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This is the story of a beautiful young woman who falls in love with a black US soldier as a student. After her prostitution she breaks off the relationship, finishes her studies and tries to return to a civic life. She only succeeds for a short time, as she is still addicted to her tormentor.


Hank was the biggest pig I'd ever met. He looked good, was a giant of a man, African-American, pitch black and blessed with a voice that made my pussy leak immediately. He had this deep negro timbre, with bright white teeth, and he grinned all the time, which drove me crazy. I was studying in Frankfurt and he was a soldier in the US Army. And after a while, I really fell for him, and he knew it.

Hank had never fucked me, even though I begged him to. No man had ever abstained from sex when I was sending him clear signals. And I liked being fucked. More than liked to be fucked, I liked to be adored and invited and taken out and given presents. To get to the hole, men like to make themselves small and slobbering. I knew how to take advantage of that. Besides, I'm good-looking, some even say rat sharp. I am the blond, tall Nordic type with a wide pelvis and a good front. Nevertheless, my waist is slim and thanks to sports and yoga I don't have a gram too much.

As a pubescent I suffered from my luscious breasts until I noticed how horny they made the men. Besides the holes, it's the tits that men like most: touching, licking, sucking off. As soon as my bra was gone, the men literally buried themselves in my udders. Now and then I had nothing against a titty fuck, and when the cocks started to cum in front of my face, I opened my mouth and swallowed. Men love that and that makes them dependent.

Not that I kept accounts, but I had already been through all the men: the younger and the older ones, as well as the very, very young and the really old ones. The fat ones, the thin ones, the lean ones, the really fat ones, the machos, the intellectuals, the big and small dicks, the good bucks, the complicated talkers and of course those with money. I knew them all. Only one real negro was missing from my fuck portfolio and I was keen on Hank and his cock. He laughed at me when I begged him, and once I complained loudly, blamed him, and we argued, he smacked me in the face.

"Maybe I'll fuck you if you're good enough. Prove it to me."

I was stunned. No man had ever hit me before. But all right, let's play the game, I thought. "What am I gonna do?"

"My friends might take a liking to you. But watch out: they're all blacks, niggas, and they're soldiers who are hungry and ruthless!"

"You mean fuck your friends?"

He grinned again the wide grin and his white teeth bared. "Right! Suck, fuck, swallow, that's what we niggas like!"

So we met with his "friends" in dark bars, where almost only black soldiers frequented. He knew most of them and so he introduced me to dozens of his comrades. As his girlfriend. Then he stuck his tongue down my throat and touched my breasts. Usually one sentence or sign from him was enough to signal to his comrades that they too could have a go. And nobody refused.

I liked being touched by strange men. Mostly I only wore a short tight top and my nipples were hard. It wasn't fine hands that touched me. It was paws. Black paws that kneaded my tits and put their tongues in my mouth at the signal from Hank. Then I looked at Hank triumphantly and let the strangers go. At some point I sucked their cocks then on the toilet or under the table, in summer also outside at the beer benches or at the Mainwiesen. None of the names I still remember, but I still have their smell in my nose.

Blacks smell and taste completely different than whites. Their sweat is sour, their skin tastes a bit rancid and their cocks exude this peculiar mixture of piss and sweat, which tastes much rougher and more animalistic than white people's. At first I was only known among his friends for kissing everyone deeply with my tongue, letting them lick me and suck every cock off until cumshot. At some point I started craving their cocks deep in my holes and I hoped that would make Hank horny. So he made sure that all his "friends" preferred an up-to-date health test, which fortunately is mandatory in the US Army. It basically ran without a rubber. In cunt and ass. With final sperm swallowing and clean licking. In cars, in clubs or in other people's homes.

During the day I studied, on weekends I turned into a negro whore under Hank's hands. He bought me one-piece dresses that could be ripped off me in a hurry. He forced me not to wear underwear, so I was ready for use immediately and without hesitation. And he taught me to get down on all fours and open my wet holes to anyone who wanted to.

I think Hank made a lot of money with me. His friends with health tests could fuck me, the others I served only with my mouth. At some point Hank demanded that I not only lick the cocks but also the asses of the negroes. I was divided. On the one hand I knew how horny it made the men when you stuck your tongue up their asses, on the other hand I didn't like the sour and rancid taste of sweat and ass.

"Then get the fuck out of here," Hank barked at me. "There are dozens of cunts like you and they all lick black asses. So get the fuck out!"

I cried and refused to leave him. So it became my specialty, licking the ass deep for anyone who wanted it. Eventually, I didn't care if they were hairy or shaved, clean or dirty. If I had a stiff black cock beating in my mouth, it was part of the game sucking balls and driving my tongue into the crevice. If a man moaned and relaxed, it was the signal for me to go deeper. Some lifted their legs by themselves so that my mouth and nose found their way to their asshole. Others I had to gently push their legs apart and lift them up to get to where women's tongues usually don't get lost. And I really mastered an ass-licking technique that made men wild.

The secret is that with my hands I pulled the ass cheeks of the negroes so far apart that the tender asshole was stretched to bursting point. On this vulnerable and tensed piece of muscle, I put a deep French kiss and licked myself up to the hole, which I slowly but demandingly went deep into with my tongue. It was then important to find a rhythm in which I sucked the tensed outer skin around the sphincter like a lollipop, while the tip of my tongue kept on going into the intestine. This drove the men crazy. And Hank took pictures of my ass-licking orgies, sent them on to comrades, who of course wanted to meet me. And they paid well for my services.

Then Hank started filming. But at that time a vicious circle of drugs, humiliation and prostitution had already begun, which had blunted me. Hank said that in order not to react to smells and tastes with disgust, I should take drugs that desensitized me sensory. At first we only smoked pot, then we threw pills and finally he introduced me to crack. So I started to love sweaty bodies, not to be disgusted by the taste of piss and to satisfy with mouth and lips the buttocks of men offered to me. On weekends Hank picked me up in his Ford Mustang at the dormitory and until Sunday evening I served his friends as a negro pig.

And I mean really as a pig. Hank had rented an apartment in K-Town, which he only called "the barn", meaning stable, and one room had only straw lying on the tiled floor. That was the dirt room. Hank filmed and I swallowed cum, I swallowed piss, I licked Negro asses. One day one of the soldiers asked me to eat some real Negro shit.

Somehow this guy had a hatred for white people. Especially white women. He was tall, sinewy and brutal. And he loved to make me cry. He liked to spit in my face, turn me wordlessly and ram his hard cock into my intestines without foreplay. He held me down, took me in his headlock and beat me. After he beat me red and blue once, I asked Hank never to let the guy over me again. But Hank was the biggest pig I ever met.

The next weekend I was back in the barn when a dozen friends of Hank's came, and among them was the guy whose name I don't even know. I was naked and sitting in a chair while the crack started to work. All of a sudden this guy came out, screamed at me and yanked me up by my hair. The men laughed. I felt his tremendous physical strength that had grabbed into my hair and pulled me up until my feet no longer touched the ground. I screamed something, but instead of standing off, he smacked me hard in the face left and right. With the flat of his hand. The last thing I saw was Hank standing in front of me with a camera and smiling.

I was hurled to the ground and before I could even bend away I was grabbed by the hair again and dragged into the stable. The crowd roared. Lying on my stomach in the straw, someone sat down on my upper body so that I was defenseless and fixed. I felt hands on my backside, slowly opening it and exposing my two holes. I don't know how many of the men were fucking me. I also don't know who came in my cunt and who came in my ass, but in the end sperm, piss and shit came out of my holes and after the man who sat on me had freed me, I was forced to lick it all up. Meanwhile, Hank continued filming.

The brute, from whom my torture had started, then demanded that his comrades lay me on their backs and hold me by my arms and legs. Firmly. Then he sat down with his hairy and sweaty black ass on my smeared face, slipped around on it and every time my tongue and lips slackened with their work, he increased the pressure on my head until I was licking and sucking wildly again. Eventually his ass opened up and with force he pushed his intestinal contents into me. I screamed, whimpered, kicked around me, but it was no use. The negro only left me after I had obeyed his order and really cleaned everything completely.

After the giant had let go of me and I could breathe freely again – the men were still laughing and making rude remarks – I noticed that Hank was still filming. And I freaked out. I tried to get up, but got a kick from someone, who threw me to the ground again and made me rattle. Some black stinky jute bag was pulled over my face and fastened around my neck. I went into a kind of shocked rigor and lay on the floor completely motionless. I was turned on my stomach and fucked in the ass again, I was turned on my back and fucked in the cunt, and when none of the men wanted to fuck anymore they pissed on me. On the body, on the jute bag. Whether all the men pissed on me, I don't know, but judging by the amount of urine, there were several of the men who emptied themselves over me. Then it slowly became quiet and the men left the room.

How did I get back home? I don't know. Hank just laughed when I begged him to give me my clothes back. It was at that moment I realized I had to make a radical change in my life. Luckily, the Iraq war came, Hank disappeared from my life (I hoped he would have fallen), I went into rehab, missed a full semester, finished college and finally got married at 26.

Was I thinking a lot about Hank? Of course. Hank had been the only man who steadfastly refused to fuck me. It hurt more than the humiliations the men had inflicted on me. With my husband, who was constantly scampering around me like a puppy and wanted to have vanilla sex, things went downhill after a few months. After 14 months we finally got a divorce.





On my 29th birthday I received an e-mail whose sender I did not know. But I recognized the face on the attached photo: it was mine. Underneath was a link to download a file. Nothing more. With trembling fingers I downloaded the film and of course I knew what to expect. And I was not disappointed: it was the film Hank had made and it showed everything. My face, my breasts, my holes, my mouth, the countless black cocks, the punches, the piss, the black asses, my tongue, my screams and finally the scene where I eat shit. When the film was over, I pulled my fingers out of my dripping cunt and I must have come five times at least.

My little life, which until then had been put back in order, got out of control. I knew I had to see Hank again. Only I had no idea where he was. or if the e-mail really came from him. Because when I answered it, the message came back as undeliverable.

I took leave and drove around the various barracks. Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mannheim and Kaiserslautern. Some of the people I approached still knew Hank, but no one could tell me where he was and if he was still alive at all.

Weeks went by like that. Until I got a call. The voice on the other end of the line spoke German, but the accent was clearly American. Judging by the sonorous voice, the caller was black.

"You looking for Hank?"

I affirmed. What I then learned did not shock me. Hank no longer lives in Germany, but is now married. He is also no longer in the military service, because his business is a little illegal. And he's even more perverted than before. I wonder if I really want to see him again.

I said yes.

"Then I advise you to go to Detroit. He'll find you!"

Then the line was cut.

Now I was close to the finish line, I knew it. The next day I quit my job at the law firm, took the rest of my vacation, booked a flight via Chicago to Detroit, paid a week in advance for a cheap motel on the outskirts of town and waited. One day. A week. I paid for another week. Nothing happened.

I went to strip clubs and porn bars where only negroes hung out. I asked for Hank. I wanted to leave a trail. I showed the picture of me from the e-mail and explained that it was a still from a film that Hank had made. On my smartphone I showed excerpts from the film, some knew it, most did not. I left my address and phone number. But nothing happened. Meanwhile, a month had passed.

When I came back to the motel from one of my tours, the answering machine of the phone was blinking. I listened to the message. It was a woman's voice. She just told me to fuck off. That was my cue.

After my money was completely used up, I had to leave the motel and started working as a waitress in one of the strip clubs for negroes. One of the black bouncers was willing to take me in as long as I showed my service. His filthy apartment was above the club and the guests with special preferences accompanied me upstairs. There I was beaten, kicked, spat on, tied up and fucked. Without a residence permit, without a work permit and without money I was fair game. I fucked the bouncer and I fucked the men the bouncer let over me. I didn't get any money, but I could stay in the country. That was the most important thing.

I told the bouncer, his name was Mike, about Hank. What he had done to me and that I was still waiting for him. Mike kept asking around, and every week new little details about Hank came to light. He was like a phantom, a ghost. He must have been well-connected with the police and had a knack for making young girls disappear. Mostly runaways, druggies, broken bones. He was probably only interested in white women, whom he trained, trained and sold. Goodbye forever.

There was talk of drugs. And dogs. The girls were probably kept on leashes and in cages and had to give themselves to animals. It was a very lucrative business, black market of course, but the money from drug sales had to circulate. Mike showed me films of women being fucked by dogs. All white women. What I saw shook me up and excited me at the same time. Mike laughed, beat me and fucked me in the ass while insulting me.

It was a Saturday night, the customers had already left and I was lying on my mattress when Mike turned on the bright light, woke me up and gave me an address. "Memorize it well. Take a taxi. You'll find out everything else there!" I looked at him questioningly. He nodded. "Yes, it's Hank!" He gave me a twenty-dollar bill and I licked his cock, balls and ass one last time as a goodbye. Then I got dressed and I walked away.





It was a run-down industrial quarter, a lot of wasteland, some dilapidated houses and even more empty halls, to which the taxi took me. The number 2801 was an old brick building that looked very run down. The street was empty and it dawned. The taxi driver asked if I really wanted to get out? I said yes. This is where I had to be. This was the right place for me.

The cool morning air made me shiver. An old shabby car drove by and honked its horn. I waved it off. The negro laughed and showed his white teeth. I heard a dog barking.

The brick house was a two-storey flat-roofed building that had certainly once served a small production company as its headquarters. The windows on the ground floor were still intact, upstairs they were shattered. I was wearing a black coat, under which I was naked. With boots and my bag. That's all I needed. I rang the bell. But the bell didn't work. So I knocked. But other than the bark of the dog, I didn't hear a sound.

I turned around and looked down the street. It had become light in the meantime. It was a slow Sunday morning with no traffic, no people on the road. I sat down on a stone shed that had once been used for garbage cans a few meters from the house. And waited. Nothing happened.

At some point, I heard noises behind me. The door had opened and a fat black woman in a dirty pink dressing gown was standing in the door frame. I jumped down from the shed and walked towards the house. But the woman made a very bossy gesture and told me to stop. With her arm stretched out she pointed at me and waved around.

"You're Mareike?" she shouted. I nodded.

"You're the bitch?!"

I affirmed.

"We don't need you here!"

"I'm looking for Hank," I said.

"Hank's not here!"

"When is he coming?"

"It's none of your business, cunt!"

With that she turned around and went into the house. I was stunned.

A few minutes later she came out again, this time with a black Rottweiler on the leash. She still had her robe on, but now she didn't pay attention to me anymore.

The dog pantled past me and did his business a few meters below the entrance to the parking lot. He sniffed, he peed and at some point he bent his back and squeezed out a turd of dogshit. Then he walked around with the black woman for a few more minutes, seemed to be looking for something, sniffed and lifted his leg. Then they both passed me again.

"You're still here!"

I nodded.

"Then make yourself useful and pick up the business of Nero. But on all fours. Like a real bitch! And then you bring it to me! "And she laughed dirty and disappeared into the house. A few seconds later the curtains were pushed aside by one of the windows and the Negress appeared behind the glass. She watched me.

I had waited so long. I knew I was in the right place. I had to do it. So I got down on all fours and crawled to the spot where the Rottweiler had bent his back. It was a piece of solid turds, but I had no idea how to bring it back tot he lady on all fours. I kneeled in front of the piece of shit and was disgusted. But it was no use. Kneeling, I grabbed the sausage and crawled on my knees along the road to the house. My coat was torn and my knees bled when I got back to the entrance. Tears were running down my cheeks.

I barked to signal that I was outside the door. And indeed, a few moments later the door opened and the Negress stood in the door. Her dressing gown was open, she was naked underneath. And fat. Really fat. Her belly overflowed and her breasts hung down like bulging milk tubes. She smiled maliciously.


I nodded.

"You're gonna eat shit now, cunt!" she said with a grin. "Hurry up, we don't have forever! Put the beautiful piece as a whole in your mouth. Come on now!"

I was completely stunned. I had rubbed my knees, tore my coat and exposed myself to the disgusting stench of dog excrement, and now I had to do something... ...that piece of shit in my mouth? I looked at her and I shook my head.

The negress turned around a bit, muttered something about "that's it!" and wanted to disappear into the house again. What could I do?

"Wait, please!"

The Negress turned around slowly, very slowly. She rammed her arms up her waist and smiled: "Last chance, cunt!"

So with the fingers of one hand I took the piece of dog excrement from the other hand and stuck out my tongue. It wasn't just the thought, it was the unbearable stench that made me choke. She looked firmly into my eyes and the look was demonic. It said only one thing: Go!

So I did. But no sooner had I put the dog shit in my mouth than a gush of stomach contents poured out of my mouth over the stone path where I was kneeling.

"That's normal the first time!" she laughed. "Go on, lick everything up and lick your fingers and hands clean too!" So she went back into the house and closed the door.

I had now reached the lowest of low. I knew that. I scratched up the dog shit, took it in my mouth, it shook me, I vomited again, wiped everything up again with my hands, stuffed the porridge and the slime into my mouth, sucked my hands clean, looked for hard pieces on the floor, which I stuffed into my mouth, and finally I knelt down and cleaned the asphalt and the stones with my tongue. From the vomit and from the puke. Only then did the door swing open again and the Negress appeared, this time with the Rottweiler on a leash, whom she had called Nero. Immediately the dog tugged at her, dragged her a few steps forward and began to lick up my vomit as well.

"See, this is how you do it!"

When Nero was finished, he also came to me and licked my coat and face. His wet tongue, drool and slobber were almost a release, so I let it happen, opened my mouth wide and drew the stench of the dog into me.

"The black woman pulled Nero back into the house on a leash and disappeared. I sat on my bloody knees for a long time and tears welled up in my face.

How long was I stuck there? I don't know. The sun had come out, my head ached and the heat made me sweat in streams. Cars drove by now and then, but I didn't notice them. At some point a big pick-up truck turned into the driveway and drove behind the house where the big abandoned parking lot was. A few minutes later there were sounds coming from inside, laughter, barking, music was turned on. The door was ripped open and in the door frame appeared a very gaunt young black man in jeans and a T-shirt. Judging by his voice, he was still an adolescent, a teenager, maybe a child.

"She's still here, it's incredible!" he laughed a very high-pitched laugh. It was more of a giggle. "She looks tidy!" he shouted into the house, "Finally, another white bitch!" He came in front of me, but I didn't dare look him in the eye.

"You can go now!" he said, while stroking around me. He nested around my coat and began to pop one button after the other until my naked body stood before him on display. "Whoaah, you are old and fat! How old are you?"

"29!" I answered quietly.

"There's no money to be made with you anymore," he laughed, "get lost!" With that, he turned around and tried to disappear back into the house.

"I'm staying," I shouted after him desperately but surely. Meanwhile Nero had appeared in the front door again and was panting. Slowly the young man turned around and came towards me again. Threatening. Nero was now at his side. "Have I allowed you to speak?" he shouted. "Huh? Did I?" he kicked me in the side with full force, so that my head fell in the dirt and I immediately had sand in my mouth. I moaned, Nero barked.

Suddenly I smelled that stinking dog's breath again and felt Nero's tongue licking my face. Then something happened that I had not foreseen. Nero lifted his leg and marked me. A thin short beam hit me in my hair, before I could realize what was happening it was already over. It stank brutal. The boy laughed out loud. "How funny is that! You belong to Nero now!", his voice rolled over literally. He grabbed Nero's neck and fumbled around with his collar. When he had finally loosened it, he threw it in front of me.

"If you stay, you will suffer. Suffer a lot." He whispered it literally and I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or to himself. "You'd better go", and with that he and Nero disappeared back inside. But this time, the door didn't close, but left a crack open.

Nero's collar was lying in the dirt in front of my eyes. It was dark brown and already worn out. It had a big ring in the front. I touched it, it was still warm. Then I grabbed it and smelled it. It smelled like dog. I kissed it and licked it and had the taste of worn leather in my mouth. I put it around my neck and closed it tightly. Then I crawled into the house.





Inside, the building did not correspond to a residential building, but to a run-down industrial building with a long corridor, from which two doors each went off to the right and left, before leading into a kind of hall at the back, which now served as living space. A large black leather sofa stood in the middle of the large room on which the fat Negress sat. She was naked, her legs had been spread obscenely and at her feet lay Nero.

It was comfortably warm and stuffy in the building and the smell of animals, tobacco and sweat was over everything. It was a smell that excited me immediately. This was not a dwelling house of people, but the gate to a hell of animality, heat and sweat. Trembling, I crawled towards the sofa and came to a halt on all fours at the feet of the Negress. I didn't dare look into her eyes.

"What are you bringing?" she asked sternly.

"Only me, mistress!" I answered.

"Empty your pockets. Now!"

So I put my wallet, my passport, my iPhone, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter and two condoms in front of her on the floor.

"How much money is in the wallet?"

I emptied my wallet in front of her and next to the three $1 bills some change came out.

"Credit card?"

I pulled out the credit card and handed it to the negress.

"How much credit?"

"It is used up, mistress! I have no more money."

"What did you live on? Were you a prostitute?"

I nodded.


I nodded again.


And I told her how I worked at the strip club and the bouncer took care of me.

"A nigga?"

I nodded again and told them about my clients, about the practices and that since my visa expired, I was happy to stay in the country.

"An illegal, that is."

The young lad came out of an adjoining room, which had to be the kitchen, with a large pot of coffee in his hand. He sat down on the back of the sofa and took a sip.

"The sow is illegally in the country!" she informed the young lad.

"All the better. He said that apathetically and without paying attention to me. Rolling a joint seemed to be more important to him, because he was drizzling the grass on the tobacco, forming it into a nice bag and lighting it on fire. He inhaled deeply and then blew the thick smoke into the air. I did not know what to say. "I warned the cunt," he said after he took a second drag, "if she puts the collar on, she's lost!"

The Negress giggled. To the young man turned: "I don't understand these piglets. They are well-groomed, they look neat and tidy, they could have made something out of them. Instead they're looking for Hank and demanding to be treated like dirt and broken." To me: "Get naked, bitch!"

I took off my coat and boots. When I started to nestle at the collar, she interrupted me. "The dog collar stays on! Come here!" I crawled to her feet.

From an occasional table she grabbed a bottle of cheap vodka and ordered me to form my hands into a bowl. She poured the vodka, which smelled strongly of alcohol, into it. "Wash your face off, you stink like dog shit!" She laughed.

I rubbed the vodka into my face and finally washed my lips and nose off. When I was done with it, I had to take two more strong sips from the bottle and rinse my mouth with it. I swallowed the alcohol. My mouth felt burned out, but finally it tasted not so unbearably bitter and sour.

"Crouch down properly! I want to see your udders and your cunt! Put your arms behind your head!"

When I was in position, her look moved from my face, across my breasts and waist to my center: my dripping cunt.

"You're dripping, sow!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, mistress. I am aroused!"

The Negress laughed. Then her expression changed again. "I'm not interested in your excitement." She reached for a pack of methol cigarettes, lit up a cigarette and smoked while she kept looking at me.

"Have you ever been whipped?"

I shook my head.

Now the Negress looked at the young man who had just finished his joint and was again pressing a thick swath of frenzy out of his lungs. Both turned their eyes. Then the fat negress became loud. "What the fuck is this shit? You are...", she flipped through my passport, "you are 29 years old, you show up here and have never been whipped before! What are we gonna do with you, you stupid, inexperienced piece of shit?"

At that moment the mobile phone rang, which was lying on the sofa next to the negress. "Hi Hank, yes, the sow is here", a pause began. She nodded. "But you know: the sow has no fucking experience. "Again, she listened to the words that came from the other end of the line. "Well, okay. I don't know. But I'm filming her", she looked at me: "Hank asks if you've been pregnant the last few years!"

I said no.

"Are you using birth control?"

I affirmed.

The woman spoke on the phone again, laughing. "That's right, from one of the homeless people," she giggled. Then she listened back into the phone, nodded. "Sure, no problem.“

„She's clean-shaven on the body, and I'll shave her skull with my own hands.“

After a pause: "Not a hair on her head." She looked over at me. "I'd put the spades on the back of her head. Exactly. I'd stab her with it. Then nigga whore underneath, real big. I'll have Dixon put it on her. I'll call him and make an appointment.“ She laughed again. "We're gonna take the big van, we're gonna drive around. I think Washington Avenue and 12th, that's where the bums are. All right!" She turned off her cell phone and looked at me. And she slid her hands up to her cunt. "Goddamn, I'm all wet!"

Naked and fat as she was, the negress lifted herself out of the sofa and went to one of the metal shelves where a large camera was lying. The young man had also jumped up and both debated loudly how best to film the film Hank wanted. Finally the young man prevailed and was allowed to lead the camera. He stood behind the sofa and the red lamp at the camera lit up. From now on I was in the film. I was excited.

The negress let herself fall back into the leather cushions. She snorted and sweated. "Now you're going to lick my cunt. Come on."

I crawled to the sofa while the fat negress moved forward and spread her legs wide. "Start with my feet, lick them good, then over my legs to my cunt. Do it!"

My mouth bent down at her feet and began to kiss her. They were dirty and stank cheesy. Nevertheless I sucked her toes extensively and for a very long time and licked the sweaty soles of her feet. I stroked their lower legs and slowly worked my way up. Her sex stood wide open and glittered. It stank worse than dog urine.

I sank my tongue deep into her soaked and slippery hole, licked to her even more disgustingly stinky asshole, sucked off her sphincter and licked me back up to her clit. While I worked on the clitoris with tongue and mouth, I drove with three fingers into her hole and pushed it up the upper wall. The negress moaned. A little tremble flowed through her body and she squirted briefly. I swallowed and licked her clean.

Wordlessly she pushed me away and sat her down straight again. She was still breathing heavily while she told me: "We are now making a casting video of you. We'll put it on the darknet later!"

The young guy with the camera came near to my face.

"Your name?"



"29 years."


"Six foot one, 160 pounds, 190 pounds, cup size 85D."

"You're here voluntarily?"

"Yes!" I said in a firm voice.

"Good! Now I'm giving you one last chance to disappear. You can take the dog collar off and give it back to Nero. Then you can get up and leave. We don"t need you here and we don"t want you here. You got that?"

I nodded my head.

"If you stay, your previous life is over. Look into the camera and answer with a clear and distinct yes that you understand!"


"Anyone can and should humiliate you and degrade you to the extreme."

"Yes, mistress!"

"There will be nothing you can refuse. Your three holes will be stretched, torn open, stuffed, fucked, defiled and tortured. You will expect no mercy."

"Yes, mistress!"

"We will bind your pretty white udders until they burst, torture and whip them."

"Yes, mistress!"

"We will use short needles or long skewers to inflict pain. We'll put them through your tits, nail your nipples or put needles between your fingernails. We're gonna enjoy your roar!"

"Yes, mistress!"

"Every form of percussion tool will be used. Whether it’s a flat hand hard into the face, fisticuffs or bloody floggings: the torture of witches was child's play against it. You have to know: we love to beat our sows, be it with a whip, a crop, a stick or a simple electric cable. And we love to inflict wounds on our sows until they burst, whether on the back, tits, ass, thighs or directly on the cunt and ass. And we'll love to see you whimper, scream and bleed! Mercy will not be granted."

"Yes, mistress!"

"You'll drink piss and eat shit. And eat shit from anyone we want!"

"Yes, mistress!"

"Your pretty face and your wide open, willing mouth are our priorities."

"Yes, mistress!"

"If we order you to lick, suck clean or slurp something, you will do so without hesitation. From the floor or the street or the toilet, you'll lick anything!"

"Yes, mistress!"

"We're gonna give any nigga total and unfettered access to fuck you. Basically, bare-assed and in pussy, ass and mouth. You're gonna swallow it all and take five or six niggas at a time."

"Yes, mistress!"

"You basically lick every asshole clean and lick it out!"

"Yes, mistress!"

"You will give the same devotion to each animal as you give to the niggas and do the same practices: oral with intake, totally taboo licking, fucking in all holes."

"Yes, mistress!"

"Dog shit and dog piss are a natural part of it!"

"Yes, mistress!"

"What else? Oh, yeah, we're gonna stab you and pierce you and tattoo you and brand you too. You will become our property!"

"Yes, mistress!"

"Hank just said we're gonna shave your skull and get you a tattoo on your head so that everyone can see you're a sow for Negroes!"

I nodded.

"Excuse me, bitch!"

"With pleasure, mistress."

"That's better! You'll get knocked up!"


"What okay? Do you want to get fat by Negro or not?"

"Yes, I do!" I lied.

"Anyone can fuck you?"

"Yes, everyone!"

"Ass, cunt, mouth?"

"Yeah, ass, cunt, mouth."

"Well, now's your last chance! I advise you to take off the collar and disappear. It's better for you."

There was not a moment of hesitation in me. Though I was shocked by the things I had heard, I knew I had to see Hank again. No matter what happened to me. Life without him no longer made sense.

"I'm staying!"

The Negress whistled through her teeth. "You can't tell by looking at the sow! Whoa!" She lit another cigarette and smoked. The camera was still running.

"Come on, tell me something about yourself. What have you experienced? It can't have been much! "

I was thinking. "I'll let anyone lick and kiss me, even strangers. Very deep with the tongue. And I’m a good cocksucker. I love sperm in my mouth and I also lick cocks clean that were in my ass. And I love the smell and taste of negroes. Their sweat and urine."

"So you've already been pissed off?"

"Yes, several times. And I lick ass very well. Anyone can sit on my face and let me suck its asshole."

"Really everyone? Even scruffy and dirty negroes?"

"Yeah, no problem. That's what I'm here for! Before fucking, after fucking, or to cum, I'm really good at it."

The woman laughed. "You think you can come up in here and start fucking niggas. No no no, we ain't here to fuck you white asses good and satisfy your fantasies. You here to suffer!"

I looked at her questioningly.

"Are you worthy of negroes messing with you?"

I was perplexed and had no answer.

"You see. You white folks come and think every nigga wants to fuck you now. But you ain't nothing but a white motherfucker, either. An animal. That's all you are. What you willing to do to get niggas interested in you?"

"Everything. I'm willing to do anything. To show everything. Do anything!"

A short pause set in, which affected and unsettled me down to the depths of my self. I felt my immense selfishness and my delusion to believe that negroes were simply there to satisfy me. Because I wanted them to be.

"Do you notice anything?" asked the Negress. "You still acting like a massa here. a white slave owner who takes her Negroes to bed to fuck. Do you think we want that?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry. Of course not."

She laughed again. "Don't worry. We will break you here. Merciless. Relentless. In our hands, you are no longer a female, but an animal. And that's how we treat you."

"Thank you!" I stammered.

The negress ordered me to unscrew the camera from the tripod and hand it to her. "Then action!", she pointed the camera frontally at me, "now show us if you are really ready for anything. You're a good ass-licker?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Very well, what can you do with a real asshole? Here!", she had the camera panned to Nero, whom the young man stroked and turned to the camera so that his backside was facing the lens. He slowly pulled Nero's bushy tail up and smiled maliciously. The dark dog's asshole started twitching, "rub your udders against that ass. They are big enough that you can lick them afterwards! Go!"

I stood up and took my left breast and rubbed my nipple against the dog's backside. I don't know why, but my nipples got hard and suddenly a very deep arousal flowed through me. After a few seconds greenish-brown dog dirt stuck to my nipple and yard. Now I noticed the disgusting stench that the dog's asshole and dog shit were giving off on my udder. I gurgled and choked as I led the breast to my mouth and licked it. I burped, luckily my stomach was empty by now and I didn't have to puke.

The Negress laughed out loud. "Ooooh, she gets horny from a dog's ass and then she doesn't like the dog shit! But remember: You are not good enough for anything else!" She had gotten down on her knees herself and switched on the camera's spotlight, which now illuminates the dog's asshole hard. "Now grab the other udder!"

I also rubbed the dog's ass with my right breast, but in the meantime the hole had been cleaned and there was not so much dirt sticking to my nipple. Of course I also licked everything clean and my saliva moistened the areola so that it glittered.

"Now with your mouth, kiss that dog's asshole. With your full lips. And remember, we'll show that to anyone who wants to fuck you. Get the men horny!"

I knew that I couldn't afford to hesitate, to flinch. And so I drew in the air, overcame my revulsion and put my lips over the dog's asshole. Just as I would kiss a man. Or a man's ass. Still the taste was pitiful, disgusting, repulsive, something between sour puke, stale sewer and pungent sulfur, again I burped just short before vomiting.

"Tongue in. Tongue in, go!", again the camera was very close to my face.

The young lad pulled the dog's tail up a bit more violently, so that the animal's asshole gave way and opened up. Immediately I pushed my tongue in as deep as I could. The dog relaxed and it seemed as if the muscle above my tongue closed and did not want to release it. I had to catch my breath and rattle.

Licking a dog's asshole, being filmed with my mouth up over a dog's backside, not wearing anything but a dog collar, being naked, horny and exposed, and all because I'm ordered to by a strange fat negress - that made me proud in a strange way. Very proud. And it excited me.

And while the negress came close to me with the camera, I pulled my tongue out of the dirty hole and licked over the hard hairs that grew around the muscle, licked with the whole surface of my tongue over the hole to the base of the etui where the dog’s cock was hiding, then down to the loosely dangling testicles of the animal - and up again. I did this several times until I found the smell not so repulsive anymore and the taste didn't bother me at all. Then I took both thumbs and pulled apart at the tender sphincter muscle, just as I had learned with the men. I pushed my tongue back into the opening and moaned as the dog relaxed and the stench of his intestines escaped. Again I burped and choked.

Some ambition was aroused in me. I wanted to show that I had no shame, no pride, that I was no longer a woman, not a human being, but an object, an animal, a cunt. Something went through me. With real devotion I kissed, licked, sucked the backside of the animal, made it wet, licked it dry, only to wet it again immediately and suck it again. I dug my mouth into his fur, licked up the loose hairs, slowly let my tongue slide from the fur over the twitching hole to the balls, from the balls again to the disgustingly stinking asshole, against which I braced myself with the whole weight of my head and worked my way forward until the dog, the ass, my mouth and I had become one.

How long? I don't know. Minutes, hours, an eternity.

The negress stepped behind me, continued filming while she pushed my legs apart with her feet to open my cunt. I ran out, I knew it, I was dripping, and the negress filmed my holes, my wetness, the glitter, the juice. Her foot on my leg signalled to me to lie on my back and spread my legs wide. Which I did. And the foot of the negress walked to my cunt, stroked along it, rubbed my clit and finally drove into me. I groaned, rubbed myself against her and while I was leaning against the foot of the negress, the dog whined, howled. The young lad held the dog's body tightly, pressed his backside against my head lying on the ground.

My mouth was wide open, my tongue was licking and kissing the dog’s sphincter as the animal began to wriggle. But the boy's grip was so tight that the dog could not escape. He wriggled, cramped, shook, crouched over my face, relaxed and discharged his bowels above me. Right into my wide open mouth, onto my nose, over my face. I was so surprised and the negress as well, that she jumped to the side, almost forgot the camera, roared something, choked and finally vomited over me because of the bestial stench that immediately filled the whole room, so that the negress’ vomit mixed with the dog shit ran over my face and hair on the floor.

Even the young man now groaned with disgust, letting go of the dog's grip, who immediately fidgeted freely, scratching my naked body with his claws, disappeared howling, but shortly afterwards turned around, came back and watched his work. I just lay on the floor, wounded, humiliated, dirty, in vomit and dog excrement, moaning one of my deepest orgasms into the still running camera. Meanwhile the dog licked my face and I returned the most beautiful French kiss I had had in a long time.

Instead of being allowed to enjoy my orgasm to the full, the negress started kicking me and ranting loudly about what a rotten sow I was, that I was an animal, that I was best kept in a stable, that I wasn't even worth serving the beautiful dogs and so on.

Meanwhile, Nero had retreated to a corner of the room and was cleaning himself, while I had to wipe the floor with my bare hands, kicked and insulted, and shoving anything I could get my hands on into my mouth. Finally I licked the linoleum floor clean with my tongue. The young man had opened the windows and let fresh air into the big room, which was a relief for all of us.





The anger of the Negress was far from over. She had pressed the camera into the boy's hand, given him the order to continue filming, dragged me by the hair across the floor and dragged me out through the back door into the small back garden. Nero barked.

It was a fenced-in, dirty garden, which years ago was probably once covered with lawn, but now it was nothing but sward and dirt. A pile of firewood lay around, metal debris, garden hoses, and in the back a wooden crate shielded the parking lot behind it. Here she kicked me further, punched me in the face with her flat hand and in the stomach with her fist. I went down to the ground, where she continued to kick me.

Then she rolled a high-pressure cleaner in front of me, turned it on with a rattling sound, and with curses and insults she sprayed me. At first the water was refreshing, but after a short time the temperature increased sensitively and became hotter and hotter until I felt boiling water would scald me. I screamed in pain and fear. But the negress didn't care. The water clapped against my breasts, in my face, I tried to cross my hands to protect my head, but by then the hot water was already hissing to my armpits and scalded them. I screamed pathetically, but this only incited the woman even more. With a hard jet she took the centre of my body, wandered to my shame and the only thing I could think of was to keep my legs closed.

"Spread your legs, bitch!" she shouted. And when I didn't obey her order right away, she switched off the Kärcher, let the spraying rod slide to the ground and came over me. I had never looked into such a hateful face before. In a low but perfectly clear voice she said: "And if you don't spread your legs, I swear to you: I'll kill you! I'll boil the skin off your face until you are finished!" After a short pause: "Keep your legs apart and don't even flinch!"

I was scared, terrified. I suspected that this person, whom I had only met a few hours ago, did not pity me and did not shrink from making me disappear forever. No one knew where I was. And no one would ever miss me. So I gathered my courage and opened my legs under sobs and held them shamelessly wide spread with my hands. A hard kick from her in my cunt made me scream again. She laughed.

"Be glad you're so docile. I would have killed you otherwise!" That was the end of it. I shivered, my skin was burning and red. But it seemed that I had saved my tender cunt. She pulled me up by my hair until I could sit on the dirty floor. With a cable tie she closed her arms on my back and pulled a heavy black jute bag over my head, so that I was caught in the motionlessness of a darkness, stinking of vomit and dog excrement. Then her footsteps and the footsteps of the young man moved away.

How long I sat there, I don't know. In the darkness I quickly lost all sense of time. At first I felt the burning of the skin, which was intensified by the burning of a high sun. Then it became cool, maybe even dark. Was it grasses that pricked me, or insects that ran over my body? I could’n tell. I only knew that I lay down, but no matter how I lay down, after a short time I felt pain.

If I lied on my arms tied together, they went numb after a few minutes. When I turned around, I lied on my big breasts, which also started to press and pound too quickly. But lying on my side was no relief either, because then the arm I had to lie on fell asleep and began to hurt. It was hell. I shivered. I dawned away.

At some point, half asleep, I heard footsteps, clattering, the breathing and sniffing of an animal, I turned on my back and instinctively spread my legs. The animal licked my thighs, licked its tongue over my sex, which gave me an electric shock. I moaned. A human voice laughed. Then I heard the sound of bubbling liquid directly on my face, the jute sack was wetting and an unbearable stench of animal urine surrounded me. Then the footsteps moved away and the pitter-patter of the dog faded and complete silence set in.

I woke up hearing a rustle like a plastic sheet. A police siren could be heard in the far distance and the noise of cars came softly to my ears. A short time later something was pulled over me that almost completely sealed off the sounds of the outside world. Cold plastic slowly sank over me and I remained in my new world of stench and darkness. I cried softly. And fell asleep.

I was already twilight again when my cover was pulled aside, hands grabbed me, grabbed my arm and ankles and lifted me up into the air. Roughly, I woke up moaning. My whole body ached as if I had run a double marathon. Someone cursed, my head hit a hard object, I screamed. Then I was thrown like a sack of potatoes onto a cold metal surface, a sliding door was closed and locked. A short time later an engine started and I felt vibration and shaking. I was in a vehicle that had started moving.

The journey was long. Very long. No one spoke to me or answered my calls. Naked, tied up and under a stinking gunnysack, time passed. At some point the engine stopped, the sliding door was unlocked and pushed to the side and again hands grabbed me, pulling me from the loading area and putting me on my feet. I felt like a prisoner of war who was being led to execution.

Hands were nesting on the jute bag above my head and I heard cursing from the stench as it was pulled off my face. I blinked. I was standing in a dark street whose street lamps had shattered. Two blocks away a car drove by. A white police car turned into the street at the next corner and stopped. The headlights dazzled me. Two cops in uniform got out, exchanged a few words and lit a cigarette. They smoked and looked at me from a distance. One of them was Hank. He put out his cigarette and came towards me.

Then the passenger door of the van that had transported me jumped open and the Negress got out. She was still wearing that cheap pink dressing gown, but now she was wearing high shoes with platform heels. She laughed at Hank.

"Well, is it the right one?"

Hank had come to us and looked at me. "Yes, she is. The Negro whore Mareike." Turned to the negress, "Nice movie, by the way, already went through the roof. The bidding war is in full swing." And to me: "You just took off, you stupid piece of shit!"

With that he swung out and punched his fist full into my stomach. I flipped forward from the punch where his leg was already waiting for me. He kicked my head with his knee and threw me onto the back of the van, and because my arms were still tied behind my back, I slammed my head right onto the floor of the van. I screamed in pain and tasted blood on my lip.

Hank leaned into the van, grabbed my hair and pulled my head up: "They dishonorably discharged me from the army. Because of you!" he yelled at me. Hate sparkled in his eyes.

"You raped me!" I whispered back.

"I raped you?" he said in a now calmer voice. "Me? You begged for it. We have it on film. You wanted Jeff to fuck you so hard you'd give up. You wanted him to piss on you and shit in your mouth. You begged for it and we taped it!"

"Hank, it can't be!" I whispered.

"You'll see the movie, you stupid cunt! But it doesn't matter. You fucked up my life. And now you're here and you're done! I swore to myself I'd punish you. I swore to fuck you up real bad. And that's what I'm gonna do. Revenge tastes fucking sweet!" He spat twice more in my face and made my head fall back. I cried hysterically.

"What are you going to do with that sow?" he turned to the negress.

"We need customers," she replied. "I want to shoot some more movies of her getting hammered in the back of the van."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Let her meet the homeless of Detroit."

"How many you want?"

"Maybe a dozen. From very young to very old. Hold niggas that don't have a problem with being filmed fucking. Bums with dogs is good, too. She smells like a pig anyway. You can take them out for whatever they want. Fuck is safe, cunt or ass, she can just lick the dicks and asses. Tehy can also piss on her. She swallows well, I bet my ass.“

While Hank went down the street and turned right into a dark narrow side street, his partner drove the police car to the middle of the small intersection. I was still lying in the back of the truck when the van briefly started moving and shunted back and forth. He turned the vehicle 180 degrees so that now the headlights were directed at the intersection and the back door pointed to a brick wall. Now I understood that we were at the end of a dead end and that the van was supposed to cover the view of me and what was to follow. The two men who had driven the van dragged me from the loading area, cut the cable ties on my hands with a knife and made me kneel on the cold asphalt. They made comments about my appearance and my smell. I did not care.

"Put your hands behind your head!"

I obeyed.

The negress came back and started filming again. "Here are the rules: you do what the men want. And you do what we tell you to do. You lick the balls, the cocks, the nigga asses. You lie on your back and you let them fuck you in the cunt. You go on all four to get fucked in the ass. And you open your fucking mouth when someone wants to cum in your mouth, when someone wants to piss on you or when someone wants to shit on you. You drink, you eat, you swallow. Understand?"

I gave a clear and unequivocal "yes, I understand!"

We did not have to wait long until Hank returned with two men in tow. I was still kneeling on the asphalt with my arms crossed behind my head. The two men were not old yet, but looked very much worn out. One of them was gaunt and unkempt, while the other one looked a bit more cultivated, but was really fat. Overweight is an understatement. He was fat. Really fat. The Negress explained the rules. Rubber, any hole for free, cumming in mouth, ass lick and piss included.“

"Does anyone need to relieve himself?"

The scraggy black man affirmed and unbuttoned his pants. He just put his unwashed cock in my mouth and started to urinate. It was sharp and very bitter. I swallowed everything.

The negress gave both of them a blue pill and then demanded that they both undress except for their shoes. "Who wants to fuck first?" asked the negress, and the fat man was faster than the lean one. While I received the order to climb back into the van and squat down with my legs apart and show my juicy wet cunt, the fat man pulled his rubber over his cock. He simply laid the clothes on the street and then the fat man climbed up to me panting.

His fat belly was bulging out, his chest had almost the beginnings of a woman's breast and his cock was circumcised and not too long. He looked at me for a long time, touched my breasts and turned me over to inspect my ass. He knelt behind me and licked my asshole and cunt very extensively. It started to boil in my intestines. Then he got up again panting, rubbing himself against me from behind and his mouth was looking for my mouth. I opened my lips and our tongues met. Bad breath and nicotine mixed to a taste in my mouth that sent an ecstatic shiver down my spine. We kissed with our tongues intimately for a long time and literally licked each other. I felt his cock growing and was about to kneel down to take it in my mouth when the negress behind the camera demanded that I lay down so that the fat man could sit on me. So I lay down on the back of the truck and pulled the fat man down to me. He crouched over my head and immediately I licked his asshole. He moaned.

The smell and the taste had become completely unimportant to me. I kissed his crack, sucked his hair off, and stuck my tongue up his asshole. When he bent down to lick my cunt, I had my first climax. The negress went with the camera very close to my mouth and filmed me cleaning and licking the fat negro ass with my tongue.

The fat man was already sweating and jerking off his manhood while I was still doing my tongue work under him. "Cunt or ass?" the negress asked him and he chose my ass. Because he was so fat, he lay on his back and I let me slide down on his rather thick than long cock. It hurt a bit, but I didn't care about that either. I leaned back so the camera could record how deep the black dick was in my intestine. With one hand the fat man still groped my unused cunt, which brought me immediately to the second climax. Then he came already groaning loudly inside me. When he pulled out, the rubber remained in my intestine and I had to squat down to pull it out. At the same time the condom content ran onto the loading area. While the fat guy got off the van, I put the smudged condom in my mouth and sucked it out. Then I licked up the spunk mixture which had dripped on the car floor.

The scraggy man was more sinewy and its cock considerably longer. And he was really deep pitch black, which even made the few teeth he still had look white and shiny. The blackness of his skin built up a tremendous arousal in me. He also preferred my asshole, after I had cleaned his thoroughly. He demanded that I lay under him, and so he pushed his cock up my ass lying on top of me. I stroked his back, kissed the black skin of his shoulders, licked his hairless chest, squeezed his lap on mine and was rewarded with a lavish ejaculation while the man freed his dick from the rubber and shot his load onto my cunt and stomach. Again the rubber was soiled with thick pieces of my intestines and the negress demanded that I hold the brownish smeared condom into the camera for a long time before I was allowed to clean and lick it out.

The third man was very old and either very drunk or already confused. He couldn't manage to undress, so I took over for him, kneeled in front of him, unzipped his trousers and licked him all over. Given his stench, I longed for Nero. Even though despite the blue pill the old man couldn't get his cock properly stiff, the negro was still happy with the filming, because besides kissing, ass-licking and cock-sucking I also had to suck and clean his dirty and overgrown feet for a long time. Then I climbed out of the van, knelt down on the street and got a big load of piss in my mouth from the old man, which I had to swallow and cost me some effort.

The number of men who used and abused my body, I can't remember. Maybe it was the full dozen, maybe more. The negress collected all the condoms in a plastic bowl and at some point they literally swam in a sauce of sperm and dirt.

The negress had already announced loudly that I would be serving the dogs at the end, so that everyone except the confused old man stayed until the bitter end and formed a real cluster in front of the van and howled loudly when I was given the contents from the condom bowl into my mouth. I then had to hold each condom in the camera and lick it clean. Then finally a light brown street dog - some indefinable promenade mix, sinewy and slender - was brought to me on the loading area, who circled me several times, smelled and licked me until he finally marked me as his property. He had lifted his leg and just in time I had slipped under him to get a full load of dog piss into his wide open mouth.

The owner was a strong negro who had already fucked me. When the negress offered him that I would also serve his dog with my tongue, he tried for a long time to get his now somewhat intimidated animal to present his rear end to me. When the time came, the negress barked that I shouldn't use my hands, so I licked the balls first and then tried to push the tail away with my head to get at his ass. Again the crowd cheered when finally the owner of the dog pulled the short tail to the side and everyone could see how my tongue was already stuck deep inside the animal. Whether it was my saliva or whether the dog had squeezed out soft-liquid excrement last time, I can't tell anymore. But the smear on my nose and in my mouth showed me that dog shit does not necessarily have to be hard.

One of the men in this condition demanded my ass again, which the Negress was only too happy to grant. The morning was already dawning when the van started moving again and drove me back to my new home in a state of extreme agitation. One of the men tossed me a bottle of water in the back so that I could wash and refresh myself. Bloody fucked, stuffed and stinking I nodded blissfully.

I was rudely awakened when the van stopped abruptly and I skidded to the side. The negress opened the loading door of the van, clicked a dog leash through the ring of my collar and pulled me on the leash across the parking lot to the house.

"Come on, hurry. You've got a couple of hours of rest now, and then Dixon's coming!"

Back in the building she pulled me through the large interior, at the end of which there was a narrow door leading to a dark and dirty stone staircase. The cellar was cool and musty, as if it hadn't been aired for years. We came to a rather high room that looked like a torture chamber. A stained mattress without cover was lying on the wall, some rickety chairs were standing around, a seatbelt couch like in hospital and a black leather trestle stood in the middle. Rings and hooks were everywhere on the walls, whips and other instruments of torture. At the very back was a tiled area where a mouldy washbasin, a toilet and a shower without curtain served as a wet room.

Light flashed! Bright, glaring spotlights that bathed the whole room in an unreal, clear light from above and from the side. Only now I saw the stains and the dried blood.

"Do you like pain?"

„No“, I said.

"So much the better," was just her comment. "You can shower and wash up there, lie down somewhere to rest. I'll leave the light on so you can see what's in store for you."

With this she pulled a heavy iron grating door, which separated the rear part with the wet area and the mattress from the front torture room, behind me, dropped it crashing into the lock and checked whether the grating was really locked. I was locked up like in a prison.

After I had showered, washed thoroughly, cleaned my hair and applied a lot of cream, I lay down on the mattress and tried to rest. As soon as I had found some sleep, I heard the clatter of dogs and Nero stood panting in front of the iron bars. I crawled to him and extended my hand to him, which he immediately began to lick off. A short time later the young man came, opened the door a little so that Nero could slip through. Then I was alone again.

I allowed Nero to lie down on the mattress with me and snuggle up to me. I fell asleep again.





I had been awake for a very long time when the young man with the camera, an unknown black man with a suitcase and the negress entered the room. Only when I had crouched down naked and proved that I was defenceless did the negress unlock the heavy iron grating door and push it aside. Nero howled and went towards them wagging his tail.

"I bet Nero's about ready," the Negress just said, and the young man gave a hand signal and let the camera go. Turned to me she said, "Get up."

I stood up and stood upright, naked as I was with the dog collar and leash. The black man, who was called Dixon, first took off all his clothes and then put on a kind of ski mask. He was muscular, tall and middle-aged. His beautiful long cock dangled casually between his legs and gave me a thrill.

The man examined me, grabbed my breasts, stuck his fingers in my holes until I moaned. He pushed me down on my knees, put his cock in my mouth, which I sucked hard. Dixon was not very hairy and his cock was pitch black, very long but not very thick. He was circumcised, clean and his glans was pink and shimmering in contrast to the blackness of the cock skin. He fucked me in the mouth for a long time until I choked and saliva and drool came out of my nose. He spat several times right in my face, turned around and let me lick his ass. I pulled his ass cheeks apart and stuck my tongue deep into his asshole. He seemed to like it.

Dixon was very experienced. Without many words he laid me on the floor, stepped over me, grabbed my buttocks, opened them and fucked me deep in the ass with a firm push. I moaned. He withdrew, let his cock suck clean and then fucked me in the cunt. I came and moaned. He pulled me up by my hair, stepped in front of me, punched me in the face, which surprised me. He hit me hard and my cheeks burned like fire. He had the negress hand him a small leather dog whip. At his command I kissed the whip thoroughly, the leather was thin and hard. He demanded that I present my breasts to him properly and I grabbed them with both hands and held them out to him like a gift. He hit me with the dog whip. Hard, unyielding and skillful. He wanted to hit the nipples and he hit them. Then he took the hard and reddened nipple of my right breast and bit into it until I screamed out a second climax.

He did the same with my cunt. I lay on my back and spread my legs until my pelvis hurt. So he cracked the whip on my clitoris. I whimpered, but he did not give me a climax deliberately. As he sat his asshole on my mouth and I drove my tongue deep into him, Dixon moaned. He rubbed his ass on my nose, through my face and jerked his cock. Just before he was about to come, he stopped jerking off and ordered me to suck his ass until he would come. I tried really hard, but I guess it took him too long, so he took the whip again sitting on me and whipped my open cunt. The closer he got to his climax, the harder his strokes became. Then his ass relaxed, the asshole opened up and while some intestinal content ran into my mouth, he whipped my cunt completely unrhythmically and much too hard and screamed out an orgasm. I cried in pain, but had come again. His sperm was viscous, whitish and very much.

"She's good!" he said to the Negress as he regained his breath. "A real sow. She'll make you rich, I bet."

While Dixon tied a towel around his loins, I crawled to the wet area where the negress shaved my head. First with the scissors, then with the electric razor and finally with the razor. She took warm water and foam, took care that I didn't get too sore or bleed and finally she was quite satisfied with her work.

In the meantime, Dixon had taken his needle device out of its case, filled it with ink and connected it to the circuit. I was kneeling with my back to him when he started to tattoo my neck. I was startled and jerked together. Still the pain was not unpleasant. Only when he came to the place where my skull bone was already visible, it burned like hell. He stabbed, wiped away the blood, and stabbed again. Calm and routine.

What he stung, I could not say and I did not dare to ask. It was only when he had finished that the Negress laughingly thought that Dixon could tattoo my knuckles after all. On my right hand, a letter in each finger and on my left hand. When Dixon was finished, I had N-I-G-G-A on one hand and W-H-O-R-E on the other hand. The Negress was pleased.

"Do you want to stay?" she asked the tattoo artist, who then asked what should happen to me.

"Pain! A lot of pain! We'll take her udders today, and she'll suffer!"

"Yes, I'd like to be there. Only with Nero I have a problem! Should Nero still fuck her?"

"No, Nero's not fucking her. But he's about to take a shit. We'll put that in the movie!"

Dixon thought about it and then shook his head. "Nah, this is not for me. I feel sorry for the cunt already!" With that he packed his suitcase back together, kissed the negress on the cheek, hit the still filming young man behind the camera with a high five and disappeared. I felt devotion and that somehow I had fallen in love with Dixon.

"Don't daydream so much, cunt!" the Negress took me out of my thoughts and feelings. "Get up!" she barked at me.

The negress had two thick black cable ties in her hand and ordered me to bend my upper body forward so that my big breasts were hanging down. She massaged my udders, pulled them long and pinched the tender warts until I whimpered. Then she put a tie around each udder and pulled it just tight enough to hold. The young man, who followed everything with his camera, stood in front of me, nodded and whispered. "Then make the sow bounce."

Thereupon the Negress grabbed the tie from the right udder and pulled it closed. The wide plastic band snapped into place with a soft click. Once, twice. Then I already felt the pressure. Three times, four times. I moaned. The negress pulled harder and harder, and my chest got bigger and bigger until it threatened to burst. I moaned, but immediately received two strong blows to the face with my flat hand. "Shut up cunt! You don't know how horny it makes the men, when your udders stick out like bulging melons!" With that she pulled again with all her strength on the wide plastic band and I could hear my skin tearing. I screamed in pain, howled, begged for mercy, but the negress tugged at the cable tie until it could not be pulled any further.

I looked down my chest. At the bottom of my chest the cable tie had dug deep into my flesh, some blood was pouring out and my chest looked as if it was about to burst. At the same time my udder was so big that it was now hanging down over the tightly contracted cable tie at the bottom of my breast following the force of gravity. The Negress laughed.

She did the same with my left breast, only that she did not pull quite as hard, so that my left udder was not as stretched to burst. She looked at her work and was satisfied. With practiced movements she put heavy leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles. They were dark brown like the leather collar I still wore with the dog leash and were not new.

She tied my hands together with a snap hook, pulled a heavy iron chain over a ring in the ceiling and pulled my arms up. Then she kicked me in the legs until they were so far apart that the ankle cuffs could be attached to rings in the floor. I was completely motionless when spread like this.

"Have you ever had your tits pierced?" She asked me. I said no. "So you know the pain coming from needles?" I stuttered in denial about that, too.

She took a small case from the side pocket of her dressing gown and presented the contents to the camera: two finger-long, rather thick needles, thin and pointed at the front, with a fine thread and ending in a black head. "You can prick them from the side to pierce the skin. But you can also ram them frontally into the delicate nipple. This is how needles – or should I say nails? – hurt the nerve centre and leave this little sow here" – with this she patted my head – "ranting wonderfully. Usually the sows then really kick around. That's why we prefer to strap them down!"

First she took the udder, which did not bleed because it was not pulled together as tightly as the other one. She stroked the red tarnishing of the meat, twirling the bulging nipples until they were hard and firm. Then she let the camera know that here – she opened my nipple by pressing the meat hard with her fingernails – was the milk duct. "If you hit the milk duct cleanly and pierce it, the whining is usually very sweet!"

She put the needle in and I panicked. I screamed for help, really scared for my life. My voice went crazy. I panicked. Nero barked. The negress laughed.

"If you're too loud or tossing and turning in chains, I'm going to have to start hitting more often in order to hit properly. This is much more painful than just letting it pass. You don't have a chance anyway!" Again she laughed her gloating laughter.

With the tip of the needle she looked for the small opening to the milk duct in my wart and then pushed in. Sparks flew in my brain, my head burst and my body cramped up into a motionless rod stretched between the chains. It took minutes until the pain ebbed and my body collapsed. I was sweating like a pig.

"Look, the needle's just in the beginning. I will not do you the favour of sticking it into you with a thrust, but I will slowly and with pleasure screw it in. That's why these nasty needles have a small thread."

With that she turned the needle deeper into my wart and I only remember screaming. Like screaming on a spit. Like a pig at the slaughter. Then I fainted.

I woke up again by an unbearable stench. I looked down at myself and the needle was still hanging in my nipple, without having pricked it completely. In the corner of the room Nero was sniffing urine by a lake with a large portion of excrement in it. I choked.

The negress was just putting the second latex glove over her hands when she noticed that I had regained consciousness. "Yes, disgusting stench, isn't it! But it's just right for you!"

The young man with the camera followed her while she took a large white cloth that looked like a piece of bandages or gauze bandage. With it she wiped Nero's urine from the floor until the cloth had completely absorbed the stinking broth. She wrung it a little dry and then let the cloth slide into the dog's excrement. Not deep, but exactly so that the cloth was now smeared with shit. She folded it carefully and then formed it into a small ball. With that she and the young man with the camera stepped towards me.

"Open up!"

I cried.

"I'm warning you!"

So I opened my mouth and let the unchangeable happen. The negress stuffed the greasy and stinking ball into my mouth and squeezed my jaws together. Immediately my body shook and I choked and coughed, but nothing came up except stomach acid anyway. I had not eaten solid food for more than two days.

When my choking was over, she closed my mouth with a wide piece of tape and continued her work on my nipple. I remained conscious as she slowly turned the thick needle into me. I could not scream and I was not capable of panic anymore. The only thought I had was to relax and not suffocate on the dog shit gag.

Also with the second needle, which she stuck into my other udder, I did not lose consciousness. Although I screamed with all my strength, swallowed the dog's urine and faeces, which had meanwhile mixed with my saliva in my mouth and provided me with a constantly dripping stream of disgust; swallowed the mixture, which then burst out of my nose and caused mortal fears of suffocation. My bladder emptied uncontrollably beneath me. But I survived.

I survived the gag, the disgust, the pain and the needles in my udders. I also survived when the negress pulled out an electric cable and hit my udder with full force. I survived the first blow. I survived the second stroke. My skin on my breasts burst and with every further blow blood splashed into my face. I cried like a child, my nose secreted a stinking broth of tears, urine and dog shit, I bit my tongue, I bit my cheek hard until I was bleeding, I clenched my teeth together until I felt my teeth burst and my jaw was dislocated. My veins in my neck got hard, I thought I was going to burst, I farted, shat and pissed – but I survived. And I also survived when the Negress slowly twisted the needles out of my bruised, green and blue whipped and bleeding tits again. Because that was the only thing that mattered: to survive.

I was untied, I fell to the ground, Nero was above me, licking my still tied udders, my head, my ass. With one abrupt movement the negress pulled the tape from my mouth, which I screamed in surprise and pain. But finally I was allowed to spit out the gag, only to be forced with harsh and ruthless orders to lick, suck, put in my mouth and swallow everything - and really everything: my excrement, Nero's excrement and the blood on the floor.

To give the film a nice and conciliatory ending, as the negress said, the negress removed the cable ties with a pair of pliers so brutally that I couldn't help screaming again. And I screamed when at last the blood flowed into my breasts again and my body was fully restored, albeit in miserable pain. I was allowed to shower and clean myself (everything was filmed) before the fat woman sat down on my face and let me lick her to a climax (she came very quickly and she was very wet and aroused), only to give me a long and bitter stream of urine right in my mouth. I swallowed. And after swallowing, I licked it further to another climax, which she helped to sustain by rubbing the clitoris hard until it not only came but cumed profusely, which I also swallowed. And I swallowed too, as she used an enema of her own urine to help her defecation and emptied herself completely in my mouth and over my face.

Bleeding and dirty, gasping for air and howling terribly, I remained cowering on the floor. Nero barked as the three left the room.





How long I stayed in my prison, I cannot say in conclusion. The bright spotlight remained on day and night, and since the room had no windows, my time passed without me being able to pin it on external factors. My physical wounds healed, my tattoo on my head encrusted, my longing for Hank remained. At irregular intervals the young man came and brought food. Mostly mashed potatoes, beans and some fruit. My body regenerated, and since I applied cream several times a day, my skin also nourished and became soft and tender again.

Then one day (or night) the Negress came alone. She was still wearing her pink robe, which was covered with dirt, and ordered me to put on handcuffs, whose fit she checked before she pushed the iron gate aside. I knelt before her.

"Your hair has grown back a little. We have to shave you. Your big day is coming up, we have to prepare you!"

She foamed my head and began to carefully scrape me with the razor.

"May I ask you something, mistress?"

"Go for it!"

"What's happening to me?"

"We sell you! The movies so far have only served to drive up the price. Cunts like you are precious!"

I was honored. And proud.

"Will I see Hank again?"

She laughed. "Yes, he wants to see you one last time when you get dog fucked. After that he'll make the deal, maybe he'll turn you in, but in the end he's done with you. He'll probably never touch you again. You fucked that up, but so what?"

Yeah, I knew that too. "Will that money be enough to make up for what I did to him?"

"Oh, yes. And more. Don't worry, you'll make Hank rich."

"Who buys me?"

"I don't know. There is no firm buyer yet, only interested parties and bidders. Certainly a rich man or several. Maybe dog breeders. Or movie producers. Or maybe a very rich married couple who will hire you. The darknet loves illegal stuff. And nothing you do in the future will be legal." She laughed. "I don't even know if you're going to stay here in the US. Mexico or Colombia is a very thriving market. Also Russia or the Arab Emirates. You'll see the world, sweetheart!"

I swallowed and grief overcame me. I began to sob.

"I would like to stay here!"

"Well, I don't think so! You will be here for a few days, but then the bids must be ready. If two or more identical bids exist, we invite the bidders. To do so, they must already have deposited half of the offer to buy. Then everyone can test you. Maximum three hours. Mostly the sows get filmed. Anything but permanent damage is allowed.

"So there will be no blood?"

"Sometimes yes. You can be beaten or whipped, many people want to see how the goods react to drugs, bruises or nipples nailed on wood, even pulled out toenails are allowed, but not severed fingers or anything that won't grow back. If you are injured, we will spare you for a few days until you are restored and fit for duty. The films become the property of the bidder, and they naturally want undamaged and good-looking goods in the film."

Now I wasn't sobbing anymore, I was crying. I was afraid.

The negress washed my head and put cream on me. "You will have unspeakable experiences, I can assure you." She built herself up close in front of me. "But today is about something else. We'll have to practice a bit to make sure you get an even better price." She opened her dressing gown and slipped it on her back. "Look at me!"

I looked the negress in the eye.

"Let your gaze wander over my body Go!"

I looked at her hanging udders, which were almost hanging over her belly button. The fat bulges at her waist were enormous and her thighs were more like those of a rhinoceros than those of a human. She turned around, bent forward and pulled her ass cheeks apart. Her skin in the cleft was as coarse-grained as an elephant's. Both holes were unshaven and the long curly hair of the pubic hair was matted, dirty and stinky. In addition, she exuded a smell of acidic sweat and biting urine.

"How do you like me?"

"Oh, very good!" I lied. "I like her!"

The Negress laughed. "Don't talk shit! I'm a fat pig, I stink and I'm not really human anymore. Am I right?"

I looked at her again and kept quiet.

"You see, you don't have to lie. Now you can be honest. So: what do you think of me?"

I gathered up my courage and replied, "Disgusting. Fat and unkempt. I never thought a person like you really existed."

"Very good! This is what you think and feel. And that's exactly how you will feel every day for the next time. You will find the men who do unspeakable things to you repulsive. And you will reject the practices they demand and find them completely disgusting. No human being licks a stinking dog's asshole with pleasure and likes to be humiliated, spat on and whipped like some animal. And even if you already have a little bit of practice as a piece of dirt, it costs you overcoming every time. Am I right?"

I nodded.

"You see! Now it's all about you begging and yawing for what disgusts you so much. You will tell me what I want to hear, and all your disgust, your shame, your aversion you will put aside. And if I don't believe you, I will punish you. We have time, lots of time, but remember one thing: I will love to punish you. And we'll film it, and you'll make me happy. So if you really hate me from the bottom of your heart, you better learn fast, because then I will spare you. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I got it.

"Good! Here's our deal: If I believe you, you win. If I don't believe you, you lose. If you win, nothing happens to you. If you lose, you will be punished. We'll start harmlessly and the punishment will be: if you're not convincing, you'll get a lash. If you don't convince me ten times, you'll get ten lashes for each additional time. If there are also ten lashes, I will nail your nipples to a board. If you're still stupid, I'll nail your hands to the wooden floor. And then I'm gonna nail your labia. And then your feet. If I nail your feet, you're worthless and you'll be thrown to the dogs." She took a break. "I don't care, because the film we're gonna make will sell the same as your sale. Maybe a little less. But I had a good time instead." She laughed bitterly again. "Get it?"

I nodded. "Yes, I got it!"

"Do you find me beautiful?"

"Mistress, I love you!"

The negress looked at me. "Not bad at all," she said appreciatively.

"You want to suck my cunt?"

"Yes, I'm greedy for it!"

"Nah, that was nothing." She drew a line on a piece of paper.

"Imagine me sitting with my ass on your face and you have to smell and lick my dirty hole. Does the thought make you horny?"

"Yes, mistress. Very. I love the taste of asshole. The dirtier, the better!"

"Weeeell. Yeah, you're on the right track."

"Did you like the taste of Nero's doggy asshole?"

"I loved the taste!" I claimed. "It was so disgusting and I felt so rotten, it excited me like never before!"

She raised her eyebrows. "Hmm, yeah, you sound convincing." After a short pause, "The men at the crossroads: Which one did you like best?"

I thought of something. "The old man whose piss I had to swallow at the end. He couldn't get it up, but he stank so bad and his ass was so far gone I was proud to serve him!"

I was beginning to understand the trick. There was something in me that had wished for all the things I had suffered the last few days. I wanted it and I had to go into that very part of me, accept it and love it and thus bring it out in front of the negress. Then I convinced her.

"You like eating dog shit?"

"Yes, very..." I wanted to start, but the negress was already on the prowl.

"Nah, that wasn't convincing! That was a lie. Empty. Wrong. Next question: I bloodied your fat udders with the electric cable. Do you want me to do it again?"

"Mistress, I beg you. I beseech you. I have hated it, but there is nothing I wish for more than to be humiliated and tortured to the point of blood by you. I don't want to live without the dirt and the pain anymore."

That convinced the Negress again. And so it went back and forth for quite a long time, and in the end I only had 9 lines on the piece of paper, which I found bravura for the difficulty of the task. Nine lashes with the whip I would endure.

"Ok, you passed this test", she said appreciatively and I felt how great pride flowed through my body. "You know what's missing now?"

I was thinking. What was missing? I hesitated: "That I'm being fucked by a dog?"

"Bingo!" she said laughing. "This is the last film before the final auction! You know how dogs fuck?"

I said no.

"It doesn't really matter how big the dogs are. Because a dog's cock will cause you considerable pain no matter what hole it pokes into. That's because of the knot that forms at the back of the root. It's the size of a tennis ball, and only when the knot has grown to its full size does the dog fuck you properly and squirt loads of sperm into you. We always do it so that we only let the dogs fuck you in the ass. It's more painful, and these little piglets scream so pretty when fucked in the ass by the knot."

"Is a dog turned on when it sees a human's ass?"

The Negress laughed. "Dogs don't go for naked women who show their holes to them. And even if you're a real bitch, the dog won't get horny looking at you!" The black woman pulled a brownish pill out of the side pocket of her dressing gown and held it between her thumb and forefinger in front of my face. "It's a pheromone. A dog pheromone. We could spray it on the outside of your holes, but it stinks and no man wants to touch you with again. Three days you will take it", she handed it to me and on my questioning look she signaled me to swallow it, "then you will give off a real mutt smell that will make the males burst. Humans don't smell this hormone at all. Dogs do."

"Nevertheless: dogs need to be trained with the hormone as well. Although the hormone makes them horny, they have a natural instinct not to jump on humans. Of course we want to change that. So the dogs will perceive the smell of your dog cunt, but their owners still have to make them actually mount and jump on the sow that is offering her holes to them. Untrained dogs are no big fun, but trained dogs are. They don't care about the hole they fuck into, as long as they can jump, ram, knot and cum. What they hit with their dick is secondary. As long as it's a hole. But we'll find a receptive hole in you." She laughed at me again.

"What about Nero?"

"Let Nero fuck you, you mean?"

I nodded.

"A race Rottweiler for a sow like you?!", she shook her head, "No! You're too far down for Nero. You're already allowed to lick his ass, that's enough. Nero is not a fuck-dog! I got some mongrel in my head who's cunt free right now. It's very popular in the movies and it's fucking men's asses right now, if I'm not mistaken. The male dog is not very big, but very agile and always horny. His cock is really not pretty, runs together in front so pointed and comes perhaps only with 7 inches. But the knot is very neat and he rams it mercilessly into every hole. We're just getting it ready for you. Are you happy now?"

"Oh yes, very!"

"Bullshit!", she made a tenth dash, "but it doesn't matter. Ten strokes with the whip and we’ll see how many times you can offer your holes to the first mutt. You know dogs really shoot a lot of liquid and they can fuck again a minute later?"

I shook my head.

"Well, now you know! Plus, we're gonna film you nice and pretty so everybody can see that you're lower than any nigga. And don't forget: you'll be begging for everything and asking us to fuck you, whip you and let dogs fuck you. You're gonna show in that movie that you want it all the way it happens. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mistress!"

"Good. Now lie down and open your mouth. I want to piss in your mouth now and then let you suck me off for the climax! Go!"

And so it happened!





I took the pheromones twice more before the negress, the young man and another older black man came back into my dungeon. The older man was fat and had a grey unkempt beard. On a leash he led a greyish-brownish dog with short strong legs. In my opinion a terrier mixture, stocky and muscular. The negress ordered me to clean myself and to put an enema to rinse my bowels. I did as I was told, while the three (or four) watched me through the bars.

The Negress instructed the young man with the camera what was important: close-ups of the holes, the udders and the dirt: as soon as sperm, piss or shit was involved, he should film my reaction, my disgust, my wheezing, my choking.

"Once her tongue is in an ass, you get close. I want to see her lips work and her tongue lick everything and go into the hole. Then get your tongue pointed at you and zoom in when shit's stickin' to it.“

The young man nodded and said that it was not the first time he had done it.

"When the dog fucks her, we'll use two cameras again. I'll film her stupid face in the front and you film her asshole getting ripped open from behind! Cut, reverse cut!"

The young man looked annoyed at the ceiling.

"Hey, all right, remember, the instructions come from Hank!"

Addressing the old man, the negress asked how he liked me, and he commented on my nakedness, my voluptuous udders and my bulging pelvis, and stated that although I had a little too little fat on my ribs for his niggas, I was ideal nigga fuck meat from the point of view of my equipment. The youngster began to film.

"She is fertile and absolutely in heat as soon as she sees black skin," the Negress replied. "And she is receptive. Ass, cunt, mouth are there to be filled by everyone!"

"Yeah," the old man said, "I've seen the movies. The fact that she even sticks her tongue up the ass of bums and sucks it without grumbling until she cum was impressive! Is she on drugs?"

The Negress shook her head. "No, not right now. Only the pheromone gets her. She's doing all this because she owes Hank deep."

All of a sudden a mobile phone beeped. The old man looked at his watch. "Shit, I forgot all about Jeff." He squeezed his phone and held it to his ear. While he was listening, he talked a bit quieter to the negress: "Jeff is standing in front of the door. I forgot all about that. With Rita. He's gotta teach that cunt a lesson. Problem?"

The Negress shook her head. "Nah, they can watch us kick the shit out of that whore. No problem!"

The old man exchanged a few more words and then ended the conversation.

"Did Rita fuck up again?" asked the nigga, and the old man described in nigga slang how she tried to rip off a customer. I didn't get it all, but Rita seemed like a street whore or a drug mule or something. Something about drugs was definitely involved.

In the meantime I had finished my cleaning and was now completely naked with my arms crossed behind my head and squatting in the middle of the room. Only then did the Negress open the gate, and the three of them came up to me and examined: "Today is your big day!" The Negress stroked me over the head, touched my breasts. "Don't forget to beg for everything," she said softly, "otherwise it's going to be uncomfortable for you."

Suddenly from above, noise could be heard, calls, footsteps and voices coming closer. Three young male blacks entered the room in a noisy manner, half-breeds, like wannabe rappers with long gold chains, tall and with a broad grin, but still very young. They were wearing black leather jackets, torn T-shrits, sneakers and their wide jeans were hanging down their knees. In their midst they dragged a likewise very young black woman in a short one-piece suit. That had to be Rita. She was very thin and very scared, and the one-piece was very short, while her golden glittering shoes were very high heeled. A real street whore, was my first thought.

The negress turned to the guests and ordered them in a very gruff tone to push a wide leather sofa in front of the bars. The three youths were apparently subordinates of her and Hank. Or employees. In any case, they were the recipients of the orders, for they were very submissive to the Negress and did what she had ordered without grumbling and pushed the sofa in front of the bars. They treated Rita quite differently. One of the boys, it was obviously the one called Jeff, gave her a hard head butt and almost shouted at her to shut up.

"Come here and look at this sow!" the Negress asked the quartet. And immediately one of them punched Rita in the back and forced her to enter the dungeon.

"This is Mareike. Not a whore, but a sow." The negress hit my face twice with her flat hand. Right and left. I kept looking down.

"Is this how you want to end up, Rita?"

"Oh, c’mon. I'm not some white cunt. What do I got to do with her?" Rita's voice almost rolled over. She was scared, even though she was spitting gum on the floor in front of me. She caught a hit right away from the one named Jeff.

"Thank Rita and lick up her snot."

I looked the skinny girl in the eyes and thanked her. Then I bent down to the white slime on the floor and licked it up. Rita giggled.

"Look Rita," the negress turned her words back to the young woman, "Mareike needs that. You're about to see what a white sow likes to do best: she serves us niggas. But you, Rita, have pride, right?"

Rita nodded.

"But still: the same thing can happen to you as to Mareike. Only with the difference that you won't do it voluntarily. What do you think Mareike really wants?

"I don't know. It's just a stupid cunt!"

The Negress reached under my chin, pushed my face up and forced me to look at her. "What do you wanna show Rita today?"

"That I'm a bitch who lets male dogs fuck her!"

"Right! You finally want to stop serving animals only with your mouth, licking their asses and eating their shit, but you want to be properly mated. Like a pig!"

"Yes, mistress, I do!"

"Fine! That's Joe," she pointed at the old man, "but you're just gonna call him DADDY, get it?!" I nodded. "And on those four legs here that's Diablo, your present fucker!", she slapped her flat hand hard over my left udder. I moaned. "Daddy will show you today how a white sow needs to be properly mated by a mutt."

The older negro had meanwhile stripped himself naked except for his expired sneakers and had stepped in front of me with the dog on a leash. He had a thick, greasy belly, a bald head and his long grey beard made him look older than he really was. His tail was more thick than long and uncut. The dog was panting loudly and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth.

The three wannabe rappers had sat down on the sofa and watched while the negress had taken Rita gress by the hand and kept her with her. "Rita, I'm gonna show you today what's gonna happen to you if you don't do everything Jeff tells you to do. Are we clear?"

Rita muttered something that sounded like an insult, but at the same time she nodded.

"You just spat on the floor. That wasn't right. I'm gonna ask you to spit in the pig's face."

Rita looked at the negress with a ghostly look.

"Yes, you heard me right! Mareike is what we niggas were 150 years ago: our slave. She's way below you, Rita! And you can do what you want with her. Remember that your grandmother was once a slave too and had to do what the white massas ordered. Now it's our turn. Spit on that bitch!"

Rita was still hesitating, but then she pulled up her nose and spat a big gush of saliva right into my face.

I looked into her eyes and thanked her.

"Is that all?"

As the snot ran down my face, I scraped it with my fingers in my mouth and swallowed. It tasted mingled with nicotine.

"Aren't you satisfied?" asked the Negress.

"She didn't thank me right away, the cunt!"

"Then hit her. Mareike likes that. Isn't that right, you sow?"

"Yes, mistress, I...", but already I had two good slaps from Rita. I sobbed and thanked her.

"How many customers have you served today?" the fat lady asked Rita again.


"With rubber"?

"Yes, all three of them!"

"All cunt or all ass?"

"Just cunt!"

"What a pity. I'm sure Mareike would love to suck the nigga sperm out of your ass. Did you clean up properly?"

Rita shook her head.

"So much better! Then let Mareike lick your dirty ass.“

Rita now pulled her short dress up and slipped out of her panties with a skillful movement. She turned around and the next moment I had her ass in my face. It smelled of sweat and excrement. The three boys on the sofa began to laugh. With my hands I pulled their ass cheeks apart and licked and sucked on their dirty hole for minutes. I felt my excitement grow and Rita also started to secrete wetness from her cunt.

I heard the voice of the Negress as if through a mist: "You know, Rita, we're doing this white bitch a favor by humiliating her as our slave. But what about you? Do you want to end up like that too? A shit-eating dog-fucker?"

"Nope, not in the mood."

"You see! Now tell me why Jeff is so mad at you!"

And Rita, while I was licking her ass and cleaning her cunt, described an argument with Simone, who was obviously also a black street whore. Jeff gave her the better customers and also the better drugs. Rita had gotten angry about that and had beaten Simone up. The black woman laughed.

"Are you on the needle?" she asked, and Rita denied it while she moaned loudly. Suddenly she took a step forward and pulled her dress back down. Then she turned around and looked at me. She was full of hate, even though I had made her run out.

"Next time you get mad, you come here and take it out on the white pig!" giggled the Negress, "You can do anything with her!"

"But I can't beat her up?!"

"Of course you may! Were the white massas allowed to beat up their slaves in the past?", the fat woman asked now. And Rita nodded. "You see!" she said to me, "Get up, pig!" With trembling knees I stood upright. The Negress said something I didn't understand, and Daddy, who had been watching us all the time and taking care of the dog, stepped behind me, crossed my arms on my back and took me into the police grip, passing his grip under my shoulders through my arms and pulling me towards him in this way. As he did so, he licked my ear and whispered, "I'm happy to meet you!" He sounded friendly. "I've seen your films. You've really let everyone fuck you already. I've enjoyed it."

"Thank you, Daddy."

Then Rita took a wide swing and punched me in the face with full force. The Negress laughed. "Tonight, use only the flat of your hand, not your fist," she said to Rita. And once again Rita punched me in the face. My cheeks burned like fire while the old man's grip gripped me tight. His cock rubbed against my ass cheeks and had become rock hard.

"Oh, we're gonna have so much fun!" Daddy said, "I'm totally digging white cunts like you." He kissed me on the mouth with his tongue, which I said long and hard. His dick rubbed against my ass cheeks while his right hand slid into my cunt. "A nice wet dog fuck. They're the best!"

I felt honoured and something like a little happiness flowed through me. Meanwhile his cock had found the entrance to my intestine and pressed against my sphincter. I moaned.

"Punch her in the stomach with your fist! With full force," I heard the negress say to Rita. At that moment the old man behind me pressed his thick hard manhood into my asshole, pulled me back and pushed all the way inside with one thrust. Just as the burning pain reached my brain and I wanted to scream, Rita's fist rushed into my stomach and took the little breath I had left. It was like a hammer blow to my head and intestines. I tried to shout out the air congestion in my lungs, but I couldn't. The blackness before my eyes was the last thing I remember. Then I lost consciousness.

How long I was unconscious, I can't say. In the film I was allowed to watch some time later, it is only a few minutes. You can see in it how I collapse after Rita's punch, the old man holds me, shoves me in the ass three or four more times, and then lets me slide to the ground. His dick is still hard as fuck and smeared. The camera gets close while the old man wipes the dirty cock over my face, leaving both a trail of blood and shit on my cheeks. Then he stands up, struts out of the picture with his stance and shortly afterwards brings Diablo who starts licking me. Then my consciousness resumes.

In the foetal position I came to consciousness again and heard laughter and scraps of conversation from the fog and from far away. Something rough and wet was licking my face. For a few seconds I wondered whether I should ever open my eyes again. It would have been simply too good to be no more. To be dead. Only when the dog's panting and his demanding tongue became too obvious did I open my eyes, look into the dog's mask and open my mouth to let Diablo's tongue go deep into my throat. We licked ourselves for a long time.

"The sow is awake again!" I heard Rita say, who stood over me and got ready to pull up her little dress. "Come on, open your mouth, you've earned it!" a warm, bitter stream of her urine hit me in the face. Diablo jumped to the side, howling. Rita waited until Daddy had his Diablo back on my face and the dog licked the piss off my face. Then the next solid stream came out of Rita's hole and hit the dog too. Everyone laughed.

Rita pissed in my mouth in many short jets and after a few minutes I understood that this should be an exercise so that Diablo could piss on me too. While Rita's piss slowly dried up, the old man stroked his dog's stomach and lifted his hind leg so that the dog was over my face and I could reach the sheath with my mouth. The old man pressed the animal on my head and my lips wrapped around the stinky base of its cock. It took a few minutes before my licking and sucking was successful: the old man lifted the animal a little bit up so that the camera could get a good angle, while a short sudden spurt hit me in the eye. Immediately I tried to direct my face in the direction of the jet, looked into the still dripping piss hole of the dog, opened my mouth wide to receive the dog piss properly. And Diablo pissed. Stinking, a hard stream of his dark yellow urine poured into my now wide open mouth, hitting me in the face, eyes, nose, hair. It was very much and I swallowed everything I could get into my mouth. A not inconsiderable amount of the dark yellow broth ran over my face and onto the floor.

Rita expressed her disgust out loud, while the rappers couldn't stop laughing. Meanwhile, I licked Diablo dry with my tongue and sucked his hanging testicles. The old man had pressed Diablo to the floor and turned his backside towards me. The young man with the camera stood above me and filmed from above how the old man slowly pushed Diablo's backside towards my face. Then I was allowed to turn my head very slowly and press my nose into Diablos asshole. And the old man kept pressing the dog against my face until the dog's sphincter muscle closed around my nose.

"Very nice!" said the old man and pulled Diablo back up to the front. "Now we want to see your tongue!"

I lay on my side and stuck out my tongue. Again the old man pushed his dog against me until my wet tongue touched Diablo's ass. The old man grabbed his dog's backside and pulled it over my tongue several times. At the end I layed down on my back again and the camera recorded from behind how Diablo sat down on my face with his backside, I opened my mouth and the old man pushed the animal on my nose again. Again and again he lifted the dog slightly so that you could see the work of my lips and tongue on the film.

And my tongue found its way into Diablo's intestines quite quickly and without any problems. His muscle gave out and I went deep into him. Sure, the dog's stench was disgusting and to this day I have not been able to get used to the foul smell. And yet I love the devotion and relaxation that animals give me while my lips work on and my tongue works inside their asses. I sucked and licked Diablos hole for a long time.

My saliva had softened the contents of Diablo's intestine properly, so that my tongue met his greasy excrement just behind the muscle meat. Of course I rattled when I pulled my tongue out of the dog completely smeared with ist shit juice. Of course I choked when the disgusting taste filled my whole mouth. But I also knew that the camera demanded to see the slimy brown residue of the dog shit in my face. The old man pulled Diablo aside and I licked with my dirty tongue over my lips and spread the dog shit evenly around my mouth.

While the Negress gave me harsh orders to keep my mouth open and stick out my tongue, the old man rubbed his dog's backside several times over my tongue. Diablo's fleshy sphincter twitched incessantly and of course the dog handler insisted on rubbing the soft muscle flesh over my nose again until the slimy dog shit, softened by my saliva, stuck around my nose. After he had checked that the asshole of the animal was now completely cleaned, he pulled Diablo up and took him in his arms. He lovingly stroked him and praised him for his patience. Meanwhile I had to kneel down.

From the sofa, Jeff screamed for Rita to kiss me clean. The three rappers laughed out loud. Rita started to rant and scream something loud. The Negress calmed them down. "Rita, not today. But next time, you're gonna have to lick this bitch whore. You got that?"

Rita had gotten herself together again and nodded her head.

The negress threw a wet washcloth in my face and ordered me to clean my face. I kneeled down on my knees and washed the skin around my mouth and nose. The old man had his dog on the leash and came to me. Very slowly and with his hard cock sticking out very stiffly he went around me and inspected me. He touched my breasts and opened my holes.

"Unbelievable! First the sow faints in pain, then she drinks dog piss and licks dog shit, and she's still wet as a bitch in heat!" He'd gotten close to my face, wanking his fleshy long dick. "And it makes you horny to let your inhibitions fade infront of the niggas?"

"Yes, sir," I moaned as the old man dropped his cock on my udders and pinched my nipples, "all I can think about is being a good white slave pig to every nigga!“

"So, you like Diablo as much as you like niggas?"

"Oh yes very much! I can't wait to be mated by Diablo."

"I'm glad!" laughed the old man, "and I'm sure Diablo is too. He likes it when women can't get enough of him and are very, very sweet and devoted to him, right Diablo?"

The dog looked at its owner and barked up briefly.

"He needs a little more time before he accepts you as his fuckhole. But I'm not worried. You already reek of bitch and Diablo's fucking everything." With that he rubbed Diablo under his chin and the dog snuggled up to the old man.

"I'm gonna show Diablo now what can be done with you. He’s always very interested. I'm going to piss in your mouth, piglet!“

"Thank you, Daddy!"

"It's not much, I'm an old man, but it's nice and bitter and you'll like it!" He ordered me to lie on my back, stepped over my face, squatted obscenely and aimed at my mouth, which I opened. Then a dripping, radiant stream of urine began to pour out of his cock into my mouth, which I immediately tried to swallow. It did indeed taste very bitter, disgusting and spicy. I swallowed everything anyway.

The old man looked at me and smacked me hard in the face, which took me completely by surprise. My right cheek was burning and I moaned. Diablo barked.

"What's it called, bitch?"

"Thanks, Daddy. Please forgive me, Daddy!"

"That's better!" with it, and he reached his flat hand into my wide-open shame. "Still wet!?"

"Yes, Daddy!"

He looked at his soaked hand and let me lick it. "Too bad your little cunt can't get fucked today."

He stood up and strutted with Diablo to an upholstered chair, settled down with a loud groan, spread his legs, pushed Diablo between them and crawled the dog's belly. "Come here!" he finally barked to me.

Meanwhile he held his uncircumcised cock, which was very thick and fleshy, in his hand and now demanded that I should lick and blow him properly. He had pushed the dog aside and the animal looked interested. I licked the man clean, tasted the sebum under the foreskin, pulled it backwards, exposed the glans and sucked it off for a long time. The dog came closer and let his tongue slide over my face. I allowed the dog's long, wet tongue to enter my mouth and lick me.

The old man slipped forward a little and lifted his legs. My tongue circled the shaft of his sex once more, wandering to the testicles before carefully circling around the asshole. The man relaxed under my licking and sucking movements and moaned. This went on for quite a long time and again and again the dog tried to help me with the licking. While my mouth was doing its work, the man explained that the dog was getting horny on me because ist owner owner was horny on me. He further explained that he would fuck me right away – hard, from behind, in the ass – and the dog would then simply imitate him. But in addition he had to take in my smell and my taste.

"Kiss my ass! That's it! Now take a finger and massage my intestines from the inside. I moistened my right middle finger with the saliva that was already hanging around Daddy's asshole, and gently pushed it into the old man's intestines. I kept licking his asshole. "Very nice! Now you are deep inside me! Pull your finger out and lick it off! "And you can look forward to doing the same thing to Diablo."

I pulled my dirty finger out of Daddy's ass and licked it off with relish. Diablo helped me do it. Finally the old man pushed my head to the side, stood up and ordered me to sit down on the free upholstered chair. Before that he closed my hands on my back with cuffs, so that I sat on the armchair defenceless and unprotected. With a few skilful movements the old man slipped me on the armchair in such a way that my ass was placed far in front and I was more likely to lie in the armchair. Then he spread my legs wide and fastened them around the backs of the armchair with two leather loops each. So cunt and ass were completely open and exposed.

The camera went close to my soaking wet hole while Daddy made rude remarks.

"The sow is still wet! Unbelievable! I’ll change that!“ cried the Negress resolutely. But Diablo was already in front of me and stuck his cold snout into my cunt. I trembled. His wet tongue ran like sandpaper over the tender flesh of my labia. His licking became more and more demanding until he growled, danced back and forth and literally buried himself in my shame. The old man pulled Diablo back and calmed him down. From the corner of my eye I could see that cock tail had been extended.

It was the small leather whip of nine tails, soaked in salt water, with which the Negress now stood before me. As if to confirm that she was now really getting serious, she opened her robe and let it slide to the ground. Then she called Rita, who came next to her somewhat reluctantly and tried to appear disinterested. "Here," said the Negress, stroking the soft flesh of my thighs just before the pubic bone, "here the flesh is particularly tender and sensitive to pain!“ And right away she hit me deep with the whip. I screamed with pain and terror. "The closer you get to the cunt, the more painful it is!" Then she struck again and hit a bit further up, very close to my hole. I whimpered. Five times she hit my thigh, until I cried with burning pain.

Then she took the left thigh. While the right thigh turned blood-red and the welts like long pustules could be seen quite quickly, the skin on the left thigh burst open immediately. The dog barked. She stepped in front of me, admired her work, hit the already bruised skin with her flat hand, then came close to my head and forced me to caress her fat ugly udders. "Darling, that's only the 10 lashes you've earned. Remember?"

I nodded in pain.

"But you know what? The 10 lashes aren't enough for me. Because I get a hell of a kick out of watching you suffer. That's why I'm going to beat your cunt to a mush," she whispered, "I love to let blood flow over white cunts like you. Then Diablo has something to nibble on!"

With that she stepped in front of me again and looked at me. "Fine white flesh for lashing!" She laughed. "Now watch closely, Rita. I hope you don't even want to end up like that." And the negress explained to her by pulling my cunt apart, twirling my clit and fingering my tender asshole, that my beautiful meat was still intact and pink, but in a few minutes it would only be swollen bloody mince. And with that she took a long swing and put the first cut directly on my open shame. With full force. It banged and cracked in my head. Then the pain exploded. I screamed and threw myself to the side, but I couldn't move more than my head. I begged for mercy.

But the negress didn't seem to hear me at all. As soon as I had calmed down, she struck again and hit my clitoris, which had been turned inside out and exposed. My voice failed with pain. "You have to wait a little", she explained to Rita. "If the sows do not keep still, you do not hit properly. But hitting the right spot is most important!" Again she hit me, but this time two hard blows in a row, hitting my cunt left and right. I wished to die.

With her nine thin leather straps, the hard whip hit everything at my most vulnerable point of the body: the tender outer skin around the cunt, the clitoris, the labia and the sensitive inner flesh. I tried with all my strength to throw myself back and forth, to protect myself and to divert the pain from the cunt to a pain in the wrists and arms. But it was useless. I screamed like a pig, but the only thing that happened was the worst muscle cramp I'd ever had. Everything in my legs stiffened and struck the insides of my temples with force. A fingernail burst under the pressure with which I had pressed it into the pad, and my fingertip bled.

"Hold on, I'll inject her with a muscle relaxant. Otherwise she'll faint!", the old man interrupted and pulled out a syringe which he put into my vein. While the pain wouldn't go away, the two discussed something that I didn't understand. Then the negress nodded, came to me in silence and whipped my cunt again. Again with full force and all her strength. And again it took a few milliseconds until the whistling of the leather, the popping of the skin, the jerking in my body and the arrival in my pain center had turned into a pain that drove me insane. I drooled and pissed myself while the negress continued to laugh.

My flesh was already sore and swollen, and with each blow more skin burst open, tore and bulged bloody. The Negress hit each time with full force, waited a few seconds until the first pain had died down, my whimpering and rebellion subsided, only to strike again with full force. I farted, relieved myself again and if I hadn't had an enema before, I would have shat on the floor. I was completely beside myself and on the verge of fainting.

She literally beat my cunt to a mush, and every time I hoped the fainting would take hold of me, she waited just long enough for the next blow to be at the edge of the tolerable. The hard leather straps were soaked in blood by now. Diablo was swiveling around his owner and barked from time to time when my screams became too loud. I begged for mercy, I whimpered, I promised everything, really everything. But Daddy and the Negress just laughed.

"You don't have to promise, sweetheart. You'll do anything anyway. You're free to do anything."

The old man signaled the negress to pause for a moment and smacked my swollen bloody cunt.

"I like those white sows with big udders and a fat ass. We niggas love it big." And he grabbed my breasts and kneaded them real hard. "You only let niggas fuck you, right?"

I drooled something in my pain delirium and immediately the old man hit me in the face. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Yes, only Negro dicks!" I drooled. "Only Negroes! Everyone should fuck me. But I beg you, please stop the whip!"

With that the old man made a movement as if he would pull an imaginary cloth aside from my cunt like a torrero, made room again for the negress, so that she could finish the whipping. And it was a pleasure for her. She still gave me more than twenty lashes and I babbled in my delirium what came into my head and which I hoped would calm them down. But there was no sign of mercy.

When the negress was finally finished and with disdain pressed the bloody nine-tails into my face so that I should clean it with my tongue, the old man let his dog touch my cunt. At first Diablo just licked the blood off, and even though it burned pathetically, it was a relief to me. But the blood gave him a taste for it and he tried again and again to bite into my pubic region until the old man chastised him and Diablo growled.

I was still hanging with my legs wide open in the upholstered armchair and was defencelessly at the mercy of the dog, the old man, the negress, Rita, the rappers and the camera. After the animal had licked my cunt clean, the negress came up with a long needle and some transparent plastic yarn in front of me and explained me full of malice in the voice that now my burst and obscenely swollen cunt would be sewn up. "So Diablo can just stab your asshole, you white dog fuck meat!"

I whimpered, begged, screamed, but the Negress had no mercy. She showed Rita the most sensitive point of my clitoris and explained that the clitoris was being tied. Then she poked the needle slowly and with extreme pleasure through my swollen, bleeding and torn first cunt flap, pulled the yarn through it with pleasure and very slowly and poked again through the opposite flap, which she had taken between her fingers with a brutal grip. The only thing I tried to do was to relax and bow to the pain inside, but it was of no use. Every stab was a blow to my brain, which shattered my nerves like glass.

With a total of a dozen stitches she closed my hole and finally made special fun out of pulling the needle one last time directly through my swollen clitoris. She used a lot of force, tore at the yarn, pulled with force to sew my cunt and its tender flesh of my pleasure center. Only when she was finished and satisfied with her work did she untie my legs again and I slumped whimpering and crying in the upholstered armchair.

"I like the tattoo on her head," the old man let the Negress know as he grabbed me, turned around and pressed my belly onto the chair. "She makes a real good white Negro slave. The niggas will love every hole she offers!" Then he opened up my ass and he shoved his fat fuckin' machine into me without any foreplay. I lacked the strength to scream and so I let a long lasting ass fuck go on without complaint, licked my brown intestinal juice off his cock, let him spurt his seed into my dirty mouth, swallowed, thanked him and got a smack right and left into myface. I prayed to God that the torture would finally end.

But I forgot about Diablo.

While I was still sobbing and waiting for the burning pain in my asshole to subside, the Negress clicked a dog leash into my collar and dragged me on all fours to the old man who sat in front of the dog and stroked him. He held the head of the animal turned towards him and pointed to his pulsating asshole, which was not covered by its short docked tail and which pointed to me. "Nose in, sniff, lick! Without hands! That's what dogs do when they greet each other!"

I crawled behind the dog on all fours and pressed my nose into the stinking asshole. The wannabe rappers laughed. Right away, the gastric juices shot up into my throat and I choked and coughed. My tongue circled the short cock, the asshole and the testicles of the male dog. The asshole twitched and I pushed my tongue forward until my mouth was over the muscle and my tongue had entered the dog's intestines.

"Very nice, very nice. Lick it really clean! You like that, you little white bastard!"

"Thanks, Daddy! I love Diablos asshole and his taste."

I didn't care anymore. I sucked, licked and sucked that stinking dog's asshole like I sucked every other asshole. I took the docked tail in my mouth, pressed my nose from above into the dog's asshole, pulled it out dirty again and put the dog excrement in my mouth with my fingers. Then I continued sucking the asshole. For minutes.

"Here, take this!" He held up a small white hard plastic stick shaped like a mini dildo. "Carefully stick this up his ass. Diablo likes it! But put it between your teeth and don't use your hands."

So I pushed the plastic mini penis into my mouth, held it with my teeth and continued my work on Diablo. With my lips pointed and my teeth clenched together, I carefully pressed the narrow tip against the dog's rosette. The tender flesh opened and the dildo disappeared a little bit in the intestine of the animal.

"Push it in real slow and lick Diablo all over his dilated asshole!"

Slowly the dildo disappeared into the dog's mouth and left a twitching asshole behind, which I immediately licked out with my mouth and cleaned. For minutes I inhaled the smell and licked the taste of dog excrement into me until I felt Diablo pushing the little dildo out of his asshole again.

"Open your mouth! Let it slide into your mouth!" barked the old man. And with a jerk, the plastic penis, which was now smeared greenish-brownish, popped out of Diablos ass. I grabbed it again with my teeth, but the stench was so beastly that I choked up and dropped the dildo on the floor. I threw up and also from the sofa I heard moans of disgust and rude comments.

I licked up my vomit, which was not much and rather resembled a small lake of slime.

"Put the fucking dildo between your lips and show it to our guests. Hurry up!"

At first I slipped my lips on the slimy dog shit the dildo had been dipped into and couldn't manage to keep it in my mouth. It was only when I opened my mouth and could squeeze the stick between my teeth that I was able to lift my head and crawl to the bars. I looked into the wide, disgusted eyes of Rita and Jeff. One of the youths slapped his hands on his thighs with laughter.

"You see, Rita," said the Negress, "you'll get it if you cross Jeff again." Now Rita was crying. "Use your hands and put that thing between your fingers. That's it! You can smear dog shit all you want around your mouth and up your nose. How do you like that, pig?"

I still choked and stammered a thank you and that I deserved to be treated like this.

"Right. You did! Now lick that pretty piece right off. Like a lollipop. And make sure you do it slowly and with pleasure. Until it's really clean!"

Again and again I was afflicted by vomiting cramps and burping attacks, but after a few minutes the dildo had taken on its original colour again.

"Unbelievable!" cried the smallest of the youngsters, "the sow really does everything!"

"I told you so", the Negress said laconically. "I bet the sow is soaking wet."

I had to turn around and press my ass against the bars. Then I felt hands pulling my ass cheeks apart and made obscene comments about my cunt being sewn up but leaking again. The negress laughed.

Diablo had become very restless in the meantime and Daddy had difficulties to keep him on the leash. He kept going in circles and his cock was hanging down obscenely from him, grazing the ground and leaving a trail of slime. I felt excitement rise up in me at the thought of having a splashing dog knot rammed into my bowels.

After Daddy had given the green light for the dog’s butt fuck, the negress grabbed another camera, handed it to Rita and sat down, wide-legged, on the upholstered chair where I had been tortured so hard a few minutes earlier. Rita stood next to her and received instructions. While she began filming I crawled on all fours towards the two women and presented myself to them, kneeling down, clasping my hands above my head and begging loudly to be fucked by Diablo at last.

The negress stretched out her stinky right foot, which she had deliberately dragged through the piss and dog excrement, forced me to lick it off properly, describing how horny everything would have made me. And while my tongue went between her toes, I told her that I could hardly wait to finally feel Diablo in my ass, how much it excited me to suck his ass in front of the audience and the camera until I was completely smudged, and finally that I wish nothing more to bear the pain every day and that sewing up the cunt was the absolutely just punishment for my doggy heat.

"Very nice! I know you can't wait and Diablo should be doing the same by now. But I would like to make you look a little prettier," the Negress took two black cable ties and demanded that I hold out my fat udders to her. With skilful movements she pulled a tie around each of my breasts and pulled them to exactly the point that they would not fall off, even if they did not yet exert much pressure on the bottom of my breast. Then she tightened a mousetrap sharply and with two fingers held it carefully in front of my face.

"What do you think, sow! Can your nipples stand a little more pain?"

I swallowed and gathered all my courage. "Of course, mistress! My udders crave torture!"

"Very nice! Come here, then!"

She tightened the cable tie on my right chest so tightly that my breath immediately stopped and the blood shot into my head. I moaned. She did the same with my left breast, except that she had to pull the cable tie firmly and roughly several times until it did not move a millimeter. Firm and obscene, my breasts stood out like melons.

"Hold your left udder with both hands so that the little mousetrap hits your nipple properly!"

So with trembling hands I took my left breast and held it out to the Negress. She pinched my nipple and waited until it had hardened and stood off. Then she let the trap close. Again it took a few milliseconds until the stabbing pain reached my brain. I screamed and threw myself on the floor, which the Negress seemed to be waiting for, because immediately she had the whip at hand, which consisted of a taut electric cable. With it she beat my stomach, my thighs and also my breasts until the mousetrap was snapped off again and I almost fainted from the pain. Diablo barked several times.

"Ts, ts, the little sow wants it ultra-hard.“ She used the cable whip on my thighs twice more until the meat split open and bled. I was halfway sane enough to kneel before her again and apologize submissively, which the Negress acknowledged with a grin. Thus the ordeal began anew. Again I held my udders out to her and the camera, again she let the trap snap directly over my nipple, again it shook me with bestial pain. Although I cried bitter tears and muttered for mercy, I had not gone down again. With my second udder the negress did the same. The nipple of the first one was already bleeding.

"If you hadn't been so careless, I might have spared you the next trap. But so...", she held another sharply drawn trap in front of my face, bigger and stronger than the two traps on my nipples.

"It's for rats. Isn't she beautiful?"

I nodded.

"And the metal temples are extra-rugged. It'll crush your tongue real good and make it swell up so it's fun to watch you lick the dog's asshole later!"

Then she ordered me to stick my tongue between the metal bars of the trap. "Look into the camera. We all want to see your stupid face when the pain rips you apart. Just a warning: if you throw yourself back down or otherwise slip out of the picture, I'll repeat the sweet pain not only on your tongue but also on your nose and if necessary on every finger of yours. Understood?!"

I nodded and while I stuck my tongue between the metal bars and looked into the camera, the big rat trap snapped shut. Only when my tongue is pulled out by the weight of the trap does the pain reach my center. And it shook me so that I screamed, groaned, wriggled, saliva dripped from my mouth, but my head remains facing the camera and I didn't slip out of the picture. Then Daddy let Diablo off the leash.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the dog rushing at me, at that moment he jumps against at me and I fall backwards on the ground. Everyone laughs. The dog circles me, steps on my stomach and on my head and all the time his splattered cock is wagging in front of my face. With his snout, Diablo presses against my breasts, between my legs, against my cunt, in my face. I cannot kiss him because of the rat trap on my tongue, but I let him slobber on my face for a long time.

Slowly I turn to the side until I can finally go into the dog position despite the weight of Diablo and hold out my ass to him. He jumps on me, on the side, on the back and head, but he doesn't hit my hole. His movements become wilder and wilder and more and more painful they shake the mice traps on my udders, which hang swinging to the ground.

At some point I feel his sharp claws on my back, groaning in pain and also a little bit of fear, when finally his wild jumping changes into a more rhythmic humping. Then I feel something wet and soft, knocking wildly at my holes. I stretch the asshole up in the air, because my sewed up cunt hurts badly when the dog's cock pushes against it with force. Finally I feel my asshole, which gives way to Diablo's weight and the sheer force of his thrusts, open up for his cock. Until then, the feeling is not unpleasant, even though the animal and uncontrolled amount of movement scares me a little.

At some point I feel an unbearable pressure on my sphincter muscle, which, however, does not give way, but simply seems to tear. And then the unspeakable pain is there, against which I briefly screech up until I collapse under the weight of Diablo.

"Get up, get up, get up!" the Negress yells at me, but then Diablo slips out of me again and jumps into the void. "That was the knot. It stretched you, but it wasn't finally in your ass!" Daddy yells at me angrily. "So once again! And you better stay on all fours otherwise I'll whip you bloody!"

While I plead with eyes and hands for forgiveness and try wordlessly to assure not to go down again, Diablo just keeps on ramming. Everywhere his sperm splashes around and when he comes between my ass cheeks again, it feels like he's peeing on me.

Again it takes some tries until the soft fleshy cock of Diablo has found its way from my sore and sewn up cunt to my asshole. Again I feel a very pleasant feeling when the squirting piece of meat knocks against my sphincter. Again my hole opens to let the meat in. But what happens then is unbelievable: again it tears my hole and instead of my screams calming my fucker, it seems to be more of an incentive.

With all his weight, Diablo throws himself on and against me until my asshole opens up in fractions of a second for his accounts, lets him in, gets stretched to the point of overstretching, and finally rips and gives way... to lock himself up tightly behind the knot and never let Diablo's cock out again. Still Diablo rams me with unrestrained force, after the stabbing pain of being torn open, it is then only the dull pain of shaking around in my intestine. A strange calm after the storm sets in.

And then something happens that I had never thought possible: as Diablo's movements become more coordinated, I feel a waterfall pouring into my gut and seeming to fill me up to my throat. It is like a warm stream of comforting warmth that pours into me and fills my whole being.

At that moment I know that I am a dirty and rotten whore. That I enjoy being turned into an animal, a bitch, an ass-licking sow. That I want everything exactly the way it is happening right now and that I wanted everything that had to happen before exactly the same way. And at that moment I come with such force that it almost pulls me to the ground. I scream, moan, groan and howl out the longest, deepest and most stirring orgasm and all the juices in my bowels, in my cunt, in my mouth unite to a big wave that washes me away and makes me faint almost as much as the inhuman pain and the shame of the humiliation before.

At the same moment of the climax, which lasts for minutes, I piss, shit and spray convulsively and literally melt under the weight of the animal and the breath that presses against my face and nose. Cold and hot sweat cover my body and at this moment I am the happiest sow on earth. Instinctively I open my mouth and let the slime and drool of Diablo run into my mouth. The cameras record everything as if to prove my complete dehumanization.

After the climax fades away, the overwhelming weight of Diablo remains on my back and the throbbing pain of his knot in my intestine, while my big climax turns into many small highlights. Diablo is now rattling my sphincter and I know that when my asshole opens up, all the hot juice, dog sperm, dog piss and my own juices and shit will run out of me and I will lose everything worth living for - and dying for - the union with the dirt and the animal inside of me.

The fact that I was allowed to experience this makes me proud and unspeakably fulfilled. I had sensed that it would be Hank who knew how to treat and satisfy me. A deep love flows through my whole body when I hear someone clapping his hands.

Daddy is immediately on the spot, calms Diablo, cuddles him, praises him and presses him further into me from behind. Rita still holds the camera in front of my face while the negress pulls the rat trap from my tongue with a firm grip. Immediately I scream and the blood flowing into my tongue deforms it into a big thick rag in my mouth, which feels strange.

That's exactly what the negress does with the traps on my udders. Without any care she pulls the metal hangers off my nipples and laughs while I whimper in pain. And again my asshole is stretched to the bursting point, my breath fails while Diablos knots pop out of my ass. For minutes my intestinal contents spill out onto the floor and a brown viscous sauce forms a lake underneath me that slowly gets bigger and bigger until it has expanded into my field of vision.

I am still in the dog position on all fours and the negress orders me to remain in this position for a while. Then she gives the order to squat down with my legs apart and to squeeze out everything that is still in my bowels. But I cannot press at all, my sphincter muscle is so stretched and worn out. Everything flows out of me for minutes all by itself, while I have another climax. The lake at my feet shimmers dirty and matt.

"You will now lie on your stomach with your face in the broth. And you will lick everything up slowly and with pleasure until the floor is clean and shiny again. Diablo will surely come along and help you. Got it?!"

I just nod as I get down on all fours and slowly touch the broth with my mouth and lips. But what can I say? It is the most beautiful and exciting taste and smell I have ever experienced. My tongue licks up the oily brown liquid, shovels it into my mouth and while the taste fills me completely, I come moaning once more. Everyone laughs again.

Now Diablo is with me and also slurps up the broth, and our tongues touch each other deeply. I lick Diablo, Diablo licks me and together we lick up the lake of intestinal contents and dog sperm. I thank Diablo by sitting down and offering him my bouncing, smudged and burst tits for licking. Everywhere Diablo licks me and I lick back: his mask, his peritoneum, his short docked cock, his muscular legs, his sheath, his soft tasty asshole, in which I literally bury myself to climax one last time.

Suddenly Hank's voice fills the room. He must have entered without me noticing him: "Wasn’t that great? The sow is unique! We've got till Saturday, then two bidders will come and make us rich. One of them has already transferred the deposit to the account! This dog fuck meat is gonna make us rich!"





The day of my handover began very rough. The fat negress tore me out of my dreams by crashing the door to my room and immediately started screaming and ranting. What a lazy pig I was, that she was glad to finally be rid of me and that she was not even good enough to serve as a fuckhole for dogs. At the same time she pulled me out of bed by my feet so that I crashed with my body on the hard concrete floor. While I was trying to get up and come to my senses, she hit me in the face with her flat hand, spat at me hard several times and shouted that I should lie down. There on the floor at her feet, that was my place. She opened the knot of her dirty bathrobe and stood broad-legged over my face.

"Last night," she crouched over me, "Hank got so horny at the thought of finally getting rid of you, he squirted all his cream up my ass." She pulled her ass cheeks apart with both hands so that a little muscle opened up here. "He's never fucked you, has he?"

"No," I whispered, "never."

With her asshole wide open, she sat on my face and rubbed herself. Some viscid semen dripped from her behind into my mouth and over my nose. The fat one made sure that Hank's old sperm spread evenly by sliding it for a long time all over my face.

"That's the last thing you're gonna taste of Hank!" she laughed. "You know, Hank only fucks nigga cunts. On principle. He only uses white trash like you to get rich and serve his friends and clients. That's the way he's been doing it with you from the beginning. Because he hates you white bitches. And I have no idea why y'all fall for his shit!"

And as she forced me to use her tongue long and deep into both of her unwashed holes, she described how much Hank despised me. That the two of them had never had a white cunt that ate dog shit and sucked out the asshole of mutts. A lot of her hookers would've gone for pain, but a dog's ass? And with that fervor and devotion? None! Really. She moaned and came the first time.

My films, she went on to say, had spread like wildfire in Darknet.

"Who is going to be whipped, has her udders tortured hard, be fucked in the ass by negroes and then suck dog cocks and asses?" was her not very rhethorical question to me. "Nobody! Really! And I have no idea what's wrong with you, but today you're gonna make us rich. And it's fine by me." She laughed. "Do you like it, sweetheart?"

"Yes, very much", I lied, while the disgustingly dull taste of rancid sperm and intestinal contents, which I had been inhaling for more than half an hour now, had infected all my senses.

"Come on, open your mouth, I gotta piss!"

The fat negress rose and let her dark yellow morning urine run directly into my mouth, first in hard streams that also wet my face, then the pressure dried up and she sat down again on my open mouth until I had swallowed the really last drop. Then she kneeled down and I had to stick my nose right into her slimy cunt while she ordered me to keep working her ass with my tongue. Whether I inhaled through the nose or mouth, the stench was pathetic. When she came moaning the second time and her juices ran into my mouth, I hoped my pain was over. But that was an illusion.

Panting, the negress rose, spat at me again several times and hit me while I continued to lie motionless on the floor.

"I really want to shit in your mouth. But today is your big day, and I don't know if Hank likes it when you stink of shit."

She had placed herself above me and was thinking. "Oh, never mind. You've got to clean up and get ready anyway. Besides, it all started with some nigga shit in your mouth, that's how it's gonna end. And remember, you ain't ever gonna come within 100 yards of Hank's sperm coming out of my gut."

With that she turned around and knelt over my mouth. "Come on, open up!" she commanded. She kneaded her fat sagging tits and squeezed herself into my mouth. While I was licking her, the tender flesh of her sphincter opened and my tongue penetrated deep into the soft flesh, before a hard load of excrement pushed my tongue aside and entered my mouth. Fortunately it was less than I had feared and it was hard, if still sperm-slimy. The fat lady rose again and fingered her smartphone from her pocket in her dressing gown. While I chewed, belched and swallowed, she filmed and continued to insult me as a whore, cunt, white shit-eater and dog-fucker. When I had thanked her, she put her phone back and gave me instructions on how to clean and shave. Then she let the door slam behind her.

No sooner had the fat one disappeared than I crawled to the toilet and stuck my finger down my throat. I threw up until only bile was left. Then I did an extensive mouth cleaning, took a shower, cleaned myself from the inside with several enemas, shaved me all over my body, applied cream for a long time, and finally I liked how I stood naked in front of the small mirror, naked except for the dog collar, which I had never taken off since I came. I looked at myself: My head hair had grown back a little, otherwise my body was unharmed, my big udders were still standing firm and my body muscles were firm. Not a gram too much, I thought, as I started my morning warm-up and stretching exercises.

Just as I was taking the yoga posture of the rising sun, the heavy iron door was ripped open again. Two black guys in uniform and the fat negress entered the room and eyed me. The two men were pitch black giants, young, sinewy and muscular, in black military trousers, jumper boots and muscle shirts. Their faces were covered by black wool masks and one of them had extensive tattoos on his arms up to his neck. The room was immediately filled with testosterone and my bowels were immediately spilling out of a lot of juices. Suddenly I wished for nothing more than to touch her skin, lick her taste and be enslaved by her cocks. But the fat one clapped her hands.

"Ready! Here we go! Here", she pulled a pair of black high shoes with straps from the shelf and handed them to me, "put them on! The two men had lined up like guards to the right and left of the door. I sat down on the bed and put on the shoes and locked the straps on my ankles. I took care to present my wet cunt as if by chance.

"The birdie's leaking again!" laughed the Negress, "then let's see if you've done a proper job!" I had to lie on the bed with my legs spread and let the negress inspect me. She grabbed my cunt, checked my asshole and kneaded my udders. "All good, all clean, all tight!" She threw heavy leather cuffs on my bed and ordered me to secure them to my forearms. Then I had to stand up and the negress locked the handcuffs behind my back. Finally she grabbed a heavy black cloth bag hanging on the wall and pulled it over my head. Immediately the blackness of an impenetrable darkness had me back again, while the negress nested at my dog collar, opened it and pulled it again over the black cloth, which was now tightly wrapped around my head, and fastened it. While the three spoke to each other I heard my excited breath. It started.

I was taken to a van (I assume it was the same van that transported me on my first night in town when I had to serve the homeless). I crawled onto a blanket and was allowed to lie down sideways. A steel chain was pulled through the leather cuffs, which was attached somewhere inside the van so that I could hardly move my arms. I kept the black hood on. The van smelled of paint and motor oil.

The journey was long and uncomfortable. An hour? Two hours? I don't know. The engine noise was so loud that I couldn't hear voices either, let alone conversations from the driver's cabin. Every bump in the road shook me, and despite the blanket I was lying on, I could feel the poor suspension of the vehicle. Eventually the car stopped and it took several minutes before the back door was opened and I could hear voices again. The steel chain was loosened and I was forced to crawl out of the interior of the car and stand outside the car, trembling and naked. Before the black hood was pulled off my head, someone put a coat around my body to hide my nakedness. Then I had to dress and put make-up on behind the van. We were somewhere on an expressway in a parking lot in front of a diner.

It was a Sunday morning, the streets were empty and the diner was serving American breakfast. I had only put on light make-up, a blonde bobtail wig, black fishnet stockings, the high-heeled strappy shoes, no panties or bra, but a black tight dress that kept my udders in shape. A light beige coat covered my body. The dog collar of Nero I still wore.

In the diner, Hank was sitting in a police uniform and opposite him, an adolescent black man and a black woman. Next to him sat an older man, also black, and a handicapped boy. They were laughing when the Negress on a dog leash pushed me through the front door. We were the only guests, and the black waitress behind the counter winked at the Negress and smiled. Next to the table lay a beautiful Doberman with a muzzle. He was on a leash.

I welcomed the group and was asked by Hank to sit next to the lady. She seemed pleased, smiled at me and a white well-formed row of teeth became visible. Both the gentleman and the lady were elegant and distinguished.

The adults talked about politics and finally switched to music while drinking coffee. The woman's right hand moved under the table to my thigh and finally to my cunt. I lifted the dress up a little and opened her legs so that her fingers could go into my cleft. I was soaking wet and a pleasant shiver ran through me as the lady rubbed against my clitoris.

She pulled her hand out of me and put her sticky fingers on the table. "It's raining already!" she said laughing and looked at the street. It was a cool morning, and indeed black thunderclouds were passing by. Everyone laughed. The one with the rain seemed to be the password, because shortly afterwards the gentleman asked to be allowed to take a look at the goods, which Hank acknowledged with a nod and then stood up and asked me to come with him.

Together with the gentleman, who, after passing the Doberman's leash to his wife, put on an elegant camel-hair coat, we left the diner and walked across the street towards the large office tower, which was diagonally opposite. But instead of taking the main entrance, we walked along the block to a ramp that led down to a heavy iron door.

"I've arranged a nice warm room!" Hank enlightened the gentleman. "This is our little secret room, and unless I'm mistaken, one of my hookers is about to become – how shall I put it? – rebuked." He pulled up his nose loudly and spit on the floor in front of my feet. And he laughed dirty. "The security guard is good and trustworthy!"

The gentleman nodded.

Then Hank knocked twice strongly on the door, which was opened from the inside after a short wait. Two black guards in uniforms greeted Hank and let us in. After the door fell back into the lock, a strange silence surrounded us, accompanied by a distant hum of a heating system or generator. The two guards eyed me for a long time. Hank whispered something, and after the gentleman had nodded again, Hank stepped towards me and tore the wig off my head.

"Look, it's the girl from the movies," the older of the two guards said in surprise. Hank grabbed my face with his right paw so that I groaned, and came close to me. With a diabolic undertone he hissed: "The men want to see you naked. Come on, cunt, show your udders!"

After he had left me again, I pulled the tight dress over my breasts and shoulders and finally stood naked in front of the strangers with only my high heels and fishnet stockings on. The older guard came closer and smiled at me. I smiled back, but immediately received a resounding slap into the face, which made me stagger with surprise.

"Since when can you fucking smile at niggas?" He slapped my face again with his flat hand.

"Sorry," I stammered.

Hank handed a rough dog leash to the guard, which the man fastened awkwardly to the heavy ring of my dog collar. Then he examined me and finally grabbed me between my legs. "Just as I had thought. Soaking wet the sow!"

Everyone laughed.

After he had withdrawn from my hole, he kneaded my thick breasts and hit them a few times with his flat hand. Then he ordered me to get on the floor and lick his shoes. They were rough black work shoes with a metal cap. They were not excessively dirty, but not freshly cleaned either. After I had run my tongue over the leather several times, he pulled up his nose and let a thick lump of saliva drip onto his shoes, which I licked fervently.

The second guard had stepped behind me and was nesting inside my ass. Of course he also wanted to feel how wet my cunt was and commented on that extensively and laughing. Afterwards he went over to my little asshole, praised it for its beauty and closeness, opened it and could not believe that my well-formed sphincter muscle had already been enterd by a dog knot. I had, without the men noticing, a small fine climax while his fingers were driving in my intestine.

Suddenly there was movement in the two men. Without warning, one of them pulled away his shoe and stood upright, while the other one also stood upright and against the wall. Out of the corner of my eye I could see how Hank greeted a muscular and tall black man, who was probably the chief of the guard brigade. He was an almost military authority figure. Hank and he hugged each other and said a few words.

Hank, the gentleman and one of the two guards started to move while the other one, whose shoes I had licked, grabbed my dog leash, kicked my ass several times and asked me to come along. Crawling and on all fours of course.

The men went quickly, and I had difficulty not scraping my knees completely on the rough concrete floor. My fishnet stockings, on the other hand, were torn immediately. After we had turned two corners, we came to a heavy iron door that was open. The others had already entered the room. As I crawled in, too, a picture of horror presented itself.

The large and comfortably warm room seemed to be the anteroom for the heating system of the high-rise building. Thick metal pipes ran over the entire ceiling, radiating heat. I knew the smell that surrounded me only too well. It smelled like sweat, excrement and dog. The smell immediately sent a shiver of excitement through my body.

Slightly offset to the rear was a black lacquered wooden platform several meters wide and deep. Around the pedestal stood, completely disordered, perhaps a dozen chairs, all but two of which were unoccupied. All the men in the room, there were perhaps a good dozen, wore guard uniforms and black cloth masks, one had a large German Shepherd dog on a leash, another had a small camera in his hand, but he casually held it to the side and it didn't seem to be running right now.

On the pedestal, somewhat averted, was a coarse wooden chair to which a sinewy, gaunt, pitch-black man was tied. He was naked, his hands tied behind his back, and his feet were tied to the feet of the chair with coarse rope, so that his legs were spread wide apart and his sex was stiff. When I saw it, a shiver went through me. For not only was it beautifully shiny and huge in its protruding stiffness, but in addition there was a hard and firm wooden humbler screwed between scrotum and cock, which stretched the entire skin of the sex and completely eroticized me. The man's head – he had to be very young, because his body and his shiny skin were taut and unconsumed – was covered with a black jute sack, which was also closed with a coarse rope at the neck. He looked like a delinquent condemned to death, who was granted one last time the delights of excitement, and the bloody marks all over his body, but also on his legs and thighs, suggested that this young black man had already been whipped and punished.

In the middle of the platform, kneeling on all fours and in doggy position, was a very thin and bony black woman, and as her face was turned towards the door, I recognized the young Rita who had tormented me so much just a few days ago.

Rita was not only on all fours, her wrists and ankles were bolted to the podium with heavy steel clamps, as were her forearms below the elbows. Her upper body lay on a saddle whose mounting tube was screwed through the wooden platform. Her obscene motionlessness had something exciting about it, had it not been for her distorted and chapped face. A thick black tape was stuck over her mouth, suppressing her moans. And she moaned incessantly and had most likely screamed her heart out before her mouth was finally closed. One eye had disappeared behind a bloody and swollen hematoma, while the other stared into the room, expressing nothing but despair, panic and horror. Her hair had been roughly cut off, torn out in clumps in some bloody places and even burned off at the side. I felt it turn my stomach and I became frightened.

The man behind me kicked me in the butt again and ordered me to crawl faster and get up on the platform. When I finally got to the podium and crawled around Rita, I saw that there was no part of her body that was not bruised, cracked or swollen. There were several burns on her thighs, which must have been caused by cigarettes being stubbed out. Her back looked as if it had been whipped hard for hours, with welts, swollen redness and cracked skin everywhere. Long scratch wounds indicated that several dogs had also had their way with her body, and these dogs had not worn paw pads. Long skewers had been driven through their small dog tits and their nipples were covered with blood. Her cunt was a porridge of flesh, her asshole was bleeding and beneath her was a big lake of excrement, piss, sperm and vomit.

My God, Rita had obviously ignored the warnings when she witnessed my agony! Why don't these young girls learn better!

Now I was also kneeling on the podium and like in a movie I already saw my end before me. I saw myself crucified, impaled and strangled as the star of a snuff film, and the panic caused my bowels to rebel, so that I secreted a stream of piss with excitement, which, however, went unnoticed given the completely dirty floor.

As I could gather from the comments and scraps of conversation, Rita had not only been chastised and punished in every conceivable way since last night in this room and by the men, several of the guard dogs had already been onto and inside her, which explained the large pool of liquid under her body. The young man on the stool at her side was one of her customers and had witnessed her punishment before he himself was drawn. An injection of high doses of Viagra had caused his cock to remain hard and erect despite the humiliation and pain. He seemed to have relieved himself several times during the hours, because underneath him was a lake of urine in which his feet were now bathing.

Hank and the gentleman talked to each other and finally Hank gave the guard at my side the order to let Rita get ass-fucked by the German shepherd dog and use me as a cleaner. So the cameraman grabbed my leash and led me to Rita's ass. Only now did I see that her right foot was hanging limply to the side and heavily swollen. I guessed that someone had kicked her on or against the ball of her foot with full force and had broken the joint. Somehow I felt so sorry for Rita, but at the same time I had an ambition to never end up like her. She was just an impudent young brat who certainly deserved this torture.

While the man with the sheepdog and also the cameraman climbed the podium, I drove with my tongue in Rita's maltreated, whipped and bloody cunt. Three rough, oversized rusty safety pins had been pushed through her cunt rags, surely so that the men as well as the dogs could only desecrate her little asshole. Rita's body trembled when I took her clitoris between my lips and sucked it off. Immediately I had this taste of iron in my mouth, which mixed with urine, sperm and excrement.

I licked her cunt thoroughly clean and finally took her ass, which was also blood-crusted. Her sphincter seemed to be dilated and almost a little bit stretched, and when my lips came to her asshole they really sank in, that's how lax the muscle had become. The flesh was torn and it would surely get infected, because excrement was sticking to the wounds everywhere. Although the taste and smell was horrible, it excited me immensely to lick another woman, with whom my connection was only anger, clean her before she was tortured again. If someone had handed me a whip at that moment, I would have beaten her bloody.

I was awakened from my ugly thoughts by a tug on the leash.

"Hank had a good idea!" he yelled at me, "come on!"

On the leash he pulled me away from Rita and led me to the tied up young man.

The shepherd dog was dancing around us and the handler had difficulty taming the animal. It was a beautiful strong animal with muscular hind legs, and its sex had already left the case, even though it was not yet fully extended.

In the most obscene way possible, the dog handler and the cameraman discussed the following scene, which they now wanted to capture on film. I was to serve the dog with my mouth and tongue, calming and caressing him until he was ready to mount the little nigga bitch again. As I could tell from the words of the two men, it was now the fourth time within a few hours that this full-grown and muscular shepherd dog was let over the tied up girl. His strength and endurance were praised, even though he had bloodied her during the last ass fucking.

The men described in detail what they wanted to see. Above all the cameraman repeatedly made suggestions that left nothing to be desired in terms of perversion and were acknowledged by the dog handler. They wanted to see me buried deep in the fur of the animal, with my tongue I should lick the dog everywhere until my mouth was full of his hair, and they laughed when they decided that I should chew the hair nicely and swallow it down. Of course, they also wanted to see my tongue, lips and my whole mouth on the dog's ass and cock, and it was important to them that my face and mouth were wet with the ejaculate of the animal. As soon as I had worked the animal's spurting cock long and hard enough for general amusement, I would have to lie down under Rita and witness from underneath how the animal's swelling beating would pierce, rip open and burst the little rosette of the black delinquent, and while the ejaculate splashed out of her intestinal walls, I would have to catch everything with my mouth. As soon as the animal's thrusts would have calmed down, I would crawl out and stick my face into the pulsating asshole of the twitching dog. Since experience has shown that the knot takes a few minutes to subside, I would have enough time to work the dirty and smelly asshole extensively, to suck it out and caress it, before I should lie down under Rita's rosette again to receive all the sauce from her intestines in my face and open mouth when the dog pulls ist cock out of her ass.

In the meantime the dog had calmed down and had been forced to sit down by his handler with a short and concise order. Now the black man turned to me for the first time:

"Are you afraid of dogs?"

I shook my head.

"Very good. It's not the first time Prince has done it either, and so far he's always done well. He's only known black pussy, but he'll have fun with a white bitch like you!"

So I kneeled down in front of the sheepdog, but before it started, the camera first came very close to my face. I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue, kneaded my breasts in front of the camera and lay down on the floor and opened my legs to present my soaked cunt. The cameraman stood over me and held the camera in front of my face.

"What's up, sow?"

And I described what I had just received as instructions and what I was about to do. And while I was describing the most humiliating things, the degradation to an ass-licking whore cleaner and dog-sperm-licking swallower, the cameraman, without taking his eyes off me, opened his pants, pulled out his half-erect circumcised cock and urinated into my face and mouth, which I opened wide to get as much of his dark yellow and stern tasting piss into my mouth. Prince barked, but was restrained by his guide.

When I had finished swallowing, the cameraman asked me if I was looking forward to what was coming next, which I answered with a smiling "Oh, yes!" (that's what I had been taught). "Prince is such a beautiful dog and I really want to smell and taste him. Especially I am looking forward to his tender asshole and the taste I will soak up with my tongue very deeply."

And while I was lying there with my legs apart, the cameraman stepped aside, and the handler gave Prince a short order, who then rose quickly and stood in front of me with his tongue hanging. A jerk on the leash and Prince moved over me until he had trotted between my legs and stood over me with his whole furry body. Meanwhile his tail had disappeared back into its case.

"Get down!"

Prince took a step forward, so that his one paw landed on my belly, while the second one slipped with its claws on my wide open cunt, which made me cry out in raging pain (even though I had a little peak on my hole by his paw, which nobody noticed).

The handler pulled on the leash for a moment and Prince took another step back and lay down on me with the full weight of his body. The handler crawled his animal behind his ears, calmed it down, and ordered me to crawl Prince as well and press him firmly on me. So I wrapped my arms around his body and pressed his weight with my legs, which I also wrapped around his warm body, a little harder on me. It was a very exciting feeling to feel the warm throbbing body of a dog and his fur on my exposed cunt. My hands wandered to his mask, crawled his lips and with my mouth I tried to caress his tongue that was hanging out.

"Lick him properly! Everywhere! And don't forget his ears. I bet you like them very much! And if he sticks his tongue in your mouth, open it for him. He likes the taste of cunt in heat.“

The disgust I felt at the smell and taste of dogs quickly gave way to a real calm and enthusiasm to be allowed to caress such a big and strong animal tenderly and with fervor. For long minutes Prince and I licked each other, his tongue penetrated deep into my throat and I returned the French kiss as best I could. Over and over again. I swallowed a lot of his saliva and absorbed his smell and taste deep inside of me. I cleaned his ears with the wet tongue, pointed my tongue with the ear dirt into the camera and licked and swallowed what I had taken out. It was so disgusting and perverted that I had two little orgams again and had difficulty stopping a moan.

"Roll!", I heard the brief and imperious command to Prince, and immediately the well-trained animal freed itself from my embraces, rose and lay on its back. The handler stroked his belly, praised him almost tenderly and then ordered me to start licking his belly.

Sitting sideways in front of Prince, I used my tongue to work my way down from his lips. First I sucked his dog collar very extensively, then followed his legs and paws, which I took completely into my mouth and cleaned and caressed. From his belly my lips moved to his dirty and wet cock case. The stench and taste of dog piss made my bowels tremble. No woman of my class had ever been so dirty, so depraved, so obsequious and ready to do anything. I came from a well-off family, had studied, had been married, had earned a lot of money – and now I was flicking the stinky opening of a dog's cock, licking the foamy juice that stuck to the opeing, knowing that I was about to penetrate deep into Prince's intestines with my lips and tongue, that I would lick off the fecal remains that stuck around his sphincter before I could finally work his hopefully fully extended cock with fervor and suck it off, before I would then lie down under Rita and in a lake of semen, cunt juice and excrement for my final destination.

The closer I came to Prince's rear end, the more intense the dog excrement smell rose into my nose. I sucked his balls, and when I finally got to the hard bristles around his asshole and my nose touched the soft asshole, I had to choke a bit. But I didn't care. Because the cameraman wanted to see how my tongue went deep into the dirty fur around the stinky hole, I took the long hair in tufts into my mouth and finally sucked the hard bristles around the asshole, dyed brown by the dog shit, extensively with lips and tongue. Over and over again.

Kneeling over Prince, it was not possible to do anything else but press my nose on the soft asshole of the dog. And I knew that this was what the cameraman wanted to see. So while I was licking and sucking, I kept rubbing my nose over the hole, opened my mouth, put my lips over the sphincter, flicked deep into the hole, licked the hairline underneath the asshole again, and pressed the tip of my nose first against the hairy body, and then finally, as a perverted climax, deep into the dirty asshole until my nose was stuck up to the nostrils in Prince. Brown slime filled with feces ran from the nose into my mouth, and I couldn't help but breathe in and swallow the unbearable smell and the disgusting taste of dog excrement. I gasped, stomach acid shot down my esophagus and I choked until I finally threw up.

Immediately the camera went even closer to my face, filming my brown smudged nose, my lips and my also excrement-smeared tongue, which I had to stretch out far for that. The cameraman also filmed the vomit, in which brown threads were floating, before he ordered me to wipe up the vomit with my hands and spread it all over my face. For minutes I gurgled and didn't utter a word, so much the stench and taste shook me. The obscene comments and laughter of the men bothered me the least.

Twice more, my perverted oral service would be interrupted by crushing attacks, and in total I had certainly delivered more than 30 minutes of footage showing every detail of my perverted behaviour. Eventually, however, the handler gave Prince with a short jerk on the leash the signal to get up. Together with the animal I licked up the last remainder of the vomit, let him lick me off and finally sucked the lips and the smeared dog's tongue clean.

"Well, thirsty?" asked the cameraman.

Which I modestly affirmed.

"Then I'll give you something to drink.“

With that Prince was left over Rita, and immediately he started jumping and ramming at her. His privates were not yet extended, but by now I knew dogs too well to not know that only with the ramming movement the cock would come out of the case. And that is exactly how it happened. Prince rammed and as if by chance the tip of his tail slid into Rita's asshole. I pushed something from behind, licking his pulsating asshole and after a few thrusts Prince drove with the whole length of his cock into the intestines of Rita, who only groaned when the knot in her began to swell, come in and out of her, filling her tot he max.

It was, to be honest, a horny sight, how her asshole was stretched out and the tennisball-sized knot filled her with force, so that her cunt walls, which I now worked on with mouth and tongue, were dented. Lying under Rita I could see how the meatball penetrated deeper and deeper into her intestine, not paying any attention to the narrowness of her anal canal. I wouldn't have been surprised if the wall of the intestine had burst and the dog sperm had flowed back into my mouth via the cunt. But of course that did not happen. Nevertheless Rita whimpered under the weight, the pushes, the dog claws and the weight of the animal on her maltreated body. Then suddenly there was this strangely transfigured silence in which the dog squirted all its liquids into Rita's intestines.

So I slipped out from under Rita's cunt, knelt down and stroked and sucked Prince. I felt his hot cock, I drilled my nose into his rhythmically opening and closing asshole and drove as deep as possible with my tongue into his canal.

For me it was now nothing unusual to suck dog's asses. But I wished that my new owner would see with what devotion and desire I was ready to carry out every disgusting order. And that Hank would be proud of me. And that the camera would record it all.

I soiled myself again, the dog excrement and my saliva mixed into a slime that smudged my whole face. And I didn't stop despite burping and choking, for minutes I pressed my tongue into the dog until his knot slowly shrank and he slipped out of Rita's bowels. Immediately I lay under Rita again and opened my rotten white mouth to let the vast amounts of dog sperm flow into my throat. First the sauce came in a powerful jet that splashed frontally into my face, then it became a trickle, then only drops, until in a long and loud fart Rita got rid of all the liquid in her ass again. And shit. I swallowed it all. Then I was done.





Again the black hood was pulled over my head, then we started moving. Through doors, a long corridor, an elevator, again a corridor, neither doors, until we finally came into a room where I was probably already expected. Voices, greetings, rattling, metal sounds. I was led to a chair on which I sat down and whose cold imitation leather made me shiver. My handcuffs were loosened and immediately replaced by straps first on my hands and then on my feet. Then straps followed around the elbows and upper arms and finally around the thighs. My head was squeezed into a hard plastic bowl and also fixed with a leather strap (at least it smelled like it). Then again clattering, footsteps, voices, until this eerie silence started again, in which I only heard my breath under my hood and breathed the unbearable smell of dog shit.

I waited, and shivered, although the room had seemed comfortably warm. All sorts of thoughts flashed through my mind. From fear over the coming pain, maybe even my end, to joy and excitement over all the cocks and asses I still had to serve. At some point the door opened again, a chair was pushed back and forth and an unknown voice began to speak. It was deep and warm.

"You're Mareike?"

I tried to answer, but couldn't get a sound out. Instead I nodded, which I could not do because my head was fixed.

"You can talk to me, I can't see your head moving", the man laughed.

"Yes, I'm Mareike," I breathed into the black sack.

"Are you okay?"


"Very nice! My job today is to check your health. For that I will take some blood. The best thing is, you relax. It will give you a little prick."

A hand squeezed my arm, moistened the depression on my ulna with alcohol, and then it stung. After a few moments, the needle was pulled out of my arm again and a plaster was applied (I knew the procedure from visits to the doctor).

"It'll take some time to get the results now. In the meantime, I'll run some tests." Again I heard footsteps and the door open and shut. So I had not been alone with the man in the room. "I will tilt the chair back and open your legs. It's just like at the gynecologist. I'm going to insert a speculum and see if you're all right."

The back of the chair moved backwards slowly and buzzing, and I realized at that moment that I was sitting in a gynecologist's chair. Then he used the motor to turn the two rails, on which my legs were fixed, to the side. I felt the tendons on my pubic bone being tightened. The man began to massage my thighs.

"Please relax or it will hurt. I need to open you up a little more." With that, the motor drove the rails even further apart, which really started to hurt. "Very good. Are you on the pill?"

"Not anymore, no!

"Other contraceptives?"


He fiddled with my open cunt, examined the labia and the clitoris.

"What a pretty little clitoris. I'm sure it will bring you much pleasure. And everything is so well-formed, even your little asshole. Very pretty." With that he pushed the cold metal of the speculum into my vaginal canal and turned it up. "Your uterus is unused. You've never been pregnant?"

"No! I felt his fingers in my canal, feeling and pressing. It hurt a little, but it wasn't as unpleasant as I expected.

Then the chair buzzed again, my body was moved to the upright position and a few seconds later I was sitting on the chair halfway normal again. The leg splints were retracted and also my legs relaxed again.

I heard the door open and then nested hands on my black hood and removed them. Although the room was not very brightly lit, the light in my eyes hurt when I started to blink. I seemed to be in a large tiled room with many instruments, treatment trolleys and medicine cabinets. Was it a hospital? A pathology? A private practice? But before I could answer the question, the man who had freed me from the hood and who was one of the uniformed men who had picked me up at Hank's had already put a blindfold over my eyes again. Again I sank into darkness.

"Please open your mouth," I heard that warm voice again. Fingers reached into my oral cavity, pressed, worked their way along my teeth and palpated my upper and lower jaw. Then a metal instrument was used to tap my teeth.

"18 missing, 15 filling, porcelain," after further investigation, "27 filling gold, 28 missing." Then it went on down. "38 missing, 48 missing. Gums inflamed, no other findings." Turned to me, "Your teeth are in good condition, but I will prescribe something for the inflammation. "You're the white sow who licks dogs' asses for so long?"

I nodded.

"That's the price, the bacteria attack the mucosa."

I wanted to answer that I not only lick dog's asses, but also eat their shit and drink their piss, as anyone can fill my mouth with anything I chew and swallow. I wanted to, but I didn't because the man had started talking again.

"Please open your mouth again. I'm going to give you something to swallow. This is dissolved amobarbital." With that, he poured a metal spoonful of something bitter into my mouth and waited until I had swallowed it all. "In a few minutes you'll get a little dizzy and you'll perceive everything as if in a mist. But don't worry, it will stop after half an hour. Do you know what amobarbital is?"

I shook my head. "No!"

"It is also called the truth drug. You won't remember anything, but you'll react to everything. You can relax completely. Do you understand me?"


"Are you ready to go?"

Although I didn't quite understand the question, I nodded, and the movement of my head immediately sent warm fog streams into my brain. I was as if bathed in cotton wool. It was a wonderful feeling. I began to sweat and my abdomen sent strong signals of highest excitement. The amobarbital had started to work and I felt light and floating. This is the last thing I consciously remember.

The following I have only very vaguely or not at all noticed because of the effect of the truth drug. But since a camera was running and I had to watch the film often enough later, I can at least describe what happened then: After a few minutes my skin was soaked with sweat, I was trembling with excitement and was sliding restlessly around on the chair. A deep but hard voice spoke to me. The man remained without a face even in the film. Now I know it was the black gentleman, my new owner.



"Hello! So far all the tests are quite positive and if the blood results are satisfactory, I'll be your new owner."

"Oh, hello. I'm glad you know..."

"You keep your mouth shut until you're asked. Is that clear?!" The voice had changed from hard to cutting.

My mouth stayed open, then I started to cry. I think the drug was responsible for my emotional outburst, because I just started babbling to myself. "Why is everyone always so rude to me?" I raved and continued without waiting for the answer. "I'm nice to everyone, tender, lick and suck everything, get injected into every hole, swallow everything well, be polite and still smile when someone jokes or pisses in my face. But why does everyone treat me so bad? Am I not good enough?" After a short break: "Anyone can touch me, knead my udders, tear my holes open, fuck me and treat me like a bitch, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. I carry out every command without grumbling or rebelling. Why can't I just get some respect back?"

My question echoed in the room. The man was silent. "Are you ready?", the unknown voice finally asked.

"Yeah, sure!" I laughed strangely loudly, which I blamed on the drug.

"So you want to be treated with respect?"

I nodded.

"Then why do you let yourself be so completely humiliated?"

I didn't know the answer to that question. After some hesitation I began to sob again. "I like it too!"

"What do you like?"

I was crying now and stuttering. "To be treated like dirt, like a whore and bitch in heat. I need that when men pierce me with their cocks like spears, impale me and make me scream."

"Are you very aroused right now?"

"And how! My juices are pouring out and I would love to touch myself right now until I cum. Or better yet, be at the service of every man like the only hole in the world where anyone can put anything in!"

"Do you like pain?"

"Oh God, yes I love pain. Please push my legs apart and whip my cunt bloody. Maybe then all this fucking itching will stop."

"That's strange, because in the films I've seen of you it's clear that pain does not excite you. On the contrary. You're made small, very small, by being beaten or whipped. How do you explain this?"

"Oh", again I giggled, "it makes men horny to beat me and cause me pain. That's what I want them to get horny on me. Then when they fuck me, I have them right where I want them. I have their excitement and they depend on me. My cunt and my asshole are the nose ring with which I lead them through the ring. They can't help but pay homage to me. Their toughness, their brutality, their moaning is completed when they come. In my mouth, in my ass or in my cunt. You men think you defile me, but in truth you are slaves to your own lust. And I am your slave driver!"

"What role do we niggas play for you?"

I thought, "I don't know exactly. ...but I think I don't see you black people as people. You're more like animals. Or just above animals. I mean, I'm a white woman, I've studied, I'm successful, I'm intelligent, no Negro can hold a candle to me. And all these Negroes would never get such a horny white pussy like me, if I hadn't made the decision to let them fuck me myself. Negroes are ridiculous in their exuberant masculinity. Above all, intellectually they are all far inferior to me. Always horny as dogs and fuck everything white. And as soon as a hard negro dick appears and I show him my white cunt, I have him already wrapped around my finger, because I know that he would do anything to finally ram his cock into me. But...", again I laughed this insecure misplaced laugh, "... I'm a very merciful person, I feel sorry for negroes and I let them do their thing. It doesn't bother me at all." I smiled at the camera.

"So you don't feel violated?"

"Oh, no, on the contrary!" I was really getting into it now and my voice was rolling. "The harder I'm forced, the less responsibility I have. I then play with the horniness of men, surrender and especially you negroes satisfy me. Really good. Tough. Sometimes it hurts, but it doesn't matter. And sometimes it's disgusting. Negroes stink everywhere. Their sweat is sour, and Negroes are far from hygienic. But I love being fucked by animals. And animals stink. And I come almost every minute when you guys fuck me. or when I suck your dick. Or when I pull your asses apart and my tongue goes deep into your asshole. I'm here to make sure that you get hard. And when you get hard, I get total satisfaction. That's what I'm talking about!"

There, I said it.

It was exactly this sequence that my new owner played the next few days to everyone who came to his house to see me. He laughed arrogantly, as if to show his friends and business partners that even white women who fucked negroes were lousy racist cunts. "This is real life! That's how the whites think about us" he seemed to want to hammer it into each of his guests, while I was tied up and in chains of just punishment. And the men wanted to punish me, that was obvious. They wanted to take revenge on me and thought up every possible scenario.





The first day in my new domicile was marked by the fact that I was introduced to all family members, employees and the domestic workers. I say domicile because it was not just a house or a park, but a kind of colony where dozens of people lived and worked.

There was the family consisting of the Lord and Diana with their two children. The taller boy must have been about in his beginning twenties, while the other son was the handicapped straggler, younger than his brother. It was normal and natural for the whole family to have white servants and always a female white slave available for all sorts of services.

In the large manor house, which resembled more a castle, only white servants worked. Two cooks, four maids and the elderly couple. They only talked to each other when the lords were away. And all members of the family, including the sons, were considered to be the lords. All the servants knew their duties well, also with regard to me. I was not part of the servants, but was still far below them. I was an animal, dirt, an object of torture and orders.

Behind the manor house the wide plantations where cotton and tobacco were grown already extended. The next houses in sight were the stables and farm buildings. Everything was very well kept, the paddocks surrounded by white fences. The rear buildings with the machines stood on a wide hill and from them one had a view of a small collection of buildings, which stood a little further down in a hollow. There the black employees lived in a very respectable complex, which was designed like a luxury barracks. There was a parade ground, shooting ranges and even a building that looked like a round cinema. Two large pools, a sports field and a basketball court framed the barracks complex. A little further away there was a military hospital and a church building, which completed this strange colony.

Away from this colony and separated by a tower and heavy security fences, a large barrack building opened up to the west. It housed the prisoners who had been borrowed from the State Prison to work the fields and plantations. The two dozen or so prisoners were all white men who were fit for work and worked in chains during the day, before being rounded up and locked up again at night by the guards on horses with whips. In general, I noticed quite quickly the lack of women. There were none in the settlement, and the four ladies in the manor house were certainly opposed by 50 men who ruled the outskirts. Since they all carried heavy weapons and walked around in camouflage, my first impression was that this must be a veritable private army. And that's exactly how it was.

As soon as I arrived I was taken over by the elderly white couple of chiefs. She was voluptuous, advanced in age and with drooping facial parts, which gave her a very grumpy appearance. Her lean, scrawny husband, who was a whole head shorter than her, must have been in his late 50s. It was clear that the gruff woman was in a position to order him around, while he very submissively carried out each of her orders. Neither of them introduced themselves, but only ordered me to follow them into the back rooms of the house. Arriving in the large concrete utility room I took off my clothes on command.

In front of her eyes I had to squat down over a hole in the ground and take my dip. Then the man washed me with a hard jet of cold water from a coarse hose everywhere until I began to tremble. I was not allowed to shave or apply make-up. Instead, I was given a coarse white linen overhang that reached up to my knees. With a broad scratching rope he tied my hands together in front of my stomach and tightened the knots until they cut into my flesh. He wrapped the rest of the long rope into a bundle and pulled on it wordlessly until I started to move. His wife went first.

My room must have been at the very end of the economic wing. A camp bed, a big TV screen and a wet room, that's all it needed. The floor was tiled. The headmistress ordered me to lie down on the bed, and so my hands were untied from the restraints and chained to the bed. Then they both left the room again. At some point my films started to run on the screen. The volume was high and I became very excited but could not touch me.

Every two or three hours the head couple came into the room to check me and the shackles. If I had to relieve myself, I was freed from the chains and allowed to relieve myself under their strict supervision. Once a day, usually in the evening, I was allowed to do my stretching exercises under their eyes, some yoga and Pilates, and some sports with jump ropes and balls. And so the first days passed.

I did not completely lose the feeling for time, as a skylight in the room showed me when it was day and when it was night. Meanwhile, the films were running on the screen in an endless loop and countless times I was excitedly witnessing my abuse and humiliation. Strangely enough I longed for the sequences in which I was tortured. Especially the sight of my large abused breasts and how without mercy and caution my nipples were whipped and pierced with spears excited me immensely. On the other hand the screams under the brutal ass fucks or my mouth on and in the various human and animal assholes were horny, but my whimpering and moaning under the pain seemed more authentic to me and more appropriate to my situation.

It was on the third or fourth day when I witnessed a ritual that I could not have imagined until then. The ruling couple had witnessed my toilet routine and was about to leave the room when the handicapped son stormed into my dungeon. He gestured wildly, but as he could not speak clearly, I did not understand his desire. Only the headmistress seemed to be used to his outbursts and immediately pulled the apron over her large hanging breasts to the side and pressed the boy against her, who immediately sucked on her nipples and seemed to calm down.

When he seemed to calm down, the headmistress unbuckled the belt of his trousers and fingered out his stiff member. It was very thick without being long. The boy, for his part, kicked himself out of his trousers and then shouted at the master of the couple in babbled sounds, but he understood immediately. He also pulled down his trousers and only now did I see that he wore a locking device around his tail. The lady took the key from her necklace and opened the lock for her husband. A small white ugly cock appeared, which bore clear pressure marks of the chastity lock.

Meanwhile the boy had pulled his belt out of his trousers and began to whip the poor old man. He immediately lay down on the ground, backwards, spread his legs and let the boy's blows fall on his thighs and especially on his sex without complaint. The disabled young man whipped himself into a frenzy and the old man whimpered pleadingly. Perhaps to distract the boy, or perhaps because it was part of the ritual, the headmistress lay down next to her husband and opened her thighs as well. She also received some violent blows that hit her full on the wide open cunt. Then the drooling boy lay down on her and fucked her from above before he turned around and climbed on her from behind.

His cock was really outrageously thick, and when he penetrated her ass it seemed to be very painful for the headmistress. She moaned and tried to calm him down, but like a ramming mutt the boy did not let go of her ass. After a few minutes he seemed to want to cum, pulled his dick out of the woman's intestines, stood with his legs apart over the man who was still lying on the floor and sprayed a large amount of sperm directly into his face. Then he let both of them suck his dirty cock, which didn't seem to get any smaller, and lay down on the woman a second time. He slipped between her open legs, penetrated her with a push of his whole overweight and flabby body and fucked her wildly from above. He grunted at the old man something I didn't understand, but the man did. He lay down next to her and massaged her breasts and kissed them tenderly while she groaned and cramped in pain. Then the handicapped boy rose and sat down with his ass for a long time on the face of the woman, who penetrated deep into him with her tongue. He grunted and laughed as he did so, before he lay down on her again and fucked her again. The old man again caressed and kissed the mouth of the woman who was just moments ago stuck in the boy’s ass. The second portion the handicapped man injected directly into her cunt. Then he got dressed laughing while the old man crawled to the leaking cunt of his wife and licked her completely. The young man hadn't even noticed me. He had simply left again.





At the end of the first week I was allowed to go to the Lord’s study room for the first time. The headmistress untied me and silently dressed me in a white linen dress. Barefoot, without make-up and with only the dog band around my neck, she led me through the house into the large wood-panelled salon. She stretched me with chains between two pillars and disappeared again in the same silence she always treated me. The door to the master's room remained wide open and I could hear the servants scurrying about the corridors and whispering about me.

It took a long time, maybe two hours, until through the door behind the library my new owner entered the room with a gentleman I didn't know. They didn't notice me. They both sat down opposite each other, poured bourbon and had a lively conversation. About the business (my master had a flourishing transport company), about horse breeding and finally about white whores and what to award them: dedication and an absolute willingness to serve. At some point my master played the video in which I confessed my sexist racism under the effect of the truth drug.

The stranger was speechless. It was clear to both of them that I was not yet ready to serve. My master laughed.

"What do you think is appropriate?" he asked.

"Breaking. The white sow must be broken for good. After that, there may be a chance to rebuild her. Perhaps not." His silence was eloquent.

They discussed some details of the procedure and agreed that they could not take my physical health into consideration. The suggestions ranged from severe torture to cutting out my tongue and crucifixion. I felt very queasy.

Almost no day of the following weeks passed without me being tied up in the gentlemen's room. But none of the guests spoke to me. They talked only about me. My master showed them the scene under the truth drug, but also other scenes in which I was maltreated or served the dogs. After a short time it was clear to me that my master was a very much respected member of the community with the best contacts to the mayor, general’s attorney and the police chief. All were black.

My master kept a small army of soldiers who had taken many black youths from the slums. The state prison borrowed prisoners from him year after year to work his fields. And he often threw parties in the whore houses of the city, where the supporting pillars of society could have their fun for free and discreetly. So my master was not an underworld boss, but a fully integrated member of high society. At the same time all his friends and business partners knew that he kept white slaves and supported him in this.

Whenever people talked about me, many wishes of the gentlemen came up and what they expected: that I should be healthy and drug free, that my hair should be longer (so they could drag me around the room by my hair), that no tattoo should be seen (to go with me to a finer establishment without attracting attention), that I should wear rings through my nipples (thick heavy rings like slaves used to wear). Above all it was important to them that I was open and permissive to their dogs. To their guard dogs, to their hunting dogs, but also to street dogs, in case they orderd it.

The day of my punishment was set on the 4th of May. I did not know when that day would come, but when it came, I was dressed again in the white linen dress, barefoot and only with the dog band were my hands tied in front of my body, and so prepared the headmistress led me into the large entrance hall of the house. It was a sunny beautiful late afternoon.

When we stepped onto the gallery in front of the manor house, my master and his wife were already waiting for us. It seemed to be a ritual that had been performed before. My lords was dressed in long black capes and wore black face masks, which were modelled on the shape of the Ku Klux Klan masks. Both sat on shiny black horses and were ready to ride out. My master took the end of the rope and tied it to the horn of his saddle. Then he clicked his tongue and without a word to me, both horses started to move. In the white linen overhang with my hands tied behind my back I followed the pull of the rope.

Passing the manor house we went to the top of the hill from where we had a view of the colony below. Here the gravel path stopped, and down the hill there was now a simple path with hard roots that hurt the soles of my bare feet. The parade ground was already filled with men. The white prisoners in their light-coloured striped dirty clothes stood close together in two rows and were kept in check by five heavily armed guards with their dogs. Loud highly aggressive dog barking could be heard. The small army of soldiers still scurried uncoordinated across the square, at the end of which stood a small tribune, which was also manned by humans. The spectators all wore the same black cape as my Lords. Only when one heard a voice shouting rude orders announcing the coming of the leader couple did the soldiers line up in a semicircle opposite the prisoners. In contrast to the prisoners and guards, the fighters wore only long trousers. Their shiny black upper bodies were naked.

When I arrived at the bottom, my master gave the horses the spurs, and I was so surprised that I couldn't keep up with the gallop, stumbled and was simply dragged through the sand screaming for the last few metres. Many men began to laugh. In the middle of the square my masters stopped the horses side by side and I lay there trembling. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that a heavy wooden frame had already been erected. The commander of the Soldateska stepped forward and reported that everyone was present and waiting for orders. With a gesture of his hand the gentleman signalled that he should come closer. Then they exchanged some words that I did not understand. The commander nodded, grinned again and again, nodded again and joined a group of soldiers, pointing sometimes at this one, sometimes at that one and giving orders. Meanwhile the Lord had released the rope from the horn of the saddle and finally gave it to one of the soldiers who took it and rolled it up.

Three (maybe four) soldiers seemed to be assigned to film the next hours. Each of them had a camera in his hand, two of them were normal small handheld cameras, but a third one (apparently the director and head of recording) carried a slightly larger camera on his shoulder with a directional microphone. They talked to each other briefly and started to let the equipment run.

Then the lord and mistress got off their horses, which were immediately led away by two more soldiers. My master took off his gloves, took the coiled rope, came to me and ordered me to kneel down with my legs spread. Then he touched my face. Rather tenderly than punishing.

"You will now experience hell," he whispered. "For the next days and weeks no one will fuck you, you won't get a single cock, but when we're done with you, you'll be begging for cocks. And you'll know you're way below any of my niggas."

I looked down. I knew that I deserved everything that was coming to me.

"Look at me!"

I looked up to my master.

"The men have orders to make you scream until you are not hoarse, but until your vocal cords are torn. This may take all day. Maybe longer. Because you know what?"

I shook my head.

"We're gonna dry you out for the next few months. You won't be able to touch your cunt, but neither will anyone else. You'll only experience pain and dirt. If you still had a voice, you'd scream incessantly. But nobody wants to hear that, right?"

I shook my head. "No, Lord, nobody wants to hear that."

"Open your mouth. I will now give you a little something that will prolong your agony for all of us for fun."

He put a white capsule on my tongue and I swallowed it.

"Fortral. As long as it works, you'll feel all the pain, but no fainting spell will relieve you. Thank me."

"Thank you, Lord.

"You've memorized the Lord's Prayer reversed?"

"Yes, sir.

With that he pulled me up by the rope, grabbed between my breasts, took the linen cloth and with a hard jerk tore my overhang in two, which slid to the ground, so that I stood naked in front of all the strangers. I trembled with excitement and fear. Restlessness set in among the men, while two soldiers positioned themselves to my right and left and pushed me to the ground. My open wet cunt was already dripping and all men could see it.

"Recite your prayer. Loud so that everyone can hear!"

And so I spoke less than I shouted:

"My lord and owner"

I hugged his legs, licked the shaft of his riding boots and kissed the cap of the boots for a long time. Then I stood up again:

"Hallowed be thy name.

My white body is your kingdom.

Yours will be done,

on my flesh and in my soul.

I ask for my daily humiliation,

and don't forgive me my trespasses,

Because I don't deserve it.

Please tempt me,

and let me taste the evil.

For thine is the kingdom

and the power

and the glory



No sooner had I said my prayer than a warm stream of urine poured over my head. Both men next to me had already got their tails out when I had spoken. Now one of them urinated first, then the other one urinated over me. The warm stinking broth poured over my head and I opened my mouth to get the liquid into my mouth as well. In the meantime the whispering had grown to a laughter and jeering. A cameraman was very close to my face to capture details.

My master turned to the prisoners: "You see, she is as white as you are. But you are prisoners. She here", by this he meant me, tugging at the rope to which my hands were bound, "she here is even lower than you.“ He turned around and came close to my face. Then he punched me hard in my still wet face, so that I groaned. "What are you?"

"A whore!" I whispered.


"A whore!" I cried.

My master let me lick his wet hand dry, then he spat in my face again before he gave me another two hard blows. I staggered.

"You're not a whore. Whores are humans," he shouted. "Our inmates, they are humans. What are you?"

"An animal. A sow," I whispered.


"I am an animal. A sow! A racist pig!" I yelled.

"That's who you are!"

At a sign from my master one of the guards came with a full-grown German shepherd dog and let the animal sit in front of me. He was sharp and wore a muzzle.

"Show everyone what you do best!"

So I got down on all fours and approached the animal. The keeper stroked his dog and spoke well to him. After a jerk on the leash, the shepherd dog rose and turned slowly and very leisurely to his master, who kneeled down in front of him and took his head. A soldier, it was one of the two who had pissed on me, reached into the animal's bushy tail, lifted it,mand exposed his asshole. It was now pointing in the direction of the white prisoners and I knew what I had to do, because one of the cameras was also pointed frontally at the dog's backside and tried to catch the dirty asshole as close as possible.

I crawled sideways to the animal so that my body and head did not cover the dog's backside. My master certainly wished that not only the cameraman, but everybody could see what I was doing. So I knelt beside the dog and licked very slowly from his side hairs to the dirty back entrance. Thereby I made sure that I took the dirty and stinky long hair of the shepherd dog carefully into my mouth and sucked it long. Over and over again. Then I licked with the tip of my tongue around the hole and finally I took the whole tongue lobe and drove over the now pulsating asshole of the dog from bottom to top. Over and over again. Slowly and extensively until the irritation of my tongue started to open the hole. I burped at the disgusting stench, spat the stomach acid on the floor and then penetrated with my tongue deep into the dog's intestines.

I don't know how long I licked. Maybe five minutes, maybe it was ten. I put my lips over the asshole, licked and sucked everything with my tongue, penetrated deeper into the dog, cleaned the inside walls of his intestine with my mouth and was finally dirty from the excrements I pulled out. Of course I showed the result to the camera that was running along. Also my nose was not allowed to be left out during my service, so that as soon as the soft hole started pulsating again, I pushed my whole face against the backside and pushed my nose into the asshole. Thereby I puked out the gastric acid without pulling my nose back. The dog slowly got nervous and started to turn, so that the handler gave the stop sign.

I was still kneeling in front of the rear of the animal when my master tugged at the rope and pulled me on all fours to the prisoners. Only now did I see that the white prisoners not only wore hand and foot cuffs, but were also chained together with long iron chains. Through their thin striped prisoners' trousers I could make out the bulges of their stiff cocks, some even had damp spots in their crotches.

"Get up."

To the prisoners: "The sow now stinks of dog shit so that I can smell it up to here. Who among you wants to lick it clean anyway and get his dick cleaned by her?"

Immediately almost all the men spoke up, and my master's choice was a skinny youth who still had pimples on his face. I approached him and let him kiss me and suck me off. The young man didn't seem to care about my taste, his tongue became more and more demanding in my mouth, and I felt his dick rise up. After a tug on the rope I got down on my knees and pulled the young man's trousers down to his feet. His cock was uncircumcised, medium in size and it seemed to have come already in his trousers. When I pushed the foreskin backwards the glans was slimed and the taste of stale sperm was only slightly better than the taste of dog. I sucked and after only a few minutes the boy moaned and shot a fat load of sperm into my mouth. I licked him thoroughly clean and swallowed everything.

Now the commander gave the order that the soldiers could move, and immediately the men breathed a sigh of relief, jeered and cheered. The prisoners were led into their barracks with the help of the dogs and cracking whips, while the soldiers gathered around the heavy wooden scaffolding to which I was led. The men, whose black upper bodies had begun to sweat from the heat, shouted and smoked, while two soldiers, in front of cameras that were still running, forced my wrists into heavy steel bands and fastened them to the wooden scaffolding with snap hooks, stretched out far to the right and left. Then the two subordinates of the commander took my udders. Two broomstick-thick pieces of wood, each with three short nails in the middle, were screwed together above and below the base of my chest, not too tightly, but in such a way that the flesh below my breasts was strongly compressed and the nails pressed into the flesh.

My feet stood on a thick wooden platform that completely covered the bottom of the scaffolding. After my wrists, my ankles were also wrapped in heavy metal cuffs. Then the two soldiers grabbed my right foot, pulled an iron chain through the ring and pulled the chain through a ring on the upper beam of the scaffolding until my foot was raised to knee level. I had to shift my weight and balance my body on my left leg, so that my soaking wet cunt lay open and encouraged the men to laugh and make obscene remarks. One of the cameramen seemed to be unable to get enough of the juices out of my hole and occupied himself with my excitement for quite a long time. While I stood there a big bonfire was lit in the middle of the square and the soldiers could start the relaxed part of the evening. At least I thought so. But far from it.

The commander ordered the two soldiers, who apparently had the task of preparing me, to now pull my udders together. So two cameramen stood directly in front of me (one was only recording my face) and two other soldiers screwed the two round sticks underneath my chest closer together. First the nails bored themselves into my soft flesh, which made me moan deeply. Then they continued to screw several more turns until my flesh began to burst, blood started to leak sideways and my fat udders stood off like inflated balloons. But even that was not enough for the commander. Around each of my breasts, which were tied to burst, a steel cuff was placed in the middle and also screwed tight until the flesh in front of and behind it began to tear. Two more rotations of the screws, and I thought I could not stand the pain any longer and wailed. But of course that did not help.

The commander presented a soft green bamboo cane to me and explained that he today would not use the hard and old bamboo but the young and green because its softness would inflict much more pain on me withour crushing my skin immediately. With that he flung the cane through the air and the hissing sound made me shiver. The first crack on my exposed and heavily bound udders made me whine. As soon as the cane had hit my flesh thre was a long red mark o be seen. The commander was eager to blow each stroke on different parts of my compressed tits so that the 10 marks on my left udder were cleraly tob e seen as much as the 10 blows on my right udder. Tears were rolling down my cheeks but hardly any sound cameform my mouth. I had sworn not to give all these blacks the joy of me breaking too early. That was the only pride that was left to me I assumed. After 20 hard blows the commander stopped, smiled at me, patted my face and said something like that this was just the start and I would not be able to control me any longer when his men had really begun to torture me.

Meanwhile, the other men gathered around the fire, over which they laid a large grill, and sat around the burning logs. Someone had a particularly sadistic idea that made the men howl, and a few minutes later a rather small soldier came to me with a short rope on which dozens, if not hundreds, of large red ants were crawling (the camera needed some time to capture this in a clearly visible way). He let the rope glide carefully over the insides of my thighs several times until he had rubbed most of the ants on my legs. Immediately I felt the bites and the stinging painful acid of the ants on the tender flesh of my legs. To make matters worse, another one smeared a sweet-smelling juice around my two holes and did not miss the opportunity to penetrate deeply into my cunt with his smeared fingers and also open my asshole, stick his fingers deep into it and smear the juice around my sphincter.

I was still standing bent over with my left leg spread and bent, my inflated milk udders hanging down heavily, while my legs began to teem and burn. The cameraman gave the thumbs up sign and went as close as possible to my holes. Neither could I close my legs, nor could I itch or otherwise repel or at least alleviate the ant invasion. I felt my leg harden and a dull deep pain forced me into a convulsive rigidity. And the burning of formic acid on my sphincter muscle was so hellish that I began to moan bitterly, contrary to my intentions. I had resolved not to cry, not to scream and to keep my voice as long as possible. But it was no use. I begged, I begged, I screamed, but apart from the two cameramen nobody paid any attention to me. Meanwhile the soldiers put potatoes on the fire, roasted thick pieces of meat on the grill and laughed and talked.

It felt like hours, which the nasty burning animals raged in and on my body. The skin on my legs (the only one I could see) was quickly covered with pustules. Everywhere the ants bit into it, small red blisters developed like small flat cakes, which at some point had changed the beautiful white of my skin into a disgustingly sore pink. But worst of all was the constant burning at my holes. Inside and outside. Judging by my pain, my tender asshole and my soft cunt flaps must have been transformed into a puter red swollen texture. My feeling was that some of the ants had worked their way up to the womb and burned everything inside of me. I shook myself, screamed, tore at the chains, begged, but the men didn't even notice me.

After more than an hour – I was close to a nervous breakdown – the commander, laughing, gave one of the soldiers the order to free me from the ants. I cheered when I heard this and shouted my thanks. But that was premature.

The soldier put on a glove and pulled a burning log of wood out of the fire, which he wrapped in a cloth at the front by the embers. It must have been soaked with something, because the cloth immediately started to burn. Like a torch the man approached me and smiled. Now the men looked up from their meal. They seemed to know what was coming. At first the man held the torch to my legs and so drove the ants away from my thighs. They fled upstairs into my open holes. Then he approached my already bestially burning cunt with the flame. When the fire pain reached my head, I screamed like a pig on a spit. It hissed and burned until finally my cunt was set on fire as well. I smelled this peculiar stench of burnt flesh and shook my steel cuffs until my wrists bled. Long. And I screamed as loud as I could. I begged, I begged fervently, I tried to speak calmly, I called, I screamed until I was only a single shrill pain in a scream. As the flame scorched my asshole too, I hoped to pass out. But that was not granted to me. The man held the flame so close to my rose that I could feel the heat in my intestines. As I did so, my flesh hissed and burst open. I, however, remained screaming and fully conscious while the man with the torch shouted loughing that at least the ants were gone now, while the cameras continued to record everything.

The man took a step back and looked at his work. He seemed to like it. Even better, however, he seemed to like my tied up udders, which had turned blue in the meantime. He held the torch under my right nipple until the skin was tanned and burst open. I shook myself in the steel chains, screamed, tugged at my bloody wrists, swayed my upper body to the side, to the front, to the back, but it was of no use. The flame ate into my right nipple first, before the man took my left one with relish. I begged him, I offered him everything: my body, my breasts, every hole, every perversion. I asked him to fuck me bloody, to tear my ass off, to spray me, to shit on me, if only he could please, please, please stop burning me. But also on my left udder the areola burst open and my nipple hissed like fat in the sun. I was just a scream. A totally baffled surprised scream. Because at some point I had understood, that the men did not want to break me. But kill me. And I only realized this now, when both udders had been turned into one single aching and stinking blister. Then the man wordlessly turned around and threw the torch back into the fire, while I was broken, sobbing and sweating, hanging in the wooden scaffolding, longing for death.

Then, while the men were ignoring me, talking excitedly and continuing to eat and drink, I remembered a story I had read a long time ago, in which it was described that a Chinese soldier in the great war against the Japanese had trained some skill in skinning captured soldiers alive. He had a simple large knife, but he kept it so sharp that it penetrated all flesh and tissue with ease. Never, however, did he injure the men deeper than just under the first layer of skin and he literally peeled them off until the fat and muscle tissue was exposed. Each time his victims fainted, he paused and waited until their consciousness had half developed again before continuing his work. This procedure dragged on for days and nights, and at some point, when the pulsating tissue of the human body was exposed and all the tendons and muscle strands were exposed, the prisoners died of respiratory distress, as the encrusted blood that had replaced the skin prevented oxygen from entering the body. The scalp was then the last thing the Chinese cut off his prisoner, so as not to give it back as a trophy. This story quickly made the rounds among the Japanese soldiers, causing considerable unrest until panic and a hunt for the killer began. When he was finally caught and shot, several hundred scalps were found in his tent.

After the men had finished eating and thrown all the leftovers into the fire, they set up two large spotlights and illuminated my ordeal for the spectators but also the cameras, which the commander now took over. With the thin and flexible bamboo stick he worked on my splayed foot until the skin of the sole of my foot hung down in shreds. Then the foot was freed and the right foot was pulled up instead. With equal force and force he too was bloodily whipped with the bamboo stick until the sole was completely shredded. The commander took his time for this, and my voice was nothing more than a quiet, pleading rattle.

When the right leg was then lowered and I stood on both legs again, my agony was far from over. The soldier, who had already burned me, now took two thick carpenter's nails in the light of the spotlights and nailed my feet to the wooden plank, leaving me wide-legged and immobile. When the bone of the first foot splintered, I reared up once more. When the nail was hammered through my second foot, I just babbled softly. Even as the men slowly and laughingly pressed needles under each of my toenails and made sure that the needles penetrated deep into the flesh of my nail bed, I tried to scream again, but my voice had failed long ago. My babbling had become a whisper. Even the glowing spits through my udders, the long needles directly into my already singed nipples did not manage to raise my voice to a tremolo once more. Only when the commander very slowly lifted the nail of my big toe from the bed of the nail with pliers, turned it around at the bed with relish, splintered at the ingrown end and finally pulled it out with force, I begged for mercy one last time. At the second big toe, I shook myself so violently in my chains, simply to counter the pain with my weight, that I dislocated my right shoulder, twisted my joint away and nipped any further resistance in the bud. After that my voice and my resistance had dried up.

I let it happen in uncomplaining agony and in a trance, when my hands were also nailed to the wooden scaffolding. I made no sound when every single fingernail was intentionally split open under full force of hammer blows and my fingernails were also slowly broken out in a procedure that lasted for hours.

Only at dawn, when I was already completely destroyed, did the flogging begin. In the prisoners' barracks the lights had come on again and the prisoners had started for the morning chapel, when the Commandant himself hurried the flexible bamboo stick onto my back. He carried out the whipping with such force that my skin immediately burst open and blood ran down my back. Before the prisoners were taken to the fields to work, the commander insisted that they line up in front of me so that they could take a look at my udders, which had been wounded by spikes and nails. After two helpers had torn out everything with which my udders had been speared and pierced in an unspeakably crude manner, the prisoners witnessed the destruction of my bloody breasts.

Each stroke with the bamboo stick the commander placed with full force right in the middle of the udder flesh, which burst open, tore until the blood splashed. I gasped for breath like a fish in the air and tasted the iron taste of my blood. No scream, no whimpering, not even a howl or whisper did I produce. Only begging I looked into the empty eyes of the prisoners, in which I saw horniness and contempt but no pity. Every blow on my bleeding tit flesh shook me and my wounded body in silence, but I was unable to faint. When my hanging udders were only mush and the commander looked at his work with a smile, the prisoners were driven into the fields. The sun was already high in the sky again.

It was a sultry and hot day, on which luckily the sun was hiding behind high veil clouds. The soldiers cleared the place, removed the ashes from the fireplace, packed everything up and disappeared into their camp. It had been an exhausting night for them. Meanwhile I stayed nailed between the wooden scaffolding and wanted to be dead rather than alive. Mosquitoes and ants maltreated me during the day, but I didn't notice that any more in my delirium.

When the horses and whips of the guards could be heard far away, one of the soldiers took a sponge and hose and washed the encrusted blood from my body. He did not care that he reopened many of my wounds. All he cared about was that the queue of prisoners on their way to the shelters could parade close to my scaffolding and see my broken body without a soul. I myself had to look everyone in the face from my swollen eyes and encountered looks of disgust and hatred. Like the body of a hanged man impaled on a stake outside the walls of the city, I served as a trophy for the powerful as well as a deterrent for the ruled. Some of the prisoners, when they passed by my place, still pulled up their nose and snotted in my face or at my feet. It seemed to me that if they had had their way, my body would have been desecrated and beaten even more. I was, that much was clear, even lower and more worthless than them.
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