This is just intro in my life and how it all begin with my sister. In my first chapter I'll write until our first kiss.
I'm not writer or anything similar just a guy trying to tell my storie or our story because my sister helping me with writing.
Hi all my name is Alexander and i'm 26 years old. (I'm from Eastern Europe but for purpose of the story I'll use English names).
I'm layer by profession and really enjoying my life at the moment. Since I was 15 i'm on/off relationship with my 2 years older sister Lauren. She is by far best women in my life and big support since we were kids.
Currently we live in big city and we are sharing apartment for last 3 years and our whole family think that we are roommates who just happened to be in same city and we are helping each other with bills. And for you to understand how we ended up together i'll have to explain some backstory and how we become couple in first place.
Like I said I grow up in Eastern Europe. In middle class family. My mom(56) and dad(62) are one of nicest people in our neighborhood and it was awesome growing up with them by my side. I have two older sisters.
Oldest one is Natalie who is 6 years older than me and Lauren 2 years older.
Natalie she is real beauty long blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin. She is, how to say, really special in every way possible. She is pediatrician, married to my brother in law Nicolas and have 2 kids. In high school she was best student in her class, Homecoming queen and even won beauty contest and become Miss of our County. She was and still is whole package, brain and beauty.
But she is not star of this story, it's my other sister Lauren. She is brunette with hair just over her shoulders, blue eyes, caramel skin, 32c breast, slim waist and perky butt. She is 5ft8'' tall and 150lbs. She doesn't have that obvious beauty like my older sister but she is real girl next door. Her eyes and smile is what I noticed.
She is currently in PR team in one big company in my country. We are earning good money and life is good at the moment.
Couple words about me. I'm 6ft3 and 180-1850lbs. I look just like my dad. Short brown hair always fresh shaved never like beard but also can't grow full beard so one of the reason i'm shaving . Now I look muscular because I spend 4 or 5 days in the gym. but i was always skinny and lean because sport is something I do through my whole childhood.
Not just me but my other siblings. My dad was football player(soccer) and my mom was volleyball player so sport is in family i guess. I was football goalkeeper while my sisters were in track and field team, running 400 and 800 meters. We are one big sport family.
So how it all actually begun. Because our age difference Lauren and I were very close growing up while Natalie always hang out with her friends and we never were that close. Like I said Lauren and I, we done everything together, from playing in sand while we were 5 to playing football on the street with other kids.
Entering puberty, my friends and I were talking about different kind of shit but our focus always shift toward girls and sex and other grown up stuff. Topic of our conversation were usually womens, older ones, with big boobs and curves, we never talk about girls our age. Until one day friend of mine said that he like my sister Lauren and she is so pretty and she have nice smile.
I was like wtf dude that is my sister and I was little angry at him. But when I came home I saw my sister in kitchen and take good look at her. And for first time in my life I saw girl I'd like to take on ice cream and not my sister I play Mortal Kombat on ps2. And I was shocked, brothers can't look at sisters in that way. I run in my room, close the door and just lay on my bed staring on the ceiling and thinking about my feelings and i was super confused. In next month or two I was kinda not spending much time with her, avoiding her. That's the way I was dealing with my feelings.
In that time although I was 13, i was moved in under 16 years football team. All of sudden I was in locker room with new, older guys, and it was hell. I was fresh meat in there and good target. They mostly teased me about my sisters and they were very graphical in those stories.
I even said it to my coaches but they brush it off like boys will be boys. I was kinda depressed and I cried a lot in that period when i come home. But I never said a thing to my parents or my sister because I was so ashamed for some reason.
After 9 months of torture something even worst happened. While getting my usual amount of insults one of the guys flipped his phone and showed me picture. It was flip phone and had shit camera so i have to really look good on the picture to what is was. And my shock it was my sister Lauren holding dick next to her cum covered face.
It was before practice, i just grab my bag run home. I came home my parents were there and asked me why am I home so early. I lied something like i pulled my muscle and that season is over for me and that's why I'm crying.
Lauren came home that night from her friend, came to my room to see am I OK maybe play few games on PlayStation but I just couldn't look her in the eyes and kinda kick her out of the room. She was confused with my behavior but eventually leave my room.
Next few days I didn't talk to Lauren at all, I ignored her.
We were spending almost all our free time together and she didn't even mention me that she is dating my teammate, I was so pissed at her. If she asked me about him I'm sure I have few stories about him to tell.
My older sister Natalie was that weekend home from college and asked me did something happened to Batmen and Robin(she called us that). First I was quiet but after her pushing I'd open up to her and told her almost everything, except photo, but stuff from being bullying to Lauren's boyfriend and his friends who are mean to me and how I'm angry that she can date that horrible guy.
She told me that she will talk to Lauren hear her side of story. But give me a hug and leave the room and i guess went to Lauren room to talk to her. After few hours Lauren came to my room crying. Sat on my bed and just cry. She asked me "Do you hate me?" I was just looking at her. She repeat her question. I said " I'm don't hate you and never will. But why you never told me that you are dating him. He is horrible guy." She looked at me confused. But than turn to angry and said how I was jealous at her for dating my friend. And than I told her " I saw the picture" she just went pale and leave the room. And that's how we almost stopped talking for about a year.
I was thinking about that picture more and more. And more I thought about it more I was jealous and less angry at her. Because I wish I was that guy who took that picture. And it was messed up in my head.
In that year we changed so much. My sister good even hotter, more prettier and only girl in school I'm thinking about. On the other hand I grow up almost 5" came back to the team become first goalkeeper in u17, team which is big deal in my high school and my social status went up, even thought I was not even 15.
And that's how i got myself date with girl, Sarah, who was senior. OK she was not pretty as Lauren but she was cute in her own way. She was blonde with brown eyes 5ft5'' solid boobs and ass.
It was dinner at my house when I told my family that I'm going on a date with Sarah.
"With that slut?" Lauren commented
Mom said "Language"
"look who's talking" I said to Lauren.
Next thing my sister start crying because my comment and my dad smack me on the back of my head(still I remember that hit :D )
Later that night my parents made me apologize to her. so I went to my sister room to apologize but she didn't accept it. I didn't want to fight with her so I just left the room.
Friday came and my date night. Plan was go to cinema after that drink at local pub and after that party at my friend house. I remember that I was so nervous because I never kissed the girl before and overthinking what to do if she lean to kiss me. After movie we went for drink and while we walking to the party in front of my friend house she ask me do I want to kiss her. I was realy lost and just stare at her while she was smiling. And she just kissed me which was awesome my head start spinning from excitement.
But sadly she have to go home. I offered to walk her home but she told me to stay and have fun. Some friends saw me in front of house kissing her so they start cheering, She laughs it off, kiss me one more time and left.
I went inside to get a drink and said hi to other friends.
Across the room I saw Lauren with her girlfriends. I didn't wanna say hello and speak to her I just waved at her when she looked at me. She rolled her eyes and continue talking to her friends.
After 20 mins she came to me and asked me where Sarah is. When I told her she went home she said smiling:
"So Alex you already got famous BJ like every other guy in high school"
I respond " Why are you slut shaming her, are you jealous on Sarah or what"
She's like "me... jealous... on Sarah....please... I can have every guy in this party"
Me: "Please just leave, have good time and try not to make sex tape this time"
Until my response she was smiling. But after, she looked at me disappointed, said "Don't think about me like that" and just left.
By the end of night I saw her with at least 3 guys kissing and drinking more than she can handle.
By 2am her friend called me and said that Lauren doesn't feel good and I should take her home. I went to bathroom and saw her super drunk. Felt sorry for her because I guess that my comment hurt her so much and that is the reason for her behavior that night.
I take her in my arms and walk home few blocks. Somewhere down the street she looked at me and smiled at me and said "I love you Alex"
It was weird to me. Maybe not year ago. But in last year we almost never talk to each other and if we talk it was fighting about most bizarre things. I kissed her in the head and continue walking home.
By the time we were near home she wanted to walk on her own but I didn't let her. She smiled again and now that was weird. She just said in her chin "Gentleman, Perfect".
I sneaked her in house and her room and put her in bed and tucked her in. When i walk to door she asked me for goodnight kiss. I thought OK she is drunk so I went back and kiss her than she said:
"I'm sorry for being bitch"
"We'll talk in the morning" i said.
She smiled once again. Oh my good she looked beautiful. I smiled back and went to my bed.
Next few days were like every next day was better than last one. Lauren and I start talking more and more. We were trying to resolve problems from our past.
One of topics was her dating my teammate that I hated. basically why she didn't tell me that they are dating is because he told her that I'm his good friend and according to bro code he is not allowed to date my sister but he loved her. Which was big lie, because he was cheating on her with some other girl.
Also she didn't know about me being bullied. And if she knew she would never talk to him let alone sleeping with him. Later I found out that she lost her V card to him and that she is so ashamed because of that.
Few months down the road. By my 15 birthday party we were again Batman and Robin and our parents were happy for that. Atmosphere in the house was one again awesome. We again start having board game nights with our parents also movie nights.
On the other hand my relationship with Sarah was blooming. And my birthday party was perfect time for my first time. And that's how it was. Party was great, a lot of presents for me, Lauren bought me my favorite Air Jordan shoes I was so happy but the one present I was looking forward was from Sarah.
After party she came to my house after hours and went to my room. We start with foreplay like kissing and grooping her ass. Than she undo my pants and puled it down. She went to her knees and took my dick in her mouth.
I was on 7th heaven and she was so passionate in pleasing me.
"Is Birthday boy pleased with present" she asked me.
I lost my word and just nod my head. While her head bob up and down on my other head.
I couldn't take any longer and i just warn her I'm about to finish. She looked at my eyes and smiled with dick in her mouth and swallowed every single drop.
Than i told her that I wanna taste her. She was happy to hear that because, acording to her experiences, there are not many guys who do that voluntarily.
She lay down on my bed and spread her legs. I told her that this is my first time so and suggestion is welcomed. She smiled and point finger on her perfect shaved pussy. I was so horny that I start eating it like it's my last meal.
She was pleased. While eating her I was looking her in her eyes and she keep rolling her eyes in ecstasy. Until she came. I feel her body shaking and I was so proud on myself for making her cum.
Than she said now main dish. She got up. Took condom from her purse. And in most erotic way open up and put it on my dick. I was so turned I could finish just looking at her ass while bending for doggy.
I put it in her pussy and swear to god it was best feeling in my 15 year life. She was so tight and my 6.5" dick(i measured it) in few push fit all the way in.
I was pumping in her next 5 minutes top while telling her that she is best girlfriend ever and that my heart belong to her now. She was screaming in pillow until I came.
I took condom off. Throw it in the bin and lay next to Sarah. Kissed her first on top of the head than on the lips.
In 20 min I was ready to go again. We put another condom on than while I was laying on my back she start riding me and in my head I was thinking marring this girl. Than I felt like her pussy is getting tighter and she start to crumbling and for a moment I scared and asked her are you OK. She just laught it off and said "I just had orgasm". I kept fucking her and not long after her i finished also.
Being so tired I just took of condom and throw it by the bed. we lay next to each other and fall to sleep.
I woke up feeling luckiest guy on the world. But that feeling lasted next few minutes. Sarah was laying next to me. Awake, like she was waiting for me to wake up.
"Good morning" i said smiling at her beautiful blue eyes.
"I cheated" was next word from her mouth.
I was shocked. " Who? When?"
"Peter Anderson... Two weeks ago... " she said crying
"Just leave, we are done" I point to the door.
I didn't leave my room until noon. So Lauren came to check me out. She came in and saw me crying. Until I explain to her what happened she hug me so tight.
"Whatever you need Alex I'm here"
"Thanks" I said laying my head on her lap and looking at her.
I guess that made her also sad that now we are both crying.
Me breaking up with Sarah brought me even closer with Lauren. in next 5 months every night we spend watching movies either with our parents in living room or on my PC in my room.
She rarely went out with her girl friends or chase boys. Which she used to do all the time before. So one night I asked he whats a deal about that. She kinda brushed it off by saying that I'm the only guy she wants to spend time with.
It was weird at the beginning but we started having cuddling sessions or tickle each other.
So one time our cuddling turn into wrestling/ticking match. During that match some kind of incident happened. We were lying on my bed. When all of the sudden she push me to my stomach, lay on my back and start tickle me. I'm stronger than her so I managed to pull myself from that position. Push her on her back grab her wrists above her head and with my jaw start pushing against her ribs and than kinda kissing her on her neck but also blowing hot air from my mount which makes her giggle.
(we were in missionary position minus sex part)
And in that moment my dick decide to go hard. And I swear to god when she felt my dick she wiggled her ass, and i froze. Next second jump from her and just stand next to bed.
"I'm sorry sis" i kept saying few time. She just laughs at me.
"Why are you laughing, it's bad, I'm bad brother"
She took my hand and brought me to bed next to her.
"We need to talk" she said.
"About what?" I asked with dumb look on my face.
And in next 20 minutes I heard things that changed my life from that moment.
She started with " Do you remember the day you found out about me and Justin" I just nod my head. She continued "Well me seeing you crying and look of disappointment in your eyes make me think about some tings"
"What things?" i asked.
"Well like you were perfect brother, always by my side. And knowing that he bullied you, I broke up with him immediately. And I was mad about it. But more I was sad about not talking with you. At that moment I missed my brother. Next few months passed by and Kayla asked me are you seeing someone. I was surprised by that question because you are my baby brother. So I said no. So next she asked me if I would be OK if she ask you out. Off course she can't, we were too good friends for that. Few days passed by and I asked Kayla why do you even want to date my brother. So she told me how she likes your cheeks while you smiling, your green eyes your broad shoulders."
She stopped to take air... "I'm not following you" I interrupt.
"Getting there"
"So when I came home you were in backyard laying by the pool. I looked at you and all of the sudden I realized MY BROTHER IS HOT AF!!!"
I smiled.
She continued "From that moment my only plan was to get close to you again and wait for right moment. I was so jealous on Sarah. And when she kissed you on that party I just lost it. I'm so ashamed of that night. But now you are single so am I. And this is the moment"
"What right moment" I was so confused and looking at her like she was speaking Latin
"For someone who is straight A student sometime you are so stupid"
She lean to me grab my head and kissed me. It felt like time stopped. She even pushed her tongue in my mouth. It was so passionate.
One eternity later she lean back and looked me in the eyes and said "This is right moment"
I was so happy. My next question was "So for last 10 months you have thing for me?"
She nod her head.
"Thanks god I got thing for you last 2 years" she just smiled jumped in my lap and start kissing me.
All of the sudden knock on my door. She jumped off me like a cat. Our mom came in to wish us good night. She asked us is something wrong we look so scared. Then kissed us and went out. Even after she left for few moments we looked like we saw a ghost.
Lauren kissed me one more time and said that we will talk in the morning. I laid on my bad buzzing from idea that i kissed a girl I'm in love for so long. But also wondering is Lauren my sister or girlfriend. After few hours torturing myself I finally fall a sleep.
This is end of chapter one
PSLike I said this is my first story. Any suggestion is welcomed. I hope by time I reach chapters in present I will be much better.