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This is a story of a woman Zeenat who told me this story when I met her in the course of her business and with some added imagination, a combination of reality and fantasy which contains adult content including prostitution, exploitation, virginity, voyeurism, exhibitionism, CFNM, masturbation, consumption of alcohol, public sex, vaginal fingering, cum eating, anal sex , and hand-jobs.etc
Women around 27 years old. Married childless after 6 years of marriage. She and her husband were trying their best for a child with their full force But still, she has not been able to become a mother.

Then she tried with her old boyfriend and then with Mr. Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby.

In her quest to have her own child she visits an ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha.

In Part 14 you Read

Maya: Jai Linga Maharaj. Guruji I had used the cream last night you send for me.

Guru-ji: That is very Good Maya, You will feel its effect on You very soon. Let me get some more details from you regarding your married life. Don't be shy and do not hide anything. The mind must open up. You should tell me or ask me about anything and everything that comes to your mind. Your issue is such if you do not open up, your treatment will not be perfect.

Maya nodded again.

Guru-ji: I just noted shyness in you when I mentioned about undergarment. Why Maya? Till such time you feel these are natural and normal things, your Diksha is incomplete. As you are wearing a bra, I am wearing a brief under her clothes. What is there to be shy of, tell me?


Now Further

Maya: Err... Yes, Guru-ji. Nothing.

Guru-ji: Okay. Now tell me frankly some very private matters as they are necessary for your treatment, How many times in a week did you copulate?

Maya: Twice a week in general.

Guru-ji: Did you get full satisfaction after the intercourse?

Maya nodded her head.

Guru-ji: Did you feel you have fully aroused Maya while doing it or did you feel it could have been a long process or a different style or anything of that sort?

Maya: No Guru-ji. I never felt like that.

Guru-ji: Okay, then apparently most things are normal and mostly as you have regular periods. Tell me, Maya , in one session how many times did you copulate? Once or more than once.

Maya was already feeling hot in the ears and her cheeks had turned red too out of womanly nervousness answering such things to a male.

Maya: At the start, it was thrice then for the first few months of marriage twice o, but for the last one year, it's once only.

Guru-ji: Maya, in the earlier days, did you have discharge from your vagina twice or thrice? Were they amounted the same?

Maya: Yes, but frankly speaking on some days, I did not discharge the second time, I never discharged the third time but my husband always discharged.

Guru-ji: Hmm. Do you discharge heavily?

Maya: No, not much. I mean...

Maya nervousness was gulping her from saying such private things.

Guru-ji: Tell me, Maya. Regroup your words and open your mind.

Maya: Actually I feel till nowadays also that there is something 'hot' that remained within me and did not come out even after the process is over.

Guru-ji: Tell me Maya frankly this will be with me only and he sends everyone else in the room outside. How many sex partners you had?

Maya was quite .. So Guru- ji again said Maya don’t hide anything from me. Don't be shy and do not hide anything. The mind must open up. You should tell me or ask me about anything and everything that comes to your mind. Your issue is such if you do not open up, your treatment will not be perfect.

Maya kept looking at the earth and told him in total 4 persons other than her husband .

Guruji Closed his eyes and Meditated for some time and said Jai Linga Maharaj and Maya told briefly how she mated her older boyfriend, his Boss, Mr Vijay Kumar, and lastly her sisters husband in a bid to have her own child.

Guru ji said Maya I know all about you. But I wanted to hear it from You so that you are not shy before me and smiled.

Maya was surprised to hear this and was appreciative of Guruji.

Maya : Jai Linga Maharaj

There was silence for some moments, as Guru-ji closed his eyes and was meditating.

Guru-ji: Okay Maya , relax. I have got the needful information

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj. Look Maya , your pregnancy will come only if you discharge more during intercourse. What I gathered it seems you are not getting aroused enough to get total discharge of your fluids. This often happens to couples, which is not very concerning. But the concerning part can be if even if you are aroused fully, your vaginal discharge is inadequate.

Guru-ji gave a pause as if inviting the natural question from Maya .

Maya: If it's not adequate, what happens Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Look Maya , if discharge is scanty, the number of ovum produced is also less and the pregnancy chance decreases significantly. But be relaxed her dear, as there are ways to pull out your full vaginal discharge and also herbal medicines to enhance it. But you need to obey her guidelines in toto.

Maya: Guru-ji I would do anything to get pregnant. I am really frustrated now. I will do exactly as you order.

Guru-ji: Good Maya. But remember it's easier said than done. The first thing I will need is the measure of your vaginal discharge. Do you masturbate?

Maya was feeling thirsty now. She has never in her life faced such a question and was really feeling very, very embarrassed. She never tried such things. Whatever happened was natural with me. It's not that she didn't get discharges before marriage, but they were all-natural, through dreams mostly, and at times some brushing or groping in trains, buses, etc. and thinking about them later in bed with a pillow maybe.

But now Maya was feeling puzzled how could she get a full vaginal discharge, as for that she needs to be aroused fully, only imagination would not lead to that. Most importantly, her husband is not here also.

Maya: Yes, Guru-ji, very few times do I masturbate and the discharge also is very less.

Guru-ji: Maya , you need to do exactly as I say. I need the measure of your vaginal discharge and based on that further treatment will be planned.

Maya: But Guru-ji, without her husband... I cannot lie down with...

Guru-ji: Maya, what are you thinking I don't know? Are you expecting that I will ask you to lie down with another man to get your full discharge? I know you are a housewife and your social limits.

Maya nodded and was somewhat assured now. But still She was not clear how would she get fully aroused if she do not lie down with a male! Maya also thought thank god Guru-ji has ignored her sexual adventures with other man.

Maya said in her mind Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji: The first part of the treatment is mind control. You have to only respond to actions on your body naturally and wipe out everything else from the mind. Do not think who is with you, where you are, but just respond normally to situations that I will give you. Control your mind to the actions only. It will be done so very naturally, just like we are talking now and so don't worry at all, it's just a treatment process. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Maya nodded to Guru-ji though perceived little about what exactly will be the treatment like.

Guru-ji: Let me summarize for you what will be the plan. First the medicine part. You will take this herbal drug in the morning after your first urine in an empty stomach and at bedtime. The dosage is written on the bottle. Okay?

Maya nodded taking the medicine bottle from him.

Guru-ji: This is the second herbal extract that you will always take when you will go out of this ashram. And here is an oil with which you need to massage your full body before taking bath in the noon. And every shower you take must be with herbal water as you did during your Diksha. I feel you start applying the oils from tomorrow, and not today. And then use the cream daily given to you by Guru Mata every night and remove it only in the morning.

Maya: Okay Guru-ji. I felt very fresh after the herbal water bath.

Guru-ji: Yes, the herbal extract helps to rejuvenate your organs and energy level. But remember that the oil I just gave you must not be applied on your breasts. For that, this is the oil, which should be used. I hope there will be no confusion if you can remember that breast massage oil is green in color. Okay?

Maya nodded like an obedient student. she could realize her nipples jumped up within her bra hearing the words "breast massage" from a male.

Guru-ji: Maya , you will get the guidelines regarding your massage from Rajkamal. You have probably not conversed with him because he remains busy most of the time, as he is the ashram cook.

Maya: Yes Guru-ji. I have not talked to him though saw him yesterday when I came here.

Guru-ji: And now for the mind control part. This is very important. You keep this special soaking pad and wear it for the next couple of days whenever you go out of the ashram.

Guru-ji handed me over a small white square-shaped cotton pad, which looked like a big handkerchief folded to form a square. Maya was in a dilemma what to do exactly with it though Guru-ji said to 'wear it'.



This story is not meant to offend or an attack on Muslims or Hindus or any of their Gurus or ways. it is my way of putting a twist for fun and enjoyment.

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