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Chapter one in a series.
Chapter one

Oliver 'Ollie' Jones took a deep breath, he was sitting at his desk in his home office. He took another sip of coffee, cringing at the temperature, as it had cooled down more than he expected. He hated cold coffee, he set the mug down further away, so he wouldn't make the same mistake. Ollie blinked, rubbing his strained eyes and focused back on his computer screen.

Oliver was a freelance graphic designer that worked from home. He was mid twenties. Him and his wife, Holly, who was 21, weren't by any means wealthy, but they had a comfortable life together, seeing as how young they were. Ollie stretched, then went back to his work. He tapped his foot to the beat of the music coming out of the speakers that surrounded him.

*bbzz bbzz bbzz*

Ollie's phone started to vibrate as it lit up. He broke his stare on the screen and looked down at his phone, that rested on the desk.

His phone notified him that someone was at the front door. He clicked the notification and his front door security camera showed Sally, one of Holly's best friends standing on the porch with a large backpack and a couple overflowing plastic bags. Her head hung low, her face was not visible in the camera view, but Ollie knew who it was. He glanced at the time, 4:37, Holly wouldn't be home from work for another hour or so. Ollie saved his current work progress and stood with a stretch. Then exited the office room and walked to the front of the house. When he reached the front door he opened it and was taken aback by the sight. Sally faced the ground, face flushed red, with tear stained cheeks. Ollie's heart sank slightly at the sad reception.

"Is Holly here?" Sally's voice cracked, as she asked quietly, fighting back more tears.

"Uh, no. She won't be home from work for another hour or so." Ollie answered back in his own soft, quiet tone. This was very unlike Sally. She typically was a very happy-go-lucky girl.

Sally took a deep and shakey breath. Clenching her teeth. Her head sank a bit lower and her backpack, that barely held all its contents, slipped off her shoulder and landed on the porch with a thump. Almost instantly Sally's strength broke and she began to cry, tears rolled down her cheeks. Ollie reached out and put his arm around her.

"Come in and sit down." He said soothingly, guiding her in through the door way. He stepped behind her and picked up the backpack, it was heavier than he expected. Some clothing hung out of the openings, since the zippers couldn't close entirely. He walked with Sally to the living room, which was just inside the foyer. He set the backpack down beside the couch. Sally dropped the bags she still held on the floor and collapsed onto the couch, breathing heavily. Ollie jogged softly to the kitchen, retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge, and a Kleenex box from the counter. He rushed back to where Sally now sat, curled up, hugging a pillow and gently sobbing. Ollie sat on the corner of the coffee table, handing Sally the water bottle and offering a Kleenex. Sally looked up at Ollie and made eye contact for the first time since she arrived. His heart beat fast as he saw the pure sadness in her bloodshot baby blue eyes. She mustered to crack a thankful smile, though definitely forced, before taking the water and a Kleenex. She blew her nose softly, wiping her tears and then took a small sip of water. Clearing her throat. She took another sip and swallowed hard. She took a few deep breaths as Ollie sat quietly, waiting for the opportune time to speak. And also to gather his thoughts so he didn't speak out of turn. Ollie looked around, slightly uncomfortable with the silence and saw that the bags were stuffed with wrinkled clothing. This was very unlike Sally, as was meticulous with organization and 'proper' packing. When Ollie brought his gaze back to Sally, she was looking at him. She took a deep breath.

"Its been a day." She said, her voice sounding strained.

"Oh?" Ollie responded sympathetically.

"Well, I went to work this morning and had a run in with the manager... again... and he ended up firing me! Ever since I started there, he kept trying to make advancements on me and I kept telling him no, and he didn't like that. Made my work life hell.. But today he made another comment to me and I freaked out. He ended firing me!" She took another drink and continued,

"Then I went home really upset. And Cecilia was over and I caught her and Jay 'in the act'..." Sally started to tear up again and her voice started to scratch. She took another steadying breath and continued.

"If my day wasn't already crappy enough! I started yelling at him. They both started blaming me for it all, which made absolutely no sense... I just broke down and packed as much of my stuff as I could while they continued to yell at me. I couldn't take it anymore and left in a hurry.... I didn't know where to go.... I left my phone there by accident and just started walking, and came here. I didn't know where else to go..." Sally's voice quieted, her head hung back low, as she wiped her tears away again.

There was a moment of solitary silence.

"Awe jeez, that's rough.." Ollie said sadly, not knowing what else to say.

"But you're always welcome here. And Holly will be home soon. But until then, is there anything I can do?" Ollie added, offering assistance as he thought appropriate.

Sally cleared her throat again, taking another sip of water.

"I think I just need to unwind and calm down. Things haven't been great with Jay, or my job for awhile, so I saw an end coming, just didn't expect it all at once..and in this way." She said, holding back anger in sadness.

"Well, make yourself at home, as best you can. If you would like to go freshen up in the bathroom, I'll make you a tea." Ollie offered, he knew tea always made Holly and Sally feel better and it should help soothe her sore throat.

Sally turned her head up to Ollie.

"Thanks Ollie." She said with a small, genuinely thankful, smile.

"No problem at all. I care about you and will do what I can." Ollie answered wholeheartedly. He gently patted Sally's knee and rose up, and made his way to the kitchen.

Sally took a few breaths and stood up, walked back through the kitchen to the hallway that led to the bedrooms and bathroom.

Ollie put some water in the kettle. He heard the shower start running, so he didn't start the kettle right away. He walked down the hallway and got a towel from the linen closet. He had taken all the towels from the bathroom earlier in the day for laundry. He walked to the bathroom door and knocked lightly with his knuckle.

"Yes?" Sally's voice answered back, from behind the door. Ollie took this as an 'ok' and opened the door slightly. There before him, Sally was bent over fully nude, kicking off her underwear that was knotted in her pants. Her small, tight, smooth, tan bum was on full display. She jumped a bit, hearing the door unlatch, or maybe from Ollie gasping. His eyes widened but then he quickly stepped back and shut the door with a slam.

"I am so sorry... I was just getting you a towel, I guess I didn't understand your response as it was intended. I'm, uh, um..." Ollie stuttered from behind the closed door, very embarrassed.

"It's ok. I should've answered better." Sally said softly, followed by a cute, nervous giggle.

Ollie smiled to himself at the sound of her giggle. He was thankful it didn't make her day worse. The door creaked open a crack and Sally's open hand slowly stuck out.

"Thanks." She said after a second of silence.

Ollie shook his head to break his deep thinking trance and handed the towel to her awaiting grasp.

"I'll try to be quick. Thanks again." She said.

Ollie swallowed hard as he saw the vanity mirror's reflection through the cracked open door. He couldn't help but admire the slender hourglass shape of Sally's body. Her tan, olive coloured skin.

The door clicked closed and Ollie let out a abrupt breath.

"Take your time, no need to rush. I'll start the kettle when I hear the shower turn off." He said, facing the now closed door.

"Thanks Ollie." Sally's voice came echoed, then he heard the shower door click closed.

Ollie walked softly back to the kitchen, sitting down at the table, recalling the sights like a photo album with each blink of his eyes. As Ollie's mind was stuck on playback, he felt a familiar twitch in his pants. Ollie groaned and shifted uncomfortably.

'She's upset, don't think this way.' He repeated to himself in his head.

He didn't feel guilty though. His wife, Holly, had a crazy high sex drive and she always was pushing Ollie to try new and more adventurous things. She loved when he got turned on by others and things around him. They watched a lot of porn when they made love, role playing and always looked for new things to heighten their experiences. She even brought him to a strip club and got him a lap dance for his last birthday. He definitely screwed her brains out that night.

Ollie shuddered and smiled, lost in thought. He zoned out for awhile and was startled by footsteps shuffling behind him. He turned and saw Sally approaching him wrapped up in a towel. She held it tight at the top. It barely covered her nipples, her cleavage tightly held by the towel. The towel covered her stomach and looked as if it barely covered her crotch.

"I forgot to grab a change of clothes. Didn't really want to put my work clothes back on." She said cutely as she scurried past him, towards her 'luggage' in the living room. Ollie watched as she walked past him. The towel covered most of her shapely bottom, but he saw a peek of cheeks as she stepped quick. Ollie shook his head and cleared his head enough to draw his attention away to go put on the kettle. The living room was out of sight now. After he turned the kettle on he heard, though the open kitchen window, a car door close. He walked back around the corner to the living room, just as the front door opened. Sally crouched, rooting through her backpack. The sound of the front door startled Sally, and in one fluid movement, she jumped and turned towards the door, she twisted to the side standing up with a jolt, this caused the towel to loosen and fall off as she rose. She wasn't able to catch the falling towel, so she knelt down quickly to the floor. Holly shut the door, turning to see Sally before her, fully nude, crouching by the couch.

"What the?!" Holly spoke aloud in shock and confusion, but not anger.

Sally started to mumble out an explanation but tripped over her words and crashed again, maybe because the relevancy of her finding Jay the way she did. She burst into tears as she huffed. Covering her face in shame, as she kneeled, collapsing into a huddled sitting position. Holly looked quickly towards Ollie as he stepped into the room, he gave her a look of trust and she quickly dropped her purse and rushed over to embrace and soothe her friend. Ollie knew Holly trusted him, and she knows he would never do anything to hurt her, so her main concern was to comfort her friend, her very naked friend. Holly held Sally as she sobbed into Holly's shoulder. Ollie didn't want to gawk, so he went back to the kitchen and fixed two teas. He walked softly around the corner, peeking out to make sure he didn't barge in on the girls. Sally was pulling on some jogging pants, followed by a shirt, then she cuddled back into Holly, who sat on the couch. Sally explained the events of the day, in between huffed breaths. Ollie brought the mugs over to the girls.

"But Ollie helped, and I swear nothing happened between us." Sally acknowledged.

"Oh I know nothing would have, and even so, I'd only be upset that I didn't get to watch." Holly replied jokingly, nudging Sally. Sally cracked a smile and a forced laugh. She knew all about Holly's 'adventurous' side and the two often joked about that kinda stuff, usually at Ollie's expense. Ollie handed them each a tea and they thanked him in turn.

He went back and fixed himself a coffee, rejoining the girls.

They talked on and off about nothing specific for awhile, just trying to unwind and relax. The conversation concluded with Holly inviting Sally to stay with them until she got settled again. The house had two bedrooms but Ollie had one bedroom converted to a home office, so the couch would have to be sufficient. Sally accepted the offer and said she really appreciated them both. Ollie then got up and fixed dinner. As the evening went on, they seemed to all relax more and more. Sally seemed in a much better mood. Holly retrieved a spare blanket and pillow, making the couch as bedlike as she could. They bid their good nights, Holly giving Sally a hug. Holly turned and retreated to the master bedroom. Sally went and gave Ollie a hug too, thanking him for his kindness and hospitality. She took a deep breath in as her cheek rested again Ollie's chest. He half hugged her back, enough to call it an embrace, but nothing more. Ollie then went to the bedroom. When he arrived he walked in and Holly was wearing some very sexy, and revealing lingerie.

Ollie's eyes widened and he cracked a smile. Holly spread her legs thrusting upwardly as she lay back on the king sized bed. Oliver closed the door with a click behind him and slowly approached Holly, he removed his clothes as he walked over. Ollie climbed between her, feeling her warmth as he rested on his elbows and kissed her, he moved around and started to plant light kisses on Holly's neck. She let out a small moan and turned her head as he continued to kiss up and down her neck. Her breathing increased in his ear. Ollie reached up and started to massage her right breast through the thin material covering her nipples. Holly's nipples stiffening with his touch. He ground his groin into her covered pussy. His dick began to grow, pushing against her covered mound. Her pussy was warm. Ollie coaxed her to roll slightly to the side as he reached around and unclasped her bra, he laid her back down on her back as he maneuvered skillfully to remove her top entirely. He kissed down her neck and towards her nipples, she moaned louder as he kissed and sucked her erect nipples, one after the other, then back. Ollie ran his hands up Holly's sides, in a sensual tickle, she squirmed beneath him as her moans grew louder. He ran his hands down her slim sides, tucking his fingers in the strings of her panties, he moved his kisses back up to her neck as he pulled her panties down. He sat up on his knees as he pulled her panties the rest of the way off, tossing them to the side. She looked him up, from his hard dick, up his chest and to his face, he cast his gaze down at her, taking in her slim and smooth body. He rested back upon her and kissed her on her lips forcefully, she moaned into his mouth, their lips parted and their tongues wrestled. Ollie, now at full mast, reached down, gripping his member, rubbing the head up and down Holly's wet slit. She continued to squirm and moan beneath him, as he teased her. Ollie slowly pushed forward and entered her, Holly's mouth opened wide as she let out a guttural groan. His thickness filling her. He started slow but picked up his pace till he was thrusting steadily. Oliver let out a few groans and moans himself. Their breathing increased until they huffed between moans.

Oliver leaned down, kissing Holly's neck again. She moaned into his ear.

"So what do you think of her?" She asked through sexually fueled moans.

"Who? What are you talking about?" Ollie asked, still trying to focus on his thrusts.

"Of Sally." Holly moaned seductively.

Ollie slowed his thrusts but stayed buried in his wife. He arched himself up to look at her face.

"She had a rough day, I feel sorry for her..." Ollie answered, somewhat confused at the question, and timing.

Holly groaned.

"Don't stop." She begged, grabbing his butt, pulling him back down.

Ollie gave her a confused look and began slowly pumping inside her again. He lowered himself down again, returningto kiss her. And Holly spoke again.

"Jay was a douch, she needed a fundamental reason to finally realize that and leave him." Holly continued.

Oliver let out a groan.

"Why are we talking about this right now?" He asked, trying to keep up momentum.

"I wanna know what you think of her." Holly paused.

"What you thought of her body when you saw her naked." Holly said, moaning and giggling menacingly, holding Ollie against her.

"Uh, I barely saw anything. Her towel dropped, and you went to help her and I went back to kitchen." He answered, struggling to keep his thrusts steady as he explained.

"No, I meant in the bathroom. Did you like what you saw?" Holly caught him off guard.

"She told me you walked in on her." Holly concluded.

Oliver stopped his thrusts again, leaning up.

"Oh yeah, umm, I didn't mean to." He stumbled out his answer.

"Don't stop!" Holly commanded, grabbing him and pulling him in a roll around so she was now on top, she looked down at his shocked face and began to bounce on him, setting the pace herself.

"Did you like what you saw? Her smooth body? Did it make you hard?" Holly begged for his answer has she rode him. Her breasts bounced, as she slid up and down his shaft. Ollie gripped her hips, looking into her pleading eyes. He knew what she wanted to hear.

"Yeah. She's hot. I walked in and she was bent over, her pussy looked so smooth." Oliver groaned , trying to appease his wife. Holly's moans grew louder, as she picked up her pace. Her slickness dripping down his shaft.

"Mmm. I bet you wanted to touch her!" Holly moaned again.

Ollie groaned quietly as he steadied her while she bounced.

"Didn't you?!" Holly urged him to respond.

"Yeah, I did." Ollie said. He mostly admitted these things because he knew it got his wife off, but his mind raced as he thought about actually acting on these 'fantasies'. The fact that Holly was currently bouncing on him, fueled his sexual imagination. The thought of actually touching Sally, and exploring her caused Ollie to moan and grip Holly's hips tighter.

"I bet you wanted to show her your thick dick, have her touch you..mmm.. I bet she'd love your thick dick.." Holly moaned as she spoke.

Oliver clenched his teeth as he moaned.

"Mm. She'd beg you to cum for her. She wants to see you shoot for her. Fill her." Holly gasped as she bounced, her eyes shut tight and her balance was now unsteady.

Ollie's breathing was shakey as he huffed, his balls tensed as he felt his oncoming orgasm.

"Ugh, I'm going to cum!" Oliver groaned.

"Mmm, yeah! Cum for her! Cum for Sally!" Holly moaned out loud.

That was all it took to send Ollie over the edge as he groaned deep, tightening his grip on Holly's hips as he came deep and hard into his wife's pussy. Holly's eyes shot open as she felt his load being pulsed into her. She started to shake and her own orgasm hit, as Ollie pumped about 7 loads deep within her. Both of them shook and gasped.

Holly collapsed unto Ollie as she twitched a few more times. They kissed and came down from their orgasmic highs, their breathing steadied. Holly rolled off to the side, letting another small moan out as Ollie's shrinking dick slipped out of her. She closed her eyes and let herself doze off. Oliver's mind calmed down and he thought of what Holly was saying. It was one thing when she tempted him with strangers or girls that they saw in passing, but this was her friend, her friend with a name, that was currently sleeping in the room just down the hall! Oliver sensed a bit of nervousness, remembering she was so close. Hoping she didn't hear them. Ollie shook his head and broke his thought process. He gathered up a blanket and covered him and his wife. She curled into him, and they both fell asleep.
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