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This story starts off immediately after part 5. I suggest reading the rest of the series first but it is a free country so have at it.
Whomever said sleep comes easy in the arms of one that you love clearly never fucked his hot sister. I was exhausted not 3 hours earlier and yet now all I can do is try to stop myself from mounting and possessing Lydia. She fell asleep so easily and peacefully in my arms. Never did I curse my sex drive more than in this very moment. I lay with one arm curled around my sister’s pillow, the other around her slim waist. My rock hard member pushed up into her backside threatening to bore a hole straight through her. I absentmindedly stroked her ample thighs as I try to think of anything besides the heat of her flesh pounding and rubbing against my own. She exhaled so softly under me as she slept, my mind wandered, wondering what she was dreaming of. If she were dreaming of me, I wonder if I would be ravaging inside her or crucified upon a cross. This and where my mother truly stood with my father and I were my main concerns, and plans slowly started to formulate on how to reveal those secrets. My body, however, acted on its own desires. I was derailed from my train of thought as I heard a sharp exhale beneath me, followed by deep breaths, then soft moans. Immediately, my eyes shot fully open and looked down to find nothing movement under the blanket. Movement, I discovered, of my own hand between Lydia’s thighs. My immediate assumption was that my father had returned to claim her from me as I assumed he would do, and yet it was me doing that very thing. I reprimanded myself as I gently pushed my sister’s hip forward just enough to grant me access to her treasured cove. Ever so gently, I slowly started to manipulate her outer lips. They had already grown puffy and somewhat moist. Was she having a nice dream, or was she actually this sensitive? The thought ran through my mind rather briefly as I continued my manipulations of her lips, drawing ever so closely to my moist prize. I had to have her.

I quickly discovered that perhaps she is as sensitive as I thought. In less than a minute, I had to stop simply to lick all of her nectar from my fingers and relish her bittersweet taste. My cock would no longer allow me to simply tease my sister’s hole. It needed to be all the way inside of her, shaking the foundation of her very core. I lined myself imperfectly with her opening and slid along its damp flesh. Lydia had returned from her soft moaning to a light snore. I knew that if I were to wake her up, she may reveal being tired or sore as an excuse to stop my advances, but I was in no mood to be denied. Deliberately, I placed myself firmly at her opening and pushed my entire head inside her. It seemed as if this immediately woke her, but her soft snores continued as I slowly and methodically started to fuck her with my tip. Her not so soft moans quickly began, yet somehow she remained asleep. I briefly wondered if she was toying with me and pretending to be asleep, but my thoughts were once again interrupted by the slightest of noises and a quick movement at my door. I chose not to look, but it definitely sounded like my door had been cracked open. Part of me wanted to remain still and feign sleep, however, whether the person at the door was my mother or father, the time to send a message that would reveal their true intentions was here.

I ceased the slow movements of my head inside of my sister and began to pull out. She sighed as I began to pull away, but she either continued to feign snoring or remained asleep. Just before my tip exited her wet love tunnel, I shoved myself all of the way inside of her and held my body tight against her. She awoke with a gasp, the first of many as I pulled myself almost all of the way out and felt her stretch as I once again fully entered her and held her against me.

“Eric!” She gasped as she finally gained enough breath to speak. “Why… Oh what are you doing? It’s deep Eric is really deep! I’m sore Eric it hurts”

As she said that, a torrent of her warm juices flooded both hers and my nether regions. Whether she was lying or telling the truth no longer mattered as I already made my decision; to own her with one or both of my parent’s standing witness. I raised myself off of the bed and turned her on her stomach, making sure not to let myself completely slip out of her in the act. She took this as the moment to strike and tried to raise herself up push me off of her. Thanks to my position, she only aided in my quest to fully bury myself inside of her. She yelped slightly as she felt me push past the rugged fleshiness of her sex and neared the barrier to her womb. Between moaning and faint-heartedly whispering “stop” she would occasionally try to raise herself. I remedied this by taking possession of both of her hands and holding them behind her as I thrust harder and deeper inside of her tunnel. For minutes she would do nothing but gasp and clasp and moan my name, but suddenly she fell quiet, the resistance in her hands faded and she grew stiff. Initially, I thought I had made a mistake, but seconds later I realized it was quite the opposite. She lay there without words as her body shook violently on her brother’s cock as her hot fluids rushed to soak and further its invasion of her. She made next to no noise, I assume to steal my satisfaction, but we both knew what had happened. She lay there in the glow of her unwanted orgasm for minutes, not breaking the silence once until…

“It’s still so deep in me take it o-- Ahhh!” She cried out loud as I my thrusting began again. Had it not been for the experience I got from both her and my mother and the sac emptying activity I had endured earlier, I may have lost myself in her already. But my dick remained hard as steel, with equally hard resolve. “Please I can’t take it anymore! I promise I’ll let you do it to me tomorrow or anytime you want I’m yours but I ca—“

“You’re going to take it!” I finally broke my first words to her as I pounded into her flesh as a butcher would his meat, and a dog his bitch. The words seemed to shock her as I didn’t hear a response until she was nearing her second orgasm. In the midst of this, her body began to betray her words. Hands the clasped for release now lay to her sides, clutching to her bed and her last bit of sanity before she reached pure bliss. Hips that attempted to remain still now pushed back and allowed me to knock on the entrance of her fertile womb. Soft moans and cries of “stop” were now guttural moans of pleasure. “You’re going to take your brother’s cock! And you’re going to baptize it in your juices sweet sister. You’re going to cum again for me do you understand?” After a few seconds of silence I accented my words with rough thrusts and smacks upon her round tanned ass. “I... SAID… DO… YOU… UNDERSTAND!”

“YES I UNDERSTAND!” she barked back at me.

“What are you going to do Lydia?” I asked again and knew I would receive a proper answer this time.

“I’m going to take my brother’s cock!” she slowly began to whisper.

“I can’t hear you what are you going to take?” I snapped, accompanied with another blow to her slightly red behind. I began to slowly push the limits of my new found courage.

“I’m going to take my brother’s cock!” She said out loud and proud.

“Where are you going to take your brother’s cock sweet sister?!” I began to push her more. I slowly realized that she was as Niagara, flooding my entire midsection in her naughty juice and allowing me even deeper within her.

“In my pussy!”

“No!” I smacked again and she cried out!

“Why what did I do?” she complained.

“You’ll take your brother’s cock deep inside you, wherever he wishes, and you’ll cover it in your naughty juices like a slut; just like you’re doing right now!” I barked orders as if her master, but I didn’t truly know whether she would listen this time or not. To my surprise and possible both of ours, she responded…

“I’ll take my brother’s cock all the way inside me” she screamed lightly through gasps. Whenever and wherever he wishes! And I’ll cum all over it with my naughty juices!” and she stopped.

“WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!” I chastised as I lay more smacks upon her now sore bottom.

“LIKE A SLUT, JUST LIKE I’M DOING RIGHT NOW OH GOD ERIC DON’T STOP!” She was so close to her climax, however my pace slowed and she groaned heavily along with it. “Why? I was close! I said what you wanted!” She complained but stopped as soon as my pace began to quicken again. I lifted her up onto her knees and commanded her to look at me. She slowly and contritely turned her head towards me.

“Say it! Say everything you just said to your brother’s face. If you want to cum show me whom you belong to sweet sister!” I challenged and nearly left her with no choice; she complied.

“I’ll take my brother’s cock all the way inside my body! Whenever and wherever he wishes! And I’ll cum all over it with my naughty juices like a slut! Just like I’m doing right now!”

“That’s my good girl!” I said each word with a thrust. Satisfied with her answer I decided to reward her. I grabbed the small of her thin waist and pounded myself roughly down into her, being sure to graze her walls with each entrance. Her slick cove moistened even more around me as it once again coated my surprisingly still rock hard member. I grabbed a fist full of her hair with my free hand and started to pull her into me. “Fuck me back you slut fuck your brother! Push that fat ass back into me make me feel it!”

“I feel all of you! I fucking feel all of you Eric! Why are you doing this to me? Why are you making me love being your fuck slut? I want more of your cock! Give it to me whenever you want! I don’t care what anyone says or what I say just take me like a slut and make me love it!” she screamed as she was clearly headed for a violent orgasm. Even though she surprised me with her sudden change of mood, I remained fixed on pounding my sister’s flesh into submission. Abnormal thoughts started forming in my head as I filled her. I never wanted to hear her say no to me again, I only wanted her on her knees, bent over, in my lap, to my side. No matter what I wanted her to have my cock inside of her. I didn’t want anyone else touching her. I was completely possessed by the need to claim her.

“Who do you belong to Lydia?!” I started angrily pounding her, losing myself in lust.

“I belong to my brother! I’m his to use as he wants! I’m just his slut! And he’s about to make me cum all over him again!” I could take no more of her dirty talk, I felt the familiar tingling and warmth in my balls and I knew that soon I’d be filling my sister’s womb once again with potent seed.

“Cum for your brother! Cum only for the one you belong to Lydia! Take your brother’s cum deep inside you like the little slut sister you are!” I commanded as I raised myself slightly higher and forced her face into her pillow! She turned herself slightly!

“I only cum for you Eric! I’ll only cum for my owner! Only he can fill me up with his cum oh FUCK ERIIIIIIC!” she began to scream just a bit too loudly and I forced her back into her pillow as she shook violently once again on my cock. She spasmed hard against me and it took all of my strength not to be bucked off like a bull rider. In the end, as her juices shot out along my cock and down both of our thighs, my dam was released and wave after wave of my hot white cream came bursting out to coat every square inch of the her walls. As I buried myself deep inside of her, more and more spurts were deposited directly at the wall of her womb, planting my essence deep inside of her.

She fell forward almost immediately as I lay next to her to cuddle. At some point it appears that the door was closed and whomever was there should now know my decision. As I cuddled up against my nearly limp sister she let out a final sigh. “Is this all I am to you brother?” she sniffed softly as she succumbed to exhaustion, too tired even for tears. No dagger could match the pain of the stab she delivered directly to my heart.

“I’m sorry sweet sister”, I had planned to say. But whether the words came out, or were just in my head is a mystery as I too gave in to sweet slumber.


“Mom why aren’t we rich?” I casually began to inquire. I awoke from the previous day to find Lydia already gone on a morning jog, and my mother alone and making breakfast in the kitchen. I could think of no better time to speak to her about something that has bothered me since my father told me his version of the truth. She stood there cleaning dishes and paused for the smallest moment.

“You can answer that question on your own, you know what your father does for a living and how much it pays.” She said without even turning or raising her eyes to glance at me. Even with her cold demeanor, she stood as sexy as ever in my mind. Her modest robe was unable do its duty in hiding the treasures that lay just below it. The curve of her perfect ass showed clearly through it.

“How many times have you seen grandmother and grandfather go to work?” I smugly asked as I knew I didn’t have time to speak in circles or play word games.

“It is a fine thing to inherit money, not all of us are so lucky”, she said again without even turning to meet my gaze. I once again was enamored with the slight swaying of her hips and rump as she washed a particularly difficult stain.

“But why? Why didn’t dad inherit money? Even though he didn’t follow the full tradition it seems he did exactly as his parents told him to do. Exactly what he wants me to do to Lyd. What is the real reason he doesn’t get their support?”

“Their support has always been offered, even today, but your father will never take it”, she said in barely above a whisper. “If you would like to know why, you should ask him yourself when he gets home today.”

“Fair enough, only two more questions. What happened to my Aunt and half-brother? Did dad do something to them? Did my grandparents? I haven’t seen him shaken up like that in quite some time.” I finally asked the most looming question, and my mother’s immediate response was to shudder, I began to move closer to her. Because she wouldn’t turn around, she didn’t realize at first.

“It isn’t my place to tell you anything about—“, she began before I stole her voice by appearing behind her and grabbing her by the waist. “What the fuck are you thinking?” she hissed angrily at me.

“I know your place mother!” I said intently as my hands found the tie to her robe and quickly loosened it. I kissed along her shoulder blade as my hands caressed and admired her curvature.

“What was the second question?!” She shrieked as she thrust me away from her with the roundness of her ass and turned finally to meet my gaze. I marveled at the sight of the breasts I had sucked on as a child, and had just recently reacquired the taste of. Her tan skin was a marvel to behold. A bit darker than me or my sister’s, but flawless and enticing. Her weight gained from motherhood was all but lost thanks to her incessant yoga addiction. However, she was correct, I had to regain control of myself if I’d ever be able to control her. And that is exactly what I did as I reached out and grabbed firm hold of her sex, I turned her and pushed her up against the counter facing me. She scowled at me in response and grabbed my arm in attempt to wrest herself free.

“Do you like it mother?” I asked casually as my fingers moved slightly along her opening.

Do I like what? My son touching me and using me against my will? Of course I don—“

“Oh no mother not this, well maybe this too but do you like all of it? Being a slut for dad, raising Lydia and I, being a loving mother knowing one day I’d take your daughter as mine? Do you like being at the whims of a dominant man?” Along with each question came a new intensity to my rubbing of her lips. She whimpered at my touch and stared directly at me with her beautiful brown eyes. She quickly became damp and the strength of her resistance fell as quickly as it came. “Tell me mother, do you like being a slut? Do you like living this way?” As I said this, two fingers found their way to her entrance, and pushed forward into her wet and waiting hole.

“Wait!” She tried to slow my entry once again but my fingers found themselves worming around in her wet cave, searching out the ridged area I’ve heard of only in porn. She took a deep breath, and through soft moans began to explain. “I ughh don’t like it, your father doesn’t think anything of me but another set of holes to be used for his amusement. Baby please I’m answering! Ughh! Stop I can’t focus!” Her body was getting hot, her nipples stiff and inviting; her womanhood hot and weeping all over my fingers. “I have to do horrible things, I would never sleep with that disgusting teacher of yours, or get rid of my problems in such terrible ways!” she closed her eyes and continued to explain through moans although with a new found resolve. “I raised you two as best as I could, I always taught you to be good. I guess nature really is stronger than nurture. You are ughhhh… your father’s son!” With the last words she once again opened her eyes and looked directly into my soul, yet she once again found the wrong answer, and my anger welled once again knowing she saw me no different than him. It was time for me to teach her the truth about me.

“Bullshit!” I suddenly said as my fingers finally found their destination, I began to slowly rub her g-spot and torture her as I revealed her lies. “If you don’t like your son inside you, then why do you get so wet for him?” I rubbed with one finger and pushed further inside her with the other. Her gaze now left me and went to the ground. I allowed a few moments to pass before raising my hand lifting her chin up to me. I forced her to look at me and whimper under my manipulations as she pondered the question. “I asked you a question mother. Why are you so wet for me? Why did you kiss me back yesterday, and cum so hard on me? If you hate it so much why do you moan so loud for me and tell me the truth only when you’re about to cum again?"

“Shut up!” she yelled, “A woman’s body has no choice! Just because I get wet doesn’t mean I like being raped by you ughhhhh stop not there!” I lowered my hand from her chin and was making a move toward her sex from the other side, but she jumped and moaned as I barely brushed against her puckered hole.

“Do they get this wet mother?” I held my absolutely soaked hand in front of her as I challenged her once again. “Lydia wanted to be touched and still she has never gotten this wet! Taste it mother! Taste the fruit of your lies!” I almost screamed as forced my fingers into my mother’s mouth. Without instruction she licked and savored her own taste, but quickly stopped as she realized what she was proving. Without any more words, I lifted my tiny mother up and carried her to the kitchen table. There I lay her down easily thanks to her weakness from being toyed with and her surprise at my actions. She regained her senses as I dropped my basketball shorts to the kitchen floor and placed myself at her entrance. She once again moved to stop me.

“Eric! Eric honey please don’t tell me I raised you to be like him!” she pleaded.

“No mother", I said as I held her down, "you raised me to be better than him!” I responded with purpose as I thrust back into the most comforting place I have known. Despite her tightness, her river of juices allowed me to push all 5 and a half inches of myself inside of her welcoming flesh. Despite her complaints, she almost immediately started moaning and pulling me into her as if her switch was flipped as I entered. As I thrust inside her and got my rhythm, I leaned over and fed her my tongue, which she seemed to take as a welcome gift. Then, to my surprise, she sucked on my tongue as if it were my cock, and resumed massaging it with her tongue shortly after. I raised myself back up off of the table and lifted both of her legs over my shoulder. I continued to pound my mother’s slick tunnel as deep as I could, fearing that if I stopped I would fall from its wet embrace.

“SO… FUCKING… GOOD… ERIC! You make your mother feel so fucking good” she cried out between her gasps and moans. She clutched at the cloth covering the kitchen table as she received a well-deserved pounding from her thankful son for being such a good mother. “How can you be doing this? Is your sister not enough for you? What are we to you? Ughhhhh tell me that at least before you make me cum all over your cock!”

“You’re everything!” I said as I pounded as deep into her as I could and held her there. I pushed towards her and her knees eventually reached her head. She had given me the perfect chance to explain why I’m not my father. “I love Lydia, so much more than you could know, and the same goes for my loving mother!” I accented the last few words by continuing my thrusts inside of her already soaked channel. With one arm to hold me up, I used the other to take turns teasing her perky brown nipples and pulling them toward me. I kneaded and pawed at her round 34C breasts as I pistoned myself inside of her at a low tempo, but with great force. As I continued to nail her to the table, I continued to explain. “My sweet mother, you’ve lived most of your life without me telling you what to do, and so has Lydia. I don’t want to control you or use you for other’s amusement or any of that other disgusting crap you just said! I want you both as mine forever! I want to push my cock in both of you every day until I can’t anymore. I want to fill your wombs to bursting with my seed. One day I want to share a family with you both! I love you so much mother!” I continued to pour out my feelings as I pounded them directly into her. My mother could only gasp, moan and look directly in my eyes as I told her a tale that she clearly wasn’t expecting to hear. Suddenly, and to my pleasure, she gave her response.

Without warning, she used her ridiculously strong hips to push me out and away from her. While I was still tumbling backward, she took hold of my hand and pulled it back towards her and onto the table. Before I could move or protest, my mother was already mounted on top of me and sinking down onto my still rock hard member. As she bounced in my lap, her large breast bounced proudly with her. She took my hands and place them on each breast, prompting me to caress and explore her. Her sudden change came as a surprise, but a welcome one.

You love us? You think you can just say all of that and I’ll let you off that easy? I’m going to teach… my… boy… some manners!” It seemed that every word was accompanied by another bounce of her perfect ass on my midsection. It felt like I was reaching depths I had never reached before, and her demeanor had my cock grow beyond its limits. As she bounced she contracted the walls of her pussy around my shaft, a skill I would definitely have to teach to Lydia. Her bouncing, however was proving to be far too much stimulation as I felt my release coming. It did not come though as she suddenly stopped bouncing and leaned over to my face. I braced myself for another dirty kiss from her but she moved past my lips to my ears. “Would you like to know a secret? I do love it, I love it when my son touches me, when he licks me, when his cock goes deep inside of me. I’ve never been so hot and wet in my life. I came so hard the first time you fucked me because I loved how you forced me! Your mother is a slut for you” As she said this she raised back up and continued her bouncing, but I could no longer take it.

I reached out with both hands and took a firm hold of her perfect globes of ass in them. I picked her up and off of me then spun her around to bend her over the counter. There I once again enter her wet and tight cave to explore it further. My hands eagerly squeezed a breast and got hold of her throat respectively. Then came my verbal onslaught.

“Like mother like fucking daughter I see!” I said as I gained control of her and pounded her into the sink. “You want this cock so bad you don’t even mind if it’s forced on you? You’re a very bad girl mother! Is this what you wanted?” With that I brought the hand that was playing with her tit down hard upon her ass. “Answer me mother! Is this what you wanted from your son?!”

“NO! OH GOD I DIDN’T WANT THIS! OHHHH NOT THIS! I WANT YOU TO BE THE BOY I RAISED! THE BOY YOU WERE THREE DAYS AGO!” Through her moans and her screams, she was able to spew out one last attempt at lying. An attempt that I decided to use to my advantage. I slowed my assault and pulled my mother’s face toward me for another kiss.

You want me to be a boy who knows nothing again I see. You want me to look at you like I did when I was a baby and called you mommy?” My thrust brought me all of the way inside of her where she almost impossibly grew even moister at the sound of the word mommy. “Oh is that what you really want? You want me to call you mommy as I fuck you?”

“I’m not lying! That’s… not… what… I… WANT!” She groaned heavily as I sank myself deep inside of her for each word she spoke.

“Then why are you flooding my cock again mommy tell me! You’re even fucking wetter than before! Tell me the truth mommy! Tell me you love it! Tell me it’s all you want and you’re a mommy slut for my cock just like your daughter!” As I pounded into her my confidence grew stronger with every thrust. She was becoming mine whether she realized it or not, and like Lydia, she would soon give me the proper answer. I needed no more words, I took back control of her neck with my hand and kneaded and spanked at the globes of her ass with the other. Minutes of my pounding passed before I realized I was just about ready to burst. Before that could happen, my mommy finally answered.

“I ADMIT IT! I’M A FUCKING MOMMY SLUT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE YOU! I’m a mommy slut! I love it just like my slutty daughter! I’ll take my son’s cock all the way inside my body whenever and wherever he wishes! And I’ll cum all over it with my naughty juices like a mommy slut! JUST… LIKE… I’M… DOING… RIGHT… NOW!” With that my mother released a geyser of her naughty juices on me, nearly forcing me from her depths. She lost all control as her body gyrated on my now spastic cock which was now firing heat seeking missiles of white love deep into my mother’s womb. My seed shot out and spread covering her walls and my cock with its warm embrace. I held my mother up as she almost sank to the ground as her knees gave out. I turned to carry her to the kitchen table only to see a familiar face that once again caught me in the act with my mother.

“Speak of the devil, and she shall appear!” Lydia said in her terrible Bane voice.

“How long have you been watching us you creep?” I spat out in jest.

“Long enough to know “mommy” was the one watching us yesterday.” She chuckled, and made me realize what my mother had just said in the midst of her passionate and violent orgasm. “I really wanted to think you were different…” she paused for a moment to gather herself. If only she had been watching sooner.

“You’re more than a slut to me Lyd I-“, before I could finish she interrupted.

“What am I to you then? Tell me the truth now before he gets back or she comes to.”

“You’re everything”, I replied as my mother groaned back to consciousness.



2021-05-19 18:12:36
In a few days


2021-04-04 02:04:51
When are you gonna released the next part

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