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Best mates Ant (Anthony) and Ash (Ashley) had both just turned eighteen.

They were both straight so far as they were concerned, but one day soon that would all change.
Speedo Boys

By : UKSexWriter Text Copyright 2020

Category XXNX Stories Gay, Boy-Boy

Text Copyright 2020

This story cannot be used on other sites without author's permission.

This work of fiction belongs to the author and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission.

Please respect the integrity of the story and don't do any public rewrites.

You may download and keep for your personal use only.

All Rights Reserved.


The following story is a work of pure fiction.

Any resemblance to real people or locations is strictly coincidental.

I do not condone, nor endorse the actions contained therein.

I merely reflect that such events do occur, irrespective of the legality of such actions.

Sex should always be Consensualand Safe.

Adults & Young People need to seriuously consider the implications of any such actions.

If you are not 18 or If you are under the legal age in your durisdiction, Stop now.

If reading such a story is illegal in your region, Stop now.

This story will depict sexual acts between males of various ages.

Tags; Gay, TeenBoy-TeenBoy, Consentual, First Time.

Features; Mutual Masturbation.

Speedo Boys

Best mates Ant (Anthony) and Ash (Ashley) had both just turned eighteen.

They were both straight so far as they were concerned, but one day soon that would all change.

Ash was a top class swimmer. He'd won several regional competitions and it was something that he took very seriously.

He was tall, about 6ft 2 with a beautiful baby face and fair hair.

He also had a typical defined and smooth swimmers body, and the girls at college were crazy about him.

It was a hot summer’s day and Ant was chilling at home. He was alone, as his parents had gone to work.

He wasn't a competitive swimmer like Ash but was into swimming and speedo's . He was physically fairly fit, a good swimmer and they often swam together at the beach or pool.

He was shorter, around 5ft 10, very short brown hair and a wonderful smile. He had a reasonably toned body. The girls at college said he was Cute and Sexy Looking.

Ant couldn't cope with the heat and was sat in his room with the fans on full blast and the curtains closed to keep out the sun. He was wearing just a pair of black nylon speedo's.

Ant decided to have a wank. No one else was around and he was incredibly horny.

He dropped his speedo's to become totally naked.

He then started looking at the Internet for various types of straight porn,

wanking his seven inch dick in the process, and it got harder and harder, oozing precum, as he enjoyed the sensations.

Then there was a knock on the door. It was Ash, his mate.

Ant quickly closed his Internet and put on his baggy blue shorts to rush downstairs to answer the door.

He hadn't cum yet as he had only been masturbating for a mater of ten minutes.

He was annoyed that he had been disturbed during his self pleasuring.

"Have I got the scariest news yet!” said Ash excitedly.

"Why, what's going on?" Asked Ant.

"I've been sponsored by this local company and in return they want me to do a photo shoot for them!”

"Oh, wow. That's great.” Said Ant. "What's scary about that?"

"Well... The photo shoot. I've got to do it in my Speedo's, and in public” said Ash.

"Oh. Oh, I see,” said Ant. By now, his erection had started to fade.

They continued to talk and made their way to Ant's room to chill out.

But Ant was so hurried in answering the door and putting his back on, there on the floor were

his Speedo's. He'd only just put his shorts on.

Fortunately, Ash didn't notice the bulge in Ant's shorts. Ash then took off his shirt, as it was so hot.

"I've been given some new Speedo’s by this company that I'll be wearing for the photo shoot.

It's for a magazine, apparently. They only want a picture set, but it's quite scary.

Just being in them,and being Photo'd, and the photographer is a lady.” said Ash.

There was an awkward pause until Ash asked Ant for a huge favour.

"Would you mind if I sort of... well show you them....I'll put them on and Pose for you,

Just as a like, practice for when I do the shoot. Would you mind?"

Ant wasn't happy. He'd wanted to wank, but now he wasn't going to be able too.

He reluctantly agreed.

Then Ash stripped down to his boxers. He'd brought the Speedo’s with him.

Ant wasn't paying too much attention and was back on his computer again.

Ash dropped his boxers and put on the sexy small new Speedo’s.

"So?" he asked.

Ant turned round and saw Ash standing in a pair of sexy silky light blue Speedo’s.

They were very small it seemed.

So tight like a second skin and showed off Ash's ample bulge & tight butt.

"Oh. Erm...They're a bit small n tight aren't they?" Asked Ant, his eyes bulging at the site

of his mate stood there posing for him.... Damn Ash looked Hot!.

"What do you think?" replied Ash. He adjusted himself to try and improve things. Ant gulped!.

"Oh, they do feel tighter than usual, but their new, and the latest smaller Speedo's", Ash said.

"I guess they're meant to be all sexy n tight for photo shoots, hey?" joked Ash.

Ant laughed.

He didn't quite know what to say. Ash was very keen to make sure things were right.

"Go on the internet and look for Speedo pictures or something. I just wanna see how they look on other guys, etc,” asked Ash.

Ant did as he said and typed Speedo's into the Google Image search.

A load of Hot Speedo pictures came up and Ant clicked on a few to enlarge them. Ash walked over to see.

"Oh. Gosh, there are so many, and hell look at those male model types with all the muscles.

Their speedos are all very small n tight. Go back, go back,” he said.

"It says here something about swimmers waxing,” replied Ant.

"Oh yeah. We get told about male grooming but I've never waxed or shaved down there cos I've never needed too.”

Every now and then, the guys would find that one of the links they had clicked on would be a gay site.

The boys giggled a few times, as straight boys do.

But to Ant's horror, he realised that this was turning him on and he'd got a raging erection inside his shorts again.

Ant tried to hide it, by sliding his thighs under the computer desk, he felt weird and embarrassed.

His heart was beating fast and he felt anxious....I shouldn't be feeling like this he thought.

Ash decided it was no use and that he'd have to shave his sparce body hair & trim his pubic hair.

He asked Ant Íž

"I'm wouldn't normally do this but can I borrow your bathroom to shave please? It'll take quite a while.

I've got to be real careful,” asked Ash.

"Sure, no problem, my razors are in there.", said Ant, just willing to get Ash out of the way.

Ash went off in his skimpy Speedo’s to the bathroom.

Ant meanwhile, was absolutely desperate for a wank, and wanted to calm down his raging hardon.

He whipped off his shorts again, sat on the bed, and began wanking his seven inch dick.

Precum was oozing from it, he was so hard.

And he'd gotten hard looking at the Speedo Pics! and at his Best Mate Ash!

Ant tried to think of girls as he wanked, feeling guilty and confused by the unusual sexual stimulus of Speedo's and Ash.

Ash was wary of Ant walking into the bathroom, whilst he stood naked, shaving his fair body hair & pubes.

So he just popped his head round the corner to check Ant was still in the bedroom.

Ohh Fuck he thought, as he saw his best mate naked and wanking on the bed.

He said nothing and went back to the bathroom.

Around half an hour passed and Ash had finished body shaving. Ant however, was still naked and still wanking.

He hadn't cum yet, as his mind kept drifting to the new guilty feelings he had about being turned on by the Speedo Pics and Ash. He was more playing with his erection now, which was still incredibly hard.

He heard the bathroom door open and panicked. He quickly put on his Black Speedos and had to manhandle his stiff dick into the front of the swim briefs.

In walks Ash. "Right, I'm done... Why... are you in your Speedo's?....Ant... and why have you got a boner." asked Ash.

"Oh, um..." Ant stuttered. "It was....Hot....i mean i was horny...i can't help it mate..." Ant replied.

"Anyway, never mind that. I need you to see if I look okay?" Ash said, as he did a full muscle pose, grinning, as he flexed, looking fantastic in his new silky light blue photo shoot speedo's.

"Yeah mate, you look Fucking great. you look even better now I think.” commented a nervous Ant, as he eyed his sexy mate, and his cock twitched in his black speedo's.

"Yeah, I think so too. But I didn't mean that. I meant...

I'd like you to check to see if I've shaved down there all right. If I've missed anything or if it looks


"Oh, erm. Yeah sure" replied Ant. He didn't really know what he'd said yes too.

Ash dropped the front of his light blue speedo’s to reveal a beautifully shaven penis and ball sack.

It was flaccid, but it looked perfect in every way and definitely bigger. Ant again gulped, went red in the face, and didn't know where to look.

Ant was speechless. He couldn't stop staring at the perfect young male beauty and sex pack in front of him.

Ash got closer asking him to give it a good look, but it just gave Ant the biggest throbbing erection ever.

It tried to burst through his black speedo briefs, straining like a rod to his left hip.

Ant had done a good job of hiding it up till now and it had soon become a semi once he heard Ash coming back, but seeing his great body, the sexy new speedos, and his mates sexpack in the flesh, brought his full erection back.

Ash noticed, saying "Ant why the fuck you got such a boner on mate......erm...i dont know what to say".

Ash was the one going red in the face now, and his sexual feelings were beginning to stir, as his cock began to swell and bulge in his new speedo's.

"Well i ain't the only one am i Ash...look at that...i mean mate" said Ant.

The boys just staired at eachother, they had been in speedo's or naked in the showers loads of times, but why here, why now, why were they arroused by eachother in their bulging speedo's.

Ash stepped forward, smiled at Ant, saying, "It's OK mate" we're just horny, that's all mate".

The boy's stared into each others eyes, nervously grinning, and Ash reached out,

he stroked his hand in a big tick over Ant's Abs and chest, making Ant shudder, a static spark almost flew between the horny teenagers.

Ant moved forward then they stood almost chest to chest, only a few inches apart.

Ant raised his hands, they trembled slightly, as he touched his mates upper arms.

Ash reached down, and cupped the large erection bulge in Ant's black speedos, squeezing it slightly.

Ant's cock jumped in his speedo's, it felt weird to be touched by a guy sexually for the first time, but it felt good.

The boys looked into eachother's souls almost, as they then began to explore another young guys body for the first time, sliding their hands over each other's speedo clad sex bulge & butt.

Nothing was said, as they explored eachothers sex packs and fine young physiques, hands sliding over warm, soft, smooth, and tanned boy flesh.

The boys could smell eachothers scent, they could feel eachother's body heat, and then they

embraced, arms around each other's back and shoulders.

Chest to chest, grinding their straining sex rods together, speedo bulge to speedo bulge.

Ant groaned, it felt wicked, and Ash was as hard as Ant now.

Ash pulled Ant down onto the bed, and began to manhandle and stroke his mates boner in the front of his black speedo's. The combined effect of his earlier wanking, the tightness of the black speedo fabric, and the turn on of Ash's teasing hands, fondling and rubbing his hardon, made Ant groan, and writhe on the bed.

"You'll have to stop it Ash or i'm gonna shoot a load in my speedo's" pleaded Ant.

"Shoot mate, i wanna make you cum, just enjoy it mate" replied Ash,

as he continued the stimulation of his mates speedo contained hardon.

Precum now left wet patches in the black nylon, Ant groaned, shuddered, then cried out "Im Cumin"

The boy exploded his cum into the front of his black speedo, groaning in sheer pleasure, as Ash milked his load out.

"Ohh Fuck" Ant said, gasping and panting on the bed, his first ever M2M cumshot.

"Do me know" said Horny Ash, pushing his hips forward.

Ant grabbed Ash, one hand working on his butt, and the other on his hardon, both contained in the sexy silky light blue speedo's.

It was Ash's turn to writhe and groan in pleasure, and Ant worked on his mate, taking about ten

minutes to bring his boy load to the boil. "Argh" was all Ash could say, as Ant squashed and rubbed his mates hardon to his left hip.

"Shoot it Ash" Ant encouraged his mate.

Then a few minutes later, Ash screamed out and came off in the front of his speedos.

Ant rubbed his mates hardon, thru the light blue speedo fabric, a big wet stain now showing,

as his mates boy juice was milked out of him. "Ohh God" was all Ash could say.

Then they kissed, Yes straight boys do kiss eachother sometimes, and this was one of them,

having given eachother a sexual release, it just came naturally to them.

They laid on the bed, snogging and stroking eachothers muscular bodies.

After a few more minutes had passed, Ash said, "We'd better get these cum soaked speedo's off, have a shower, and we need to rinse our speedo's out mate".

"Yup OK Ash" said Ant smiling.

The two lads climbed off the bed, each peeling their own cum stained speedo's, grinning, naked

together, they went into the shower cubicle together, and washed each other's young bodies.

After they had washed, dried, and cleaned up, they dressed in shorts and vests,

and sat on the bed smirking at eachother.

"It was OK Ant mates can do it it's no big deal" said Ash smiling,

"I know it was cool just didn't know it was gonna happen to us two" said Ant.

"Even Straight boys need to do it with another guy sometimes i guess" Ash added.

"Yeah we aint queer, not yet atleast" joked Ant.

"Bye the way look just Fucking fantastic in that speedo, you won't have no problem with the photo shoot" said Ant.
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