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This short story follows on from my previous and unlike that one, it is a complete work of fiction.
After returning from my holiday, I struggled to get back to normality. My problems were due to the holiday romance with Alex. It had been out of this world and had taken me to a level of ecstasy I couldn't have dreamt possible. Needless to say, I could no longer carry on with Matt. I quickly brought the affair to an end and began to hunt for a younger lover. Following a month of disappointment, I was all but ready to give up, when the tectonic plates of my life shifted and my world was turned upside down.

The seismic shift occurred early on a Saturday afternoon. I'd been up in my room browsing the usual dating sites, when I decided to break for a cuppa. I came downstairs and found the study door shut. I was curious and was about to knock, when I heard the sound of moaning. Reaching for the door handle, I stormed inside.

I found my husband sitting at the desk, his trousers down around his ankles and his cock in hand. On the computer was a video of a young boy with a huge dick, fucking an older woman who was on all fours.

My husband spun around. He stared at me, wide-eyed and open mouthed.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. “What the hell are you doing?” I demanded, unable to take my eyes off the screen.

My husband turned bright red and struggled to meet my gaze. “I ... I ... eh ... um ... I eh can explain,” he faltered, pulling up his trousers.

Worried he was watching an illegal video, I had to ask, “What are you watching?”

He shook his head and quietly mumbled, “Cathy told me everything.”

I felt a chill shoot up my spine. The last time I saw Cathy was on holiday and there was only one thing she could have said. “W-W-What do you mean ... w-w-what did she say?” I stammered, my heart racing like a train.

“She told me you had sex with a boy—”

“That's not true,” I snapped. I hoped Cathy’s reputation would make him doubt her and that I could discredit anything she had said. “You know what Cathy's like.”

“She showed me a video of you snogging him ...” he said.

I was about to protest, but before I could conjure a defence he continued.

“... he had his hand inside your knickers and you had your hand on his cock. It's ok, I'm not angry. I mean, we haven't had sex in years and I'm not surprised. To be honest, it actually turned me on,” he said, matter-of-factly. “In fact, I've been thinking about it a lot. The thought of you being fucked by a boy is a huge turn on. It was why I was watching this video,” he said, gesturing to the screen.

“So ... you're not upset?” I asked, biting down on my lip.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “My only regret is I wasn't there to see it.”

I didn't know what to believe and couldn't comprehend why he would want to watch me have sex with another guy. I asked him, and he explained that since he’d put on weight, he no longer felt attractive. He still had the same urges, only now he found his relief in fantasising about me. Then, he said something that stunned me.

“Maybe, we could find a boy for you over here.”

I looked at him open mouthed. “Why ... would you want to do that?”

“So, I can watch, that's ... if you don't mind?”

I didn't know what to think. I was looking for a young lover, and here my husband was offering to help. “Why would I mind?” I said, beaming.

“Great, then let’s start today!”

My husband told me to dress tartly and picked from my wardrobe a miniskirt and thong. He said if some young boy got a glimpse, it would be a massive turn on. I didn't argue. I was just hopeful we could find a boy I could give a glimpse to.

We started our hunt in the local pub. There were a couple of cute guys in their early twenties. I was interested, but my husband said they were too old. I began to worry, and had to ask him just what age he had in mind. His response was sixteen or seventeen. I have to admit, far from being revolted, I was actually turned on.

Our next step was McDonald's. The moment we walked in I knew we'd hit the jackpot. There were teenage boys and girls everywhere, and one boy in particular couldn't take his eyes off me. He looked young, but was quite good looking and tall.

My husband and I sat down at a table. It was then my husband clocked the boy. “What about him? He hasn't stopped staring at you since we arrived,” he said, nodding towards the teenager.

I shrugged.

“What's wrong with him?” inquired my husband. “He’s reasonably good-looking and he appears interested.”

“Nothing's wrong with him. I'm just not sure,” I said. The truth was, as soon as I saw the boy, my juices began to flow. He had a confidence about him that reminded me of Alex and I was definitely interested. I just didn't want my husband to know how I felt.

“I have an idea,” said my husband. “I'll go get us some drinks. While I'm gone, why don't you go to the toilet. As you pass by the boy, gesture towards the door and see if he follows. If he does, talk to him and if you like him, get his number. What do you think?”

I agreed.

My husband left for the counter and I got to my feet. My heart thumped like never before. The boy couldn't be much older than sixteen and I was going to make a pass at him in a crowded McDonalds. It was frightening and completely insane.

I walked towards the table, where the boy was seated with his friends. He stared at me the whole time. As I got nearer, I nodded in the direction the toilet. The boy nodded back. I’d done it. I made a pass at him in front of his friends and the whole of McDonalds. My heart raced like a train, my hands shook and I began to sweat. Desperate to get out of sight, I rushed to the toilet and hurried inside.

It was a small corridor, with doors to male, female and disabled loos. I decided that if the boy appeared, I would enter the disabled door. With only one person allowed at time, it would mean we wouldn't be disturbed.

The door opened, and in walked the boy.

He was young, but had the confidence of someone far older.

I walked into the disabled toilet. The boy followed. He closed the door and locked it.

“Hi, I'm ... eh ... Jainey,” I said, turning to face him.

“I'm Josh,” said the boy.

I wasn't sure what else to say. So, I reached into my pocket for my phone. My hands shook and unable to hold it, it slipped from my grasp. As luck would have it, it fell in an awkward place behind the loo. I dropped to my knees and attempted to retrieve it. As I reached forward, my skirt hiked up over my bum. My thong was now pressed against my ass and my hairy slit poked out from the sides.

It must have been a teenage boys dream to have a woman old enough to be their mum, bent over on her knees, flashing her pussy. Most boys would have stood drooling, or been a quivering wreck, but not Josh. He pulled down his trousers and pants and while I reached for my phone, he knelt down behind me.

I was unaware of what he was doing until I felt him pull aside my thong. Next thing I knew, Josh had thrust his cock inside my soaking wet hole. I hadn't had sex in over a month and it felt incredible. At this point I didn't know that Josh was a virgin and there was nothing he did that gave me a clue. He was strong, firm and took his time, not what I expected from a sixteen-year-old who hadn't had sex. For three maybe four minutes, Josh thrust back and forth, his stiff young, cock filling my aching pussy and bringing me to a climax. He felt pretty big, a lot bigger than Alex, and I could feel his cock stretching my vagina walls as it travelled inside.

I moaned with ecstasy. Josh did well not to shoot his load and powered into my pussy faster and faster. I was in heaven and didn't want him to stop. Unfortunately, the excitement of his first fuck was too much. Josh grabbed my thighs and forced himself inside me like a Jackhammer. It was the trigger, causing my muscles to contract. My orgasm started and I let out a loud groan.

Josh held me tight, his cock spasming, as it filled me up with spurt after spurt of cum. When he was done, he stood up and pulled up his trousers. I was still kneeling, his semen dripping from my pulsating vagina. Josh took the phone from my hand and added himself as a contact. Then, as I tidied myself up, he left.

I walked back to the table where my husband was waiting. Josh looked on with the confident smile of a boy who had just had his way with a woman nearly three times his age. I couldn't meet his gaze. Not because I was embarrassed, but because I wanted more.

My husband sat eager to hear what had occurred. “Well?” he asked, handing me a tea. “What happened?”

“What do you mean?” I snapped, turning bright red.

“I mean, did you get his number?”

“Oh yes, it's on my phone,” I replied, relaxing as I realised, he was not referring to us having sex.

“Well, do you want to invite him round today?”

He couldn't have known how stupid a question that was. Of course, I wanted to invite Josh round. His cock had felt incredible and I couldn't wait to feel it inside me again. “Ok, if you want,” I said, trying not to betray my excitement.

“Then text him,” said my husband.

“But, what do I say?”

“Just text our address and a time ...” my husband looked at his watch, “say 4pm. That will give us time to get back and prepare.”

Josh rang our bell at 4pm on the dot. My husband was upstairs in the bedroom closet, ready to watch through the slats. I was in the kitchen; my knickers sodden from the thought of having Josh's cock inside me.

My hands shook with excitement as I opened the door. Josh marched straight in. He pinned me against the wall and kissed me. For a sixteen-year-old he was a fantastic kisser. As our lips and tongues entwine, Josh reached up under my blouse. It was then his inexperience showed. He forced my bra up over my tits. It was a rough, but I was too turned on to care.

Josh’s head dropped to my torso and he passionately sucked and licked my nipples. I felt his hand on my thigh. I didn't know at that point he was 16. He was obviously young, but he was so confident, he appeared years old. Josh’s hand slide inside my vagina and he began to finger me.

The feeling of his two fingers running over my clit and poking back and forth into my soaking wet hole was quickly bringing me to an orgasm. I closed my eyes and began to moan. I would have quite happily cum there and then, but I knew my husband was upstairs waiting. “Let's go to the bedroom,” I whispered.

“Ok, fine,” said Josh, sounding slightly disappointed as he removed his hands from my pants.

I led Josh upstairs to the bedroom and once inside, he again took control. He took off my blouse, skirt and bra, and then pulled down my thong. I stood before him completely naked.

“You are so hot,” said Josh, looking me over with an approving nod.

“Thank you,” I blushed.

Josh removed his t-shirt and trousers, then he dropped his pants. His massive cock sprung free and my face lit up. It was easily eight inches and wonderfully thick.

Unable to contain my excitement I exclaimed, “Oh my days you're huge!”

“You like it?” said Josh, raising his brows.

“Oh, most definitely,” I purred.

Josh smiled and walked over. Looking me in the eyes, he commanded, “On your knees.”

I did as I was told. Josh stood over me, his huge cock towering in the air. Placing his hand on the back of my head, he pulled me towards it. I knew what he wanted and I wasn't going to disappointed. I took his beautiful cock in my mouth and sucked like I'd never sucked before.

All pretence had vanished and watching from the wardrobe my husband could see just how I felt. He saw me suck and lick the head of Josh's cock, lick up and down his shaft, suck on his balls and stick my tongue into his bum. I wanted to give Josh the best blow job of his life and please him like no one would ever please him again. It was some show for my husband. I hadn't even sucked his balls and there he was, watching me stick my tongue inside Josh's ass. I would later learn that my husband came three times just watching me give Josh a blow. After I had kissed, licked and sucked every inch of Josh’s cock, balls and bum, he pulled my head onto his penis. His muscles twitched and he let out a load groan. Suddenly, a flood of cum filled my mouth. I eagerly swallowed, then sucked until every last drop was gone.

Josh pulled me up and pushed me onto the bed. His head dropped between my legs and he began to lick. His tongue felt amazing, but I wanted him inside me. “Fuck me, please,” I pleaded.

Josh liked my pleas and commanded, “Beg me.”

“Please, please, fuck me,” I said.

Josh laughed. “I said beg!”

I looked up at him and implored, “I beg you, fuck me. I want you to fuck more than anything.”

“And what will you do?” he asked, grinning.

“Anything you want,” I replied. “I am yours do to with as you please.”

Josh climb up on top of me. He pushed back my legs and pinned me to the bed. I felt the head of his cock poke against the entrance to my hole. With one might thrust, Josh forced it inside. I gasped, then as his cock filled me up, I let out a satisfied moan.

Through the slats of the wardrobe my husband watched the sixteen-year-old Josh show him how a real man fucks a woman. He saw Josh holding me down, while he thrust his huge cock inside me, over and over again. Harder and harder, faster and faster, Josh fucked me like dog fucks a bitch. I moaned and groaned, which made Josh fuck me even harder. In the wardrobe my husband sat furiously wanking.

Having just cum in my mouth, Josh fucked me for ten possibly fifteen magical minutes. Wave after wave of pleasure shot through my body and I savoured even fantastic second. When I finally orgasmed, it was like an explosion. I screamed out with pleasure, causing Josh to fuck me even harder. He sent my muscles into violent contractions and caused me to tremble. With a view of Josh’s ass, my husband could see how much pleasure I was in from the tsunami of my juices overflowing from my pussy.

My orgasm had been even better than the orgasms with Alex, and just like Alex, Josh didn't want to stop. He fucked me way into the night, up against the wall, bent over the bed, and every other way he could think of. He had me lick his bum and balls, and face fucked me multiple times. I loved ever minute of it and orgasmed more times than I can remember. My husband saw me do things he never believed I was capable of. He could see that I now belonged to Josh.

It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that Josh was finally satisfied. Having masturbated a dozen or so times, my husband had long since fallen asleep. I was completely contented and lay on Josh’s chest. With arms wrapped around me, I drifted off. When we awoke, we continued from where we left off.

It must have been twelve, or later before Josh finally had his fill. I walked him downstairs and kissed him goodbye, then went back upstairs to see my husband. I was a little worried that he would be angry. After all we hadn't agreed that Josh would stay. Surprisingly, my husband was fine. He had enjoyed the show and was just a little stiff from spending 20 hours in the closet. I would like to say I was concerned, but I had way too my fun to care.


2020-09-27 19:14:20
Wow..... now to get the husband fully involved and cleaning up the fresh fucked pussy!

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