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This is a story of a woman Zeenat who told me this story when I met her in the course of my business and with some added imagination, a combination of reality and fantasy which contains adult content including prostitution, exploitation, virginity, voyeurism, exhibitionism, CFNM, masturbation, consumption of alcohol, public sex, vaginal fingering, cum eating, anal sex , and hand-jobs.etc
Zeenat, around 27 years old. Married, but have not yet become a mother even after 6 years of marriage. She and her husband were trying their best for a child with their full force But still she has not been able to become a mother .

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby

In Part 8 you Read

Anita had told Zeenat that could I guess that this ashram visit would actually be a shameful remembrance for me lifelong. The way I was exploited in the name of "diksha", in the name of "treatment", and in the name of "jagya" makes me feel so ashamed even today, after so many years. I was exploited so very cleverly and emphatically at every level and my desire to get a child was so high that I allowed everything crossing every limit of decency and modesty.

It was one week stay in the ashram of Guru-ji at Rampur and within that period I had to allow at least half a dozen males to enjoy my 28-year-old fully matured figure from all angles -- seeing, touching, examining, groping, squeezing, and all one can think of except fucking, because that crowning was done by Guru-ji himself! I had to shed all my shyness and was virtually treated like a slut during my treatment under Guru-ji. I am really amazed when I look back at those seven days about how I allowed all that! Probably Guru-ji's mesmerizing personality and my eventual desire to get the child at all cost made me act such lewdly from a shy modest housewife.”

Now further

Anita said to Zeenat That I have told the story of my exploitation to you only as you specifically wanted to know what happened there . No One in the world except you and people at Guruji Ashram at Rampur know this story.

Anita has not narrated the finer details of treatment at Guruji ashram

So after listening to story of Anita, Zeenat was in a fix what to do. But her desperation to have a child prompted her to give it a try even at the risk of getting sexually exploited at the Ashram.

She discussed the matter with her Husband and Mother In law and she deliberately hid the sexual exploitation part of story of Anita being blessed with a child. Salman allowed her to visit the ashram. So Anita fixed up an appointment with Guruji for visit of Zeenat.

On scheduled day Zeenat along with Anita reached Ashram.

Rampur. Guru-ji's ashram was situated in Rampur UP , a small village, surrounded by mountains on all the sides. There was a big pond with very clear water just beside the ashram, which made it like a heaven with cool breeze blowing and there was absolutely no signs of pollution. Zeenat along with Anota came with her. Both sat there in the last row There was a substantial crowd waiting for darshan of Guru-ji. Anita had made an appointment so that they could talk privately to him regarding problem of Zeenat. Zeenat was a quite impressed seeing Guru-ji, who was hugely built, almost 6 feet in height with a stout figure. He was wearing a saffron dress and his voice was calm and reverberating. A feeling of obedience would automatically come seeing and listening to this man.

Zeenat was not wearing any Burqa or Abaya but covering her face with her Saree. As the Crowd withered they were signalled to visit a chamber for private meeting with Guru-ji.

Inside chamber Anita touched Guru-ji feet and Zeenat who was also briefed by Anita and further impressed by towering personality of Guru-ji instantly touched his feet. Anita Introduced Zeenat and narrated about purpose of visit and Guru-ji listened to it very intently. There were two more persons who were his disciples probably in that room apart from Zeenat, Anita and Guru-ji. One of them was taking some notes as Anita was detailing problem of Zeenat. She also told the real name of Zeenat to Guru-ji. And also removed Zeenat saree from head to reveal her full facial beauty to Guru-Ji. He smiled on seeing the beauty of Zeenat.

Guru-ji: Anita, I am glad to know that you have been blessed with a child and that he is healthy and doing well. On your next visit you should also bring your child here for Drashan and blessings. I am glad that you have brought your friend to me regarding this problem. I want to make one thing very clear that I cannot do miracles, but if she takes “Treatment” under me and performs what I suggest faithfully, she would not return with empty hands. Anita you already know, the treatment path is not easy in these cases and if your friend can walk on that path, there is no reason why she would not have a child in a year's time. Of course, provided after the treatment, she meets with her husband on my suggested days.

Guruji has deliberately changed words Diksha to Treatment but that was okay for Zeenat.

The words were so convincing that Zeenat was more than eager to take 'diksha' under him and start the 'treatment' at that very moment. Anita said that Guruji though Zeenat is open to do anything for a Child and is ready to take Diksha.

Guru-ji: Anita, You Know my norms but before Zeenat agrees she must first know my norms. I do not keep any devotee in darkness. There are three stages in achieving the coveted goal of being a mother here. They are 'diksha', 'herbal treatment' and 'jagya'. Zeenat has to stay here for five days at a stretch to complete the diksha and the herbal treatment starting from a full moon night. If I feel that is enough to attain the goal, she might leave on the sixth day, but if a 'jagya' is required depending on her case, she would have to stay for another two days making it 7 continuous days. She has to abide by my ashram rules, which my disciple will tell her.

Zeenat was listening to his mesmeric voice and indeed it had some hypnotic effect. Zeenat did not see any offensive norms in what he said and Zeenat gave the nod to take 'diskha' and the 'treatment' under him.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, please note down her personal details before proceeding and let her know in details about ashram rules and regulations. Beti, you go with him to the next room. Anita, you can ask me if you have any other questions and concerns other than this issue.

Zeenat alighted from the ground and followed Guru-ji's disciple, Sanjeev. They went to the adjacent room and he asked Zeenat to sit to the couch that was there in that room. He remained standing. He was around her age only, around 35-40 years with an average body and a calm, smiling face.

Sanjeev: Madam, my name is Sanjeev. You just don't worry since you have come to Guru-ji. I have seen several women who benefitted from his unique and very special treatment. But you have to obey it completely as he says.

Zeenat said, "Yes of course. I will definitely try to do that. I have been suffering for this now almost three years."

Sanjeev: Don't worry Madam. Let me now tell you about what you have to do. You are very lucky. Tomorrow is Monday. You will come here tomorrow afternoon before 7:00 p.m. That day is a full moon night, so you will have 'diksha'. Madam, please do not bring your sari etc. as our ashram has a dress code and you will be given saris, which are specially washed with herbal detergents, and also Madam, no ornaments are allowed here. Actually speaking we offer everything here, so there is no need to bring anything.

Zeenat said Anita has already told me this and I have not brought much clothes. Sanjeev Looked a bit anxious and said what else has she briefed you. Zeenat said not much, Only basic procedures and formalties.

So Sanjeev said that is good that you have an little Idea but you must listen to me carefully so that you may not miss on something as Anita has not told you everything.

Zeenat was a bit puzzled about the "sari" part, as Zeenat have not seen any woman in the ashram till then. He just mentioned about wearing the saffron sari, but what about blouse and petticoat. Zeenat said to herself she cannot just wear a sari. Sanjeev probably understood what Zeenat was wondering.

Sanjeev: Madam, you must have noticed that Guru-ji told Zeenat to note your "personal details", so you do not worry about blouse etc. In our ashram we provide everything staring from hair clip to slippers.

He laughed a little and Zeenat also was relieved. Still Zeenat was wondering about her undergarments; will the ashram provide that also Zeenat was puzzled!

Sanjeev: Madam, please answer to my questions honestly. And Madam one thing please do not feel shy here and don't be introvert because you have come here for a goal and we are just here to make you achieve that.

Zeenat felt very confident hearing Sanjeev's words, otherwise was a bit nervous.

Sanjeev: Do you have regular periods Madam?

Zeenat: Yes, very rarely do I miss.

Sanjeev: When did you last have an irregular period?

Zeenat: Three to four months back may be. I took some medicine and cleared it.

Sanjeev: What's your approximate period date Madam?

Zeenat: 13thor 14th of a month.

Sanjeev was noting down as Zeenat was answering. So he was not in direct eye contact with Zeenat, so Zeenat was finding it easy to answer such personal questions. Otherwise Zeenat have never talked about these to anyone except to the lady doctors she visited.

Sanjeev: Madam do you have heavy periods or moderate? Do you feel any additional pain, discomfort other than the normal?

Zeenat: Moderate, 2-3 days. No, normal.

Sanjeev: Okay Madam, rest of the more intimate details will be taken up by Guru-ji when you will be in the ashram.

Zeenat was a bit comfortable hearing that though was thinking on what "intimate details" would the Guru-ji take from Zeenat. Sanjeev continued the conversation and Zeenat almost stammered answering his next question feeling very shy sharing this sort of information to an unknown male.

Sanjeev: Madam, now about ashram dress code. We will give you four herbal washed saffron saris for your seven-day stay. Generally I have seen that is sufficient, but we do have additional also if needed. What is the size that your wear? I mean blouse...

Zeenat: Err, I mean why do you need that?

Zeenat knew that was foolish to ask, but it came out just spontaneous and went into a more uncomfortable conversation.

Sanjeev: Madam, in our ashram we provide sari, blouse and petticoat to the women who come for 'diskha' and 'treatment'. So for that only I need the size.

Zeenat: Okay, its 36.

I noticed Sanjeev noted the figure and looked for a second directly at her erect boobs under the cover of her blouse and sari as if trying to measure the 36 size through his eyes.

Sanjeev: Madam, since mostly the women who come for 'diksha' to Guru-ji are from rural areas and as you also know many of them do not wear any undergarment, we have no provision for that. But since you are coming from the town, please carry your undergarments, but remember to get it sterilized here herbally, as you are not allowed to wear anything, which is nonsterile after 'diksha'.

Zeenat nodded with a smiling face and was a lot relieved hearing this.

Sanjeev: Thanks Madam. You must come here on tomorrow afternoon. .

Zeenat returned with Sanjeev to Guruji Chamber and Guruji Asked Sanjeev to make arrangement for stay of Zeenat in Guest rooms outside Diksha area. As After Dikhsha zeenat can enter ashram main area. Since Anita had already taken Diksha she was allowed to stay in Ashram. Anita asked Guruji to stsy with Zeenat for some time and which was readily granted.

Sanjeev took Anita and Zeenat to a Guest room and left them there. Anita sounded very optimistic for Zeenat as she had a talk with Guruji while Zeenat was in the other room with Sanjeev and she assured Zeenat not to get tensed being there alone, but to faithfully obey Guru-ji as he instructs. Zeenat was happy overall, but little could anticipate what was in store for Zeenat in those seven days in the ashram.

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