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This is solely a work of fiction. The author has no experience with online human trafficking and does not condone this illegal and immoral practice.
It’s no surprise: rich perverts can easily find a hidden corner of the Web to buy young women. Pay tens of thousands of dollars for a “storage cabinet,” as it would appear to the blissfully ignorant, and expect to receive your own little traumatized trafficking victim.

I’m as rich as the typical buyers, but unlike them, I’m not a sick fucking freak. I only found out about this through my girlfriend, Leah, who read about it in conspiracy threads online. So heartbreaking, Leah told me, so horrible that precious girls would go through this. She posed this question: as a high-earning tech genius, was there anything I could do about it?

I could find the market if I knew what I was looking for, no big deal. But if I got those sites taken down, they’d just move it somewhere else. They’re not stupid; surely they have a backup plan. And if I brought the girls to the authorities, those poor angels would have to live through the extra trauma of telling their stories in court and getting shuffled around the foster care system. There was one way I knew I could save a spirit -- buy a girl ourselves and raise her with love.


Ruby was delivered to us as a little brat. She screamed and scratched and spit, refusing to trust us when we promised we weren’t going to hurt her. We couldn’t blame her, after she’d been pimped out her whole life. We just kept feeding her, watering her, cleaning her, reading to her, speaking to her so patiently and tenderly--altogether, telling her, You don’t have to do anything for us. We’re here for you, we’re not going anywhere, and we’re going to care for you no matter what.

It only took a week for her to soften up. She begged for hugs every hour, which my girlfriend was glad to provide. From then on, I’d often come home to see them curled up on the couch, Leah’s hand in Ruby’s cinnamon brown hair, Ruby’s head on Leah’s heartbeat, squished up against Leah's breasts. Ruby began to say “thank you” with a smile -- oh, I felt like I could die of cuteness when I first saw that smile. She became part of a loving family, the most prized possession in our home.

When we first celebrated her birthday a month later, Ruby had no idea what being “15” meant. Her date of birth came on the information sheet in her box, but she’d never been told her age. I said it meant she was still a child, and when three years passed and she’d been alive for 18 whole years, she could be recognized as a grown up. That would mean she’d have to go out into the big world and make a life for herself--a prospect that scared her. If I’m honest, it scared us too.

But after the day arrived, my dear Leah had figured out a better plan.


“I know she deserves freedom,” I told Leah one day. “But where else is she going to go? She’s been sheltered her whole life! She doesn’t have a Social Security number, or a legal birth certificate, or any damn idea how the world works; she’s not going to be able to hold down any job unless she gets whored out again.”

Leah stroked my chin. Ruby, now 18, was asleep on her mattress while we were here whisper-chatting on the cuddle couch. “That’s why she’s going to continue living with us.”

“She can’t be coddled as a child forever, you know.”

My girl’s fingers trailed down my belly. “She won’t be our child. She’ll be our lover.”

“What? That’s not why we bought her.” I jerked at the sudden warmth of Leah’s hand on my thigh.

“It certainly wasn’t. But we were the first ones to make her feel loved. Now it’s time for her to have her first taste of true pleasure--don’t you think she should get it from us? The only ones who make her feel so safe and love her more than anything in the world?” She crouched down and fluttered her eyes at my crotch. “You’ve got to admit she’s growing into such a beautiful young woman.”

I sighed. “Oh… you’re right. That does sound beautiful.” Our pretty Ruby deserved to be properly pleased.

Leah placed a kiss on my growing bulge and started undoing my jeans. “She’s worth the wait.”


“Come look at Ruby,” Leah announced the moment I got home. “I got her a new dress for the big day!”

Ruby’s beauty looked so healthy. Her beaming, full-cheeked face glowed with joy. Her little dress, a cheap tight-fitting zip-up, showed me where she’d gained some quality pounds; she now had full hips and cleavage. She’d grown so much in the years since this starved, scared, cruelty-stricken girl first arrived. But she was still little enough for me to scoop her up and rock her in my arms.

“Hello, my angel.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“The big day? What’s that?”

Today, Leah was also in her most revealing dress. Her breasts squished up as Ruby nuzzled her chest. “You know you’re a woman now. You’re no longer a little girl.” She petted Ruby down her hair, down her back, down to her bum, and flashed me a grin.

Ruby giggled. “Mm-hmm.”

“How would you like it if we gave you a more grown-up kind of love?” Leah gripped our girl’s bum cheeks. “Do you want to join in the love that your father and I give each other? Stuff with grown-up bodies that feels so nice?”

“You’re going to fuck me?” Ruby’s words took me aback -- I’d never heard a curse from her mouth. “Just like you fuck on your bed when I’m on my mattress at at night? How come you never did that with me? I thought you didn't think I was pretty enough!”

"We do think you're very pretty," I said. "But you were young. We didn't want to hurt you -- we'd never want to hurt you. All we want is for you to feel good."

"Does that sound like something you want?" Leah cooed, tilting up Ruby's chin to look her straight in the eyes.

"Yes, yes! I love you!"

“Well, first,” said Leah, “we’re going to kiss you like grown-ups kiss. See how we do this, on the lips --” She beckoned me down; I leaned in and gave her one, deep and worshipful. God almighty, Leah was an amazing mother for doing this. “I’ll show you.” She held Ruby’s cheeks, sucked our daughter’s lips -- Ruby just lay there, passive. “Kiss me back, baby!” They gave it a few more tries, until Ruby was kissing just as forcefully.

Ruby pulled off. “Am I doing good?”

“Yep, I think your father would like to see what you’ve learned.” She turned to me. “Right, my love? Wouldn’t you like that?”

“You know I would.” Warmth filled my whole body as Ruby’s lips met mine. She wasn’t shy with it.

Leah stroked our backs. “Let’s take this to our bed.”


“Remember,” Leah whispered, as Ruby flopped down on the bed, “she needs to know this isn’t like what she faced when she was younger. This has to be all about her pleasure.”

Ruby stuck her peachy bum up. “Is he going to put it in me?” She slid up her dress, peeled down her panties. Her pink private parts just barely poked out from her puffy lips.

“You’ve never been with a woman before, have you?” Leah jiggled Ruby’s peach. “Don’t you know a woman can want your body, too? Here, let me take off this dress.”

As soon as the dress got unzipped and stripped, Ruby curled up, arms clutched over the bra that Leah bought her. Slowly, oh-so-tenderly, Leah pushed those hiding arms aside and unhooked the bra. Holding Ruby by the sides, she placed her belly-up on our bed. Off came the bra -- we could now see every part of Ruby exposed.

Leah left little kisses all over each breast. “Now, lie back and enjoy this.” She kept stroking and squeezing the breasts while kissing down Ruby’s tummy; I knew Leah sort of liked women, but I never realized she was so passionate about the chests on them. “Let me know how you like it when I put my tongue on your pretty private parts.” She reached under Ruby’s booty and began.

Ruby let out a gasp. “Uh! It tickles!”

Leah looked up. “Yes, you’re very sensitive. It’s lovely.” She dug her face back in between Ruby’s legs and continued slurping.

Ruby shivered and sighed, and then, as if Leah hit the right spot, grabbed the sides of the pillow and squealed.

Leah switched her tongue for her finger, rubbing the glistening slit. “I know your father likes to see me with my clothes off. Maybe you’ll like it too.” She yanked up her dress with nothing underneath; her breasts swung free.

Ruby giggled. “I like your boobs. They’re bigger than mine.”

“Yeah? From now on, they’re yours to play with. I think we should let him lick you now.” She leaned over Ruby’s face. “Trust me -- he really knows how to lick it.”

Me? Getting up close to Ruby’s pussy, all spread and ready, I felt so filthy. This was the girl I took care of; at this point, she felt like my own little girl, my flesh-and-blood daughter. “I can’t do it.”

“Please, please?” Ruby’s thighs felt heated under my hands.

No hot-blooded man could see a fresh young fertile figure like that without feeling a stir in his pants. She clearly likes it, I told myself. She needs it. “Okay, then.” I gave her a taste.

She melted in bliss -- eyes closed, head back, big smile. “Mmm, mmm,” she moaned from my licks, as if I were giving her a luxury massage. The more I slid over her slick lips and throbbing clitoris, the more she dripped on my face. Leah sure was right about my tongue skills; I had to grip our girl by the hips because she was bucking around so much. Soon, she was flushed all over, panting in-out-in-out. My full focus shifted to her clit, sucking firmly enough for her to feel the longing love in my lips.

Ruby’s legs got stiff to squeeze me tight. Off and on, she gasped and yelped. Then she went all limp and laughed. “Oh, what was that?”

I patted her puffy parts. “That was an orgasm, baby. You just had an orgasm from it.” We piled into a cuddle group, with me under my two nude lovers. “I love you both so much.”


After our long nap, Leah pulled me aside. “Shh,” she whispered. “I want to watch you penetrate Ruby tonight.”

I ached thinking of how that hole had probably been used and bruised too many times. “I don’t know if she’ll want that.”

“It couldn’t hurt to ask. Here, let’s see.” Leah nudged our girl, still nude on our bed, “Ruby?”


Leah’s hand cupped Ruby’s bare crotch. “Daddy really made you feel nice, didn’t he? Would you like it if he tried something else -- if he stuck himself in you?”

“I’m a little scared.” She hugged Leah and glanced at me. “Are you going to get me pregnant and abort it?”

Leah paused for a bit, probably in shock. Ruby had probably had a lot of pregnancies killed. “No, dear. He’s done this to me many, many times, and he’s never given me a baby. Just lots of pleasure. Now I want you to get his pleasure too.”

“Ooh…” Ruby’s face flushed. “I wanna try.”

“What a good girl.” Leah smirked at me. “See what I mean? Now go give it to her!”

Ruby got into what seemed to be her favorite penetration position: boobs squished down on the bed, booty up in the air.

Leah flipped her over, rougher than I’d expect. “No, no, he needs to see that beautiful little body.”

I pulled off my shirt and leaned down for another kiss, deep and wet; this time, she was a pro. The warm squish of her bare chest on mine made my penis start to swell. I then took off my jeans and underpants. With my full naked body above her, she stared doll-eyed. “Okay, Ruby, I’m going to put it in--”

She sucked in a sharp breath. Her walls were hugging my tip so tight, like they didn’t want to let go. I inched the rest in more gently, hands petting her breasts for comfort.

“Does it hurt?” Leah asked Ruby.

Ruby’s body shuddered; her once-rigid vagina got all wet and welcoming. “Ahh, no.”

So I started pumping, taking care not to slam too hard. The way her breaths and heart quickened, she seemed to enjoy me sliding on her spot. “You’re such a good girl, doing so well,” I said, keeping pace with my thrusts. “You’ve got this.”

This was the first heartbeat I’d felt under me since Leah; I loved this young lady just as much as my long-time love Leah. I loved how she laughed and her eyes got all teary as I pumped with passion. I loved how she clutched my back and kept trying to kiss me again and again. I loved how I was the man to give the right kind of grown-up love to little Ruby and she loved, loved, loved it too.

It didn’t take long for her to scream, go limp, and sigh again. True to my promise, I pulled out. When I got done releasing my testes’ excitement in the toilet, I stepped out to see Ruby and Leah curled up together -- this time, under our blanket.


The next morning, as we all gathered at the table for breakfast, Leah stroked Ruby’s hand. “For years, we took care of you as our child. And we enjoyed it; we’ve really enjoyed being a mother and a father. You’re the little crack of sunshine in our day, you know that? Every day I get to cuddle you, my cutie, and you know it makes your dad -- let’s just call him Jesse now -- it always makes him smile to see us at peace. Right?”

“Right.” My chest warmed.

“Looking at you now, remembering what you were like when we first got you, I’m amazed at how happy and healthy you’ve become. Being your mother is my proudest joy.”

No words. Ruby just gave Leah a long, clinging hug.

“Now we’ve decided what you’re going to do now that you’re no longer a child. It’s your turn to know this joy of motherhood. You’re going to be the mother of our children. Jesse’s going to put himself inside you, and he’s not going to pull out, and we’re not going to kill the baby; we’re going to keep our child and raise a family together. How does that sound?”

Ruby cradled her arms in front of her and rocked them as if holding an imaginary baby. Wow, she had truly matured; she was already ready for her grown body’s womanly duty. “It’s going to be so good! Oh, thank you so much!”

It sure would be, compared to the future she would’ve had if we never took her. I blinked back tears. “Anything for you, Ruby. We’re not going to leave you. You’ll always be our little girl.”

Dudley DowrongReport 

2020-07-27 05:56:10
Pleasantly surprised Ruby would let them fuck her. Hope you make this a series. THANKS for posting your works on this site

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