will move on to more… rigorous play, later this evening.”

Mladic shook his head. “That’s all you’ve given them? Just a few love taps? Pfft. Whatever you say, old man. Enjoy yourself. But for right now leave me to MY enjoyments.”

“Fair enough. I will leave you a note about how long I plan to be gone, and instructions on what to do with my two new pets in my absence. Oh, and I also updated the grocery app. I will swing by the store later this evening. Be sure to add anything you want me to get for you by 7, if you decide you want something.”

Mladic nodded at the man, then turned his full, undivided attention back to his helpless rape victim. Ashley’s slender, pale body shook under the continued assaults as his body blanketed her, fucking her like a beast.

“Now…where were we?” he said, grunting. He finally removed his hand from her mouth. “You can thank me for fucking you with such a magnificent cock. Let’s hear some gratitude from you, cunt. If I don’t start hearing it SOON, I might get a little violent. You want to get smacked around?”

With deadened eyes, as the words sank in, Ashley numbly did as her captor ordered. Even as she continued to thrust her hips in time to his fucks, moving her pussy to meet his pulverizing strokes, she said what he wanted to hear.

“Please fuck me with… with your great cock, Master. I love… I love your cock fucking me so hard, Sir. Th-thank you, Sir.” She said it mechanically at first, but when she noticed his eyebrow quirk upward in a preview of the scowl she had already seen before, she quickly changed course. “Please fuck this slave’s pussy, Master! Your magnificent cock feels incredible inside me!” she cried, hoping her renewed enthusiasm would stave off any beating. It worked. The sexy girl’s cries and the squeaks of the bedframe now formed a complementary, twisted duet.

Even as Ashley obeyed her captor, she quailed at the nightmare she’d stepped into, all because she and Brad had made that fateful choice to attend the party. She had listened carefully to Lev, the older man. It shocked her to the core that these two rapists… and, if their words were to be believed, killers… were simply roommates of convenience who happened to share the same passion – kidnapping young couples, sexually abusing them, and worse…

In her history class, Ashley had been reading a book about the Holocaust and the ‘banality’ of evil. Perhaps the true ‘banality’ of evil was how it could simply hide in plain sight. These two men could do something as mundane as grocery shopping, and as people interacted with them no one would be the wiser about the monsters they truly were. These two men could go about their daily lives with impunity despite what they did behind closed doors. ‘Please someone save us,’ Ashley thought. ‘Please let a miracle happen.’ Ashley didn’t want to die, and she cared for Brad deeply; she’d begun thinking that the two of them might have a life together, that she was more than just head-over-heels in love with him – that he might be ‘the one’. To have all of that promise shattered so viciously, Ashley still couldn’t believe that the universe could be that cruel.

“Ahhhh! Fuck! I’m close,” Mladic growled.

Now she felt a new urgency to Mladic’s thrusts. His straining manhood stretched her passage, slamming into her with renewed eagerness. The jangling squeaks from the bedsprings were even louder now as he fucked her. A flash of realization abruptly distracted her though. As silly and ridiculous as it was given the larger concerns and fears looming in her head, she thought it anyway.

I’m not on the pill. Please don’t come inside me.

Before she could censor herself, though, she realized that she hadn’t just thought those words. She was already speaking them.

“I’m not on the pill. Please don’t come inside me.”

“You think I fucking CARE, whore?” He turned to look at Brad, who miserably looked on. But now Mladic smirked, seeing Brad’s cock still ramrod straight and aroused between his legs. “Your boyfriend is STILL enjoying the show, girl. As for impregnating you, I admire your optimism. You think that if I knock you up, that I will let you live long enough to give birth? Hmm. I suppose you’re supremely confident that you can learn to be a proper sex slave and please me then, eh? Well, we shall SEE.” As he said those words, the brutal young man plunged into her with five rapid strokes.

“No! Please Master, don’t!” Ashley whimpered. But it was already too late. She felt his fifth stroke plunge deep inside her wet warmth. He seized up, his muscles turning rigid as the precious sperm housed in those swelling testicles of his now spewed into her cunt, defiling her, filling her, seeking and finding her exposed womb. His cock twitched again and again. It might as well have been a hundred spasms as far as Ashley was concerned. She felt her pussy completely filled with his muck, his defiling goo, his sticky man-juice claiming her permanently as his, ruining the beauty and intimacy of what she and Brad once shared.

Now, his breathing slowly returning to normal, Ashley’s sated rapist slid out of her and stood up. Mladic admired his handiwork. His gaze now fastened onto the dollops of off-white jism oozing out of her raped snatch. It was like watching tiny liquid pearls dribbling onto the sheets. Glistening ribbons also clung to the edges of the girl’s cunt. It seemed to Mladic that the aftermath of rape could be so beautiful, even touching.

“Mmm. Now that’s what I call a pretty cream pie.” Mladic turned to Brad. The boyfriend’s eyes were red-rimmed with tears. “Do you like pie, Brad?” The cruel double entendre immediately captured Brad’s attention. His eyes widened.

“No, you sick freak… I’m not… I won’t DO that!”

“Haven’t we already been over this?” Mladic said darkly. “I thought you learned your lesson the first time. Who has the power here, pencil-dick? Hmm?” He picked up the handgun once more. Then he approached Brad, stepping up onto the stool. His semi-firm cock swayed right in front of Brad’s outraged face.

“Tell you what, though. I am feeling a little generous at the moment. What can I say, raping your girlfriend has put me in a good mood. Now here’s the deal, I’ll give you a choice. You can either lick off your girlfriend’s cunt nectar from my shaft and suck me off again, OR you can get that mouth pressed against your girlfriend’s raped pussy, suck out my cum, and give her the oral pleasure your poor, raped bitch so desperately needs. Which will it be?”

Ashley hated seeing the way Mladic demeaned the man she loved. She hated the look of anguish on Brad’s face as he was given an ultimatum which was really no choice at all. Worse still, a tiny, almost microscopic part of her had a preference, intimately wanting what this awful man was offering to make Brad do.

Please Brad, lick my pussy. Please suck out all of his nasty cum. Please. Those strange, unbidden words floated up in her mind, perhaps from a primal feminine instinct Ashley didn’t even know existed within her until now. Ashley’s cheeks flamed red with shame. She awaited Brad’s answer.


To Be Continued…


I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of the new Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted series. Please comment, or, if you’d like, suggest where you would like the story to go - I love taking reader feedback and using it in my stories. Remember, this is a work of fiction, and all characters depicted are 18 years of age or older. As I always like to remind people, never be ashamed to indulge your darkest fantasies in a safe (fictional) space. It’s the healthiest thing a person can do.




2020-07-25 03:52:33
So good. More of these are the answers


2020-07-04 15:16:43
Hot as hell. Can't wait to see where it goes.

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