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My new found love of self exploration
I don’t even really know where to start. At the beginning I guess.

I was always a curious child. I grew up in a middle class family with 2 older brothers. We lived in cute house, on a farm, in the country. My brothers were 8 and 10 years older than me. I spent a lot of time outdoors. I could always find things to do. I often would play outside. Chase bugs, ride my bike, explore the pond, and make up games. I was a tomboy....A wholesome country kid. Looking back, I was a bit lonely and isolated because of where we lived....and not having any siblings my age to play with. Not to mention I was the youngest, AND the only girl. I was a bit mischievous sometimes, and I definitely had a spunky side. I think purely out of boredom...I often drove my brothers nuts. Bursting into their room, bugging them when they had friends over, always wanting to hang out. I was that annoying little sister.

I soon found that there was a darker side inside of me. I wonder now, how things would have been different now .... if the series of my life events didn’t take place

When did I change?...I remember it as clear as day. It was a day when my brothers weren’t home. I don’t know where they were....I just remember they weren’t there. Which meant I had a perfect opportunity to go look around their room. They always kicked me out of their room....which made it even more appealing. Of course I wanted to see what they had in there! I began snooping, and before long I stumbled across their porn mag stash. I didn’t know what the magazines were...but after opening the pages of the book, and seeing naked women sprawled out on the pages...I knew it was wrong. Part of me wanted to put the magazine away, but the other part of me wanted to look. What were these women doing? I remember feeling a rush of adrenaline, and getting a tingly, warm feeling between my legs. I had no idea why I was feeling this way...but I wanted to keep looking. I glanced through the magazine quickly and placed it back where I found it. What a rush!

Several days passed. I remember feeling like I kinda wanted to go tell my parents about the dirty magazines. I mean why did they have these gross magazines in the house? But I also wanted to go look at them some more...curiosity got the better of me, and I decided not to tell my parents. From that day on, every chance I got, as soon as my brothers would leave to go somewhere, I would head for their bedroom. I would quickly rifle through a new magazine that I hadn’t looked at before. Always careful to put things back exactly where I found them.

It wasn’t always easy to go look at the magazines. Someone always seemed to be home. The last thing I needed was to get caught in their room, or coming out of their room. I decided to take it one step further...what if I took a magazine? They would never miss just one...they had so many to choose from. So that’s what I did. I took a racy looking magazine that I hadn’t seen before, and hurriedly brought it into my bedroom. The magazine had several naked women in it. Some had on lingerie, some were totally naked. I remember being mesmerized by their boobs. Wow!...I wanted curves like that one day. I must have looked at that magazine every night, front to back for 2 weeks or more. Each night feeling that tingly warm feeling between my legs. It wasn’t long before I began exploring with my hands. This became my nightly ritual. I would lay in bed looking at this dirty magazine. Running my fingers down my smooth tummy, across my perky little boobs and nipples, and finally down to my wet little kitty. I remember feeling my clit for the first time. When I ran my fingers over that hard little nub, it felt like an electricity jolt went through my body. I soon began to realize why these girls looked like they were enjoying themselves so much in the pictures. It didn’t take long before I had my first orgasm. I remember I felt so warm, so wet, so tingly, so much build my whole body was going to explode....and then instant relief. I loved the way it felt.

This was the beginning of my new found love....masturbation.

Every night I would head to my room, and satisfy myself before bed.

Weeks passed, and I remember feeling very excited when I found that my brothers had added a few new magazines to their stash. I again crept into their room when they weren’t around, and took one I hadn’t seen before. This one looked racier than the others. It wasn’t just pictures of naked women, but women and men. I knew the basics about sex already from kids talking at school, and stuff I had seen in movies. But holy man...I had never seen a real penis before. The woman was putting it in her mouth, and then there were close ups of it inside of her! I could not understand how something so big could fit inside this woman. Besides the penis pics...There was another photo spread that really caught my attention. It was of 2 sexy women touching and kissing each other. I loved the pictures of them kissing deeply and grabbing each other’s boobs. I remember looking at the photos wishing I would have beautiful boobs like that one day. I flipped the page to see the girls now inserting things into each other. Their fingers, a vibrator, a banana, and a beer bottle. This got me super hot all of a sudden. I had been rubbing my little clit for weeks now, and getting off every night....but I felt like I was missing something. I was craving something....I needed something inside of me. I began looking around my room for something. It couldn’t be too big because I didn’t want to pop my own cherry. I began scouring the room for that perfect something. And then I found it....A long, slender, crayola marker. I remember inserting it, ever so carefully. Not to go too deep. Slowly in, and slowly out, while rubbing my little clit at the same time. That first time, I came almost instantly.

This brought my love of masturbation to a whole new level. I believe this was the end of my innocence. I always had naughty thoughts in my brain about what I was going to try one day. With men, with women, and with myself! The naughty nighttime routine continued on for at least a couple of years....until I had my cherry popped for real by a big, beautiful cock.... but that’s a whole other story.


2023-06-13 03:35:41
A common cord. I to was a "curious child". We are intrequed.

Trib FanReport 

2020-08-25 12:15:47
I LOVE reading about first time experiences....Exploring sex when its new and exciting to discover...
This 'read' seemed genuine....Thanks for sharing your experiences...


2020-08-21 00:07:55
Thanks for this sexy tale. Keep up the good work.

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