Let me start by saying this is a true story. So theres not gonna be a gangbang and all kinds of kinky shit. This is the story of my first sexual experience beyond a kiss. There's quite a bit of set up and explanation. If youre looking for a quick nut, go look at porn. Also this is my first story ive written. I'm sure there's problems with it. But you have to start somewhere. Please let me know in the comments if you liked it, and what could be improved on.
Thank you,
When I was in high school, I was kind of a nerd. I got a long with everyone but didnt really click with any group. My people were the kids running around with Naruto headbands on, clacking d and d dice together. We had fun, but really didnt get into any trouble.
I had dated a bit but not that much. The men that were interested in me were nice, but they were fellow nerds. Socially awkward, non confident guys that were more interested in stats of their wow characters than any romance.
I suppose I was decent looking enough. I was 5 foot 4, with shoulder length radish blonde hair with bangs. My body was decent as well. I was the last girl in my grade to start budding, but the girls grew to a decent c cup. They reminded me of the old pin up girl paintings my grandfather would have up in his basement. Like tear drops. But under all the baggy clothes I would wear, you could barely tell I had any chest.
When I was a freshman in high school, I was given an academic advancement, allowing me to skip ahead to being a junior. I got a few laughs when heading into my advanced placement classes, but after the first semester they died down. Slowly i started tutoring other students, in particularly the athletes trying to pass in hopes of an athletic scolorship. I was regularly interacticing with people older than me and in higher social standing. I had hoped it would lead to more romantic opportunities, but sadly I was shrugged off.
That whole year I went single. There was some sparks with another girl during the Christmas break, but nothing came of it. I wasn't sure of my feelings on girls at the time and I guess that frustrated her. She ended up
Dating some girl with giant tits and zero personality. It really burned me to relationships, so I focused on my friends and school that year.
The next year at school, I was a senior. I expected it to feel the same, but it didn't. I felt like a giant walking through the halls. I was approached by the football head coach, Mr Callahan, to work with a tutor his all stars as he called them. In truth, they were dumber than a stack of bricks. But they were built like trucks and had the potential to go into college ball. It's a big deal in the south.
So every Tuesday and Thursday, I met with around 15 football players after their practice and helped them with homework, studies, the works. They had their grades reported to the coach everyday, and had to maintain at least a c average to continue to play.
We were about 4 games in to the season when we hit our first roadblock. Devonte lamar. A huge guy capable of literally throwing other huge guys and destroying quarterbacks. Not so capable of passing a simple biology test. Coach hit the roof. His eligibility was taken and would have to improve his grades before he could hit the field again.
I was approached by Devonte after the tutoring meeting. He practically begged me for extra time to tutor him for his class. I agreed, and invited him to my house over the weekend. The prospect of anything romantic happening with him didnt register as a possibility. He was so far out of my league. It would be like a simple Greek man defeating zues in armed combat.
Devonte arrived at my house, introduced himself to my parents and we got to work. Over the next 4 hours, we worked over the nomenclature of animal and plant cells. It was slow slow work. As it neared evening, my parents stuck their heads in the kitchen and asked to have a word with me. I excused myself and walked out into the living room.
Now my parents had always trusted me. We were a very open family. Both my mom and my dad had talked about sex with me and I know the mechanics in theory but was practically a virgin in every way. My father paused, pursed his lips. He asked how much longer devonte was going to be over. I told him it may be a while, and explained about his grades and the fact he couldnt play untill they went up. My mother then explained they had wanted to go out. Dinner and a movie. I was free to stay and help devonte, of course. But I was told to remember, no funny business in the house. I promised to be good and returned to the kitchen.
We worked for another hour before devonte got frustrated and needed to take a break. I pulled some leftovers from the fridge and heated them up. While I bustled in the kitchen, we talked. Devonte was the youngest of 8, his mom raised all of them. He never knew his dad. They were poor. Football was his way out to him. I considered his life and compared it to my own. He had a drive and pain from a source I may never understand. It made me feel grateful for the life I had.
He started asking me questions about my life. What my parents did, what music I liked. Eventually we got on the subject of dating. He told me about his crazy ex. She burned his football cleats. He asked about my boy friend. I awkwardly explained I didnt have one, and didn't really date. He was surprised by this. I handed him his food and turned to walk to my chair. I could swear I felt his eyes on my ass.
We ate and continue to work for a bit. I remember the exact moment the room changed. He put his pencil down and looked at me. Almost like a hungry man looks at a sandwich. He asked, bluntly, if I was a virgin. I froze and blushed. He laughed and told me it was ok. I was too mortified to talk and stared at the floor. He reached over and picked my head up with a finger. He looked me in the eyes deeply. I was confused at what was going on. And then he did it.
He kissed me. I was shocked. One because it was sudden. But two, because it felt like I was melting. The guy who had kissed me before were, well....weak. Unexperienced. Unsure. They had asked before they kissed me. This was not that. This was strength. Power. Lust. I was a deer in the head lights. He leaned back away from me. I stayed where I was, still frozen in confusion and surprise. He laughed and asked if I liked it. I gathered myself. Took a deep breath. Look at him. In the eyes.
He did it again. This time I was ready. I kissed back. His tongue met mine. I moaned into his mouth. Suddenly we were on the counter. His hands were all over me. I felt like a taunt rope that had be cut. He started to slow down, but I pushed harder. We continue to make out like wild animals for the next few minutes.
Eventually we stopped to take a breath. His hands never left my chest though. He told I was a good kisser for a virgin. I laughed and
Told him I had kissed before. He pulled me in and licked my ear. I squirmed in pleasure till he asked a question. He asked if I had sucked a dick before.
Now I had not. This was the furthest I had gone sexually. I paused and my hesitation gave my answer. My heart dropped. He was going to think I was a prude and lose interest in me. This was going to end! I didnt want it too. And then I felt it. His cock throbbed through his pants on my leg. He asked me if I wanted to. I said want to what? Want to suck my dick rachel?
I was shocked. He was so brazen. I couldnt believe this was happening. I leaned back, my mouth held open in surprised. He could see my wheels turning. He took my hand and placed on his crotch. I instinctively grabbed it. It was so thick. I instantly started to feel wet down there. I told me to unzip it. I thought for a moment. If I did this there was no going back. I was crossing a line. I was breaking my parents trust. I was being a bad girl. I continued to argue with myself so much I didnt realize my body had already decided. In the midst of my internal dialouge, I pulled him out.
Today I'm a 31 year old woman. Ive had various sexual partners. Big small. Black white. Girth and thin. Long and short. When I hear dick, cock, Schlong, any pet name for penis. His cock, to this day,is the one I see in my mind. It literally erupted out of the zipper hole. 8 inches of black throbbing steel. Again, shocked. It was a mixture of sexual interest and scientific inquiry. He seemed pleased with my reaction because his cock jumped. I giggled. He told me to take closer look, to touch it. I leaned forward to look and he stopped me. No not like that. Get down on your knees. I complied.
Looking up at a cock and the man behind it is an odd experience. I poked the tip of it and ran my finger down the head. He was circumcised, though I didnt know it at the time. I had never seen porn at that point. This was the first penis I had seen upclose. He groaned at my touch. I started to run my hands along it. It continued to grow and throb. I showed me how to jack it so it was pleasurable to him. I slowly worked my hands back and forth, feeling it get even harder.
He asked me to spit on it. Again visible confusion. He explained how lube and dicks worked. I let out a stream of spit right on his head. I started to coat him in it while my hands moved. He groaned and moaned. I felt his hand grab the back of my head and guide my lips to his cock. I pushed back a bit, not ready for it. It was ignored. His head pushed on my lips, untill they parted, allowing him into my mouth.
Oh wow. All the talks about it. All the rumors. All the health classes. They dont prepare you for the first taste of cock. Its like skin, but different. Slightly more salty. And the texture is different but familiar. I was in prepared for it, in the most wonderful way.
He slowly started to Bob my head up and down on him. His big hand glued to the back of my head, guiding my mouth like a piston in an engine. I coulsnt take a lot of it, let alone all of it. I kept choking. He told me to use my hands and my mouth. I got a little rhythm going. Up down up down lick lick up down. I felt like I was playing an instrument. My music was his groans and encouragement.
He told I was a good girl. That it felt amazing. He couldnt believe this was my first time doing this. His encouragement made me try harder. I relaxed my throat and felt his cock slide past my mouth, into the opening of my throat. This made him really excited. He groaned and grunted louder and his cock started to throb and twitch.
He told me he was close. I didnt know what that meant. I just nodded and kept going. He asked if I wanted it inside or outside. Again I was confused. I just motioned it was up to him. Soon his cries for louder and louder. He grabbed the side of my head, rolling his hands up in my hair. He then proceeded to fuck my mouth. Hard. I wasnt ready for it. Spit leapt out of the corners of my lips around his cock. He kept pounding me. His balls smacked my chin and throat.
Suddenly he pulled back and stopped for a second. He cock throbbed and tightened up. I didnt know what was happening. It kind of kicked and throbbed by itself and the thing I didnt understand happened.
He came. Hard. I felt a warm thick liquid fill my mouth. His cock would jump and id feel another pulse of it. On my tongue on my teeth. Some hit the back of my throat. It just kept comming. I swallowed some when I felt it comming out of my mouth. He pulled out and left me with a mouth full. He grabbed his cock and started to jack it. More cum flew out and hit me in the face. More and more came out. By the time he was finished I was covered.
Now the taste of cum is kind of a weird thing. That pineapple rumor is bullshit by the way. Cum tastes horrible. Too salty. Too bitter. Its thick and odd feeling in the mouth.
But it is without a doubt the best part of oral sex. I did this to him. I made this happen. I made him feel so good. The taste is inconsequential. It tastes like victory. It feels good, being marked with his seed. Feeling congealed in my mouth. Swimming in my belly.
I had the moment to contemplate this before I felt something back at my mouth. I swallowed the cum in my mouth and Slurped the rest out of him. He slowly went soft. He was still moaning and encouraging me. He pulled out and rubbed his soft cock on my face, like he was guiding all his cum on my face to my mouth. I greedily accepted all of it.
He handled me a dish towel and helped me clean up. He came from behind me and kissed my neck. Telling me that was amazing. That I was a natural cock sucker. He was rubbing my ass when we heard the garage door opener start to buzz. He looked at me and we both panicked.
We rushed to our chairs and acted like we were studying. My parents walked in and greeted us. We talked for a moment before they told us they were going to bed. Finish up. Devonte had to go home for the night. Devonte told my dad yes sir. Thank you for having me in your home. Id be lost without Rachel's help. I smiled and said it was nothing. My mom hugged my arm, talked about how good a kid I was. She leaned in and kissed my cheek. The same cheek that was coated in cum not 5 minutes before. That gave me an internal panic attack.
They left and I walked Devonte to the door. We talked for a minute in the doorway. He promised not to tell anyone, and that, more importantly, wed be doing this again.