Chapter 2 in a series. Please read in order to get the whole story.
This is a plot based story.
Chapter 2
Aly gradually woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the whispered conversations in the cabin. Aly slowly blinked open her eyes and sat up, stretching.
"Goodmorning Aly!" Erin said more audibly.
"Goodmorning girls." Aly replied with a morning yawn.
Suzy and Erin both sat on Suzy's lower bunk. Erin now had her nightgown back on, but sat cross legged so Aly could see up her gown. Aly smiled, recalling the nude hug and the bum swat from last night. Alex sat on her bed also talking to Erin and Suzy. Becca was curled up under her covers, the only part of her visible was her bare leg that hung out the side of her blanket, assumingly still asleep.
Aly checked the time, and double checked the schedule. There was still a bit of time before their breakfast slot.
"Well girls, let's head to the bathroom, then come back and get dressed for the day." Aly said, stretching again. Alex, Suzy and Erin got up and straightened themselves. Aly walked over and bent over Becca's bed.
"Time to wake up Becca." She coaxed kindly. Becca stirred and sat up. Her hair was messy and her eyes blinked, adjusting to the morning light. She gave Aly a cute smile and also stretched. She uncovered herself. Aly's eyes were drawn back to her panties. Another small wet spot on her crotch made Aly crack a sensual smile. Becca didn't seem to notice. The group made their way to the bathroom, there were quite a few kids and counselors there. The girls waited patiently to use the bathroom and washed their faces at the sink. They went back to the cabin and got dressed. Alex, again changed underneath her covers, Aly and the others changed in the open. Their eyes watching eachother as they did. Once dressed Aly checked the schedule for the day.
"We have breakfast in a bit, then we have some time at the art & crafts cabin, then our shower time before lunch. After lunch you girls have a camp wide sports competition." Aly told the group.
"Sweet! A sports competition!" Suzy exclaimed excitedly.
The group took some time and went for a walk around some trails, before making their way to the cafeteria for their breakfast time. Shianne was already there when they arrived. They got a table and had scrambled eggs and ham.
After breakfast the group went to the arts & crafts cabin. Inside, the old wooden floors and walls were covered in splattered paint. Against one wall, just inside the door, was a envelope and a big gift box that had 'Aly's group' written on it.
"Oohh. What's this?" Shianne emphasized a curious excitement to the girls.
Aly opened the envelope. The kids opened the box excitedly.
"It's just white aprons." Becca said, sounding unimpressed.
Aly read the letter aloud;
"Baking is fun! Baking is creative! Experimenting with different flavours can give food and treats unique differences in taste. The same goes for art! Have your group create and paint their plain aprons, into something special! Express yourselves through colours and designs. Then take your aprons for when you visit the bakery cabin next! - Camp Care"
Aly finished reading the letter, the girls excitedly each got an apron. Aly and Shianne also each got an apron. The girls laid out their aprons on the craft table. Aly placed a few cans of different coloured fabric paints on the table, along with some brushes. The girls started to paint their aprons, using the brushes.
Each girl had a unique design. Shianne held her brush and splattered paint upon her apron.
"That looks cool!" Erin commented.
"Yeah, its abstract. Haha. Makes it look like an apron from a paint party." Shianne replied.
"What's a paint party?" Suzy asked quizzically.
"Its a party where everyone wears white and you play with paint, splattering eachother, then by the end you're covered in paint. It's really fun. And you're clothes have paint splattered on them like this." Shianne explained, using her apron as an example.
"Hold up!" Erin said, planting her hands loudly onto the table.
"I have an idea!" She continued, everyone stopped and looked at her.
"We should have a paint party! For our aprons." Erin concluded with a big smile.
"That would be super fun!" Suzy added.
"Can we?" Suzy asked, changing her glance to Aly.
"I'm not sure if everyone would want that." Aly answered quickly.
"I don't mind. I painted flowers on my apron, but I feel like it's missing something, I vote for it too!" Becca excitedly added.
"What about you Alex?" Erin asked Alex in a kind voice.
"That actually sounds really fun." Alex said with a smile.
All eyes turned to Aly.
"Whaddya say boss lady?" Shianne asked with a smirk.
"Well the room is already covered in paint." Aly replied smiling.
"Is that a yes?!" Suzy chirped, jumping up and down.
"I guess so!" Aly laughed. The girls cheered.
"Wait! I don't want to get paint on my clothes though." Becca halted the cheers.
"We can wear JUST our aprons then." Erin said with a sly grin.
"Good idea." Shianne said with a wink. Without hesitation the girls started to strip down.
Aly turned to Alex-
"You don't have to, if you don't want to, I can maybe find some clothes back at the cabin for you to wear, if you want." Aly said to Alex, as she knelt beside her.
Alex thought for a moment.
"That's ok. I'll just wear my underwear, I don't mind if I get paint on them." Alex answered. Aly smiled at her. Alex tentatively took off her shirt. She had a very flat chest, and tiny nipples, Aly thought that may be why she is selfconcious around the others. Aly, herself, was a late bloomer so she sympathized with Alex. Alex put on her apron before pulling down her shorts, with her apron coverage in place. Aly turned to see the other girls. Becca was putting on her apron over her nude body. Shianne was just finishing taking off all of her clothes. Erin and Suzy of course had already splattered some paint on eachother, fully naked still. Aly laughed to herself and stripped down, and donned her own apron. Erin and Suzy, with some coaxing from Shianne, also now had their aprons on. Shianne and Aly pushed the table against a wall. To make more space. Everyone got a small container of paint, each a different colour. Aly found some clear safety goggles in a drawer, so the kids didn't get any paint in their eyes. The girls all started to splatter paint at eachother. They laughed, jogging and dodging the flying paint.
Aly stood mostly in the same spot. As the girls ran around, Aly flung paint at them as they passed. She kept her eyes on the flowing aprons as the girls twisted, turned and jumped, causing flashes of flesh.
She watched as the girls turned, watching their bare bums bounce with their movements. She tried to fling paint at their bottoms, she got a few good splatters on their bare bums. Aly kept getting good looks at Alex's bum, even though it was covered by bright blue panties, this was the most she has seen of the girl, and it somewhat excited her. Again, she felt a bit ashamed of her new thoughts, but just let her eyes and imagination wander within the commotion. Everytime she felt guilty for looking at the little girls, she would glance at Shianne. She saw more peeks of Shianne's skin because her apron fit smaller, because the aprons were all one size. Shianne caught Aly's glances. Shianne made more of an effort to flash Aly, giving her better and longer views. This caused Aly immense waves of pleasure. Shianne became more daring, even dropping her brush 'by accident'. She would bend down, barely bending her knees, with her legs slightly apart, bending low, reaching for the brush. This would put her bum on beautiful display, she would part her legs a bit more and would have her pussy peek out from below. Aly moaned to herself, not to be heard over the kids' laughter and footsteps. Aly swallowed hard. While she was lost in sensual thought, she stopped flinging paint, lost in her gaze. Then, abruptly, she felt two hands grab and squeeze her boobs through her apron. Her eyes widened and mouth opened, letting out a more audible moan. She looked down. Her blurry vision then focused in on Suzy, who still held her hands firmly around Aly's breasts. Suzy smiled up at her widely, removing her hands. Aly then noticed that Suzy had left her bucket and brush and now had her hands coated in paint. Aly smiled back at her, suppressing her sexual arousal. Suzy looked down from Aly's eyes, to where her hands were just planted. She laughed out, cracking a smile, before turning and chasing after the other girls. Aly looked and saw she now had two 'Suzy sized' handprints on her apron, right upon her breasts. Aly laughed when she looked up and saw that all the girls had now left their pails and brushes and were placing hand prints all around eachothers aprons. Aly and Shianne also joined in. Using the paint now as finger and hand paint. After awhile, the girls calmed down and were more strategic with how they painted eachother.
"Can I make this hand print into a flower?" Becca asked Erin. Erin had a red hand print on her chest.
"Yeah sure!" Erin replied. Becca dipped her finger in some green paint and started to trail a line down Erin's apron, looking like a stem.
Becca knelt forward as she traced a wavy line. Aly glanced at her pert bum that she stuck out, Aly looked around and made eye contact with Shianne. Shianne raised and lowered her eyebrows and smiled at Aly. She winked and also looked towards Becca's bum. Aly smiled, and now, unashamedly, stared at Becca's exposed cheeks as she continued to paint the stem of the flower on Erin.
It'll be easier if I lay down." Erin said and then sat down, and laid back flat on her back.
"I think I just sat in paint!" Erin giggled out as she laid flat out. The others giggled as well. Becca now bent over more, and started to draw some leaves off the stem. The view of her bum was amazing. The smooth childish curves of her bum cheeks, and a small peek of her virgin pussy lips, peeked out as she bent over, now on her knees.
Aly bit her bottom lip as she watched.
"Kinda hot eh?" Shianne whispered into Aly's ear. Aly jolted a bit as she didn't notice Shianne had come and stood right beside her. Aly swallowed hard. She looked at Shianne and blushed. Aly didn't want to whisper in reply in case the girls noticed, but she wasn't sure how she'd respond anyways. Shianne smiled and nudged Aly lightly, and winked, and turned back to continue staring. Aly's mind was numb.
Becca finished up her design and stood up smiling, proud of her artwork. She stood looking down, with her hands on her hips. Her bum clenched tightly.
"That looks very nice." Alex commented. Both Becca and Erin replied with 'Thanks!' Becca held out a helping hand and Erin stood up.
"Yup! Ya did sit in paint!" Suzy laughed out, pointing at Erin's bum. Erin twisted and attempted to look at her own exposed bum, as she turned in a circle, chasing herself. Her bum now had a splotch of red paint on her right cheek. She laughed at herself. Suzy then walked over and plastered her hand with a wet slap right on Erin's paint covered bum. Suzy lightly rubbed her hand around on Erin as she laughed. Suzy removed her hand, leaving a smeared hand print on Erin's bum. The girls laughed as Erin 'modeled' her bum art. Everyone's innocent eyes were on her bum. Aly noticed that the fingers of the hand print went quite close and seemingly disappeared into the crease of her bum.
Aly snapped out of her trance.
"Ok girls, let's put this room back in order, hang up our aprons to dry and go get cleaned up. The girls carefully removed their aprons and Aly hung them up on hooks to dry. Shianne and Suzy pushed the table back to the centre of the room. Becca, Erin and Alex put the paint away and washed the brushes. Alex had put her shorts back on before taking off her apron. She stayed topless and the others stayed naked as they cleaned up. They washed what they could see of the paint off their bodies and faces, using a small sink, before getting dressed. Erin put her dress over herself, of course staying commando, as she didn't wash the paint off her bum. She claimed she would in the shower, having just a small sink in the room, it was too difficult. Aly and Shianne also got dressed. The group walked to their cabin and gathered their shower items and went to the shower room. The group that had the room before them were just exiting. The cabin counselor of the group was one of Aly's friends from last year, it was her first year as a cabin counselor too.
"Hey Aly! Are you going with the cabin counselors to the mall this afternoon?" She asked.
"Definitely!" Aly replied.
While the kids had their afternoon sports competition, the cabin counselors got a break and a bus took them to the mall for a few hours. As much as Aly was sad to leave her group, what girl doesn't want to go to the mall for a while. She also had some things she wanted to get.
The group entered the shower room. Everyone, except for Alex, stripped down and began to shower.
"If we finish up quick you'll still have time to shower alone before our lunch time." Aly spoke softly to Alex. Alex nodded and took her seat in the centre of the room, watching the others as they showered.
Aly stripped down and started her shower. Becca and Shianne were side by side, Shianne borrowed her soaps as promised. Erin and Suzy were beside eachother, actually going back and fourth sharing their two shower heads. Aly was near them, but kept to herself, enjoying the view she had. The girls chatted and washed their bodies, trying to get all the paint off of them.
"You missed a spot!" Suzy told Erin, pointing at her bum, that still had a good amount of paint on it.
"Its hard to see." Erin said, rubbing her bottom with soapy hands. Her body was very sudsy.
"I can help." Suzy offered and began to run her hands all over Erin's body. Aly's eyes widened and time seemed to slow as she watched the girl focus in on her 'job'. She started on Erin's back and worked her way down, she was meticulous with scrubbing and making sure to get all the paint off.
This seemed to go on for awhile, Aly washed herself, but made sure she watched the girls and didn't miss the scene.
"You have paint in your bum crack." Suzy said, and then ran her fingers lightly up and down Erin's crease.
"Ooo that tickles." Erin giggled.
"I'm just making sure I get it all." Suzy spoke motherly. Suzy then knelt to one knee, she made sure she had lots of sudsy soap, she ran her hands and fingers around Erin's slippery bottom from her new angle. Erin's giggle transitioned to a soft moan. She rolled on the pads of her bare feet as she subtly spread her legs. Aly quivered and her pussy pulsed as she watched. She breathed heavily. Suzy continued to soap up her friend. Her hand slipped under, between Erin's legs.
"Ooo." Erin cooed.
Aly's heart was beating fast, she could feel her pussy moisten and pulse. Her eyes looked towards Shianne, who was also watching the girls. Shianne's hand was lightly rubbing her own pussy. The others didn't seem to notice. Becca and Alex seemed to be entranced by Erin and Suzy as well. Aly craved to touch herself, but instead she willed herself to hold back. She just clenched her legs together tightly. She was just about to lose control and reach for her own crotch, when Suzy stood up.
"All clean." She huffed, sounding almost out of breath. Maybe because the falling water was hitting her, but Aly thought otherwise. Aly's legs were weak, but she saw Shianne quickly turn her back was towards everyone. Her right arm looked like it was moving quicker, but Aly couldn't see exactly what she was doing, she could only assume. Aly turned her water colder and stood underneath, trying to calm herself down. She heard some of the showers turn off, she turned and the girls had finished their showers and were drying off. Aly reluctantly turned her own shower off and also dried off and got dressed. Just as they gathered up their stuff they started to leave. Another group arrived at the showers for their time slot.
"Oh, shoot." Aly mumbled, pulling Alex aside.
"I'm sorry Alex, we ran out of time. I'll have to take you for your shower later tonight." She explained sadly.
"That's ok. I can wait. I'd probably rather have a shower after the sports thing anyways." Alex replied with a smile. Aly smiled and nodded back. Aly and Alex caught up to the others and dropped their stuff off at the cabin.
"Ok, lunch time. Let's head over there." Aly said to the girls. They all went and had lunch together. After they had finished lunch Aly explained that there will be other counselors in charge of the sports program this afternoon, and that Shianne and herself will meet up with them at dinner. They bid their farewells to the girls and headed out.
"Guess I'll see you at dinner." Aly said to Shianne. As the helpers weren't allowed to join the cabin counselors on their mall trip.
"Yeah." Shianne replied, slightly saddened as she wanted to go to the mall, but she perked up and gave Aly a hug goodbye, and she headed the opposite way. Aly got on one of the buses and headed out with a group to the mall. She was sad that none of her friends were on this bus, but she replayed the memories of the last couple days and that made her smile.
They arrived at the mall and Aly started to browse. She walked the halls of the mall for awhile before making her way to a large clothing store. Aly found they had a sale on swimwear. She decided that she should go look and see if she can find a more 'girly' bathing suit for Alex. She saw that they had a great sale on, and decided that since Suzy's suit was uncomfortably tight, and Becca's suit was very loose, they both could use a new one too. And of course Erin had two already, but she couldn't leave her out. So she started to look through the racks of kids bathing suits. Aly found a style she liked. It had bikini style bottoms and a bra style top that had a few ruffles, so it would fit any size chest. Aly held it up. She pictured each girl in it. She first pictured them naked and then dressed them in her mind. Her imagination ran wild. She pictured the girls 'modeling' the suits. She couldn't help but have her mind trace the lines of their bodies. She smiled to herself.
"I don't think that will fit you." A voice startled her, breaking her trance. She turned and saw Shianne standing beside her.
"What are you doing here? Aly gasped. Shianne leaned in.
"I snuck onto one of the buses." She whispered with a smile.
"Just call me SLYanne." She added with a deep laugh. Aly laughed in response. There was a moment of silence.
"But honestly, I don't think that suit will fit you, but I'd love to see you try." Shianne laughed, nudging Aly.
"Oh, not for me." Aly laughed in response.
She went on to explain how she wants to buy the girls new suits. Seeing how most of them could use a new one anyways.
"Awe that's really nice of you." Shianne commented.
"Hey! I'll help you buy them, if you do me a favour." Shianne added with a hopeful tone.
"Ha, I'm not trying this on to show you." Aly laughed back, thinking that's what Shianne was getting at.
"Oh darn." Shianne mocked disappointment.
"But no, that's not what I meant. I'm not against that idea, but I mean something else." Shianne added.
"What's that?" Aly asked.
"Well I've been thinking a lot of about the conversation we had about waxing. And I think I want to get one, I just want to be smooth, like you and the girls, especially since we are showering together. Saves me from trying to find time to shave while at camp. But I'm still nervous. Will you come with me? There's a place in the mall here that does it." Shianne asked with pleading eyes.
"Yeah, that's fine with me." Aly responded without having to think about it.
"Sweet!" Shianne responded excitedly.
They went back to searching for matching bathing suits for the girls.
"I still think you should try one on." Shianne commented with a nudge.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Aly sassed.
"Yeah I would!" Shianne laughed back with a wink.
Aly's stomach fluttered again. 'Is Shianne flirting with me? Or is this just her personality?' Aly thought, her mind racing.
The two found all the bathing suits they needed. And continued to the checkout. Aly bought two, and Shianne bought the other two. The two girls chatted and joked as they made their way through the mall. They arrived at a hair salon, that also offered waxing. Shianne took a deep breath.
"Ok, here we go." She said, in a motivational way to herself.
"Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad." Aly announced, grabbing Shianne's hand and pulling her into the salon. Aly didn't release her hand and they walked to the front desk.
"Hi, how may I help you?" Asked the associate. She was probably early twenties, and had a 'punky' look to her, coloured hair, and facial piercings.
"Hi, my friend here is looking to get a wax." Aly answered confidently.
"Have you ever gotten a wax before?" The associate asked towards Shianne.
"No. This is my first time." She answered shyly.
"Ok, no problem, just fill out this sheet and we'll get you situated in the room." The associate said kindly and handed her a waiver and info sheet.
"Can she come in the room with me?" Shianne asked the associate, signaling to Aly.
"Yup, that's no problem." She smiled in response. The two turned to sit down in the waiting area.
Aly was surprised Shianne wanted her in the room, she expected to just wait in the waiting area. But she had already seen her naked, so I guess it wasn't a huge deal.
Shianne filled out the paper work and listed she wanted a full Brazilian, legs and underarms done. Shianne gave the paperwork to the associate.
"Thanks, someone will call you soon." She answered. With that, the girls sat in the waiting room and chatted while waiting.
"I'm excited." Shianne nervously whispered.
"Me too." Aly laughed back.
"Oh, you are?" Shianne questioned.
"Well.. yeah... I mean, I'm excited for you. It's definitely worth it in the end." Aly stumbled out her response.
"Well I'm looking forward to 'matching' you and the girls." Shianne admitted with a nudge.
Aly blushed. But she wasn't sure why. After a few moments of silence, the associate called out Shianne's name and the girls went to the back room. A girl about mid twenties, welcomed them. Her name was Sam. Sam looked at the paper and told Shianne that due to her requests of what is to be waxed, she needed to disrobe entirely, and lay on the table, there was a white towel for her to cover up. Without hesitation Shianne started to get undressed. Sam stopped her.
"Oh you seem to be rearing to go. But I will leave you alone to do that. I'll be back in a few moments. I'll knock on the door and see if you're ready." Sam told her with a laugh.
"Oh, oops." Shianne laughed nervously in reply. Sam left and Shianne shrugged and laughed. Aly took a seat in a chair near the foot of the massage table, while Shianne finished undressing.
"Looks like you'll get a good view!" Shianne smiled as she slowly sat upon the table, parting her legs towards Aly.
"Ha, I guess." Aly huffed with a smile, her eyes falling towards Shianne's snatch.
"It'll look better soon." Shianne said and winked, before covering herself in the towel.
Aly smiled and nodded. 'She must be flirting.' Aly thought, as she adjusted her sitting position.
After a few moments there was a knock on the door.
"Are you ready Shianne?" Sam's voice came from behind the door.
"Yes, come in." Shainne replied.
Sam came in and closed the door behind her. She walked over and started to arrange her desk.
"Well Shianne, this your first wax?" She asked kindly, as Shianne looked nervously at what Sam was organizing.
"Yeah." She replied, then huffed a laugh.
"No problem. I'll walk you through it. First we'll start with underarms, they are quick, then we'll move to your legs, those take time, but aren't too painful, then we'll finish off on your Brazilian." Sam explained with a smile.
"Okay." Was all Shainne responded with.
"This your friend? For moral support?" Sam asked, signaling towards Aly, trying to make conversation.
"Yeah, she's the one that talked me into this." Shianne said, smiling over at Aly.
"Hey! I never talked you into anything." Aly laughed back, jumping into the conversation.
Sam laughed.
"Well I guess she didn't talk me into it. But she gets waxed and I questioned her about it and it led to me deciding to try it." Shianne added depth to her reasoning.
"Oh, well that makes sense. Sometimes it takes the knowledge before trying it. It's good you've got someone to talk to and ask questions. Makes my job easier." Sam said.
"Yeah, and I got to see, and it definitely is a lot better looking than razor burn and quick regrowth." Shianne added.
"Oh you got a model too! That's even better." Sam added with a sensual smile to both Shianne and Aly. Aly blushed, and Shainne smiled boldly. Sam then went on to maneuver Shianne's arms and started on her underarms. Shianne squealed and winced as she pulled off the wax. But soon enough, Sam was done one underarm.
"Ow. More painful than I expected, but it's so smooth now!" Shianne said, looking at her underarm.
Sam moved over and started her other underarm. Shianne's towel fell off her breasts when she jolted, but she didn't seem to care, and didn't cover back up. Sam finished up on her underarms.
"Next your legs." Sam said as she moved down. Starting at Shianne's ankles and worked her way up. Shianne jumped a few times and Aly got glances under her towel at her snatch, but was covered back up, when she relaxed her legs. When Sam got higher, she tucked the towel in between her legs, covering her up. Sam finished the front and sides of her legs.
"You can flip over now." Sam said.
Shianne rolled, and while doing so, her towel fell off.
"Oops." Shianne said, as her bum was uncovered.
"No problem, it happens." Sam responded as she recovered Shianne's bum unfazed.
"Is this towel even really necessary?" Shianne asked, as Sam worked her way up Shianne's legs
"Its more of a comfort thing, this being your first time and all." Sam replied.
"I don't mind, you're going to eventually see it all anyways." Shianne said unashamedly.
"Well you can either uncover or I can strategically place the towel as I work. That's your choice." Sam said as she neared the tops of Shianne's thighs.
Shianne thought for a moment, shrugged while laying down, and pulled off the towel all together. Aly smiled at her comfort level, and how well she was doing. She looked at her bum, it was very firm and tight. And had a nice lift to it. Shianne spread her legs a bit as Sam worked her way up. Sam had Shianne lay on her side, spreading her cheeks to get all the hairs. Then Sam guided her to lay on her back again. Sam worked quickly on Shianne's brazilian. Aly tried not to stare but was mesmerized at the new viewing angle. She was used to getting waxed, but this is the first time she had watched someone else, and this angle left nothing to her imagination. The girls continued chatting about camp and life in general.
"Looks like I'm about done here." Sam said as she stood back and looked from afar.
"Do you see anywhere I missed?" She asked.
Shianne looked as best she could. Spreading her legs wide, she ran her fingers across her self, spreading the folds of her vulva slightly, looking for any stray hairs. Aly swallowed as she watched Shianne. Aly felt her groin tingle. She watched intently as Shianne examined herself.
"Nope looks good!" Shianne answered with a smile.
"How does it look?" Shianne asked directed at Aly. She spread her legs wide, pushing her hips forward, revealing her open and hairless mound to Aly's glazed eyes.
Aly just nodded, clearing her dry throat.
"Looks good." Aly stumbled out.
"One last thing." Sam said. She reached for a bottle of moisturizer and squirted a few dabs on her hands, rubbing them together, then continued to rub the moisturizer onto Shianne's freshly waxed skin.
"Ohh. That's cold." Shianne giggled out.
"Yeah, sorry about that, but it'll sooth it soon enough." Sam responded.
"Mmm. It feels good." Shianne moaned out, more sexually then she meant to sound. Sam smiled and rubbed her pussy with the moisturizer. Then used more and coated her legs. While she did, Shianne subtly rubbed her fingers through her slit and around her smooth pussy lips. Aly gasped as quietly as she could. Aly felt her own pussy moisten and pulse while watching. As soon as Sam finished her legs, Shianne pulled her hand away from her mound as to not raise suspicion. Shianne scooted forward and sat at the edge of the table. Sam applied a small bit of moisturizer under Shianne's arms and this made her twitch and giggle.
"Oo, sorry, I'm ticklish." Shianne giggled. Sam laughed and finished up.
"Well, I'll leave you two alone. So you can get dressed. And I'll meet you at the front desk when you're ready." Sam said with a smile, before exiting the room and closing the door behind her.
Shianne stood and looked at her naked body in a full length mirror hanging on the wall, modeling.
"Mm. So smooth." She said to herself while running her hands and fingers on her body.
"So how was it?" Aly asked, trying not to get turned on by the sight.
"Wasn't too bad. It hurt, and I'm glad it's over, but I know it'll totally be worth it. I'm so smooth!" Shianne replied excitedly.
"Yeah I'm sure the girls will love to hear about your experience." Aly said, before thinking that maybe she shouldn't have said it.
"Yeah. Haha. Speaking of which, when do the buses head back?" Shianne asked, turning to face Aly. Aly drew her eyes away from Shianne's body and looked at the time.
"We still have about an hour." Aly replied.
"Ok." Shianne replied, still checking herself out in the mirror for a moment longer.
"Guess I need to get dressed now then." She added with a giggle.
"Yeah, can't go like that." Aly said with a laugh, tossing Shianne's skirt at her.
"Too bad, I'm so happy with my smoothness, I wouldn't be opposed to showing it off." Shianne said boldly.
Aly smiled back at her as her legs once again, felt weak.
"Guess I'll just have to show off to you and the girls." Shianne added and winked at Aly. Aly bit her bottom lip. Shianne smiled sensually.
"I'm going commando though." Shianne added with a laugh and got dressed, but put her panties into the shopping bag with the bathing suits. The girls arranged themselves and made their way to the front counter. Sam was there waiting. She gave Shianne her total. Shianne paid and left Sam a generous tip.
"Thanks! You two have a good day. Enjoy the rest of your camp trip." She exclaimed while giving Aly and Shianne a smile followed by a wink. Aly smiled back, accepting her suggestive look. The girls made their way out of the salon and walked the halls of the mall.
"Sam was really nice, I really liked her!" Shianne said as they walked.
"Yeah, she did good. Nice and quick." Aly replied.
"And she was cute too!" Shianne added with a nudge and a giggle.
"She definitely had her eye on you." Shianne added.
"Ha, I think she was a little preoccupied by your naked body." Aly added with a laugh.
"She wasn't the only one." Shianne sassed. Aly's expression changed to one of embarrassment.
"Relax. I like the looks. I mean I don't mind them. You're welcome to look anytime you want." Shianne said with a sexy smile.
Aly cleared her throat and still seemed uncomfortable as she walked aimlessly.
"Look, I'll be honest, I'm bi and I think you're very cute. I assume you're straight, but with the way you have been looking at me and the girls over the past couple days, I'd say you've been having some new thoughts. I won't judge, and if you ever wanna talk or something, just let me know." Shianne said, she seemed to have a new confidence and for once Aly felt like she was the student. Aly's stomach fluttered, she felt shivers run up her spine.
"Thanks." Aly said, her mind racing. She didn't think she let on too obviously, but Shianne read her like a book.
"To be honest, I always referred to myself as straight, but truth be told, these past couple days have been weird. Just different things that have happened. The same things I've seen when I was younger, but, in a way, seeing it in a new light I guess." Aly added, opening up.
"Well I don't know if you're looking for advice or not, but I'm going to tell you one thing," Shianne said, stopping their walk and turning to Aly.
"Just be open to new things. Don't try to avoid new ideas or feelings." Shianne said while looking deep into Aly's eyes. Aly felt a rush of relief course through her body.
"That's all I'm gonna say, unless you ask for more." Shianne concluded with a smile. She leaned in and hugged Aly. Aly hugged her back, feeling relieved that she shouldn't be ashamed of her new feelings. She knew that, but having it said aloud to her made her breathe a breath of fresh air. They concluded their embrace. Shianne stayed close.
"You don't need to be afraid to look, as long as you give me permission to look too." She whispered slyly.
Aly shrugged.
"I don't mind." She said with a sexy smile. The girls continued walking, both with smiles on their faces, and a spring in their step.
They turned a corner and saw a store called 'Haze'. It sold games and collectables. They went in and started to browse the aisles. They strolled aimlessly until they got to the back of the store. It had a ***********ion of 'adult themed' games. The two looked through the games. Shianne was hinting that some of them seemed fun. An employee walked up to them.
"Hey, is there anything I can help you girls with?" She asked.
"Ah, we're just browsing currently." Aly responded, looking at the girl. She had a nametag with 'Carla' on it.
"We should get a game to play with the girls." Shianne suggested, looking at Aly as she eyed Carla.
"Oh, the girls. Well depending on the occasion and openness, we have plenty of party games for a girls night." Carla responded, thinking they must have been talking about a group of friends their age, and assuming due to the games they were looking at.
"Um, probably not one of these though." Aly said as she signalled towards the ***********ion of adult games.
"She meant our campers at Camp Care. We are counselors there." Aly added with a laugh, looking back at Carla.
"Oh! Ha! Got it. Not for a few years at least." Carla laughed back.
"Well younger girls always seem to like truth or dare games, especially at camp." Carla added.
"They might like that." Shianne agreed.
"Probably not this version though." Aly said, pointing at an adult version of truth or dare that was on the shelf near them.
"We have kid versions, and teen versions over here." Carla directed Aly and Shianne to a different aisle. Carla showed them a few different ones. Aly and Shianne looked at the boxes.
"If you need any other help just let me know." Carla said. They thanked her and she went to deal with some other customers.
Aly and Shianne looked at the different versions. They looked at a kids version one, sample truths like 'What's your favourite colour?' Or 'What's your favourite animal?' And dares like 'Make a funny face.' Both Aly and Shianne agreed that it was super lame. They found one that was a teen aged one. They read it and it seemed a bit better suited for their group. Though some questions and dares may be a bit 'risqué'. But they decided the girls would enjoy this one better. They browsed for a bit longer before making their way to the checkout. Carla cashed them out and they headed back to the mall's hall. They got some hot chocolates and chatted for the next while before heading to catch the busses back to the camp. They rode back together and chatted like best friends.
Once they arrived back, they dropped their bags off at the sleeping cabin, tucking the bags into Aly's suitcase to keep them hidden. They had a bit of time before having to meet the girls at dinner so they sat on Aly's bed and relaxed.
"So... I saw you checking out Carla." Shianne said sinisterly.
Aly blushed, knowing that she was, not thinking that it was obvious though.
"Hey. I thought you said you wouldn't judge?" Aly sassed back.
"Hey. No judgement here." Shianne said, holding her hands up, pleading innocence.
"I thought she was pretty cute myself. I'm just glad to see you noticed too." Shianne added with a giggle.
"Ah, I'm trying to be open to new things." Aly mocked then laughed.
"So... have you ever kissed a girl?" Shianne asked daringly.
Aly was taken aback by the question, but she took a breath and decided to relax with her new friend.
"Nothing that would count." Aly answered.
"What do you mean count?" Shianne asked, perking up a bit.
"Like when I was a kid, at camp surprisingly, we played spin the bottle. But I wouldn't consider that a 'real' kiss." Aly answered honestly.
"Have you ever kissed a boy?" Aly added quickly before Shianne could respond.
"Of course. I'm bi, not just lesbian." Shianne scoffed.
"What do you prefer?" Aly asked.
"Its not that simple. I'm more interested in the person, not the parts." Shianne responded.
Aly registered her remark.
"So I like dick and vag!" Shainne laughed outloud.
Aly laughed nervously, Aly was somewhat embarrassed that it seemed Shianne had more experience then her.
"How far have you gone? You know with a guy?" Shianne asked, pushing the conversation further.
Aly hung her head down, somewhat ashamed.
"I've only kissed and like cuddled and stuff." She said shyly.
"Oh." Shianne said, sympathetically surprised.
"But I know how it all works." Aly added, trying to establish her maturity.
"Like from porn?" Shianne asked quickly.
"Umm.." Aly nervously thought aloud.
"I watch porn too." Shianne spoke with no inhibitions.
"Yeah?" Aly asked, slightly surprised by her honesty.
"Well yeah. C'mon, in this day and age? Of course. It's like masturbation. Everyone does it. As long as it's not a need, and just an enjoyment, there's nothing to be ashamed of." Shianne said. Aly's eyes widened at the thought of Shianne masturbating.
"How far have you gone? With boys or girls?" Aly asked. Her sexual desires fueling her questions.
"Well I had a couple boyfriends who let me touch them. But I've never had sex with them. I have done more 'experimenting' with girls. Mostly hand stuff and oral. But I've never really had a steady girlfriend. Most girls that I've been with were secretly bi, or just trying new things. At sleepovers and stuff." Shianne explained.
"Typical porn girl sleepovers?" Aly laughed out.
"Ha! I guess." Shianne laughed.
"So that means you have watched porn?" Shianne added with an eyebrow raised.
"Maybe." Aly shrugged with a sly smile. Aly felt her pussy pulse. She was getting turned on and was now accepting it, trying not to shame herself. There was a few moments of silence.
"I have to be honest. This conversation is making me kinda horny." Shianne admitted, with a sly smirk
"I hope that's not weirding you out." She added.
"No. It's not weird." Aly answered. There was another short silence.
"I'm actually kinda feeling the same thing." Aly admitted, her heart leapt with her new expression of honesty.
"Oh? Mmm. That makes me even hornier." Shianne answered with a sexy laugh. The two sat silently, trying to establish the situation.
"Do you find it difficult to masturbate while here?" Shianne asked, sitting up a bit, looking at Aly.
"What do you mean?" Aly asked, her heart beating faster.
"Like since you don't really have much alone time, except for now. But you're not really alone." Shianne said. Aly thought, but not sure how to answer.
"Like, I don't know about you, but after the stuff that's happened with the girls, and this conversation, I'm craving release." Shianne added more depth.
"Yeah, I'm not sure. I guess I'll have to find some time." Aly said, trying to appease Shianne's suggestions.
"Now I feel bad for not leaving you alone. I can leave if you want." Shianne offered.
"What? Like so I can.." Aly cleared her throat.
"Masturbate?" She concluded in a whisper.
"Well yeah, if you need some time alone. I can leave you be." Shianne said.
"No it's ok, you don't have to leave." Aly said, not wanting to cut the conversation short. She was enjoying the new 'talks'.
"You mean you'd masturbate with me here?" Shianne blurted out.
"No!" Aly snapped back.
"I mean, I'm not needing to masturbate right this second, I enjoy your company." Aly added in a calmer tone.
"Oh." Shianne said, almost sounding rejected, and sunk back to a lounging position.
"I mean, if you need to go 'rub one out'. I won't stop you." Aly said, feeling bad.
"Rub one out?" Shianne gave a mocking smile to Aly and laughed.
"I don't know what to call it. This whole thing is new to me." Aly said.
"Call it whatever you like. I like that term." Shainne laughed, and nudged Aly, laying closer to her. The girls just laid there in silence, contemplating everything.
"Have you ever 'rubbed one out' with anyone else in the room with you?" Shianne asked.
"Umm. Maybe?" Aly replied.
"What do you mean maybe?" Aly asked.
"Well, last year, I did when I was in the helpers cabin. But everyone was sleeping." Aly admitted coyly.
"Mmm. That's hot." Shianne cooed, snuggling closer to Aly. Aly's heart raced and she felt a rush of pleasure course through her body with the closeness, physically and emotionally, with Shianne.
"Have you?" Aly asked, her voice cracking, she felt her heart pounding, she swore it could be heard.
"Yeah, only a couple times with a girl when we slept over. But we were both awake and knew what we were doing." Shianne said.
Aly pictured it and she felt another rush of pleasure, ending between her legs.
"You watched eachother?" Aly asked, adding more fuel to her imagination.
"Yeah. She was straight too. But oh, it was one of the sexiest things I've done. There's something about pleasuring yourself with others watching and them doing the same." Shianne said, followed by a long moan.
"Do you think-" Shianne spoke, but cut herself off.
"What?" Aly asked.
"Nothing. Never mind." Shianne said softly.
"No. What?" Aly asked again, now she sat up to look down at Shianne.
"We've been honest up until this point. No shame, no judgement, remember?" Aly pointed out. Proving her case.
"Umm..." Shianne mumbled out. Aly gave her kind pleading eyes.
"Do you think you'd ever think about masturbating with me?" Shianne asked, looking up shyly into Aly's eyes. Aly's heart skipped a beat. Her mind raced with potential and nerves. Her hands and feet felt numb. Her pussy seemed to quiver and moisten. She swallowed hard, and took a deep breath.
"Maybe." Aly gave a short response. Shianne gave her a look of 'another maybe?' Aly thought for a moment longer.
"I kinda want to. I think I'd like to try at least. But I think I should think about it more. So many new ideas, I'm just trying to make sense of them all." Aly said honestly.
"So that's a positive maybe?" Shianne smiled at Aly.
"Yes." Aly nodded and smiled back.
"I won't pressure you, but I can't lie, I want to." Shianne said boldly.
Aly's stomach fluttered and she blushed. The two laid back down together, almost cuddling. They stayed still for a few minutes. Aly looked at the time on the clock hanging in the room.
"Oh snap! We're going to be late for dinner. We have to go get the girls." She said quickly and reluctantly stood up. She turned and pulled Shianne up from the bed.
"To be continued then." Shianne sexily whispered, and without warning planted a kiss upon Aly's lips. It only lasted a second, but every nerve in Aly's body tingled. She felt weak, yet strengthened. Shianne pulled back, smiling at Aly's blank expression. Shianne turned around.
"We better hustle, can't leave the girls to wonder." Shianne said as she quickly left the cabin. Aly broke out of her trance, smiling largely then jogged after Shianne to head to the cafeteria.
Really enjoying the creative scenarios you’re dreaming up for your girls. The girls running around and giggling in nothing but painted aprons sounds sexy as hell. I’m glad you’re pacing out the story, but I really can’t wait for the action to heat up, hehe!
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