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Tim Williams story of love, lust, success and despair. Thank you for the

wonderful feedback thus far.

Michelle met with the contractor several times during the first two weeks of the year. She then went to an industrial kitchen equipment supplier to start trying to put a restaurant kitchen together. She started with three commercial gas ranges and one commercial deep fryer. Then looked at gas ovens and several commercial microwaves. She then looked at two fifteen by fifteen foot walk in coolers and several industrial dishwashers. As the two of us brainstormed the opening of the restaurant at night on the sofa, these numbers were really adding up. We had not even scratched the surface and we had accounted for two hundred thousand dollars.

About a month later, the contractor came in with a price of one hundred and forty thousand dollars to renovate the inside of the building. This included the portioning and erection of the kitchen, small office, the dining area, two employee restrooms and two large customer restrooms. All new sheetrock, paint, hardwood floors, lighting, electrical and plumbing with fixtures.

The extra kitchen equipment came to seventy-four thousand dollars with room to expand the kitchen as business grew. The kitchen was four thousand square feet with the rest of the building dedicated to the customers.

We then went online to find dining tables and chairs, dishes and silverware. Then Michelle met a graphic designer for the menu and restaurant logo. Michelle still had to secure knives, spoons, and smaller kitchen utensils as well.

As Michelle and I sat down to put the numbers together we realized that to get this thing started properly we were looking at around four hundred seventy five thousand dollars. We had to hire staff and have at least two months wages in reserve to pay them. Then the first food order was going to be huge. I could financially swing this, but I was going to be cutting it close.

I was in my office mid-week still staring at the notepad in front of me when Mary Stein popped into my office.

“How’s my money man ?”, Mary laughed.

“Mary, please come in. It’s so good to see you.”, I replied.

Mary walked in carrying a purse and an old leather briefcase. She sat down on one of the chairs facing my desk crossing her legs. She mentioned she had been upstairs to talk to Richard Butler about a matter and wanted to say hello before she left the building.

“Any progress on the restaurant ?, she asked.

“We have secured most of the cost to start it up. Came to a little more than I thought but we should start construction on the building in about two months.”, I replied.

“That’s exactly why I’m here. I just had a talk with Richard and I finally got through unpacking and throwing away stuff from the house that I took with me. Anyway, this was in my closet at the old house. I never even knew it was there, it was buried under a few blankets. I finally opened it about a month ago and I was shocked.”, she said, putting in on my desk.

“More paper work I have to deal with ?”, I replied, turning the case around and opening it.

As I raised the cover of the case, I simply couldn’t believe what was there. The entire case was overflowing with money. Stacks of one hundred dollar bills, twenty dollar bills and fifties all secured by rubber bands.

“Holy crap.”, I laughed.

“Tell me about it.”, Mary replied.

“Do you have any idea how much money is here ?”, I asked.

“Nope and I don’t care. Use that to help with the restaurant. I already bought my lawn care guy a brand-new truck and trailer with new lawn equipment. I have a maintenance guy who does odd jobs for me at my new job, I just bought him a truck and tools. I can’t deposit that much money because it will draw attention to me that I don’t need. You take that and pay cash for as much of the restaurant as you can.”, she stated.

“Mary, I can’t accept this…… you have already done too much for me as it is.”, I protested.

“Well, then you give it away, go to Vegas….whatever.”, she stated, walking out.

I know I sat there just staring at the money in that briefcase. I was never comfortable with people helping me, I was always proud that I managed on my own. I closed the briefcase and set in under my desk to the left of my legs. I quickly called upstairs to Richard Butler. Apparently, he was waiting for my call.

“Let me guess Tim, you refused the money.” Richard laughed.

“Yes, I did. But she walked out and told me to give it away if I don’t want it.”, I answered.

“Tim, don’t be a fool, take the money. She will die leaving millions to charity. Open your restaurant, give your lady her dream.”, he replied.

I went home that evening carrying more money than anyone could dream of having in their vehicle at one time. I went inside and went into the office where I always put my briefcase, pens, business card holder, wallet and watch. I also set the briefcase that Mary Stein had left with me on the desk as well. Michelle wasn’t home yet she had mentioned that she wanted to look at the design for the plates she thought of having made for the restaurant. I went to the master bedroom, changed into shorts and a t-shirt then went back to the living room. About thirty minutes later I heard the front door open and close. Michelle walked into the living room and over to where I was sitting, leaning over and passionately kissing me. This was a ritual with Michelle. Every time she kissed me, I knew it was real.

“Hey baby, how was your day ?”, she asked, heading to the kitchen.

“I know really don’t know how to answer that…..”, I replied.

She came back into the room with a glass of iced tea with a strange look on her face. She sat down next to me and grabbed my hand, something she always did as well.

“You don’t have an answer ?”, Michelle giggled.

“Not in my wildest dreams could I come up with an answer……”, I responded.

“You fucked my sister at work.”, Michelle giggled.

“Uh no….. better.”, I laughed.

“Hmmmmmm…… you got a raise ?”, she asked.

“Nope.”, I replied.

“Well fuck….. just tell me then.”, she giggled.

“Wait right here.”, I urged.

I got up and walked to the office, up to the desk and grabbed the briefcase then walking back into the living room. I walked around the sofa and sat next to her placing the case on the ottoman in front of her. I sat back and looked at her.

“What is this ?”, she asked.

“Open it.”, I quickly answered.

Michelle looked at me strangely then leaned over slightly towards the case. It took her a few seconds to negotiate the two locking mechanisms on the case, but she finally opened it. She lifted the top of the case and her reaction was much like mine only hours before.

“What the fuck ?”, she screamed.

“I know.”, I answered.

“Where did you get this…… how….holy fuck.”, she babbled.

“This is a gift from Mary.”, I replied.

“Tim, this is insane…… she already gave you a building. Now this ?”, she shouted.

“I know Michelle but she told me use or give it away ?”, I stated.

“How much is here ?”, Michelle Asked.

“I don’t know, never counted it……. I don’t think she did either. Her husband buried the case in her closet for reasons I became aware of during the meetings.”, I said.

“So what do we do ?”, Michelle giggled.

“First thing you better do is count it. After that, we pay cash for everything for the restaurant. If I deposit this kind of money in the bank, red flags go up.”, I warned.

Michelle reached into the case and began taking out stacks of money placing them all over the ottoman. It is hard to fathom that someone could make such a vast sum of money and then just put who knows what in a brief case in a closet. But after all, when your net worth is close to one hundred sixty million dollars what’s few thousand here and there ?

It took Michelle and I, close to four hours and two legal sheets to count the money. We pulled every bundle apart and recounted it. At the end, the tally came to six hundred eighty thousand dollars. We decided to pay cash for everything for the restaurant if the vendor agreed. What I could not pay cash for, I would write a check then slowly put the cash back in later.

I did however want to give Richard Butler, Jeremy Land and Carlos Reyes a gift for taking a chance on me. I grabbed ten thousand dollars from the case and put it in my regular briefcase. The next morning, I went to the bank next door to the firm and obtained a safety deposit box. I emptied the rest of the money in the box and went to work.

Michelle talked to the contractor and he agreed to take his payment in cash. The industrial kitchen supplier agreed to the same as long as we paid the taxes, which was not a problem. A few weeks later construction began on the restaurant as planned.

On my twenty ninth year on earth, it just seemed everything had come together for me. I was in love with a beautiful girl, owned a nice home, had a great job, money in the bank and was on the verge of launching a new restaurant.

Of course, our life together lately had become more of a hit and miss meeting type thing. I worked all day and sometimes Michelle was out until late at night finalizing things for the restaurant. She would then come home and we would sit at the kitchen counter assembling a menu and design ideas for the restaurant.

Michelle had designed all our plates, serving trays and platters with cartoon images of crawfish, shrimp, crab and alligators. Michelle decided to call the restaurant Mon Armour which was Cajun French for My Love. We had regular glassware for drinks, but she also ordered the mason jar glasses for the iced tea she planned on serving.

On November the second, I was standing in the completed restaurant with Michelle, Stan and Beverly Woods, Robin Woods and a few other relatives of Michelle’s. The contractor had done a great job on the remodel. We had sixty-four tables in all that could sit four people each. The guest bathrooms were incredible better than most restaurants, I had been in. On last minute decision, the way the tables were laid on we wound up with a hallway type space to the right on the entrance. Michelle decided to install custom made cushioned benches so people who were waiting for a table could be comfortable. All in all, we figured at least thirty people could sit comfortably. Then she had six benches install outside, three on wall that could hold at least twelve more people.

Michelle had hired three short order cooks, one fryer and two trainees for the kitchen. In addition, she had hired a hostess and eight waitresses. Michelle decided to start working four waitresses per night and adjust when necessary. She decided to just start serving dinner only. She would open at twelve o’clock noon and beginning serving at three o’clock until ten that night.

Michelle opened the restaurant on a Friday night with family, friends and employees of Butler Land and Reyes in attendance. At seven o’clock, the tables were few to be seen with everyone scurrying around waiting on tables. I sat at one of the tables with Stan and Beverly Woods watching their younger child interact with the customers. There was no doubt Michelle Woods was doing what she loved, the sparkle in her eye gave her away.

She arrived home that Friday night about eleven thirty that night. I was already in bed when she came in and headed straight to the shower. She got out about ten minutes later wrapped in a white towel. She walked to the side of the bed and dropped the towel to the floor revealing her gorgeous body. She climbed in bed and gently laid on body on top of mine her face inches from mine.

“Tim, I don’t know how or why I am here today other than pure fate. I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you with Robin. You are the kindest, most loving and caring man I know. You believed in me and you made every dream that I had come true. You have never asked me for a thing, but you have given me everything. I will always love you, Tim. No matter what.”, she said softly.

“I love you too, Michelle. I want you to be happy.”, I replied.

She moved down my body quickly and took my cock into her warm mouth. In just over a minute, she had me erect and throbbing in her wet mouth. She moved back up and straddled me inserting my hard shaft into her wet opening. She leaned slightly forward moving back and forth on me slowly. Michelle had a way of looking at you during sex which was indescribable. It looked as if she had surrendered herself to your every wish.

“I feel so good when you’re inside me baby.”, she moaned.

I reached up and pulled her towards me pressing my lips against hers. I drove my tongue into her mouth eagerly seeking hers. She responded passionately as always, her body moving just a bit faster. She pulled her tongue from my mouth and mumbled quickly.

“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum.”, she said, still kissing me.

“Go ahead baby, cum on that hard dick.”, I encouraged.

“Oh fuck………, she screamed, her body shaking above mine.

I wrapped my arms around her and plunged my tongue back into her mouth as her orgasm overtook her. It took a good ten seconds before she completely relaxed still kissing me passionately.

“Fuck baby, that was good.”, she said, licking my lips with her tongue.

She rolled to my left and fell on her back to the mattress. I sat up and moved between her legs gently pushing them apart to reveal her glistening pussy. I move up and place the head of my cock between her lips and pushed in. She was absolutely soaked from her recent orgasm. I began to move in and out of her, feeling her wet walls caress my erect shaft. Several minutes later, I pulled out of her and stroked my cock spewing hot cum all over her chest and stomach. Thirty minutes later, I was between Michelle legs again eating her pussy once again.

Another year was coming to an end, it would be the last for Michelle and I before turning thirty. In just over a month, Mon Armor had drawn quite the following. So much so that Michelle decided to start serving both lunch and dinner. The restaurant new hours were ten o’clock in the morning until ten o’clock at night, Tuesday through Sunday. She decided to close on Mondays and give everyone a break.

The new hours would take effect January second of the coming year. Christmas was around the corner and with opening the restaurant, my job and all the excitement, I still had not bought a thing for Michelle. I was sitting in my office that afternoon w then I decided to go for broke.

I stopped at Debeer’s Jewelers in town and met with one of the managers. An hour later, I walked out with a two carat Oval Halo Trapezoid Diamond Ring in a platinum setting. This had been the best year of my life so why not end it by asking Michelle to marry me.

She had closed the restaurant Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day so the employees could be with their families. I decided that I would ask her to marry me at her parent’s Christmas Eve party. The following day after work, I stopped by Sak’s Fifth Avenue to get Michelle a new dress for the party. You had to look your best when someone proposed to you. I met the sales lady and she showed me several dress before I saw the perfect one. It was a Herve Ledger Icon V Neck Mini Dress. I bought a pair of Jimmy Choo Sacora Peep Toe Lace Trimmed Pumps in red to match. After a dozen pair of lace boy shorts and six high cut lace panties and I was done. I went home and hide the dress and shoes in the laundry room closet that we never used. I reached behind some shoe boxes in my closet and placed the ring on the shelve behind them.

Our annual Christmas Party at the firm went well and I was hoping Michelle could attend but the restaurant was doing so well. She had three quarter capacity from twelve noon until about eight thirty at night. She was doing great and word was spreading like wildfire about the new place to eat in town. The waitresses were doing well with tips and Michelle was considering hiring a manager so she could concentrate on the kitchen.

I let Michelle sleep in late that Saturday morning, Christmas Eve so she could catch up on her rest. She came into the kitchen about nine thirty and poured herself a cup of coffee. She came around the bar and kissed me then sat on the stool next to me.

“I was really tired last night…. I slept like a log.”, she sighed.

“Did you forget your parent’s party is tonight ?”, I asked.

“Fuck, yes I did. Do you really want to go ?”, she asked.

“Up to you beautiful, doesn’t matter to me. Although there is one drawback to not going.”, I replied.

“What’s that ?”, she asked, taking a sip from her mug.

“Well, every year when your sister kisses me for Christmas, I get some tongue.”, I answered.

Michelle spit coffee on all the kitchen counter and down the front of her t-shirt. She was choking and laughing trying to recompose herself.

“Oh, I’ll get you for that one.”, she giggled, cleaning up with a kitchen towel.

We went to the grocery store and picked up a few things, Michelle wanted to try a new recipe that she found online. We got back, put everything away then I laid on the sofa and watched television while Michelle cooked. She made a blackeye pea soup with slices of hot sausage that had been cooked separately, drained then dumped in the soup. It was a little hot but very good.

I took a shower about five o’clock and starting dressing for the party as Michelle walked in. She went to the shower and got in, giving me the opportunity to go to the laundry room and get her new clothes. I came back in and laid everything on the bed.

Just about that time Michelle came out of the shower and noticed the Sak’s zippered garment bag on the bed. She looked and me and smiled walking over to the bed.

“What’s this ?”, she asked, pointing to the garment bag.

“It’s for you to wear tonight.”, I replied.

She slowly unzipped the bag carefully taking the dress out and holding it up. She placed it against her body and turned to the mirror that was on the dresser.

“I love the color…. Thank you so much baby.”, she answered.

“Uh, you have shoes there too.”, I mentioned.

She walked back to the bed then set the dress down carefully, she lifted the top of the shoe box and pulled one of the shoes out holding it against the dress.

“Baby, you have great taste.”, she giggled.

I decided to just wear a pair of dress slacks and a pullover shirt instead of a suit. I was putting on my loafers when Michelle went to the front of the house. I hurried to the closet and retrieved the ring from behind the shoe boxes and slipped it in the pocket of my leather jacket. As I was locking the front door to leave, I could not get over how beautiful Michelle looked.

We got to Stan and Beverly’s home about seventy forty five but had to park about a block down the street. We walked down the street hand in hand with Michelle having no idea about what I had in store for later tonight. As we walked up the path to the front door, I noticed that Robin’s car was already here. We entered through the front door and slowly made our way through the house greeting people.

As we were about to walk out into the rear yard, Beverly Woods came into the house through that door. She hugged Michelle and me quickly then pulled us to the side.

“Michelle, please don’t get into it with Robin tonight, she is very upset.”, Beverly warned.

“Mom, I don’t ever plan on fighting with Robin ever again. I have nothing to fight with her about. Why is she upset ?”, Michelle asked.

“Jeff went back to Ohio to try again with his ex-wife. Robin is devastated to say the least.”, Beverly.

“Mom, that’s been going on since the two of them were in high school. They both made a career of breaking up. Why did either of them think this would be different ?”, Michelle replied.

“Just please be nice….”, Beverly responded, heading to the kitchen.

Michelle just shrugged her shoulders, grabbed my hand and led me outside. Again, we greeted several family members before making our way over to Stan Woods who was talking to Robin. Robin Woods looked amazing in a pure white dress that came just above her knee. But when did Robin not look good ? She was too beautiful not to look fabulous. I wanted to be the gracious one, especially if Robin was in pain.

“Hey Robin, how are you ? You look lovely tonight.”, I asked, hugging her and kissing her cheek.

“Thank you, Tim. I’m ok.”, she replied.

“Hey sis, good to see you again.”, Michelle said, kissing Robin on the cheek.

“Michelle, you look amazing. I love the dress.”, Robin said, smiling.

“Thank you, I love it too.”, Michelle replied.

Everyone made small talk for a while before Robin and Michelle went into the kitchen to help their mother with something. It gave me a perfect opportunity to talk to Stan Woods who was alone by the disc jockey table. I walked over to him trying to think of what I wanted to say. After all, this was a life changing event.

“Stan, can I talk to you a minute ?”, I asked.

“Sure son, what’s on your mind.”, he replied.

“This situation with Michelle and I evolved a lot quicker than I thought it would. I really meant no disrespect to you or Beverly asking Michelle to move in with me. It was the cooking school and the restaurant, I just felt overwhelmed sometimes. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is…… will you give me permission to marry your daughter ?”, I asked.

“Tim, I have grown to know you quite well. I respect you and damn well know my little girl is in good hands. Of course, you may marry Little Bit.”, he replied, shaking my hand.

“Beverly told us what had happened between Robin and Jeff when we arrived. I wanted to propose to Michelle here tonight but now I’m not sure with Robin here. I don’t want to….”, I started.

“Tim, you propose how and when you want to. If Robin would not have been so foolish, she would be your wife right now. This is a very strange situation, but you do what’s best for the two of you.”, he smiled.

“Thank you, sir.”, I answered.

Since Stan had given me the green light to propose I would just see how the evening went. It everything went well, I would think about proposing.

Robin seemed to be in a decent mood actually spending time with Michelle and talking. It was the best I had seen them get along in a while. Midway through the party, I made the decision to ask Michelle to marry me. But I decided to be very low key about it. I asked Michelle to dance with me and we took the floor on the very next slow song. As I took her into my arms, I reached into my right pocket and removed the small ring box holding it in my hand. As we danced around on the floor, I noticed Beverly Woods staring intently at us. Sometimes, she made me believe that she would prefer me to be with Robin instead of Michelle.

“You know pressing against me like this is making me horny.”, I whispered in Michelle’s ear.

“Oh, you’re gonna get fucked tonight buddy. Count on it.”, Michelle giggled back in my ear.

“Hey, I wanted to ask you something. I have been thinking about it all night.”, I whispered.

“The answer is no……. you can’t tongue kiss my sister.”, Michelle giggled again.

“Oh that, no we already did that an hour ago.”, I laughed.

“So, what do you want to ask me then.”, Michelle said, looking into my eyes.

“I was just kind of thinking that maybe…… since you’re a great cook, beautiful as hell, have an amazing body and great in bed, I might want to keep you around.”, I stated, looking into her eyes.

“It that so…well Mr. Williams, I don’t plan on going anywhere.”, she replied, never breaking eye contact.

The song stopped but we were still both holding each other. She leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips for a few seconds. Then she pulled away once again looking at me.

“Since you feel that way and I definitely feel that way, I guess there’s only one thing to say.”, I asked.

I let Michelle go and dropped to one knee holding out the black velvet ring box. Michelle suddenly realized what was happening and immediately starting jump up and down, her hand over here mouth, tears running down her face.

“Michelle Woods, will you marry me “, I asked, opening the box.

“Oh my god… oh god…… yes, yes, yes …. I will marry you, baby.”, she screamed.

I stood up and removed the large ring from the box and slipped it on Michelle’s finger. She looked at the ring for a few seconds then pressed her lips to mine in one of her long awaited passionate kisses.

“God, I love you baby.”, she whispered to me.


2020-07-12 00:15:23
Knocked it out of the park again with this story, but it does feel like it could use a chapter 15 and a little bit more of an epilog...


2020-07-11 22:11:44
Have been waiting for it . great night to end with family and engagement.. Awesome story . what would be robins reaction though ....


2020-07-08 23:52:01
Same here.


2020-07-08 17:33:10
Thank you. I found my self looking everyday for the next chapter.

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