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Trouble with Triot
Sam was still smiling when he felt Queen Triada's thoughts. {Are you well? We felt a great evil advancing upon the planet. Though, it seems that you reacted far faster than any of the triad could.

Surprised Sam replied, {I'd have thought you faster with as many of the minds that you have making up the triad.} Sam replied still wondering what in the hell Triot was up to.

Queen Triada shook her head, {we have to gather before we act. We had detected Triot approaching, were almost ready when you struck out.}

Sam nodded that he understood though again he felt a little foolish, knowing that the queen couldn't see him.

Sam walked out heading toward where his parents were. A smile slowly crept to his lips as he could feel their power far higher than he thought they would be.

He was about to speak when an older male with black and white hair appeared. Next to him was a slightly younger female with read hair. Shaking his head he tried to remember the male's name, forget the female, as he'd never seen her before.

Slowly approaching the two new people, Sam stopped the male a moment. "I apologize, I know you though, I can't seem to recall your name."

The male smiled as he shook Sam's hand. "You were rather out it when me met, I am Rycon, Raydy's father. This gorgeous creature," he said indicating the red haired female, "is Natita my mate."

Almost as if called, Raydy appeared looking at the three of them. "Are you feeling better mother?" She asked.

Natita looked into Raydy's eyes a moment then smiled. "How could I forget my baby girl?" This led to a lot of hugging and kissing that Sam quietly excused his self from.

He'd turned toward his parents again when there was a soft tap on his shoulder. "I did as you asked. At first nothing happened then it felt as if something was flowing from me into him."

Sam turned with a smile then nodded to Thantas, "you will have to use it as often as you can when your power comes back up."

"I wanted to ask," she started pointing to Rycon, "he is..."

"Yes, I saw the damage, I also saw the new tissue. You did a good job even with the little you did, you have saved him, gave him more time. I'll finish, you did very good."

Thantas could only stare at Sam with her mouth open, could he read minds too?

Sam smiled at her then walked back to Rycon. "I think, that it's time you no longer had the threat of death around your neck." When Rycon put his hand to his neck Sam had to explain that it was a saying on Earth where he had grown up.

"I have heard the others speak of your extraordinary healing abilities. I also heard that it weakens you significantly, I don't want you weak if we are attacked again." Rycon said.

"I recover far faster than you might believe," Sam said. "Besides with as much as she managed to do, this will be easier for me.

Rycon nodded as Sam placed a hand on his chest, within a short time, Sam then removed his hand nodding to Rycon. "There, I can no longer detect anymore damage."

Rycon and his mate, could only stare at Sam, Rycon took a deep breath amazed there was no pain at all. Triann, approached a moment later running a small black box over Rycon's chest. A huge smile came to her lips as she nodded.

"You are clear of all damage, all the tissue is healthy with no ill effects left." Triann said. She then turned to Sam running the box over him. "It appears that you are nowhere as weak as you were when

you healed Tynco. I'd say that your body has finally started to adapt, your healing far stronger than it was."

Triann was about to turn when Sam, grasped her wrist. Triann's mouth dropped open as she felt several things that were wrong with her self, start to right them selves.

"I'm sorry mother, I wasn't complete with your healing. Perhaps now you feel more like your self?" Sam said a small smile on his face.

"How? I have never heard of an Osmosis healer being able to achieve this!" Triann said her eyes wide in surprise. Taking out her small medical apparatus, Triann's mouth dropped even further open. "All the damage, down to the micro cellular level, is gone." She turned back to Sam shock and surprise on her face.

"Like I explained to Thantas, I want to help as much as I can. I suppose that my desire for that has helped." Sam told her.

Sam's father walked up at that point concerned for Triann. "My dear are you well?" After she explained to him what Sam had done, a broad smile broke out on his face.

"So, it appears that you have far more control than any thought you would." Fino said. Then was in shock when he felt a stirring in his body as soon as Sam touched his shoulder.

Again, Triann was passing her medical handheld, this time over her mate. Her mouth still open as she dropped her device grabbing her mate in a tight hug.

"I hadn't thought it possible, all anomalies within both of us are gone. All the genetic errors that I had been trying to correct are as they should be." Triann said. They both turned to stare at Sam for a moment their faces held shock then large smiles.

Well, large smiles til, they both started to float slightly off the ground. Fino looked at Triann then back to Sam. "So this was your plan? To accelerate us so, we would be ready far faster. Impressive, though as I told you before, we haven't had a body for a long time, we still need the time to reacquaint."

"I realized that when I did this, though you might consider, I did more than just accelerate your bodies." Sam replied.

Fino's eyes got even wider when he felt inside. "It's... by the whole of our race! I fell as if I almost never lost my body." Turning back to Sam, Fino nodded his understanding. "Though I know we won't be fully powered, we will be further along than the enemy expects. We may not win at our present levels, we won't go down easily at all. I commend you son, very good."

Sam was nodding his agreement, "so far, I have only advanced you, mother and Rycon. Rycon's mate is still recovering so will have to wait. I am almost finished with Tynco, though I need to do more to his mate Cyan."

Like she'd been called, Cyan appeared with her daughter Mellos. A small smile touched Sam's lips as they approached.

"So I take it you are adjusting well?" Sam asked Mellos. With a slight nod Mellos was about to speak when Sam slyly grasp Cyan's hand. "I am glad that I was able to at least bring back, some of our people."

"It is a great day indeed, that plus to have my mate cured of the malady that was afflicting him. I was..." Cyan started then her mouth dropped open. "What...what is happening?! I feel strange." She turned her attention to Sam, is this your doing?" Sam was nodding as Mellos had to grasp her mother, who was starting to levitate off the ground.

"I am afraid that I had to accelerate all of you, I want all of you safe when I am gone, I..." Sam was saying, then his head snapped around to stare at a section of the sky. "Shit," Sam was mumbling under his breath. "I don't know who they are, they feel a hell of a lot stronger than the ones I fought before, no less than two."

A movement next to him, had him turning to see Thantas rapidly approaching. So he thought, I'm not the only one to notice, the look of concern on Thantas face apparent.

"This isn't good, not good at all. Their still a ways off, though coming this way fast." Thantas said the concern growing deeper on her face with each moment that passed.

"You know who or what they are?" Sam asked. "They are strong though not as high as I am now." This he said almost unconcerned.

"Yes," Thantas hissed. "They are Tetricon Elite, they have the same amount of power as those that captured me. Though I am far stronger than I was, I am still no where as strong as them." Here, Thantas turned her eyes toward Sam, "nor as well as you apparently."

Sam could only nod at Thantas as he was already in deep thought. A moment later er words hit him. His head snapped toward her. "We could work on that," Sam said as he punched Thantas in the arm knocking her back a few feet.

Thantas's mouth was open as she looked at her almost useless arm. "What was that for Sam? I thought..." Thantas started then her mouth dropped further open while Sam healed her. Sam stood back watching Thantas shook her arm, then her eyes flew open when she felt her power creep up a bit. "I...I don't understand how?"

"I learned some time ago, each time I have to expand energy to use my abilities, the stronger they tend to return. Getting beaten somewhat, also tends to increase them. I'm not sure how, also, getting beaten by one of us Osmosis healers also increases it. For you I think you got a double dose from me and you." Sam tried to explain.

Thantas could only nod in shock as her power was still creeping higher. "I think we need to deal with the present problem." When Sam looked at her she said, "Triot, that one seems to have lost most of his rational thought."

Sam's smirk almost had Thantas laughing, though the whole situation kept her serious. "From most of the shit that I have seen, I'm not sure if that is an improvement or not. He already seemed to be quite a bit unbalanced."

Thantas nodded a moment then continued, "be that as it may, he is the one factor in this that is a total unknown. I believe that we should go after him."

"We?" Sam said, "You are still recovering, not sure if, even with the higher levels, you could do much."

Sam was suddenly knocked off his feet when Thantas punched his arm. "You want to restate that?" Thantas said with a sly smile.

Sam picked his self up looking closer at Thantas, "Hmmm, I just might after all. You are almost as strong any one of them, though not near my nor these elite's level yet. I am afraid that the seven might overwhelm you, forget about Triot. I'd rather you stay here, watch out for them. They aren't weak though, I am afraid they might not hold up that long."

Thantas eyes narrowed as she stared at Sam, "I don't think you want to try and keep me here. I was a warrior for our people I am not about to stay here while others do what I was trained for."

Sam let out a sigh, he could see that there was no stopping her, this was about a lot more than just pride. "If I let you go." Sam started.

Thantas shook her head, "WHEN we go." She interrupted.

"Ok, when we go, I want you to help only. Don't try to take on Triot alone, I feel he'd easily overwhelm you." Sam told her.

Thantas growled slightly though did nod her head. "I might surprise you," Thantas said smugly.

Sam could only hake his head, this might get him killed in the long run. For some strange reason he felt that he had to protect her at all costs.

"I have one more thing to do then we can go. We only have a short time to finish this, at their present speed, they should be here in less than two days." Here Sam looked at the section of the sky he felt the elites in.

Walking to Mellos and Cyan, Sam saw that Tynco's eyes were wide as he watched his mate levitate then set down gently. "I find it astounding that she is as far as she is." Tynco said as Sam grew neared.

Sam grasp Tynco's hand to shake it. "I hope that no one is angry, I want all of you to have a chance if some of them come for all of you."

Tynco was nodding as he shook Sam's hand, then his eyes went wide as he also started to levitate. "What!? How? I have not had abilities for almost my total life. I had thought them forever dispatched."

"It appears that Sam, is the strongest Osmosis Healer ever seen." Triann said as she ran her medical hand held over Tynco. "As it was with the rest of us, you are now healed to the micro cellular level, we all are."

Tynco could only stare at Sam, Triann then finally his mate and daughter. "Strange," he said, "I do not feel like I have been a, disembodied mind." Concentrating, he slowly settled to the ground.

"It should grow easier with time, how much I am not sure. Thantas and I are going after Triot, though I don't think she should." Turning he addressed his parents, "I will do all in my power for the both of us to return."

They both nodded as Sam nodded to Thantas then they both rocketed skyward.

She still has incomplete memories of us and Sam, came Triann's thoughts to Fino.

I fear that she may never recover them. She and the children of the project, are the only true ones of our race left. Returned the thoughts of Fino.

I thank the creator that she regained as much as she did. I just hope that the rest of them don't cripple her mentally. Triann's thoughts said.

I believe that she is far stronger than we give her credit. I am hoping that when they come back to her, it helps strengthen the both of them. Fino's thoughts replied.

Sam had to go far slower for Thantas to keep up. She was fast though, no where the speed he had, though he thought when did I get this fast? Sam pointed ahead of them, then watched as a portal opened. He looked back to Thantas as he started forward. Nodding she was very close behind him both of them vanishing into the portal.

It was almost half an hour later that they both emerged, near the extreme edge of the IP home world's system. Sam looked around then extended his senses out hunting for Triot. A wry smile came to his lips as he looked at Thantas. I wish I could talk to her he thought.

I can hear your thoughts Sam, what's wrong? Came Thantas thoughts.

Triot is far stronger than I thought, I feel he will come after you first. You are no where as strong as he is, try to stay back. Sam's thoughts said.

I know how to fight Sam, I was doing it far longer than you, long before you were cre... Oh! What is going on? Strange thoughts and visions! I am feeling that you are very important to me Sam. Came Thantas's thoughts.

To his horror, Sam watched as Thantas curled into a ball, a look of extreme pain on her face. Sam felt him before he appeared, catching Triot with a powerful fist to his face. Triot careened off the hit, heading toward the moon he'd been hiding on.

The impact on the moon from Triot's body, created a very large crater. Triot shook his head, scowled, then launched his self off the surface as hard as he could.

Sam smirked as he recognized the move Triot was doing. Well, he thought he had, Triot vanished appearing behind Sam. Putting all he had into it his fist met the back of Sam's head.

Sam was stunned as he was propelled toward the surface of the moon Triot had launched from. The whole time he could hear Triot's laugh in his mind.

You might have beaten me before, no longer. I was a warrior for my people long before you were around. You have no chance to beat a true warrior of the Tetricons! Triot's thoughts seemed to shout in Sam's mind.

Sam's anger rose a moment then he spun around meeting Triot's face with his fist in seconds. Unfortunately Triot had thrust his own hand out meeting Sam in the middle of his chest. Both males were propelled back stunned ,that the other had gotten a hand on them.

Triot smiled as he watched Sam flying away from him. Starting to spin, an evil smile came to his now bleeding lips. Triot was about to launch his self into Sam, when something hit with such force that he could swear that his back broke.

Unable to move, he saw an unconscious Thantas floating nearby. Try as he might, he couldn't get his body to respond, what had that bitch done to him? Triot felt a presence near him, sneering at Sam he thought, so the noble has fallen to our level you must be proud.

You forget, I was raised on a primitive world. Unlike the rest of the Cliverstone race, I have no problem destroying you. Came Sam's thoughts.

Sam, smashed his fist into Triot's scared face, as hard as he could, watching Triot's eyes close. Floating to Thantas Sam put his good hand on her shoulder. Damn it he thought, she'd used all of her power AND life fore to stop him. Sam gave her all that he could feeling her slowly pull back from the abyss.

Sam pulled both Thantas and Triot's body to the moon, sitting between them, he felt his eyes want to close. Fighting it, he was afraid that as close as they were to the IP system, the IP might investigate.

On the IP home world, the Lord Doctor had indeed been watching. He'd watched as the male Cliverstone and Triot had fought. A thin smile on his lips 'til he saw the spinning drill move that Triot started. Then a shocked, worried look replaced the smile, when the female delivered a crippling move to Triot.

The Lord Doctor was about to dispatch a section of the IP then decided against it. As powerful as the two full Cliverstones appeared to be, they'd decimate the IP. No, it was better to await the arrival of the two elites. He could feel them rapidly approaching, they should be able to destroy the Cliverstones before any more appeared.

The Doctor reached to the wall in front of him with two of his black tentacle like appendages. A panel slid up in front of him. A screen appeared with an image that appeared similar to the black arachnoid face of the Doctor.

"Working," the image stated.

"Given the present strengths of the two Cliverstones that defeated Triot, will the two elites be able to defeat them?" The Doctor asked.

"Correlating all data. This will require some time. New parameters added will shorten the time required." The image said.

"Get this done, your answer will help lead, to the defeat of them." The Doctor said.

"Yes Lord Doctor, I also did the scans that you requested. I am detecting ten full Cliverstones within Queen Triada's Triad. After as detailed scan as could be used, it was determined though they are full Cliverstones only two have nearly all full power." The image said. "Two others are rapidly approaching seventy five percent. The rest are at varies stages, as of now the only ones that pose any threat are Sam and the female with him."

The Doctor again shook his arachnoid like head. Everything was starting to fall apart in rapid succession. Touching another section of the wall an image of the melded seven appeared.

"The Cliverstones appear to have been weakened by their battle with Triot, on the farthest moon of this system. Now, might be the best time to finish them off before, they can restrengthen. Also, if you have the chance, destroy that unbalanced Triot. It appears that the female has rendered him to a broken, useless state." The Doctor said.

"It will be done Lord Doctor, we will destroy all there." The seven said.

"Beware the male he is not like the others of his race. He is the first Cliverstone I have ever seen that, will act first. He also has no sentiment about causing death and destruction." The Doctor said.

A surprised look came to the image, "this is indeed unheard of. The one time we have met him , his power was comparable to ours and yours."

The Doctor was nodding as he watched the seven lift then vanish through the ceiling. As bad as they were apart, melded, they were almost tolerable to the Doctor. Turning back to the computer screen he looked over all the data so far. Touching several spots on the wall the Doctor waited.

"Now working Lord Doctor," the image of an arachnoid head said. "Now doing a comparison of the present Triad strength. This will require a few time units." The screen went blank as a slight hum came from the wall.

The Doctor nodded as he sat, consuming a nutrient pack.

Only twenty time units had passed when the image reappeared. "Comparison complete, Lord Doctor. It appears that Queen Triada's, plus the one in the seventh councilor's region are at full strength. The other, though not at full strength has acquired a substantial amount of gathered minds, more than a quick assualt could defeat."

The Doctor nodded well he thought it was worth checking.

Out at the extreme edge of the IP system, Sam was still fighting tio remain conscious though it was starting to rapidly dissipate. Sam's head snapped upward as he felt the approach of a strong amount of power.

With a weary sigh, Sam reached inside finding what power he could, he then stretched his hands skyward. All over ther sky a slight shimmering appeared. Hope that's enough for me to recover, Sam thought. Sitting back he could only wait as he felt it grow closer.


2020-09-20 22:40:03
Once again I love n really enjoyed your story. Keep up the great work.


2020-07-07 02:24:38
the story series called Sam, is very well written, and I enjoyed reading it very much. I am looking forward to reading more episodes of this series. Please do not keep a fan waiting too long.

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