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Bullied man is attached to an alien life form.

Chapter 7

Jacob sat on the sofa, unsure of what was going on. Covered in sweat, tears and bodily fluids, he sat back on the couch trying to catch his breath. Two women lay near him. Aurora with her curvaceous butt lay on the ottoman in front of the couch. From where he sat, he could see the glistening of moisture on her skin as well as red swollen vulva.

The other woman, a female cop named Meredith, had been sucked into the night’s events by Aurora. The cop lay on the floor after collapsing a few moments ago. Jacob found her screaming orgasms entertaining and they made him feel powerful. Aurora had passed out about an hour ago.

The scene looked serene now to him as he sighed in contentment. His cock felt warm and even as it dropped in exhausted flaccidity. He could even feel the post-coital drippage sliding out of his cock. If the tendrils of sleep didn’t tug at him, worry of the mess created by the coupling would surely be there instead. In fact, Jacob’s drowsiness quickly dissipated as two realizations hit him.

Meredith would change soon. There would be no doubt about that. A change brought on by him and whatever afflicted him for the Goddess. Soon the cop would cocoon and emerge as a devoted daughter of lust. But in the meantime, she would need a place to do such a thing and his house wouldn’t be it.

The second realization concerned Aurora. This night happened to be the first that Jacob outlasted the sexual being. That reflection brought a smile to his face.

Getting up slowly, Jacob walked over to the woman. Kneeling down, he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a push.


The name and push repeated a few times before Mereidith stirred.

“What?” she asked groggily turning over.

“It’s time to go,” he replied.

The woman looked at him, eyelids drooping down.


That’s all she said, before getting up slowly. Jacob moved away and surveyed the room. The cop’s clothes were everywhere, but the woman made no effort to get them as she stood up. Instead i, he heard the jingle of keys and watched as she wobbled naked out the front door. In seconds, the sound of a car starting and driving away filled the air.

“She left quick,” he said.

“I know,” Aurora groaned signifying her waking awareness. She rolled on the ottoman. Studying her for a moment, he watched in morbid fascination as her bone structure shifted immensely. Now at this moment, she wore a lithe body with massive breasts.

“Why do you shift your form like that?”

“I like to experiment,” she said with a stretch. Her frame changed again but this time to one he had been accustomed to seeing. The curvy milf form that she loved to sport. He didn’t understand why, but then, he never really took the opportunity before to ask her why she preferred the form.

Hands began roaming across her breasts. She cooed a bit and licked her lips. He got the drift of her message.

“I’m a little, worshipped out,” he said to Aurora with an emphasis on the out. It wasn’t as if he wouldn’t want more. Even if he didn’t Aurora had gotten especially well-versed in persuading him.

“Fine, but bothers me how stressed you are already.”

“Look at this,” he said with a wave of his arm.

“At what? A few clothes and wet spot easily dealt with?”

Now that he looked at the mess it looked much smaller than before.

“Still, you don’t know how my dad will react to anything,” he said while a wave of fear washed over him. Her eyes went red. “He may even hate what I did here.”

“Your father doesn’t scare me.”

“No,” he said with a laugh. “I’d imagine not.”

He moved through the living room picking up discarded clothes. Meredith’s were the weirdest for him being that the cops uniforms fabric felt stiff in his hands. The body armor, heavy with alien weight, strained his arms as he moved it to hide it in a closet. After picking it up, he surveyed the wets spots and his eyes wandered over to Aurora once again.

“You can have me again if you want?” she said sitting up. Brushing her hair aside her pink eyes boring into him.

“You’re insatiable,” he told her, but within seconds, his cock sprang up.

“Don’t project your own lusts onto me,” she said with a laugh. “Besides, I can take care of myself if needed right now.”

Jacob saw the challenge in her eyes. The daring of him to walk way.

“You slut,” he said with a growl.

“Take me,” she giggled.

Within seconds, her legs were wrapped around his waist as he thrust into her. He would grunt, she gasped into his ear. Jacob felt a surge of power within himself as her thrust into her. As if the depths of her couldn’t be reached.

Aurora for her part, didn’t seem keen on holding back herself. Yells and gratuitous moans filled the air. And so did the sopping sounds of pussy being pounded.

It didn’t take long for Aurora to erupt into an orgasm. Heralded by her sudden stiffening and nails digging into his back. He yelped, not registering the spray of fluid hosing him. She didn’t let off as he thrust away, trying himself to reach the end.

He came. And thankfully too. With a grunt, he replenished the fluids she lost. And he knew that his spurting flood of cum into her would. Nothing about bodily fluids escaped her, especially cum. Something she made known to him during their first encounters. Exhausted, he relaxed on top of her, breathing heavily while she cooed.

“I could never imagine how humans got this lucky,” she said. Long breaths could be heard going in as Jacob laid his head on her breast.

“I think I love you,” he said with a content sigh.

“Master,” Aurora spoke with a tender voice. “I am honored by such a declaration. Know that none will ever have a place in my heart as you.”

“Will you sleep with other men?”

“The will of the Goddess imposes many things, but as I know with you humans, it is in direct issue with the idea of a relationship. Plus you do own me in many ways.”

Jacob thought for a moment.

“I guess it would be hard to impose on you with a cock that needs to be dipped in everything to worship the goddess properly.”

“Precisely,” she said with a sudden exhale of air. “And anyways, I could never really wander away from you. If anything, we can think of ourselves in an open relationship.”

“That is new, but what if I find someone I like?”

“Concubines are fine with me as long as we share them.”

“You mean men?”

She let out a laugh.

“You don’t think some group sex like we had tonight would be out of the norm?”

Jacob never even considered the possibility of a double-dipping scenario. While two clams in the sea were fine to one eager sausage. Having two sausages competing for one clam struck him as a queer idea. But with the whims of lusts, Aurora would obey the Goddess’s commands and so would he.

“Can we keep it rare though?” he asked.

Aurora laughed.

“We are but covetous vessels after all,” she said through the deep breaths.

“Your heart beat is calming,” Jacob finally said after a minute of silence. Listing to it beat lulled him into sleep and soon he found himself back in the darkness of his dreams.

Jacob had grown accustomed to dreaming about the throne. A chair centered atop a set of stone work with intricate designs carved into the surface. It honestly looked like a step pyramid with stair leading up to the chair. The floor of the place also felt rough on the bare bottoms of his feet. Only in the circle of light around entire thing could he see that the floor’s surface was black stone.

The throne area is where he first met Aurora weeks ago in his dream. After her larval state attached to his cock. Here she had proposed the sexual arrangements with him to give herself a physical form. A form tied to his own now.

Jacob, as every night he dreamt now, avoided the throne. Aurora never seemed to be present in this dream world now or at least in the light. So for the past few nights, he ventured away from the throne and into the darkness.

Now, the first time Jacob did this unprescribed adventure, the argument of how dangerous any deviation from the light raged on inside hi. Eventually he decided to step away and thus far he knew that if he went right, eventually the stone turned to dirt. Left yielded water. Behind the structure of the throne and its seemed as if the stone kept going. Tonight, he would journey by immediately turning around and walking.

Into the darkness, which quickly light from the throne didn’t carry on far. He got the distinct impression this structure represented some sort of haven in this outlying dark lands. If there existed one though, why couldn’t there be another.

Forging on, Jacob walked and walked. Nothing permeated the darkness. Not even the changing of what he walked on. Logically if the stonework didn’t end, then a road must be underfoot. Under that impression he walked until he walked into something hard.

The object he ran into smacked him hard in the face. Reaching out, he felt a stone wall and he moved down its length, fingers finding the seams of mortar holding the bricks together. As he did, he eventually found a corner and turned it. As soon as he had, a chant began.

The language sounded alien. Ignoring its insistent words, he moved along the wall until another corner. He rounded it. When he did, the chanting ceased. The silence and darkness re-permeated the air once again. The only thing that broke the spell beside his breath, and a little red light sat insignificantly a few feet away. Sensing no danger, Jacob moved away from the safety of the wall and to the light.

As Jacob got closer, a cold shiver ran up his spine. Power permeated the air. As he moved up to the light, he felt a push back against him. Ignoring it, he moved up quickly to snatch the gem.


The suddenness of it brought him to his knees.

“Who are you,” a voice deep as the darkness spoke.

Jacob struggled under the power of the thing.

“I ask the same,” Jacob said, struggling to say the words through clenched teeth.

“I am Kloth,” it said. “A ruler in this realm.”

“This is a dream,” Jacob said. He felt himself growing numb to the pain a bit.

“A mortal then,” it said with a hiss. “To whom do you serve?”

“There is no name,” he said clenching his teeth. Hs voice came out like a hiss. “Just a feeling.”


Jacob took a moment to look at the gem. Red and hard like stone itself, but a power within.

“I have no recollection of which of us ancients have been awoken,” the deep voice spoke. “But you have awoken a second now.”

“And what does that mean?”

“It means that I will have to find a champion for myself to use now.”

“And what will they champion?”

“They will champion me, the bringer of sorrowful desires.”

“What does that even mean?” he asked with a laugh.

“You dare laugh at me mortal?”

Another searing of pain went through him. With that, Jacob woke with a start. Absolutely fearful of the dream now that he had escaped back to reality. Here, he also awoke somewhere else. In his bed, Jacob ripped the blankets back.

“What’s going on?”

Aurora sat up as Jacob scrambled out of the bed.

“It’s a real place isn’t it?”

“What is?” Aurora said with a stretch.

“The place I first met you, in my dreams.”

Aurora looked at him, her eyes yellow. A color he hadn’t seen before.

“Why do you ask now?”

“Ever since that night, I dream about it.”

She was silent as her eyes shifted to blue.

“You still dream of that place?”

“Yeah,” he said walking over and sitting in his office chair. “Who is Kloth?”

Aurora’s eyes shifted to yellow again.

“You can actually interact there?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “And why is the throne the only place with light?”

Eyes deepened even more into yellow.

“No entity in that place has a name,” she said. “You gave me mine.”

Jacob was about to respond when her eyes flared into red.

“You walked around?” she said angrily with a snarl.

“When I asked about it you said nothing to worry about.”

“I didn’t think you could walk around in it,” she said. Her eyes faded from red to blue suddenly. “No matter, where that is, something has to have a physical form to come here. You gave me that and you need to understand how dangerous other beings from there can be.”

“You didn’t warn me and now another named one is awakened?”

“One with a name, you gave me mine.”

She shifted in the bed, the sheets rustling with the movement. Swearing to himself that he could feel her heat from here and he locked eyes with her. They were pink now and she licked her lips.

“We don’t have time to have sex,” he replied.

“I don’t think you get it. Worship isn’t an option.”

“I get it, but I worry about my dad, who may not react well to anything going on.”

“You worry too much” she said with a stretch, her form changing to match a woman closer to his age. His dad would have an issue with how milfy she would look. Now the exaggerated curves were gone. She took a petite look and a bit smaller than him.

“With everything shrunk, how are an emissary for the goddess?”

Aurora stood up, her petite body barely sinking into the bed. He saw that her ginormous breasts were now close to a b-cup. That would be the extent that he got to see as she jumped down from the bed and sauntered over to him.

Aurora hated body hair. Something he noticed every time seeing her naked. Now that he thought about it, he wondered if she would grow hair out or not. He had no basis on really if she did like hair or not. She just never did. Suddenly she was in his lap, eyes completely pink now.

“It’s time for the morning sermon and we haven’t done it before in your office chair.”

Aurora looked predatory locking eyes with him. A tongues licked across the lips.

“Praise the goddess for this meal,” she said hotly into his ear. No need to even work him up. Hard already and a shift from her, the length slid into her tight depths. “I always like taking you to the hilt.”

“Yeah, but what if my dad comes home?”

“And hears the screams of his son railing a girl into submission?” she said.

“Wouldn’t it be you riding me into submission?”

“Oh Jacob,” she moaned. “I don’t plan on riding you right now, you need more practice.”


“Yeah,” she started and then began a passionate kiss, entwining her tongue with his as it swirled around. By the time they broke, Jacob became aware of how much he now needed some friction between their sexes. By now, her desires ran abundantly.

“I see what you did,” he said.

“Do you?”

A mischievous challenge in her words and the alight grin on her face.

“All you have to do is take it.”

“Can’t take something freely give.”

“But you can fuck it.”

“Fuck it?”


The conviction in his mending soul came out. Punctuated by a surge of strength. He lifted his petite eldritch slut up. Turned her a bit, threw a leg over his shoulder and proceeded to ram home with all his might. What astounded him in the moment is how easily the holding her up.

“Jacob, harder,” she cried out, further astounding him was her push back of meeting his thrusts. Something about it seemed like he got deeper into her lithe body than ever before.

“Can you feel me in your throat?”

“Almost,” she groaned out, nails digging into his shoulder as she twisted a bit. “To get that I need more leverage.”

And Aurora lived up to the statement. Meeting his thrust even harder now and he swore he slid even deeper in. No matter, soon they both fell to the floor, each of them sputtering out their respective orgasmic fluids.

“How are we gonna clean this up,” he said with heavy breaths as sweat stung his eyes.

“You worry too much,” Aurora sighed.

“Probably smells like sex.”

“And what will that matter?”

“My father may not react well.”

“To his son getting laid?”

Jacob shifted and stood up.

“Especially being that he has called me queer on more than a few occasions.”

“Love is love,” she said with a stretch. “Doesn’t matter with who or how. Seems to me your species would struggle in general finding ones to love with as many hang ups present.”

“I’m pretty open.”

“You aren’t who I refer to,” she replied pointing at him. “All of the women so far who have joined out conclave of sex fiends have all been difficult to convince. All of them had hang ups about process and after. Though by now, the teacher will emerge soon, the cop will cocoon shortly and our office assistant, well is enjoying herself immensely.”

“You can tell?”

“There’s a telepathic link.”

A moment of silence as Jacob digested the information. Something was meant by her statement. Possibly a warning of sorts. Then again, Aurora may have wanted him know these things. He wouldn’t ask for clarification.

“I need a shower.”

And Jacob left Aurora in the room, naked on the floor. Though to him, she seemed to be sunning her lithe body. He tried not to think about it as he showered. Any twitch of his cock would no doubt summon forth Aurora. That thought made him smile as he soaped up.

“How can I be so dedicated to self-control now?” he asked himself out loud. Though he did know. Everything had changed for him. There wasn’t a persistent hunger anymore.

“When did I eat last?”

Getting out of the shower, he couldn’t actually recall his last meal. His stomach didn’t growl to agree on it and he wondered briefly why. As he dried off, Aurora came into the bathroom, still naked.


“And drinking.”

He watched as she turned the sink on and leaned in to drink from the faucet. Thinking the way she drank form the sink faucet weird, he wanted to comment that a tentacle mouth would work better.

Holding a hand up, he went to correct her of the action, but one look of her fat pussy lips from behind stopped him. Instantly hard and unable to now look away, he did the one thing that he could.

Aurora coughed heavily as he slid himself into her. Leaving her no chance, Jacob moved himself in and out of her without restraint. Eventually, he grabbed her hair and yanked her head up, careful that he didn’t hurt her.

Her coughs tightened her pussy around his cock. Not that he cared, but he went at it even as she pushed her back against his chest.

“Fuck,” Aurora yelled. She tensed and the began shaking as if she was having a seizure. Jacob felt a bit disappointed that Aurora didn’t hold off her orgasm longer. Mostly because the flood of juices would would over lubricate. Jacob didn’t want to spend a lot of time with sex at the moment. That is until their thrusts misaligned and he slid out of her pussy. On the next thrust, the tunnel he slid into wasn’t her pussy anymore.

“Goddess damn it all.”

“I’m sorry,” Jacob said, panicking at the thought of hurting her. Grasping her cheeks, he spread them to try and ease pulling out of her. Much to his surprise, she pushed back hard and it caused him to loose his footing. Falling back, his back stopped against the wall. Aurora followed him the entire way. Still holding her cheeks apart, she shoved her petite self back, impaling his cock deep into her.

“Finally taking what you want,” Aurora sighed at him. A hand reached up a pulled his head into her shoulder. Instinctively he bit into her neck, which caused her to shove back even more. “Stop holding back Jacob.”

He looked forward, eyes locking with her solid pink ones in the mirror. Letting go of her neck, he licked his lips.

“Yes,” she hissed, her own tongues coming out with a swirl of tentacled horror. In that moment, he remembered how alien the woman could be. With a smile, he reached down.

“Jump,” he said.

She did. Not a big jump, he never left the inside of her as she did. He caught her legs and hoisted them up. Straining a bit as he did, it took a second to hold her so he could drive himself in and out of her ass. Concentrating on the hand at task, which the difficulty of it made his arms strain, he barely saw the tentacles begin sprouting from her body.

At first, the tentacles started with her hair as she lost her composure. The second, and one he almost missed by closing his eyes, is that her labia swelled and pulled apart like a flower blossoming. Tendril waved into the air from her sex. The sight almost caused him to drop her, but she reached back with both hands and wrapped them around the back of his head. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth was not.

“I’m not gonna hold it,” she said suddenly.

“Neither am I,” Jacob grunted, shoving himself up and as deep into her ass as he could. The feeling of hot cum spurting out of the tip of his cock felt as if it were being pulled by a vacuum suddenly. His orgasm stretched out but while he tensed for the moments it happened, Aurora seemed to buck hard against him. Finally the orgasm subsided and he let Aurora sink to the floor. And sink she did, his deflating cock came out of the ring of her ass with an audible popping sound.

“Fuck,” he said, trying to maintain his stance. Everything burned in his arms and legs. Looking at himself in the mirror, it seemed to him that he looked a bit skinnier. His stomach rumbled in reply. “What did you do?”

“I took what you gave willingly,” she said with a heavy sigh. “That was some thick cum.”

“Shouldn’t that be a bad sign?”

“Why? It’s perfectly normal for a man of your age to produce load after load of thick spunk. It’s tasty and I am always going to enjoy absorbing it.”

“You’re weird,” he said with a laugh. Noting that she could have used any other way of describing her consumption of cum. “I’m gonna dress and get some food. You should shower.”

Jacob left her in the bathroom laying naked on the floor.

Minutes later, Jacob found himself in the kitchen, worried about what to make to eat. There didn’t happen to be anything to make. With a sigh, he decided to order something. What Jacob didn’t want was to leave and have his father show up. Man would be liable to do something. Though, as he would find, in short order Aurora’s plans differed.

“Let’s go out,” she said walking into the kitchen.

Jacob looked at her in surprise.

“And don’t start with your dad,” she said pointing at him. Aurora wore the nubile petite form.

“Where did you get clothes to fit?”

“I watched some stuff on hemming. Made my own,” she relied. “And don’t change the subject. I know we have no food in the house because I ate it all. Won’t you worry if your dad come home to that?”

“Damn, you’re right,” Jacob replied.

“So, let’s go out.”

“We don’t have a car, I had to steal a shopping cart the last time.”

“Do you even have a license?”

“I do,” he said pulling it out of his wallet and holding it up to her for inspection.

“We need to get this retaken, it doesn’t flatter you at all.”

She gave him the plastic back. This moment marked the first time she had said something negative about how he looked before they met.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said, her eyes turning blue. She walked up to him and pulled him into a kiss.

“I’m just saying that with how you look now, the picture doesn’t match.”

Jacob let it go. He had too. Aurora was the first woman to show him anything close to true friendship and companionship. A fear of his is that everything centered on fake. He wanted to be truly loved and wanted. The alien seemed to be genuine to him.

“Alright,” he said. “Should I call a cab?”

She nodded.

“Let’s get food first.”

And that is how Jacob went out for the first time on a date with Aurora. Within the hour, she was next to him, sitting in a booth at a dimly lit sushi restaurant. Everything was going great as Aurora devoured everything she could on the menu. The Waitress had been more than astounded with the amounts.

“Are you sure we can afford this?” Aurora asked putting down the last of the previous plate.

“Yeah, but with your small form, you may want to slow down.”

She sighed.

“It’s so good, but you are right. If I keep it up, my metabolism will slow and I will have to start storing the energy.”

“So after we pay, store?”

“Figured we need a car,” she said with a smile. She drank a glass of water, down in a few gulps.

“You just want me to buy a car?”

“Yeah, why not?” she said as a matter of fact. “You need one and you can afford one.”


“And your father won’t care, I promise.”

“Why wouldn’t he?”

“He’ll be distracted.”

Sated for now of the fear of the patriarch, Jacob sat back in the booth thinking. He had no idea what kind of car to buy. The though of ever buying one at his previous size would never fly. Feeling excited by the prospect, he decided it would be a great idea.

“Okay,” he said. “I need to pay the bill.”

“I can just offer myself up,” she said with a laugh. “Though, it would mean being out later.”

“Relax, I feel the need too, but we can’t in such a public place.”

“And you’re in no rush to see me experiment with other men yet.”

“My cock seems to be filling you up just nicely.”

The waitress walked up, blushing heavily as the conversations turn in direction was overheard. She gave the bill quickly and walked off.

“She’s cute,” Aurora said.

“You think so?”

“Yeah and horny. You can practically smell the lust on her.”

Interest peeked, Jacob looked around and watched the Asian girl as she moved through the restaurant. A petite asian girl who look adorable in her black pants suit. He did forget the establishment prided itself on a professional appearance.

She eventually walked back up, returning his stare as she did. The girl couldn’t stammer out much, but by the end of the exchange, they paid and the girl had his number.

“I can’t believe you,” Jacob said to her as they walked out the door.

“What? We need recruits.”

He sighed knowing how right she was. Not too mention, their circle of cultist needed to grow more to survive. With another sigh, he let her lead the way out. Minutes later, they were at a dealership.

Now, Jacob wanted something utility like in its inception. His whole reason was having a moving shagging vehicle that could also transport groups fit a communal better. Aurora, while she did agree, insisted time was on their side and such things could wait. Jacob quickly found himself actually being pushed into buying something for himself.

“It’s sweet of you to be so responsible, but take this moment not to be.”

“Even if I do this, we will have to get it registered and I have no insurance.”

She smiled and stopped him.

So far they had been walking away from the sushi restaurant and moving to a car dealership. Though the particular area had more than a few on the same strip. Suddenly, she was in his arms, kissing him passionately. A few car honks later and they were back to walking. Even holding hands as they did.

Jacob never flashed cash anywhere. Even as a rule to anyone. Too many bullying events that left him often with no money. Thankfully, he had cards to different accounts that he owned. Turns out, unless they could get him to take money off of them, which never happened, bullies didn’t care for plastic. As they walked up to a dealership, that fact resonated with him as a dealer walked up to them.

“Hey folks,” he said in greeting arms open in welcome. He wore a grey pressed suit and looked professional with his hair grease back. With black hair and a white smile, he welcomed them. “What can I help you with?”

“We’re looking for a car,” Aurora said with a giggle.

“Ah well is it for the lady?”

The two of them talked, leaving Jacob out of the conversation. So he looked out into the car yard and saw little that drew his interest. He automatically surmised that bigger vehicle would do for him. In the end, he decided that best vehicle to get was a small SUV.

Moments later, Jacob had returned to the two of them. He interrupted the man and informed him of the exact vehicle he wanted. The man didn’t seem to happy that Jacob returned and thus began talking to Jacob.

The man prattled on about costs and the like. Jacob, who had experience with contracts found himself seeing something wrong. The amount of fees and taxes seemed completely off. While Jacob felt his anger rising to the transgression, Aurora suddenly excused herself to use the restroom.

Fifteen minutes later, the contract negotiation didn’t seem to be going well. The phone rang and the man excused himself, snatching the contract fast before walking out. Seconds later Aurora sat back next to him grinning ear form ear.

“What?” he asked her after a few seconds.

“I got a better deal for you,” she said licking her fingers.

“What did you do?”

“We have our first male recruit, though he will need to be bonded to someone soon.”

“You didn’t.”

“I totally did and let me tell you, he was tasty for sure,” she said with a laugh. “He is lucky to be the first male recruit.”

“Oh,” Luke said, a bit disappointed that Aurora couldn’t contain herself. “Why did you do that?”

“The car will be cheaper and we can get out of here sooner.”

Interrupting his retort and punctuating her point, the dealer walked up, scratching his head in confusion.

“Never seen this before,” he spoke sitting down in front. Soon enough, money exchanged hands, to which the dealership balked at the cash purchase in full. They even tried to negotiate add-ons during the payment so that the contract could be amended to them. He knew the game, and refused.

Sitting in the car, Jacob drove around with Aurora. She laughed uncontrollably throughout the ride. The laughter disturbed Jacob a bit as the unabated joy of another person took him into a weird place. He pulled over on a side road and stopped the vehicle in fear that something was wrong.

No sooner had the car stopped, she launched into a tirade of how exciting riding in a car was. She laughed more and he joined in. Soon enough, she had pulled him into the back of the car. Minutes or even hour later, Jacob did lose track of time sometimes trying to satiate Aurora’s appetites. By the time they finished, Jacob worried his father would beat them home.

So in fear, they drove home. Aurora laughed once more, enjoying the thrill of the ride. As they pulled up, he thankfully saw that his father’s car didn’t sit in the drive. With a sigh of relief, they left without even stepping out of the vehicle.

“Where are we going?” Aurora asked with a moan.

The moan caught Jacob’s attention. A quick look over and watched hands rubbing across nipples. One thing about Aurora is that she loved nipples. He figured that out as he often saw he touching them. With a smile, he looked back out to the road.

“Figure the grocery store.”


Jacob stole a glance at her after her exclamation. What he saw was her shirt up and pert breasts out. Skirt up, she had pulled her legs up and had her mouth agape as her head lay back against the head rest. It didn’t take more than a second to see that Aurora’s fingers buried themselves into her snatch.

“Hey now on the new seats?” he asked with mock anger.

“But it’s so wet,” Aurora groaned. “And it feels so good.”

“But the seats?”

Suddenly the windshield became covered in a sprayed mist as Aurora let out a scream. Jacob didn’t stop the vehicle, but her scent overpowered the new car smell immediately.

“Fuck that was good,” she said with a punctuated sigh. It drew his attention once more for a second and he saw her licking her fingers. Suddenly her head snapped his way. “Want a taste?”

He opened his mouth to respond and suddenly her salty cunt juiced fingers were shoved into his mouth. Without much of a choice, Jacob licked her fingers clean. While Aurora moaned her appreciation, she did make sure that each finger got sucked on properly. After that she pulled her hand away.

“That turned me on even more,” she said to him, biting her lip. “It’s getting hard to stay in this conservative form.”

“You only had to be in that form when my dad was around,” Jacob said with a laugh before concentrating back on the road.

“I know, but it’s nice to be more on your level with my size.”

“Does it bother you to have curves?”

“No silly,” she said laughing. “But it bothers me that my curves can be intimidating for others to see me have when I am with you.”

“We haven’t really been out in public,” Jacob replied trying to piece together when Aurora got the idea.

“The cop made a comment when she first saw me and it seemed fitting after you said something about your dad.”

“I didn’t mean to make you conservative with you form.”

The car stopped as Jacob pulled into a parking spot at the grocery. Looking over at her, he saw that she wore a look of concern on her face as she returned his gaze.

“I love your curves, but I worried that with your motherly look and how affectionate you can be, it could draw unwanted attention.”

“What do you mean?”

“An older woman, curvy as you especially, would put out that you were my mother or worse, some sort of predator on younger males. With me still in high school, people could call the authorities.”

“That makes sense,” she said falling silent. Shifting around, he looked out the windshield while she fixed her clothes. Left a moment to his own thoughts, he almost laughed thinking how funny it was that he gave her a hard time about the affections of a milfy woman. The windows weren’t tinted and here they were with her tits hanging out.

The car door opened and Aurora bounded out with a long stretch. Jacob smiled to himself, hoping that she would be alright. He couldn’t imagine how hard it must be on her. How hard it must be on the others as well.

With a sigh, he got out of the car and hopped that Aurora didn’t have any shenanigans for the shopping.

They went into the store, and Aurora wasted no time in filling a cart. Thankfully, her interest lay only in finding food at the moment. He guessed it had to do with a concentration on making sure whatever fuel food grabbed would work to facilitate worshipping.

Jacob balked at the foods chosen, many on the healthier side, and often wondered how easy it would be to fall back into old habits.

“Hey, so why all the healthy food?”

“Don’t need all the junk food,” she replied. “I worry how hard it will be to maintain my own mass if I eat the greasy food all the time. Plus, I need healthier options for my tastes.”

Jacob didn’t say anything about her mindset. In all actuality, he worried about the vulgarity of her bathroom practices if he asked. No doubt inappropriate not only in public, but her privacy.

Eventually, the shopping ended. They checked out and after two hours, they were back on the road.

“That was fun,” Aurora said with a laugh.

“Yeah, but it’s a lot.”

Jacob stole a glance to the back seat. Not only did the groceries fill the trunk up, but also the entirety of the backseat. He worried for a moment that the amount wouldn’t fit at home. They pulled up and Jacob let out a sigh of relief that his father’s car still wasn’t there.

“It’s about time for dinner,” Aurora said.


“Bring the groceries in, I would like to cook for you.”

And she was gone. Jacob felt a queer feeling in the pit of his stomach. Not one of fear, but a rising excitement that he didn’t understand. Normally, any such commands from his father would have scurried him into action. But by Aurora’s command, he needed to fulfill not only because he didn’t fear her, but he genuinely wanted to please her. With a smile, he did as she bid.

It took Jacob almost twenty minutes to bring in all the groceries. Aurora moved much quicker than he thought possible when it came to putting them up. Before long, he stood in awe while watching her lithe body as she filled cabinet space. Aurora even organized by types of food and soon, everything looked to be in a proper place.

“All done,” she said with a laugh.

“What’s all done?”

The deep voice cut the atmosphere like a knife. Jacob turned slowly and walking into the kitchen was his father. There was a malice about him as he stepped in. Then he stopped at the doorway.

Jacob looked at his suit wearing father and saw the malice burning in the man’s eyes. His gaze swept over the kitchen. Not looking at Aurora, he was surprised when she walked up to him and hugged him from the side.

“Jacob is this your father?”

The patriarch looked slowly from Aurora to him.

“You’re not Jacob.”

“Yeah dad, I am.”

There, he saw the fist clench around the clasp of the suitcase. It relaxed and the suitcase leaned up soon on the wall. A queer look passed over the man’s face but he looked over to Aurora.

“Who is this then?”

And like that, his father fell into an act that Jacob found astounding. With hours passing, Aurora and his father chatted while they ate the prepared meal. Jacob’s father had many stories to share and honestly, Jacob felt jealous of the attention she shown him with her open-ended questions. Time went and Jacob watched the clock until it hit about eight. Not included much in the conversation, he began to doze off a bit. Until, that is, when a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it,” Jacob said thankful to bound out of the dining room. Moving through the house, the knocks urged him to be quicker, Jacob opened the door, half expecting to see a cop looking for Meridith.

Instead, standing in front of him was a goddess of absolute beauty. Ms. Devons had an aura of sexuality that wafted off her like an over pheromoned french whore. With a modest dress of blue jeans and a red blouse. Her dark hair was cropped and she wore glasses that gave off a librarian vibe.

His cock responded in kind to her look, springing uncomfortably his pants and straining against the fabric. Memories of fucking her whorish holes at the school while she begged for more of his cock made him struggle. No doubt he would step outside and take her without any complaint from her.

“You need to play along,” she said with a smile.


“Jacob, who is it?”

His dad’s harsh voice went through the house. It almost made him wince. Thankfully the perceived threat of his father wouldn’t be picked up by anyone but him. No one experienced his father’s wrath but him. Locking eyes with Ms. Devons, he knew he wore a look of worry on his face.

“Tell him the truth,” Ms. Devons said.

“It’s my English teacher Ms. Devons,” he called over his shoulder.

“Is that your father?”

“Yeah,” he replied

“What does she want?”

His father’s gruff voice cut again into the air. He saw a grimace pass across Ms. Devons face. But then she winked at him.

“Won’t be too bad I hope,” she said before brushing past him. “Mr. Grand.”

Jacob stood with the door open still, flabbergasted with his teacher showing up. After a minute, he closed the door and went to sit in the living room. A few moments later, Aurora joined him living room.

“That’s going well,” she said with a smirk.

“Is that what you meant by distraction?”


Aurora’s legs kicked out from her as she swung the in repetition. Jacob thought it made her look like a teenager on a swing. The look gave her an erotic innocence, but he knew that to be false.

“My father do anything to you?”

“I could tell he was attracted, but its one line I wouldn’t cross on you.”

That implication made him feel better a bit about the situation. Not a good thing if his father aggressively went for Aurora. Whatever hope that his father’s safety would be thrown away at that point. Even Aurora’s sexual persuasions would wouldn’t keep him in agreement with her if that happened.

“And besides,” she said leaning towards him on the couch and grabbing his cock. “I can tell you I prefer the buck and bull you have to his verminous ways.”

He smiled, feeling the tension slip away for an anticipation.

“Ms. Devons changed fast.”

“She hasn’t been completed yet.”

A hand on his face pulled his gaze to hers.

“Make no mistake, your father wouldn’t survive an encounter with any of my kind under normal circumstances.”

“Not because of me?”

“Not, he was deemed unworthy by touch. But you’re important and so making an exception for now isn’t a big deal.”

“When does it end?”

“Whenever you say or when he pursues the sun.”

The invocation of Icarus took him aback.

“You’ve been watching t.v.?”

“No,” she said with a laugh. “I didn’t like the commercials so I swapped to looking at the computer.”

She pulled back with a sigh.

“I didn’t plan for your father all that much.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t stay here can I?”

“Oh yeah, we didn’t address that issue.”

Jacob didn’t even think of Aurora as being able to stay him that night or any night while his dad occupied the house.

“I could have bought you a place today.”

“It’s okay,” she said with a laugh. “I can go to Ms. Devons for the night while we work a more permanent solution out.”

“Should I take you home?”

A quizzical look passed on her face.

“Doesn’t Ms. Devons need some time with my dad and don’t we need some time.”

Aurora smiled bigly at the hint.

“Hey dad, I’m gonna take Aurora home.”

There was a giggle and then a muffled reply. With a shrug, Jacob stood up from the couch and reached back for Aurora.

“Shall we my lady?”

“Such a gentleman.”

He pulled her up and she followed his lead. Outside, after the door closed, Jacob pulled Aurora into an embrace. Head buried into her shoulder her took a deep breath. Nothing smelled so sweet in the world to him than the flowery scent of her. After a few moments, he let the embrace go.

“So do you know where she lives?” Jacob asked as he turned away, wiping his face with his arm.

“Of course,” Aurora replied as she skipped up to him. Soon enough they were driving along the road to the house.

Minutes passed with nothing being said between them.

“You know,” Jacob said after they stopped at a light. “I always wanted to be the kid in the back seat looking up at my parent in bewilderment at them. Curious of how such a love could exist and create such a happy family.”

Aurora was silent.

“I can’t imagine a day where that was true though.”

“We could find a place and fuck in the back seat.”

Jacob looked over at her. Aurora shrugged.

“Way I figure, we can talk about what its like to have that view, or we can try to make it a reality.”

He laughed. A hearty deep laugh and soon as the light turned, he sped through the streets looking for a place to make it reality. Though, it didn’t take long for a place to be found. Situated in some trees behind a park, the both we in the backseat as quick as they could.

Jacob found that stripping the back seat while Aurora peppered him kisses. Their lips met a lot, and eventually, she herself ripped the fabric of his boxers away.

“Hey,” he said in protest to the action.

“Shut up and fuck me.”

Sliding into her, she giggled when he bit her neck.

arcaine oneReport 

2020-08-16 03:49:11
Your writing is getting better keep up the good work

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